MONDAY, MAItCII 31. l!).r2 lU'AiAU) AND NKWS. KM MATH KAI.'.S. OKKCON Washington Lays Back On Fight For Dam Funds, To Put Pressure On Senate II y 1 HANK VAIII.i: WA8IIINUION ill - WtiHhlliirlrm Bluto eonitresniii'n will hold their lira mill miiko no fflint lo huve (lie llntiftn overrldo recoiiiinendii llnns of u Aiiirnprliilloiin Com mittee lor ciirtnllmenl of the Army KhKlncern' OreKn-Wii"hliiHlon-Idu-ho diim cnnli'Uctlnii uroKinm. A clink of Individual members Indlcntrd OKI I'liiulil Unit II would bo lulllo (o in'i'k lo ollset the coin niltter'n ll7.(iV7.0()l) slush III tin! nil.3J,00U proponed proKruin. "Wo ninv tnko the floor lor few rcniiirkn Jiim to keen tlin re- cord mrnlKlit," severnl inenihen commented, "Hut I douiil unit my serious ellort will bo Hindu lure. Water Supply Said Normal HOOn RIVKIt Wl Wiilcr or IrrlKiitlon In Wnnco nnd Hood River Counties will bn kulllrlriit to inert iisunl need. W. i'. front of I ho Holl Coiuervutlim Servlrc reported. At the first ol the minimi series ol outlook meeting Hnlnrdnv, It wan pointed out tint nl the (1,000 loot level on Mount Hood, snow Is nbout. 11.6 feet deep. Thut Would product) nbout flvo feet of wiiter. Wiihco County Wiiter Muster Hotter Wllhelm milil snow cover nl llrooks Mcudow wun 3D 1 Inches deep Willi wnler content of 17.2 inches. Thnt In nbout two Inches of wuler more tlmn hint venr, but mors thnn four lumen Ickn tlmn In IBM. Whllo Hlver below Tviih Vnllev In expected to dltchiirue lHfi.OOO ncre-lret III the livlgutlun period AprllHeplemliei. Ill) per cent of the 10-yriir nvernge but nunln less than In HIM. 'Hiere mnv Imve lo he home re pulutlonH Imposed '.n Auuusl, but the tironpecl In 'li'il umiii! needs cun be met nlrelv bv Bnder, Kork, (Jnte, Klllcenmlle nnrl Mill Creeks. Legislative Meet Slated A public henrlng on reapportion nienl of the OreKon LcitiMiiturc rrcuriilm problem luring Ihe stnte Is lo be held next Buiiird.iy muht nl the Courihou.-.o. Men. I'lul Ilitchrock In chnlrmnn of nn Interim commlltee sludyinit the vnnoux plum or reapportion ing the positions in the' Bennte mid liouho ol KcprehcnliuJvejt, and that committee lit to aiibmlt a report to Ihe l.enl.sliiliiro next year. Other members of the commit tee nre Hen. ftlchnrd I.. Neuberiixr, Portland: Itep. David C. Bnum, I, a Clraude: Hep. II. 11. ChlndijiTii, Molnlla: Hep. Ivan C. I.nlrd, till kum: plus several advisory mem- bent who nre not nf the l.etillUue ah inieresied persons mid Rrniipn nre Invited 10 nttend the Sat urday henrimr nnd bring out lileni reunrdliiK reiippnrllonnicnt. The meelliiK is scheduled to ulurt ut 8 p.m. We'll nlm nt the Bennte," Bliullnr ntriiti'k'y worked out Isfiiclorlly Inst yenr when the llouin elliulniiled funds .not only lor Ico lliirbor nnd The Unlles, on which the committee turned thumbs down uuuln this year, but UMio lor Allien! Falls. Alter only passive reslsliinrn In llln llollno, the Helmut reslored funds for nil three. In coiili-ren:e comillllleo the House held fail only In Its opposition lo Ico llnr- Uor. It wns considered likely that the Kennto iiKaln will re, .lore nlonry for The Dulles which not Its lii-i construcllon lunds last year nl tlinuHli It'n doubtlul It will be io the extent of the full 37 j million linked by 'resident Truman. Members ulso hoped that up proprlalloiiH for Chief Joneph U:nn would bo upped Iroui Ihe 11 mil lion recoiiimruded by the Howu coininlllee to nt least the 17 ' , mil lion orlHlnully nsked by tho Al my KiiKlueers. 'ihey were less optimistic nbuiil Ico Harbor. Hep. Tollefsnn (H-Wush.), tnld he considered the Iiiiikuiikc of the House committee's report on the Lower Bnuke Klver project "to be about ns Hut rejection an any I've seen." Hut Hep. Jackson 'D.-Wash i. snld he thoUKht the chunces ol reliisliitlnK the live million solium for Ice Harbor "lire pretty Mood unless the heavy percentnue of n;i proprlullons koIiik to Ihe Tactile Northwest works uKalnul us.'' Jackson contended the cut el Tlie Dalles wns "clearly unwar ranted nnd cosily to Ihe Kovcrn ment In view of the fuel the lu already under way." Tollefson snld he would renew his ellort to Include hinds for plnnutiiK of the proposed Kaulc (jorxc Hood control project In Kln County. Tho House committee stiuck nil plun nliiit funds from the bill. Only one member ol Ihe WnOi Initlon deleKntlnn (ouuded nn nptl mlftllc note on tho committee report. Ho wns Rep. lloran R Wnsli. I. He noted that despite heavy till:. In the vurlous projrcls, the recom mended bill cnrrlcs U'.fitt.OOQ lor surveys. phiunlnK nnd study pro Itrnins. He snld he him been as sured thai some of the money In cluded will be urd for water rlKhls surveys on the Slmllknmeen River. Streetcar Strike Held PORTLAND in AFL Btreetcnr men's union members voted Sun day to postpone their strike dend ll'.o for one weekuntil April 8 lo nlve H clllzens' committee more time to nludy Ihe I'ortlund Traction Company's wuko nnd faro policies. But two other imijor strikes threnlencd In the Portland area Monday. Home VUO operntliiR em ployees ol tho Portland General blietrlc Co. will strike April 14 unless UKrcement li reached on a new contract, the union business intent sulci. The workers nre nskliiK an B 5 per cent wuko Increase. Home 3.100 metal workers hnvc set a strike lor Tuesday In the city's major machine shops and lulu iculiuif plants. Federal concil iators attempted lo head off the strike. . The vole lo postpone the mans transportation strike was 242 to I 2. The union hus some 1200 mem bers. They are uskliiK a 15-cent hourly wuitc Increase and other contract iH-neiu.s. 'the company hns refused lo arbitrate unless the Portland City Council iirnnts a fare Increase. PAGE TURKU Hells Canyon Dam Hot Issue Por Scions To Handle; Idaho Against Plan on The Grounds It would Hamper Irrigation WKHTKItN! Its By JOHN KAMM WA8HINOTON Vn Hells Can yon, the Seven Devils Mountains and the Bnnke River, some quipp ing coiiKrcsmen nay, comblm: lo form a "dovll of a country." And a House Interior subcom mittee Is handling a hot' contro versy In Its hearlnx on a bill to authorize the Hells Canyon Power Dam on the Snake River, on the Idaho-Oregon border. Ner Hells Canyon are the Seven Devils Mountains, which havs peaks named He Devil, She Devii, and Lesser Devils. Despite the aeotiranhlcal names however, Idaho congressmen loy ally Insist this rugged, picturesque nrea In God's country. The Reclamation Bureau has Family Night Big Success "Family Night" at the Y.MCA Friday wus so successful that It will probably become n regular event, nccordlnu to Director Cecil Kollcnborn. A crowd of 118 "Y" members and members of their families turned out Frldny evening. They were entertained by members ol the college ago group, hnd a group sing period, names nnd demonstra tions of "Y" programs. Lewis Erbcs won master of ceremonies. lure to cost 357 million dollars. 1 03 miles lonsr nnd covering 25 000 Ilirough the canyon, nearly S.ijon i acres of land, feet below the nearby mountain They sav nine gcnTatn won il roftnhmi.8,n,irrK,IVCr r""hrH,0ni""e theMwatne'retoR produce aoou lis 1.000-mllc trip from Wyoming wxi.000 kilowatts of power. Ol this westward and northwerd through 300.000 kilowatts would be re some of the continent's most In- served for use in Idaho and the r-H.T nil o?!;i',try n " W"y 10 remainder would go Into the Bonne! Columbia River, vlile Pow,.r Adinlnlr.iratlon system Historians say Hgl. John Ordway i serving the Columbia Basin area. Jnlhehney,aZif,Hrt ex;""UlliJ" But opponents, Including the Ida, was the first while man to gaze ho congressmen, say the people ol upon the gorge's sheer walls, chlls ,he arca don.t warthe dam. D-.e ' towering to the sky. and ringed suy wouW harnper lrlKation D. snow-covercd mountain peaks to;U,ing t00 Kh wpatRri h" would the cast and west. tloos gUc, at wh(ch th8' Idaho P(JW Tlirce fur trndcrs drowned In ; er Co., wants lo build dams. 1811 In churnim; rapids at a point The government calls Hells Can where the canyon Is 6.00(1 lectlyon Dam a key structure In ii deep but only 280 feet wide. I plan to control and Utilize tho Brinks , Onpt. Bonneville, the Army ex-, Rjver, essential in the federal plan plorer. vlsl ed he canyon In 1831 for multiple purpose dcvelopmen and wrote in his memoirs: r ih. r-niX.hi. o,.... picked whut it calls the decuust I "Nothing we have ever seen or , which was worked out bv Armv Among projects planned for the system are dams In Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Montana. Hungry Horse Dnm In Montana's south fork of the Flathead River, a big project. Is scheduled to begin generating power In October. Among other dams on the gov ernment's program nre Alherd Falls, Detroit, Big Cliff, McNnry, Lookout Point, Dexter, Roza, Amer ican Falls, Chandler. Chief Joseph, Palisades, Uppsr Bcrlvor Creek, Lower Bcrlve Tree. Ten Muphn Tho Dalles, Hills Creek. Lower Monumental, Little Goose, Llbuv, nnd Lower Granite. ' BUILD BETTER FOR LESS PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS VIIMIN MOOf JIt INSULA TIN IMUTIFUl (AST TO lUILO COSTS TOU USS EYT0N& 3S MAflNIT river ennyon In the nation ns the gazed upon In any other region site lor what It says would be tin could for a moment compare In highest dam In the world, a struc-1 w"d majesty and Impressive stern- ncss with the scenes which at every Margaret Knew Of HST Decision PORTLAND Wl -- It wns no sur prise lo Margaret Truman that her lalher won't be a candidate for reelection. turn astonished our senses filled us with awe." A writer called the scene and F.ngineers and the Reclamation Bureau. The government has comnlcieJ two major projects under the pro gram, Bonneville and Grand Cou lee Dams. Many other projects are Miss Truuinn was notified of her wnr T. hihett h , . father's announcemcnl only a few S.'l.,-' .JL' .....w. ""uiu wiswuiii4 n milt. grand Panorama of nature, creaied , The government fias received aulh at'lc w2rld' . ; orlly from Congress to build dam- inhMHSSSi bureau wanes costing more than three billion dol- n mol ih iitht,mn.' truct, : I"' i" the Northwest during the mi."riE. Lnrt .r ' ""J 0" ot next decade' ""d more projects materials and erect a dam between : will be submitted. ; f. HSban4 mni b.i. i,4aellan y7 1 7? IASY oil. rATWtNIJ 715 Moin Strett iiiiuiuii-a uKuitu noe appearca on 'the stage ol the Portlnnd nudltor luin for a concert here Saturday. "I've known about it before and I learned this afternoon- thnt he wan going to make the announce ment tonight," she said. Her concert was not enthusiasti cally received by critics here. Some 3800 persons, an overflow crowd, nttended the concert. MIRRORS tor any rtm In the tmr! m Hi Main Taslc Ih, at Diamond Eight Two Die In Plane Crash OMAHA Wl Two men were killed nnd three others Injured, one seriously, enrlv Monday when an Air Force B-2S bomber crashed while attempting lo land nt Olfutt Air Force Base. A Strnteglc Air Commnnd spokes, mnn snld the phinc, bnsed nt Ouf futt, wns coming In for a binding nl the end nf n routine flight to Uurbank, Cullf. Apparentlv one en gine wns nut. The plane ovcr.-.iol the Held, fried to pull up nnd crashed nbout three miles northwest of the bnso, tho apokesmnn said. The wreckngc was strewn over a 300 squnre J'nrd area. pocket Southbound Mnlnllntu Uovtqf.j.. 5:10 P.M. SAN FRANCISCO 3 hn. IOS ANGELES . 5', hr. Norlhbound Molnllnm Imv of... 12:35 P.M. PORTLAND . . 2 hrs. ""IE 5hrJ. ', luivrfom night) "o tho toil" UNITED AIR LINES Airport Tormlnol. Coll J-JJJ7 or. o on aulhorliod rovol Play Planned For April 2 BONANA The play being given by the Parents and Patrons club of Bonanza will be April 1 hi 1 o'clock In the auditorium. It Is n three net comedy entitled. "The Big Blow Up," and Is being direct ed by Ivnn Bold. Vcldn llnlev Is In chnrge of the stage. Cliirn Bold nnd Ruth Merrill tho make-up nnd Tom Blnckmnn will- take euro of tho lighting and sound effects. The sehisil band will play between the arts. The enst Includes Emmnhnr Shepherd ns Ellen Parker the Lund lady. Dalian Southerlnrjl ns 'Beans' her high school son. Betty Rice as Melludn the new muld. Mupsy MnrrU a young crlniinul will he played by Louis Slnller. Corn John son, young school teucher by Mir Inm Polucek. Terry King n detec tive by Don Rice, Bnndrii Rlcharcs an enigma by Jnnet f'crnlimd, Kat ie Lee Beans girl Irlend bv Nnnev Bchmor. Douglas Blnke Snnoin's lliinco by Jack Kelly, Mr. Field fiiindrn's Irate Inther by Bill ,lnns. Mrs. Fields her nnxlous mother by Virginia Thomas. 7 the whiskey H ;80 i 1 1 without m TT W CONFAB MANILA iP Rep. Lowell SlO'k mnn iR.-Ore.l, conferred Monday with Philippines Defense Secretary Rnymon Mngsnysny. stockmnn nr. rived Sunday on n tour of U S. milltnry bnses In the Pnclflc. He Plans to lenve for Jnnnn In a low dnys. 'Same Superior Quality . . . New Low Price" GIBSON DIAMOND B BUNDED WHISKEY . M PSOOF 5ri GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS GIBSON DISTIltING CO, NEW YORK I iniprcnx your looks and SALARY! with "stylish, dependable eyewear' : S f i! ' " ' ' Success comes easier, faster when you wear handsome new eve qlasses from Dr. Alva Custer's complete collection of frame styles and colors. Come in now. Enjoy prompt, friendly service. Have Dr. Custer qive vou a complete, personalized eye examination. If. qlasses are indicated, choose one of the many smart styles available. Pay on easiest terms. Dr. Alva Custer registered optometrist with office at Standard- (Qetfeaf &fOMp. 715 MAIN IN KLAMATH FALLS FLOWERY COMPLIMENTS FOR YOUR PRETTIEST EASTER. Our newest straws invite you to look your lovliest this Easter. The flattery of flowers on the littlest bonnet, the wheel-size sailor .. . the dainty pastels . . . the brave splashes of color ... all promise you the prettiest sea son ever. 7.95 and up in our Millinery Salon. 1.98 to 5.95 at our Hat Bar. FREE EASY PARKING VS. IT'S A WOHDilFUl S T 0 M ...jB