MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1052 PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON via x' v DOCTOR GALLAGHER Dusette's choice as partner. Dusette Chooses Doctor Wrestling fans didn't like it when Dr. Gallagher cloobered Prenchy Roy Wednesday nisht, opening a huge cut in the French-Canadian's head. Referee Wally Moss didn't like it either, and nave Roy that match over the rURRed Ohio chiropracter. But Georges Dusette liked it and promptly chose the blond bone bender as a partner in Wednesday s tag team match at the armory. Dusette and Gallagher team up aRainst Kurt Von Poppenhetm and Erie i Look At My Muscles) Peder sen, the duo that scuffled to a draw with Dusette and Cowboy Carlson last week. TEAM I'P , The Proud Prussian and the showoff Scandanavian combined all out tactics to sideline Carlson for the last 10 minutes of the bout. Dusette, probably the stronRest grapnler in the Northwest circuit, warded off his two mat foes the rest of the way to set a draw. : But the popular fall nelson expert Immediately clamored for another shot at Eric and Kurt. He figured Gallagher, whose bruising style ot milling belies his good looks, was the man who could team with him for the victory. . -UNHAPPY Von Poppenheim and Pedersen ii with the deadlock either and quickly accepted the match. Matgoers are also looking for ward to seeing in action Toi Y8 - -tiini .Tirtnnesp wrest' ler from Singapore. The slippery Nio gets Carlson in the opener. JJ-K. ... hiiiorf for one hour or the best two of three falls. Reserved tickets are on sale at Castleberry -Drugsl Tank Coach Pessimistic PRINCETON, NJ. OB Ohio State won the NCAA swimming championships with a record point total but Coach Mike Peppe claims he's "pessimistic" about the Buck eves' chances of a lollowup tri umph in the National AAU indoor championships next week end at New Haven, Conn. Although most coaches are a pes simistic lot, the man who guided Ohio State to its seventh NCAA team triumph in 10 years last week end at Princeton seems to have some cause for alarm. His boys whipped Yale by a 94-81 margin, but this week it will be Ohio vs. the New Haven Swim Club. That means Yale's varsity, plus freshmen and those alumni still able to get through the water in a hurry. TIME OUT! Witte Loses In Finals FORT COLLINS, Colo, ttl Win nlng NCAA wrestling chamtonshtps by one point Is beginning to un nerve Port Robertson, who coached Okalhomit University's Sooners to their second straight title Saturday. Oklahoma edged low Teachers College 22-31 for the team title 1" the 22nd annual NCAA tournament Oklahoma A&M, champion in 16 of the meets, was another point behind with 20. Last year Oklahoma won by 24 23 over its state rival, A&M. The team scores behind the top three included: Indiana, California and Pittsburgh 6 each, . Michigan State and Oregon StAtc 5 each. esq & ::"';"-'i;' Sfl "I told you all's not well with him ... notice how he favors his rbjht leg?" MAKE GOOD MONTREAL W The Montreal Canadiens in the NHL are finding out that they don't have to look any further than their own back yard to discover outstanding hocK ev players. Seven members of the team this season were born ami ueveiopea right in Montreal. They are Murice Richard, Butch Bouch ard, Doug Harvey, Bernie Geot 'r,on. Owar'i St. Laurent. Ken Mosdell and Dickie Moore. All sev en are graduates of the Quebec Amateur Hockey Association. k. JUL Nelson Reed Registered Shoot Winner In a registered shoot sprinkled with scatteiRimners throughout the state, Falls' Nelson Reed won yesterday at Wocus in a shoot off with four others, Reed tied with Vern Moore, J. M. Adams. Klamnth Falls, Clyde i Fox, Merrill, and John Wlllener. Eugene, all with 98x100 scores In the 16-yard event. Reed won In the shootoff, hitting 35 straight targets. Reed, Carl Oliiey. Adams and Moore all shot perfect 3S's as the Klamath Gun Cluo registered perfect score on the Oregon Jour nal telegraphic scorecard. 8co",! .-., HtKl. Klamath M Moore. . Klamath ..- . M Arimit Klamath OS fill Fox. Man III . WHl.nar, Euin Cloakt. Klamath ... Olnry Klamnth Templ.lon. Albany M Grant. Klamath nrlicoll. Klamath Davit, Klamath Pfaae. Mtdlurd ... Janl7tr. Mertford . Hattan, Klamath Smith. Klamath Martin, Klamath Wattera, Klamath Handy, Roarburg Tripp, Tulelak. -.. ' H. Otnty. Klamath . BroylM, Klamath L. Januer. Medford . 04 S Wt T M M M B9 . 94 C7 3 Ml 93 91 a S4 93 M 91 l 90 .. K9 73 . 89 r.s SS 81 ........... S3 78 S3 HJ es JOHN WITTE comes close George Ford, University of New Hampshire basketball forward, ted for 44 per cent of his shots during tne season. John Witte of Oregon State ad- jvanced to the finals but in the neawweigm cnampiuiiMiip uinLuii he was pinned in 4:19 by Gene Nicks of Oklahoma A. & M. In the semifinals Witte won a referee's decision from Jack Dorl man, Minnesota. - Witte.. who came up from Kla math Falls high, took his quaTte.--finals heavyweight match with a 6-3 decision over Dick Torio of Toledo. It was In that round that two other Oregon Staters bowed out. In the 167-pound class OSC'c Bill Mosbv was declsioned 4-2 by Don Heaton of the University of Iowa. In the 191-pound class. Brad ley Glass of Princeton pinned Rod Zielinski. OSC, in 4:03. Millers, Shows Win At Reames Low gross winners were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Miller while Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw won the hiRh gross prize in the husband-and-wlfe two- ball foursome tourney at Reames Country Club yeslerdoy. The Martins shot a 48. the Shaws put together a 65 In the nine-hole meet. Pro Earl Schneiter reminds Reames golfers that one week re mains to qualify lor the spring best ball tournament. A supper followed yesterday's tournament. il;. m r 1 C : i - t 'j - .75. .!-. 1 1.:-J 'iii.: Y f KENTUCKY has the fast horses, Oregon the big fish. Jim Hall, a native Ken tuckian and Herald and News machinist, looks hap py about the 20-inch trout he pulled from Klamath Lake. Cougars Ski Meet Winners SKYKOMI8H, Wash. Hi Wash ington Hliilo Collt-uo skiers ncoiccl 3117.8 points out of a possible 400 aiiiinay to win the scvriillt minimi Pacific N or 1 Invest InleicolliKlnte Ski Association chanipltniHhlp.H. Tlie University of Washington team was socond Willi 378.1 points, unit Hrattle Uiilverslly's No. 1 learn finished third with 344.0. Be hlnd them were Wliilniuii, 937.5; Molilalia, 334.3. and Idaho 326.8. Points wero not computed for the University of Alaska, Collego of Puget Sound, Wvuntchco Junior College and Seattle U. No. 2 team because not enough men wore en- leroci. In compiling Its total, Washing ton Slate took the cross country and finished second in the nIuIoiii Saturday, and won tram Jumping and wus second In the downhill Sunday. The four-wav combined title was won by WSC's Allan Fisher who eollectnl 3H3.8 points. Outturn Berne of Whitman was first across the flnkl! line In tho downhill In 1:13.4 and Ola Glr.itrild. Wrnut- chec, won the Individual Jumping crown with 336.9. points, The Pittsburgh Pirates haves died tiled a benefit game wllh the De troit Tigers for the night of July 21 at Forbes Field. Dale Mitchell of the Cleveland Indians has batted under .300 only once in his major league career. His best mark was .336 in 1948. His worst was last season when he batted only .21)0. Of tho 20 monev-wlnnlng stables lust year at Delaware Park, nine were owned by women whose horse horses won S180.OO5. Max Zaslofsky. ono of the top basketball players In professional ranks, was only a substitute on the St. Johns collcga cage tram. WINNKR'S CIRCLE OCEANPORT. N. J. Wl-Vlsltors to Monmouth Park during the sum mer racing season (June 14-Aug. 9) will find a new winner's circle near th finish iwt A new welffhinff ! stand is to be constructed and the historic Monmouth Park bell, whlcn has rung the horses from the pad dock since the 1870s. will be placed beside the new pagoda. The Boston Red Sox, for the first time In many years, wore their home white uniforms in exhibition games at Sarasota, Fla. Joe Hayncs, pitcner for the Wash ington Senators, Is married to Thcl ma Griffith, daughter of Clark Grif fith, owner of the Nats. In seven seasons of pro football. Bob Watcrfield has completed 763 passes and gained 11,238 yards. During spring training at Vcro Beach, Oil Hodges of the Dodgers won a fishing contest wllh a seven and three quarter pound black bass. Millions Think first of- When Colds Pain Strikes Quits Laxatives -finds amazing relief "Had tried method after method to relieve constipation, until I lost faith." admits New Jersey woman. "Then I started to eat Kcllogg's all-bran dally and was nmnzed at the fine results!" Delicious all-bran may bring bnck your youthful regularity If suffering has been due to lack of bulk In diet. It's the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need, all-br n Is rich In iron, high in cereal protein, pro vides essential B and D vitamins. Not habit-forming. Eat '4 cupful of Kellogg's all-bran dally: drink plenty of liquids. If not satisfied after 10 days, send empty carton to Kcllogg's. Battle Creek, Mich., and get double your monk backI Berra Blasts Homer In Return to Yanks lly Hie Aasoi lulrd Press p Iiv Not en must feel like a gold fish In a bowl In full view, but don't to'.!':!.', please. Ever since the Ntiu't of the train ing Krason. the 27-venr-nld Wash ington outfielder hits ht't'U n l'l In the trading niitit. But he's still hawking llles for the Nuts. The Nats polished off the De troll Tigers Sunday, 0-3. mid In the process Noren got, two hits, both doubles. The Yankees' Yogi Berra. who has been out of action wllh a sprained ankle for tlie past two weeks, returned to action and blasted n home run in his first trip to the phtte, He drove In a to tal or lour runs to (rati uio now York Yankees to an 8-6 conquest of the Boston Braves. Vlo lliw-hl Kid Signs For Kaplin SEATTLE m Harry (Kldl Matthews will meet Georgle Kup lilt. Brooklyn heavyweight, In a len-roiind bout In Snn Francisco April 28. Jack Hurley, Matthews' mana ger, announced Sunday he has completed arrangements for tlie Bay City mutch. However, Hurley said the fight will not bo the first of I0.VJ for Matthews, leading light-heavy-weight contender. Matthews will headline a Tex Sulkcld show in Portland April 14 itKuinsl a stlll-to-be determined op ponent, possibly Dick Wagner of Toppenlsli, Wash., Hurley said. He added the Rose City opponent will be announced Monday or Tuesday. went seven Innings fur tho Yank), HIXTII Tlin Cincinnati Heels, who have hern burning up the Grapefruit I.eumip for the past week, won their sixth In a row by nipping the Philadelphia I'hlln, 3 1. ftwcll liiitckwol held tim rims to imir lilts In seven innings. Home runs spelled a-4 victory fur the Pittsburgh 1'lrutes over tlie St. Louis Browns, 'Hie Cleveland Indians beat inn New York Ulanls 0-5. by thn same formula for thn second tiny In a row a rally in the ninth In ning. 1IVK IIITK Clem Litblne and John Ruther ford combined to hold the St. Lou. Is Cardinals to five hits, while tlie Brooklyn Dtitgers were running up n 7-2 victory. The Chicago Culm trounced their ncluhunrx. the Chi- ciiog White Sox, 7-3 with a 12-hlt barrage. Three other Major League clubs fattened their averages at Uio ex pense of Minor Leuutio teumt, Tlie Boston Red Sox stopied Ilia 11 1 r nilUKhani Batons or the Southern Association. o-'J; the Philadelphia As nipped the lliiltlmoie Ori oles, 6-4. and the Boston Braves "B" team whitewashed tho Atlan ta Crackers ot the Southern Asso ciation, (-0. Jack Fsdden, trainer for the Bos ton lied Sox, Is also the trainer for the Harvard football team and has been for tho punt 26 years. Skeeler Kell, rookie Inllelder trr- ' Ing to niuke the grade with the Philadelphia A's, Is the brother of Oeorge Kell of the 'itgers. SPARKIt Musical Glasses Cratr Lk Otta Chi frou routcrr uu MU 0 tovrc mam NoUl MviiiecMtif. .tt t voiir ifuk it Turtt aoox 4 no kuuf r tr rwtNoie M 1 MTU, CAtl mm ITU! MrlfCAt CLAIM t LaHaaMalBl Only 10 minutes to fir. II A rich, savory flavor B everybody likes, (let I one of the flno Chun King Oriental foods SLr &at your grocers today! Jm 9th ond Pine Phone 3188 The highest total of goals scored by two teams in an American Hoc key League playoff game was 14. when Buffalo defeated Cleveland 12-2 In 1943-44. Imogene "Mo" Upton, a Univer sity of New Hampshire co-ed, was fifth in the women's slalom In the Winter Olympic Games. MBaaMaavwtay Lme ComforTU F and Beauty 1 INSULATED SIDEWALL SHAKES .NEW. SENSATIONAL NO PAINTING EVER NECESSARY CUTS FUEL BILLS DRASTICALLY SAVES REPAIR BILLS TERMITE PROOF Add yean ot life to your homt with ' PtneLshakt an outstanding Imulat Ing ' Board of quality and durability finfihtd in fhaVa design. Six beautiful color. Rock-Hkt durable finish. No 1 must no fust to apply. Insulates against heat, cold, wind, dust, and ound. For structures OLD and NEW for comfort, durability and beauty list Insulated tidewall PaneLshakes. CurMtit0d application. ' Kttimat0$ givtn without obligation. Call us today Henris Roofing 410 Adomi Phone 6161 msmm uki SHOP WARDS FOR SMART; LOW-PRICED COTTONS Entire Stock 5.98 Cotton Dresses Sole Priced 2 for $10 Monday and Tuesday Only So smart, to thrifty you'll want to buy several of these Cotton Dresses when you : jeefhem.Ihey'resuchflnequality ginghams, broadcloths, chambrays. Some easy-to- care-for embossed novelties too.Their smart, simple styling, fashion-bright trims make them ideal for office, travel, town. Plaids, checks, solids. Bright, dark, pastel hues, 9tht and Pine Phone 5188 READ THE SHOPSMITH STORY - SATURDAY EVENING POST - MARCH 29 With V2 h.p. Motor 224.00 On Terms: 10 Down Read the speciol feature in the March 29th issue of the Saturday Eveninq Post. Learn how Shopsmith was born and the success story of its development. Then see this wonder tool demonstrated in Wards Hardware Dept. See why Shopsmith takes only Va the spoce required by similar individual power tool set-ups and costs about V2 as much. (1) Vertical Drill Press that drills to center of 15" circle. (2) Biq-capacity 8" Sow with effective table width of 56 in. (3) 12" Disc Sander witht more than 113 sq. In. of surface. (4) Horizontal Drill Press, work area limited by your room. (5) Wood Lathe with 33" between center and 15" swinq. Chanqe from one tool to another in less than a minute. SEE SHOPSMITH DEMONSTRATED IN OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT