T PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUKSDAV. APRIL 1, it . .! ii i i,, i ii .ii - 1 1 1 "i r'r.M' Tu-1it. Kvenlnf, April 6:00 Sports Highlights 8:19 l.'onit Town News 6:23 World Newi Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6-49 Hod Una Edition ABC 6:53 Coming Attraction oil ABC 7:00 Createbt Story ABC I.iK.ui'd ii'eat c ABC 6:00 Met Audltioni of Air ABC :: i ; ' -iebU 10:00 40 PM Headline! . . -. . .atcball' 11:00 Newt Summary 11:09 SUn Off KFLW Wednesday, April 2 6:00 Sign On New Summary 6:09 Corn In the Morn 6:49 Farm art 7:00 Newi. Bl:fLt. Edition - 7:13 Charl'e'a Rounoup 7:30 Bob Garret! Newi ABC I-ai Tf.n o' the Morning 7:99 John Conte ABC fc.ud brcMKtail cluu ABC 6:00 Hank Henry Show Q.M Break the Bank ABC I0:ti0 Chet Huntley ABC J J0:30 My True Story ABC )0:95 Whispering StreeU ABC 11:13 Stop St Suop 11:30 Against Storm ABC 11:45 Mutiral Roundup 11:93 Market Report 12:L0 New, Noon Edition 12:15 Pa .vie ii Sidewalk Show 12:30 Lucky-U Ranch ABC rc'l Kw ABC 3:13 Belter Living la.y Mu.ai.-et McBrldt ABC Easln Briefs 3:19 When a Girl Marriei ABC i:. t J( ye let an, ii ABC 3 45 Rom. Evelyn Winter ABC 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:19 Td Malone AEC 3:30 Dean Cameron ADC 3:49 Marv Marlln AEC 'CD itequrrtful'y Vnura ft:60 Eun Factory ABC 5:2i World ubiH reporter ABC 3:30 Chet Huntley ABC f :4o B St B TV 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:19 Home Town News 6:29 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:39 Coining Attractions on ABC 7:ui 'the Lne Ranger ABC 7:.T Bfysipry Theater ABC B OO The Top Guy ABC C:30 Pacific Coast Batebalt 10:00 10 P.M. Headline? 10:19 Pdfie Coast Baseball .. 11:00 News' Summary . . 11:09 Sign Off KMJ Tnesrtav Evening;, April I 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:19 Klamath Theater Quiz 6:30 Around Town New 6:0 Pimethlnsr to Thin1 bout 6:43 Sam Hayes N'ewa MBS 6:59 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Black Museum MBS 7:30 Peter Salem MBS 8- 00 Count Monte Cristo MBS 8:30 Roving at Rudy's 8:45 Heidelberg Hermonaires 9:00 Glenn Hardy-News MBS 9:19 Fulton Lewis-News MBS 9:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 9:45 Sports Finrl 9- 53 5-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 t Lev a M. -tcrr MBS 10:13 Here's. o Vets 10:30 Opera Concert MBS . Ilrm Na"ii fJivi " 1143 Night OwU Club 12:wu & . i L . , KFJI Wednesday, April 2 6.-00 Sunrife Serenade A WINNER FwlrieMareK -ff L COMING! 6:45 Farm Reporter 6:.t3 regional News 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:13 Breakfast Gang MRS 7:30 Headlines 6c Bylines i:A) Be-l Ui.jS 8:00 Cecil Brown MBS 815 Breakfast Gang MBS :50 Bible Institute MBS 1:00 Homemal;ers Harmon tax 9:15 Platter Party 6:45 Favorite of Yesterday 10:09 Newspaper of the Air MBS,, 10:13 Tell lest MBS 10:30 La Pot nits 10:45 Concert 10:50 Currins 10:55 Ken Carson Show MBS 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS 11:25 News h.BS ll::to Queen for Day MBS 12:00 Name Band 12:15 Noon-.ay Newt I2::.0 Dan.t runes l2:iS Me. kef St Livestock 12:35 Klcmalh Notes 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS 1:30 Take a Number MBS 2:00 News MES 2:05 News MES 2:15 Two at 2:13 2:43 Answer Man MES 3:00 Ricky's ReoiiCit 4:00 Pehfnd the Story MBS , (' 4:15 Hemingway News MBS 4:30 Curt Matey Time MBS . 4:-i5 Sam Haje Newi MBS 5:(K 1-wilight Time 5:30 Wild Bill Hickok MBS 5:55 Newi MBS 6:00 Ciwriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Klamath Theater Qui 6:30 Around Town New 6:40 Something to Think About 6:45 Sum Ha.ves News MBS 8:33 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Fnmily Theatre MBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS . ii v.. ii. V 11 . f Son VBS 8:30 Mysterious Traveler MBS 9:00 Glenn Kardy iev nua 8:15 Fulton Lewis Jr MBS 9:H0 Wrestling 9:55 5-Min. Final MBS - - 10:00 Wrestling 10:15 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:30 Out of Thunder MBS 11: l :"hl OwU vfwi. . . 11:03 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off Mrs. Fields Heads Group MERRILL Mrs. Homer Fields Is the newly-elecied president ot Merrill Parents-Patrons, and work ing with her next year will be Mrs. Don West, vice-president and pro gram chairman; Mrs. Lloyd Lisle, secreiary; and Mrs. T. W. Chat- burn Jr., treasurer. They will oe installed at the next regular meet ing April 17. ihe ouigomg president, Mrs. Alf red Carieton, presided at the March 2i, meeung o the organization. An nouncement was made that the an nual Spring round-up of youngsters starling school next fall wouid be held Wednesday morning April 23 at the grade school. The children are given free medical and dental examinations. Mothers not contact ed may call Mrs. Carieton for fur- MASTER TECHNICIANS Edward Gyger. Leo Kamarad. Sam Thaircn. Clark Wcstfall, and Jeff Korsen, service manager, all of the service department of Dimbat Motors, arc shown with their Chrysler Corporation Master Technicians Service awards, which are given as a result of three years of study in the MTSC program. The MTSC program Is now in use in Chrysler dealerships throughout the nation and is used to train new per sonnel, act as a refresher course for experienced men, and to eliminate the "hit or miss" system of diagnosing automotive mechanical troubles. The course here is given under the direction of Jeff Korsen, service manager. Idaho Maps Fight Over Hells Dam WASHINOTON n -Idaho Clov. Leu Jordan and ollii'r opponenta of the proposed Hells Ciinvou Dnm on the Simke River worn In prpMinl tlirlr views. to a Houno Interior nub- The conimltlre. hrnclrri hv im Eimlo iu.-callf.), Mondnv heard final BlauimnlN I'rum nrimlni!. lion spokesman favurlnu constnic t'en of the 367-mllllnn dollar multi purpose, projwt, unci at least thiro iiciiiuria rsprc-sert (UsnuaInc(lon ut some of the te.sllnuiny. Filial admlulMrHlInn witnesses Included William A. Dlllmer, pow er inannRer ol the Bonnovlllp Pow er Administration, and Cloiclon lernnld of the .Minv flnslneers Corps' North Paclllo Division of fice at Portland, O-e. Dlttnirr's answci-i to questions roncerniiiR power output of the dnm broiiKhl clianies from Dep. Saylor m.- Penn. , a member of the committee, that he was urlinr "evasive." Snvlor said he couldn't understand how Dlttmer could snv Hells Canyon would add 1.134.000 kilowatts of power to the Bonne ville system. Diirlni' Ihp summer nontlis, he said, lvnler would en Into stoiHHe nnd production would be but (I6.0UO kllowall.s. Saylor said Dlllmer was "evas ive" when Dlllmer said this was possible because peak run o(fs at Hell Canyon cmne at diflerent times than at other dams on the Bonneville ayslcm, , Rep. Bmlue ill. Idaho), nlid Clialmian mipln alo were crlllcal ol some of I ho irnllmuny diiilnw llio lour day lieai'lim, -. llutlHe miuI he wan uimlile lo tie. lerniliio cost of llo prolccl and niiouirr ousm will U0 ICIIIlljlll to tlif Treanury. KnKlo suld l0 not oli'nr ni lo adihtlonal Ueii I iDlii Hells Ciinynii Dam u would lint irnult Irom Hie Ml I'ower co.'i proiiomil to build low-level (lain In Iho aien. 'HUMMtMUtnMUmWHtmMMMWMtWtMmv Xr Under New Under New Management Atom Spy Scare In Merry England Proves To Be Hoax VtK infnrmafiAn Xfv.- 1 ;:'".."'L"' ""5: I metica! notations. LONDON i A snv scare In- volvmg A-bomb research center was exposed late Monday as an Apru r ooi jose. Three teen agers let the cat out of the bag when they learned they had caused a commotion clear up to the ministerial level of the British Government. Monday nlnht Harrv Siblev. 14. and Neville Thompson, 13, showed up at the Higihgate police station with documents marked "Har well Atomic Research Establish ment" and "burn after reading." There were a number of blue prints and some dizzying mathe- NOW WWDCU COREY yff,,. CONTINUOUS FRo5'liS ' Nvr Before Sucb Explosive Drama... SudtReryiloveJ, mm Mwki JEAN PETERS ' l"' "We couldn't tell whether it was formula for atomic energy or f t r.han U.. CI. ... 1 1 . assist The Highgate police put In a bur Mr. Pavzant annnnnrert ih. b,. ". " ior; oconana ara. cuniy school band would present con:en n in tne mgn school gym at 7:30 p.m. the evening of April 18. The public is invited to attend. The PPA has purchased two memberships hi the Commu nity Concert association so that two members of the school may attend the concerts. It was also announced that Troy Quells would be a candidate for the local school board when the election is held In June. Mrs. Dale West and Mrs. R. L. Dragoo will again be In- charge of the swimming program' during the summer months. ; Mr. and Mrs. John: Turner have volunteered to act .-as rhnnpmtuc for. Ihe., Teen-Age hib until school closes. It is Koperf- that. a super visor -.can. be. hired for the sum-, i mer months. If this, .however. Is i impossible, the pareW will, be; contacted to help out oh' a volun-i taiy basis:. i Mr.- Baderi member, of the high school faculty. oresented a mm I of high school rboys- andvlrlsVirl a panel discussion: on -."motalsi' one of a series bemg ; sponsored by the Elks club. - ",;jZt?l " Refreshments were seriiej ' by Mrs. Dale West. Mrs.. Alfrjed -Carle ton, and Mrs. Lloyd Lisk.- - - ' .'. Firm Sues For Back Tax lemonade." a detective said. So Scoilar.l Yard called In ex perts of the Supply Ministry, which runs the atomic establishment. They were pretty sure the pa pers hadn't come from Harwell "of course this might be the work of some independent private re searcher." Meanwhile newsmen looked at the calendar and ran. down young Sibley. "Last night I met Vlrtnr Mehra at the Highaaie vouth club" he i duct of business said. "Victor's 15. He showed me n.. a buff.ro ororf fnldor Tcirf. '!f,n PORTLAND W The Pendleton business firm of Gillanders and Burrouirtis. Inc., filed suit here Monday to recapture $33,321 in taxes from the federal government. The suit asserts the Internal revenue bureau illegally applied ana coueciea a surtax on nrm surplus that was needed for cou- throuch 1049 typewritten papers wi'lh some sym-1 w7e" . 'J'' Th ,u" ,l50 Oregon Teochers 't . ' ' Win .Fellowships b PASADENA, Calif. IB ,'iW Reed College faculty members and one each from ..Lewis and 'Clark and the University of Oregon, have won Ford Foundation fellowships to study education.' t' -) They are Kenneth "E. Dayis, nssociaie pnysics proiessor.-. and Maure- L. Goldschmldtf -ipoltlcal science professor, both of.ReEd; John B. Harrirnrton. chanlain and chairman of thephilosophy depart ment at Lewis nd Clark Colles; Richard A. Littman, assistant pro fessor of psychology at the Univer sity of Oregon. f unds for a year s study in the-. 19S2-53 school vear are Drovided by the fellowships. , A pound of broccoli will make three or four servings. Cook the broccoli in a skillet In a small amount of boiling salted water and then serve with a browned butter sauce. ' AISl-t fl ISM I HIS I 'mm CARCO HK H OP VICIOUS MWOOUNO Mcximui THS fl(TSi AAOS. wo iiay OP A coys! 2BvAtt;.Hit At hitting iMVtUIHt RlNt... mm ' 1 " r Army Makes Changes In Rotation SEOUL Korea. I.fl A slow- down in rotation went into effect Tuesday for regular U. S. Army soldiers and draftee's Sn 'Korea. It won't affect National Guwite-1 men. mey-mMft djsehargecf .bv August. .. , . .t , j. ?w Under, the. new yjrem-rnenin the front line" ean bi W io :. r i .m i w..S. i .'i i . in ni bincxvi uuiiaiioiiMi'.Hnn supporting units Who live in tents near rthe t front- aiMtre;- Oted. n occasionally can.; coVbome- after 13 or .14 'months. - L -, -V-VAf . Those at. rear hcadqiiartiSJji'-.-of ni iniamry oivisipn;or. m-eeui or Paean, wiU;-kiptVlri 'Ko$ea fiir ahntit-. 1 mnVilKa . ? The Eighth ArnrvrilV" cbiitinii lo send about 20,000 soldiers Wie mommy unoer-. tnes.nesy- sj'tein. Many of the i)t-beNtli'il uuarusmen qp ine-uin tooutnoTn uamorniaj ana' 43lh-(Okl8nMi) f..-..ti ' ' --- ' .-- ; ' Eighth ; Anriy spokesmen; 'said the new system was put into effect to. mate-up. lor the loss-. or .the guardsmen and 'because of:- the difficulty of getting rej41acerrients. ' Irr, Washington.' flic- Arrb?'isnid it was "a more qultab(i 'eyKlm '. ; '. based on hardships, arjd naz- aras actually cncouniered by in dividuals in Korea:'.' Rotation is based on a complex point system. A man is sent home after receiving points for "38 con structive months of service." Under the new schedule a man In (1) an infantry battalion at the front, gets four points a month; f2i at regimental headquarters, division forward headquarters, or in a directly supporting unit re ceives three points; and 3 at corps headquarters, division rear headquarters or other rear atea gets two points. The middle group, known as the "intermediate combat zone," lb a new designation. Water Year Record Seen REDMOND W One of the biggest water years on record for the Crooked and Deschutes River basins was forecast Monday. Reporting at one of a series of Oregon snow survey meetings, W. T. Frost of the Soil Conserve- tlon Service, Med ford, said, the Crooked River watershed is 165 per cent of average and the Deschutes 155 per cent. High water in the Crooked River which recently flooded 150 families out of their homes in the Prlne ville area, might Increase If warm weather or heavy rains melt the mountain snows, Frost said. The rivers are falling now because of cold temperatures which have slowed the runoff. His forecasts: The Crooked Riv'r will flow at 210,000 acre feet, 172 per cent above, average, In the April to September period this year. The Ochoco reservoir now contains 33,200 acre feet Of waler and will be filled easily. A- charse of 60,000 acre feet of water from the reservoir , is indicated for the April to September period. . Quick luncheon dish: mix canned small onions with cream sauce and top with crisp bacon. Serve with bullercd green peaa and baked yams, i BOls and sfirnatiiroc in itit Tv.. i 91.01 UltCrCSt wore also a couple of blueprints. 'Victor said I should take them to tne ponce Victor, an apprentice factorv draftsman ithat's where he got the umeprimsi. ioia reporters: "I didn't think u would to as far as this. I made up the bundle as an April Fool s joke at lunch time yesterday." WURLITZER A mognifictnt , piano. Mtny ) Uvely styles and finishes ta choose from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th The firm owns, operates and rents farms, business properties and dwellings, docs mortgage and con tract financing, and operates a wholesale grocery business. IP' imtim " 1 1 i a' mm n S- tlir-4 MI.Lt. OMIM. AMERICAN CHINESI Fm .1 t4Wt bwt! n. MM .i OtUn T. Take Oat en B. Lee, Mgr. Dress up (or It'll do you world of good to get all moothed up for the Easter pa rade I And especially if yOU tep out in a pair of smart Weyenberg Shoes. We have a fine stock of those famous-for-style Weyenberg originals! ( It 9 " 19 820 Main STORE FR MEN Phone 6778 Kill SALE PORTLAND lfl Tl rnnw Engineers Is koIiib to sell a school. house. 'Die buildlnr Is wiihln ihe Dorena Dam reservoir arra. 22 miles south ol Euitme, and has lo be moved. Col. Thomas H Lliisromb siilil Ihe best bid would gel the 23 by S3-fool frame building. FREE! STARTING APRIL 1st FREE PACKAGE of Cigarettes with each 10 Gallons of Gas! WASHING - WAXINi Our Specialty uullJbiliil li ULivJlS i i mi ciprgtte irrifition PHILIP MS and 0jJl P . is entirely !lr , crrnrce oi . leading cigarettes MlfvM "I LOVE LUCY" U-,' SV1 'HW starring V M f '5wf iuciui mu md 0151 AN" I y jck mjiui ri n n nn In! IS Isl II for? IfuUlLUIr y lyiUllullP srmrsAWam FOX PtEASORef PHILIP MORRIS gives you MORE SMOKING PLEASURE than any other leading brand. Vej-YOU'U tl OLAD TOMORROW, YOU IMOKID PHILIP MORRIS TOOAYI