Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 01, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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fijlter ...
Entered rt tecond class matter at the post office of Klamath Falis, Ore.,
on August 20, 1006, under act ot Congress, March , 1879
The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the use lor punllcation
cf i! the local news printed In this newspaper as well as all AP news,
By Mall 6 months $6.60 By Mail year tll.OO
When It comes to sheer persis
tence you have to give ihe -sparrows
There are a Hock of the little
beggars that make this office tlic.r
home. Tney nest in the caves
around the cornices and in the
awnings. And keep the day cheer
Jul with a constant twittering and
cheeplne and fluttering about.
But they don't know when they
are licked.
For several years now several
stubborn couples have determined
to make their home In the mechan
ism of the awning over Deb's win
dow. They work hard and diligent
ly snatching bits of string, cloth
and what-have-you and get a nest
well started, using the gears in toe
roll-up gadget to anchor to.
Then along comes a little rain
storm and someone goes out and
rolls uo the awning. And the par
munajpn-.iaimi.nl 4"i"
in r ' -
We violated the liabbath this last
Sunday by wielding a paint brush
on kitchen cabinets and by listen
ing to 19 variations of murder and
violence on the raddio.
The painting chore was tackled
because it was a long unfinished
job from last fall, that had been
saved up for the long winter days.
Time's awastin'.
TTie murders were listened to on
account of proximity to the raddio
and a meek spirit (in keeping with
the day) which didn't permit chal
lenge to the selection by the female
members of the household.
Reflection at the end of the day
was that the paintinc produced
more sweetness and light than the
Whodunits, in spite of the moral,
crime doesn't pay."
Sunday was a time for reflection
(in betwixt paint daubs and pro
grams) on two treat surprise
events: The marryin' up of LIT Ab
ner to Daisy Mae. and the abdica
tion of President Truman.
Wt imagine that many an editor
over the country was badly miffed
at Al Capp for scooping his own
newspapers with the nuptial an
nouncement in Life. Reading Capp's
prattle In the magazine though left
the Idea that he was pulling the
leg of Llphovla Magazineniks with
his characters from the newspaper
t Further reflection, and a little
checking, brought uo that daily
newspapers in 1951 led all maga
zines four to one in advertising,
nd that Li'l Abner appears in six
Klamath county homes through the
KfcN to ever one for Life and fur
ther that Li'l Abner made Life
Magazineniks but Life has never
made the Yokum comic strip.)
President Truman's decision was
typical of the man. He didn't bow
out gracefully when toe constitu
tional amendment limiting the ten-
Girls' of the Future Homemakers
of America club are planning the
menu, cooking, serving, decorat
ing, cleanlng-up. and all In all, are
hoping to sponsor the best annual
basketball banquet ever given in
previous years.
i oa-keiball banouct is to be
held tomorrow evening at 6:30 in
the high school cctcterla for all
the pelican teams and their dates,
the coaches and their wives, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Gvalapp, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Peak, Mr. and Mrs.
Jamer Brown and other distin
guished guests. The menu has been
apportioned to serve approximate
ly 90 persons.
Lauramae Wittc. Dresident of the
FHA group will be the mistress of
ceremonies for the affair, and will
introduce a well-planned program.
Coach Paul McCfll will speak
first and in turn will Introduce the
co-captalns of tin varsity team,
Jerry Johnson and ltalph Carroll.
Pi'r e- An-'ersen nnil Terrv Bor
gen .will follow with a vocal duet.
Next on the program agenda are
Mr. Brown and Mr. Gralapp who
1 "i.Wg
xm Nv
Managing Editor
tially completed nest.
So thev start In again and do it
all over.
Then the sun comes out and the
awning comes down and so doeo
the nest.
You'd think they'd learn.
But they don't.
The other morning we sat and
watched a pair ot them try to
break up a small roll of tangled
and twisted fine wire, apparently
for toe purpose of making a ne?t
with It. Two of 'em struggled and
flutie'.-e-t and cursed for an hour
before giving up. What they want
ed It for I'll never know. For an
anchor cable maybe.
Anyway, more power to 'em.
They may not be the most popu
lar bird in the world but they arc
diverting to watch. And show me
the office slave who wouldn't rather
wat-h almost anything than his
tire In the presidency was ratified.
He waited until the primaries
showed what was in store and .
then made his announcement. 1
A recent statement of his was
that, having made up his mind, "I .
don't care if anyone likes it or ,
We'll have to pay off a bet or
two, that were made on the firm !
conviction that he would run in
spite of anything. j
The strategy now probably will
be that the Fair Dealers can blame j
everything on Harry and support a !
new standard bearer to put the na
tional house in ord?r. i
But where can tney find one? j
Remember Senator Kefativer's
statement after the New Hamp
shire primary? "I don't think this
is a protest vote ngoinst President
Truman, because in general I agree
with Mr. Truman."
Andy Loney, head of music edu
cation in the city schools, missed
being on television by a sniffle.
When at the national convention in
Philadelphia he wa3 scheduled to
appear on TV to interview the con
ductor of ihe Philadelphia Sym
phony. The morninu of the pro
gram he woke uo with a cold and
couldn't speak above a whisper.
A quirk ot tne r.iaio is slowing
un the ticket sale for the concert
that Andy has scheduled for this
Friday. Rafael Mendez. the world's
greatest trumpet nlaver, is highly
popular from his shows on NBC and
NBC-TV. Klamath listens to ABC
and Mutual.
The concert, in which Mendez
will appear with the high school
bend and the a cappella choir, is
for the benefit of additional uni
forms for the KUHS band. The con
cert, Pelican Theatre Friday 8:00
o'clock, should be a great success
in spite of mediocre advance ticket
Tickets at Derby's and the Cham
ber of Commerce.
will both speak. Ronnie Bryan will
sing and then Terry Borgen will
play a plan) solo.
"Pelicans" will bs the theme for
the decorations of the cafeteria.
The girls are even now working
on the decorations in order that
they can be easily put up in
short time. .
Ballots for the election of the
king and queen of the annual Junior-senior
prom were passed out
in the Junior homerooms this- morn
ing during the activity period. Last
week seniors chose candidates from
each of their homerooms to repre
sent them on the ballot. Five boys
' five are nominated. Tr
results of the election will be kept
a secret, until x future date.
Students Urged
To Write-in Ike
In votes for Gen. Dwight D. Eisen
hower were solicited luesaay lor
l an election In which Indiana Uni
jversity students are to choose a
stuueiii uuuy president inursaay.
Dove Robertson. Princeton. Ind..
suggested the idea to "demon
strate Elsenhower sentiment
among youth." He Is chairman of
a student group supporting Elsen
hower for the Republican Presi
dential nomination.
always ready to pitch in
when you have truck trouble.
Our mechanics, our equipment,
our ample stock of parts are
always at your disposal and
never any farther away than ,
"J.-the nearest telephone.
' Better tuck this phone num
v ber in your hat tight now.
Juckeland Truck
1 1th & Klamath Ph.2-2581
They'll Do It Every
f narjl .41.1. RtSUT. t sun
worth of Business-" do i
NEW YORK in Some people
'don't have enough worries In their
own lifetime, so they worry about
what kind of world their sons or
grandsons will have to face.
Among these knights of the
wrinkled brow one of the lavorlte
irets is a fear that the earth will
become overpopulated.
This was a phobia in certain
circles long before Daniel Boone
moved west because he tcli cramp
ed whenever neighbors moved
within 40 miles of his cabin.
And today they can summon up a
lot of statistics to bolster their
contention that the stork ought to
be grounded for too much overtime
For example, they say, the big
bird is delivering a bom 220.000
squalling little bundles every day
throughout the world.
Subtracting the people who give
up the mortal struggle for one
reason or another, the sun rises
every morning on 75.000 more liv
ing human beings than it did the
day before.
This is true even on cloudy
mornings. The U. S. population is
growing at me rate oi more man
fcur persons a minute, 250 an hour,
6.0C0 a day.
United Nations officials say the
same situation exists internation
ally. They say the world;s popula-tion--some
2.400.000.000 in 1950 is
Increasing 22,000,000 annually.
By 1975 the U. S. census bureau
figures the American population,
now- over 155,000,000, will exceed
And that means, says the U. S
Department of Agriculture, that in
1915 there will be a fifth dinner
plate set at every table where four
people now sit.
Ye3, for every four pounds of
meat, four quarts of milk, and
every four eggs we now produce.
wie American laniny win neeu
another pound, another quart, and I
another egg so that fifth person I
won t nave to go Hungry.
That will require 10.000.000 more
cattle. 20,000,000 more hogs. 3.333.-
000 more sheep and lamos. 61.000,-1
000 more laying hens and 6.000.000 !
more milk cows unless the pres
ent hens and cows can be talked
into giving a little more for pos
terity. Can the U. S. economy be geared
up to meet that strain? Some
alarmists say no that our precious
soil and other natural resources
are already being wasted too fast
as it is.
Some of these soothsayers of
Tired of tire trouble?. . . See your
IhNmI . I. NlMl
. . . .
aisasfr even oeucve ouiv a terrl
I ble Third World War or a fat
plague will enable the terming
earth to solve the problem o,
j "overpopulation."
Bui many scientists think the
,worlu is on the threshold of greater
'plenty rather than greater hunger.
They feel that the wonders oi
chemical agriculture, new lechni-
ones of spin rins plant and animal
growth, better methods of preserv
ing and storing food will mean
fewer empty bellies rather than
It Is the old battle of faith and
doubt. My belief rocs on the side
i of the test tube warriors, who have
already done much to make the
.good earth better,
I The globe is shrinking, but
I science is justifying the homelv
philosophy thai guides many lariib
I iamiliej "there's always enouKit
i to feed one more."
I In any case, who Is going to
ground that stork? The cynic mav
, bemoan the population growth, llie
'wise man goes Into the diaper
Tito Warns
West Powers
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia '.rl -Premier
Marshal Tito blumlv
warned the Western powers Mon
day that they may "lose tne sym
pathy of our people" by support
ing Italian territorial claims in the
Free Territory of Trieste.
From the floor of ihe parliament
he called upon Italian Premier Al
c!dc de Gasperi ;o answer the
question: "Do you wish to be
menus or enemies."
He served notice V'ucoslavla nev
er will accept a nictated seille
ment of the Trieste dispute In
favor of Italy.
Simultaneously he demanded
loint ndmlniirntion of Trieste bv
Yugoslavia and Italy and "pro
tection" for the Yugoslav minority
in Italy.
Trieste, a prewar part of Italy,
is now governed In one section by
American and British military au
thorities and in another smaller
section by Yuglsoavia.
Italy and Yugoslavia are disput
ing ihe future of the Adriatic port
end Its surrounding territory.
s. I Hnw i r u
iV y S V U
A free tire inspection -the way to safer driving
Know the safe mileage left in your tires? Your Car-Saver can tell you no obligation! He'll help extend the
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Warranty against rod hazards that's honored by 38,000 dealers in the U. S. and Canada. Buy Atlas Tires
with your Chevron National Credit Card or on easy budget terms.
By Jimmy Hatlo
to irtJi-ii.,.-ru lUCC Are?
imnw "1fE
v if
Morse Blasts
Probe Groups
LOS ANGELES .f Congre:'-
sloiml Invctigniing commltlees are
.iloitiK jobs ll-.ui rightfully should be
done by the Jusilcc Department,
Sen. Morse iR.-Ore.i, told a Town
Hall nicetln;f hero.
"If wo Iih.i a JumIco Department
that was properly tluini; its Job, we
: would not have to have a Newbold
i Morns appointed hv the President
to act in its stead," the senator
! "uonpresslonal committees in
this period of hysteria act in the
role of prosecutors." ho asserted.
i "We must put an end to 'guilt by
association' processes and place
1 the burden of proof on government
I in some of these investigative so-
Gas Line Gets
Judge's Okay
' SPOKANE Ifi An order by
Federal Judge Chase Clark Mon
dcy enjoined Trans-Northwest Gas,
. Inc.. from any action to hinder
plans of the Northwest Natural
Idas Co. to pipe natural gas Inlo
jthe Pacific Northwest from Can
ada. I In an oral opinion. Judge Clark
also said Trans-Nr.lhwest should
release all franchises and licenses
it has obtained for main trunk
pipelines to the Northwest Com-
i pany.
I Northwest Natural contended In
lis suit t'mt Paul Graves, now
ITrans-Northwest president, was Its
attorney in 1048 -id 194!).
Northwest Natural Is one of sev
eral companies seeking a franchise
to imnort gss from Alberta. Trani
Northwest has received permission
from several counties In Washing
ton State to build pipelines.
AnnroNimntelv (i.noo.mn n'ec- '
lllnen are used annualyy by Pull
man car passengers.
People DO TOO
read small space
ads - you are!
parnM yta?i(ou)
' : ' ABC"
WASHINGTON lTl 8n limit as
President Trutunn, r.s heiul n( the
party, remained a iio'-.lhlp tuiull
ilale iinrertnlnly a jotit his lutrii
lions kept mor.t would-bo IJcnio
cratlo randldatra i.uini.
Not all of them, of ronrsr, Hen
ators Kefnuver and Kerr have limi
bi-nl.lnj tha bushe. And Hen. itiii.
sell of Georgia aniwmcra his enn-
dldaey although, in his iimiiiI ciulrt
way, he hasn't said inui-li yet.
But the otherwise forced Qiilclmlr
among the Democrats ennlilrd
them to enjoy. If only for a short 'Hie ADA Mipiiorti'd the Dnno
while, Ihe speclncln of the Itrpub-' t-rul r. in the 1IMH pin lion and suine
Itcans being split Inio fact tuns on '(,f us nirmbers wire a KUldlnu
views and candldairs.
It Is still too euilv to see how
deep ami Irreparable (lie split
deep ami Irreparable llie split
among Ihe Rnpubllrans Is or how
much damage It will do their hopes
of winning Iho eleoilon In Novem
In some ensrs, piirtlculitrlv
among the candidates themselves,
it.. .,.1 .,..1.1 ...... I,...,.. h.,1.1.
For ' lnstnnrc, between Tafl unci
Strsen " nilMiiKiit II iney ucnrve iiiiniiin
It Is illlflcult to s-e how Stiissrn, rcllrenirut will henl old sores and
vho has said Till I In the While put all Iho Deniocrals In i one liar
Home would hp an American ti n-, nr.-.s. a political coi'illtlon wli i n
vedy, could ever cunipalv:u lor Ihe
Ohloan if Tft gets the puny noui-
i ination.
Bui President Trtinian's derision
I not to run sitnln hs dumped llie
Democrats Inlo the same sciilcllnu
pol which has made Ihe liepubh -
jeans' fncei red' A wide-open
i.erambi" with pleu'y of time and
room lor parly splits and bitter
Southern Deinocr.ils have stood
firm attains! Trimi'in brcHiie of
his civil rights program and would
have remained so II he ran again
although. Infect. Iriuiian did fur
more talking than noting on civil
1 nuhis,
I ill's been Ihe Sunrrnie Court,
through repeated derisions, which
has acted on civil rlphta, nol Ihe
PrplripnL nr PnnureriM I
The division between the Sciilh
and Truman was so ileen thai It
ihe had been nomln.ilrd he mlclii
have Ion the South rnd thu the
election in this year x.licn Hie Deiu -
locrutlc nollMctniii know they have
Blue Coral. Please!
Thai's all you have to say to restore
your car to a beautiful Lustre I
fnii. I j
It costs only $20 and you can use our
Budget Plan if you so desire. Our polish
man is an expert.
7h and Klamath
This reiillallon niny hnv been
line of the main iru'.oni, If nut Hie
urlnclpiil line, which Inducfd Tru
man nut to seek nuothrr term,
tut Ills withdrawal Is no giuiralitce
Hint the division won't reninln.
Sunday, within Iras limn '.M huiiin
niter Tiiiinnn nnnciinced his re
tlreiiiciil, the unvcinliig board ol
Aniei'li'iins lor Deniucratlu Aillun
ADA served notice on the Ui'imi-
criitlc pa rlv It mii'it not abandon
llta civil rights prou'mn.
I force In piilllni: a civil rlHhls nlnnk
lint" the Deiiiiicrail.- pliiKoini, a
move which allrniiifd Hdiilherners.
move wrucn anriuura oimint-i
ADA people will be at the I;
rrnilc convention m I'lilcami
Inly mid. IiuIkIiik front the notice
v .Mirii Mummy , win nc jiimbs
yielding on civil tlulits ra thrv
were lour enrs nu-o, a siuiiuimi
: which w ill liarillv soothe the Houlh
So Drinocriillc poliilcliiii; iniiv or
I'Mimnn h'm elt ainge-.ie.i Hiiiiduy
ullhoiiKh noi In thoie words.
Civil rights will cerliilnly be unr
ni llie Iviiph ninnim Driuocinls
,.m mny be one ol llir niiiin run-""
oi pnrtv slnle, bu". not nrcev.Pi'Uy
iiii" onlv one now ihl Truman lin
pulled Hi" wraps ff all would-be
itiKltc.Hrs. Icnvln-; them Irec to
scimublr for Ihe 'ob
j '
I ANDERSON. Hid. 'T - llie In. (
l"' Woman's Christian I '')
era lire Union has ordered 51. Jin
i'n "I 'run Juice lo be sent to.
service men In Korea, ;
i Mrs. Herman Stanley, stiite Pres. I
; ident, said rucli t ' j-ounce can will
linve Us own opener iiiiukeu Kill
,,r lit,. UTM't! nt ltullniin
Average annual temperature al
the Hole Is about- zero, and thai
' r.l the collator about 80 degrees-
i Ki-hrenhell. 1
you can't find a bet
ter polish than the
Cadillac Blue Coral
Register to Vote - Now!
mum co.
tire preserver!
Juliana To
Visit In US
AMH'IKHDAM, 'Hie Nelherlanih
i.n yuri-ii Jullaiin of The Nelli-
erliind i rlirei ed by IhotiHanris of
her subjects Ml by plane Turs.
liny fur n month's visit to the Unit
ed Hlnles and C'liiimlii.
The Hfl-ycni-olil inoniircirg linir
engine Coiir.iellnllo,i 1'lt the uii
ny. Miow-piilihril M.-hlphol Alrllelil
Itli.l beloio noon. The mieen Is din
in Wai.hlnulon lute VVeilliCMlay. sli
er an oiernliilil "beauty nlrcp" to
III Guilder, Newfoundland.
Travelling with hr are her lwv
bund, I'nnco llrinliiiiil. Dutch Km.
elgn Minister Dirk U. Btlkker anil
11 others.
JilM before her depurluro she
told newsmen she was "very miicli
looking forward" In her visit to llie
Hulled Hlnles where she hnld she
wnulil be able In "eslublMi ir
l til contiiciH tor our country."
A main purpose ol her Irln Is
to snv "lliiink vou" for American
aid to The Netherlands since llir
In Washington, whero she will
inrke a llirre-dav -tale visit, Hie
ciuecit will be Hi" first aiiest i.f
Preaiilenl and Mrs. Truman In the
rebuilt White Home.
Firemen Wait While
House Burns Down
EUGENE Firemen here
said "It unites us ef I rotten
:.t and let a hoti-e burn down
Hut Hint Is what they did when
flames destroyed all Ule belong-inn-
ot Mrs. R. C. Mllllrain
Imnllv In a limine lire In the
Wilh'Knuie District north of line
Chief Ed HiiiIiis nld hl depait
inent "Iiiih been ordered by ihe city
ciinncll to MiMver rnlln only In
side the city and where rural aren
have irsde eoiilructs with the city
lor fire protection."
Despite a number of liou-o
fires In Ihe Wlllakenrle area a tire
protection district hns not brrn
Phone 4103
We take better care of your car