t 1, ! f I f s '( ' s ti fi "N'MV, MAncn ai. 1i)B3 SITUATIONS WANTin '" "iiiiiiiiin up ....-L.-.i.-. my IiimHi .venlngs. fill 22 .. "OOMI FOR RENT I '"IMNJll.H High " -a 'om. I-.,.!,,,,.,,. .ir1,p:'"' lil)OMH ' fr.r "rviil -rlvl entrance. '!" In. I'lume ';. .. . , ... l'()iMirlIl,,"V"l,."' P'''i'; fm. Hi ." r"noNTTnm" ,"r rent. CreerApai7 liiMIJ" Mlri 2 APARTMINTi FOR RENT Oil IUiVi. l(titt"n.OM (ilini.iiu VItirt- ? tJt.NtrtHl li npnj litiani. i'rivale hull) mill ritlrm )!, f urnlh(i. A flu Ha. ."I 'tiinii . ''horn I'm" Kc.W (i i ii' Ktl ii. il4rtmty hloch tiff Hmitli M I h lit. Two rourm. WM-'liehiMln, ball,, ,, rlr h. rv fi'lKiiiu', aiiiv. ('(Mipla only. N" I''nli i. "limn JM0H7 'i Kit'. i. . oom .ui lUkiitb iiiirilt l"tini rfrt'il OH ""li K Nil ttirn rubm funiUhiT) m.r,n.i.t Arlulla mily. 2l'tf UrrhurU liuiutt-a jd.17 lUtMIIO, 'I WO ntoni nparlrTiontAM llll.lllr fur nuiitxl. I'hmi 0UU, Anl llulrl, Mil Mam IHMAlJ. nirxlrrtt ftp'tirl infill. i:f"t ilr ( l.lTAN"i((ta tlvi. well" unil.lifd iww mhiiii rout I jirtint wtlli iiriilf i'i'b in. t:t:i.o. VimnajUM or r-7i.ii 'l WOIIOOMH (iiinlihtU, miluM." (or i wit, I U.i I'm. NEAT ihrr rtMUiPfurnlthtci nimrlitn-nl. BMW Hiiulh Mlxlh A I A MTMENT wllti g'aiT "hl, i'Uo" Vmll liltinji Mil High. I oV'VtKNT ' :i' ruom ii r 1 1 i7ITc U iVr M'nl. XMt lfrort. v lA nVlTY furnlahtd two' bttfrnom aprU iiint on Ho medal Unad, I'linn Mill. i tiirvttUinUr.U,' bawi'iiMit aparTinrni (or hnrh)itr or Udy. Naltiral liut hIci hl and water fiimUlicil. )Ja. Hfrig arainr and leclric rang available ania Main r phDit (lrB pin. ftfriAM ri)rAtEhiiparniitni wlih bed' room. 2ll Oak St. VunSTlHH.fn aparlmanirfor ran! Aparlmant 1, 3oQ MarkBl. HUiNIHIIKIl riaVn aparlmant. 7Ta tiiilpol. R(rlaralnr for guui coupla. VlllaMarquliliiquir i;i34 Oak. OK IIFNT, aparlnttnt. iuliahla tut roupla Ingulf Apt. 7. 1717 Main rsr.WI.Y"dcorad. prlvala balh, kit rhtnttla. 6Uam haat, tlaclrto rang tin wfc Bx Armt Aparlmant fflintK i61jftnurnUhiJpartmnt. 2Mi 26 HOUSES ORJitHJ f"Oh HKNV, !Kn" fnnni furn1i)iad houaff. Loupia only, inquira 2Q rma or 41.1 Oak. yon JtKNT. thra rootii furnlthd noma. ti rquippad. Coupla only. In- Qiilra 11141 Manxanila "On HKN?.-tw roo"rn?urnSifd ttoiue l.llhta and walar lurnUhcd, J0. Adult rnlv. 340 Martin. TWO' bdroomicnMa rompta!!? lur Mihed 43M Kutnmtri Ina. AdulU only. VNrtnNisnr.n hoViiV" iftoa ouih?itKiii f AHTCY"llHNlKHEUbou for rent Innulra 2301 Oak, t"0n lit NT. Ihrre rom moffern. partly ftirnUhrd cabin. Elactflc aiova. Sea at lMftAdama. I Oil HKNT, niodtrn jfirnithcd lltlar loom huuia. Jnguira UUo buniinan T ) ti I I k.X (or leni.' fhuna jujJ betot p m 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT DKfclHIVE A u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Youmclf Save 4 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Blnkfs Vnns BKACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Mnln Phone R304 4l..N 1 li rttrd pastuia for Two mllra aouth brad C'f rati pin ptter n nm NTORK nr office. HM q. ft. floor parr. Phone MM r(in ItKNT. arret clover ground rr notatoaa C. n Dyer. Tulalak f) KK E KIAt:K mSUwaVT Drew huiliK log. Inquire Urewa Maiuture. 733 -Main Kt. AMfniCAN floor aandera and edaart, wlft and easy ia operate. Rrura floor flnun. niler. wax em and varnitn. Kt.AMATR VALLEY LI'MOF.R 1040 So. Sixth Phone 4MS brKlCE for rent. 02 3 Main. Phone 7ltl. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS CONVENIENTLY localfd Iwo bedroom home Jiuit one block to Roonevclt School. All oak (loora, fltrplnce, piped oil hent, aepnrnte (llnlnit room. bnement. Landscaped lot SOxUO. Price $12,000. ENGLISH STYLE FOUR BEDROOM HOME on Eldorado iitrcet. Large living room with fireplace, l'i bntlui, hardwood lloors, nice cloct.i and storage apace, full basement. Oood heating a.vatrm. Fenced back yard. Price : 119,500. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hoslcy 2-01B8 i BOGUE DALE, Realtor 113 S. 9th Phone 7200 "PAT" HOWES Realtor HOT SPRINGS Beautiful pew 2-bedroom home completed last November, l-'no-place, wall to wall carpeting, Ini'gc living and dining rtmi. Modernistic kitchen with serv ing bar. Radiant cleclile hent. $111,500.00. Buyer can assume U.I. loan. Call . , . MERVYN SHUCK . "PAT HOWES" REALTOR 1025 Mnln St. Phone 2-3045 Fotti tikuH, ununited 1 beiuooiii i house, C M, ) 1 1t 7 N. nth St reot t UpH am. ruii .Saib. on t'MciIlL1 'ienH4:o. Very nice three bedroom home. J'hone 4flfi(i pr . WMTT y6n SALK. l-.vear'Ohl 2-bcdrnom Jioine In Mllh Addition SI, 1.10 down Tnlnl price Irsa than MIA appraisal Mutt bf lecn to be appreciated Phone M7.1 1 WO hrdrooni i home Air nalft In MiHn Addition one blmk from Mills School , fricrd very reattonable. 3037 Oeidtn. Pho.mJM)3W. Fwo lieirooiintoiifp, iiu7r7woor) (lo.Vri', tulomatlc heat, fireplace nnd hnneinet. Jornted on Collfornln Ave. Priced for lulck isle by owner. Call 3-0201 eve ' " ; H"i, 'n , 5nr DRiYnooM ttouRB nt inah Main itrret. Includes Hoparnto lot. Located In tenler of Ilot-Wnier diitrlct. See owner it ohovenddresa, ')fTSAI E. U acre excellent gnrden Found. Well water or Irrltfatlon. Ooott in'oilon. Excellent terms to work Inn nan. Phone 3-:iflfltl after A p.m., anytime Initirdav "f.Sundny. . 'OR SAI.K by owner, two bedroom inme, prdcHcnllv new. MlIU Addition. Take Ft I A or Veteran loan. Shown by piintntmenl only. Phone 7oa evenbus RIAL ISTATI fO'-" 30 .und tH turner and a niuvle ,,in,Ui ,p luuliinl yuu'.' nrlKlihtn t cull 'Ills ue. HU T 'lieili like t hiiI 1 1 i bedroom If -in mi li Hire uood soil with Loublo urtrngc, chicken huti.e mid Komi fi'iiccs, tee this today I Only (UJOO. A Pleasant Surprise awnlln you when you see how much home this roluiue given yuu lor so little. Two bciiruums, large kltihdi, dining loom unci living loom with hui'dwiMid floors. I'.l. Ke nt 10 IHOAT. Large garage mid all on I I acre good soil. $1000. Summers Park Klve Jriirs old In good restricted distill I ii l ul on pnvnl street. 'Iwo uedrnoim, living room, kitchen and dliii'lle. Automiitlc heal. Lund icuped lot and good garnge. Clone to school and transportation. 13I)jO. Terms. RON MS1IEK ALAN DOUOLAS Eves. 8970 Eves. 2 0085 Johnny Blaylock REALTOR 110 S. Eleventh Phone 6440 & VAT HOWES, Realtor EXCEP1IONAL VALUE Excellent large lot on Hillside Ave., with hot water well and excavated for basement. Lot is 50' X 140'. Price $2500. Rea sonable terms. Call "lisp" Davison Eves. 3871 with "Pat" Howes Realtor 1025 Main HI. Phone 2-3545 A New Home in Mills 2 bedrooms with unusually laigc dining room, very appealing kltoi en, large glussrd In utility porch, double garage, convenient locution, "ully imulatdl, hardwood floors, asbestos aiding. Ready lor im mediate occupanry. Full price $10,000. Loan value $8,000 on J-HA. Suburban Exceptionally well constructed and attractive modern 2 bedroom, plas tered home. All hardwood Hours, Ulning room, lircplacc, completely insulated, automatic oil heal, '.i acre good garden soil, chicken house, garnge. 1 block from bu line. Pnce $81)25. Delay May inrnu dlappolnt:nllt. Scc thiit intxlcrn, 2 bcuroum home to day, I-ull buemrnt, new nluunnuii root, mc.ern In every re.tp;ci. Price only $ti000. Mills Addition $3200 Small, but autaluntlal 1 bedroom hou.ie on back portion of an unuv ually good lot, well located at 2250 Wantland. Just the place for someone who wants lo build their own home later on the front half and have a rental unit out back. Open Evenings By Appointment See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. Oth. Phone 4564 or 5520 118 ACRES All under cultivation and grav ity Irrigation. 15 nCfs in al slke clover. 33 acres In perm anent pasture. 7 acres In alfalfa. Fenced. Paval road. Improv menls Include a 2-bedroom home, large barn, root cellar, other buildings. Full price Is $37,000. TERMS. 120 ACRES Gravity and sprinkler trrlg tion. 60 acres In alfalfa. Bal- "a nee was planted to potatoes and clover last year. Fenced. Improvements Include a mod ern 1-bedroom home, tenant hou.ie, Implement shed, other buildings. Full price $34,000. TERMS. See or Phone ROY "Pete" HODOES, with CHARLES BOLESTA REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE MERRILL, ORE. PH. 2851 SELLING YOUR HOME? Don't let snles problems "tangle you up." Just phone 2-3545 or drop by our olflcc. Right now the demand for homes Is good. So rlRht now Is a good time to sell. We need a suburban two bedroom home with i to 1 acre of ground. "Pat" Howes Realtor 1025 Main Phone 2-3545 roir LP.ASK. 2Utl arres IrrlRated tandv loam. Certified potatoes, fratnland and rlover Lnraied at B"tte Valley. Write Herald New. Box 7. FOR SAt.R, enuMy In modern Iwo bed. room home. 177.1 Faxgo. phone B12I. TOR SALE, nice biillillng lot. lint Spring. Addition, very closfl to ichool. NKW HOMES for ul.. William B I'nwell. Phono flS2fl. CHICKEN rnnch. a1, arres, deep w?ll nre.bliro .y.lom. lnqulrs 2445 South FOR IMMEDIATE SAI.F. 3 hedroom home located at a;lft Qrnnt Htrcel. Prncllenlly nny term, availnhle Would even cnn.ider uned enr or Irailvr hoitHc. If Inloiented In owning your homo and .nvina money Ihlii 1. II. r.Tsr voiin rnorr-RTy with this rirtM ron action. rvr.rt'TT dknnis rtFM.Tnn LIVESTOCK : AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY 1:30 P. M. .'y CATTLE vV HOGS vV SHEEP Livestock Trucks for Hire One Head or a Carload KLAMATH LIVESTOCK INC. Midland Road Phone 3U74 It. E. "Bob" RHODES, Auctioneer Phone 4032 a, FINANCIAL $$MON EY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to $500 on your auto On "our salary or furniture up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - $10, $25, $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. fib costs but 18 cents for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th 8L M-J54 DON Mi lNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Friendly 8ervice JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber lund at Oov't, Slate and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lan ls 1021 KE Cahucnga Blvd. Hollywood 38. Calif. WHEN YOU WANT TO SELL 1. We appraise fairly and at once. 2. We finance properties If you need your cash, ion exclusive llstmgsi. 3. We guarantee to advertise all exclusive listings regularly. 4. We do all the work spend our tunc our advertising money. 5. All you do Is sign the deed. 6. All wo a;k Is the chance to serve you. Open Evenings By Appointment See Don Sloan Phone 5663 Eves. Homer Stiles 2-2400 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th. Phone 4564 or 5529 RANCHES CA 1 iXE RANCH running 300 head now. Over 1000 acres Inigaicj, own water. Balance of 5G00 acrco in Umber and grazing. Sec us for mme liuormatlon. 311 Acres In Langcll Valley, plowed and ready lor plaining, all under irrigation. $44,000, l,j dowu. 99 Acres, a good opportunity for farm or small cattle set-up 10 get started. Only $16,000 with good terms. INVESTORS ' ATTENTION DO YOU WANT INCOME PROP ERTY? Then sec this 18 unit apartment house furnished and with private baths and garages. Qiosslng $8400 per yrar. The lo ration keeps this property always rented, let us show you this today. Jay P. Oliggs Tel. 4354 Gene Favell 6045 Claire Ellis 2-2659 J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Tel. 7521 60 ACRES! . i Sandy soil, no alkali, home, clec trlclty and other outbuildings. ! Electric pumps, 1200 gallons per t minute. This Is a bargain at $6500. 1 Located on main highway. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Ph. 9832 or 5742 HEATING 34 FUEL STANDARD HEATING OILS Store Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check nnd Fill Svstem METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 STANDARD HEATING OIL Stove, furnare. light rut), coal, wood, ch.rcoal. Peyton and Co. 8:is Market. Pnone 3148, ( DRY plno block, lor nine. Upen eve. nina. and weekentl.,' Mclirra Hroa. 1'IIKSTUl.OUS pickup or delivered Cilff Yuriens 8lnal Service. 2SG0 So Sth Phone .1SSI or 3-aS0. S , H UI1EKN STAMPS lve'n on rital lug nil. Phone 3US1 or (or prompt delivery. CLllr YADEN'S SlttNAL' HERVICl ' J3rioso eth 78 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES FOll SALE Nearly new fl.hlnl out fit. S.10 Custom flnlihed 8 o. Rod. Perrlnl Automatic Reel, S3S 7 taper flylinepuro .Ilk. Creel, fiy-tylna out fit. Thl. equipment 1. In perfect con dition. Will . conilder .aa, ..in or .4S automatic pistol n. part payment Call 2-30115. Best ofler before April 4 take. It. MALE CHESAPBAKK, ten montm, oln. realitered. S7S. See at 433 Ml. .Whitney rvPhnne a-lH47. FOR SALE, cheap. 3 three months rvld female golden retriever puppies. 3 two jeer old male and female remilar gol den retr evers. A Imren n. ca 1 or wr e Chevron station, M"itliE,iie, California. ....iialI) ANiigS . Kl,A 42 LIVESTOCK ft POULTRY I LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-276 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES HAVK I Buy a Cfirli Craft Kit Boat alun Cm It er and It unit bou It. Johnum he a Horn inolora. lioiilt bouiiM, told and ex changed. I J (rati fur rent to Inner men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 028 Front HI. r'hone 2-lWI fJOOS for aale These are not puupiei, hut Swlftt pedlurred full grown loot long hot dojcn Trained especially for children or a dull, (inly ,:v) each at Oiikea IJrWe-ln I he home of ftxil-lungt HOAHDIN KKNNRL8 Dog Doarding oy day. week or month Sanitary trenncls Well balanced diet Clean Individual trjtdoor runt for each dog Dogt handled durleg mating. Will pick up and deliver Vltltofi Welcome Phone 0078 Merrill Rd Rt 2, Bok 604 SMASTACASrADE KKNNEL8 ANDERSON Boarding Kennelt "Phone 1047 -VlliH Delawa-a oft Homedale THItKK collie pupt for tale. Three nioniha old. gold and white. Litter reg istered. Call .TOM 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULfRY WANTED Cash paid for fcny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3867 KLAMATH POULTRY PARMS BABY CHICKS ALL POPULAR BREEDS FROM U. S. APPROVED PULLORUM CLEAN FLOCKS AVAILABLE EVERY MONDAY OfiDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OP HAVING YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM. MALIN GRAIN AND FEED PHONE 555 fUM SAl E Lv, with I, tier, bred doe, hurkt and hutches for aale-h-i- 2-IH-2 1 HEAD of Guernsey and Hoi stein freih dairy row. Recently double tett rd. 10 ltnltt!n vearling.helfert. 13 Dur ham ctilvet. 1 rcgutored -Durham null. David Rohltuon, Bonanza, Ore. Phone 2om. V'AN'lhlJ C If.re HKiUEST prices paid for poultry, bogi and tivrxt'jrk BIG V MEAT MARKET l.akview Junctl"n Phone 415" AlCiiriCIA . Bit EL DING SLRVICt Phone 5721 M C iChurk Warren Rl 2. Pox V22 If no aniwer Phone 4400. KOIt SALE. Jersey cow. Four gallona when freth. Phone 2-0577. SHEEP for aale 100 ewea with lamb. Phong4P7.t after 7 pm.. or Sund.iy!i. BABY chlckK. Dry den leghorn. New Hampshire and Cornith Hampshire crot Talent Hatchery, Talent, Ore Phone Athland 2-ao21. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTKD gatt range. Phone 4B4.t. WANTED to rent, two bedroom unftir n tuned hmine. Guarantee good rare. Phone 61114. Mr. Jenktn.4. WILL pa y to SH300 for two or f h rce hedroom honve city limits, paved street. Miit-t have full basement. Box 72. Her aid and News, WANTED to rent, two bedroom hou;e In Mills Addition, with fenced yard. Call 2-2443. tVE NEED CARS' Get top piics Qowt Rw Mnlnr Co flih end Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMERCIAL Furnishes Cash; CASH LOANS $50 to $300 Auto Purnltura Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles fpald for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Boh O'Connor. Mgr. Lie 6-251 N-323 107 No 9th Phona 7711 IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Only $100 , $7.27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CAR3 nre ideal place to borrow Convenient Location Convenient to Barrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars 'nance't at bank rates "MONEY tN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Bail! See "CJ.uck" Bailey Mgr. lit N. 7U1 St. Phone 3326 8-341 M-275 MATH PAILS. OREGON SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION SUNDAY; APRIL 6 10:30 A.M. ADEL, OREGON To settle the estate of the late Ilenry'N'ichol the following machinery will be sold at Auction; LOCATED: At the ranch, 40 miles cast of Lakcview, Oregon, and two miles south of Adcl, Oregon MACHINERY D-6 Caterpillar Tractor, wide gauge; R-D 6 Caterpillar Trac tor, wide gauge. Both of these Cats are in good condition and are equipped with cabs, lights, paddles. J-D Model B Tractor, starter; 1950 Ford '2-ton pickup; 1942 Ford l'2 ton truck, grain bed, stock-rack; 1942 Vord V2 ton truck, grain bed; 1941 Ford IV2 ton truck, grain bed. 1935 Ford V2 ton truck, grain bed; J-D plow, model 66, 5-bottom, 16-inch; J-D Drift 1 Vilft fir ft in nlittroti-it U'ictnnrin -n4 no .Til I('rvimAr mill a wi tuuiL laiu v 1 V . o mi , ?v laiuu.-jiii muiui , 1 lam Mill j 6-inch; J-D Windrowcr, 16'2 foot; 2 Van Brunt Grain Drills, ; 12-foot; 2 Oliver Discs, 10-foot; Spike-tooth harrow, 10-sec-1 tions, good condition; Portable Elevator, small. 200 Sacks of Kadota Seed Oats, cleaned and treated 500 Used Grain Bags Miscellaneous Tools Guns & Fishing Euip. Log chains, barrel pumps, . Model 62A Winchester .22, chain binders, platform scales, short or long rifle; Model 300 warehouse cart, 30-gallon wat- Savage Rifle, lever action, er tank, used lumber, fanning Weaver 330 scope; Model 74 mill, lawnmower, 4 hydraulic Winchester Rifle, long. Wea- truck jacks, truck chains, ver scone; Remington Skeet-o shovels, forks, scoops and bore Rifle .22 caliber; Waltco many hand tools too numer- Glassmaster Rod, 5'2-foot; dus to mention. lleaden Fly Rod, 9-foot. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THIS AUCTION 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 6 TERMS: CASH . . . LUNCH AVAILABLE AT NOON Estate of HENRY NICOL, Owner AUCTION SERVICE BY R. E. "Bob" RHODES, Auctioneer . Phone 4032 - Klamath Falls 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES fVX) MONTHLY POSSIBLE SPARE TIMS Refilling and collecting money from our 5c High-Grade merchandising machine In thlt area. No selling. To qualify wor work, you must have car. reference. S592-SQ cash, secured by In ventory. Devoting 8 hours e week ' Li huxineJM, your end on percent ages of collection swill net up to V400 monthly with a very good possibilities of taking over full time. For Interview, include phone in application. Write Box 7i care of Herald and News. . FOR SALE . General Merchandise Store Beer ond Wine License Buildinj of 64CQ SJ. Ft. and living quarters. ' ' ' Grossed Over $60,000 in 1951 LOCATED BIG VALLEY, CALIF. WILL SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE Herald & News, Box 38 $895 CASH GIVES YOU YOUR OWN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Operotlng a route of new 5c and 10c merchandise dispensers in Cafes, Drug Stores, Taverns, Clubs, Bus Depots, etc. All territories open, all locations obtained for you. To qualify you must have car, ref erenccs and S895 Cash. Devoting a few of your spare hours each week to the business you should make up to $75 weekly with liberal financing assistance to aid you in taking over full time, with Income Increasing accordingly. Full Infor mation Box 73 Herald and News. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SAVE UP TO 81.000 ON YOUR NEW LOGGING TRACTOR! We have Just purchased 5 D-8 tractors in Oregon, fully equipped for logging. If bought at present site, sav ings in transportation and handling will be passed on to S'ou. We will finance on rental-purchase terms or take mortgage on clear equipment lor down payment. For Full Information, Contact NATIONAL TRACTOR CO. 401 Broadway, Sacramento, Calif. Phone: Hudson 4-oaoa SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned and Guaranteed USED ELECTRIC RANGES $OQ50 J 7 UP USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS $5950UP VERN OWENS' Home Furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4th Phone 8365 UK HALb. rtlontng range witn coils. Excellent condition. $25. 3437 AHamont Drive after 9 p.m. t'iiN-iviOL.iiNtb piL'K-up hay baler 113. And model V Standard Tractors 1 Tin 30 lires ;.247i. All new F. O. B. Emene. n. E. Elliott, 0.18 Jefferson St. Phone 4-jH.fifi after fi p.m. Mm SAI.K L.A Ca.-c tractor, (,'nod con f,,"i, n'-'i Vr-"-e, prr V"e,v, USED WATCHES $10 to $20 FULLY GUARANTEED ELGIN'S BULOVA LONGINES RICKYS JEWELERS DOWNSTAIRS STORE PHONE 3151 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 5r LADAK ALFALFA SEED 45c Lb. PURE SEED 99.98" GERMINATION 65.00 HARD SEED 28.50 Total 93.50 ETNA MILLS Ph. Etna 55 Etna, Calif. ONE new cable bulldozer, rear mount. TCU for caterpillar D7-7M series. West Hitchcock Corporation. DRIVEWAY MATERIALS, Phone Joe Bart. 97S5. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Phone 5."41. PKILCO RADIO. 11 tubes. 2160 Vine. Phone 42..7. ONE u-cd John Deere Model G. PTO nd power lift, starter. 6 ply rear Urea. Clean, excellent. West Hitchcock. ONE used Townner 4 foot 6 tn. off-set disc. Fits Ford or FerjU5on. Like new. West Hitchcock Corporation. USED furniture values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 5353, FOR SALE, one used caterpillar D-2. Major overhaul, clean, excellent. West Hitchcock Corporation. FOR SALE. 1946 Model GM John Deere tractor. $1500. Virgil G. Hollbrook. IUac- doel, Cal iftynia. WE HAVE in stock GLAMOR ENE rug cleaner. LUCAS FURNITURE ' 1M E. MA IN ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs, (ties, (or sale or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY (12!) Main Phr.ne 741? LANDSCAPING! evergreens. abruos and trees. We trim, spray and remove lame trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4236 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders Phone 2-1167 ONE horse drawn McCormtck 5 foot mower, horse drawn McCorinlrk ootato cultivator, horse drawn John Deere one bottom two-way plow. Frank Micka, Mttlln, Oregon. USED piano, elderly but fairly Rood. $95. Terms. S10 down. SO monthly. Louis R. Mann Piano Co. 120 N. 7th. SADDLE handmade, double rigged, like new. Very reasonable. 314 High St. evenings after a p.m. GAS RANGE. whTte enamel. Very good condition, .,W. pnnc 52H5. SALE on Admiral refrigerators. ChoiTe of 8 models. Small down payment. Many months on tbe balance. LUCAS FURNITURE IPS E. MAIN SKWTng machine, electric portable model. Guaranteed perfect sewing con dition. $;t2.ao. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. B33 Main. Phone 2-2513 HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER . author ized sales and service. Klamath Furni ture Co. 221 Main.Phone 5353. OLIVER 70 tractor. David Bradley nike Oliver mower, 8 foot hydraulic scraper, He Gee Hydroultc pump. 2'fe miles west Mac's Store. Wilbur Hornpherger. , u. brt. ts.. 'M Bie . - aau rtccuraiau. MS Cash. Phone 2-2017. WE NOW have in stocn Chrome table Closed sire 42x60 inches, extends to 90 inches. Seats 12 to 14 people. Terms. LUCAS FURNITURE IM EAST MAIN MODERN NKW. Air. ourl Mr, dresser. .Anli-iue whMe "V-h. OH fWR. SS AUTOMOTIVl f ASHLEY'S J 1949 CHEVROLET STYLING DELUXE 4-DR. Radio, heater, scat covers, black color . , 1949 CHEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE 5-PASS. Beautiful tutone green paint, radio, heater, sportlitc, motor reconditioned 1949 MERCURY TWO-DOOR SEDAN . Radio, heater, low mileage. A nice clean car 1948 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN Columbia overdrive. New paint - - COMMERCIALS vAr 1950 CHEVROLET Vi TON PICKUP 4-spced transmission. Completely reconditioned 1949 FORD 2 TON PICKUP 1943 FORD 12 TON PICKUP- 1946 CHEVROLET 2 TON C & C 8:25 tires. 2-speed axle REGISTER TO VOTE NOW Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 You'll Get A BETTER BUY with more satisfaction when you take a 2-day FREE DRIVING TRIAL in oue of our GUARANTEED used cars. Check price, appearance, condition for . . . THE BEST DEAL L TOWN 1949 OLDS 1947 FORD 1948 CHEV. , 1949 DODGE 1946 DODGE 1950 FORD 1947 CIIEV. 1949 FORD '8' 1950 CHEV. 1949 STUDE. 1946 BUICK J947 DeSOTO 1948 PONTIAC 1949 FORD '6' 1947 KAISER THRIFTIES If These Aren't Cheap Enough, Make an Offer 1938 Plymouth $ 66 1939 Olds $297 1936 Pontiac $ 47 1937 Plymouth $147 1939 Plymouth : $197 1937 Buick .'. $ 47 REGISTER NOW TO VOTE,-, , ... For the BEST in the WEST see . . . DUGAN& MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE '.'Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th ' Phone 8101 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY -WHEAT OATS - RYE PASTURE GRASS ft FERTILIZERS ft ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON SEWING machine, round bobbin. Fully guaranteed. 529 no. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 63.1 Main Phone 2-2.113 FOR SALE, electric brooders, any size. 244.1 South Sixth. Cheap. FOR SALE 18 foot trailer house, new ly redecorated interior, new furniture and stoves. Phone 2-2079 anytime. MIGHTY-MAN two-wheel garden trac tor, slightly used. New tires, five dif ferent plowing attachments. See thi, real buy and make me an offer. Troy Morgan. 4304 Denver. Phone 2-0803. MONUMENTS Deliveries and Instal lations can be made by May 30th if or dered now. Clarence Ward, Klamath Monument Company, 925 High, phone 9333. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1684 CULL POTATOES for sale Phone H732 NEW Centennial model Singer Sewing machine Features fashion stitching, mending and monogramming without use of attachments See demonstration and receive free Instruction at SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 633 MAIN PHONE 2-2.113 FOR SALE. 27 ft Platte house trailer Excellent condition J 1330 Phone 7-0326 or 7.0372. Tulelake ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and poltlnel and supplies. Phona 7167 Tarkei Tweet. 9JI Market 55 AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE. Reliable transportation. 1933 Tord Couoe. r.13. Phone P3S7. FOR SALE. 1950 International pick-up. 1230. J. W. KERNS, 734 So. Sixth Phone 4197. KOK SAE 1936 Chevrolet Coupe, .heap Phone .1201. FOR SALE, $(111. equity In 1948 Stude baker Champion 4-door sedan. Or will trade for older car. Box 211, Bly, Ore- on FIVE new 670x13 white side walled tires 20. each. 1410 Mitchell. FOR SALE, "88" Oldsmohlle two-door. Immaculate, perfect. 19.000 miles. Six tires. $2100. Rt. 2. Box 702. First house on left past Ilarpo Dam In Poe Valley. R. v. Ketchain. 1931 CHEVROLET sedan delivery. Driv en 8,300 miles Top condition. Price $1600. See at 1928 Main Street. FOR SALE. 1030 Mercury sport, sedan. radio, heater, undersea! glSOO. Call 911.1. 600X16 RECAPS 53 06 EACH EXCHANGE Wt buy used tlrea. O.K. Rubber Weld er.. 2391 So. th. Phone 4.113 WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 t. Main Phona 3379 "W. wUI tell vnur car for vou " We huy and trade' FOR SALE, equity In 1948 Vt ton pickup Phone 2-1457 after a p.m. . NKLU LAHS: (Ml tup price now Rose Motor Co 8th and Plum 47 MERCURY. R and H. Priced to sell. 700. Phone 2-0607 afternoons. FOR SALE, 1041 Plymouth special de luxe four door. Clean interior, good molor. Terms. 1BP6 Portland. IpTl GMC one ton Phone 37.11 PAGE THIRTEEN It' IJSED CARS I . M75 DOWN CPE. .. '475 DOWN . '515 DOWN' ... $350 DOWN $475 Down $410 Down $350 Down $400 Down 1937 Dodge $ 97 1937 Plymouth .......... $ 97 1942 Chevrolet $497 1941 Chrysler $397 1937 Ford $ 97 1939 Chevrolet $197 1941 Plymouth $477 SS AUTOMOTIVE For a NEW or USED TRUCK - Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" four International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath Phone 3-1581 , COMPLETE , -Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Grolanade BEST VALUES! USED . TRUCKS -CARS . I GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp.' YOUR GMC DEALER 617 a 7th Phona 77TI SUNNY DAYS ARE . HERE HOW ABOUT A CONVERTIBLE 1948 Buick Super Conv. 1 1QC Radio & heater. ..... 1949 Ford, 8 Convertible Si O 1 C Radio & heater I04J 1948 Ford 8 Convertible 1 rQC Radio & heater JzU 1946 Buick Super Convt. llAO Radio & heater. ..... IU7 D 1946 Mercury Convt. $ OQC Radio & heater. OVD EACH AND EVERY ONE A TOP, CLEAN, SNAPPY CAR. DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER, SEE ING IS BELIEVING. REGISTER TO' VOTE NOW H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAOE ' USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main at Broad Phone 6161 MUST SELL this week. '41 Buick, two door, '49 engine, radio, heater, Per fect condition. Highest offer takua, Phone 8237. BUS SARUAN'I'S USED LARD WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone Bios . 1038 CHEVROLET sedan, tn. New oau tery. license. Heater Phone 2-0002. FOR SALE, 1937 Ford Plckiip, iadl5 and heate r. new engine. Phone HW. FOR QUICK SALE, 1041 Chry.ler Royal molor over-hauled. Good shape. Hadto and heater. 300 cah. Phone 8133. i