PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TL'KSDAY. AI'HIL 1, W2 PLANT NOW Evergreens Shade Trees Flowering Trees Fruit Trees Flowering Shrubs Roses and Lilacs LANDSCAPING IS OUR SPECIALTY We design and plant all kinds of landscaping. YOU ARE INVITED to visit Lakeshore Gardens Nursery and see the Lovely New Evergreens, Trees and Shrubs just received. Our hardy acclimated trees and shrubs are guaranteed to grow. riant mi America ' llijiHlli'll LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4286 (OOKIK I'lTTKRS Allnmont Cookie Cutters played in rhino with twelve benns. All ul i Hit) children biotmht some samples of viinilla drop cookies and wo judRcd them to see wlioso were best. A short business meeting was held. We hnd cookies lor refresh mollis. Lust time lor roll cull wo mimed our favorite cookie" nnd how It Is different from other cookies. Tills time for roll call wo mime n 1 tree. Nest meeting will , be held April 1953. Janice iMir. News Krporter. Kl 111 lill TEMPLE RALPH Presents C All MICHAEL Outstanding Violinist, Vocalist and Recording Artist Director and Arranger of the Campus Christian C.B.S. Television Program which won the 1951 Academy Award presented by Gov. Earl Warren. VAXGIE CAKM ICIIAEL Recording Artist. Vocalist on Campus Christian T.V. Program. PAUL MICKELSOX Organist for Billy Graham. Direct from the Billy Graham Washington, D.C. Revival. Nightly April 1st thru 6th 7:45 P.M. Rev. D. B. Anderson, Pastor VANG IE and RALPH CARMICHAEL TIIK SKW AND SAVE (LIB The Sew and Save Club had two simple meetings. The first meeting HOW Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS CliffYaden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th -n 24 hrs. Every Day) - - was held nt the homo of Mrs. Kuni, the lender March 11. Marilyn Alter and Sheila Kuni were tho onlv ones who attended and they worked on the dresses that are belim started. Nina Kelter has moved and there lore has been dropped from the club. March 35th was r. fast discus sion at Iho home ul Mrs. Knim. Tho Bills camo so Into thai It was Impossible to have a business meet Inn althoiiKh they did talk on In line things that are to happen. Caps were ordered and will be given out at the next meeting. The two dem onstration teams who want to dem onstrate at the Clun Store are Peg gy Shannon and Sheila Kims, Su san O'Halr and LnVonne Yuuck. The girls want to give something on Talent Night. April ailth. These are all futuro thliiiis to bo done later. Shrlla Kuni News Krporter ( OOKIK Cl'TTr'.RS Altamont Cookie Cutters plaved an Interesting game of squares, tri angles circles and rectangles. A j short business meeting was held and some d the children sent to : the storo to find the cost of apples, bread, butter, eggs, milk, flour, oats, and sugar while the others niBde popovers. For roll call we named a sign of spring. Next meet ing will be held March 2tilh. 1053. , Janice Hairs, News Reporter . SPARKIE Musical Glasses PJLU0 "tTH Crafr Lak rnon your atirr u nu est Mwrt MAN 1 Not I I orSANOCMLii. cer vou mi jjak. I u ruM iook M Muxrr cr rut-Mmc I IN J HsTTAL CAM fWOM VIM KM HVUCAL B, K. Teed, Owner-Manager Says Jhanktk B. K. TEED April Marks Our mm DEALERS FOR GENERAL TIRES & KRAFT RECAPPING SYSTEM We want you to see the most modern recapping shop in Southern Oregon that has grown in the past 26 years from the pioneer full circle recapping shop to the nation ally known Kraft. Recapping System ... a factory approved system operated and supervised by factory trained experts. Mr. Teed wishes to give the folks of the Klamath Basin his sincere thanks for their faithful patronage during the past' quarterof a century., 315 So. 6th Ph. 7071 TUNE IN KFJI WED. 8 P.M. - "WHAT'S THE NAME OF THAT SONG" l'OK VA1.LKV SKWF.TTKS Poc Vallev Seweltcs' meeting was held during the spring vacation, Friday ot Mrs. George Rolling's. Tile president. Martha Tubach brought the meeting to order. All Ihe Rills were present. Thev talked about posters that are being made for the fair and demonstrations that will be given at the fair. Af ter the business meeting, the girls worked on their sewing. There were refreshments and the meeting was adjourned. Tho next meeting will bo March 3!st at Mrs. William Tubach's home. Norma Jean Lyon, News Reporter LET'S COOK C'l.l'll OF PIONEER COMMUNITY The past week has been very active for our Cluh. March nth a 4-H Party was held at Mrs. Earl Sclierer's. with the Fatrhnven Sheep Club. Cookie Kids ot Elllngson Mill. Jack and Jills of Keno Sewing Sew ing and the Keno Baby Beef. A good lime was had bv all. The Seherer children: Robert. Maxlne. Darlene. and Beverly made cake lambs to be used In the Pas toral scene In the Rodonna Store window. Judy Klrksey . made cup cakes, which were used as the hay shocks. Colored coconut, made the grass, and candled fruit the eyes and tongues on the lambs. The scene was also used for P.T.A. ex hibit, along with cakes, cookies nnd breads from the two cooking rlubs. The exhibits were ued for the refreshments for the P.T.A. Patsy Davidson and Judy Klrk sey gave a skit on "Everyday Man ners" and Judy Howard gave a demonstration o." correct measur ing. The olnh meniliera mado filled cookies, March ilfilli. There was a short business session mostly dis cussing Hie driuntmt nitons to ho given at tho Gun store on April Mil. Tho cookies turned out good and all tvero eaten and tho mooting adjourned, Maxlne Neherer, Newit- Reporter, ALTAMONT KNITTING CM'tl The Altamont Knitting Club met nt the home of Mrs. Carl Furk.-y March 1th. Dlauo Clark and Joyce Drown had a team demonstration on washinx a sweater and Kay Merrill had a demonstration on washing a scarf which Is the first project to bo knitted nnd she. Is through Willi hers, we voted on who should bring tho refreshment to tho next meeting. Carmen Malmo nnd Joyce Brown will bring ihe rcirosimicuta. Carmen Malmr News Reporter NBC Signs Miss Truman NEW YORK W The National Broadcasting Company has signed Margaret Truman for anuther year of radio and television perform ances. The broadcasting company said Monday she will appear on nine radio and video shows at a salary of $2,500 each. Extension of her original con tract was arranged four weeks ago, NBC, acting under a provision In the original contract, took up an option for another exclusive contract during the IU53-I0S3 sea son. ' Miss Truman's original agree ment with NBC CBlled for U ap pearances during the lOM-lO.U sea son. Her salary never was an nounced officially, but reports put It at 2.500 for each radio show and $4,000 for each TV performance. Six Charged In Big Reno Theft LAS VEOAS. Nov. Wl Federal Indictments have been relumed against six persons accused In the $1,500,000 burglary at the home of Keno millionaire last month. The grand Jury charged all six with transporting stolen property across state lines. The are Jeanne d'Arc Midland, Benton H. Robin son. Lcona Rogers, Andres Robert Young, John Trlllegl and Frank Joseph Sorrentl Jr. Ball was set at 450,000 each. L. V. Redfleld. whose sale was robbed Feb. 39, annealed before the grand Jury session. The United States flag was used In the battle of Cooch's Bridge. Del., Sept. 3. 1777. v 1 1 1 ni; to the Wi -ne-ma Coffee ' SHOP Quality Food At Reasonable Pricos r Plus Plain "Old Fashioned' 'Hospitality 1 CLASSIFIED RATES One day ,......... per word 4" Ilirea Days .,..,..,. per word lie Week run per word 30a Month run per word U6o MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one a is cue. BOX NUM1IERS Answers to nds may be handled ihrotiiih box numbers at tho papur lor a aery ico onamo of ilo. DEADLINES Classified (us accepted up to 5:30 p.m. for following day's publication ' Classified display ads accepted up to 12 noun tor following day'a pub' Itcauon. ADJUSTMENTS Please make all cihiuu tor adjust menis wltnout delay A CARD OF THANKS WAt.Kr.ll We wlih la exureu our ap pivt'lalum fur Ih. many act, cit Klnit lie., .ml exnre.klon, ot yiiiialhy and i-omlolcm-e extended by otir fil.mli .ml n.ltflltmi-t ilvirlug lit. r.t-eitl llln.ii mill uc.iii tit nur Itvluvna n.iight.r. Mr. Alt' W.IK.r mill Kmittly. t FUNERAl HOMIi WAMUS kl.ntath ruii.r.i Hum.." tlis msu street, num. ;i;l;u. Legal Notice Th.jAYHAWK hi nnni '1 soy L c u c 5? JAYHAWK GAS tgU 4111 C.a.1. Xa.1. THERE'S NONE BETTER "91" Oetone Ethyl 31e 21 33 South 6th u ' WORKING FOR YOU! Savlnas DeDOllts mad on r1 f.r Annum on or b.for. April 10th ..rn Zo Interost from April 1 St. thr.. y.on. Money in the bank is not "idle money" when you open a savings account at The First National Bank of Portland. Here your money works for you every day at the increased rate of 2, regardless of the size of your account. Remember, There's No Substitute for a Bank Savings Account. start saving today at The First National and earn interest from April 1st. . , ' Klamath Falls.Branch jSt South 6th Street Branch, Merrill Branch FIRST NATIONAL BANK . cLi OF PORTLAND 'rjrvwcMVMrWt-OPEH 10 TO 5 SIX DAYI A WIEK 1IT BiMlD OIltOON TOOfTHM" ftwnbtr fidtral Dipotlt ImurafKt Corporation NOTICK KKAtnlnatltm ftir Cartiflftl Public Ap rnuntaiiU of Orlt will Imi hvltl In PnrilMitU from I ;iu t m. Wcilitii(triy, m n. iiiruuvn rnuay may in, Applliatlinu iiuut Im ftlcil wlih the SccrvUry un or lfuro Anrll IA. 10X2. Win. H. HitliH, C IV A Hrt-rvtaiy tit ninvriran iiaitK iiuilUlng Pot Hand A. Orr-gon M. 20 ;il A. lNo, U.H) NOTlLlt"oK FIN Al SKTrUKM KNI" Notice It hrrhy tven I ha I lh uti civtulKiivcl Excvtitufd ul Ilia aaluta uf, Annriia MrCaha. tlaracl, lmv Mlcil in th Cirruil Cmul ot Ihe Hlata u( Orrtimi, tr Klamath County, Ihv llitnl ai-t-ciuni ui their MdiuMualrallun ( aul Rtalv and that the Court liaa atipulnl vtl the Jiid. nay ul Mv. 1U33. jii ina hour of vlrvrn n'rlitrk In lh fnrttnuit oi aiu uay a the tuna and the tour I Hikhu of aaiu Court aa tha place (or a" eirnini oi aaiu account. Dune Mrch 2U. Ili.13. itliei4 It Cnllctit Charles Hathauay i:xecutnrB ul Ihe ettalt o( Aitnet la McCalie, deceaked. Henry E. I'erklna. Aty. fur ulri esiHte. TM Main Jit , KUiuallt FalU, Oregon a i-n ia-w-au no. 11.12 Sale of llmlr,Klamatn Indian lte ervatlon. fialed hliU. in duplicate, on in provided therefor, marked out tide "Hid. Section 2 and J T. U? H. 1 1 IC lvitfaf In Hull" and tiltlreurd lo the Buixfrinleridriit. Klanialh Indian AMetiry. Klanialh Aavnev. Uiraon. will oe reccitru unui a OO u ciorat pm, ra etflc .Standard Time. April 21, UHJ, lor tha purr ha of merrhantahle thn tier UeBlMnaled for rultina and comUI- Ug of approximately WXJ.OOU ft. hoard akiire more ur lena of ponditioio pine and iinalt untteiermlnnd aninuiita oi atijittr ulna. IKjuwlaa fir. inrensa cadar. white fir. and other nperien. Which esllmateti are not anaf nntnl The timber l located on a tract of approximately HO acrva In H'i Section ana sh' ww section a t ji h. 11 K. W. M. rach hid mutt alaio ina price per inouiamd feet Doard tneab. ure Scribner IJerlinaL C Imm Hemlm thai win in paid for limber cut. No hid will he roiutdcrrd for Imi than t'1.1 so per tnouiana it. JIM for pontlrriua ulna and ktigar pine; $12 ao per thouuind ft. II M for Uoualaa fir and Im-etiui redar: ".'" per inouiann 11 dm ror while fir anu oiner pecie. tacn ma muit lw arconipanieq y a certified check in tha amount of UVxiuo on a aolvenl bank oavahle to the Hneclal Dltburalna Aeni. rviamain Aitmr, urriun. 1 drpoait will be returned tn unaurretaf ul Dldflera. The depoalt of tha ucreafiil bidder will ba applied aa nart ot the pure hate price agalnat timber actually rut on tnla unit only, or retalnrd aa liquidated damag-ra If the bidder tdifcll not execute contract and furiilah aalla- fartory iMind firr tJ.uufl oo within M davi from acceptance ot hit Did. Tha rtaiiit to waiva tecnnirai defect and recrl ny and all tda la rraerved. Ilia con tract will apecity thut all riralantf ted timber ahall be cut and removed from the unit prior to April 1, 1U.V) and that all oilier requirement including alam ana anag aupoaai anaii ttm complvled oy ueremner Ji. ium. For copte of contract, regulation, h anki for the aubinttalon of bid, and other Informa tion, apply to the Superintendent. Klam ath Agency, o.rtfon iJaied .hi :mt day or March, IM3 at Portland, Oregon. E. Morgan 1'ryae, Area Director, frl-U A-l-a-13 No. ViS N OT l: E0 rV I N All A CCO I' NT Notice u hereby aiven. that lha un. derilgned admlntttratrix of tha eatain or carl r. handed, deceased, haa filed her final account with lha rlerk of iho circuit court of Klamath Countv. Ore gon, and lha court haa ael Friday the ZHh day of April, 195a. in tha Circuit Court Room in tha Court houae in k amain r am, Oregon at 10 o rliwk A.M. of aald date, a tha lime and place for hearing objection thereto and tha tet dement thereof. Da led thlt tlli day of March. IDiit Sarah A. Aandell, Adminutratrlx. A. w. Schaupp. Attorney, M.2A. A l-8-lft-22 No. 921 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice la hereby given that the under alined Executrix of the calale of, D. 0. Havana, defeated, haa filed In tha cir cuit Court of tha State nt Oreenn. fur Klamath Countv, the final account of her admtnlatratlnn of aald entate and that the Court baa appointed Ihe 111th nay ot April, iur2. at lha hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon of aald aay aa ine time ana the court room of aald court aa the place for hearing account. and tcttlemenl of Oona March 17 1052. Executrix of the Haven, deceased. May I. Haven!, estate oi O. D, Henry E. Perk ln, Atty. for aald ealnte. 7.11 Main St., Klamath Fall, Oregon. M. 1B-23-A. 1-8-15 No. SIS ,:U!t-Air IIISTRICT C OURT Franrli C. Ellli, violation bailc rule. Fine S7.SO. Wayne r. Chrlitenton, drunk. For feit $19 hall Jerry V. Blancoul, overload, fortell yjt) ball. Karl J. Clark, panning on hill crcht. Fine (1.1, auapended 910. Ueorie A. Schrleher, no vehicle II ceme. Forfeit $A liall. Roliert M. Oweni, overload. Forfeit 101 hall. Gnnam R. Dodaon, no PUC permit. Forfeit SIS hall. Joe W. Chin, overload. Forfeit SIS ball. Herman Sabln, no vehicle llcenae. Fine ss. William R. Trimly, no clearance llshu. Forfeit $ hall. Normal L. Karr, failure atop at atop Ign. Fine JII. Marie C. Franrenchlnl. violation ba lc rule. Forfeit S7.S0 ball. Frank W. Hurd, violation hanlc rule. Forfeit (750 ball. William ft. Savage, no PUC permit. Forfeit (IS ball. MI NIf IPAI, COURT William J. Sullivan, drunk. Fine (IS. Paul Prather, dlaordorly conduct. Fine (2S. Krwln Kranz, disorderly conduct. Fine (as. Mildred Scott, drunk driving. Fine (too. Eugene Weeks, drunk. Fine (19 or 7! daya. Roy Cornell, drunk. Fine (IS. Richard Dlckena, drunk. Fine (19. Robert Bnrger, drunk. Fine (IS. Mike Gorham, drunk. Fine (19. Warren Earth, drunk. Fine (19 or 7',i daya. Clarence Duke, drunk. Fine (IS or 7',', daya. Thomaa Brown, drunk. Fine (19 or 7a daya. Raymond Toft, drunk. Fine $19 or 7','a daya. John Brewer, drunk. Fine (19 or 71a daya. Edwin Rlcharda, drunk, Poaled (19 ball. Raymond Pnmpev, drunk and ttla orderly. Fine (29 or 12', daya. LOS ANGELES 11 Wootlrow Wilson 8nyrc hiis Announced lies')) seek the nomination tor Congress man from the 25th district on both Democratic and Republlcnn tick ets. Sityre In the Rrnnrison of Pres ident Woodrow Wilson, a . Demo crat. , A CARD 0 THANKS WriLCII T We wlaH'V llMM ll ut uuc kind Irlrnili ami iirlghlaire l"r lic many kind eHlii-Mlon. uf vaipalhv.Aiul riiMiliilence dining uur irrrnl Iwiaave Mi,, tleurge U. Welch, Dale Wilbur II. II"V K MIETIN0 NOTICIS NAOMI 8IIIIINB No. S Older of White Shrine of JniiBiilcm will hold ii ttnlnl infcHng on Tilrsilny, April I. 10M,. All vIsIIIiik siirjourncis Invited. Ulnnclio BcliiiUe W. II. P. i Jniiirs llunlrr , W. 8. coo I OOF NO. 137 Every Tuesday 8:00 P.M. Fifth mid Main Sis. 1 10ST AND FOUND UTsf- llnimiT wan'h'iiTg mar1TinaTuT. ttlwr.n M.rrlll and Klainalli Falla. Ileward Phnne I l)2o;i. i.AHV thai" iilckeil 'up wlnduw .haft.e near Sari', la.l Friday pl.a call W.1B. LOST, female Sl.mra " ral.Aliout nine ninnllia old. Vit'lnlly N. 3rd. Phone 2 oln afl.r ila. Il.wafd. fc K'l'RAYKll -drrinan" pulireiftig. H.lOay dl.lrlcl. Phnne ll GENIRAl NOTICES rtooriNo lnnii-iip ComiMMillon Hhlnulra Aliiinliium Shlniilrs SIDINU 1 Asbenton ' Crdnr Hhnkrs IN8U).A')ION Ulnwn-ln rihfntlnsa frw.1 iitMA'i'friN AI.IIMINt)f SCUEKN nivJ STOKM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4408 or CLEM LUSEUKn. 3-3443. Audit ALL WORK GUARANTEED EASTER SPECIAL Oft your EABTKR PERMANENT At reduction ul the Lady Klamath Reality Shop Cnll Vrlina ot 6077 FKTf N S IIOR Tiowat"FWrVe Beauty Shop Phone 4flla; I.ANr.8 Fur'f'ninira'ny ifoVm.rly Rich artUi new aditrp.i. lots Main acrma from old location op.n fur buslneae April lo PERSONALS WrtX KNifniuaVa'nleedrio,lery. Phone a n rRATF.X Pla.lic. Phone IU2. hi AN-KY"HomelfroduVu. 1'n'on. r&f. I TRANSPORTATION WANTED. tV.iipirta't Ion from Ivory Strl. nff Shaila Way. to downtown area, morliliig. hetwrvn 0 90 and 7. Pl.a.e call Mil Tuewl.Y. 10 SERVICES CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't nnt, someone the nredit Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we r offering . . . why not take ndvsnt ii He of this tmlriue opportunity. i Drop In nt -f5 Knnt Main In Klnm uth Fulls nnd get acquainted or Phone 5670 CUSTOM TRENCHING FOR DRAIN TILK IHHIOATION PIPE 8KWKR DITCHK8 WATER DITCHES FEROU80N MOBILE UNIT DAVIS Plumbing Company 337 East Mnln ' Phone 7035 NOTICE LANDSCAPING THEK PRUNING SPRAYING Francis "Smithy" Smith, ffflM KltfffftiM. Lot us work with you NOW on your mntlnrnpp nrcn. jiuaKuusiiKs now IN STOCK I'nntPMlAH nnt Ni 1 SUBURBAN FLOWKR SHOP .1614 So. 6th Phone 818S Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields Installed ' repaired. Years of experience. All work suitriinteorl PELICAN HOTEL PHONE 4731 PHONE 67.H Heavy Hauling ) ANVWHRHK tnil urnei Honest Rates WclKhts 8ervlc iitsiirca ANDERSEN FREIQHT LINE 2803 South Sixth Ph. 0240 or 3-3133 beptic tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methodi Also ROTO ROOTER StfRVtrff. Cleans uewer Lines of Roots, Eta, Rn p ifTwn 2434 Orchsrd Phone S84I EXCAVATING Mooil Shovel and Trench Ho Bulldozer Pill nif- - ,i .... v., - ,u,NU Crushed Rock . Driveway Clndeif Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. FiiomjjiMl or 8850 KI.ECTlTtCAL comrnctli,u;t- . aiiicco.fiK e a-mlu. CAlii'kNTK'n work. Remndcllng ' ,,,'d new eonatrucllon;Plion Jl-onn. Ai.TT.nATIONS Xnlia'a. 8atfiTfa7il'o'n guaranteed. Phnne (I.WI, Jennie Hare. Tl!l7N'4'NU ""' ""iJI"'nn''" Ptioni nd atretcheri. Phone 41)14 J. L. DEAN ' Public Accounlanl ..... ' nuauor .,'-'Wl.''o. 71h. - Phone 3 r ... , mu, iiecoranng. paperhang Ing, Phone sIILo "nl'lllng, apray palnllngjl THII'P S Aula Painting. Body and fen der wurk. Phnne 4U4I). luii Muitvitr, or (lOliHiiiNlrallon or miy ,,,,, in,,, i,m reanraing tne (lerman Pfarr Mewlne Machin. urit tj u m..... Box 8.1.