Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 02, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Vtf Vnrlr lllfwfea -
By The Associated Press
.fcrlmlrsl Cornoratloii-
rtllled Chemical
Kills Chalmers
(American Airlines
Jftmerlcsn Powe It Light
mericsn Tel. t Tel..s
iMnerlcan Tobacco
Anaconda Copper
'Atchison Railroad .
'Bethlehem Bteel
iBoelng Airplane Co..
iBoru Warner , ,
(Burroughs Adding Machine
California Packlnl
'Canadian Paclflo ,
Caterpillar Tractor
.'Celanese Corporation
(Chrysler Corporation
Cities service
IConsolldated Edison
(Consolidated Vultee
(Crown Zellerbach
Curtis Wright
,Oouglas Aircraft
duPont de Nemours
Eastman Kodak
Emerson Radio
General Electria .
'General Foods
General Motors
Georgia Pac Plywood
Goodyear Tire
Homestake Mining Co.
'international Harvester ,
ilnternntlonal Paper
Johns Manville
Kennecott Copper
Llbby, McNeill
Lockheed Aircraft
Loew's Incorporated
Long Bell A
Montgomery Ward
.Nash Kelvinator
New York Central
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Fish
'Pacific Gas & Electric
Pacific Tel. & Tel.
Packard Motor Car
Penney (J. C Co.
Pennsylvania R. R.
Pepsi Cola Co.
;phllco Radio . . -.
F.ndlo Corporation
Rayonler Incorp
Rayonler Incorp Pfd
f Republic Steel
"Revnolds Metals
I Richfield Oil
.Safeway Stores Inc.'
Scott Paper Co.
! Sears Roebuck & Cc.
: Bocony-Vacuum Oil
f .them Pacific .
Stadnard Oil Calif
Stand-rd Oil N. J. .'.
StudiTaker Corp.
, Sunshine Mir.'ng
Swift It Company
. Transamerica Corp.
Twentieth Century Fox
. Union Oil Company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Aircraft
United Corporation
United States Plywood
26 li
73 i
49 's
13 U
25 H
154 ' j
68 ,
47 ',
81 is
. 48 Vt
68 '5
17 i
39 li
17 ;
8 !i
44 j
14 i
42 '3
33 '4
68 f,
16 'a
38 ,
63 ;
19 3a
89 ,
17 'i
34 i
110 i
67 4
IS !i
. 29 V,
27 l i
" 36 li.
41 i
60 lb
33 'a
69 ;
54 V
10 !,
17 V
43 ,
118 3;
28 3V
30 ' 4
34 ,
NEW : YORK Wl The tock
market kept to Uie downside
Wednesday in a series of erratic
Light selling brushed through
rails, oils, and steel from tune
to time, but Uicy managed to give
a good account of themselves and
maintain a fairly even balnnce.
Tile decline ran from fractions
to between 1 and 3 points.
Volume came to an estimated
CHICAGO UPl Export business
in wheat and corn helped rally
grains after an early sell-off on the
board of trade Wednesday.
The market also was aided bv
the fact that heavy selllnrj at the
siari, a continuation 01 Tuesday s
liquidating movement, ran into a
slrong resting demand.
mis made lor active earlv deal
ings, and seemed to indicate the
market's technical condition had
Wheat was .the first cereal to
push Its way upward Tmvanl ih
close soybeans came ahead despite
another decline In bean oil prices,
quoted at 9 '.. against 9 , cents a
pouna iuesaay.
Wheat closed hishrr. Mm-
$2.50 corn unchanged to
higher, May $1.84 14. oats 'a-3,
higher. May 85 ',-86. rve un
changed to 1 4 lower, Mav S2.O0
la-$2.00, soybeans unchanged to
higher May J2.S2 H-53.91 and
lard 7 cents ' lover to 5 cents a
hundred pounds higher, Mav $11.70
Open High Low Close
2 49 s, 2.50 2.49 s, 2.50 ,
2.42 2.43 1, 2.42 2.43 ',
2.43 2.48 ', 2.47 3.48
3 47 t4 2.48 , 2.47 ', 2.48
(Usu A i Cattle oO; few scattered
sales of rows steady; canner and
cutler 16.00 10.00: utility 33.00:
Tuesday short load good choice
warmed uu fleshy feeder steers 976
lbs 28.00.
Calves:. None.
Hnga 150: fully steady; 180-340
lb butchers 19.00: light weight
170 lbs 18.00: few lots 290 340
lbs 15.50 - 17.75; iVw choice sows
14.00 - 14.50: medium 13.50.
Sheen 60; supply consisted most
ly fall shorn and woolcd ewes.
Cattle salable 100' market very
slow; (steers weak to 5c or more
below Monday; cows about steady
at the week's general 1.00 1.50
decline; few choice 1031 lb fed culled to two guards in Kings couii.
Sutton Handed
30 Year Jolt
NEW YORK 1.41 Bank robber
Willie Sutton was sentenced
Wednesday as a fourth offender
to 30 yearn to life imprisonment
by Judge who said he wished he
could sentence him to death.
Judge Louis Goldstein said In
sentencing Sutton to lifo Imprison
ment as a fourth offender, "I only
regret that the law prevents mo
from sentencing you to death." He
had pleaded guilty to a gun carry
ing charge.
sutton stood, blinking, and hand-
steers 32.SU; choice i.nd prime 1186
lbs 31.00; few utility and low com
mercial light steers 25.00 30.00:
odd cutter nd utility heifers 19.00-
23.00: canner and cutter cows
mostlv 15.50 18.90; shells down
lo 13.00: few utility dairy - type
cows 19 00 20.00; edd utility cows
23.00; few utility bulls 25.00 - 36.50.
Calves salable 25; market about
.steady: odd choice vealers 35.00
37.00; commercial and good 37.00 -
32.00: utility 20.00 24.00.
I Hogs salable 300: market active.
fully stccdv; choice 180 - 335 lbs
I No.' 1 and 2 butchers 19.25 - 19.50:
small lots 210 lbs 19.75: few choice
No.- 3 175 lbs 18.75: choice -250 -1
270 lbs 18.00 - 1S.D0: choice 350
500 lbs sows 16.00 - 16.75; good and
choice 100 - 115 lb feeder pigs 17.00.
I Sheep salable 50; market active.
steadv; few choice 98 lb wooled
! lambs 27.00; odd good lliiht lambs
126.00: few cull ev.es with No. 3
pelts 7.00: good wooled ewes sat
iable around 13.00.
ty court, but made no comment
during a lb-mlnute castlgtitlon de
livered by the judge.
Sutton and his henchman, Thom
as tScup) Kllng. 45. were convicted
Tuesday by a Queens county jury
of holding up the Sunnyslrie brunch
of the Manufacturers Trust Com
pany in Queens lor 164.000 in' 1950.
They each face up lo 30 years I
ur mure oil mis ciuni. iiv; mil
be sentenced later.
Spud Shipments
Hearing End
IUHVHU r covrt
John II. Wuritek, no voltlrU llctnae.
rine JH,
Htrtetta Davit, drunk. Pint 919 or
S dn.sa.
Albtrt V. Nnnhcinfliii Ullurt ilop U
Kmeno Parker, drunk. Ftnt 910 or
r.Mer W. rrker, drunk, Ftnt I3 or
S lay.
Klmer I,. Morrly, roklai dilvlni.
Pin Tfl. Horn upfn(t for thl tint.
Uon II. (irtftln. tltimk driving. n
ttnitt an iUjj.
Eritnon C'htloquiii, drunk. Fin
ltnuinn r'nniptj, diuttic, n im
or U.v,
Martin Mhon, drunk. Fine MS or
Lm.er Wlhon, drunk. Fin IS or
Jo Niivaro, drunk. Fine 919 or
PhuI Tolp, dntnk. Ftn'fl00 ind JO
day, tiupendtd on probation,
Carl Juluuon, drunk. Fine 13 or
Tl day.
B.vlc nutlr, drunk. Pine 915 or
7l days.
- ' - 1
Drunk Driver
Draws Jail
A Dunsmulr, Calif., railroader
arrested by State Police Tuesday
REDMOND Lti Possibly only Z " ,..'.V ..." f,. .,.t-U h.,r.
another hunared carloads of pota-' thJ' MartH milgtotrHte Immediate
tees remain to be shipped out of 1 iv
the Crook - Deschutes - Jefferson wn, (Ulk be(oro Dlslrlcl
County area W. R. Stannard JudB(. lM. A Cuiteri, mid Leon
said Wednesday. He is district h-humi riiifim :i i now sltilna
iConllnued from pago 1)
front In tho popular voto with 30
jier cent.
Elsenhower lind 30 per cent ami
Hlassttn 25 per cent. Kniauver lmtl
a solid oa per vent unu Kerr i
per conl.
'llie curious thing was that titan
sen was running third even though
Ills name was on Hie ballot.
Tuft and Elsenhower were one
two despite Iho fact that voters hud
In write In their names a political
oddity unmatched In political hist
ory. Kerr conceded his defeat at
dawn when he Mild:
"The Senator iKcfauver) evi
dently won tho popularity contest,
for which I congratulate him."
A check of the counties and how
Ihey voted told Iho graphic slory
of how Tail surged lo the front:
Tuft was carrying 41 ,of the slate's
93 counties, Slassen was ahead In
29 and Elsenhower was leading In
only 13.
The Elsenhower xlrciiKth was
concentrated lieavllv In Lancaster
county and In a lew Weslern No
braska centers.
' Til nil li i r ' 'liairtirl
Portland Groin
CHICAGO m A small expan
sion In hog offerings Wednesday
served to cancel out most of Tues
day's moderate price gain. Bar
rows and gilts generally were 10
to 15 cents lower and sows were
Cattle were steady to 50 cents
igher while early Hction on sheep
wes firm to 25 cents up.
Most butcher weicht hoas sold
, from S15.65 to S1C.P0 with a short
lload touching S16.M. Sows were
I mainly $13.75 to $15.50.
cnolce ard prime steers sever
ally sold from S.56.50 to S39.50
while heifers of eood to crime Dual
ity made S3P.00 to 37.0O cows
topped at $25.00.
One lead of fed wooled lambs
sold early at $29.50 and another
load ol clipped lambs brouunt
$27.00. Wooled ewes ranged frorfl
$12.00 to S15.00.
i tvioTi &Mn (ft.- rnnrp rrains.
1 15 day shipment, bulk, coast de- i
livery: Oats No. 2, 38 lb white'!
72.00. Barley ivo. , iu b. .
69.00. , L
I Wlieat 'bid to arrive market,
basis No 1 bulk, delivered coast:
Soft White 2.51 '.: Soft White
(excluding Rex) 2.51 y. While
Club 2.51 -..
! Hard Red Winter: ordinary 2.52
::.: 10 per cent 252 y, 11 per cent
'2.52 ' .; 12 per cent 2.53
Herd White Baarl: ordinary
2.52 -.: 10 per cent 2.52 'y. 11
'per cent 2.52 '.; 12 per cent 2.52 a.
Wednesday's car receipts: wheat
,25; fiour 2: corn 1; mill feed 6.
The three count l.-s so far have
In all of 1951 shipments totaled
5.901 cars.
United States Steel " 39 V
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel ' 38 'i
Westinghouse Electelc 36 ii
Woolworth Compair,' 43 4
CHICAGO ITl Potatoes: Ar
rivals 99. on track 247: total U.S.
shipments 833: market firm at ceil
ings: track sales, per 100 lbs, lcl,
Idaho Russets So.l'O, standards
$5.60, utilities $5.10.
out 30 days In the County Jail
Officers said Grllfln's car. travel
ing north on U.S. Highway 97, was
weaving back and forth across the
Also in the County Jail on a
drunk driving charge Is a Mexi
can woman, Mrs. Hazel II. Prest
.leld, 5611 Altamonl Dr., arrested
at Washburn Way and LaVeme
St., last night bv Stale Police.
Also In the car with Mrs. Prcst-
WASHINGTON tfi Announced field was Lewis A. Luna, 35, same
h.oic.1 address, held In jail on charges
01 Deinjr drunk. Tlioy wcro slated
for District Court appearance this
Scheduled to appear In court this
Korean Casualty
List 106,956
U.S. battle casualties in
reached 106.956 Wednesday, an In
crease of 162' since last week.
The Defense Department's week
ly summery based on notificitlnns
to families through last Friday I afternoon on charge of violation of
Killed in action 16.739: wounded ; 45.
I the basic rule was Mark CI. Smith,
77.651: missing 12.566.
Casualties bv services: Army
87.4 Navy 1.365: Air Force 1,102;
Marine Corps 17,181.
PROVIDENCE. R. I. (.TV-Thieves
22 times in seven years.
On the 22nd time last January.
owner Edward K. Harris of See
konk, Mass., bought a Collle-Ger
Department Wednesday Identified (man Shepherd and let him sleep
35 additional combat casualties in I Thieves broke Into the diner for
Korea. A new list (534) reported. In the diner nights as a guard,
seven killed. 26 wounded, one miss-i the 23rd time Tuesday night,
ing in action and one Injured. 1 All they took was the dog.
Smith was si-rested by State Po
lice last night anil accused of trav
eling 50 In a 35 mile sonc on S.
6th and 55 In a 25 mile zone on
Altamont Drive. Smith told the ar
resting officer he was In a hurry
to get to a meeting.
FKNI.ICSKY "urn l Klnmalh V'.
ley lUupllal April 1, ID.19, to Mr. mid
Mr.. Said Pculrnky, Tilnlly SI.,
a girl. Weight: II iiotuul. I1, utlitre..
COMI'I IN 1.4 Ml. Ml
Wllfortl A. MeMen.i.ia .ml t)lnre.
SlQirenaou v.. Ilnhcil I:. Rjii mid 11.
M. Kiim. Judi II. I' niv.'i. iikI ilurom.
r. Urown, Klrit federal Saving, and
Loan and Owen. AdiiMmeitl S?rvle
(no.. t,uit to rullrft S.V1U with Intere.l
Hereon at five per cent (loin Jan. 3.
Iff.W. ?M attorney fee. eo.t. and en.
Iiurenient.. and foreoliuore of lleo.
B. J. (Jodderd. attorney for pl.lnlUf..
Tate Dcniedj ;!
WASIIINOTON ; inl-Scn, ! Humph
rey (D.-Miiin.), mild Woihii'Mliiy
hla Sennlo Newupriiil Study sob.
tiommltlrs'i rt'cumincmlatlon that
newspaper should raise their ail
lei'tlnlng rales wan "a uilsluka
by the slalf" and will bo elimi
nated. Word dial the laiiKUiige was con
tained In tho aiibcnmmlllce'H pro
posed report winding up a long
study of newsprint ehnrtiigea leaked
nut over tho weekend and drew
same tart lommi'iil from Senate
Hunmhrey termed the leak "a
very tragic Ihlng," adding: "This
was a conlltleulliil roinmlllrn print
of the proposrtl repurt, which had
not been worked Inln f Inn I foi iu.
II should not have leaked."
Humphrey sad he purKonally
does not itgree with llin ro;'oin
mcnriiitlon Dial rnlet should go mi.
to discourage "unnecessary" ad
vcrllslnii and conserve nrwnnrlnt.
"It would work a distinct hard
ship on lha smaller users ol ad
vertising especially, and It would
be a distinct hardship to (lie small
publisher," he sahl. "We should
never rc"ti!nle the use of paper
by into fixing."
iioi.i.amii a
Htttmtel I Inrrlaitii Hollander, in, died
In Oakland Calif.. Mint M. In.13. Mr.
Hollander w.i 11 'oil r I . il"
Ml..norl and had re.ldtit In Tulvlake
for lu tear. Survlvorr. ImduiU toe
widow. Nlr. Mabel Hollander. 'I'tlle
like. to mi. J. n and Nam Jr .
I holh of Tolrlake; two .l.leia. Mahel
Aotier.on ami t...ra ..louioi nolo .
Have.. Ka... one brother, Hooter llo.
lamte-. Ileltver, Colo, and tnrra arand.
danghlera. The bodv re. I. In wartl'.
K'noiath Knoeral Hume. Nol'i't of tu
neral appear el.awliera In 110. lune.
i Funeral ervk- tov Mniimvl lluU.iitil
r, who filed in On'klniiif. Calif.. M.uv'i
SO, arc In t coiuiucteU frutn Ward'
KUinalh rttnciat Honi, rxi HlKh hi ,
ThuritUy, ;'M p.m.. wltt. the tlcv
Olen Vernon offlrlntjng (irnvnli r civ
lc uilti ni Hilary luuiurt coi.dnctfd hy
Tulclak l'o( It 4 Anitrirati Lctilon u'tl
follow In KUiunth Mcnturinl I'ark
Frtnd arr rpclfully Invited.
Coiitlliueil from page 1
districts ot Wisconsin, arid from tin
onion, . , , 'i, t ,
Ho beat both Tafl and Htaancu in
t tin two congressional tllstrlcta in
Mllwaukeo County, tie lo carried
Iho ant'Oiid (llutrlcl. IncluUUn. Mudi-
aou, the nlulo capital, . . .
Home political analyila called
tho Wisconsin primary a race Tafl
"had lo win" to alay In the running
fur Iho presidential nomination. Iln
waa deleatrd In New Hainpahha
by Clru, Uwighl U, Klaenlwwer,
and Elsenhower then racked up a
lowering write-in vole In Mlnnesuu
a week later. Taft then tried uu
siiccrnsfiilly to get off the ballot In
tho April 15 New Jersey Primary.
Tafl oallcd Wlnconsln a "key
slide," but aitld Tuesday ho Would
Hlny In the battle for the nomina
tion, regiirdlesa of what happened
Elsenhower, nut a candidate In
Wiaconsln nevertheless waa lha
incut unknown quantity In the
An open bid for votes from hli
admirers who could not write In
hla name on the ballot came
from Slassen. The former governor
or Minnesota oflered lo divide any
delegates won III Wisconsin with
tlHruhower. Hlaaaen won none.
Warren, a three . daya a -week
uitmpalgner, consistently told the
volorn ha was not running as it
stand-in for kllaciihowcr. Hla alatn
of delegates, however, annerlctl
they would still be able lo support
the general at the OOP nomlnaliiig
convention. If or when Warren cul,
codod ho waa out, '
There was no way of telling
which of I lie Iwo, Warren or Siaa
r.rn benefited most from tin
"Klsennowcr vole" In Wisconsin,
nor how largo II may have been.
22-year-old German worker was
sentenced Tuesday night to 21
months In Jail for biting off the
Up of his fiancee's nose.
The biter. Tassilo Horn, pleaded
self defense.
Bonus Bonds To
Be Sold April 23
SALEM m Oregon's World
War II veterans bonus bonds will
be sold April 22. and payments of
the bonus sliould begin by July 1,
W. F. Gaarensiroom. slate veter
ans director, said Wednesday.
Bids on the 46 million dollars
worth of bonds will be opened here
at 10:30 a.m., April 22.
The department has received 31
millions In bonus claims from
75.000 applicants. It will lake sev
eral weeks lo pay them off.
IS' and 20' Diameter. Any height required,
12 eo. qalvaniied steel.
Easy and inepeniive to ossemble,
or we will alsemble for you.
Write or Call for Data and Photos
6210 Garfield Avonue,
Bell Gardens, California
LOaan 8-2188
. . . . and at budget prices
Casual Dresses
"' ? of
; Washable . . . Linen finish
15 Nylon Content
White . .
Beige ...
Pink . . .
Aqua. , . .
Size 10 to 20 ...
Red . . .
Navy . .
Blue . , .
Suit Dresses
;. . of. ..
.Crease resistant Cal Sheer
pastels . . . navy
and red.
10 - 20
, I J1
You can have that "SMART LOOK" that's easy on the pocketbook . . .
Styles You
want . . . and
a color to match
T to 595
important styles . . . .M
i-l .1 t I .I-'; J J I SS V
SKercned nere ... - -
- i
The ,"MILO" . . . Finest calfskin . : .
simple beauty . . . medium walking heel
; . . Navy . . . red . . . black. B to AAA
a reefer double breasted with
hip length . . . rounded collar
Sizes 8 to 18 . . .
white beige . . . checks
red and gold
u V 1J
i Xr.lW rtl sT. 'I
Alpaca Woven Acetate . .
Hymo Reinforced . . .
Padded Shoulders . .
y ihree btyles . . .
Lovely Brooktone Colors . ,
gold ...
aqua ...
blue ....
navy ...
coral . . .
pink . . .
A Smashing...1
Value . . .
. At.., i
Regular sizes..". .
' '
ma on
n if1
. Use Our . .
Layaway Plan
.. ri' .. ....