PAGE TWO IIKRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY. M AllCH .11, l)!52 KFJI 1151 Kc PST Mn:r Kvrtli.f, M-rrh 11 :M Cobriel Duller MES kiemalh liiciur Quia :30 Around Town Newa :43 Sum II 15 a. News MBS :5S Bill Henry MBS 7:00 I Wn a Communist for FBI 1:30 Bright Star 1:00 Let Ceoife Do II MBS t: I 1 llvwt . 7 tie - It rt.. S t;00 Glenn Hardy Newt MBS t:19 rulton Lewie New. MBS B-ul Mutual h'e..rcel MBS f):!1 Sports Plnel :9S S-Mmute rinal MBS 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS nuitin Mir i in ray -lAST TIMES TONIGHT VIVA ZAPATA STARTS TUESDAY Doorj Open 6:30 P.M. Lcmcrr " in "Lady Without Passport" BATTLEGROUND With VAN JOHNSON NOW ! 6MH6ER COREY MP N CHARISS the mosi ejetraordinary motion picture of the year COMING -- ESQUIRE CONTINUOUS FROM I4S iVi . i" f"J Never Before Such Explosive Drama... Such Fieryilove! 10:19 Survival 1:.n Crrvel'' Net MBS 11:00 KkM Owli Ntv 11-0 J Night Owls Club 12:00 Slin Oft KFJI 1150 Kc rST TiMdty. April 1 8:00 Sunrlre Serenade : . i' b 'i r? ontl News 7:00 Hemlneway Nw MBS T:1S Breakfan Cunt MPS 7:;r0 l.eac.linrt and B lines 7:45 Best Bui 8:C0 Cecil Brown MES 8:15 Rreakfett Gang MBS 8:30 Havrn of Ret MBS 9:01 Homemi'er Harmonies 8:1.1 Platter Party 9:45 familiar tavortiei 10:i.o Newspaper of the Air MBS 10:15 T-fllo TM MBS 10:30 l.a Poinici I0: Concert 10:3 Cur rim 11X0 Indies Fair MBS ll:?3 Newg MBS 11:30 Cucen for a Day MBS 12:tXl Kama Ba.ids 1: :M X.'t itr- News 12:30 Your Dance Tunes 12:45 Market and Livestock 1 : . : ..! A .ctes 1:00 Jack , Kirk wood MBS Tai-ie a Number MBS 2:00 News MBS . 2:ui lev. Mch I 3:15 Two t J 5 j 2: Answer Man MBS I 3:0tf Ricky's Request ! 4:00 Behind the Story MPS I 4:13 Hemingway Newt MBS ; 4:: 1 Curt I..;j.ey i .n- MBS 4:43 Sam Hayes MBS 5:'.'i wsea"! Pre ton MBS ; 5:30 Sky King MPS : 3:;3 Cecil Brown MBS 6:C0 Gabriel Heattcr MPS . 8:13 Klamath Theater Quia j ti'.' i row Tcwi'-v. i ( 8:43 Sam Hityes News MBS ! 6:5 Bi l Henry MES 7:00 Blck Museum MBS 7:C0 Peter Srlem, MBS , 8:00 Count of Monte Crista MBS 8:30 Roving at Rudj'i ! 8:45 Heidelberg Harmon aires 9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS I 9:13 Pulton Lewis News MBS I 9:30 Mutual News reel MBS ' 9"l Sp:rls Final 1 9:53 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:15 Here's to Vels 1 r-?-, rree-r MBS 110 Nlfht Owls News . 11:05 Night Club ! 12:00 Sign Off ! KFLW 145-9 Kc. PST MoniUy Eveting. March Si 8:00 Sports Highlights , 8:15 Home Town News 6:2f World News Summary 6:30 Su Durban Serenade I 6:45 Headline Edition ABC ' 6:55 Coming Attrac. on ABC 7iP0 The Lone Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC i 7:45 Prev.ew Of Tomorrow i Bt B Han APC 1 8:30 "Why Don't People Register and 1 Vote and What Can We Do About It?" , 10:00 10 P.M. Headline! 10:15 rtavy Star Time 1u:j0 lnscmra Club 11:01 News Summary 11:03 S"y Oft KFLW 145 Kc. PST Tnesriav. April I 8:00 Sign On News Summary 6:05 Corn in the Morn C:43 Farm Fare 7:00 News. Bkfet Edition 7:15 Charlie's Rounaup 7:30 Bob Garred. News ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:35 John Conte ABC 8:00 Breakfar.t Club ABC 9:00 Hank Henry Show 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley ABC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC lt':.5 V. nfsp-r'ng S reels ABC 11:15 Stop and Shop 11:30 Against the Storm ABC 11:43 Musical Kcundup 11- M Market Report 12:00 Noon Edition News 12:15 Fajess SIi!?v.-alk Show 12- .-0 Lucky V Taneli ABC 1:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1:15 EeUer Living 1:: Standard School Bdcst 2:00 Basin Briefs ?:.. When A Girl ?'rr:es ABC 2:30 Joyce Jordan. M.D. ABC 2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC. r4ity crorfcer AHC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC 3:30 De?n Cameron ABC 3:45 Mary Mirlin ABC 4:00 Requestfully Yours 5:00 'mm Cirb-lt. Snace Cadet ABC 5:?5 World Flight Reporter ABC 5:."M Chet Huniley ABC 5 45 B 4c B TV 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:13 Home Town News 6:23 World News Summary C:30 Suburban Serenade :43 Headline Edition ABC 6:53 Coming Attractions on ABC 7:00 Greatest Story ABC 7:rn KevtpTri Th-ater ABC 8:00 Met Auditions of Air ABC 8:30 Pacific Coast Baseball iO 00 10 P.M. Headlines 10:13 Pacific Coast Baseball 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off Basin Area Girls Make Conference Firty-lwo Klnmsth Comity Rills, thftr motlicrs n.'id other urtult lmclcrx nttendrM tht Allln!ld Con- feirncc for Young Women held Sat jiirday nl Kouihem Oregon eollego. Recording to Mis. Chniies B. Lnr. : kin. president ot the Kltunath Fails ibrRnch, American Association ol University Women. ! The meeting was planned to give jhigh school girls ot 2i southern Oienon and northern California i communities au opportimliy to ex-k-hr.age ideas on common problems, Mrs. Liu kin explained. Branches 'of the AAUW In Klr.math Falls, ; Lskeview, Ashland. Medford. Cram ;Fafs and Coos Buy cooperated in ; sponsoring the program wh'ch had i as Us theme "Mirror tor the Fu ture.' Among the 60 AAUW counselors who directed panel meetings were Kluiuath Kails AAUW members .Mrs. William L. Wales Jr.. Airs. Geo:ge Clark. Mrs. Julian Eccles. Mrs. O. K. Puckeit, Mrs. R. Wll lard Duncan. Mrs. G. V. Owens, Mrs. Philip Blohm, Mrs. George Proctor, Ruth Merrill, Dorothea j Buci, Miss Rhoaa Ann Brown. I Miss Zetta Spurllng, and Miss Eva ; BiKlchaher. Communi.ics represented at the i invitational conference included Ashlana, Bonanza, Central Point. Coos Bay, Coqullle, Days Creek, hum, tort Jones, Pes;-. Henley. Illinois Valley. KiB':- ath Falls, Lakevievv, Langlois, Med- lord. Myrtle creek;. fortft Bend Phoenix. Prospect. Reedsport, Rid dle. Rofeburc. Talent and Yoncalla. Klamath Union High school girls aiienamg inciuaea June tinrnden, Betty Gober. Eleanor Jackson. Alice Geary, Barbara Custer, Joan lUnkclaud, Beverlv Eells, Sharon Langslet, Jean Owens. Virginia Van Doren. Patty Teale, Barbara Solie and Carole Warner. Mothers who registered were Mrs Harold Tenle, Mrs. Thomas Jack son. Mrs. C. J. Gober, Mrs. H. O. jucKciand, Mrs. uienger. Mrs. Lanetlet. Mrs. Harnricn. Mrs. Van Doren. and Mrs. Owens. neniey nign scnool gills present were snaron fincnum, Ruth Green, Betty Jackson. Nora Meeker and Sylvia Roberts. Mothers present were Mrs. joe Meeker. Mrs. Charles Green and Mrs. Finchum Girls from Bonanza High school attending were Bessie Lea Han- tins. ikargy Brown. Elna Fltzhugii, Charlotte Passalt and Rita Lilly. Myers Quits Rail Post McCLOUD PhllliD N. Mvers. Dresi- dent and general manager of the McCloud River Railroad ComDanv. has resigned his position here and accented trie same position with the Trona Railroad In San Bernar dino County. His headquarters will be in Los Angeles. The change is effective April 1. Myers who came to McCloud in 1930 as auditor for the railroad will re'ain membership on the board of directors. He was named vice-president and general manager in 1943, and In 1949 became presi dent of the railroad. Flake Willis, McNary, Ariz., has been named to succeed Myers. He was vice-president and general manger of the Apache Railroad Company. His family will Join him May l. Mr. and Mrs. Mvers left Frirlav for Los Angeles. CC Forum To Be Held Here The first in a series of Chamber of Commcrco foriiuis to be held in a, number of years here has been scheduled for April D at tlio .VInrma, and ChainVr Mgr. Frank Tucker hope, to carry the series on throush the year. San Jose Chamber of Commerce jMgr. Rusa Peltlt has been slRted las th( featured weaker on the I first forum program to be held at I no"i luncheon. I Tucker describes Pettlt as "A ! fabulous character", well versed on Chr.mbcr problems. The next forum twill be held In May If present plans are crrricci cut. Pettlt's talk will cover Chamber problems on nn area-wide basl. Tucker said. Cars Pile Up Near Midland Five persona escaped with onlv minor hurts In a collision on U. 8. 07 north of Midland late yesterday afternoon according to Htaie I'olici'. John 8tiiaii. 801 N. llth 81., was clled for failure lo yield right-of-way, Stuart, southbound, was mak ing a left turn when his ear was . truck by a northbound car driven uy Miucoim Marsh, University of Oregon student whose home Is In McMlnnville. In the Stuart ear were Stuart's wife, Fawn, and Waller Compana, Anchor Hotel. A Eugene girl. Shal l Long, was the only passenger In the Marsh car. cout Exposition Ducats on Sale More than 5000 tickets have eone on sale for this coining Saturday's Klfiath Duplet Frot'l Kxnosltlon to be presented in the Exhibit building at the County Fairgrounds from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Scorns are selling the tickets to the affair, which last year drew one of the greatest crowds In the annual event's history. Hal Ogle and Bob' Bouncy arc co-chairmen of Iho exposition. ATTOPSY EUGENE m An autopsy will be held lo determine the cause of the death of Loyal lSarl Phlllts. 41, of Vcncta. He was found dead In his parked auto Saturday morning. Portland i.fl Regional former reported Saturday that Cascades Plywood Corp.. with an offer oi JB19.803. was high bidder for 23.. 50.000 board leet ot timber In the Deer Creek area of the Willamette National Forest. Lost River Flow Gains More wilier linn hftt fitimliw. ntt down Lost River rnd the Bureau Kefouver Plans Oregon Visit POR TLAND Ml Sen. IMc Ke. fauver of Tennessee will arrive in Oregon Amil 10 for a brief visit tu plan hia Oregon campaign for Iho Democratic presidential nimtlnu. lion. Later Kefauver will rnmpnlitn In Oregon lor the May 10 primary elei'lloii, Dave Durlnnd, ilenn nt students at Pacific University, For eil drove, reported Sunday. Darlund lias been active In Kc fauvei 'a Oregon campaign. The green turtle Is prlr.ed for food more hluhlv Hum anv other member of the sea turtle family. ! You DID NOT or CANNOT Finish ' HIGH SCHOOL Tea ten ilurtv , Mum. In Spate Time en. rim a hie. Krkeal Dipl. ma rarr-Aai: noiv cum. r i..rn ireo ot okadi'aim ham rNTtiatii ovra m iniiiiiri flf llAl.lllllllllll.ll'u rllll... I..,. l --. ... , Millie IIIIIII nnl In the Mi. -it lrw days Ihatt in any nun prima ot nine, lor iicv era I years, The rxreis of wider has result rd from lust snow moiling miming llllll I ll I'. VIM hlllflU I.IM Illll.U.tll . tierber and Clear Luke reervolra. It Is pouring on In.o llin dlvernlon cIiiiiiiikI and rvcnliiallv Into Klam ath It Ivor. Ul-illlt llienslit'niimiilj til IIim Ii..i. Iirl showed IHO eub'e feet per pec nnd flow MpicIi WV; I.3W1 o.f.a. March a: 1.397 c.t.. March U7; 1.M0 c.i.s. March 'J8; 3.000 c.f.s. last Hniiirdny; 3.J30 c.f.s. Sunday and 3,070 c.f.s. this morning. KLAMATH fALLt eaia AMIRICAN CHINfSI F..tai t raali k)l n. t4U tu Mm It r.k. Out ln 6. Let, Mgr. II I WAS A COMMUNIST FOR THE F.B.I." Dept. Kla-3-31 Namt Address City AMERICAN SCHOOL 17S5 Iro.dw.y mm I ill l Ml 'niCTrUJ nnhcncr ta rtr (Iff J3 tujium-unucncu iu ni if if j jJI YOUR TASTES ANi i jfl I ! fct f I I I 5 m rl It! J ' m v 1 JIIa o i i i m-.&nssr Ookland, 12, Calif. A9t .... Apt. : ; ... Stott i-rieht taverse draperies will do wonders for your home. Choose from our gorgeous fabrics in luxurious pat terns and luscious colors that will blend with your carpets, furniture and window treatment. Featuring new materials: SHANTUNG. PEBBLE PRINT. BIRCH BARK, SATIN PRINT, MtTALLICS, ANTIQUE SATIN. Matt Cvetic, real life hero, ditcunei a icripr with tcraon and radio itar, Dana Androwt, who will por tray Matt in thrilling program itartinq tonight. You'll mint fabrics by the yird in these new harmonizing colors to cover chairs or sofas. ; "Four Floors of Fine Furniture and Floor Coverings" Kfanaatk unaitune Ca. Violeaci rearod Us bloody hood ot on of tho nation's lorfost indus triol plants when Rtd alcmtnti In itlgattd a riot there. Almost 200 men invaded buildings, swinging clubs end smoihing machinary. Tho moloa that aniued resulted In four dtaths and 39 Injured, with five men listed in serious condition. Such a scene is iharaclorlstic of those ta ba enacted on "I Wot o Communist for tho F.B.I.." the most timely and powerful radio show In America. Starring Hollywood's Dana Andrews, this dynamic now sorits It based on tho authentic trua-lifo ei periencet of Molt Cvatic who posed is a communist for tho F.B.I, For nina agonising yoart this man lived a double lito. While living in constant feor of being discovered by Iho Rods, he pipelined their top sec rets lo the F.I.I. He suffered tho tor ment of having his mother die think ing him a communist, his wifo lab eled him a spy, his son rejected and shunned him, his ffiends called him traitor. Portraying this now kind of Ameri can hero is Dana Andrews, tho ona actor who it ideally suited for this demanding part. Ho electrified aud iences with his masterful and mem. oroblo performances In such vivid dramas as "Tho Fronmen," ''The Iron Curtain" and "The lest Yean of Our Lives," the Academy Award winner, and many ethers. You will not want to miss a single startling episode of this new, great radio program and the first thrill ing progrom starts toniiht. le euro and hove vour set tuned in from tho very first moment. By JEAN OWEN Basketball letters and awards will be presented tomorrow morn ing during an award assembly In activity period. The pep band will play, being excused at 10:05. The traffic squad, also to be excused early, will be on duty at their various stations in the halls and in Pelican court to enforce the rules of conduct. Attendance to asemblies of this type is not compulsory for us to attend, although the majority of the students turn-out. Clayton Han non, a member of the assembly committee, is In charge of the program. Basketball, of course, has taken the back seat, but track and base ball take first place in the minds of Pelican sports fans. Track coach Paul Deller and th; team traveled to Medford for a Saturday after noon meet with the tornadoes, while our baseball iccm made a weekend trip to Redding. EI Rodeo staff ha.; begun selling junior end senior identification pic tures In the various home rooms during this week. The pictures sell for five cents apiece. Patty Teale, a staff member is in charge ot the sales. Although the price of the annuals has been raised, the books are still on sale to the students. St- " I MM "Symphony of '.he Sea" Is the theme lor the girls' league spring lormai, wnicn is to oe presented by the dance-a-lot division of the girls' league club next Saturday ni"ht In Pelican court. The decoration plans are com pleted, nnd the nc'ual work on them has Klready be','tin. Miss Dav is, girls' PE teacher, Is advisor to ihe group. The affair is girl-ask boy. Teachers To Meet In KF Between 150 and 200 members of Delta Kappa Gamma national honor society for women teachers are expected in Klamath Falls this Friday and Saturday for he society s annual state convention. The convention's theme is "Inter cultural Rcl.-tions as a Means To ward Peace". A state executive board mee'ing has been set for the Pelican die Friday evening and registration starts with a coffee hour at Fre mont school Saturday at 8 a.m. The school will be convention l.snri. quarters. A noon luncheon Is slated for the Wlnema hotel and the banquet will hp tlPlH In tho Ulllnl n 0.Q.. ....... ... h41c iiiu.iiu u.du. Luncheon speaker Is to be Mrs. -Clli. T3l..m- ... I una wiuiiK HaiJUIIUJ UWj replC- She will speak on "Luck and Pluck'1 ovaie rres. jvieussa Martin, nea'j of the foreign language department fit rirpirnn Slata PaIIdm .itl u- I- attendance, as well as local chapter riw, mi a. isaoeu urixner. Mrs. Veima Tennery is chairman of the affair. Washout Closes Highway 395 California state hishwav 395 hn been closed at Ravendale since Saturday because of a washout caused by fast melting snow. Rav endale Is approximately 50 miles soum 01 Aituras. The road Is open Hum ousHuvnie soum. xne California Slate Patrol of fice In Alturas said the swift water washed out a road section some 8 feet deep and 10 feet wide. Persons driving from here to Susanville should no by way of nea hiuii and nignway 36 into susanvnic. 221 Main Phone 5353 or 5339 HEAR THE FIRST PROGRAM TONIGHT KFJI - 7:00 P.M. AND EVERY MONDAY NIGHT HEREAFTER BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE BAKERS OF MORNING-FRESH BREAD FASTER Is just around Hie cnlciilr EASTER SHOES by Pol rap 'OlflOl brrot HOIS rOtf'lOYI AND 011.1. J 95 and vour own poir of foot flattering, attention compelling Trim Trcds can surely be found in our fashion-wise, sensibly priced collection now ready for you ... see them and love their beauty . . . wear a pair and adore their comfort. Red, Black In all of the perennially papular colors, heel heights, and patterns ax pertly designed to com plete a "perfect picture." It's rod, white, and blue lor the tittle miss, too . and darling pastelt as fresh as tho morning dew, mwth) jean peters wm Inthtof Otffm Firemen Answer. Two False Alarms City firemen an-swered two false alarms over the weekend. Friday afternoon, a few minutes before six, a false call was turned in at the alarm station at Oregon Ave. and Blehn St. - Yesterday at 1:30 .p.m., someone phoned the fire station and reported falselv that Sacred Heart Catholic Church was on fire. - NO COUNCIL There will be no meetlnor of the Klamath Falls City Council tonight this being the fifih Monday of March. The Council's Tegular ses sions are held the first four Mon days of the month. Hans Norland Auto Insurance. 627 fine Street. ring the gang far coffee . . .1 CUBED amp RcH. Green, Navy Russet Glow 1195 " Red, white, blue . . . green, black, purple, lavender russet qlow and sparkling pat ent, too ... an al most endless variety of fashion and bud-qet-wise "go every where" f o o t w ear that will command admiration and envy. 098. .951 NAVY Q95 A5 m. 95 ft 10 ftojs Your man-child will bt an attractively wall dressed little gent In poir of brown ond whit golfers. In Poll Parroti. Blight, shiny patents art, oi ever, among the lev eritti. NAVY, BLACK YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND GOOD SHOES AT VAN OMAN'S FOR ALL THE FAMILY 527 MAIN STREET IN KLAMATH FALLS