TUKKIIAY, AI'KII, I, ll..i! MfcKALI; AND WKWS. KLAMATH If ALLS. UHKIU pack mm nil1 OODSOS, ess i PerGo lira Fpinxsifls I I I " ' " II ... ) I I. . I II IU i. .in mil Him m ' 1 'S WALLOPINi RALPH WEISER fans like Ills dynamite Dope Sheet From The Big Leagues By Tim Awm-lalrd f'rc With the Mart t dm Major f.enuuo aciiNon onlv two week.-, tway, Dili In Minki-down time A quirk look nt III? (iiourMs or luck of mime nl each of the teams la In onler. l.istinit Die eluun ac cording to llirlr JIM liiiili, Jie;e what happens I. Amcrlt-an League NKW YOHK Casey lrni?r operatives' Mill urn Hie ones tn brat, even with the ln of Jue 111 Mnsfflo and the probable clrpnrt lire of Jerry Colfmuil to the Mu rine Corps. C'l.KVKI.AND The Inilliinn have Ihe beil "ni Four" puchlnif ulaff In oa.iebiill. iiril If nnv lenin H golnir o bent nut the Yanks, It ahnulri be Uie Tribe. BOSTON Till Ii a piirr.le. Ilie lied Sox linve been IiIUiiih. but haven't been kpUIiik much pltrli Ins. their trouble down thiouuh the 'Hie Qtiest'nn U: jer r. CIIJCfllMI Weiser Battles Proctor Wnllopln' Rnlpli Velcr. who nev er fail lo Klve f:Mlc fan more thnn their moneys worth, nppeitr Hiilnrdiiy nluht tn the ftrml-wmdup nt Ihe Armory, the flrkt boxlnit uliow here for nenrly 10 inonthn. The Bentty Hotnlier meeltt Jim my Proctor. California By area Nmro, lmhlwel(hl who recently defeated Bobby Doll of Bohe. Idu.. In a ring upet. Its a Aix-rtnind bot. om four suppoituiR IlKhla to the Indian Dirk Wolle-Somiy Orccn trn-iound mam event. Welher. whose t.llm phyi.lcpie be lles the dvnumlte he tnrrtes In his right hitnd. Ik a club fldhtrr who nlwayii flguri's In rock and sock ucitoit. CLYDE STUFFS IN 40 NKW YORK if ImBhI)' grit ty Kxplorers had no formula for atopplnil bl Clyde I ovelltlte. and a result Kiiiiii will meet the I'eorlii Cnlerpllhii'H In the Una's of the Olympic fiBKketbicll Trlt!" Tuenday lll(jllt at Madison Square Oarden, LuvelMU, tbe nearest thlnu fo a a'.'orliiK ri.bjl. muffed 40 point throtmh the corrin Monday ntnlit KuiiMtH overcame Ihe determined Kxplorera from LitHalle, 70-65. In perlinis the mot thrilling gutiie aeen here thin hlthoii. K TKT WIN In the opener, Peoria repented IIh A All til lo win over the Phll llpa Oilers by whlpplntc the Bartle.s vllle, Okla., club. 04-50. with sur prlalmr eaie. By wlnnliiK, K(tiiAu and Pew in qualified seyen pluyera for the U.S. Olympic team which will Journey lo JfebilnH !)) Hummer. Kaniiaa Coach Pho Allen picked five itenlora Lovcllette. BUI Llen hitrd. Bob Kenney, John Keller and Bill Hoaxland and Jumora uean Kelley and Charley Hoag. IIKf'OMMKNIATION Wlllnrd Womble, Peort coach. Mid lie had recommended lo the Olympic committee that five of hih players and two from other top AAU tcanin be selected. Bo the onlv Ihliw to be decided Tuesday nldit other than pres- tlK , .. 'PLAY BALL' IN PCL TIME OUT! ERIC PEDERSEN . . . Nature Boy back Gallagher Subs For Carlson lly Tke AocUtf Pre It's "Play Ball" Tuesday for the eiKht teams of the Paclllc Coast .eac And on the husln at ofiU inl.sUc comments from club man- inxtrH, the second divlslori ia Komi( to be virtually tenantless when the loops 180-Kttme Oolden Annlvcr- Ihaiy tcm ends Sept. 21. No lets than live pilot consider they have a chance lor the pen- jia:t. The other three Indicate i tiny 1 1 be satisfied to wind up in iti; itrht civifion, ana won i oe as tonished If they make It. The opening day lineup and . p)lbb)(( probable: ' n'lAKTKKS KfiiUle. Charley fichanx. at Ko!- jlywuod, Johnny Llndell; Los An-1 ueles, Eddie Chandler, at Sacra- himUg, Jcm Florei; Portland, Jled j Adams, at San Francisco, Bill i Kcedir, Ottkiand, Alien Gettci, at San Oietjo, Guy Fletcher. The Los I , Am:e!eft-SacrKmenU) game Is Tues- Jday afternoon. The othera are t ! Here's liow some of the mana ers feel about their team's 1932 chances : Kill Sweeney of Seattle, pennant winner under Rogers HornEby last year and lavored to repeat, be JJete.i Dial when be brines the club north two weeks hence It will be f I t-Wf A. "I'd juNt like to get my hands on Vht. Jofcrr who nwitctifd ihr markers or oo- cros-countr race!" Carroll Hits 405 For Pels Gene Conley May Get Starting Boston Job it-tns thp. league. Ktwftd &ndoav Last week's wrestling lae team r he hnoct uili overcome nos- will be to determine who i" "" sible pitching weaknesses. will be head coach ot the Olympic '"."-C: """ """ learn. Womble or Allen. And. know-. ",h'V1i"','".t.n lp give the Kainiers a run ior;,rom lhe Klamath Union High n t,7,m,., ...uV. V. .. ",c" " ocnooi s atmeuc otnce snow. BRADENTON. Fla. Wi Oene Conley, the tallest player la toe majors and probably the tallest In modem big leaftue annate, is find ing a wide open opportunity for his bid lo become Vhe lourth starl ing pitcher lor the Boston Bravet. Manager Tommy Holmes thinks the 6-loot 8-lnch rookie Irom Wash ington State has the ability to win the Job. And Holmes knows tne skyscrap er rmhl-hBntSir belter than any one else in training camp. They jwcro at Hartford, Conn., together i until June of last season, when j Holmes moved up to the driver s 'seat ior the Braves. I "Warren Spahn, Vern Bickford. 5 Max Surkont and Chel Nichols lere my big tour" Holmes com mented a few days ago, "But now that Chet has left to tntei , ice, the fourth spot is wide open. IGene i-s one of several pitchers who wtlt battle toe the jflS. HIS ' "If he proves to me he can illl the spot, thett it's his. If some Ralon Carroll. 6-7 Pelican center. ")!" ?eP? finished the 23-gamo 1951-52 basket- ils 0,n ."wa,""e' ?, U 1 y&TTN j :y . 'J ' I I , Stan Hack of Los Angeles, tabbed bait season with 405 notnte tisures ' senw to romd if he , give the Rainier, a run forl(rom lhc Kla I .. ti K..U1- ' . . - tuiu wim ijuuiuvuiiiciji. uuu a ic w mnro nnints han taomm'ito TOWMV HOLMES , likes Conley theac two competitors. Ihat' piaycr additions, can go all thjRay Btli, lic0Tl6 Mh viVo I ThalappraaalolJMtsi-yearo way- The 26 games Include two in thel from Richland. Wash., and Wash- CU BS TO BEAT ( state Tournament. The Pelicans j Slf l c? Hollywood's Fred Haney loresees ; won 19. !ost end tied one in the for he starred in Sundays 5-0 vic "onc of the toughest battles in 'over-all campaign ;tory over Atlanta. He turned In a years." with Seavtie. Los Aiwleaj Don Mills was the top junior jtftree-iKt job for his sis innings Q and Oakland the clubs to beat. Uarslly scorer wllb j22 points. ol-Jthe mound ln that shutout. r-Iov Hnmuir nf Pnrtlanrt- 'Tvp 1 , u.. if wn ...i.v. m 1 AMAV.1N& Kansas' Clyde .Tn'i" ,"?h:8',7U ner 5 " iS2SiJSEKS S.f ST?hS USTIrtot'tattW ww l as scored more , y in "? """"'" J pomw. a a .3 average, .as .-"--'"S-"vaC y restate ihe mtatat- Jtor-wra inoli. season than anv ,.i icna 10 start now. we ve Deen Ben-(against a 43 5 average. Ior I - . natn rnu war i nnn l itr.uw i 40 Not In Records NEW YORK I Lovelletle now nnlnls In slni other malor coiletie player In history but count. The 40 points tallied son's place in the fouabWe. I Gallagher was chjsen as a part ner by Georges Dnelte after the , French-Canadirn full nelson expert j itnd Carlson fought to a deadlock' wl!h Eric Pedersen and Kurt Vou I -"on-v-helm. I AI.OKE Single PCC Cage Loop Eyed ELLENSBURG, Wash. Wl A basketball it doesn't by the ilea the stalking-type pertormer Terre Jlaulc, Ind.. giant as Kan- who Is sudden death when he gels an opponent in trouble, U'illS KVKN Proctor, on his rliiR rep, will Klve Weber plenty ol trouble and Will pitchers like H II I'lerce nnd i unuffltlitl ringside odds will prob- Haul tlogovm rome throusli? Most "'- olerver3 timiht II I Another bout, the six-round spe- rKTIlOIT No liower. and ! elul. tho pvnm trs tmbrlttlrd anion. Manager Ited Rolle knows 11. It pul.-i Rudy Carlson jgalnal Oar i'llll ADF.I.IM1IA - Ihls Is the 'f" llarniigton. Both Kalpine Ply- Uiam thnl wen old hut yi-nr and 1 wood employes. thl welterweight l olr'er Ill's lime around. Hoi i" 1 '""'t I" natural and could well rn.rl nin collalllllUlii the As 10 : . "' ."""" the rrl!i-.r UoUl have Ihelr backers at Kalpine. WASH!!- OTON - Pie Nuts, B!iV r.-n Kr' Jiut ity j mi i in, tnii m ,..'.- cn "it'tT teller thnn lest nfesciM 6T. l.OUIH Tlie lliown!e hate new marnger in ItiiKfrt IforHs by. and a new shori Hop in Murty tttrin.i him u'niilil bo juirnrl-'Cd n ,,,. . ,.,,,, I- carrl of notches 1 Wol'f- P'lflc Korthwesl welter- 01 vifiovM ii'(U'.' Iweiftlit t-lwmplon. whose record In- NKW YORK -- I'lU-hliiR 'won It !ehitlrs wins over Joey Ortega and for l ie Ola . Is last vear. and m. iChester bllder. will rale Ihe lavor Be" l.eo Dnrocher nppitrcntlv Ik 1 r"'" over bmmy Oreen. pak r.5in in reli nn hia elbow-lien 1 1",,l Nt'ttro. In the fenture bout. K'".5 ,?,..r,rJw,n" J "howm ch! Vt'oKe's title will not bc at stake. Eddie Ftnnkv will bc mlwed mis bent Lafialle 10-6s Moivoay mglit at Madison Square Oarden, raised his sea6on total to 864. Th's to-.is tne S3I. m- !"t sea son by Dick Groat of Duke, but the National Collegiate Aliiletlc Bureau ald Olympic tournament oolnu do not go Into the records. I,ovelleltc's reason total, minus Olvmulc tl!'. 1" '95- , He has me nignest iniit-jt" Du.velle clamored lor another nQuak ah0nt. the icaiue to tudze Top ,en cor"' match and. liking what he-saw ial, cubs bul from what j-ve ! c . hen Oaliaghtr stopped Frenchy ;Eeen It's going to be a bitterly con- ib.ii . .':T::Z1 Hoy In the opener, asked for the : tested race " j Jotinson bone bender as a pa-tner in crime, j Sacramento's Joe Gordon: " We ' "r'0onr - - Carlson, who rivals Dtisette (oriTe ti buie short on reserve , y'oun nopularlty with the fans, returns 'strength, as I size up our club. 1 Pnce in the opener agaiisl Tol Yamato. ibut our first team Is good enough Jensne.se mat artl t Irom S)nga-;(0 (inih anywhere from third to-rjSJS!" " "" i""e. sixin place, me soions aeumieiy i '""i iinii. re not a lasv-piace club. Tne clever Nip win pe making first to oranitS ba!. Ke wked I c he present. Northern in 33 games, turned in 24 complete "t"""" ' jobs in compiling a. 2IW) record Coast. Conftn. CWwnJtjr. iith nine shutouts against Eas!-j of Washington Coach Tippy Dye .10 JtS 81 4-s;c-" ' --BMc uioca SKI 95 61 81 . 75 51 78 . 69 38 79 . 32 42 72 S 9 51 . 20 U 28 . 1 ia Yi . 3 18 21 . O T A competition. He Ditched 63 imntasa. fitltStid 201 J only 80 runs and 207 hits with 73 A strikeouts. He walked onlv 53 bat- hls first appearance ln the Armory rm-r. Tlie tag row is expected to bring linth have shown here In the past Itt rousing dontiyurook:.'. Hilly Sunday, another - rapM- iiunrhliig croud - plenser. meets Brave Junior in Ihe top four-round at' met Ion. One other lour will complete the tn) In hist, w w'lh no - cau-t ',.ven more thri))s tlian last weed's lug Olympic play. Including the h-.wjr, wild bout lbat bad the Olvmplc trial, his career total 15 (un, 5iBn(jinR un m0ct of ihe way. 1,951. j Reserved tickets for the mat Johnnv O'B'len of Seattle scored !rsn) ,re sf,c Rt Castlcberry more then 1.000 points this jeascn Drugs- , , for Seattle UnlversJiy but Seattle j Is iimcu amoiiB t"- --leges. 57 rs which reflects his great oan r4 trol. He had an earned run aver J age ol 2.16, was voted the league's f? mast valuable pitcher of lhe year . : .. i I V. .. t-v. c ; Ton five lyvM icorer-: I "a .-..u)' t'" H"" ""S I Keller ZLS Z'Z. 48 22 as it4 er of tbe Year." l uouinen n i Students Celebrate 176 Women fin Open IAST NIGHT t Owinci . 18 12 7 Linfteld Beats Vikes MrMINNVILLE IB Linfie'id. led by Norm Welch who hit the only home run o! the day. defeated Vsnport, 8-5, in u non-league base ball game hete Monday. j Hialeah race track showed an In crease of 14 '4 per cent in handie j and 12 per cent in attendance for tut iirsi 19 uaja ui meeting this winter. Sandeiia Comuegrt of the Vash ington Senators led the American League list of 17 pitchers . vho finished with perfect Jieldin? av erages. He handled the most chances 36. said Monday night. Dye said an alternate plan If the consotidatiott effort now nder fails would be to have the division playolls held on a neutral floor. Under the present system, play offs are feeld ott the name f!w - ol the Northern and Southern Divi sion champions on aHernate ye&Ts. The Dye-coached "Huskies won the Northern title init year but were defeated by UCLA. Southern champion, for the Ctmfwewe crown. The title series was pla.ved on the Bruins' home floor. . "One league Is the H)VS St shbMiti be." Dye said:" He was the principal speaker at a fcauquet hOTMKtor Oentret V -ington College, Ellensburg High School and Lourdes Academy uo tetaatf teams. Bv The Associated Press New York Willie Troy, 153'6, Wnshinoton. D.C., stopped Al Winn, 163, New York (5-. Boston Jimmy Beau. 160 3 ) PHOENIX. Ariz, tfl Tlie Trans I Mississippi Golf Association, which prides ilself for sn excellent rec-.Ncuf Canaan. Contt.. stoooed Paul LAWENCE Kas tn TheiOfd oi developing young players, pender. 161 34, Boston (5i. Kansas Javhawks1 70-65 victory j lathed its 22nd annual lourna-j Montreal Pierre Lansiots. over LaBalle in New York Monday "!c"1 ' uc,,u"-v " '"oru nei" loo j-rance. outpoinieo i,nariie " Jim Lawrence, home of the Unlver-;lo e " lng ' tne-1 ..., v,,. I By nightfall the Inckv low 32 scor- (I.AMOIl BROOKLYN - Here's the club '. ..V.0" .'-l"0" . ?.r.a ..l""1 inioht tom hed off . wild celebration 'of 1.6 women contestants slated . solas. 151. Phoenix. Arte.. OOi .1... l-.l Inn. ll lhr,.ll.,h 1..I1CII Wimca U-t tllf IC-IIHHIU.I , - V. ,V, Ilt.-.T. LT:' rr. ,"';;' '-n A m T s , Iv iof matchmakers up and down the ,""" " -v... w....R i.i,nriiu Bfi.r lhA cnm ndert -1 l l"tc uui-.tijicQ lui nit: hundred's of students rushed Into , championship Jllshi and the start streets ringing cowbells, beating j of match play Wednesday dlshpans and setting oil tire-1 The scene is the Arizona Country crackers. Automobiles jammed the Club - a course sprawling 6.397 iiantlally the same. ST. I.OUlS-i The dark t.ore. The Cards have the power and the word Is that all they need Is some pltchlwr. BOSTON j Manager Tommy Holmes has not even decided on a line-up yet. PHILADELPHIA Tlie Phils have shown more spark this year than last. With Curt Simmons back they'll be contenders. CINCINNATI This look like a three-man learn. Ewell Black well and Ken RalfcnMirgrer esuh won-16 games last year and Out llelder Johnny Wyro.strk hit 311. They'll need more to Improve Uioir position. PITTSBURGH Ralph Klncr flcorge Mclkovllcli, Frv Dusak nnd Glut Bell Rive the Pirates a good outfield, bul onlv Murray Dickson I Is dcpendablo among the pitchers. - CHICAGO The Ornpetrult champions of '61 and tho ccllnr dwellers In the rcaular season. V Looks like the same Ihlim l Rm8 v lo haptien this year. i'C In Monday's games, the Cards - defeated the Phillies. '. the Yaii f: krej shut out Ihe Tigers, 3-0. nnd s the Pirates and Browns played a J 7-T In 10 inning. t the rlassv Indian Wolfe, 24. who turned professional In IMS after a brief but impressive amnteur career, won the crown from Jimmy Nolan In Calgary. Canada. He slopped Nolan in a re turn defense of Ills title. Olck Reeder's reports a brink advance sale of tickets for the out standing boxing show. MANN TO f VANPORT ; CORVALLIS lPl Dave Mann. ' Oregon Stnto halfback suspended from school Saturday for l-nv ' grades, will enter Vanpovl this I Spring. t He an Id he hopes lo bring his v e nrade average tip eiiotigh so he can apply for readmlsslon lo Ore gon Slato next fall In time for the football sctiMin. If accepted he would be eligible to pluy- Chftiles Kocsls of Royal Oak. Mich., had the best amateur score In the U.S. Open golf champion ship Inst June. His 207 was 10 strokes behind the winner, Ben Hogan. Bucky Harris of the Washington Senators Is well equipped tor re lief pitchers. Ho has Tom Ferrirk as his right bonder nnd Mlcltry Harris as his aotilhpnw. Vandals Open With Huskies MOSCOW, Idaho IB The Uni versity of Idaho will open Its 1052 football schedule against the UitU ver.tlty of Washington at Seattle, Sept. 20. The nine-game schedule an nounced Monday by Gale Mix, graduate manager of athletics, also includes contests with Oregon at Moscow Oct. 4: with Washington State at Pullman Nov. 1. and with Oregon State at Corvallls, Nov. 15. The Vandals will siep out of the Pacific Coast Conference for meet ings with Utah, Utah State, North Dakota State, Montana nnd Sana Clara. streets. Cries of "on to Helsinki" and "no school tomorrow" added to tlie din. Women Bowl Thursday The Women's City Bowling Cham pionships open Thursday, 7 p.m., with 11 teams ready to open the two-day tournament at Oregon Terh. The team event will be com pletori Thursday night. Doubles and singles competition is slated (or Sunday, starting at 1 p.m. Teams entered are K-Amusement, Suburban riower. Leach Service. Louie's Food, Star Beauty, Shoop i Schulze, Marvin's, Roundup. Molatorc's. Lowell's Lockers ana Al Schmeck's. Forty-two women nvt entered for tho city kcgllng title. Defending champion is Marina Moconum. hard by the picturesque Camel back Mountain cast of Phoenix. Par is 38-3775. The defending champion Is Mary Ann Downey from Baltimore, who will be hard pressed to retain the crown she won at Quincy, year ago. 111., NOW Every Wednesday 5&H GREEN STAMPS ClifrYfflden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Opon 24 hri. Every Day) NOW It OREGON YELLOWSTONE "The Greatest American Whiskey" YELLOWSTONE has been a favorite ince 1872. It i made by the slower, old-time sour mash method . . . producing a finer-tasting Kentucky Bourbon. Now, YELLOWSTONE is available in this State for those who appreciate fine Bourbon. Ask for YELLOWSTONE . . . you'll like its flavor. Exhibition Baseball Br The Associated Press New York iA) 3 Detroit A 0 SI. Louis (Ni 8 Philadelphia (N) 7 (called end of 7th) Pittsburgh Ni 7 St. Louis A 7 (10-lnnlng tlc Boston (A at Memphis (SA can celled rain. Providence. R.I. -Jimmv Blvtns, 184 3t, Cleveland, -topped Aaron Wilson, 194, Knoxvllle. Tenn.. 13). ' Chicago Euss Teague. 130 i Eldridge, la., knocked out Bobby t Carew. I3i St. Paul 2I. j Macon. Ga., Ohuck Taylor, , 153 'a. Goalport, Pa., outpointed ; Ralph Pearson, Ita. Macon, Ga., (10). i Salt Lafcc City Dale Haii, J98. . Chiraco. knocked out Jeck Nel-, son. 182. West Jordan, Utah (4). Wilkes-Earre. Pa. Carmen Ha- j silio. 149. Svracuse. N.Y., outpoint- ; ed Jackie O'Brien. 147, Meriden. i Conn..U0. i Baltimore rTeaaie iajli. it. i Newark. U.J.. outpointed Tex New- ' by. 170, Baltimore tiui. HOCKEY i Taelfic Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Saskatoon 3 Edmonton 2 (double overtime) (Saskatoon ins quarter-final pKvoff series 3-11. via 3 flWSTD BE Mil ..ter11l nil' ..-BflM eTRAl1"" 100 PROOF BOTTLED IN BOND 65 I Fifth DISTIUED AND IOTTLED IY YELLOWSTONE, INC., LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Pin .iiii7 ,''wiTi,' V:.':'. i ' Si:. . ft::--'-. MORE PROFITS MR. FARMER! . IRRIGATION CONTROLLED " IN CONCRETE PIPE WILL PAY YOU THREE DIVIDENDS! ' 1 ACRfS SALVAGED FROM DITCHIS ADD CHATTU VALUI TO YOUR FARM! : X F-RODUCTtOH FROMTHESt ACRES WILL SOON PAY FOR .. YOUR SYSTEM! J. YOU SAVE MUCH ON IRRJ6A- .' TION-LABOR COSTS, WEED- ; ; CONTROL EXPENSES. iiiiiimiiuiuiiuiiiiuMiii I PEYTON & CO 4 p.V.-l 4133 MARKET ST. v$? tfsdipuh Car Mody foh Spring 4 , X 5T T-v;" Spring Safety Suggestions Ttepoir Inadequate a) Correct Bad Stearins. Replace Leaky Muffler and Tailpipe Check Lighting System Repair Windshield Wipers 4) Repair Stap nd Tell Light See That Ham Blows Replace Cloudy . . Cracked Glass CECIL COX, service manager, b pictured above operating tha madam SUN MOTOR TESTER just part of tha up-to-date equipment in our ultra-madam automobile repair shop. SERVICE By Expert Mechanics Guaranteed To Satisfy TJof5 Right for Any Cor Klamath Falls' most modern auto repair shop is ready to help make your Spring and Summer driving a real pleasure. Don't let a breakdown cause a delay or even an accident. Our experts will put your car in peak performance condition, and guarantee your satisfaction 100. Stop in today! See ow modern shop ytiih the most nvsdero equipment in the automotive industry) REMEMBER . . . YOU MUST BE SATISFIED! RADIATOR REPAIRS MOTOR OVERHAULING MOTOR TUNE-UPS BODY & FENDER WORK TRANSMISSIONS DIFFERENTIALS ASK ABOUT OUR AUTOMOBILE REPAIR BUDGET PLAN 600 SOUTH SIXTH O . PHONE 3650