VVKDNKSDAY, AI'KII, 2, 10.12 1IKHALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH KAU.S. OHKOON PAGE THRM Envoy To Russia Named WABIilNOTON 11 Diplomat Orare P. Kenniin one of the authors of America's Htop-Kuulu policy, wun (.worn In Wednesday nn ambHnnudor to Moscow, He pro mined to work for an enalnK of tensions between the Communlnt and Wcntern world and "the Im provement of the International at- nionpncre." "ThoM are objective which xeem to me urucnt v dcnlrablc ml I ace no reason why they should not be wllhln the realm of possi bility, If the desire la reciprocat ed," he euld In a prepared state ment. Kcnnan Is one of the administra tion' most trusted advisers on re lations with the Soviet Union, tie speaks the lnnKumie fluemly and Wlll be the first American ambas sador capable of talking with Gen eralissimo Htalln In his own tonxuc I There has been speculation thai. ;Kennan's assignment to the pcml (was prompted In part by a fcclliiK that If the Soviets did show slne of wanting to establish better re lations with countries outside the Iron Curtain tills government should have on hand a man com petent to read the signs quickly and accurately. i - ; X4 -T-T I 'TV PVT. (above) JOHN DRISCOLL i fRAND NEW in the tractor line Is this Allls Chalmers IID-9 crawler, on display at Wcsl liilchcock Corp. Weighing more than nine tons, this intermediate AC sports 70 horses at the drawbar, 84 at the belt. It has a four cylinder, two cycle UM Diesel engine, six fioei'ds ahead and three in reverse. Unit construction provides easy servicing. The above machine is the first one in this area. Swim Outlook Poor To Date Less than half enough swimmers have Nlgnt'd ui fr the community l.eiiniio-ywiin nro:rnni lo begin here next Monday. Hecrcatlon Dir. liob Boinipy re ported onlv l-'O have registered for Ihe ioiiim-i so far: he wnnt.i 300 Coiiseriiienllv he nald there was Mill plenlv nf room. rteiililrallon must he marie In advance at Hie City Hall. Kern are one dollar for all eight classes. Boys schedule fates to 141, meet each Monday starting April 7 through May M. 6:30. noii-floalers. 7. floaters'. 7:30. swim a llltlc; d. deep water awlmnieis: B:30, .iwlminlng and d'ng 'til 0 p.m. Olrls schedule ('iges 7 to 14 1, meet each Tuesday starling April 8 through Muv XI: II 30. imn-flnalprs; 7. floaters; 7 30. swim a little: 8, deep water nUmmcrs; B:30 until B p.m., wom en's class lor adult women wheth er thev can or cannot swim. Advanced Girl Sroul. 4-H and Camp Klre (lirl swimming has been hrclulrd fur Wednesdays (torn 7 0 pin. Paul nmmlllc swimmers' group It slated for Thursdays from 7 lo 0 n in. Ilov Bcmil KWlmmlng Is set for Friday. 7-0 p.m. Physically handicapped class slated lor Saturday. 11:1 a.m. Open KWlmmlng. Saturday. 1-5 pin. t .-J Elderly Flier Praises Jets SANTA ANA. Calif. I "It's wonderful." said 80-year-old James W. Montce. "Smooth as silk." Montee. the nation's oldest lic ensed pilot, was commenting on his first ride In a Jet plane, lie's flown Just about everything else and riding a jet was his dearest wish. He went alnft Tuesday wllh a Marine officer at the controls, and was allowed to handle the two place trainer for awhile. "Wish I could fly one alone," he said. "They are fast as llgntnlng on a finger-tip touch. I'll bet I could fly one alone, too." Young Farmers To Entertain Lakeview Klamath County's Young Farmer organization has slated a meet with the I.akevlew Yuung Farmers In the Wluema Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. The regular monthly luncheon will be held. Young Farmers Is a group of local farm end ranrhmen between the ages of SO and 40. Mexicans Jailed j For Illegal Entry EUGENE 11 Twenty Mexicans were lodged In Jull here Tuesday night, charged with Illegal rmry Into the United States. Four agents of the Immigration Service rounded them up near Dexter where they were employed as laborers on the Lookout rolni Dam and railroad relocation. They are to be taken lo Portland for hearing. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlqs Driscoll, 2839 Bris tol St., is completing indoc trination at Lackland Air Force base, San Antonio, Texas. No fillv has ever won Delaware Park's mile and a furlong Leonard Richards Slakes. Fire Takes Life Of Dexter Man EUGENE OB While his 9-ycar- j Portland (Arpt) 5! .-Weather Western Oregon Mostly cloudy and showery Wednesday and at night, Thursday cloudy with oc casional rain afternoon and night; cooler Wednesday with highs both days 48 to 68; cooler Wednesday night with lows of 34 to 44; wind) off coast southwesterly to westerly 20 to 30 miles an hour, with gusts to 35 Wednesday, diminishing to lo to 25 at night, winds win sbllt to southerly Thursday and Increase Thursday afternoon. Eastern Oregon Occasional rain Wednesday. Partly Cloudy with scattered showers and snow at higher levels Wednesday night; clearing Thursday. Cooler Wednes day with highs of 45 to 85; lows Wednesday night 25 to 35; highs Thursday 48 to S. Northern California Fair Wed nesday and Thursday except part ly cloudy In north Wednesday and lew showers north of Garberville and. Redding; slightly cooler over Interior Wednesday and at night: northwesterly winds of 18 to 28 miles an hour off cost. Grants Pass and Vicinity Cloudy to partly cloudy Wednesday through Thursday night with a few showers: light rain beginning Thursday night; high both days 58; low Wednesday night 38. By The Associated Press Max. Mln. Precip. uaxer Bend Eugene La Grande Lakeview Medford North Bend Ontario Pendleton SP Conductor On Sick List Roy D. Emmlck. 1930 Main St., veteran Southern Pacific conductor stricken Monday at Gerber, was re ported today resting comfortably In Ihe S. P. hospital at San Francisco. At tlie time he became III Km mlck had called to bring Tin Klamalh her from Oerber, 'v , !100m,o'Ky49 KILLED HILLSBORO I A logger was killed almost Instantly here Tues day when struck by a falling tree. He was Wesley Ward, about 30, of : tn cncck the names, near nerc. nis wiaow survives. old dog Snuffy whined and barked for help, Lou Everett Matthews, 74. burned to death at his home near Dexter. 40 miles southeast ol here, Tuesday night. A neighbor was attracted by the barking and sight of the flames and called Fire Warden Burt Neet. The dog kept up his whining when men arrived to make a futile effort AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Tan can rent a ntw pint plan from ihe Laula It, Mann rians t'm Mir. 1-0 N. at a law monthly rala, Afur aanabt lm yen can. If yen with, rhanf from rent ! par raaaa afrrement. Ihe rrnl already pali U aU rccdl! im your purrbata servant and n tbrr dawn pamnt la nacca tf. Tha manlhl? pay men it ran l lillla higher than rent. Or, If yoa pra fr, yau can rantlnua to rnt BASKET SOCIAL ond SQUARE DANCE Peterson's Hell So. 6th Saturday - April 5th 9 P.M. Tickets 50c Phone 7494 or 9971 Benefit Democratic Women's Organization BUILD BETTER FOR LESS PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS FIIIMOO VRMIN PROOF Ml INSULATING IIAUTIFUI EASY TO IUILD COSTS TOU LESS IE EYTON Z I MB MARKET ST. Macdoel Auxiliary Of VFW Elects MACDOEL March 9 the VPW (Veterans of F'orelRii Warsi Aux iliary M44. met at the home of Mr. and M;s. Alden Kenwlck of Uorrls, Calif, for their annual elec tion of oflhers. Mrs. May Dclter wns elected president and succeeds Mrs. Mau rice Oilmer, president for three years. Other officers chosen were: Mrs. Marilyn Meulassen, senior vice president: Mrs. Mvrlle Fenwlck, liinlor vice president: Mrs. Gilmer, treasurer; Mrs. Esther Btalcop, chaplain; Mrs. Murgarct Bailey, conductress: and Mrs, Leona llooth, trustee. Ice cream and cake were served at the close of the session. Steelhammer To Be Governor SALEM Speaker of the House John F, Sleelhammer will gel his first chance to act ns governor of Oregon Thnrndav. Gov. Douglas McKay left Tues day for Chicago to attond a meet ing of the executive commltleo of Ihe national governors conference, so Senate President Paul L. Patter son, Hlllsboro, Is acting governor now. Patterson. however, leaves Thursday for Phoenix. Ariz., to attend a meeting of the Committee on Interstate Cooperation, Steelhammer then will become covernor. and will serve until Patterson returns, probably Sim-trXi. Dead Man Raised Geo. N. Taylor NO NO Lord, do not open the grnvo for Lazarus lias been (lead four (lavs already and by now he Is In decay the. awful smell. But Jesus had tho stone rolled back and then with a loud cry "Lazarus, Come Forth," he that was dead came lorlh wrapped In gravo clothes. Loose him and let him go said Jesus John1 11th BIBLE, CURTAIN Thki 'present Gospel agi'R, Is 10 cnn an in a flush. Whrti Clod'.' roll-call of tho saved Is filled, tho Agr ends and all In f flash. The Lord Himself Is to de-Geo. N. Taylor scene! from heaven with s shout and the (lead in Christ will rise first. His In the graven or wherever will than be raised and given their bodies of glory and His then living 1st Thess. 4:13-17. AH arc to bo raised up Into glory who possess Christ In. their heart ns having died for tlvjlr sins. And you? Do you Just copy Christ or do you possess Hun ns your own Lord nnd Saviour? Answer to Clod's love nnd bo snved, urges tho lamlly that uses this space. HOMART ROOFING iffi. B- oronul Roscburg saiem Chicago Denver Eureka Los Angeles New York Red Bluff San Francisco Seattle Spokane 52 38 T I 56 32 T I 57 43 .17 1 55 38 T 53 33 .02 ! 62 41 .1)3 I 51 44 .13 ! 57 42 .CI 57 41 .01 53 45 .24 fil 47 58 43 .12 60 34 54 28 51 45 .03 63 53 69 43 .01 69 61 T 60 47 53 42 .23 51. 37 T HIDDEN MAGIC r- -5r I -i j i i Hear Through outside micro phone of your bearing aid, worn as a pin or brooch. Eliminates clothes-rub noise 1 New Economy Battery is so incredibly tiny It fits In thimble yet gives hours extra service) Don't Bargain With Your Hearing SEE S0N0T0NE FIRST HEARING CENTER WIN EM A HOTEL,, ALL DAY THURSDAY APRIL 3RD , laaMaBMMBBBaBMBBBBnaBnaaBaaiBBBBBBRaBa rnrr Please send me tree booklet telling the exciting story of the amazing new Sonotone. Name Address. City.. , Apt. ...State... I B a Applied with a 10-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE On all materials and labor! M EfM7E r i -rav uu 24x30 FT. HOUSE 5) MONTH , F.H.A. NSTALLED Give vour home a handsome roof plus dcDendabfe, long lastina weather Drofection! Mode from finest of materials - heavy raq felt base, pure osphalt, Vermont Sta-So slote Choice of manv non-todina. beautiful colors. Applied by experts! Call 5188 (or a free estimate! (SEARS) Ball! ROEBUCK AND Ca n 1 Jj tj t Jri Ff ' dozens of fixating hatS for Easter Modernize With HomartTileboard 4x4-ft. Panel, As'low As 5 50 A gleaming, eaiy to clean both or cheery kitchen is yours with Homort lileboard. Dirt and grease can't penetrate the beautiful enamel finish. See the complete selection of white and pastel colors. Mokes rooms look like newl See ill . . -: . i ' ' J'A'ii.r".-'- ':'. vi. Mi iuI' 1 Sis New Shadow Bevel For Depth And Beauty I HOMART PLASTIC TILE c Sq. Ft. Breath-taking Beauty For New Walls or Oldl 43 Atohalt Floor Tile Black and Brown Colors 9x9-ln. Tile, each . , , . . 9c ' For any reem In your horns svin boio monttl Mokf your own "lollorod do Ign," Colon go cltar thru,csfl'twgroffl Homart Ceiling Til Modernizes Your Old Ceilings 12xl2-K Tlle.ea 11 C Havo imarl nw colllngi In a lffyl Inaipamlva tilt ll ooiy to apply. Ivory colortd with imart bovtltd tdgn. You'll prefer it for the new shadow bevel that gives each tile a rich, indi vidual appearance ... the delicately marbelized patterns j j . the Har mony House Colors. Only at Sears; Greater beauty, long service, low cost Installation mean valuel Have You Registered Yet? STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 133 So. 8th Phone S188 Trust Sears to pare the price of your Easter hat! Who'd ever expect so much flattery for so little-saucy sailors, provocative Mary Stuart hats, bare-brow bonnets, dainty shells and pillboxes!. Captivating basket ; weaves with a porcelain look . . . -'S :) crystalline beaded rayons . . . prettied with .springtime, blossoms and delicate veils! . Every possible variation ... every excitmg ' spring color! Headsizes for all! Ca&foammdUJ ClDCSN"r HourT9 ,0 5:30 P";