TUKSDAY, Al'ltll. 1, 052 H1CHALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FAIXS. OrtEGON PAGE THRKff Klamath Marine Assigned To Jet Engine Training NICHOLAS LONG, JR. Seaman U.S. navy, in ono of 2!00 men aboard the IISS Iowa which left San Diego, . March 10,- hound for the Kar Kasl. Young Long Is with the radio di vision on hoard .ship, lie enlisted Dec. 27. lOISl. Kn routc a slop was made nt Honolulu and Seaman Long In company with two oilier navy personnel rented a car and toured the island lof Oahu. He wrolo a vivid 'descriptive review of his first glimnse of Hawaii in a recent letter homo. Local Man With Ncvv Mr, nnc! Mm. Nicliolm Lnntc, I.iikrshorr Drive, imrfnu ol Bi-n- mnn Nlclioln I.miK Jr., aervluK nbourd tlic Mntlli'tililp Inwn rmmuo to the For Kiwt (or ncvcrnl nioitUift iluly nre In receipt o( n letter Iror.i the Comiiiniidliw OHlcrr, Ciipluln W. R. Hmccllirrii, copy o( ono ncnt to ench ol (he 2.(00 men ubourd. lie asMirrd Unit everything ptH tillile hud been done lor the health, imltey nnd comfort of the men unci Unit the uhlp wan well equlpiied to mccl the nuorj ot en Knmnent. 'Ilie nlilp Ik In comtimt rodla roninninlcnllnn wilh the Htnten nrrt tiruent mnuiuiiM mny be iient by MARINE CORPS AIR STATION Kl TOKO, Calif. Murine M-SkI, WIIHiun D. Ilonrk, ton of Mr. nnd Mm. Wllllmii II. lioiirk, Modoc Point Iiiih been umiIkiimI lo a Jct enulne nchool lit Hiirllorcl, Conn, whore he will umlcino mi liitcn Mvn thren-werk courno In Jot-cnulno miilntennnce. PrrniMitly uliitloned with n Mu rine Fluhler Squadron ill the Kl Toro Murine 6'orpn Air Stiitlon, Hut, rtoiuk will return to that atii lion upnu tlio completion of Jiln iichonlhiK, A veternii of over 10 yearn Mu rine Corp ncrvlcc, Sgl. Roark law Intcnitlve action with Murine avhi Hon unit In the South nnd Went ci i) Paclflti dnrliiK World War II, unci entered Tokyo hurbor with the anrrender fleet. Amoim the Ilrt Mnrlnea to no nveranua when the Korean War broke, he hpciiI 10 mnnlhn fluhtlnu CoininiinlMl lorcen In Korea. The bemediili'd veteran weai-K the Letter of Commendation Hlbnon; Navy Prenldentlal Unit Citation will) two turn; American Theater SP Adds To Engine Fleet An Important addition la South ern Pacific Company' very Iiu'kc licet or dicnei locomotivca wan an nounced today by I). J. Kiif.itell, PreMdent ol the Southern Paclllc. Oiilern are belnn placed lur 'i'l locomollven roninrl.ilrm IBB units. 'I'he new locomollvca will ulvv Southern Pacific 1.770.000 home IKiwer In II n dlencl (lect, Runm! nald. Tile current ordera lor new dlenclH will bring Southern PacK Ic a Investment In dleseln to HBO,. 000.000 lnce V-J Day. 'I7i orders are divided amoiiK the lollowlnir coinpnnicn: EMectro Motive, Ualdwln-Uma - Hamilton. American Locomotive, and fair- uanaa-Momo, Ribbon: Anlatlr-Parlllc Ribbon with two Mara; Navy Occupational Rib bon or Japan; World War II Vic tory million; China Service Medal; Korean Hlbbou with two atnra; United Nation Ribbon and the Ko rean Government Presidential Unit Citation. Married lo Hie former Mary Fal lon ol OraiiKC, Calif., he In prea fully rcnldlnif with Ills wife and four-year-old daiiKhter, Carol, at 410 North ClrtUH Ave., In Orange. Willie Sutton Found Guilty NEW YOK Muster Crim inal WIIMc iTho Anion Hiitlon wan convlcl.eil Tlim'fi'iiy of ulimlng a $IH,WK ban IT holdup while he whj, the nallon'a niost-kouulit (uiglllvn. An all-male Jury returned nullty verdlcla alter more than nine bourn and Ida key henchman, Thomas iSrupi Kllnir. Oueenn County Judge Peter T. Farrell remanded the pair to Jail for sentencing. No dale was act. The two dclendantn displayed no emotion ai the Jury foreman droned "guilty" (our llmca for each defendant on founts ot robbery, burglary, assault, and grand lar ceny. . Sutton, HI, and Kllng, 4f, were charged with holding up the Sun nysldc branch ol the Manufacture March B, 1050. fcach of the defendant faces up to 30 years In prlton. lelegrain through proper channels to be radioed to position. Young Long enlisted December 27. toil. Keep Off The Grass For Awhile Conger Field Is In Rood condition mil Recreation Director Bob Bon- ,ney wants to keep It that way. j Unnney Is asking persona to atav oil the new grass until at least I April 15. The recreation depart- huent la alto planning to fence the una. I'nlrvlew. Recreation and Klwnn Is Parks can be used. Bouncy aald. Truce Talks Sent To High Level MUNSAN, Korea, W Htalf officer gave up Tuesday on the Russian question and handed It to top Korean truce negotiators 10 settle. A n ' armlsllce subcommittee meeting waa scheduled lor Thurs day to take up the argument en whether Russia fhould be named a "neutral nation" lo help police a truce In Korea. Communists, who first raised the Issue In a stall meeting six weeks ago. Insisted on the switch to the higher level. The Russian Issue Is one of three major stumbling blocks to an armistice. Despite the triple block. Informed sources said Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy hones to have a "truce In his pocket" when he quits as chief Allied negotiator to become super intendent of the U. S. Naval acad em" mt iftpolls. ' .. Robert P. Briscoe will . Joy ai commander ol Naval ..ces In the Far Kasl early this summer. The subcommittee meeting al 11 a.m. Thursday may also tackle a second key lusue whether the Reds will be allowed to repair and build alrflcVls. The third Issue, Involving ex change of prisoners, Is being uis. cussed by staff officers In secret sessions. Col. Oeorgc W. Hickman report ed only thnt "further discussions " were .held Tuesday on a Red plan lo release, prisoners on the ba-.ls oi iisia aireaay exchanged. New York City's subway and ele vated lines carry nearly 2,000,000, Ooo passengers annually. m (jalhoun'A MIRRORS fr Bf rmm In th hml ft!? r. Main GJ Shoots Officer To Death As Best Way Out LAMPASAS, Tex. 11 A 19. year-old private shot a young ofll cer to death as a way out ol the Army Monday while bewildered onlookers sat motionless. District Atty. James K. Evens of Helton, Tex., quoted Pvt. Michael F. Kunak of Baltimore, Md., us saying, "I decided the best way lo get out ol the army was to kill a man." Kvetu said Kunak made an oral statement to him. other and In the presence of a newspaner Evctls riuoted Kunak as sayln? "Thore's nothing straight In my mind. I know I was wrong. Kunak was Jailed by SherIK Lu ther B. Person who said the young private used a bullet he had made out of a blank cartridge. Person said friends of Kunak said he had been moody for sever: icporter regarding the fatal shoot' ing of 2nd Lt. Howard Wllllammn. about 22, of Washington, North Ca rolina around noon Monday. Williamson was shot In a Long Horn maneuvers bivouac. Witness es said a young soldier walked Into the oMIcers' mess tont of the 82r,d Airborne Division Signal Compauv, leveled a .30 caliber carbine al Williamson and fired. Then the soldier told startled officers. "I don't have any more ammunition." Kvetts said Kunak told of num erous attempts to get an army die charge. "I had nothing 8 galas t the man." Rear-end trouble In an automo- officers i bite often can be traced directly lo a grabbing clutch allowed to go Tlie United Nations Command Tuesday rejected a Communist protest that Allied planes or artil lery bombarded the Panmunjom conference zone with propaganda leaflets. The Reds said It happened March 25. The U. N. said the closest any propaganda leaflet were dropped that day was nine miles away. Besides, the Allies noted, only 30 leaflets were found In the conference area. An air craft packet contains 3.000, an ar tillery shell at least 500. The rejection was handed to thr Reds In the staff officer talk on truce supervision. unrepaired too long. al days.' The sheriff expressed the opinion the youth would be turned over tr. the Army authorities. SCRATCHLESS... CLEANS CARS FAST mffiffJs, ijffi NOW IN COLORS... AT REGULAR PRICES i ax lent Brand-new way to please folka on Lntan Hnv. .7. Brand-new way to please folka on Lenten daya. nerve tiuy bhrmp-foloto Uakenw in coat, to pa in taste! And a breeze to make with ready-cooked Blue Plate Canned .Shrimp.. .plump, tender, full of deep-sea goodness. No peeling. No waate.ii5-oe.ean of blue Plate Shrimp eaual to 14b. whole raw thrimp, FLUFFY" SHRIMP-POTATO BAKE 4 medium baked potatoes, hoi 2 labletp, butter or margarine Salt and pepper lo last Vt tup milk i cup cubed American cheat I J-oi. can Blue Plate Shrimp ' I I I I CANNED CUQIMD - - " - w . Lutalice from top of each potato, scoop out potato and mash. Add butter, milk. Whip until fluffy. Mix in cheese and ahrimp, saving a few shrimp for gar nishing. Fill potato shells with mixture. Top with shrimp, lightly oiled to keep from drying. Heat in 3SO" oven (mod.) until potatoes are browned and thoroughly hot. 4 servings. LSDuePflcaOe AT HOME with her HAMAAOND SPIN ET ORG AN NANCY'S BEAUTY SHOP 1826 Homcdale Road Telephone 7080 Opn Evtnlngt by Appointment PARKING AVAII.AM.B fMl Mill'0" SOMAS' ,M Mliiinu ... " "011AR view $(m to SAM FRANCISCO to PORTLAND PLUS TAX-Includes 75c reserved seat charge Here's the daytime luxury streamliner to San Francisco or Portland that everyone can afford. A soft, reclining foam-rubber seat is reserved just for you beside an extra large "skyview picture window" through which you see a panorama of exciting scenery. You'll enjoy the gay Timberline Tavern car, coffee shop car, dining car. You'll marvel at the smooth, diesel-powered riding comfort, feather touch doors, baggage elevators and many other modern conveniences. Going North? Lv. Klamath Fills .... 4:41 p.m. Ir. Eujeni 7 1:39 p.m. Ar. Albany 9:2G p.m. Dr. Salem 9:56 p.m. , Ir. Portland 11:15 p.m. All Shasta Daylight chair seats reserved. Call local 'agent for reservations. L ''' r v . i) I n Going South? S 1 'JlL' l. Klamath Tails .... 2:23 i.m 1H l eA'f 1 r'S" f,,IICisC, ":'5Pm lXVl ' (Pacific StMdari Time) fwmi $ pjlt W. S. McBride, Agent ,; Phono 2-2301 i u r a i Me NtciVV u a t t v ynn tu tiilut AN ENDLESS MIRACLE OF INFINITE TONAL SHADING AT HER FINGER TIPS HAMMOND SPINET ORGAN ADDS TO A LOVELY HOME A TOUCH OF . ENCHANTMENT f . , '7 Pictured above is Geraldine, Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson of Tulelake, at home with her Hammond Spinet Or gan. Geraldine, a freshman in Tulelake High School and : a 4-H . worker, won the county 1951 4-H award for cooking. She has had her organ for about a year and has taken organ lessons during that time. Her mother and father and Mrs. Johnson's mother, Grand ma Mattson, spend happy hours listening to Geraldine's music. Geraldine will play the Hammond Spinet Organ on KFLW during Louis R. Mann Piano Company's "Stop and Shop',' at 11:20 tomor row morning. , ;..'";'..! , inir n r n 7 n m k n i n s t . m v i m u u KHi n. I n n i n o i 120 NORTH 7th PHONE 7182