TUHSIMY, APRIL 1, 1052 10 SERVICES IT AUCTJONEERING mid Sales Management SERVICE (Iriifliir.lr Wi'Mrilt (.'nllrre fit Am lliinrci'liiK Illllinni, Mont, I'ipo f'Pivlcn cm 'lunch null lldirtll Aiiilliinx. 1 3. W. "Jerry" FALES '4 o.'UM Alvn IMimie WAVI . Ml l l( j fi if-allvct!, Itf w ml mii r iitn m ordrr. KiMilirtll (.Ibm bhup. 'j H r 7.1111 4 IMTI H DKKJINO am, hoik fining rtltli i', l-'Min..n Tmitrh tin. Call SMIM4, iM4 i.r iil - l MI.OWINd r.nil (ilni-Niii. iann-)7 feir'.en, rli' I'honv 'i OH'iT Mri ft ) lit Anvliinr rrliH.a, Ill, .1, II" fl.l, CJJtJ Midland ;' Hi ad. ' I'AHI'KN'l VM ami i tilHnpr wrh, Ntw : mi rertinftrlliitf. Pli-iur :iT4ti, !! nmiKKN window iiitm' rrnl (I. Klm imii'4 (iiuM Hhnp. riHini 7;ivn. 12 EDUCATIONAL MncjKkk.KiMorVhV.rihinrf "iTb'ing kill clffM tuhjerti, (iff, re machines Kl.AMATII UUblNPKH COI.I.Rtir in Pin rhone 41tU HEALTH 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE SAl.r.S(;illl'M''rit rtl "lii" rmlv l pir Tup uUrv, mul tia lop-nntf It lrltl. A 21 lo .11 I'turne Mr. HlhriK. n KM. CI. or 4IM aflrr tlx. 'I At'. iM Miith u licit .in si)--; r:u n, li)- (it v rir ami amir is wear, ale Imlifx Aiit'v Afi'ti KIicii, WANTFJi,' hi ..iie keener. K)ii-fllrmwnrk'. lug 4 iMftllloitt I'M vale room mill lth (.if.tf salary. Onlv ptMBmis iniviealrd In iterinanrnl rMiplov Ml nrl apply. I'hnnr :iill for lllleiview, 16 HELP WANTIO. MALI WANTKII." cYiithinat.iin all-around nit- hanir and weldrr. Hirady oti (or flier mill tnpmriir man. nifl or iner nrt Itox Ml Mr raid mn Nw. Al.l.AIH)l'NI "rhnre nun. Exprrlamrd with rhlrkem, ltof antt Hurt; miming (nat hlna, Mini la clean, auhtr mid lit il ii ii i lout Salary ltad on proven hit ii v. Married or sinale. Ilox IU Harald and Newt. VVAN'l Kr)'Sawiiiiiiiacrnne men. MuVl lie ente.leni-rl. Halary or rointnlitlon ... holh WrMe Iferflld Newi HhK 7 WANTKb .tail iinifl "J"". "o". " "trI Ntii-lrnl phone HWi a VAtoifci' mkc.ian.I''h 11,1 WK need rxperlenred merlianlri and auto hotly men. Ileal at work Inf. rondi Hmi and lola of Work. )toe Motor Co. ''lif))er I'lviiKitillv Uraler Hoe A l.mie S' . Moietiuta-. Ore Ihfine n:rjaa WANTEIJ, mukkral (rapper. rhone j o,Mir SALESMAN" earninalo ilarl, ApprnV. Villi, uer month Honor! unity to ad- anre. Ages N to .V). Apply Standard Mallont, Inr. inn And Main or Kaplan' aila and Spring HU. rAIIMril for ear round oh. Mint be rellahle and enperienred In Irrifatlng re of family. Kurnlah refcreorea in fir.l reply.' lto 74. Hrralrt Newi. HAV'K open in for riiialifted aateamen In hafdnare, tptirtlnf grni and plumning depart menu. Applv Monlgmnery Ward 17 HELP WANTED WANTICI). rouple t.adv"l dnKouae". until, gentlrinati ari ar1 janitor work. Meein healrtl rotlage. modern, an uiil Itiea furolthed (imkI aalariem. Onlv per una interested In permanent einptoV' mailt nerd apply. I'tiona JJ1U fur inter- 18 SITUATIONS WANTED YOtINC MAN deklrea povllmn Er Irnred in all nhaiea v. edit work am 4i f fire roil line, lome bookkeeping and ()Plig Knicirni and rapaiue. would fnn.'er uthrr vocation if opportunity even lo Irani ami advanre. Write Chink O'L'ummr, Hux 7i, Ciiy. I'hon mii WAMM). iniall irii of book to Wrp lo in v home Mratonanie I'lione ?i in. tllUr:U, Imbv eltllng Job. Pinmt IVH5 or IVHW afler 4 Mi eenlng. IIAIIDKNIN'O. Phone' a-tl.'flfl l in. ii iaia anjume. I'notia a-01U ill ernoona. ( Mil. I l A II K, 2.V Ka.l Main. 7 45 lo .1 .m dava phone .ln7ll eve. 3 0.7 a WILL, tare for child) en m my time flai evanlnga. Call XIT.IUrN:.irVra'rt"ira mi'rVe avail able Prelet n ght dill . Phone a-Tlixl. 22 ROOM FOR RNT IKKiMS for rent. Private entrance and , privale hath Cloie lit Phone 4444. iiNF. room for rent Cooking privitegea, ;i Main Phoi'e ihiiki. .lUMlMjf IfVM ih It ()().! genilr'ntan. C'rearenl Vk;IT"" housekeeping. Kverv thing fur. niahed Snllahle tolier bachalor or cou- pie. Krf North tlroad IttVoM. gentlemen" Phone MM. z NICK noolilM. XJ2 PaclflcTerr'ace PtKiMs", 'prU'e"rennnahle Phoi ftitT l.dVCI.rrtomi (or'rent $T-7. a wttk . . inrhon iiat. fmosf room for rent. Greer Apart tmrnli. 710 Main. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT i l.AIUJK. two bedroom enmptelelv fur nUhed aparlment.JlefereiifeaCall 3407 f. rtinNISIir.D two bedroom apartment, fringe in. Phone B4.1fi. & FIIMNISMKn one room aparlment. v- Kleclrir range, elerlrlr heat, refrlgera inr M7 V); all Ullllllea Included. 419 Nnrth Tenth. I'MHKK roomii. furninhed. Hoi and cold iVakr, laundry far Hit lei. Cloe In. k Adniu only, No ped. fH)4 Lincoln. Phone a-:n7n H MHKK ROOM "furniiThed partTiienT fJaa eqillpited. Phone 7:ifi. l-on IlKNT. two room fnrnuhed apart- nienl. Couple only. Phone 7:ilH, -(niehn. TWO "bVdroom furiiKhed aparlmTnt. fiifS . (Jrant. Phone a-fl2ia. h t?itNISIlKD clean ipVTrYniVnl. Couple 'or Mimle. Villa Marnuie. I:i:i4 Oak..,,., -TWO MOOM furnlkhed apartment, cloe in. na.i Wiilnui. ; I IfitNlSMKI) Apartment. atiVrnhfo for roimie.hiimlro Apt. 7. 1717 Maim I OK MKN i. tnree room iumbned apart JWiftil. f'entrallv lornled. I'M South InH. fjNiv nuiticrii upaiimcnt. ill 4 1 ijarv 4 3;lil,fcK off South Slxlh. Two room. ! kiiriienelle, balh, elerlrlc heal, re 'filgernlor, move. Couple only. No rir'nlt'n;. "bona 2-in7. 'iiu.hr, luuiii lUinulica .iparimcnt T'hore 4021. , ''I WO room pnr I men I." A I iu I ill i le fuf- tilKhrd. Phonfl 2-nUU, Aicot Hotel, 1411 Main, r" SMALi.jiindern apnrlment. 2i:i Cednr. 'VI if, AN ttracllv"'wetr" f urnlaned two '.room court apartment with garnge. :-'C'''"p.',?'-.J':,',;ll,-rn',nP fl4Morr7lin. ,;NI-:aT three room furninhod apnrtmtnt. Mil on South Sixth. i;'PAHTMKNT wiihgn" hent a No imall r"! J! K J! 1 IvJ'Uk iTf.n'i ;i room lufnl.'hocl apart fvinfnl, :i;m Proud, WUNnmNIRIIKD, hTurmriil apnrlment !fnr imt'liolor nr Indy. Nntiirnl hot water I nrnl nud water ftlrnlkhed. ncrrlg. eiiiinr ana elcrlrlc rnnge avannmc yin:' Alain nr n'i"iie IWn nllT ll p.m. fcsrKAM fiKA'fEn aparltnent with bed. Rioiim Onk St. L HIHNISMKI) nnnrlmitnt for .renl. pnrimciu I, alio Mnm,l. KkWrV (Ircoraled, pilvatn calh. Ht. rhenetle. steam heat, electric ranat ai'i Wfek ftp Arm, Apartment. Sl'linrE ROOM (urnlihrd apartment. 2001 muie. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT TWO tc'tromn tinfurnlNhrd (tiipleri wM'l '?;lin hodrnoin In hn;fimeilt. $0.1. 71W Sih'l Kraneh lrall 7M0 nrjlliri. I OH "ilfNT. two i;r:lriMiii Tioiiie. 11181 nll7rntli. Plume 2-1710. I'll'n.NliiltKI)" iwn rnoni '"liim-ii'.' I'.iihl "l waler, $3.1. Thnne :IMH or Hit KM Mnln i o7l ::;t. two P-TTroom furiiiSiTud a i,i-'ii'ni. rhmip g-ziian. illliBE rnrm hm'iie. MIIU Addtlnn. Tirlly furnl.herl. Newly decorated In- nldrPhnno7m(l dnviL i'iill IlKN'i', two, Oil eo and four room ixlft HKNT. tlirco room modern portly furnlrhed enbln. elcctrlo tovc, $38 month. Soe nt 12:1.1 Adnmii. Phono fll?4a. K()H "ItKNT, tliici" room uraiahed I'nlr'C. i:ilil)'ft i-tilv. In'ili'rc ':i.'l 1 WO hndroom home completely fur nished. 4:ilM Hiimmern T,nne.Adultn only, IiNl-'tinNiaiinii hoine"" '4imn Smiin si'xih 24 HOUSES FOR HINT Vt)ClitiHT,' thref"inoin modern, parity fmnliiied caiiin. nauirio aicva. aa ai I1M1 Adam, .... ii'i i .A lor ini7 'T'riiinT'jiui Utt'uti n n m , 28 MISCILLANEOUr0R JtNT " "'ff""t;if;mvK" u TKUCKS DRIVE Move Yoiirarlf Bnv 'i Npw Truckii r'or Long Trlp Plckuin Bukn Vn nKACON MOBIL REItVlCE 1201 R. Mnln PhonOI ill. l""lltrtirilijlrf1.il KVIlim " fnt :'l Umtt if r.tll. Two mil, inutll 01 I . CM pill ullr. n.m. KTOIlH iir ol(li, 111)0 q. "ll." floor np'iii Phfiii nan rflft' IIKNT.":i(V " iliT.i rliivrr jfround f,,r linlnln... (.'. n, ll'r, Till.Uh. AMKIIK'AN' flmir ' 'Mnilfri" i'l ' nf", ivlll mid .y lo i.fiii. nnii-n floor flnltli. flllfr., wx. i"l vmntili KI.AMATII VAI.I.KY I.UMnr.fl into Mo. SlKlll Pliono I0 okPile forri"ni. vh Mln lloll llfll JO REAL ESTATI FOII SALE SUBURBAN VPiy nltrnctlvf llvp-rnom mwl prn liomfi locnlfd In on of the llnent nubiirbnn rr. All lump room mid plPnty of clov rl nl Uirii(P mpp- HrrJ. wood florin .InitulntPd nd thpr-clrlpped. Ilpuullf ill hnth with tub mid ntnll liowpr. A lump tilt-fly Jnndnrappd lot. A liomfi' to bo proud of. II'J.000. KIIA termt. INCOME Two romplrle diiplPXM, pxcel. Irnt locntlon npar IHRli nchool. Ilircp of the prtmpnU hve oup bfdroom mid 1-two bPd room npurtmpnt. Very wfll romlructPd with concrple foun elation. Itoonu plKAterrd, hnrd wood floori, four RrM: Totnl rpiurn arx per month. $20,000 Irrmi. HOT SPRINGS ldenl lama fiimlly home. Two blockn to noonevell School. Bpucloun IIvIiir room with fire plnre, benutlful tile blh on nuiln floor plun full bat Ii on jiecond floor. Three lame bed roonu; convenient kitchen, a baaemcnl and laundry room. Itcul value at 110,000. Tcrmi. 220 ACRES SO acrra alfalfa, 15 acren pan lure, balance In (rain lant year. About IT mile out on liood road. Bandy loam noil, kid Irrigation. Pive-room mod ern home, barn, chicken house. Thin In a good buy for only $211,000. Immediate action re quired. 80 ACRES All under gravity Irrigation. Thl farm waa all needed to n If h If ii In the nprlug of 1951, In well fenced, good drainage, home. outbulldlnga.-Localed In foe Vulley. Only 121.000: $0000 down. Immediate poue.vilon. Here Is real value. HARRY VAN (Even. 8201) AL SCHMECK JOE LKONARD (Eve. 2-0257) REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 517 Mam Phone 3211 Diversified Farm MERRILL-170 ACRES Located ' mile due north of town on paved road. All under ciilllvatlou and gravity Irriga tion, kl acres apudded la.it year: 6 acres In alfalfa, bal ance In grain land. Fenced. Improvement Include alarge 2 bedroom home. Tenant houac, potato cellar, other bluldlnga. Full price $42,000. Terms. ROY I Pete HODGES Charles A. Bolesta REAL ESTATE it INSURANCE PH. 5BM MERRILL, ORE. HOT SPRINGS CONVENIENTLY located two bedroom home just one block to Roo-sevelt School. All oak floors, fireplace, piped oil heat, separate dlnlnir room, basement. Landscaped lot 60x140. Price $12,600. ENGLISH STYLE FOUR BEDROOM HOME on Eldorado street. Large living room with fireplace, Pj baths, hardwood floors, nice closets and storage space, full basement. Good heating system. Fenced back yard. Price $15,500. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hoiley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 113 3. 9th Phone 7266 ONE bedroom modern home, lflbo. '47 ur car in uaufl, 474U A1V0, INCOMK property one half block from but line, In city linn In, Good location, Kaay lo rent. Phone 2-ii.l2. run oa i.e.. rirnntiiea 1 ueuroom house. tJ". lia7 N. 8ih Slreet at Upham. Hun hAiBi on $ acme 'lerrace. Veij nice three bedroom home. Phone 4RM1 or 8-1471. i-on SALE, 1-,vear-old 2 -bed room home In MIIU Addition si, 4 JO down Tola) Erice leu than FMA appralaal Mint e aeen to be appreciated Phone ?WO bedroom home for tale In Mllli Addition one block from MIIU School. Priced very reaaonable. 2037 Garden. Phonp 2-0.1110. TWO bedroom house, hardwood floori, Automatic heat, rireplace and baarment. Located on Cat I for n la Ave. Priced for quirk aale by owner. Call 2-02U1 eve ! ni nr So t'r' . ONE nKDriOOM HduSK l loY8Mal"n SIrcel. Include separate lot Located in center of Hot-Water dtitrtcl. See owner at ahm-e addre-m. P'O n S A t, K, ' i a ere e xc II etVl g a riirix ground. Well v.tcr tot Irrigation, flood locallon. r.xrelleut terni.4 to wording man. Phone 2:m.ifl after fl p.m., anytime Snlnrcay nr"fllibj1ev VOh SALE liy owner, two bedroom home, practically new, Mllli Addition. Tnke FHA or Veterani loan. Shown by Appointment only. Phone 7202 evening! nnrr x p-nr (j . Lf AH14;. 20U iicrea Irrigated londv lonm. Certified ptitateK, grn Inland and clover, Located at Butte Volley. Write HorftUl NeWBOox 70. rbii SAiX nice hulirilng lot, Hot RprlnRN addition, very clore to ichool, Phone 77di. 10 HEAL 1STATI FPU SALI 1 Wont A Paved Street? a mov'g around the cornrr and iifikhooia kinuck up finlii.it you? Thru don't call on thin one. BUT ir you like a uM 2 bediooin home on 'j acre wood noil with double gnrnBe, chk-ken houff and good feiicen, aee thia toayl Only 02f0. A Pleasant Surprise awaltn you when you ha how much liome ihta mtHtfe uivtn you lor ao little. Two bnfliooiriK, lurite KltflKii, (lining room and Hv:n loom with hai(iwroU floorn. ELKC '1R1C I IF; AT. Litrse Raiaae and all on 13 acre good noil. $7000. Summers Park Five yearn old In good rent rifled rllHLrlct and on paval street. Two bedroom, IIviiik room, kitchen and dlnetle. Automatic heut. Land-M-nped lot and good garage, Clone to school and trannportatlon. SBIr&O. Terms. RON FISHKR Eve. 970 ALAN DOUGLAS Eves. 2 0083 Johnny Blaylock REALTOR 116 S. Eleventh Phone 6446 -fr PAT HOWES, Realtor EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Excellent large lot on Hillside Ave., with hoi water well and excavated for basement. Lot Is 60' x 140'. Price $2500. Rea i aonable termi. Call "Hep" Davhon Even. 3871 with "Pat" Howes Realtor 102A Main St. Phone 2-3545 A New Home in Mills 2 bedrooms with unusually large dining room, very appealing kitcn en, large glassed In utility porch, double garage, convenient locallon. Fully insulattJ, hardwood floors, asuestos siding. Ready for Im mediate occupancy. Full price $10,000. Loan value $8,000 on FHA. Suburban Exceptionally well constructed and attractive modern 2 bedroom, plas tered home. All hardwood floors, dining room, fireplace, completely Insulated, automatic oil heat. acre good garden soil, chicken house, garage. I block from bus line. Price $8925. Delay May mean dl:-appolntment. See this modern, 2 ueuroom home to day. Full basement, new aluminuu roof, mc.lern In every respeci. Price only $6000. Mills Addition $3200 Small, but iubtani:al 1 bedroom house on back portion of an unus ually good lot, well located at 3250 Wanlland. Just the place for someone who wants to build their own home later on the front half and have a rental unit out back. Open Evenings By Appointment See Don Sloan Phone S858 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2480 Eves. Fred Scott , 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since lBOfl 111 N. Sth. Phone 4584 or 5529 SELLING YOUR HOME? Don't let sales problems "tangle you up." Just phone 2-3545 or drop by our office. Right now the demand f o r homes Is good. So right now la a good time to sell. We need suburban two bedroom home with to 1 acre of ground. "Pat" Howes 1025 Main Realtor Phone 2-3545 Secure Future Is yours with the money you'U receive from this dandy duplex In Mills Addition. Built just last year, it's clean as Monday's wash and a real tenant-keeper. Aud it brings you $140 per month In rentals. Both 2-bedroom sides are Iden tical and have gas floor furnaces to add to year-around comfort. Twccnr garage Included all for the low price of $16,000. $5,000 down will handle. By agreement with owner, we must make appointments to show this property. No telephone Infor mation. Call us today we'll ar range to show you this outstanding buy as soon as possible. Everett Dennis DON KIRKPATRICK, Salesman Phone S766 121 N, 8th. Phono 8491 FOR SALE SMALL 110 ACRE STOCK FARM 65 acres Irrigated, 40 acres alfalfa, 25 pasture, balance dry pasture and juniper timber. Can be ma.le Into ideal setup for professional or business, man's country home. 12 miles out on paved road. Mall route, school bus, etc. 'i-mlle Tlver frontage. Large spring can be made Into private fish pond, Your own hunting and fishing. Fair house, barn and other buildings. Reasonable price, WRITE HERALD and NEWS BOX NO. 81 NFW HOMES fnr sale. William B Powell. Phnna SMB. HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI .INVESTORS ATTENTION! Lovely one-bedroom home on paved street. 850 acinar feet of floor apace with enough room over head for two bedrooms. Electric heat, new carpeting In the 20x20 fl, living room. Beautiful yard and large garage. See this now, $5500, terms. Evenings call FAYE TRAVIS Phone 2-32(8 VERN W. EMLEY REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 2001 Bo. fjth Phone 2-3239 MERRILL Two-bedroom modern home. Lane lot. Price $3900. Two-bedroom modern home, a abort distance from Merrill, on paved road. Price $8300 Termi. Two bedrooms, modern, floor furnace. Nice location. Price $8,000. Terms. One bedroom, modern, electric heat. Garage. Two large city lots. Picket fence. Price $3800. ROY (Pete) HODGES Charles A. Bolesta REAL ESTATE INSURANCE PH. 2851 MERRILL. ORE. 160 ACRES New land, deep sandy loam, 65 acres alfalfa, 2 Irrigation wells, sprinkling system; nice 2-bedroom house, 2-car garage; located mile of town. Price $40,000. $15,000 down, balance terms at 5 per cent. FIVE ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN MERRILL PRICE $2300.00. TERMS. M. A. BOWMAN Realtor PH. 2732 MKRRILL, ORE.' CATTLE RANCH LANDS $10 to $25 acre with oil, mineral, water, timber rights. EASY TERMS. Free Land Catalog. PACIFIC LANDS Box 2350-AZ HOLLYWOOD 28. CALIF. RANCHES CATTLE RANCH running 300 head now, Over 1000 acres Irrigated, own water. Balance of 5600 acres In limber and gracing. See us for more Information. 311 Acres in Langell Valley, plowed and ready for planting, all under Irrigation. $44,000, 13 down. 09 Acres, a good opportunity for farm or small cattle set-up to gel started. Only $16,000 with good terms. ' INVESTORS ATTENTION DO YOU WANT INCOME PROP ERTY? Then see this 18 unit apartment house furnished and with private baths and garages. Grossing $8400 per year. The lo cation keeps this property always rentea, let us snow you this today. Jay P; Griggs Tel. 4254 Gene Favell 8045 Claire Ellis 2-2659 J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Tel. 7521 60 ACRES! Sandy soil, no alkali, home, elec tricity and other outbuildings. Electric pumps, 1200 gallons per minute. This Is a bargain at $6500. Located on main highway. Newhpuse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Ph. 9832 or 5742 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, Slate and County land Sales. FREE land CATALOG. Pacific Lands 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. list youb rnopr.nTY with this FIRM FOB ACTION. EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR HI No, lh phon, MM 34 fUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING On, Stnve, furnact, light ful, coal, weaa, sh.reoal. Pay ton and Co. 133 UarMt rnon sia. DltY Dine block, for ill.. L)D.n ftva. nlngs and weekend,. Metier, Bros, I'llESTOl.OGS pickup or d.ll7.rd. Cliff Yadeni Slfnal Servic. SSSO So Sth Phone asm or 3-9380, S It H onr.EN STAMPS liven on heat ina oil,. Phono 3&81 or 8260 for prompt deliver?. CLurr y ADEN'S signal sutvici last! So tin 18 BOATS PETS S6TS HOllllS SAVE $ t Kuy a Chrlt Craft Kit Boat also Crull ers and Hiinabout. Johmon Sea Hone motor,. Boat, bought, sold and ex changed. Boats for rent to Usher men. MONRO! BOAT WORKS MS Front St. Phone 2-tfttS BOARDING KENNELS Dot boarding by day. week or aaonta Sanitary kennels, well balanced dlat Clean Individual outdoor runs for eaea dog, Dog, handled duriig mating. Will pick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phon St Merrill Rd. Rt. 1. ROM $04 SHASTA CASCADB KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK I LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE CATTLE HOGS ir' SHEEP 4 Registered Angus Bulls Livestock Trucks for Hire One Head or a Carload KLAMATH LIVESTOCK INC. Midland Road Phone 3974 R. E. "Bob" RHODES, Auctioneer Phone 4032 4 FINANCIAL $$MON EY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Op to 1500 oo your auto On vour salary or furniture up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - $10 $25, 150 loaned till "pay day" or longer, 125 coals but 18 cenU for one week. No other charges, LOCAL LOAN CO. 116 No. lOtb EL M-354 DON Mt'INTYRE, Mgr. 43 Yean Friendly Service 3 1 IQATS PETS SfORTS HOBBIES DOG 8 for tale There are not puppiea. but Swlfti pedigreed full grown foot long hot doga Trained especially for children or adult. Only each at ITuket Drive-In the home of foot-long. AMjutSON Boarding Kenr.au PhoiVf T047 S8 Delawa-e off Ho mad alt THREE collie pupa for aale. Three montha old. gold and white. Litter reg. I Iter ad. Call :i09fl MALK CHESAPt-AKK. ten month old. registered, tti. See at 422 ML Whitney nr Phne IM847. iOtt SALr,, cheap, 2 three month eld female golden retriever puppies. 2 two ear old male and female regular gol den retriever. A bargain. Call or write Chevron itation, Montague, California. Phone 4301. 42 LIVISTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for key . amount. Top market price for rood quality. For quotations PRONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS rem BALE Doc with Utter., bred doe, bueki and hutchet for Mle. Phon, I-I1S2. WAN'UD-Colored hem. Plio-e ..',91. HIOHE5T ortcos paid for poultry, bop and livestock. Bit. Y MEAT MAKKZ7I uaKevtew Junction Phono eazo ARTUriCIA.'. BRELDLNCi SERVICE Phone 1711 M C. IChuekl Warren Rl ?. Boi B23. If no anvA.r Phone 4400. FOR SALE. Jersev row. Four a.llons wnen rre.n. Phone z-0377. BABV chicks. Dry den leahomt. New Hampshire and Cornish Hampshire cross. Talent Hatcher)'. Talent. Ore. enone Asni.no 2-eozi. ONE OAKES automatic 300 chick brood er, alto two 42 Inch, two 36 Inch and two 24 inch chick feeders, one 4 a.l flats eblck drinking fountain for tele cne.p ir isxen at once, pnone 2-0740 CALVES for sale. i:'4Q Homedale. Turn left on Shasta Way. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED We have a party in our office that wants a two-bedroom home to rent or lease with option to buy. Must be clean and In good neighborhood. Jay P. Griggs, Eves. Ph. 7521 J. W. Sanders, Realtor 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 WANTED, to rent, immediately, one bedroom unfurnished modern house. Promise best of care. Pnone 2-1S3t. WANTED, to buy. used soud sorter. Phone Lore) Is 2190 or write Dick Smith t. 1 Box 43. Bonanra. WANTED to rent, two bedroom fur- ntshed houte. Call 90S3. References. eve need CARS: Get top pnee aowi Rose Motor Co Sth and Plum. 4 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMERCIAL Furnishes CASH! ' CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto FurrtltuTd Livestock Salary B50 to 8500 Automobiles (paid for or sot) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your dealt CASH dealti Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie, 8-251 N-22J 107 Net Bth Phon T711 IMIylEDIATE ; Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onlf $100 $7.27 Ma Repay In IS Installments UP TO 8300 ON FUttNTTURJE OR SALARY OP TO $1200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW a Convenient Location a Convenient to Borrow a OoBvenlent to pay Locally owned e New Cart ,oajoctrt at bank rates WONTS IN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. 20 years aervlng Klamath Bailf ' Set 'Chuck" Bailey, Mir. lit N. 1th at, Pbons 3325 -! U-37S 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TOn" SALE or lease, tourist cabins. store, service station and three bed room house, on highway B7 North. " mil. from Klamath rails. City limits. Inquire at spooners, FOR SALE,, grocery business that will give you a good income, lueai lor cou pie. Phone if.S26. DRJVE-IN RESTAURANT for sale, tio )ng business, on busy street, rhone POULTRY LOANS Phone 2-2531 8-278 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "HOT COFFEE VENDORS" MANAGER WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO SERVICE ROUTE OF NEW AUTOMATIC COFFEE VEND ORS! Put in a coin and out comes a hot Steaming cup of Coffee. Every cup made Indi vidually. Will turn out a freh cup every 5 seconds. No sell ing or soliciting. Factory dis tributor will secure locations and make necessary arrange ments. In this area and sur rounding territory. Ideal off hours setup to start. $200 to $400 per week possible part time; full time more. Secured $1300 to $6950 cash required now. Please do not waste our time unless you have the necessary capital arvl are positive you want to go Into the coffee vending busi ness not next month, not next week N O W !, as we are definitely going t o this area Immediately. If you can follow instructions and su pervision of a large national concern with Dun & Brad street rating, references from Banks, Chamber of Commerce, . etc., you should become finan-' daily Independent within a very short time. Write fully about yourself, giving age, phone number. Write box 80 Care of Herald and News FOR SALE General Merchandise Store Beer and Wine License- Building of 6400 Sq. Ft. and living quarters. Grossed Over $60,000 in 1951 LOCATED BIG VALLEY, CALIF. WILL SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE Herald & News, Box 38 S895 CASH GIVES YOU YOUR OWN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Operating a route of new 5c and 10c merchandise dispensers in Cafes, Drug Stores, Taverns, Clubs, Bus Depots, etc. All territories open, all locations obtained for you. To qualify you must have car, ref erences and $895 Cash. Devoting a few of your spare hours each week to ' the business you should make up to $75 weekly with liberal financing assistance to aid you in taking over full time, with Income Increasing accordingly. Full Infor mation box 73 Herald and News. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SAVE UP TO 1,000 ON YOUR NEW LOGGING TRACTOR! We have Just purchased 5 D-8 tractors In Oregon, fully equipped lor logging. It bought at present site, sav ings in transportation and handling will be passed on to you. We will finance on rental-purchase terms or take mortgage on clear equipment for down payment. For Full Information. Contact NATIONAL TRACTOR CO. 401 Broadway, Sacramento, Calif, Phone: Hudson 4-8268 FOR SALE, four year old GE stove wun aeep wen unit. luur year 8 cub e foot GE refrigerator. Both In excellent condition, pnone sa4. FOR SAL.E. 7'a h. Mercury out-board motor. $100. 1943 Logan, hours S to U, evenings. RADIO for sale, fourteen tube RCA Vic tor Console model, not a combination. Very good condition, both Inside and oui. pnone fooa. FOR SALE, one 9x12 maroon carpet, like new. One chrome 5 piece dinette set. 1943 Logan, hours 5 to 8, eve- nlngs. FOR SALE, WesUnghouse range. Phone ,090. FOR SALE, S3 John Deere pusher com bine. 13 it. Like new. Phone 7-2003, Tulelake. ' FOR SALE, 20 gal. gas hot water lank. $30. See at 231 Broad. will sell your car lor you. Reason able commission. BASIN AUTO SERVICE USED CAHS 2933 S. Sixth Phone 40.19 run feAie.. Monies range witn toils. Excellent condition. $23. 3437 Altamont Drive after S p.m. tliN-.YlUL,l.Nr. DicK-tio hsy oaler y2;l!.. And model IT Standard Tractors 1.1x30 fires $2472. All new F. O. B. Euxene. R. E. Fllinll, 938 Jefferson St. Pnone 4-2fiS9 after a p.m. OH SALE la. Case tractor, uooa con dltlon. Glen Kester. Poe Valley. OLIVER 70 tractor. David Bradley rake Oliver mower. 8 foot hydraulic scraper, Be uee Hydraulic pump. 2's miles west Mac's Store. Wilbur Hornsborger. ' ,ox Sals., lu tlase pjuno Accuralan. S23II Cash. Phone 2-2017. WE NOW have In stock Chrome table Closed size 42x60 inches, extends - to 90 Inches. Seats 12 to 14 nenole. .Terms. : LUCAS FURNITURE , 10S EAST MAIN AUTOMOTIVI You'll Get A BETTER BUY with more satisfaction when you take a 2-day FREE DRIVING TRIAL in oue of our GUARANTEED used cars. Check price, appearance, condition for . . THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN 1 1949 OLDS 1949 DODGE 1947 CHEV. 1949 STUDE. 1948 PONTIAC 1947 FORD 1946 DODGE 1949 FORD '8' 1948 BUICK 1949 FORD '6' THRIFTIES If These Aren't Cheap Enough, Make an Offer 1938 Plymouth $ 66 1939 Olds $297 1936 Pontiac $ 47 1937 Plymouth $147 1939 Plymouth $197 1937 Buick $ 47 REGISTER NOW TO VOTE ... For the BEST in the WEST see . . . : DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE USED WATCHES $10 to $20 FULLY GUARANTEED ELGLNS BULOVA LONGINES RICKYS JEWELERS DOWNSTAIRS STORE PHONE 3151 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 . Ph. 7991 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 - LADAK ALFALFA SEED 45c Lb. PURE SEED 99.98V GERMINATION 65.00 HARD SEED 28.50 Total : 93.50 ETNA MILLS Ph. Etna 55 Etna, Calif. O.N'E new cable bulldozer, rear mount. TCU for caterpillar D7-7M aeries. Weat Hitchcock Corporation. DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Bart 9753. PKILCO RADIO, 11 tubes. 2160 Vine. Phone 4237. ONE used John Deere Model G. PTO and power lift, starter, 6 ply rear tires. Clean, excellent. West Hitchcock. ONE used Townner 4 foot 6 In. off-iet disc. Fits Ford or Ferguson. Like new. West Hitchcock Corporation. FOR SALE, one uted caterpillar D-2. Major overhaul, clean, excellent. West Hitchcock Corporation. WE HAVE in Stock GLAMORENE xug cleaner. LUCAS FURNITURE 193 E. MAIN ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs files, for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 620 Main Phone 7419 LANDSCAPING. evergreeni. snrubt, and trees. We trim, spray and remove targe irees. LAKESHORE -GARDENS NURSERY Phone 428S CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. fnone 2-1 it ONE horse drawn McCormJck 5 foot mower, horse drawn McCormtck ootato cultivator, horse drawn John Deere one- bottom two-way plow. Frank Mick a. Maim. Oregon. USED niano. elderly but fairly good $93. Terms. StO down. S6 monthly-. Louis R. Mann Piano to. izo N. 7tn. SADDLE handmade, double rigged like new. Very reasonable. 314 High St. evenings alter a p.m. GAS RANGE, white enameL Very good condition. 50. fnone 3Z8o. SALE on Admiral refrigerators. Choice of 8 models. Small down payment Many monins on me oaiance. LUCAS FURNITURE 193 E. MAIN SEWING machine, electric portable model. Guaranteed perfect sewing con dition. $32.30. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 633 Main. Phone 3-2313 HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER author ized sales and service. Kiamatn furni ture Co. 221 Main. Phone 3333. MODKKN NEW. Mr. and Airs, dresser. Antlnne white flnNh. Call 3578. GLASS furniture tops and shelves made to oraer. KimDaji s uiass anop. t-none 7.TiB. MifiHTY-MAN two-wheel aarden trac tor, slightly used. New tires, five dif ferent piowmg aiiacnmeiUB, see rm real buy and mane me an oner, iroy Morgan. au4 uenver. v none a-uauj. MONUMENTS Deliveries and instal lations can be made bv Mav 30th If or dered now. Clarence Ward, Klamath Monument company. 9o ttign, pnone DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1684 CULL POTATOES for sale Phone ti752 TOR SALE, 27 ft Platte house trailer Excellent condition fnone or 7-0372, TUlelalt-e ELr-XTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phone 7167 Tar el Tweet. 921 Market 55 AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE auto class service. Prompt Reasonable. Kimball's Glass Shop. Phone 7378. FOR SALE, 1940 Chevrolet Coach. Over hauled motor and clutch. New battery, tires and tubes. Good family car. You cant beat this buy. sjuv. u-flt en- lett. Phone 2-1349. 1949 FORD V8 Club Coupe. Radio and heater. Rought new by owner. 91273. pnone ssw. At? R YOU CONNECTED WITH THE LOU It IN li OR llAnVEI INI IKUUS- TRY? if so. we urge you lo see the in dustrial display in the show window of the U.S. National Bank, Sth and Main St., Klamath Falls, Oregon. FOR SALE. Reliable transportation. 1933 Forcl Cntipe. f33. Phone 9387. FOR SALE. 1930 International pick-up. SI230. J. W. KERNS, 734 So. Sixth Phone 4197. FOR SAE 1036 Chevrolet Coupe, theap Phnne 3201. FIVE new 870x1,1 white side walled tires' 20, each. 1410 Mitchell. PAGE ELEVEN 1948 CHEV. 1950 FORD 19S0 CHEV. 1947 DeSOTO 1947 KAISER 1937 Dodge $ 97 1937 Plymouth $ 87 1942 Chevrolet $497 1941 Chrysler $397 1937 Ford - $ 97 1939 Chevrolet $197 1941 Plymouth $477 Phone 8101 II IV iooi nox AVM ANY ; You always get the best when vou buy a SAFE-BUY USED CAR from BASIN MOTORS SEE THESE AND SEE WHY 48 Olds Club Coupe 895 '1495 '1745 '1495 1595 '1745 795 '1795 '1095 '695 Nice black. Ilnlsh. ....... '49 Mercury 4-Door Radio, heater 50 Buick Spec Sedanet Radio, heater, Dynaflow, 40 Mercury Sport Cpe. Radio, heater. -.. 50 Ford Fordor Sedan Radio, heater, overdrive. 49 Buick Sedanet Radio, heater, Dynaflow. '46 Mercury 2-Door A real Spring Value. .. 50 Mercury Sport Sdn. Heater, very nice. '49 Ford Club Coupe Nice and clean '46 Studebalcer Pickup 4-speed transmission '49 Ford Tudor Sedan M265 Radio, heater, overdrive. SPECIAL '38 DESOTO SEDAN l $75 I OTHER PRE-WAR BARGAINS AVAILABLE ;. ' Easy To Buy . . . Easy To Pay Fori Basin . Motors; LINCOLN MERCURY 432-424 So. 6th Phone 7171 'or a NEW or USED TRUCK. Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND -, TRUCK SALES .;; Utii and Klamath -Phone 2-258J CUMPLETIS Radiator. . Service - CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade ' ' BEST VALUES! ' . USED ' 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED :H West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 677 a 7th Phone 1771 MUST SELL this week. '41 Buick, two door, '49 engine, radio, heater. Per fect condition. Highest offer takes. Phone 8257. BUS SARUANT'S VSKO CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Street. Phone 8205 FOR QUICK SALE, 1941 Chrysler Royal motor over-hauled. Good shape, ttadlo and heater. $:ioo cash. Phone 813S. . . OOOX10 HKCAPS I.VD3 EACH EXCHANGE We bur used I Ires. O.K. Rubber Weld- erv 2391 So. 8th. Phon. 4313. WU WALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 C. Main. Phon. 3379. "We will sell vour car for vou." We buy an.1 trade' FOR SALE, equity In 11)16 ' ton plcKUp Phone 2-1437 after 3 p.m. H NCfcU LAH&: il lop prit. SOW, kos. aioior co .in anq num. rOR SALE, 194t Plymouth special de luxe lour door. Clean Interior, good motor. Terms. 1806 Portland. 1031 GMC one ton Phono 37.11 FOR SALE, "88" Oldsmiibll. two-door. Immaculate, perfect, 19,000 miles. 8lx tires, $2100. Rt. 2. Box 792. First house on left past Harpo Dam in Foe Valley. R. ' V. Ketcham. 1931 CHEVROLET sedan delivery, fine, en 8,300 miles. Top condition. Prlca) $1800. Sea at 1028 Main (treat.