Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 31, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1052
New York Htock
By The Associated Press
' Admiral Corporation 27 l4
iAllled Chemical .73 i
Allls Chalmers ' i' . ' ' . 60
American Airlines 14
American Power St Light 35 Ji
, American Tel. & Tel. 154
American Tobacco , 68
. Anaconda Copper 48
Atchison Railroad 83
Bethlehem Bteel 61
Boeing Airplane Co. 49 'i
Borg Warner 69 '
Burroughs Adding Machine 17
California Packing 26 Vt
' Canadian Pacific 40 ',i
Caterpillar Tractor . . 62
Celanese Corporation 44 i
. Chrysler Corporation 76 4
Cities Service 110 3
Consolidated Edison 33 '
Consolidated Vultee 17 si
Crown Zellerbach . 55 1
Crutlss Wright 8i
Douglas Aircraft ' 58
duPont de Nemours 87
Eastman Kodak 44
Emerson Radio 14 H
General Electric 59 U
General Foods . 42 B
General Motors 55 '
Georgia Pac Plywood 21
Goodyear Tire 45
Homestake Mining Co. 37 'i
International Harvester 33
International Paper 49
Johns Manville 69
Kennecott Copper 79
Libby. McNeill 8 s
Lockheed Aircraft 20 si
Loew's Incorporated 16 '-i
Long Bell A
Montgomery Ward 63 li
Nash Kelvlnator 21
New York Central 19 i
Northern Pacific 92 i
Pacific American Fish 16 5
Pacific Gas & Electric 34 7i
Pacific Tel. & Tel.
Pnrkftrd Mntor Car 4 t!,
Penney (J.C.) Co. 67
Pennsylvania R.R. 18 14
Pepsi Cola Co. 9 s
Philco Radio . 30 Vt
rtaaio corporation i ft
Rayonler Incorp 61
Rayonier Incorp Pfd
Republic Steel 41 !i
Reynolds Metals . 62
Richfield Oil 58
Safeway Stores Inc. 32
U.VK 4 Dnt . ... if
Sears Roebuck & Co. 53
Socony-Vacuum Oil 40 Vt
Southern Pacific 80 'i
Standard Oil Calif. 55 '
Standard Oil N. J. 79 H
Studebaker Corp. 37
RiincVHna Mlnlne In L
Swift & Company 32 l4
Transamerica Corp. 24 'j
Twentieth Century Fox 17 'i
Union Oil Company 43 3i
Union Pacific 121 H
United Airlines 29
United Aircraft 30 'i
United Corporation 5 H
United States Plywood 33
United States Steel 39 S
Warner Pictures 14 J
Western Union Tel 38
Westinghouse Air Brake 25
Westingbouse Electric 37
Woolworth Company 43
Northern California Fair Mon
day night and Tuesday, except pnrt
ly cloudy In extreme north hue
Monday night or Tuesday, with a
few showers north of Ukliili: Mull
ion on const nigiu and morning;
CHICAGO tfl Grains slumped '"'e temperature change. North
ern llin board of trade Mnnrinv inrl I westerly Winds nf 12 to L'S mil... mi
brokers had a hard time thinking hour off coast, except variable
Bonus Bonds
Easy To Sell
SALEM '.fi Oregon won't have
nny trouble selling lis stale veter-
nils. bonus bonds, Deputy State
Treasurer Fred II. Pnulus said
up reasons for the decline. ('rom Cape Mendocino northward. I Monday atler conferring with bond
Weakness developed first In Grams Pass and Vicinity Ocn-1 buyers In Niw York,
wheal at the opening, partly be- erally fair Monday night and Tups- " Slate Veici.iiis Department
cause of selling bv large local I day with a lew showers in moun-1 nnoun -ed Inst week It would sell
traders, and soon snread to oilier itains. High Monday 58: low Mon- million dollars worth of Hie
sections of the market. Corn and day night 34: high Tuesday 60. bonds, but Piiulus recommended
near-by soybean contracts opened! Western Oregon Partly cloudy 1 J1"" be increased to 50 millions
iui scaiierea snowers .ionciiiv; '"""u iun--n -
mostly cloudy with occasional rain 1111 round numbers."
Mondav night: partly cloudy Tun-1 T1,e money will be used to pay
day with widely scattered showers, i'he stale's maximum $t00 bonus
Highs both days 48 to 53: lows Mon-1 lur World War II Veterans,
day night 30 to 40. Winds off roast f Veterans Department cstl
southweslerly 10 to 20 miles ,m mnld bonus pnynu'iits would ho
nour, increasing to 20 to 30 Monday in eBl"'V Ju,'-
night with gusts to 35; winds will 7,
deerease Tuesday. i BuramrS Fail
E:-lim Or7nn Piirtlv i-hmHv I - -
firm, but could not hold their over
night gams
Brokers said there wasn t anv
specific grain news to Uilluence
the selling.
Wheat closed lower. May
higher. May $1.85 i4-i,, oats un
changed to 1 i4 lower, May 86 V
.. rye V 1 Mi lower. May S2.U3
2.0 soybeans 2 to 3 ' lower.
Urn. i Ol l.-l- -nit Ia.! C tn IV
cents a hundred pounds lower, Monday and Tuesday; a few -how-1 In DUllderS IfV
" 's f snow Hurries mostly over A d ollrBllrv ,rv M m.
Wht iTJ' TyM'L" ' company Sver the weekend.
OMn Hhrh Low ChM JSJStSSJt ! h one not as succr.fi.l as the
2.51 'a 2.51 2.50 a 2.51 i, '"". Palmerton Lumber Co. burglary,
2.44 ' 2.44 '4 2 43 i. 2 43 i3 i ; was reported to city police 'iy
2.45 2.45 j 2.44 J.5' ! Builders' Lumber Co.. 2074 S. 6lh.
n .i j f ; r.minnce was inaoe inruugii mi'-s
rOITlOna urain i doors to the place, the sale dis-
PORTLAND l Coarse cralns i Im bed and cash drawer o-iened,
Also renorled stolen was a scat
45 lb B. w.i'eush'nn 'rom truck parked at
uie utrinei r,nium ooj, uu sue.
2.46 2.48 ; 2.48 'i 2.48 '
Journolists Win
15 day shipment, bulk coast tie
livery: Oats No. 2 - 38 lb white
CHICAGO ( Hog supplies ac- , in'
Tilu TJlTJZl Wh't bld, to arrive market,
just about the same at the stock-, bRsis N , bmk dellTOred cosl:
yards Monday as a week ago but is-., wh(I. 3 5., . . s whlf. ..
r.lriWll?i?,?; ' "3 l: whi,e clubSehool Awards
ductions. Most sales were 15 tor ' Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.53: ' FOREST GROVE - High
25 cents lower. 10 ,p cen, 2S3. . 3M. school lournnlisls frum Salem and
Cattle were moderately active !3 peent 2 53 Pendleton won honorable mention
and steady to strong while sheep i Hard While Baarf Ordinary awrds in the annual newspaper
were steady on a scant supply. U 5v in ner -em asi- 'ii nor .mm ! writing competition held on the
Butcher weight hogs cleared well!;??.- ii iZ low' Pacific University campus here.
SIS .SO tn SI? 00 anH nU'c at I ..',-.. . . ... : Onn T)i-.v KnlAin mnttivnri an
lows car receipts: neat m: '. .r--1" v'""
Barley 9: Flour 10: Com 11- o. i nonoraoie mention certillcate lor
PERCY MURRAY was the first customer Saturday as Camp Fire Girls boRan ttuir an
nual candy sale. Murray, of the Klamath Falls Creamery, stored the chocolate mint
patties- for the pirls until sale time. The four girls offering candy to Murray are (left
to right): Judith Buckman, daughter of Mrs. Harvey Wyatt; Mono Chenowcth,' daughter
of Mr .and Mrs. Paul Chenowcth; Betty Sue Taggart. dauehter of Mr .and Mrs. Orville
Taggart; and Roberta Hurley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .Paul Hurley.
. i J
at 615.50 to $17.00 and sows at
613.50 to $15.50. The estimated 13.
000 hogs on hand compared with
13.226 a week ago and 10,448 a
year ago.
Choice to prime steers generally
sold from 633.75 to 638.00 but a few
loads testing prime went on up to
$38.75 to $39.50. Good to prime heif
ers made $29.50 to $36.00.
Cows topped at $24.50. bulls at
$2850 and vealers at $38.00.
One load of choice fed wooled
lambs were the best available in
the run at $28.50. Oddlots of ewes
ranged upward to $15.50.
Other receipts included an esti
mated 13.000 cattle, 400 calves, and
1,000 sheep.
11; Mill Feed 9.
Potato Shipments
March 27 21 21
March 28 40 15
March 29 25 16
March 30 13 0
Month to date 754 523
Season to date .....10844 8036
CHICAGO I Potatoes: Ar
rivals 269; on track 39: total U.S.
shipments Friday 806. Saturday
559, and Sunday 13 supplies light;
demand good, market very firm
at ceuungs; Idaho Russet bakers
(USDA) Cattle 225: supply con
sisted of load of steers, load of
heifers, short load ranee cows.
balance dairy-type slaughter cows; i Firo fiutc Cnr
morVAt lno n oar I,, cel.. . '
and heifers; few dairy type slaugh
ter cows steady; canner and cutter
cows 16.00-19.00; few utility dairy
type cows 22.00; small lot good
feeder steers 30.00.
Calves 5: not enoueh to test mar.
Hogs 200: steady. 180-240 lb but.
chers 19.00; few 260-265 lbs 18.00;
choice light sows 14.50.
Sheep 10 : about steady: scat
tered lots cull to good slaughter
lambs 20.00-27.00; cull to good ewes
9.00-15.50. carrying mostlv wonleri
In Local Garage
City firemen shortly after noon
today doused the interior of an
auto at the rear of the Basin Motor
Co. but were unable to stop flames
until the car had been gutted.
Firemen said the blaze probably
started from a short circuit in the
battery connections.
Meanwhile, Suburban firemen
stopped two grassfires this morn
ing, one at 2803 Altamont and the
other at 4739 Climax. No damage
was reported.
sports reporting. .U'antne ThoniP'
son, Pendleton, received honorable
mention for speech reporting.
A record 130from 30 Northwest
high schools were entered. Awards
were presented SSnturdny.
PA DON Barn at Klamath Vallrv
Hospital. March 39. 1W2, to Mr. and
Mrs. Jens Padon. Ft. Klamath, Ore.,
a boy. Weight: 8 pound 1 ounce.
SH I'M AN Born at Klamath Valley
Hospital. March 29. 1952. to Mr. and
Mrs. John Shuman. 1326 Lakeview
Ave., a girl. Weight: 6 pounds l
SERIGHT-Born at Klamath Valley
Hospital. Mnrch .10. 1932. to Mr. and
Mrs. Forrest Seright. Canby, Calif.,
a boy. Weight: 6 pounds 8 ounces.
EM RICK Born at Klamath Valley
HosDitnl. March 30. 19.12. to Mr. and
Mrs. D. E. Emrick. route 1. box 067
Klamath Falls, a girl. Weight: S pounds
7 ounrer.
SWARTSFAGER Born at Klamath
Valley Hospital. March 30. 1952. to Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Swartsfager. 4120 Alta
mont Dr., a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 11
FREIZENBECK Bom at Klamath
Valley Hospital. March 30. 1952. to Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Kreizenbeck. Tutelake.
Calif., a. girl. Weight: 6 pounds 10
LAYTON Born at Klamath Valley
Hospital. March 30, 1952. to Mr. und
Mrs. James Lay ton. 409 Michigan Ave.,
a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 3' ounces.
State Tax Men
Give Advice, Help
The Oregon State Tax Commis
sion is providing assistance to
Klamath residents who are filling
out state income tax returns, ac
cording to Field Officer Lavernc
Assistance Is being given In the
county Judge's chambers, court-
State returns are due April 15.
and help will be available here
until Friday evening. Office hours
for the tax helpers are from 8 to
5 dally.
Week Says
Guilty. To
Death Count
Continued from page 1
beer Dec. 9. 1951, from a Western
Wholesale Dlstlrbutors truck with
three other youths, two nl who-u
arc serving prison sentences and
the other on two-veiim probutiun.
Frank Pleas. 63. charged wall
non-support, asked for a week s
time to enter a plea, but was or
dered back in court this attcrnoop
to renew his bond.
Fines Paid
Fntrl Mrvlrei (nr John U.rln
Hsln. 71, mil b. held from O Hmr t
Mrmorl.l Ctupel. Tndiy, April 1
' m 1 p.m.. Krv. David r. Uarn.II
Jr. ol th. rinl Pre.b: irrlan Churr.i
ofliiiotlng. Inl.rmeni mil be made In
Klamath Memorial Cmelfry.
Keen ftlP Cnrri au'nu twnm - un
electric Iron, and arrange some de
uce mat win noid the cord and
hecp It from rubbing against the
edge of the board.
Good Friday
To Be Observed
WASHINGTON i.T-i -J President
Truman has callrd for general na
tionwide observance of Good Fri
day, April 11.
Tf a piece of pewter has a small
surface scratch you can use No.
000 steel wool on th scratch to
I reduce the blemish.
Two men nrresletl for disorderly
conduct oarly Sunday morning oil
complaint of Iv.lrr Jeun Elllutt
operator of Jean's Coflre Shop
paid $25 flues in Municipal Court
; this morning.
I Km in Kiani 38. of 840 Plum
! St.. and Paul Pruthrr. 30, Ilex
1 Arms Apt., were picked up about
I 3 55 a.m. Sunday by City Police,
i Mrs. Elliott told police the 'two
men In a car followed her alter
she closed the ciillee shop. She
drove home to 323 N. 11th, parked,
and the other cnr with Kruns and
Pruther In It parked behind her,
Mrs. Elliott utatril.
The woman told officers one ol
the two made a remark to her,
and that she decided to go to Hie
police station an l the car followed
her downtown. She got the license
number nnd the two men were ar
rested shortly afterwards.
Hales Rites
On Tuesday
Final riles for John (Jack) Hales,
pioneer resident ol Klamath Falls,
are to be cuiulm-lcd Tueiiday, 2
p. m, from O'lluli'i H.riimrlnl Clin
pel, with Itev. Uitvlcl V, Harnett
of the First Presbyterian Church
Hales, 71, died Saturday. He
hud lived I'nre since IIIIO.
Interment Is to be In Kliiinnlh
Memorial Cemetery.
Active pullbrarrrs will be Rv-
erril I'.'iUne. A'-m Ke'ierlrh. Kr-k
nest (Glggersl Kraichnlck, Henry V"
Siirslgond, Arnold Mulling nnd llur-
old Shldler; honorary pallbearers
will be Pat Montgomery, Jiimrs
Htllwell, Thomas Ml'ldleton, Claude
Pauley, Henry Mudder, Dr. Hugh
Swaney, Charles Poleel, Bob I'o-'"-,
rf 'fti''.:'l. '""' fulfill,
Dr. Gorge Massey, Ed Olsen, Her
bert Matlole, Jnnira Cliinn, Jack
Grewell, Arnold Jarvla and Harold
There Is nothing funny about an
acrlilcnl or fire. Let ui write a
poller that will relieve you of a
lot of irlrf. liana Norland, 2T
Fine St.. Phone Mill,
Helps Heal And Clear
Itchy Skin Rash!
Flrat applications of highly mllrt!
Zamo nlUfplIc promptly rallevo Itching
of raaliM, ttwma, aililela'i foal, pwrla
l, rlntwormaniUlmllaraurtaMaklnind
scalp Irrlutioaa. Thn notlw how quickly
your akin ilaru to clear! Buy i'rtro)
Stmftk Zamo liquid f
tot tubborncaaca. la VI II
717 Main
7363 x
t&'' ' ATM
I ever tried on. ..and naturally! They're f W
. the continental look
in new Casuals and Flats
Happiest-stepping snoes you
ever tried on. ..and naturally! They're
anfzen...the same Jantzen of swimsuit
fame. ..now applying their fresh-a's-all-outdoors
approach to marvelous little .
shoes with city-country adaptability.
Brilliant new ideas in fabrics, softest
imported glove leathers, stunning
nylon meshes... designed for'
perfect fit, marvelous feel.
, Yes. ..you, too, can
live in a shoe!
LOWDOWN Simple ond
simply charminq with
suits ond casual wear,
Jantzen's shell-cut flat,
stitched and bound for the.
hand-cobbled look ... In Red
Calf. 9.95.
ZURICH. Imported qlove
leather with airy cork-and-f
iber plotform. In tan
qlove kid . . . 9.95
CANNES. Flat with a
French accent. Softest suede
and kid, f latterinq strap.
Purple suede and kid, bieqe
calf and Nylon mesh.
s v
a street
-sr ..V1 .WKYl
Savinqi on a
15 x18' room
Less than
9 ft. Biege Axminiter
Rog. 6.95 SALE 4.95
9 ft. Green, Ton-on-Tone Axmintter
Reg. 12.95 SALE 9.95
9 fl. Bicge Friexc
Reg. 9.95 SALE 6.95
9 fl. Floral
Reg. 9.50 SALE 8.25
' 12 ft. Green Axminiter
Reg. 7.25 SALE 5.95
12 ft. Green Wilton
Reg. 12.50 SALE 9.95
12 ft. Green Wilton
Reg. 15.95 SALE 12.95
15 ft. Rose Frieie
Reg. 10.50 SALE 7.95
15 ft. Bicge Fricxe
Reg. 13.50 SALE 10.50
15 ft. Green Wilton
Reg. 12.95 SALE 10.95
FROM IN 9'-12' and 15' WIDTHS
For pride and satisfaction for years to come,
install our wall to wall carpetinq. .Expert in
stallation . . . estimates qiven qladly.
Convenient Terms Small Down Payment
9ft. and 12ft. Remnant Rug Specials
9 foot x 7 foot 8" Req. $65 Floral Pattern 29.50
9 foot x 8 foot 5" 83.75 Floral Pattern 39.95
9 foot x 7 foot 9" Req. 123.50 Grey 59.95
9 foot x 15 foot Req. 198.25 Bieqe 129.95
12 foot x 5 foot 9" Req. 97.50 Grey 39.95
12 foot x 11 foot 5" Req. 197.25 Bieqe 129.50
12 foot x 8 foot 10" Req. 152.50 Bieqe 109.50
, 12 foot x 7 foot 8" Req. 148.25 Green 57.50
"Our Location Saves You Moneyv