JIONDAY, MARCH 31, 1052 1 it 1 , IIKRALJ) AND NEWS, KI,AMATH FAL1-S. OREGON PACE ELEVEN tylufvwi's Hokum bakers bring you a better bread fnXrn Wh, ) 7 .?s U7flW .i. Jr c . t w n2 Z1 1 e M 8 W Look! Pick up the latest in bread protection! See the sparkling new plastic-coated package. It's a "flavor saver" keeps liolsum flavor fresher, yet costs you no more... now at your grocer. v ni JJ A ) You have a delicious surprise in your next loaf of new Holsum. Just smell that bakery-fresh aroma...taste the satisfying flavor that sharpens your appetite, makes , you want more! Better baking makec Holsum better than ever The W. E. long Cot 1