NDAY, MAIIt.il III. I ll.ra IlKflAID AND NKWS. KLAMATH KAI.LS. Oft KG ON TAGE SEVEN 'U' '!"" "'i' '.'ill n ") " n"i,"i Vi A- .4' v.'.i-4iv : :'-V 4 jar -tut c r.'.tfjm - r ., ! 'j,-,i..J,i:.....,,A...'. i . . ., Y. Allied Veteruns Cumuli - Meets (iiillll, 7: JO. In tliu (Jniirthniino liiistmient ulllee of Ted Cmie, vrl irium iiervleo tiltlciT. KAHItU I'ren. lliilin Herder Is id iiUi'iid lor u iIImumiIiiii ill KAHItU's role In Mo inorliil mid Aniili'MrQ Uiiy imriidfM. Ameilenn I.ejilim Women's Wi Ileum lol llli'rlH Wednesday, H p.m. , lit Mi'iniii In I Hull. Take iiim iimiiii fur niili April II). Vine G'ninilr Miiv Hiii'lin Ih Id preside III nil srneo nl (.'oinilr. Hneiiier, fulled lo Ni'ln ii .kii account denlh of her lather. Hoy SroiitM-Truiip 42 ineelit nl thp kind I'lTiiliylrriiin Church to lnnrrow, 7:8U p.m. V'y. I'lllllK'll -Meets TllefcdllV, 1 P in., lit I'ltlrvlew xi'liuul. Mrs. i'.'iui (-ilKTIih.il. nliilo I'TA mi ri'liu v, Is to explain the roinliiK stale ton vent ion. I'lisl Oracles Muii Huyiil Ncltlh Imrs of America will hold it ickU Inr mrctlnt; Tursiluv, H p. in., ill Urn linmn of Mr. Kiln Pauley, Kll Kusewny Dr. Itniiiiiiii rarenl I'litrons- Club Will prevent n three ncl ronirilv, "Hie IIIk Blow Uu" Wednesday iiml '1 Inn hiIhv III 'in' auditorium. On lulu nl II pm. Iviiii Hold In di rector, Rcricrvcd mid Kciicrul ncl inl.i'iliin tickets on "mle ut Mi own Vnrlctv More, llunitu.ii: nmt Price l-ecd 8lor In l.nnuell ViiIIpv. (ilrl Ni'inil Tr.iinliiu class for li'iiilrrn lit YMCA TilPHilny, 0:3(1 h . m. to 3 l III Hl'IIIK Hlll'k IllllCll. Coffer lurttl'ilK'd. Sllimlu View CirililKP Is to meet 'Itlcsdliv. I J 30 p in. lit Hllll.stli View roinitiniillv IihII. I.iiiu'Ikmii) will bp politick. 'Ilitf women will work on tlip bulldliiK utter lunch. Kiiuiirp Hit ni'lnsr -- HeKiiliir PTA nubile square diinclnu In Muled for Kleimmt school l morrow, 7 30 p.m. I, nil Trip- Mr. mid Mm. Dallas IImiiiii hpU fuinlly, 3i.ll llllyurd, have i oturiit'il (ruin mi extended I t ip to their former lionio Htitln, '1'pxiih, 'llicy ipport flno wmitlinr, lino xent'iy. flnp pnopln Iml iiono I'ompiir Willi Orru.m or Klumuth fitlln, Npw Son ClmrlPK Mli lmol In the niiini! Klvrii lo the new Mm mi l firm child of Mr, mid Mrn. Vnd Hem, forinci' Klitimilli fiilln r'Hld(intii. Tin- Utile boy wnx born Murih 8 nl Fort Hi'tmliiK, UpoikIii, whore llfiot In takliiK ofllrt'r'n IriilmiiK In Ihn itrmy. He wpIkIipiI li' j pounds. IIi'hh In n former Klumuth County fool null slur nnd It h Kriidiinte of llrnlpy llluli HchiKjl .Mul ci mil uriindpiiri'iilft of Hip now bov lire Mr. nnd Mm. I.loyd Tute, Klum uth Villi" mid Mr. mid Mrn. Ci, J. lie n of Hie lliiKiir dlntrlct. Home Mr. nnd Mm. I.loyd Low returned Hiilurduy limlil from nix weeks trip to Piilm Hiulnus nnd olher DOlnln in Hoiilhi'in C'lilllornlH. At llcrkcli'V they veiled Mr. Low'n i. Inter u nd brolher-ln-lnw, Mr. nnd Mrn. Iluun Worcentor, former Klnm nth fiilln rcnldciilH. At Hmitn Ana IbfV npclit Home IImip with Mrn. Kdun IipuIp, itlio n fornipr rpul dent Iicip. Low's mollicr. Mrn. I.piiii l,ow who wi'iil south with them will rcmiiln lor the pierienl lit the Worceiiler home. Ill Mrn. Klhel Gpiip Hook will lutvp niirKPrv Tuesduy nl Klumuth Vitlli'y llospltnl. Trip Mr. mid Mrn. Al Nybnck, owiiPrn of Die rlubtirbnn Klower Khnp nnd KrcenhoiiHp on South .sixth iittendi'd n werkend mci.'llni; of the Flornl Trlecrnpli Delivery Asr.ocliitloll nl Coon 5lty. Dinner Meet -- 'file nemocnitlc Club In nponsuiiiiK n dinner nt the Wlllnrd HoU'l, April 17. 7 p.m. for citndlditlen runnliiK for state of fice Hpiiee In limited no leleuhone your renervntlonn enrly to 840S. Burglar Nabs Checks, Cash A prowler who broke. Into the Pnlmerton Lumber Company office Pint', over Hie weekend ninoe off with 14.37(1.61 worth of payroll chockn plus n hiiiiiII umount of cunh, pemonitl theckn nnd vlunret IlKlilor, The money nnd eheckn were tnken from various desk drnwtrn, llrucr Hiuiitcn. nnHlntmit necretnr for the firm, mild. Rome of the payroll check! were luncd nnd other unsized, 'i'hny wore to hnvo been dlntrlbuted to employes today. The loot Included 1113 60 In ca'.h, n personal check lor 120 nnd an other for 7.70, from the denk of one employe. Payment on Ihe eheckn has been nloppcd. How the prowler not Inl'o the bulldlim hud not been determined this mornliitr The liui Klin v look place nomctlme nfter Saturiiay noon. MKKTIN'O KUOKNE I The first meet ing of a I-mic County petition drive lo put. n Icitlsliitlve reapportion ment mcMhiirc on the November election ballot will be held In Eu Kcne Thiirndny nlKht. Spud Expert To Speak Al Mercker one of the UHIIA'h top potato guthorlllo and reioif nl.nd from count to coast nn u npud expert him arrived In the Klamath area and will speak ut 8 tonlk-ht to Bnnln pnlnto rownrn In the Merrill Recreation Hall. Moreker comen here from an extended tour through the Cali fornia potuto-ftrowlng areas. Whitney Thnrln executive secre tary of the Nittlnnul Potato Council, apparently won't be here an m orlKlnnlly hoped. Election of three rncmbern to the potato murketlng aKreement com mittee from thin area Ik also planned. WURLITZER A magnificent pfond. Many lovely stylet And finiihei to chooio from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Merchants To Talk Taxes Two Important meetlnid have been called by the Klamath Mer chants Association for thin Wed nesday, but the regular April meet ing of the group will not be held until next, Wednenday, April 9. It wan announced by carl Hparlui, vice-president. A special meeting: on taxes will be held at the Wlflard hotel at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. A discussion of aMcasment and taxation with County Assessor Otis Metsker nnd Bob McLean, chairman of the ntnte tax commission has been arranged by Charlie Mack, chairman of the taxations committees. The merchants executive board will meet Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. at the Pelican Cafe to confer with the promotion committee on a weekly merchandising program. All Interested merchant are urged to attend. a I X a m m m w " w w r s wmw w or... Plain or iodized; always free running; always uniform. At your grocer's in the red package. Enjov Leslie's Mutual Newsreel Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:30-9:45 p.m. NO BANANAS? .BALBOA, Ct IPi Heavy rainstorms In Chlrtqul province blew down an estimated million banana plants, reports reaching here said today. Plantations of the Chlrtqul Land Company, a subsidiary of the United Fruit Company, were hit Tuesday by the storm, which de stroyed the equivalent of three months' banana production. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS FRESH! MADE IN XUMATH FALLS! COTTAGE CHEESE UK 0 THE CaATH LAKf COTTACf CHECH (COM look Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Better let htm us th 'phone. He ayt he's iur we're uit talking manic builnets.". . . When you're a considerate telephone user, everybody gets much better telephone service 1 . . , Pacific Telephone. Cnntlng Hume Cpl. Ditvld 1.. Ilitlllllton. 5HII3 ll(l"lelldence. Is due In hi rive in Seattle lomurrow eboitrd the Nnvv li'eiitporl Joe I'. Murllnez. (.'nipiiriil Iliimllton htiH been serving with the Army In the F'nr East. ('amp Fire Lenders Ar.?ioctntlnn will meet Wednendny. Anrll 'J, 7:30 p.m. nt the Me!hixtu.t church. 'Die prtiKrnm will Include miikinit ili'h Uiinlens. Ciiinp nnd Diiy Ciimp tildes will be shown. rmid Sule The OrcRon Rtate Nifset A.wotliitlon. DWrht No. 8. will tipc.ii.sor n conked food nnd hiiiidlwork. Mile. H" i nn lnv. April I J, nl Kmll's Koulh Hlxth slreel store. Proceeds from the sale help pnv n HKJ srhnlnrMilp to a Klnmnlh. count v ae.'ilor nlrl eneh year. 'I'he iiotlntlon also Elves help to the winner nfter the scholarship Is nwarded. WINS riti.K 1'ytlilnn Sisters -Wlneinn Temple I No. 10 have dimmed their meeting ! u:l ts to the first and third Wed- I nesdnv of eiteh miinth. A nieetlnir I will be held thin Wednesday. April j 2 8 p.m. in the IOOF hull. All nffleers plene be Ihere for prnc tlce for the district eonven'lnn lo be held In Clrtinls I'u-s, All 3r, New (ilrl Mr. nr.d Mrs. Dun Fnirluk, KprltiK T.ttke district are nitrents of n new dnmthter. burn .Suntluv nl Khiiiinth Vnllev hospltnl. 'Hie Utile (firl welched over nine Miunds. Mrs. Kmrlek Is the former f.nrrnliie Unliin. ri.iuuhler of Mr. nml Mrs. Ward Ooliin. 'Ilie Km t' ki have an older dnunhler. Doris Fny. lour years old. Mm. Stella Wlshnrt, 1608 SarKent, hits been notified she Is a seventh nhtce winner In the Gold Medal P'lotir's nntlnnnl "Hllr-N-IloU" con test. A letter from L. C. Scholer. Mln nenKil!s. a member of the Oeneral M'lls nilvcrllsiiiK department nnti fled Mrs. Wlhhnrt she had won a titble-model radio. General Maim Hans Frei BOOKKEEPING Service 1354 So elk Plon. 1-6591 HoW drop. that's why it's America's top-selling Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey! R"IHH Ml fTA IITILIIHC) $4,10 4-5 qt. ITRAIGHT lOUKBON WHISKEY, U PROOF. THE STAOG DIST. CO., FRANKFOITf, KY( rial 1 IT V. V upws&i. ; iMbtt.ur'ti. it tV4 i(r "e-s4'-ii'i I'wsy , ?i. l n' l ".Jfi ol k auljiort. ji.Kl'.l ilie ' iifftf m'v4i ny wr ,ji'".w4i ,r' Ntnr.. :W$t Mi i t i i. nt ! lost mvtnt;-; I iaiii'j ; Uiekl if-t-fcp4edi) fttuit 4 ,-XsU leertyl Ml f 1 f.WlH$ t tfit V trri !V'J&JkJi i .. -4,. iirtitiiiiii.ii n ..j ' tfk s j5i a M i r' 'F 44il 1 V '( 'm'fm I ) ' I ("-Aw 1 .a ua m m m To Get Them Harry Hafter Will Allow . WiAXA HURRY! This Gi-and feV Offer Ends As : rkt Soon As We Wfl Have filled flll Our Quota! Nir W -'M m the BASIN! . 9th and Klamath Phone 4878