PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 31. 1052 It Happened This Way in New Pine Creek Bv IRVIN PARIS A growing community Interest Is being Known in mrse lonnignuy iquare-dance frolics here. This was dcmoiUitratcd last Wedneviny evening at me uran?e nan sviim over M perrons at times six sets , Joined In the merry-making. Mr. uown from Summer Luke to par a'ong Willi tne more simple ones. , . of the numerous dances that were . taugnt and dpneed. Several counira came down from Lakevlew. The next Instructional Square Dnnco Night will be held in the Grnnms Hall, April 2, and everyone is cor- dlally Invited to come and lorn ' "Like gold in them thar ravines" you never know what latent hil- ent lies dormant In your vicinity until It Is given a chance to mani fest Itself. The music of "The Dlir.y Five" the "New Pine Creek Hill billies" or whatever tills new group "' c'nooscs to call themselves who played for the whopping big fire men's ball here last Saturday night went over with a bang! Everyone hnd a grand time and there was no boisterous trouble of any kind. " People from all up and down the valley bought tickets to help the young fire department get on its feet. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eva:is made a $10 donation for the cius-e which was greatly appreciated. Fire-Chief Butler sa'd the dnnre would probably net around $370 as a gross ot S4UU was taitcn in Special thanks goes to the Lake' view volunteer firemen's orinnl- ration and to the Willow Ranch Fire department who both cooper aled splendidly In buying tickets . . and attending the dance. Tne lunch the fire-ladies put out was something to write for more about. Testimonials about the food was heard from several sources. The Veteran's of Foreign Wars dance is the next big thing on the social docket for this little town which will be held at the Vet's Hall April S. It. like the firemen's Everyone's 6 3 talking 1 about the k nnuM"i Nodi am I Lflll for proof FnLUL X DUGAN ond ME5T 522 So. 6th St. Klomoth Foils if m v IdodgeI 1 "SHOW ! ball, will be a benefit to help a new organisation get on its Iccl. It may or may not have the uni versal appeal and support that the firemen got but still there is all the reason in the world to believe it eryone is proud of our boys who fought for us overseas and out c.f respect for these stuidv. resource ful young men, all should be glad to see this newly formed chapter flourish. Let's everyone get a ticket and show these young men we're still behind them now unselfishly. Mu sic for the occasion will be fur nished hv Sue's band, assisted by Whltey Foster on his trombone. Definite information has It that Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander has sold her property here to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Millsap of Willow Ranch. This deal hes been halving fire ior some time but is now a closed matter. The Millsaps plan to innse it their permanent home sometime in the future but will probably lease the place out for a few yenrs, ajeordinir to Mrs. Alexander, who left Sunday for her home in Pitts burg, Calif., via Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Salty Johnston were weekend visitors' here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benefiel. They took Mrs. Alexander over to the Falls with them on their return home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Coburn left last week for Lebanon, Ore., where they were to spend a wrek or so visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Eddy Croxton. and family. Bill Bishon of Willow Ranch is one of the latest to enter in the political race for supervisor in the North Modcc District. The most wonderful thing about politics is that the candidates usually have that indomitable spirit, an irrepres sible moral courage mustered up out of all sincerity to take public o:"f:ce in spite of all manner of criticism they know- they will re ceive; to still keep an even keel when they get the job. This, I'd sa". sustains the spirit of progress. George Converse left last Tues day for Reno where he was to meet his Aunty Jennie Smith that evening. It wasn't until late Wed nesday that she arrived there due to the terrific storms that ham pered train schedules. on her journey west from Min nesota her train was held up at various points. On the last leg of her trio her tra'n got stalled 8ivl she was relayed on to Reno by taxi. The homeward jaunt from Rrno to New Pire Creek was quite rug ged also, last Friday, as freijnt rigs, car with trailer-house and other vehicles were stalled at va rious points along the narrowly plowed out highway so that get ting around them was no easy task. Mr. and Mrs. Ollte Killian were quite perturbed last weekend over the news of the devastating tor nado that took so many lives in live at Dierks. Ark. where ten lives were taken by the storm. They naturally were very solici tous about incoming mall that might bring some word from those at the scene of destruction. Mrs. Hallie Cook received a let ter from her son-in-law, Walter H. Rose who writes from the S. S. Excelsior in the harbor at Cochin, India. There the weather is hotter than hot he says and describes the city thusly: "This is one of the old cities of India and I guess it looks now just about how it looked several hundred years ago. It is very at tractive from the harbor, with its white-brick, masonry buildings. When you get up close, it looks dirty as in most ot the places of the Far Ea't. There is quite a bit of elephantitis here and the most of the ship's company go a-shore and swim, etc. Not yours truly (and it ain't be cause I don't like water.) They say that any white resident that is here a number of years, al ways gets it." As purser of the ship he hinted as to the nature of his cargo, "We leave here tonight for Aden. Dji bouti and the Suez Canal. We are loading 400 tons of cashew nuts, pepper, -mats and matting. Should be In New oYrk the latter part of March. "Vayle," (that's his wife Hal lie's daughter) "has a new job as payroll clerk for one of the best hotels in New York and seems quite pleased with it." Mr. and Mrs. Lute Miller, row vacationing, planned to be in New York the latter part of March to visit with Vayle, his niece, and HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Jlr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley and Joe Earley Proprietor ( Creates ProtectrVe Warmth for ASHING CHEST COLDS to relieve coughs and tore muscles Must f role Instantly creates & won derful protective warmth rls:ht whre applied on chest, throst und back. It not only promptly relieves coughing and lnflammntlon but breaks up painful local congestion. IOK IIWUiMI, OK JOl not rase IP HE in E 3 P vL: 2ND CENTURY Studebaker started its second century of the manufacture of highway vehicles with the production of this Champion sedan. Harold S. Vance, (center light suit) board chairman and president, drove this car off the assembly line 100 years anil two days after Studebaker brothers opened their wagon-building shop at South Bond. In its first century, Studebaker turned out 7,130.874 vehicles. Seen in the background is Studebaker's first wagon, and the company's first auto, a 1902 electric. The first 2nd Century Studebaker in Klamath was delivered to J. Leland Pope of Merrill, according to John McCulloch, Klamath Falls dealer. her husband. The Goose Lake Valley Sports men's club met in the Grange Hall last Thursday evening. With President Virgil Boomer presiding and Sectv. Roy Millsap. busy with his pencil taking notes, a very bus- iSeXlike meeung ensued: Vliere were "2 mfnihors nrrwnt were .1 members present. Pheasant planting on the Bishon ranch, and the Earl Martin ranch was discussed. Gordon Harris said he had 500 acres he would open up j flowers. ' nament were Mr. and Mrs. Waller for that purpose and the ways mv u polos les to those I have ne- IStasiny. and means of going about getting lec'red ,0 lis, bu, following are' Mrs. Don Ralston, known at this job done, was taken up. It i h0 wn0 nave bccn reDorlcd , Emma's store as "Mike." returned was presumed that the pheasant me home Sunday after a month's visit e,ntrwouldn be10itheP resn"b"li V T"e George Mlcka familv en- '.th relative. In Nebraska. She was J .v , w u . responsib.luy . delayed returning home by the bad of the club, but it was decided ' ,: vacauon ai t-aim sl0.ns contact the "Fish and Game" in i l)r"'ss. j - B.,i regard, to the proper regulation of Mr. and Mrs Va.z Kylln. .and I ,hf, Mg Brwnln hee clant'ng' when, where and "Uth and Ronnie traveled south to .,,. . ,t, j . how they should be protected. Los Angeles and returned by wyv ?""'?'??c The value of subscribing to telM'S JSL" lhc fornia Southern . Call Northern California Snortsman m- before returning home. '"i?'' rt ,,r. .... ,a 5S, K-'SSfJ1!-, " decided that whoever wishes magazine could subscribe individ uallyit being granted that the periodical would carry much infor mation of interest to the club members. The next order of business was electing delegates to attend a dis trict delegate meeting at Fall Riv er that met last Sunday. Pres. Virgil Boomer and Arthur Lenkcit were elected with George Perkins as alternate. The meeting adjour ned. Art Lenkeit and George Perkins motored to Willow Ranch last Sun day morning early, where they joined Virgil Boomer in his car and together the three men sncd to Fall River to attend the dele gates district meeting. There were 23 delegates at the assemblage a banouet dinner meeting at the Fall River Hotel representing five dif ferent sportsman's clubs in dis trict 1 which are Fall River, Westwood, Burney. Goose Lak5 Valley and Tulelake. Alturas has a club also but failed to send any delegates to this meeting which had for its main purpose "to or ganize and consolidate" the inter ests of all sportsmen In district J34. Ex-senator Jack Metcger of Fall River was the prlnciDal speaker of the meeting. He explained the me thods and procedure of district or ganizatlon. A nice meal was en joyed and pictures were shown ef wild life existent in the area. The pictures included 122 dead deer taken in secret valley, of wh:cn 80 percent, killed that winter were lawns. The next district meetim will be held in Susanville on April 27. f? k i It ' ' ; By ROBERTA DEWEY Clifford Turner spent SDrlne va cation week visiting his father wno was a patient at the clinic in Wheeler, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirby Jr. entertained eirmloyes of the Col umbia utilities Company on Sat urday evening, f ollowing a spa ghetti suDper, cards were enjoyed. Twenty three were Invited. Members of St. Augustine's par ish are reminded by their pastor. Rev. John Phelan, that starting April 6, and continuing on the 1 first Sunday of the month thereaft er, masses will be held at 7:30 land 10:45 a.m. and In Bonanza at 19 a.m. This change in time will oe enective an tnrougn tne sum mer months or until further no tice. Ronnie Trotman, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Trotman, is enjoying ten days at home from his studies at dental college In Portland. Fred Woodhurst, father of Mrs. Wilbur Hasklns, and a resident of Eugene, is here for an Indefinite stay with his daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley and son spent the spring vacation week visiting In Salem. A regular mceling of the Mis sionary Society was held on Wed nesday. It was reported that the World Day of Prayer services held Feb. 29, In Tulelake was well re ceived with some 100 present. A report was also made regarding the auota of supplies to be sent to Missions at home and abroad. Mrs. Eber Kllpatrlck was in charge of the program for the doy. Her thtme was "Christian World Frontiers." Present were Mrs. Kllpatrlck. Mrs. J. L. Haskins, Mrs. Velton Haskins, Mrs. Lyle Huffaker. Mrs. W. F. Jlnnette. Mrs. Dele Moore. Mrs. Karl Mc Coy, Mrs. G. A. Milne, Mrs. War- SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA lieeiMfall? Traautf Eiela.lra Malta! ta Ma. Ilk lent Chlraaraatta PaTaleiaa People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! I Mil T XV:-' Malm VV By MRS. JOE HAI.Ol'SF.K The week's vacation given school 5"flt ?to?i " seems, nuuiy luu mc om'uruiu- , t(j f c from ,he w,n, Uv-atw irn in ! m nth.r j places to seek the beauty of newly ct-pon pmu nnri .itu-tntr hinnmim? ndrbeTWspentMsome Ze cnnto -,.,,- than .r , c-n Cisco to see the sights i Tofell Is recovering from Mr. and Mrs. Ted Evans and i surgery he underwent Saturday at family visited at Pendleton. Ore. i Klamath Falls hospital He Is The Harold Freeman family I expected to return home by Frl- journeved ud the Oregon coastline j day. and the Frances Kolkow's also va-1 A lBrf KrouD of members from cationed on the Oregon coast and i tnB Malin American Legion and Po-tland. (Auxiliary Bttended the Legion Dls Frances and Louie Kallna and I trlct meeting In Lakevlew, Sat son. Denny, accompanied by Grady iurday, March 15. Saunders and Dole Fenters took in ! Meetings were ricia in tne aiier Ihe high school basketball tourna- i no' nd b1?. banquet was held ments In Eugene and also visited with Louie's brother, Rudy, and wife. The Carl McVays and boys also headed for the southland and spent some lime at Tulare. Calif. An unscheduled meeting at the Flelshhacker Zoo In San Francisco was experienced by the Hub Wil son's, the Jim Bunnells, the Lou Dragers and the Marlon Monfores. Bly By THELMA ABBOTT The American Legion Post No. 13 and families were entertained io una imimies were enienainea with a potluck supper at the school cafeteria, Tuesday evening. March Vnh?hUi?7-GueSlS 2 NeM Palmer m .nHUMrY atf . ' .nrf Charles Hahn and Mr. and Mrs. r,-h.em iTMiSlita Anni Ollt; and other rela- gave these guests a chance to meet a few of their neighbors in this distant part of their county. While the screen and Drolcctor was being adjusted for the show ing oi Wms. the room was rapidly filling to capacity by the nublic. At this time. By's House Brothers quartet rendered several songs. maimer, a veteran of the Korean war, gave a short but Impressive talk on the need of blood, particu larly on the battle field. He said he saw lives lost from lack of blood and of lives being saved In the armed forces as well as civilian life, by those who had received blood. The importance for every man and woman, physlcallv able, to give a pint of blood was stressed by Mr. Palmer. Commander Hahn. of Prist Mo 8. showed two films, both very inio..n .u. u, . the blood from the time it Is taken from a donor to a patient receiv-! ing it. The second film. Disaster I atrikes, shows the Red Cross on rliitv oa flnnH fl . nv..H,t mine disasters, etc. ' ' Klamath County's Red Onss Executive Secretary. Mrs. Viririn- ia Dixon gave data on the cost of operating the bloodmoblle bank. also the number of volunteers, who assist when a blood bank is in operation. She told of the many services the veteran and others re ceive from the Red Cross. Mrs. Dixon's summary was: "Donate a pint of blood and contribute to the Kea cross drive to help carry on this great and imnortant civil and national defense program." Much Interest was shown during the entire program bv the nnv Scouts, Troop 10, who were well represented, At the close of the nrnrrrflm. Mrs Hazel Hamilton, president of the Auxiliary, presented a gavel bell to Commander Jim Hall for the observance of the founding of Trip American Legion. ren Ochs. Mrs. Eldon Pavznnt Mrs. Gene Taylor and Mrs. Mar tin winthcr. Mrs. Dwlght Eanle entertained with a surprise birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Martin Winlher. Members of the family enjoying the dinner were the guest of honor and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Brr. nace Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ovgard of Klamath Falls, Mary I Pickett, Mrs. Eflie Eagle, and the hostess, Mrs. Dwlght Eagle and her family. Jim Shuck left March 27 for St. ; Louis, Mo., where he will be sta tioned permanently at the Air j Force base there. He has been home since March 15,. and was formerly stationed at Chanute Field, 111. i Councilman Paul Lewis attended 1 a week-long conference of city water commissioners held In Cor i vallis. Lena Harrison, proprietor of the , Merrill Beauty Shop, attended a beautician's convention held In I Portland lest weekend. 11 1 Mallnlles In San Francisco meeting !fP"nK vacation with Ins parents, up with the Monfores at Fisher-1 le ls attending Oregon Stale Col man's Warf were the Joe llalou-i lee ?l "ly""1' ., , , seks. Small world. Isn't it? Paul Hoefler and Eldon Burg- . .j .,,. !,,..,.,, ., 'dor' attended a movie in Klamath and children visited with relatives at Richland. Wash iiic'cuwiu oiiisiny inimiv sprmiBaran Micnaei. the week In Portland visiting and also attended the NCAA Regional (Basketball Tournament In Corvai ills. Also attending the colleae tour- 1 children ".pent several days las. week in Portland. it 7 n in. at Hunters Lcdce. Members from Mann wno aiiern ed were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. jemes ot j toman, Mr. B"d Mi s. Iryln Drew- ," ""' John McCulley, Mrs. Mcrvyti wuae. 0Unge!l Valley By CORA LKAVITT Mr. and Mrs. Sandre Romtvedt received word that they have a new grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Romtvedt of Illinois. fH, hnr Mnrrh 2S and has . iL6"??.."8.. ."...J'JU j""" ih id Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift and "w granddaughters. Virginia and I1" Nobl --pent several days Vri, ,ith hi mnthr lives and friends. Mrs. Robert Powell and children of Tulelake visited her parents. the Paul Mauldins, and her aunt and unrle, Mr. and Mrs. bantiord Jones, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dearborn and sons were Sunday dinner guesis oi Air. ana ivirs. Dcrry and family of Malin. Did. r. ana .virs. nusseii waisn have named their new baby ... ... a daughter Kathleen. Mrs. Howard Doece and Mrs. Ed McCollum of Klamath Falls n.,u ,.,o. uj n. uuuncs nuu chlldren of Tulelake and Mrs. Mike nonrhnrn anrl Terf Wednesday with Mrs. Les Lcavlll Bob Bergman was in Klamath Valley Ho.spital several days -suf- tering from Injuries received in ngni oaiuraay nignt. Ho was 'Sa"!. dT." ? nlfu"cnred, Internal .Injuries. He ls,.'h? 5?nJof MF' ,nnd M.r, Httrry u,,u "uuem, oi nonanza Hign. ock Wci"" has closed up his mine near Grants Pass and Is home for the next few months. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Carr spent Sunday at EaRle Point with re latives and friends. Dixie Evans of Klamath Falls came out Friday and spent the weekend with her cousins, Dayie and Virginia Noble, and helped Vir ginia celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Woolen and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crawford and family on Wednesday. Mr. ond Mrs. Bill Burnett enter tained with a dinner on Wednesday evening In honor of O. C. Johnson on his birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leavltt, Monte, Maria and Richard Burnett and the host and hostess. THK SKW AND SKWKR Laundry bags were made at Ihe regular meeting of The Sew anil Sewers held at Mrs. Louie Lyons, Mrs. A. G. Scolt, 4-H leader, helped the girls cut and bapte their bag. At the next meeting. iiHjHmn oag, smri, apron, aim laundry bag are to be finished. Refreshments were served by Lynctte'Lyon and Sharon Scott to Shirley Mock, Beverly Martin, Roy anne Wilson, Sandra Fields, Mrtrle Rogers, Mrs. A. O. Scott and Girl Scout leaders, Mrs. Lee Martin and Mrs. Louie Lyons. Shirley Mock News Reporter Totem pole cactus, a type dis covered in Lower California, re sembles a poorly carved tolcm nnje. V. f Hildebtvmd j.v.'f My MRS. T. I'. Mil H A! I, Mr. and Mrs. CI Wont HrwnM mncio a business nip to linkers field, Calif., the pun week. Mr. and Mrs. ltlsbry were dinner guestx on Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Bar ker of Klnmnlli 1'nlls. Mr. and Mm. Itny itoulnsim and children were vlsllurs In rrlneville on Sundny. Mrs, Jcwe Drew an Mis. Jrr Annie were Snipping in Klamath Fulls on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. D. Ilnrfler and children, Floyd, Kiiv, Olorin and Wundn of Klamath Falls visited on Sunday with liirlr mother, Mrs, Sarah Micliurl, Jesse Drew and Ferd Blorer were shopping in Dairy on Satur day. Mr. and Mis. Oln Malson of Klnmnlli Falls visited on Sunday nlternoon with Mr. und Mrs. Kiel), urd lloeilrr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles liorouuhs and sou, Maurice, of Spiasui' itlv er, were dinner un Satur day ol their sister and brotliei-ln-law, Mr. and Mia, Marvin Mi chael, Mr, and Mrs. Erwln Senium vis ited on Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Rltter, .r. and Mrs. L. V. Hn.sklns mucie a business trip to the Im perial vaury mo past week. Albert Burgdorf and son, Elrion, were dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoellcr on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael visited on Sunday with their sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boroughs of Summit River. Floyd Hoefler Is spending his ; ,? VL mm Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rltter vis ited on Monduv eveninir with Mrm. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoefler and children, Floyd Ray, Gloria and Wanda of KlamaUi Falls, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hoellcr and son, Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Holm and son. Johnnie, from Weyerhaeuser Camp on Haydcn Mountain, vis ited on Tuesday with Mrs. Sarah Michael. They are former residents of this community and Johnnie Is home on vacation from college In Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Turner and smali daughter, Roxle, were vis itors in Klamath Falls on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cioldsberry of Klamath palls visited on Wed nesday alternoon with Mrs. Ann ane White. Woodrow Nelson, who has spent the winter months In California, arrived at home of his mother on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoefler visited recently with Mr. -and Mrs. Henry Schmor of Bonanza, Legal Notice CITATION in Tim cmct'tT court or Tltt statu or onr.coN ron Tilt COUNTY Or KI.AMATII Probata Department In tha matter ot the C.tata of 1LA C. NEAI.ncill alio known I. C. N'rAI.KIGII. Dereeil. TO: rioranca Zleglar, Cunha, Myrtle lla Kelly. Marttn iwelt Nra'e'e.t. 11 II r. Rosa. Genevieve A. narbaaallo Rob ert H. Rom, Marlon W. Rom, Janlea K. Ho... (ierald V. Roai. Davlil u neat. Noda Becker, and Mr. Ulan A. Nealelf h. in the namk or Titr state or ORKGON, you ara hereby curd and required In appear In the Cfrr-oil Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. Probata Department, at tha Court Room thereof at Klamath Falls, Orefnn. In the County of Klam ath, flute of Oreinn. wllh'n 10 daw from the data of the tervtre of this citation upon you if aerved wtthlrr Klamath County. Oregon, and within 20 days from the data of aurn aervtre If aerved tn any other rounly of Ihe state of ureion If personally served and wtthln 2ft days from the data of the rirsl publication of this rltatlon If served bv publication to show eaue. If any exists, why an order should not be made authorising the hereinafter described real properly to be sold ai private administrator's sale as prayed for in trie petition or the administrator on file herein. Said properly la located In Klamath County, Oregon, and de scribed as follows, to. wit: The South one half of t,nt II. tn Rlock S of Pleasant View Tracts. Klamath County. Oregon WITNESS THK IIONOIlAnt.E David R. Vandenherg. Judge of the circuit r!' ,,h1,,?"ltu"' n"..?" &'". mnt. mnl wilt, tha- fit 1(1 rourl Af , fixed thlf 21 day ot Obrtiary. 1012. attest: iifAftieES r. ucuai picric Bv ja vr. wfver Deputy Clerk . M-io-i7-2-n no. oo NOTICE Or HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT notick is ii'-'ir.ny given that 1 of Kxecutrix. ane t'einiun ior iri.lll- I hution n the matter of the estate of ; MEI.VIN D IIKNRY. deceased, and the Circuit Court has set Tuesday. Ihe ISth day of April. ,1032. at the hour or ten o'clock A.M in the Clrrull Court Room of the Klamath County Court House. Klamath Falls. Oregon, as the lime and place for hearing of excep tions tn aald Final Account, if any there be. MABI.E R. HENRY. Execu. trlx of Ihe Estate of MEI VIN D. IIENIty, Deceased EDWIN E. DRISCOLL Pine Tree Building Klamath rails, Oregon Attorney for Estate M 17-24 -3I-A 7-14. No. l. NOTICE Examination for Certified Public Ac countants of Oregon will be held In Portland from 1::W p.m. Wednesday. May 14, through Friday May I'l. Applications must be filed with the Secretary on or before April 1.1, 1 9.17. Wm. It. Holm, CP. A, Secretary 414 American Rank Building Portland fl. Oregon M. 2fl-.11 A. I No. 9110 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ORE GON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Mailer of the Estate of L. Alva Lewis. Deceased. The undersigned hna been appoint ed by said court administrator of snld estate. Notice la hereby given to the creditors of deceri-nt to present their claims, duly verified as by law re quired, within fix months after the tlrsl publication of this notice, '.o ll'r undersigned at the law office of A. C. Yaden, 409 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated and first published thla 31 day of March, 1032. Auulln B. Lewis, Administrator. M SI A 7-14-21 No. KI.1 PliriLiCAt"HN6F-SUMMONB JN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY AGNES OLDHAM, Plaintiff, vs. FREDERICK OLDHAM, Defendenl To Frederick Oldham, Defendant. In the Name of Ihe State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear anrl answer the complaint filed against .volt In the ahova entitled suit on or before April Mlh. KIM. that being the expiration of four weeks' publication of this summons prescribed by the or der for Ihe publication thereof, and If you fall so to answer, Ihe plaintiff will apply In Ilia Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. In-wll: for decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you nnd the plaintiff: that ahe be permitted to resume her former name of Agnes Span gler: and for such other and further relief aa to equity may appertain. Thla publication la made bv the order of tha Hon. Dnvtd R. Vandenherg, Judge of the above named Court, duly ninc'e on March 2hth, 111.12. The dote of the first publication of this summons la March lllst. 111.12. A. C. Ynden. Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Arirlresa: 4(iq Main Siren, Klamath Falls, Oregon No. p:h March .11, A-7-I4-2I. CLASSIFIED RATES One day ....... per word 4" Hurt Pays per ward lie Week run ....... per word 30o Moutli run per word (5c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one a is sue. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be linndled through box numbers at Ihe paper ior a ten li e emu no oi aiv. DEADLINES Classified aus aixepieu up to 6:30 p.m. for following dayt publication Classified display ads accepted up to 11 noou for following day s puo ilea Hon. ADJUSTMENTS Pleas mK an cmiui Uf adjust menu wltnimt delay NAOMI B1IH1N1! No. ft Order of White Shrine of Jrirsnlrm will hold a slatril meeting on Tuesday, April I, 1033. All vlsltliijt sojourners invited. Blanche SihuliC W. II. P. James Hunter , W. 8. MEETING NOTICES IOOF NO. 137 Every Tuesday 0:00 P.M. Fifth and Main Sis. C FUNERAL HOMES iVAHU .S K lam in l unrTal iioln. tTiS Hlih Slrcat. -Phnn .1.U4. 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST 1MB Cadillic hub can. VTehTlTy town anil alrpnrl. Ralurn Hehoop and GENERAL NOTICES "HOT COFFEE VENDORS" MANAGER WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO SERVICE ROUTE OP NEW AUTOMATIC COKPKE VEND ORS I Put In a coin and out comes a hot Steaming cup of Coffee. Every cup made indi vidually. Will turn out a freiui cup every 6 seconds. No sell lug or soliciting. Factory dis tributor will secure locations and make necessary arrange ments. In this area and sur rounding territory. Ideal off hours setup to start. 1300 to v400 per week possible part time; full time more. Secured 113(0 to 16050 cash required now. Please do not wn.ste our time unless you have the necessary capital aii I are positive you want to go Into (he coffee vending busi ness not next month, not next week N O W I, as we are definitely going to this area Immediately. If you can follow Instructions and su pervision of a large national concern with Dun A: Biad trect rating, references from Banks, Chamber of Commerce, etc., you should become finan cially Independent within a tery short time. Write fully about yourself, giving ace, phone number. Write box 80 Care of Herald and News ROOKING Built-up Composition Shinties Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-ln Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN arsi STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4408 or CLEM LESEUER, 2-2443. Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED EASTER SPECIAL Get your EASTER PERMANENT At a reduction at the Lady Klamath Beauty Shop Call Velma at 6677 FERN SHORT now at Pearca Beauty Shop. Phone 46IH, LANE'S Fur Company 'formerly Rich ardsi new address, 1016 Main across from old location open, for business PERSONALS FRATF.XPlaslcs1Phont8j24. FASHION and Harif'orbf Frocks repr? senttallye. Phone 4H73. WELL KNIT (uaranteed hosiery. Phone FRATEX Plastics. Phone S:i24. H'l ANl,r.y"omePrbdlicM, Phone tjlTo?. 10 ifRVICE FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 MOVING?... Call 7425 LocM-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving specialty Transfer and Sloraie Bckln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse 'Blnce 1918" CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone else needs! Let ua find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want, This Is the kind of service we are offcrlnu . . . why not tnke advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 255 East Main In Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 SIRVICES CUSTOM ! TRENCHING ' FOfl nnAiN tii.k IRRIGATION PIPE BEWKIl DITCIIKH WATER DITCIIIJU FERGUBON MOBILE UNIT DAVIS Plumbing Company 337 Blast Main Phone 70 NOTICE LANDSCAPING TRUE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Hmllh, Tree Surgeon Let us work Willi you NOW I your InndHcape needs ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Piiiilented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOVVKR SI 10 3(114 So. fllh Phone 81 Septic Tanks Cleanec TANKS, drain fields InMnllcd repaired. Years of experience. tvoik guaranteed, x PHONE 4731 Heavy Hauling 1 ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE i Honest Rates Weights Servl liiMiml ANDERSEN rRElOirr LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 240 or 2-3131 Septic I anks Cleanec Newatt Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE OImuu fistwer Line of Roots, El ED r. KINO J4J4 Orchard Phona II EXCAVATING Mobil UboTtl and Trench Ho Build rater rill rlrt - CruihMl Rock . Driftway Clndt Compnaaor CHANS ICR VICE ' GRAHAM BROS.. Phone 8541 or 88.1(1 CLKCTftfCAL contracUnf, Work fui CXSPrTfltTlll Work. Remodeling ai new construcllon. Phone a-0017. ALTERATIONS Anitas. Rallsled! uaranteed.Phnna B3.V!, Jennie llai r'ATSflNli and "pa'parbanjins-phoi Uund4 and ttrcich Phona 4111 1 fTTOJ Pub 1 1 Accountant, and Auditor OfHr t V No. Tin. - Phona M PAINTIn.?. 3f orating. iapr..anf ir plat larboard tlntahtnjr, fpray pain tin Phnn Mia. f RfPIrltAuto Painting, fiotiyahtT1f dr work. Phona 4mo. ron AC n VICC or aamomtrauon or mi information retarding tha Carman Pf Sawing Machlna. Wrtta Herald Nr. fins ft.1. 12 EDUCATIONAL b5KTrWEfK'J. anrlnVndlvrrtTJpSi dtat ilh)Ma, Mflra marhtnai KLAMATH BUINtH Cnt.l.fnr lXt Plna Phona 4lT u HIAl TiTrt el hi, Wf 11 e i"Vi u t? 1 11 tnr men and womrn, Phona anM HIt WAND. FtMALI AKi'JstG apptiratfoni for trtrtVnV-t raariy to wir and anortc toaar, Ml !H'a; Anntv An'l Phnn. hAniTTftlar Mniad"Tn"mvhoniirr"r)(li woman prafarrad. ChOdrtn 1 v and 3' vrn Call 54A4 altar S 30 i durinC Iha day. WANTED, baautr operator. Iloualc Pautv Ha Ion, Phona Xllfl. WANTED. houitvapr. Exrallriit wn'rl mr ronnittona Privaia room and hat Good alary. Only paraoni Intrrcttd i narmanant ampln mant nrtd appl Phna .taio Inr Inlarviaw. ryptiilKCED IfiMfranra girrfoirfVi ral Inauranrs of fir In vallry tow naar Portland. Varv attrariiva alai Inr rlaht Drraon. Htata mialtf Irallont d ridding training, axprlanra and p'v mi atnpioymant. writa iiaraid Tt Rn II. U HELP WANTED. MALE MECHANIC WANTED EXPERIENCED IN CHRYSLER PRODUCTS or GENERAL MOTORS APPLY IN PERSON DIMBAT MOTORS' Phono 7763 (VANi'M) Hawing marluna turn. Mi ha axnai Irnrad. flalarv nr rnmmliin Oi both. Writ llarali Niv- Onx H IMMt.DlA'iK aarnlrtg aa ia-lory mr man . . .Build your own year rutin RDat blialnaaa . . . Hall mtlvntcil A Cuhlon Nhoaa. Not avallahla in iton COMPLETE FAMILY & WOIIK Ll7 uigninad work call In at but if plarai . , . pull lima or alile-llil Advance CommUalona up to pr jL Kraa Outfit. CHAM. SfV C O" M f-'ha tr M I rl g.. nmrliton. ?1ju wAN'I'KD part time Job, flliiflant. Phnnf. fituta, o. Wantkii... iri 'HAWICK WE nfd axpcrlr-nrrcl nierimnira fl' atiio body mn. npt of workln roiul tlniu and tola of work. Ponc Moinr t: Chrylr Plvmoulh Dralir Jn A Lr Tlfttrhurg. Ori. Phnn n:HW. fUtWoVGfXhSt axpcrierad iitVimnW mttenanit for grncral garag work i ll maki of car. Year around l"h ff tha rlfht man. AnrtfrAon Anln SrrVir U3a walnut. Phona fllflfl daya or m avfnlnga and 8undnyit WANYfD. muik'rnl trapper. Phor a-ofms. SaXkSm AN a a r n I n gi to itart, appro 278, par month. Opportunity to m vanca. Agn in to ad. Apply Slandai Ntatlnna, Inc. 2nd nnd Main or JDtplai ada and Rprlng Bta. r'ARMBlTfar year round fob. Miwt I rvHabla and rxparlanred In Irrlgntlr grain and alfalfa. State experlmr. u ale of family, Furnli h reforcni-ee i flrt reply, iKnc M.JIeraldNew IIAVR opening for nuHllfied anlflamt n I hardware, iportlng gnoda and phuniilr fparlmfnln. Apply Montgnnirry War I i HELP WANTE D KXCEl7CftioppnrlHnfij ttitialon to expnrlnced real ealale aak m an. P hone 2 01 M. WAK'TRU. roupief lady In do hntM work. gkntlman yard and janllor wor" fltam hatad cottage, modern, all ut )tla furnfvhed. Good aalarlen. Only in tons IntarcHtad in permepent mn1o mant need apply, Phone 3210 nr Intfi view. 10 U SITUATIONS WANTED WaInY, amall art of booka to kv? In my home, neaonahle. Phone P2ni WANTED, bnhy allllng Job". Pfion 2-(i:m or 8iW6 wf tar4Q eventnim. OAnDENlNa.J'hrVno 2-02011. HOliSKWbhk, by ioUr7"i.oo per oil; Phona a-a7ir T " VVASHING, atrolchlng curtnlni. Ihon flsnn, EXPEniENf.'ED: office work, rrVer tlonim, rahler, aaleslndy, baby alUlm Phona H74fl, t'HIt.n cara anytime. I'hone 2-UU1 af nooni.