Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, April 01, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUKHDAY, AI'HIL 1,1 52
nM, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , -VKJWWWMjSJ
roiir-ll Club Members will pre
'lit flrniointrallon In the window
n the Gun Kloie, Kuturday, April
ft, ntartlnir nl 0:110 a.m. f oul -II
Irndern who linvo inmtiuern to dmn
oiuilrulo tihiilild contact Mrs. M. O.
. i II Diioli, Henley, r'tnliiiinn of Ihr
pniHiuni or luijlly die roui -H club
iilfkm... ,, . . ,
Hatir K'nmrd -Mr. mid Mm. linn
lOmrlck ol llic Hiirtiii; Lake dlnlrlnl
have nnitied their rrw lfiunhlf r
ltu.1i ,Ann.
Thuritduy Nlilil -- Permit mid
I'alroiii, Bly, iiicoIIiik Tliurrdny 8
), in, lit llir k liool hour, will nee
mode ! nl , prlnir miIU nlmwn by
t ho Home Extrusion members.
Tim f'lvle Improvement Club.
Fort Kliiiiintli li itlvmt a card tiur
IV Prldny f vrnliiK In Hie clubhouse.
iHdge, 1 1 o -1 I . i.ii tin ni a and mini''
v.'lll be played an.l rrfreHhnientn
hcrvnd. Biiitirday, i n.in.. the tilub
I huldlnit a cooked food nnd plant
mile In llic cliibliowe.
roc, Valley Home Ruanvinlm
Olub. mnt .l the liunie pi Mrn.
Kb Hlitl) today, i p.m.' '
April I -Ib lini-nliilit at I'ne Val
ley uremia hull. Oo have a world
nl Inn nnd lirlp llir llmne fci'o
imnilrit club raise money lor the
uulldliiK lund.
I ulrluvrn Home Extension will
hold npeclnl meellmc on 'Textile
I'alntlrui." Friday. 10 a.m. nt the
home ul Mm. I.ee llolllday, Keno
Road, rotluek- luncheon will be
t.crved at noon.
Regular -Meellnfi ol the Shut In
mi-nil Club will be held 7:30 p.m.
In the Chamber ol Commerce room
ftedncudny. All member are tinted
to be present.
Home Arlil Mrs. Jloberta 'D C
MoCleo, Kofi Book correspondent
lor the Herald and New who ha
noent the rest three month.i In
Miami B-ach with her mother, Mm
Jrnnle BcliiieWer returned her luM
nliiht. Bhe1 wna accompanied south
bv her youn koii David. The trana
lonllntiitnl trip was made on the
SuntcC -Limited. Mr. and Mrn, Me
Oee'ure spending two days at Uie
Wliiewe, before leaving lor their
home, HO miles from Klamath
' '' ' '
llenler Oranee will' meet Wed
nesday.' P.m. A "lm deplelitiii
the Bond .that Faster Seal Baleis
do for crippled children and adult"
mil be nhon; Thoae attending Mil
Hive an April Tool Joke played on
romeonele or one tried on ihem.
All reraona-partirlpallng In the
Church Choir renlvel mawed
chorus are requested to report for
rehearsal Wednesday. April 3. at
0 00 p.m. In Pelican Court. Andrew
Loney will be choir director.
Pelican Puat No. 1383 VFW and
Auxiliary will have a uotluck nup
per nt the club room Thursday.
April 3, 8.30 p.m. At 8 p.m. there
will be Joint Installation of officers
01 pot and auxiliary.
Tulclake-Extenslon meellnit will
be Thursday, Ajjrll J. Time 1:30
lo 3:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
K. H. 8cott. Subject for discus
slon "Good Home LlRhtintr." and
Llnu of supplies needed lor next
meeting on "LampMiadea.",
Klamath County Republican Cen
tral Committee will hold a Tegular
meeting In the Clrcrll Court room,
Friday, 8 p.m. lor the piirpmo ol
IrnnnkcllfK Hie reiiiiiar burilnesn of
Uie Committee mid Candidates
niulit. 'the btute Chairman will be
Nor, I Club-Aluhii OK8 meets
I'riduy, 1:45 p.m. In the Manonlo
Hull. Deweit will be nerved with
t'lii'di Inllowliiii. A 1 1 hiinlmi Star
ineiiibers nt cordl.illy Invited.
Klamalh l;nlt Nn 8, American
Legion Auxlilmy iil'ins a rcuulur
ineclliiK UmlKhl, 8 o'clock In Uie
vnwmi'i ivleuio. lal Mall. i'li'. Hxl
Ole, Pan American Chnlinian will
Imve Mrs, Clarence Wiird an uueu
speaker. Her topic will be Cuba
wiiero nho linn visited,
:amp Klre Leader's A'-miHhUoii
vjIII meet Wcdnede" nt the Metho
dist Church, 7:30 p.m. The pronrnm
will be on dli.h Kiirden mnkliiK.
alldes on Camp ui'.d Ony C'nnip
will be shown,
I'ne Valley- ki uiiko Is sponsorlnK
a liin-milhl, rilduy, April sth at
t p in. 'mere will be b.iiko. tnl.e,
walk, itrnb bR, piles. A free
luiicli will be served and the puoi:c
Is Invited.
;holr Prac tlre -Jubs Unimhlers
choir practice will lit held at 4 : IB
p.m. Wcdneiidny at the Masonic
Intension llaases Kvenlnd
classes In tjplng iird print pro
cesses are being held nt Klnmnth
Union hluh school. Typing clnises
are Mondpy and Wednesdnv eve
nings In Room 104 nnd print pro
cesses In room 3i3 on Tucsduy
evenincji. ' .
Merrill Library Club-will hold
Its regular monlhly meeting April
3 at the home of Mrs. George
; Milne. Mrs. I.eon Street will give
a book report on "My Cousin
rtnchael," and all members are
urged to atiend.
I.rsvlni by plane April 4 for
Anchorage. Alnskn are Mrs. Fay
Knnpp and two small sons, Jimmy
and Korter. They will Join Mrs.
Km-lip's husband. .Inines E. Knspp
;ho Is employed by the Alaskan
Railroad In Anchorage.
Arrived Gordon Dolnn. accom-
fianled by his alstcr. Mrs. Wlnnl
red Cherrymsn, boih of I.os Angeles-
arrived yesterday In Dolnn's
private plane to spend some time
with their mother. Mrs. l.ucinda
Dolan. Ill at the home nf her daush
ter and son-in-law. Mr. nnd Mrs
Hugh O'Connor. Mrs. Dolan Is bed
fnst following a recent fall.
Arrived Pall O'Connor, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Connor,
student at Bl. Mnry's Notre Dnme
has been cnPrd to the bedside ol
her mother, ill In Mercy Hospital,
Red Bluff. Two oiher daughters,
Man- Lou and KaHileen and Mr.
O'Connor are nlso with her. Word
; reaching here today Is that she is
slightly Improved.
Given Youth .
Two-vesr probation sentence 'vas
given IB-yei.r-old John J. Hawkins,
3iri3 l.odl Kl., Monday afternoon In
Circuit Court here,
Hiiwklns pleaded guilty to charge
of entering motor vehicle with
Inlenl lo sleal. He was accuied
nf brrsklng Into n beer truck Dec,
0. lliril, at Western Wholesalers,
1 003 E. Mnln, with three other
Two of tlm youths are serving
five yeur prison lei ins for breuk
lug prnbi'.tlon given them late In
December. 'Ilie lourlh youth was
alio given two years probation.
Hu.klii wns Indicted by the
grand Jury last Friday on the
charge nnd had been roe on bail.
Officers Nab
Fast Driver
A high speed "hide and seek"
chase In surburbnn residential area
Monday night resulted In arrest by
Btute Police nl an 18-venr-old OIT
j Undent on chnrge of reckless driv
ing. Held In Die County Jail overnight
anil slatcrl lor District Court ap
pearance thin iillernoon was Elmer
Lemur Morlcy. Oreech.
Lompiiiiiit came Into the State
Patrol olflce shortly alter 8 p.m.
that a "souped-up" Ford was speed
lint on Hlinsla Way.
Shortly alter 10 p.m. a patrol
our spotted the Ford speeding off
8. Oth onto Hhnsta Way. The Po
lice car look chav! si 10 miles an
hour but lo it contact whrn the car
turned off Us lights and parked on
Hummers i.ane mm again when It
turned Into n driveway.
When Morley was finally caught,
he admitted driving recklessly. He
said he had been driving about
60 miles an hour don Bhastn Way
and then coming to s audden stop
lo test his brskes.
Tie car, Morley told the officer,
had been used In "drag races" nl
Super Hot Rod
Driver Nabbed
BRATTLE Wl Trnfllc police In
the Bealtle area heaved n sigh of
idler T'u.'.eday the driver of
248-horsepower hot rod hns been
arrested and charted with speed
ing and reckles driving.
The car, super souped-up 1040
Ford coupe, has three carburetors
and reportedly has been clocked
In time trlnls at 137. miles an hour.
The driver. John D. Achcson. said
lt was capable of 140.
Two deputies tsggrd Acheson aft
er a llve-inlle. high-speed chafe
through downtown H'sltle and over
the Lake Washington Flouting
In filing the complaint against
Acheson Monday. Prosecutor
Charles O. Carroll nald:
"State Patrolman Hugh Fergu
son, I'm told, takes off after ihl
coupe every time ne sees It, but
has never been able to catch It,
and Is becoming frustrated."
List Here
A llr.t ol securities Involved In
coi poMle reorganisation proceed
Jugs prepared by the Becurlties and
. Lxchunge Commission has been ob
tained by William Owens ol the
I Owens Investment Service and
jinny be consulted at his olflce.
j 'Die securities are thou ol corr
IPoralions which have reorganized
.and Issued new securities which
i me supposed to have been ex
changed lor the old.
Huch reorganizations generally
.stipulate a period ol time In which
the securities can be converted,
and alter that time they are voided.
According to SEC, persona who
own maybe Just one or a few shares
and who forget about them arc
most likely ( lone their Invest
ments by tailing to keep abreast
ol such reorganizations.
Anyone having old ecurllles laid
away may consult the list ol about
200 issuea at the Owens olllee to
ascerliln they have exchanges
or possibly cash coming.
i LOS ANGELES i A dancer
I who wouldn't take a drink wants
I to become Miss Sober again.
Mrs. Scima Mnry Flnl, 32, ob
tained a divorce from Silvio A,
Flnl, 34. abo a dnncer, Monde.v.
8he testified he berated her con
stantly because she refused to
i drink with him. She asked tho
i court to restore her maiden name.
Selma Mary Sober.
for a politick lunch.
Trallblaier Cadets Meeting
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., nt the home
ol AurrllM Patterson, 6S4 N. 2nd
nt. Important meeting and all
members urged to nltend.
! KASIttl Due to aviation meet
ing In Portland, the regular KASRU
meeting tins been postponed until
April 7. Pilots Cluo. 8 p.m.
Scouts Explorers Post 42 Is to
meet at the Flr.'.t Presbyterian
church tomorrow, 7:30 p.m.
Police Break
Dope Ri
j SU..11, VP i"ui:cc, iuu:u wy
I tips Iroin U. 8. Icdcrnl agents,
seized more than hall n million
I dollars worth ol V. S. -bound drugs
and arrested at least seven persons
In raids stretching from Milan to
Sicily, 11 was dl'j:losed Tuesday.
j Among thoi arrested or still
sought as suspects In an Inter
national dope ring were men re
ported previously deported Iroin
the United Slates.
The new cleanup of Italian
elements In the ring Marled 10 dnys
ago at Alcamo, Sicily, where police
seized large quantities of heroin
hidden In a false-bottomed trunk.
They aald they arrested Frank
Mancuso. whom they Identified as
Having been deported from the
United States.
Olllcers mid thev later raided
the residence near Rome of Frank
Coppola and found another lnrgc
nuanllly of heroin. Coppola, also
Identified as having been deported
from the United States, escaped
and Is being hunted by polict;
throughout Italy.
Names Prexy
Mary Wells Is the newly elected
president of the Auxiliary to the
Veterans ol Foreign Wars. Other
olllcers are Margaret Oelharr, vice
president: Mildred Larrlck, junior
lice president; Tessle Bechtol,
chaplain; Charlotte Canoy, patriotic
Instructor; Theresa Allesch, guard;
Lucille Bukosha, conductress; Dag
ncy Scbeznk, secretary; Roemond
Briinnon, treasurer.
Violet Harvy and Margaret Long,
color bearers; Esther Belllnghani.
'elrontlla Solle; Vera Mulllns, ban
ner bearer; Bee Nelt, Hag bearer;
Kdna Caldwell, historian; Mable
Brochtrup, Installing conductress
assisted by Alta Thompson.
Patricia Henry will be Installing
officer, the three year trustee will
be Dora Lohrey, two year Flor
ence Yound, one year, Annie Mc
Olivary. Faye Myers will serve on
the sick committee.
Installation will be April 3, 8
p. in. Friends are Invited.
Merrill Hi Senior
Class Plans Play
MERRILL The senior class of
Merrill High will present a 3-act
mystery-comedy "The Case ol the
Missing Heirs" Friday In the gym.
Curtain time In 8 p.m.
Dick Reeves and Bruce Sanders
play the leads, and others leatured
are Billy Welshans. Wesley Has
kins. Billy Barber. Frelda Schlecht,
Alice S afford. Pat Noonan. Eve
lyn Ochs and Roberta Klrtley.
Maria Bledsoe Is the director. The
'public Is Invited.
CHICAGO lift Here's a cool
note in the hot political situation.
I Two big air conditioning ma
chines arrived In Chicago Monday
tor installation in the International
Amphitheatre where the two na
tional conventions will be held in
: July.
Square Dance
Session Set
Southern Oregon square dancera
will dunce Wednesdav evening at
the exhibit building at the fair
grounds to the calling of Les Gotcb
! er. nationally known caller and
' creator ol some of the most popu
1 lar squares.
He called his first Allamande
! lefts at the age of 11, keeping time
to the music while he stood on
I an overturned washtub to keep
i the splinters out of his feet.
I Movie stars taught by Mr. Gotch
!er to square dance include Hedy
Lamarr. Andy Devlne. George
Burns, Gracle Allen, Dick Powell.
June Allbon, Van Johnson, Clau
dette Colbert and many others.
He also makes recordings for
Capitol records and Is the author
of numerous square dances popu
lar among local dance fans.
He Is being sponsored by the
Klamath Basin square Dance Call
ers and Instructors Council.
I Wlncma Welfare Club-will hold
Its annual silver lea April 10 at
2 30 p.m. nt the Wlnemn Farms
.in Tulelake.. Mrs. Dorothea Buck
,u ill Klve a book ivvlew of the life i Auditorium. There will be Installs
of Florence Nightingale. All pro- lion of officer.".
ceccls from the lea will go to the
Red Cross.
Rnald LodgeNo. 39 Is to meet
Friday. 8 p.m. In the. City Library
The summit of Mount McKinley,
Alaska, is 20,300 feet above sea
I Potlutk Lnnch 8'. Mary's altar
society will meet at Sacred Heart
parish hall Wednesday at 1 p.m.
Theta Rha practice Wednesday,
7:30 p.m. in the IOOF Hall.
Square Danee Tonight at 8 In
iElks Lodge. Otto Ellis will call.
PANMUNJOM, Korea Wi-Spring
planting began Tuesday in the rice
paddles around this truce talk vil
lage. Oxen pulled crude plows as
peasant families worked fields un
der the watchful eyes of Chinese
security guards.
II IM . I rri
: fill eHltfllJMOTMItSJ
19 UIVI 1
"iuij tost l ;cxm ) , :
btjiot to i ii ,
flail.' mt
not one crooked seam!
in the easier parade J'-olg
of smart girls who .'i
, . ' 'dm
wear stockings ,(:
51 feuft, IS Jeaief leeatlew arlMS, u-t :
' Celers, bell rase ni atiita teerfie.
. . ' 4.'.: ';:""': . '. ;
Wonderfully new
and different I
I lt' a
. Food Freezer M
yt, and Refrigerator M
1 1
677S Down '. ,
Model IR-106. Only
'. 78 weeks to poy balance. Caih price only $448,75
Alio tee the two other Cyclo-malle Frlgldalrei and the -new
Deluxe, Matter and Standard Models, too.
Priced from $209.75
New end excluilve
Zero zone Ltvelcold in the Food Freeier,
Super-iafe Levelcold In the Refrigerator
end In (he Hydro ton regordeu of out
sida temperatures I
New and exclusive
All ihelvu roll out full length
put all food right at your finger tips I
And you get all these exclusive
Mgidalre features, tool
All-porcelain Interior
Famous Meter-Miser mechanism
One-piece Steel Cabinet
Qulckubt Ice Trays
Raymond Loewy Styling ,
3.98 5.
Wonderful, wonderful values, end hundreds
ef them in beloved nylon blouses. Pick
your pet style . . mandarin necklines,
Jewel, pert little collars, every sleeve
length. For sheer beauty, minimum cere,
the loveliest compliment to your Easter
costume, choose one of our frothy
nylon blouses.
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3S4I Swift t '
(OiMtt 24 kn. Ivfrrr ttrt)
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124 No. 4h
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