FAGI two HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OKKCON -WKDNKSHAY, AI'IUL 2, 1152 KKJI 11S Kc. PST ' Wednesday Evening, April 00 Gabriel Healer MRS e:ia Klamath theater QuU 0:.10 Around Town Newt fl:40 Something to Think About :49 Sain Hajes Newa MBs S:M Bill Henry MBS 7:00 VmOr Theater MDS 7::i0 Cucu Kid MBS 8:t,0 What't Name Song MB . A::lO Mysterious Traveler MBS COO Glenn Ittrrdy Newi MBs 0:1.1 Fulion Lewll it. MBS B.M Wrestling n 31 s-MIr ilnal MBS 10:00 Wreatllng 10:1S I Love a Myetery MBS 10:30 Out of Thunder MBs 11:00 Night Own Newa 11:0 Night Otvla Club 12:00 SUn Oft , KFJI-1150 Rc.-rST . Thursday, April 3 e.-oo l:- 11:99 7:00 7:19 7:30 7:49 00 :15 :30 :U0 1:19 :30 9:49 , 10:19 Sunriae 8erenada A. . 'ep .er Regional Newa Hemingway Newa MBS Breakfast Canjc MBS Headlines and Byline Beet Buys Ceeil Brown MBS Breakfast Cang MRS Haven of Rest MES rloniemakera Harmomea Marion from Mlllera Platter Party Familiar Favorttea - it Air MES Telld Test MBS THURS. ONLY flEW FAME OF THE WEST ADDED OWTOOlJ ? 2. BIG TftrtNICOlOR HITS W T, . gaaagaaljggar - s hsm .. V ' r -l,T- a JA .WW 1 1 " l r CONTINUOUS EVERY - aja'c ,.frtm,n ...... n 5Wm "HIGHEST RATING!" Ill t'5 Vf rh K A : H. T. Daily Kewj iiMli "GREATEST! uvZfniY-s VJC17 iter"""" rrn m - &AU' 1 's VI tBII III! WllllllWeill I I Tea W: I m : 1 10:30 LaPotnlra : 10:49 Miniature Concert ' 10:50 Currtna I0:.V Ken Carton MRS 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS 11:33 Newa VRS ll:::o Queen for a Day MBS 12:00 Name Band 12:13 Noonday Newa 12.0 Your .Uance Tune 12:M Market A Llveilock 12:93 Klamath Notes 1 l):p Jack Klrkwood Shew MBS l:."0 Tare a Number MHS 11:00 Newa MBS 1-03 Newa MI S 2:13 Two at 2 13 2.43 Answer Man MBS . 3:01 Klcky'a Request 4 00 Behind the Story MBS i 4:1.1 Hemingway Newa MBS ' :s Cur. . rty I 've MBS . 4:43 Sm Hayea MBS - '. ifii I bc.se-m Prt t i MBS 5:.10 Sky Ktn MBS 7 :M Cecil Brown MBS fl.OO Cabriel Heatter MBS. 6' 13 Klam Theater Quit :30 Around Town Newa 6:40 Something to Think About : Sam Ka ei Newa MBS 0:33 Bill Henry MBS 7:C0 Advena. of Ca-annva MES 7:30 Under Arrejt MBS 8:00 Clyte Beatty MBS 8:30 F.url Ive Sing. '43 Heidelberg Hatntot.aire 9:U) Glenn Hardy New. MBS 9:13 Fultcn Lewlt Jr. MBS ft:rn Mutt'al Newsreel MBS 9:49 Sporu Final y:5 3-Min - Firal MBS 10:00 1 Love a My ry MBS 10::3 Pacific Coart aa.esal. THURSDAY ONXY i-nv youiv fREEDlSH NiertT--.- -r- DAY - OPEN 1.45- - ...EKDCHISSt fHOtOCBAfHtO IN NEW ANSCO COLOR ' iininni nnnn W. lvz?. ' ! f iLliULLL UUIXLI 10:43 Serenade In Blue 11:00 Nlfht Owla I.fwi 11 at Nuiit owla Club UOO Sign Off. KKLW 145g Kc PST Wednesday Krrnlni;, April 2 00 Sporta Highllghti :13 Home Town Newa :23 World Newa Summary .'" ::n) Suburban Sertnada 43 Headline Fdition ABC 39 Coming Attraction! on ABC 7:00 Ihe Lone Ranger ABC :..! Ms trry Ttcater ABC I 00 The Top Guy ARC :.! Pacific Coat Raball 10:00 IIP M Headline 10:13 Dream Harbor ABC 11:00 Newa Summary 11.01 Sim Off KrLV-l:0 Kc PST Thursday, April 3 :00 S gn on Newa Summary 0:03 Curn In the Morn. 8:43 Farm Fate 7:00 Newa Bkft Edition 7:15 Charlle'a Roundup 7 10 Bob Garred Newa ABC 7"tTp o ti-e '-ntng 7:93 John Conte ABC B.iu i ie.tku. Cluu ABC ' 9:00 Hank Henry Show 9:30 Ereak the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley, Newa ABC 10:13 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:33 Whiaperlna Streeta ABC 11:13 Stop At Shop tl:t0 Jlntmie Fid cr U:M Aialmt the Storm AEC l:M ''r. -'r.-l Vu-rup 11:99 Market Reportt 12:OU NiKil Et litu.l iewg 12:19 Paylesa Sidewalk Show " 30 Lucky 11 Ranch ABC i:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1:13 Poller I. 'vine 1:30 Mary Margaret MrBride ABC 2.00 Baln Briefs 2:15 When a Girl Marriea ABC 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABL ' 2:43 Rom. Evelyn Wintera ABC 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:'3 Ted Ma'" AE'" ; 3:30 Queen Juliana ABC I Mar ' Vr-'ltl ABC 4:15 Requestfully Voura ,n:ra ', C- ct, S.;ac Patrol ABC 9:23 World Flight Reporter ABC 9:30 Chet Huntley ABC 9:43 B & B TV 6:00 Storta Hlghllghta 6:15 Home Town Newr 6:23 World Newa Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6-45 Headline Edition ABC 6:33 Coming Attractions on ABC 7 00 Mr President ABC 7:30 Defense Attorney ABC 8:00 Onx Amateur Hr. ABC 8:43 Pacific Coast Baseball . 10:00 10 P M Headlinea 10:13 Pacific Coast Baseball 110 News Siunntary. 11:03 Sign Off Gl Deoth Laid To Natural Cause i SEATTLE l.fi The death of an Army sergeant aboard the troopship Joe Martinez was due to natural causes, the Army re ported Tuesday. Master Sgt. John J. Galkowski of Chicago, a Korean War veteran, died after a shore-leave scuffle with other soldiers at Honolulu. . Ten soldiers were taken off the Martinez and held for questioning in connection with the death, Army officials said, but were released alter an autopsy showed Galkowski died of a heart ailment and a cerebral hemorrhage. Olliceia of. the Martinez reported the Incident when the troopship docked -here from the Far Ea&t Tuesday. ' Probe Ordered In Death Fall PORTLAND (fi An investi gation of the death of Donald A. McPherson, who died after a seven story plunge from the Medical Arts Building was continued here Wed nesday. several persons saw McPherson. a 62-year-old resident of Clatskanle lall past their windows. But how he came to plunge from the building was undetermined. It was learned he had been under medical care for some time and had gone into the building for a prescription. PETITION ASHLAND The Valley View Hospital Committee hopes to have the question of establishing a South ern Jackson County Hospital dis trict on tne May 16 ballot. Petitions, bearing over 1,000 sig natures asking the vote, were filed with the county clerk Tuesday. ! Fredric qOMING ESQUinG : "imiiMFni" I" FOR THE CHAMPS More than 800 persons gathered for a banquet at Bonanza re cently honoring the Bonanza High School "Antlers'' who won this year's county Class B basketball championship. " rrebn rhoto ACTION CLASSIC! CAPE SLEEVES that button! i These give you such freedom of I action. Reach, bend, sweep, bowl, golf this dress won't pull, bind, or' rip! A beautiful classic equally at home on fairway or In town, j you'll wear this all summer to look your coolest and handsomest! Pattern R9047: Women's slze 34. 36. 38. 40, 42. 44. 46, 48. 50. j Size 36 takes i' , yards 35-inch. This easy-to-use pattern gives per fect, fit. Complete, Illustrated Sew I Chart shows you every step. Send thirty-five cents In coins .for this pattern to Marian Martin. !care of Herald & News. Pattern Dept.. P.O. Box 6740. Chicago 80. III. Print plainly your name, ad dress, zone, size and style number. Ike Report Draws Praise PARIS W Moit European edi torial writers praised Gen. Eisen hower Wednesday lor his annual SHAPE report, and agreed that It formed a policy statement for his campaign to get the Republican presidential nomination. The report, said the Independent Welt of Hamburg, "is probably the initial policy statement of a favorite presidential candidate." The London Times termed the report "a tribute to Gen. Eisen hower's sound common sense and grasp of essentials," and added that "certainly Europe has. for the sec ond time, a debt it gratitude to pay this unusual soldier who hand les nations as easiiy as divisions and has g burning faith in this mission." The London Daily Worker, a Communist newspaper, headed Its story: "U.8. Governor of Europe Eisenhower presents report." It said the report "reads like a report of a mid-Victorian Vlcerov of India describing the behavior of potentates and people In the subject provinces under his control." French morning newspaper mainly published the storv on In- side pages without comment. In London, the conservative Daily Graphic said the report Is "one of Ihe most momentous statements on war and peace that this generation has heard." Most British newspapers nlaved up the economic angles of the re port. The Liberal News Chronicle said the report was "encouraging," but added that Elsenhower does not seem to worry as much about mili tary aspects as economic. Oldster Dies In Porch Wreckage McCRORY, Ark. Ifi The rotted porch of an old abandoned home near here was a death trap for an 86-year-old man. John Russel mounted the notch Sunday to seek sheltar from a shower. The flimsy flouring gave way and he fell through. The JacBed boards held him fast. His body was found Tuesday. A physician said death was due to exhaustion or a heart attack. ' . I 34-50 Floods Hit Midwest As Rivers Rise By The Aisocl.ilrd Press P.rsldents in five midwest states battled flood waters Wednesday as rivets and streams overflowed from spring thaws. Cooler weather hit the flooded areas of the Dn kolas, Minnesota. Wisconsin and Iowa Wednesday. Temperatures, however, generally were above freezing. Flood waters from the Missouri river forced 60 families from their homes west of Wllllston. N. D.. while more tlmn 200 homes wore affected by the overflow of the swollen Little Missouri river in Marmarlh. N. D. Floods were expected along other rivers ' In North Dakota. The Missouri also was overflow ing at Fort Pierre. S. D., covering about 10 residential blocks. The Bad river, south of Fort Pierre, No QenniSOris Sunday-Dinner fUlll H M r f" In " II. III! II n f f1 ,1 mi 1 111 II MS 4iM AND NO "FILLER" t UXt ''TO SPOIL ITS DOUBLY i - 'TlJl -DELICIOUS TASTE" also was over Us bunks, with water five deep around 10 or 15 homes. The Root, Redwood and Minne sota rivers caused extensive dam age in Miiinnesola, while several familes were forc:d from their homes In the Sprlngditle section of Sioux City, la., by the flooding Floyd River. The Oconto River spilled over Us banks In Oconto, Wis. Cooler weather was reported from tho Appalachians westward through most of the Great Lakes region and the Ohio Valley. It was below freeung in most of the northern plains states. Z&Tftt (fir CAam 0 KLAHATM AtCt. AMIRICAN CHINK! Ph. eHM Oedrn T Take Oat an B. Let, Mar. other WlCdtfCAffl gives means Delicious... Quality ONLY! Red MIG - ; Shot Down Over Korea SEOUL, Ktnea W U.B. Satire pilots Wednesday tlenlroyotl ona MIG-15 and damaged two .others of a Chinese Coiuiiuiiilst Alt1 Puree that showed Utile desire to fight nfler the lough liutidlliig It got iiiesuny. "- ' The Air Force raised Tuesday's MIU rnsually tutul by two more damaged, coiiflrmril aller evalua tion of gun cami'iii films. Tliei.e raised the (Say's, total to 10 MIOn slroyed and 13 (litmiigcd, It was the second biggest daily bag of the war for the Sabre pllols. Cap). Robert T, Latshaw of Amitrlllo. Tex., knuokpil tho ilrrl Jet down In a 10-inlniile fight be tween 33 Sabres and about 30 MIGs over North Korea lust before dusk. Wednesday's two Uamago claims came nut ol a brief encounter in ihe morning. Pilots said Ihev thought they hit a third MIG In this fray. Sabre pllols traded shots with MIU fliers ai oIIht limes during the (lav but the MIO.t dodged back into their Manchuriitii sanctuary featuring Lenten dinners dHD CD Mora POPULARITY . . . with a sensibly priced a l w vil iiiwj - e e 715 Main Street 'IUI. Yes, nothing but the choicest juicy fresh-cut beef... the bones, gristle and fat cut o7... with big tender Idaho red beans and our own marvelous secret chili spicing blend. That's Dcnnison's, the finest Chili Con Carne made, the West's biggest seller. Perfectly cooked and perfectly delicious! Get it at your grocer's today! tfPAHOTrllPTH!r' 'V OennUon'.-tho luwY "My priced. Ounce lor "' rather than fight. The U.B. I"lllh Air Fuico rdld Ihe Red airmen fallid In ithowMiu in loi'ce anywhere on Wednesday, On the ground, n U.B. Eighth Army brWliiu oflltwi' reported only two Communist pniiien and sen I. tried ontriil sklnnl lic nlnlig the 'n-ea battlefiont Wednesday morn inr. 1,'uuMcMiltiickliig Allied trmips Tuesflnv nlitlil mid riirlv Wcdnes. tiny hurled buck about 1.6011 Chi nnn Rods who lilt United Niitliini lines on Ihe westi'in front lour miles from llio riiiiimiiijnm Inito tents. The Navv aimuuurrd Uial the American Carrier Hoxer relurnrd lo Korean waters for Its third tour of (ItilV. Plulies from Ihe Boxer and Hi" U.B. Carriers Philippine Seu and Vallry Forgo pounded Red targets on Hie Ka'il Const. liana Norland Klre Imuranre. 8tt I'lnr Slrert. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT A 3-mlnute radio pro qrom that will qlvo YOU plenty to think about! 6:40 P.M. Monday thru Friday Sponsored By MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. and EASTSIDE ELECTRIC KFJI 1150 on your dial 5000 Wotti HUTUL UOlKiUTDfa ITITU TTnnieTriTHiHjr ...git mora out of lift SUCCESS . . . HAPPINESS ITH m aaa. M4bnJ rt4 ba rH(Jtirll 4 m 1 ilr nil. you -fiulllTi7 lo)RRR