SATURDAY, MAIICII 211. 111..., JIBHALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKCON PACK NINK mam , kr win I WIHII I could htsl mil today villi sonifi u'mil news Unit hint hecn In Ml' iinulril iinliliiiUnii lur several weeks now. I whh I could HI Din ;i t iikm r.f Hnlrjl.rl 1'ulKf ljut llifir'H lain i.( KIiiiiii.II. Fil l Uuit 0,, 8llk.h U ,. Unit llicro would lio (his ,,,,. Bllvr( 4.3 tlrt.Mtm r 1""'' Iho Ml. I.oiiIh Hiowns over his for- 1 llimjj'hl l v now 1 would lie nirr t.'lrvi-laixl Jnillnu Icaiiiinalcn chic hi ilifi.i. Inn lllnn . 11. in..;. h, Tucson, Ail... Friday, t.iirllciilarly nllrr ,n inrcthicr of Hie Hi nuns entered Uin clHhlh Kl.iliii.lli llnscljull J no. In-Ill n IlnnliiK In front, 4-1, when lhc In coiipln uf wrrks i.hii, (Hans suddenly rllmlied ell over It wiih an optimistic nircllim hi Kfiw Beardcn, also n liinnrr In v.hlcli Iho dlrccloi'ii present were .""i1.1, . , . , ,, , ... nil itrlin mi l crieiimiirn. 1..1.1I A llin.-n ,1 in I' rlill -V vowed, lit least iinulllclally, to Klvc :'"'' "d M" -'""' Khun,,,,, Falls a hasehall ten.. ir,W ft rjSu1 fir. nut iippiirwitlv the uiilliiilKin wai !,C hut ,n ,,ml.(:( i the m-xt two lell on Iho tuple hi the Willard ,Mi:rs t td lhc rally. Jlnli-I 1'i.ul llunvsti loom. ,1ie uUaM t runners on Unit KnrrKrtlo plans to rube piioiikIi ,) Wu, ,mi. out In the llliillry lo (.y Uncle Hum. Hi" .., . ,1U i ,t vuuf Hot out only thlim kccplnif Genii Hlnilluni 0, ,,,llt Jllln bv ni,m kobcii und ,,.,,, m-.d ini " " the inceliiiK, II was i.ll sweetness find 1 lu lit nnd optimism, hut nothing has been done since. IUIT l.V.VH catch up with the background. Tim club's toti.l run rut llnlilll lies lutiil between (JI.OUO anil 122, uOO. utiiiiewlicrs In the iirlHhborhood or SUNK) of thin Is dun lnrlr Bam lor admission taxes, pcnitK Irn nnd IIMcieil, Uncle doesn't want In wall nid, In ellrct, has said "no munrv, no npcnhiK." Club President Dick Mnuulre railed the inrrtliiK to net a f Inn 1 iini.U'er I rout the til i lorn on who. Ihrr we will or will not have1 a br 11 rlub. The plan ainmcsled one I can't (IIvuIkc unless H it put Into oiiriit tloii aoundrd like a xood one. Hut no plan Is miocl unlciio U s cairlrd out, I rant help wonderlnn how inurli there l In flrldlnii I. toani whrn Ihrrc wasn't n nuor i:m of dhrrtors nn hand at the "do It or lornet 11" inrethm. IT Si:i:,MH unlnlr to inr that lhc whole load ol nrKanlziitlon has lulleii on Mamiire'a Nhouldcrr.. And Ihal'a what's happened bc caime who Inlluiatrd they'd lirlp In lhc to rabio money lor Uncle Bam have been coneplr tioui by their alienee aIdcc the litcrthiK. Mauulrc, even Willi Ida heavy duties ii nianaiicr o( KFJI. has iiiitiiKrd to keep Uncle Ham on the honk thus Inr and Is currentlv dirk erlim with lederal Internal revenue Oiflccrn on an rasy-pavnient plan. Tliat. althoimh the most Import nnt facet ol the lob of fielding BiNew York UlanU. enlovcd a red , banebull team, Is Just one plias ol u blu lank The lob is one that lakes ninny 1, ,UI,H MAfilTlli; was pallcularlv an- Mous to act nn nn-.wer from lhc : .iirrrmrs h,-c:.iL-.c. as Inr a:, the I'hlliideh'hla Nallonals nre con- the last of the ninth lnnln. tenwd, there will he bnscball lu re, I Veteran Outllcldcr Hunk Kd The I'lillllrs. Iho Ocms' parent .winds airmailed a iwo-run homer 111 flub since Iho birth of professional Uho luth hiiilnu lo iilvo Ihr Cln bnsebulll here, have made definite , cumuli rtccls a 6-3 decision over Mips alreiulv Ui keep Khiinnlh illie Washlniilon Bcnalora III lam Tails on the baseball map lust In ' pa. fin. ctwe pro ball doea ioiiic'duy..ic-1 Home runs ali.o flinircd In lhc cm, Incision Re-I Box 81 triumph over ,ihc Ph'lnclclphla Phillies rt Clear- I'Ofl ONK Ihlim the Phils have 'vwitrr, Fin. Johnny Pcskv r.nd Ted about H coIIckc bova rendv lo play Willlnma honu-rcrt tor Iho 6ox and in a non-prolrssloni.l slaliis. a mnt- Mel Clark for lhc Phils, icr that IhM'C pi.Kes outlined III . The Atlanla Criickrrn of the tome rlctall rccrnllv. iHouthcin As oclatlon beat the par- A id tl'ftl'a hot all '" Bo'"" Bravea. .1-1. under the The n'llh have l.lird a mnnaurr. Imhls rl Atlanta Lefty Warren lie It 29-ycar-old Roy Carlson, ;8i) went all the way for Bos. personable baseball coach at Port-, ton and would have hud a shut lancrs Cleveland lllch School, a 'out but for two oullicld errors and 1CCa'r,1S,ir,wa'y around. " s'l'ciuled name, between the He was associated with the New riilludelphla Athleilcs and Toron-Yo-lc Yankee avatem Inr rome time. I to, and the HI. Louis Cardlnnls and He's nn ex-Unlversltv of OrcRoii lhc Brooklyn Ooduers were ruined " lie finished a letter lo me like this ... "I am lonklnu forwnrd to this summer hi Klamath Falls and. with a voting, husthmr ball club we should Rive Hie fans plen ly ol nod baseball." niiiht now It looks like Mr. Curl ton la a iniinnnor without a club. MAOl llli; 'eels sura that be tween 30 and 50 Rames can be lined tip against good semi-pro, professional and traveling clubs. The Phillies have assured Mil giilre that this year s team would give the fans the same grade of baseball thev have been used to In the Class D Far West league. The players arc hand-picked by Phllly scouts, ivorv hunters who know blossoming talent when they bCC It. They're all college kids who want lo phiv baseball but do not want lo spoil future college athlellc eligibility. , , , , From where I sit. It looks like the Phillies are dellnltcly Interesl eu In keening a beachhead in Kla math Falls. RIGHT NOW I'm Interested In a Yes or No answer from the board ol directors. And 1 know the fans arc too. A plan In which real baseball fans can chip In wlUi a dollar or two would, in my opinion, stand the best chance of working. I feol suro there are three or four , thousand fans who want b-sebn'l but can't ro for $50 plate dinners.. But thev would toss a buck or two1 Into lhc pot. : nut unless the directors lend move than Just lip service you can be sure' lhc current proposal now bring pushed by the Phils will flop. It takes work from moro than lust one man. ,, , Creditors with the exception or Uncle San havo Indicated they'd wait for their money. Some have even agreed to wrlto off the debt. Ro the creditors are ready to help. The fans nre ready. Tho Phillies arc ready. So, nleitse, directors. ARE WE OR ARK WF1 NOT OOINO 10 HAVE BASEBALL? Girls Hold Cciqe Finals WICHITA. Kas.. The de Hosiery fending chaninlon. Hanes or Winston-Salem. II.C. end Dnv enport, In., AIC meet Saturday Dlght in the finals of thNatlonnl AAU Women's Basketball Tourna ment. ' ! . The Wlnston-Snlom team moved Into the final round with nn easy Y 61-25 win over Iowa Wpsleyan Col (ego In Friday night's 'soml-flnal tcmnctltlon. Davenport upset a i invored Nashville, Tcnn., Business College team 44 38 to win a spot In the finals. SATCH STILL HAS IT llv The Asviilalcl I'm lly IMI.I'II IIDIII.N t If lilt. I I ..I I. II.. II. .A I'll 1 1., . 1 1 in MW. in, nu Prlillcv on n kiouhciit, Alliu Uc-'noldn wa.1 hit hard at HI. I'el.r.'i.uiii;, riii.. where the New York Yankees niiKrrcd lo ll hiclnrt from the Detroit Tltier.i. lhc Tiiirra clipped the Yankn' no lilt nc-u lor niiio tuna and 12 hits hi six InnlPKs. The ClilcnKo Cubs scored their IBUi triumph 111 III hlin ts bv tn:unc: Inu lhc PIUabuiKh l'lratcs, fl-3. ul Mesa. All.. Davey Williams, Kd Btankv's re- -7 mm SATCHEL PAIGE . . . keeps magic placement at second base for the iciier any iu j-nocnis, nru. wn-i hams drove In six runs on a nnir ; ' homers and a trlplo uj lead the i National - I.raiiiie champions lo a. triumph UKnlii'.l Hie Chlcnito i White 8ox. i Wlllliuns won Hie name by socle- i Ihrec run t-vo-out homer In ; Walcoft. Ez Sign Monday PHILADELPHIA Utl Jersey Joe Walrolt and Ezzard Charles will meet In Philadelphia's huge Municipal Stadium early In June wllh Walcotl's heavyweight title at stake. Promoter Herman Taylor an nounced Friday that lhc two prin cipals will sign contracts for the is-round title go al the City Hall office of the Police Athletic League here Monday. The exact date of the bout has not been announced but June 9 has been mentioned by a reliable source as the most probable time. Municipal Stadium Is the big arena where Gene Tunncy won the heivvwelght crown hi 1926 by out pointing Jack Dempscy before a crowd of more than 20.000. The 37 - year - old heavyweight champion from Camden, N.J.. and Charles, Cincinnati, O., former tl tlcholder each will receive 30 per cent oi me gaic, Taylor sain. Sports Mirror By The Associated Tress Today a venr Aco John Marshall of Yale won (he NCAA i .mm meter swimming event In 18:18.8 to set n new world's record. Five Years Ago The Detroit Red Wings defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs 0-1 to even their scml 1 null series of the Stanley Cup playoffs nt one game each. Ten Years Ago Sammy Byrd won the Greensboro Open Golf Tournament with it 279 for his first lournc" victory since quitting pro baseball. Twenty Years Ago National Champion Ellsworth Vinos was beaten in the first match In the Houston Invito I Ion Tennis Tourna ment by Martin Buxby, 4-0, 6-2, 7-5. SHUFF STUFF Mecca and Sdniss, one-two teams In (he city shufflcboard league, will stage en exhibition contest tomor row. 2 p.m., on the Mecen boards. The city singles and doubles shufflcboard tournament opens Moil day, 7:30 p.m. at Schuss' Tavern, for ft two-weeks' rum. . People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! . t I 1 mm SONNY GREEN . . . faces Wolfe WOLFE MEETS GREEN Promoter Muck Llllard presents :I0 rinmos of boxlngor less a week from tonight at lhc Armory, lhc first flsliculling here lor almost 10 months. Hcadlliihii; the outslandhig card nf five hoiil will he nu-lc Wnlfe Pacific Northwest welterweight chiimnion. well-known here as a semi-final boxer here a few seasons I l. The- Indian boy meels son,,. ' ft.'-'' "' 1 ' mw-im". t I 'our sc'inl-lliiallnls ol TW AiFR-iisms I !AAi; lournii'ncnl make VV jM I .Olympic field. WW-'f l't4 I I Two Komcs arc schc ..?... VaTMt I ;KniiMis City Saturdny r MS?fi Wfi Itwo at Ncw'York'a . . v & : Garden! Kcml-llna Green, capable Oakland. Calif., "revaii. iney i meet ' "'"" Negro, in the lu-round main event, ' th Uv0. h'5 tournament a non-liile affair. ivlclors Monday night. Wol'c who won lhc title from' Jimmy Nolan at Calgary, Canada now makes his home III Portland. He's In demand up and down the coau. The six-round semi puts Ralph Wclscr, the Bcally Bomber, against Jimmy Proc.or, a California Negro who recently beat hlghiy-rnted Bob by Doll ol Boise, Ida. Both arc lightweights. Tho special event, also down for -i ,..,a , vi . .. - alh rails boys in a battle for the championship of Kalplne Plywood Co. Tiicy are Rudy Carlson and jUftrrcll Harrington, bolh welter- wr'l1ls. ' Crowd-pleasing Billy Sunday meels Bravo Junior In the top four-rounder. One other four-heat preliminary will complete the card. Tickets are now on sale at Dick Rccder's, 6th and Main. Beavers Whip Padres, 8-1 ONTARIO. Cnllf. Wl Portland's Beavers, the surprise of the spring training season, whipped the San Dlrgo Padres. 8-1. Friday for the fourth time In five games between the Pacific Coast League clubs. Veteran Ouy iGrtinipyl Fleich cr, who formerly tolled for the Se attle Ralnlcrs, was the victim ul the Portland uprising. Joe Brovia led the Beavers with a homer nnd two singles. Eddie Bnslnski also homered for the winners with a male aboard to lead off the scor ing In the third Inning. Ducks Lose SAN JOSE. Calif, liTI The Uni versity of Oregon baseball team dropped back Into Us losing ways Friday, bowing to San Jose Slrte College, 6-3. The Ducks have post ed only a single victory In their California road trip. Oregon out hit the Slaters, 6-5, but was unable to mount a sus tained attack. George Shaw, slur centcrflelder. got a double and sin gle for the Ducks before having, to retire after Injuring a knee In sliding Into second base. Belated Start LEAVENWORTH. . Wash. Wl The seventh annual Northwest In tercollegiate Ski Association cham pionships were duo for a belntctl start Saturday after a blizzard forced postponement of the cross country run Frtdey. The slalom event was scheduled for Saturday morning and the cross-country In the afternoon. The downhill nnd Jumping will wind lip the meet Sunday. , Eight colleges and tho University of Alaska have teams on hand. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND tUGENE, ORE. MEDF0RD Thoroughly Modern . (Ir. and Mrs. J. E. Earley nd Joe Earley Proprietor ympk C 8 Teams Mix For US Berth Uv WILL GltlMKLLV NKW YOHK I 'ITiC process ol plckliiK Illicit! Hum's lOOi! Olympic biir.ketbiill team bcfilns Butiirdiiy nlKht wllh only one player having a ch;iicr to repeat as a member o. ilhr srilltttl. Ho la Uob Kurlund, sky-scraplnit, red-haired center of the I'hilllii'. (IU Oilers who apcarncuclca the Air.tti icuiis to the Olympic cham pionship at London lour years ago. I Now 27 r.nd the lone active hold over from the 1048 Hiirtlesvllle. (jkln., team, Kurlnnd leads hl.i males aijHlni.t another AAU com bine, lhc Fibber McOec nnd Mol lys of Hollywood. Calif , In an open Intf round fume at Kansas Clly. Four lop collccjc teams, Includ Iiik Ihrec tournament champions and the NCAA runner-up, and the the recent up the dulcd at ilKht and MadlMJti Square i set lor Monday nluhl In Netf York with the llnal here Tuesday, The Olympic huuad will be com posed of seven players from each of the finalist teams, to be ..c lected by the respective team coaches. At Kansas City, the Oilers, AAU i tournament runner-up. meet the McOees, fourth finisher, at 9 p.m. iKunsas' NCAA champions and 'KprhiKfleld 'Mo.) Stale, winner of I the small college or NAIB event. !clash In the second name at 10:45 P1". . The New York openers send the . Pcor.a Calerplllarh. AAU chain iplons nnuin.-t iho U5. Air Force. Wo. 3 AAU team, at 7:45 p.m. ano the National Invitation Tournament (winner, LaHallc, aealmit St. John's at :30 p.m. ilKTUtN , The LuSulle - St. Johns game ofiers a return match between two of the surprise quintets of the coliccc tournament campamns. on ranked nationally and u.i.seii. Labulle won the NITr beating St. Jonns enrouto, 51-45. St. John k -llmlnatcd the country's two top rated teams Kentucky and Illi nois In gaining the isCAA final at Seattle where it lost lo Kansas photr Allen Kansas coach, com- ui 'the "Olympic Wurnament which i. lrl favored a team nice u- bullc and handicapped NCAA rep resentatives like Kansas and St. John's. 10 say 1110 linn ii:.u.- nv tntfo, -foney teams ger he biggest breik " Allen U"d. Coach Frank Mcuire of St. JoU's "aid his Redmcn were Phys- j Ically exnausied irom country travelling and prnci. were Play - .liig "on grit alone. ' u-nnun.. anA T.nSnlln nrn fnVOrCd In openin college W. If they Vlasteltca Picks OSC ABERDEEN. Wash. I - Tonv Vlastcllca. one of the most sought b (h Bl00klyn Dodf!er right after basketball players In Wash-j c S8VS it Isn't serious. He Intrtnn. tui, srherliilprf In -leave Rot- . i iu- c, t n..i ;3v ' i h.'c Slate College --- 7 - uremic lit- iiM-a vubui ututa 1 oiil's stvle of play", I . viastclica, who set two all-time stl,lc ciss a tournament scoring records In 1950 while attending Aberdeen High School, announced i his decision Friday to enroll rt OSC. The prep marks were 31 points In a single game and 110 points In four. The big center sparked the Grays Harbor Chokers to the Washing ton State Junior College Confer ence championship this year, Join ing the team In mid-season after his release from the Marines. In 60 games this season, part of them with the Camp Pendleton. Calif.. Marines, Vlastellca scored 1.253 points. He is reported to have received offers from more than 40 collejcf. Exhibition Baseball By The Associated Press Boston (A) 9. Philadelphia (N 7 New York (N) 7, Chicago (A) 4 St. Louis (Al 4, Cleveland (A) 3 Detroit (A) 10, New York (A 3 Cincinnati (N) 5, Washington I A) 3 (10 innings) Chicago (Nl 8, Pittsburgh (N) 3 Atlanta (SA) 3, Boston (N) 1 Other games cancelled, rain. SOUTHLAND'S VISITORS MIAMI lf Like tourists, horses come from all over the U.S. lo Miami In tho winter. Recently nt Hialeah, race horses bred In five different slates, won the same day. Florida and California breds won successive races. Other winners hailed from Rhode Island. Virginia and Kentucky. IF YOUR . . . PARTNER DIES . . . will the firm be endangered? Will essential capital be with drawn; a stranger forced upon you In his place; settlement difficulties with his widow en countered? Business assurance can safeguard your firm from such eventualities. Protect your own business . . Ph 7777 today! Ducine Baker Dlit. Agt. SUN LIFE Duant Boktr 1 ' " : -FW ' . ' CAREY-ING LOAD Andy Carey, Yankees' rookie third bsscman, is the hot test tiling in the 1952 Grapefruit circuit, batted safely in the first seven ex hibition games for a .519 average. Sionecl off the St. Mary's, Calif., campus, the 21-year-old slupcer hit 14 home runs at Kansas City last year. liy The Associated Press PHOENIX. Aria. W Manager Paul Richards of the Chicago White Sox. disappointed in the showing ol Veteran Al Zarilla. is consider ing Rookie Don Nicholas for a regular outfield job. Nicholas, Phoenix speedster, batttd .333 In 75 games for Mobile last year and has Impressed Rich ards wiih his drive. As for Zarilla. Richards declared "On the bhsls of what I saw last year and have been lookitiR at j that Zarilla will help us this sea- Zarilla batted .325 with the Red Sox in 1950 but hit only .247 last teasou with the While Sox. j cti aiiiit LOS ANGELES -Their squad down to 30, the Cleveland Indians open a scries of 15 straight games with the New ork Giants here Saturday. 1 Afier .Sunday's contest here. the two clubs Finn East, and their 'nvhlhltmn KfilpHlllpH end in India- IMPOlis April 13 DISAPPOINTS ST. PETERSBURG. Fla. lift Jim McDonald, righthander ob tained Irom the St. Louis Browns, has been a big disappointment to the New York Yankees so far. He I has allowed 11 runs and 10 hits in 10 innings. STIFF ARM twt en. i a Dnlnli Tim npn ' ' ,',' ,., ' arm stiffness. !"P" ', "'"u" irarainais over ui wccc..u. FINALLY TAPPED LOS ANGELES '.P Roger Bowmen, rookie left-hander with the odd pitching motion, has been one of the best Ditchers for the New York Giants inis spring, nt had nitched 14 straight scoreless !lnnln. before the Chicago White s tanned him for a run Friday Five Tied In Open WILMINGTON, N.C. W The services of a traffic expert may vet be reauired to determine the winner of the $10,000 Azalea Open Golf Tournament. Five plavers were neo lor me lead Saturd'nv at 136 and they were nnlv one stroke ahead of five more chn'rgers homing Into the last two days of action. The 136 group inciunea: uoug Ford. Harrison. N.Y.; George Fa zio, Pine Valley, N.J.; Jim Tur nesa, Brlarcllff. N.Y.; Joe Kirk wood Jr., Hollywood, Calif.; and Art Wall Jr., Honesdale, Pa. Well down the list were Al Zim merman Portland. Ore., pro, with 70-71141: and Ed "Porky" Oli ver formerly of Seattle, who had 77-69146. UNSEEN BY CRIMINALS THE SHADOW 2:00 P.M. SUNDAY KFJI J000 Welti 1150 On Your Dial a-ge Trials Seventh Title For Button COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. W TTic national liicure skatlnc. championships will be decided at the Broadmoor Ice Pali.ce here Saturday nlKht, with attention cen tering on the senior women's di vision, Tenley Albright, 16-year-old per fectionist from Newton Center, Mass., piled up a lead in compul sory figures and her first free .-ikating exhibition, and is expected to stand off all competitors for the 1952 diadem. ALL OL'T Peerless Dick Button of Orancc, N.J., had to pull out all stops Friday to flash past youthful Jim my Grogan of Tucoma Wash., and Hayes Alan Jenkins of Cleveland for the senior men's honors. It W8s the seventh consecutive title for the 22-year-old Harvard ..enlor. Only one other person In history ever has turned the trick. Roger Turner of Boston won con secutive crowns from 1928 to 1934. Crog&n finished a close second and Jenkins an equally clo.e third as they performed brilliantly In free skating Friday night. Veteran observers said Button's skating was the greatest ol his career. RALLY Carol Helss. slender 12-year-old stylist from New York, came from third place in compulsory figures to slip past Seattle's Patsy Firth for the junior women's title Fri day. bnaron Lee unoate ana Kicnara Bromley of Seattle teamed in a flawless performance to win the Junior pairs division honors. Baroara &eim ana Armanao noa- rlguez, Spokane, Wash., finished sixth. Youve been waiting for Once again you cau give your car that clean note of distinction that comes only frois ; white sidewall tires. Just placo your order today for quick delivery. They're rolling in from' Coodyear white sidewalls that are built to stay white, the smartest looking tires you can put on your car. And the smartest value too. For when you see the Goodyear trade-mark on the sidewall of these handsome tires, you know you're getting the best combination of safety, comfort and mileage your money can .buy. That's why more people ride on Goodyear tires than on any other kind. , DRIVE IN TODAY! ( 3D QD DDu EE ACQ SERVICE STORE 8th and Klamath Phone 8141 TIME OUT! z: "Now start exerc4ing ! You're going to be thr. strong, dominant type, Ralph, if I have to break every bone in your body! Plaiter Mark LOS ANGELES Ml Fortune Gordien, world discus record hold er, bettered the American mark Friday with a throw of 181 leet, 9 inches as the Los Angeles Ath letic Club beat Los Angeles State College in a dual meet, 102-28. Gordlen's world record Is 186 feet, 11 Inches, set in- Finland. pern Bratton Upset By Rocky NEW YORK M) Itocley Caste, lanl. 25-year-old ex-Marine from Luzerne. Pa., surnrlsed . Johnnv Bratton of Chicago and 1,018 pay ing customers in Madison Square Garden Friday night by staying on his feet all the way to win a unanimous and decisive 10-round victory over the former NBA wel terweight king. Now Rocky wants to give his push-button chin a sterner tot against former Middleweight Champion Randy, Turpln in Eng- iana. April L'2. "We made an arrangement with Jack Solomons (the London pro moter) for a fight with Turpln on the 22nd providing Rocky whipped Bratton." said Manager Tex Sul livan. "If Solomons holds to the terms we're ready to go over whenever he says." At 154 34, Castellanl. was finely conditioned and fast. Bratton said his own weight of 152'a was too much and slowed him down. HOCKEY By The Associated Press Pacific Coast League Victoria 3, New Westminster 2 (best-of-7 scries tied 1-1) Tacomn 6, Seattle 1 (Tacoma leads best-of-5 series. 2-0) them! Come in today: We will pay top prices for your old tires. back