TUHSDAY. AI'MI. 1, 1D..2 IIEHALD AM) NKWS. Kf.AMATII KAIXS. OKKGON PAGE SEVEN American-Born Jap Given Offer Of Job With State HAt.ll.M Ml All Aiiinlcnn hnin Jupmiwc di'inivrd n( an Ori-unu civil npivlc'f Jni) iih tlir a'nn rrrriiily hrniU'C of liln rncc, him tifrn nlfrrrrt n Job an Junior ar coiinlniH Willi tlin Miilp lux rum nilasltin. And lif will liikc II, II I he Job In Inratril In I'oi Hi nd. lie In F.nulr NIMilokn. .11, who van lli fiiilijrit ol n iiirclHiw of I In Mil IP board ol control linn Mon- RC Cleanup Drive Opens K lit runt li Oiiinly'a Ited Crow. Hindi drive, nil to n clow Min t be. rnir.c ol bid wcnlher In early March, finished thr inonlh Willi only lift per cent o( ll.t tJO.UOO lioul I cached. llmvrtrr, a ilcuiitip ciiinpnlKii laiiiichrd todny Is expected In Mill MunUiilly boost llic lotnl runlrlhu I on Droit, Tne rtuial IJivlaiiin will be a key liu ior In llir ulthniito Miccrns or failure of llir ovcrnll canipaliii), Thl.i division, seriously hampered Hi riuly Mnrch by both bud ttrallier anil bad muds, diiln't l fully net undrr lull Mrimi mil l l.r In Miirch. 'Hum fur, llir di vision lui luineil In only U.'0 to ward ha Ifi.uiKl quota. 'A Kiisscll TUidiilr, (TMlialrninn of nVe drive, today uriiecl Ihnl all out-! aliilidhiK collet'ilons br turned in an ii .on Hi ion-.l)lr. Ororge Ulnib.il ! l.i tha oilier co-ihiilriiiaii. 1 rir.il trliiilis Horn llrniey and; r.'liilonuln mado tha Ituml li'vhioii outlook heiirleiilnu. accoidine to ' Vlrmilla Ulxon executive acciclary ' ol ih. conmy ne,l c:ro,.n. . Malin Scouts Hold Meeting MAI.IN-C'ub Hcoutn ol Pack 33 and Ihrir litmillrn held tin-ir month ly Puck ineetliw Friday evenliiK, M.irch '!8 nl the Mnllil Church bane-in-ill. Ilic Cubs. diCMird In lndi.111 re Cnlln and rented mound the Coun cil Hie welcomed Nicky Johnnon and Ronald Pope In an new CuDn. Ilie hlehrnt hnnora In Cub Kcoul Inn were conlentd upon titanic unley Willi Peirn: ek and Terry Hlewari 1 eiiudlrll(ln ceremony, ticoul M .in ter Paul McCulley aiwike brlelly and Invited the two boya 10 attend the Boy ticoul incriliign. Tlekela were Inaued lo the Cubs lor the Bcout KxpoMtiou, which will be held on Saturday, April ft at lhe Fair Oroumln III Klnnii.-! l'alln. A renort wan made by Treasurer Paul Pelra-ek on the Cub Seoul Uaekeiball Tournament held last reek. Refreshment were aerved at the clo.-.e of the meeting by lhe Den Mothers. Murder Trial ' Nears End CRKSCKNT CITY. Cnllf. i-Pi The Jonen brother murder Irial Beared lla end lueiday as lite lleferue and pio;.erutlon wrnnqlrd over the mental nlale of Richard Jones, eldest of lhe McMlnnvllle. Ore, broiher. Both Dclem.e Attorney Blnlne McUownn, and District Attorney Chrln Demiun called witnesses Monday lo dercrlbe lhe mental condition of Richard, ae?u-eil of llrlna the nhola Hint killed Felix Mollnl, nhoe repairman. In a ho'tlup two months ago. Richard 2. and hla brother. Robert. 20. both have enlered Innocent plena. The defence witness. Dr. Cnr T. Wnllare, former Humboldt Count v physician, testified that Richard enparentlv was n 'psychopathic personality." a-, the result of an Ulo accident 16 yearn ago Dr. Francis Stump Crescent CUy, appearing lor the profeeullon, raid Plrhard'.n nvmpiomn were no more than Ihone of a person suffer ing alnita trouble. Seven Cars Set On Fire In City PORT! AND 1P1 Flumes spranit up Innldc reven Bulnmohllen here Monday nlr.ht In little le n than an hour. All burnlmr cam had been parked on lhe West. Side, four of them within n few blocks of each other In the Northwest district. I,a.nt weev five cam were slml- -JnHv burned. riremen Mid It appealed that someone llrhled paper matches snd dropped them In after first tosslne In some Inflnmmnblc liquid, possibly lluhtcr fluid. Tlie Inlcrlora o( lour of the earn were burned out. The other three had damage to the Iront seats only. Reindeer, although, much more Intelligent Ihon cuttle, are not as Intelligent as hordes. "Miracle Drug" say SURIN Users Pains of Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis, lumbago, Bursitis Relief Can Start In Minutes i'Airn'i 119 internal tteiinfl with XL'ftlX. Nothing to xwallow nnd wnit nxiouly for relltf. You utmply pply SURIN right at the polnL of pain and blttmed rtliof utartii an penetration lencnth thn Ikin rati umlT way. Of courn lhart'a rtaiion for Ibis wondfr-workinf new external fattt ftain relief medicine. 'ft ntthnrholint, a reint rhemlcal fcorn of rosMrrh In a frraal laboratory. It fteU ipotiilly to aid penetration of ?'l!RN'n painr)ueMlnir intrredlf n t Meiharholina aUncauxfidoeptr.lonttr laitlnc; pain relief and Increased apcad up of loral blood aunply. TMtl en ron Ir rhwimntlci tn tre not veriitt nuptial tt broui tit fU rhr to Ht'.tnti and in b6m.foMhiviifd Vti To tsllr difTrrint trnm oM-fr.ih!nnd rtiht and InimtnU, moittrn SDK1N hrinei fatltr r Hf. ort(?r wilhout burnlnc or blUlirinr: iiBdiii nptm'sint orlr or fr. tStmr-lr ?rrtvih an h'JKiN at the rolitt ( pain ttl rin fate in mlnultn. Monfy-hnple ( tour, nir srora tf ALj Rl M dinn'l rlitva rint faia fasiar and bMtf than envtKtnfr ron't m ud. A iRraui JareniU t.U. &UHIN U ! nrl far th ewditittn. j MaHaaM ft Rsbblai, Inc., IrMiapart . CaMk PAYLESS DRUG 808 Main day. (Jov. Uniiirian McKay, board member, mid It wua "i.tiijild and n rliililllfil full t-nup" 1 1 111 L Hie 1 it X ronimlanlon piissnl over Nlshlnka i,l that lime, morn in Miiiie..oia April vi, him. alter hr had taken a civil nervine 0IUcrr to ,,,, i:i,,rd Include : l' J"?,1',""' lhe w,,low- Lcola trH and nlaced hlKhcsl on the. llnl, !ByveMrr Ilrnkr ai poat ommaii- y, ,,, , Aller Ihr fovrrnoi a oiitbural, lhe ,;,; Leonard Carbon. Hi. Vice L 1 ""T'"' 1' X 5 r h hl iu. ..n,I,,i.inn r.. n.fll nod !,.... 1 t. if,...,. itl.. I'll Chnprl of Row, Rof.eburi Fun- " - , ' ; vol liniifHiri , nr. lire Rimini. lound Una It hud an opcnUm lri,inrf c rlhaar; Ton Ariniiant A.J. Nl-hlnku afler a nnv Hinlih an. in tax roinmlr. nlonrr, nnld Nlnhloa i Hinied down by Jiiaon lee, lhe coininla ..lon'n iirrronnel dhecior. Hut l-ee j.iild "I hlllrrlv rerenl the atale inent tliat 1 refined to hire Nlah lokn." However, W. 7" Klmnev, Inhor coniinl'aloner mill adnilnlatralor of Oreiion'a fair rinployinenl l'r( tlccn law, anld earlier Hint Snilth hud told ll 1 111 Ihnl he dlfln't hire NI: hloka bei-aiii.e lhe public would not approve the hlrlnif of a Jupnu efe. Nl hlokn, a veteran or World War II who wan wounded while Until Inn In Ilnly, at llrnt anld he would not content the lax coininlaalon'a failure lo hire hlui. I.nter. Ihouuh, he channel! hla mind and nald he would Hie a complaint with the labor rominlrnlnner. i Monday n action made Inm un- 1 nerew arv. I Hlnlehouiie repoilern nald lhe I iovrrnor and lax roinml' ..ilon re i celvrd a larue niiiribr ol lellern I prote .llntr lhe rein, al to nlve tlie : I job to Ml hlokn. I Nl-hloka. a collcce uraduale v.ho forinerlv lived 111 Hood lliver a:..l 1 Portland, now la employed In 1 Hcnllle at Fort l.awton. I CfnrL Wins Race. Mother. Child OK O",' "Zrr r. he nlork won anoHier nice to day and ano'litr Kaler'n nmbulnnce driver, Ohio Zalunnrdo, lis being cnhed "Doc." Mr. and Mm. Wnller Collinnn beranie parenln of a 0 pounrln Ji3 ounce Rlrl rt their home on Old Fp-i Road about II a m. today. Tlie ambulance didn't arrive In lime. or Mr. Stork waa early no mother and child were taken to Kli'innth Valley Hoipltnl, where both are reported dolnu well. NOW Every Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS ClifMfrden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Open 24 hr. Every Day) r l V l'wr choice of three transmissions, including Automatic Overdrht and ji A '&&&mrf' I nen' Dual-Range Hydra-Mallei new glare-free Solex glass, hood orna r Jtttmmmati ) J went and while sldewall tires (when available): all optional al extra cost. F0R10B2 -y Today you will see the first American car styled by famous Pinin Farina, creator of the world's costliest custom cars for its kings and leading figures. Today you will see luxury new to America the greatest visibility, the widest scats, the most modern features ever combined in one auto mobile. Today you can take command of power that even surpasses last year's official speed record holder ... in a new Nash Super Jetfire engine with Direct-Draft horizontal carburetion. VFW Will Hold Installation Prllrnn Pnnl Vtrann of Forlii Warn, bai arhrduled in ilallnllon ol ofl.cirs for Hi conv Init year (or 'liiiir.;dny at II p.m. Hi llir vrw Hall, insinuation ol Auxiliary nfllctia will alno be. held Klllock' I'o-l Chaplain rteKlnald IHroru'liip; rnw ri'TKeon a. u. i .Ml.,.tt.. hml IniLlu l.i,u KIItA- ver. Paf.l Pod Comm. Waller lliornp ron will act an lli.iiiilllin officer for lha por.t, and Taal Aux. PrM. Pal llinry will Uiftlall fr lhe Auxiliary, The A.iKlllnry plain a polluck to be nerved at 0:30 pm. rPPINCJ, Knir. 11 MelllnR nnow killed 10-inonlh-old Jack Wat llnrf Monday aa he lay In hln baby biiKity outnlde hln home here. Hla mother found the child suffocated under a pile of anow which had been caned from the houne roof by the warm afternoon nun. If you've tasted todays SOHENLEY .you know its the best-tasting whiskey in ages ! BLENDED WHISKEY ti PROOF. SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, KLAHN NASH Co. 606 SO. 6th STREET - KLAMATH FALLS Milsten Death Learned Here Tim (Ifnth o Jarvrv (Jacki Tl MihtTi, 38, In rio-fburn March Imn been teporlrd hire, lie had bran III rrvrru weeks. A former Klamnlh Palls resident, Mllrlen movrrf to rtoicburir two yearn r.Ro filer five yearn In the Kin main area workinii lor Mason- Mirinan and c.ar-A'J-Go. lie was 'yul lf,,r March II ..IIU IIih l""' 'r '" - ln JJ:, 111 , fl,n ,.,,. ,.hr,.K ,,.,.,, l.len wn a member of Hint church. Woman Dies After Being Burned COITAOK CinOVE W A woman, aerlouily burned a monili ain In a fire at her Yoncnlla hoinn, died Monday In a hospital here. Bhe waa Mm. June Oladyn Hoyt, ?B, who ran Into her flatnlnn home lo get her aon. Hhe did not know that the 2-year-old boy already had been carried to Mili.lv. Her hutband, Mervln, who ninhed Into the houne lo rer.i ue her, atlll In belnu treated lor burn. Three children aurvlve. 65 S CHAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. INC., NEW YORK, NEW YORK Today you can ride in safety no car ever offered before with new braking power, new safety "crash pad" custom cowl all within the life-saving safety of double-rigid Airflyto Construction. Today you'll see new wonders in automatic transmissions, in steering case in Reclining Seats and Twin Beds all in the one car that's luxuriously new for 1952 the Nash Golden Airflyte! Come in today and lake command of the most beautiful and exciting car in the world! Butte Valley Man Leavinq I MACDOKI, r-uitc Valley will ln?.e one of lln well-i:nown farmern i April 1 when Adolnh Ffiie.1, noted 'ral.'.cr of purebred Hampshire ho, niovea to Cornlnt!. i Fenal Imi f old hln IM-nere rnnch nl Mucdocl to Jim Pcttlrew, Tule ih'ke, tlr now owner tnke:i pos .clou April 1. i I'eu.-l will move vllh hln chil dren, Adolph, Jr., and Mamnret, i'o a 107-acrc atock and dairy ranch mar Coininf, purclwfcd recently. 1 The Mucdirllle hm won many onen at lhe atnte and county fa Ira 1 mid at 4-II ahowv. Both he and ;lnr. children have been active In jl-ll and Farm Bureau work. Feunl bouKht the place VI yearn 'r.KO, comiiiK from Klamath Falls, vhere he hid been a loutccr. Die ".anebiuh hud been drubbed off the hind, but It was mill close to the raw ntate, Feu-4 kept linprov inu the properly durinst hln VI yearn there, levellnu land, bilildlnx up hln ...and it was attic a few days ago Build An Extra Room with Armstrong's TEMLOK INSULATION BOARD Put that waittd apace in your attic to work! You can mike in extra bedroom out of it at very low coit with Arnutrong'a Tem lok Iniulition Board. The big four-loot wide theeti o( Tcmlok make it eaiy to install igainit preient wood framing. What'i more. Ihii aitic room will be comfortable all year long, became Temlok insulates against winter cold and summer heat. Temlok is a durable material lasts for years. Its smooth, at tractive surface remains remarkably clean and takes paint wIi Ideal for use in basements, too. Drop in today for complete information and samples. BASIN Building 4784 So. 6th 7 ST M purebred Ilampshln herd. He con r.tructrd Inrxe tile potato cellar und recently had white shakes put fill the outnioe of hla houne. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS FRESH! MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS! COTTAGE CHEESE UK roil TMI TI L.AXI coTTaoi oieisi atari mok just a dusty Materials Phone 2-2563 N.. Alston, DMilM N.iA.ftthiit.'w Corp., OttnH, Mia. (FACTORY TO YOU) MATraESSiS are BUT . . . their beauty is more than ticking deep . . .!! It's the character that counts!! NOTE . . . their character Not 180 coils,, nor 220 coils ... BUT, 312 Coils ...,h.Best! Not insulated with mesh nor Burlap . . . BUT, insulated witll Heavy-Superior Sisal Pads Not 16 pounds of cotton padding . . . BUT, 30 Pounds of Cotton Padding Not a plain border ... BUT A Quilted Border Not a thin cotton ticking . . . BUT, Heavy Rayon Damask Ticking WlfiV rieisMiiTii-hiTir1 am avajj 1 O $, At our factory For the BEST In REST FOR LESS --- See arlson's c MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERING CO. 2405 South 6th FhontUlO . . T-Aff m. . r p. '44: to you price a