Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 29, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 20,. 10112
12 COUNT T.M II lliov'll Imlil
1,1:11- SJ Klunmili 1-'iiIIh iii'iiiili' n u-
I' UM'Cll ttl TlM'MU'll Court, Hit lit II
Ci In sn mill iiiumim mill kil'l i
- Tlic Ori'i-r I)itw, .Inhii HIhiwk,
C. J- Conn., CIoih kc llllllwi-O. K.
, iu:,.l, U...1 ,.r...l.il t.illll
T'lrlvn I'nyil. John Kuwlrrii, Jim
Kern'i mill Hi" Hub Tlwiiniinnis -Hid
II WAHN'T n ciiiivi-nlliiMl
Hriurnlv (Iiivn Mwl mrrl'iil:liii( llt'
lnnvriilv lilur I'urllio were llirlr :
' A NFW rl.r.lMIK '0 Tlirtn Kiin
mi Miiorlly l Lrwlii
mill l.WIK NKW VI'-nl Alnlin Phi nl II nl
i.ii in,,- . H m .viiii ! ti It ilir tcroivn-iiii Iniiini' I
ri'lnycl li'iii' tin" ilili'i' ,;l ll,r li'iTi'd lo ftinin liter .vri.ii-rduy
r,, uunirii,. "i H " n l niirucuvn mile jiiim Mimic
. I.i .. .1. Vl'l.tll. 1
mur pniuini'-
in. a..
ilnynl with Mr' nnrmitH UK
('tuirlm H. ilnwll rj--nnl ituVJ IC(i-0
I oolo mid rc'iiot'L Iiit looklnu line.
HOMis with iioumkiiup:hih-
'"" MIIIK Win'tlllll uir .Villi llj'll mill
Wnyim (liiuitlitrr mid hkii iI Hie
A. W. Olmiiii, Mldlund Itouil. Mini-
Imi l i n lunliii' m , U nl (), mid
111! lllllliulll II ll'Hliw KUldl'lit JlllllfH
V:inl)rnll li.i n Wiivne n (lintiil
luiidnit nl II i,l Wii.ih i-rrt in
Uii" i In Knlliii'liii' I'l.irn.lhr
iioiii 111 millli' nrlinnl.
Itutli In ii ir.vrh'i'
ir:y ini'liir nun-i umi'iinu- .i.--.
ol '00 -thn ciniiKhii-r ,. Mr mid
Mm. Kpi iiiII HlwrtT., I III Kvrtmu.
BoN luil unirt Uyi' lnr t limb
njun nl-trr, Mm. Muyd llubirl-i
i.,nl ln-r mn inn im nil. . iHiwr mi l
Jimii from Piirtliind - wlm jiiu ih n
lrrk Willi limn ill uirir nniiir.
ih:u 8. Mil blrcc I.
NOT I.ONO ACi()-ll m-ciiii Hil
I bkvc our of tli" IJirw imnlllp
viienllim Hint llic oilii-r iiii I'mk
-iu Irl '. fi Hi rli' it I've hud
Hie Clrfer Uitw l Kuntn Our. -mid
now I'm putimir Hi" r-'rnnk
Urrw'n mi 11" '"f llmiiilulii-- i
n Inrl lln-v v,rrr on It villi Vir
liiiilu's mother nn-t fnthrr Mr. nml ,
Mm. blrwnrt Moure ton( Willi II I
jr. old Duvld 11. Mnrrli 17 -Willi'
Hl.li'ln Knllilrell nnd C'leer Hie ll
bit on Hie younit fide to enjoy
w'lio lelt Inure we Iiiiii ,n.'. .he
Klbert rUlIrn mid foni-nt Ilornre
rlcll'K Lone l'lilm lintel Pnllll
biirinu" -Inliied by the (Jiorite Mlt
ciiitln mid Cieeitee- Dun.' mid Hie
vie mid yniniK rilti rult nwlminliiK
every day- Oil will we'vo hud
rriuiblc lienl wove lie,e.
CM.MIl.rTON A r: l KICKY firi'n
went lo Kmene with the Frmik
Drews on thrlr w.iy to riilrh Hint
lilnnr fur the IMiimlr.- vlMtlnii UiMr
niothrr'ii ulster nnd when II w
tune to come home no iilnce on n
1.1,1,1 ior ll'flll one I', llie biu
mrlke-io Allee mid Dirk innde mi
linrxnerted mid fnM trio 0 there
lo letcli 'fin home
OLD IKIMT.-ole ttrnd -ole Irell-
er week t KiiKene durum llie
totirnniiieiit Hreinir the fnnill'nr
fni ei n( the Kurlyn in liont nt Die
O' burn Hotel neems l.ke home miv.
wev nller hnvmis them 111 thin
rmt of the country lor mj loin i
iintpl owners come to think of lt
whnl hiipnenrd to I.IIIIhii mid llur
IV Mohitore? Ju.'.l cnuulit
lilinmc ol H. -bin. we mw tlif
Itprtimn Dnrlcy tmd Men Cones
from Utnvton nd Fnyc Live. lev
rroin Hnli'in null (liiuuhler mid
Jodv ni 1 1 bevy oj Rnl.i lefl Hod
to the fnrm rliorei.
JUNK imiDKS hove n v.y
hnnL Ihetn thill stiillH the soclnl
March !
ioiso en- t
(liuwlihr f Kemiiiii 1 1;. nly i mid
Jmn, 2U& I.-Hov --'ie n Junior
rrti-iillv moved lo Knn Jn-e rei;i.'r'
l1 oet'ltied llkllt'! Ior the to" ll I'lilt
I. live been busy kcLIIiik i.eliled in
new loir. new abode end brenk
Inn In or belm; biiikrn In lo n
l.evv 'I V r.el Mnrlnil fry.n Hint Kd'
new srlidiile In oeitrhy too - more
lime nl Inline for 'IV In my idie'.H
- but ?he oulnen Ihrt ll the hiixlle
end bii'tlc has been vooU oumieen
lor lliul homenk'kiieMi for KF
ll iriK.r.
TO f.'ORVAMIS - MUherly
went the Dill Niu'cnrrows- fornuir
Wyoinlnir rc.ildenin lo see the UII
iouriiiiiiieiil with ihelr state iti
rcsentrd. "8TIIM YlI.INS'H SANDRA"
they call S yr old diumhter of Dill
and Kav Unrulier since she trav
eled down to mind siirluu vai-ulloii
with her liri'iidinireiiti, Herb rnd
VI llauui-r 1Mb I'oilllc TViiare
Down Irom Kuuene. where her dad
in head basketball enrch at U of O.
NOTE THAT 111" J. Rnvnl Wia'vn
Mirnt a few dnvs at Del Monle
Lode at Pebble Beach I cnii !
Isnilie whin I write th.il now Hut;
1 we know there "rep'ly ! a null.''
I TWO SIHTI It"- 'ir. Jennv Pcllz !
mid Mrs. t-Ysnk Hirst won t have
in ie:ircli lor a Ionic ol coiiyer m
iioii this i.umniri--Mrs. II. met
Mrs. p. in Kan Krnnclaco and thev
jfpent the wlnler Irom Jnn I to-.
ll'iher - a mo-ith In Hhoenix 1
'couple of weeks al lacuna Bench !
- saw the Grand Canyon and miinv i
i.lher points of Interestand drove
'Ihemselves where and when Ihev
v anted to reach one of those Mild
i:olnts of Interest Mrs. Peltr.' sister
Is here to spend the summer with
her hence the lack of n conver
sational problem- iiothliu but rap
id exchange of recalled wlnler
epl.-odes Mis. Illii.l's home Is In
Wllllainaporl, Pcnm. ivnn.a.
lllnln Ann Luu iMrs. Robert Mnr
V V; I
Elected By
Ladies Aid
Stlon Lutheran l.ndiea Aid met at
llie Church the nltvrnoon of March
'() with fourteen members present.
lti.v. Illchard Ornef jjrcn'iiteU the
topic on "CallliiK.''
The following were elected to at
tend the Lutheran womens' Mis
filonory League conference to be
held In Hlllsboro April 21 22:
Delcnale, Mrs. Alma Strlrt; alter-
natea, Mrs. Oenruue oima anu
Mr. Ruth Orlschkowsky.
Hostesses were Mrs. Otto Steuben
nnd Mra. H W. Pclrlck.
EN ROUTE TO GERMANY for a four months visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kunk, Ilcrsfeld, is Mrs.
Italpli K. Bramlelt, pictured above with her husband, who
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Bramlett, 231 N. 9th
Street. The couple was married in Germany, when Bram
lett was stationed there; and they have lived in Coquillc
for the past three years. Mrs. Bramlett, who was born in
Ik'icsfeltl. was scheduled to arrive in Berlin, 40 miles from
home, just 3G hours after leaving Portland, March 22.
Photo by Kcltler
50th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H, Flackus.
Ifi:4 Apnleifaic Avenue, observed
their 50lh wedding anniversary
March 6. They were honored at a
lamily dinner In their home, with
the lollowlmi daughters and fam
ilies present: Mr. and Mra. Roy
HohnCH, V.r. and Mr;.. Fred
Bchinot', Bonanza; Mr. and Mrs.
C. P. Lorenzo, Klamath Falls;
Mra Burlon Broun. Winnemucca:
a son Warren Flackus, Florence:
Nancy and Judy Brown, grand
children. Nevada: Charles and Bi-
las Kilfjore. Bonanza, also (jrand-
children. Bill Kinney accompanied
Warren Flackus.
Mrs. Flackus waa Llllle Clark be-
fore her marriage March 6. 1602 In
the Gilbert Anderson home. Dairy.
Married at the same time were
Iva Kuenc and Brown Michael.
.Mrs. Flackus and Mrs. Michael
are cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. Flackus lived on
their ranch near Hildebrand until
1048 when they sold It and moved
to Klamath Falls.
' A daughter. Ada Flackus, Rose
burg and a son, Ernest, and wife,
,oi Florence were unable to attend.
I . ' It ' Jll
1 .. J I
V, , S L-i , J - 3
tr I i "jr.
1 J ;
1 1
MERRILL An Inlorestlng pro
gram waa presented at regular
meeting of the Lost River Garden
Club March 25, at the home. of
Mrs. Joe Mlcka In Mnlln. Mr.
Donahue of J. W. Kerns Company
In Klamath Fulls, conducted a
question and answer program on
vegetable gardens for Klamath
Mrs. I. W. White was appointed
to serve with Mra. E. Webb-Bowcn
on the program planning commit
tee ofr the sub-district. Mrs. White
gave a report on the last sub
district meeting In Klamath Falls.
At the next sub-district meeting
May 14, In Klamath Falls, which
will be an all day meeting In the
library club rooms, members are
asked to bring a plant for exchange.
Mrs. V. Gilmer was appointed
to make favors. Mrs. C. E. Sharo
will make the tablo decorations,
and Mrs. White will make a cor
Mrs. Scott McKcndree. the vice-
president, presided In the absence
of the president, and also volun
teered to take flower to the Com
munity lounge In Klamath Falls
during the month of April.
Refreshments were served bv
Mrs. Micka and her assistant host
ess Mrs. J. W. Browning, to two
guests Mrs. R. L. Dragoo and Mrs.
L. A. Van Cleave, and to the fol
lowing members: Mrs. C. E. Sharp,
Mrs. I. W. White. Mrs. Scott Mc-
Ker.dree. Mrs. Dale West. Mrs.
Walter R. Fotherlngham, Mrs. E.
Webb-Bowen. Mrs. Clarence Bailey,
Mrs. Randall Pope, and Mrs. J.
Perry Haley.
Trip to Mexico
XIAI.IN Mr. and Mrs. John Frel
lag and daughter Joan returned re
cently Iioiii a trip lo Houihern Cal
ifornia, Arizona and Guaymrs,
Mexico. They were accompanied lo
Ouavmas by Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh
Frei'tag nnd daughter, who had en
tertained them as house guests In
Arizona. All enjoyed a day ol deep
sea Hailing olf the Mexican coast.
Pic. Garry Freitag went as lar
as finn Francisco with his familv.
While there he apent a day vis, tin
Farm Bureau
crowd attended the Farm Bureau
rotluck dinner nt the Langcll Val
ley Community Hall March 18.
Dr. Halverson and Waller Jend
r7cwskl. of Klamath Falls and I
F.bcr Kilpatrlck of Merrill and .
John TofcU of Dulry, addressed j
the group, I
Chairman Lelnnd Harris was In 1
charge of the meeting. ,
Anyone Interested is cordially in- ,
vlted lo attend Farm Bureau meet- i
niunlty hall on the third Tuesday
of each month.
Mrs. Harris Is chairman of the
women's organisation.
wllh them nnd Pic. Wiley Harriw-. j iiirs held nt 8 p.m. nt the com-
from Biriiiliignain. Aiaoama. uc
Inre reporting to Camp btoneman
Ior overseas service.
They aho Invited Mr. and Mrs.
John Clark, former Malln residents,
now at Tombstone. Aristona.
Mrs. Clark told them that ahe
had appeared on tiie Faye Kmer
.son lelevli'lon program. National
Geographic Magazine took plctuics
in which she is also Included.
Langell Valley
gell Valley Women's Club met al
the homo ol Mrs. Bob Adam
March i'0. with Mrs. George Fern.
Stork Shower
MERRILL Mrs. J. C. McDon
ald. Mrs. Jack Wynant. Mrs. Rob
ert Trotman. and Mrs. W. J. Grove
were the hostesses lor a prettily
arranged baby shower March 26,
at the home of Mrs. Helen Shuck.
Honor guest was Mrs. Jim Shuck.
Pink rosebuds, blue forget-me-nots,
and while cherubs were attractive
ly arranged on the gift and re
freshment tabic.
Games were enjoyed during the
aficrnoon. alter which the honor
guest opened her many packages,
served by the hostesses.
Guests Included Mrs. i-ouis un
stcn and daughter Nancy. Mrs.
R W. Steele. Mrs. Joe Steele, and
Mrs Malcolm Enlev Jr.. Klam
ath Falls; Mrs. Willie Edwards,
Tulelakc, Mrs. Wilfred Noble, Bo-;
! nanza. and from Maim, Mrs. koo
erl Byrne. Mrs. J. D. McAullfie,
iMrs. Lindley Btcwari Mrs. nicn
!ard Hawkins, and Mrs. Tom Laird.
Merrill nuests were Mrs. M. A.
The. general meeting of the Bowman. Mrs. E. Webb-Bowen,
WSCS First Methodist. Church was Mrs. John Beer. Mrs. Jess Trot
held 111 the church parlors on March man, Mrs. F. E. Trotman, Mrs.
20. j Costa Dells, 'Mrs. Larry Sowel,
Mrs. J. C. Hunt, president, opened Mrs. Dale Walker. Mrs. Robert
the meeting with singing and pray-1 Wvnant, Mrs. Gorden Wynant.
er. I Robert Dehllnger. Mrs. Howard
Mrs. William Withrow led devo- j Wytuint, Mrs. Gordon ynant, Mrs
ment of the engagement of Sharon Williams, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams, 1820 Lexington, to Lt.
Donald Whitwer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitwer, Eugene.
The bride-elect is a junior at U. of O., and her fiance is
a graduate from Uiere, now serving with the USAF. No
date has been set for the wedding. Photo by Fehly, Eugene.
WSCS Meeting
calendar speeding up in n
nnd Marian Mcintvre win
pngementwas recently nunounred bv
George and Elolse Mel., Is nit ex
ception Her betrothal wes the oc
casion Ior n shower at the Mar
vin Nerselh home March 26 but
also served as an Ideal way to
gather a group ol mutual friends
lor a "lun'' evening.
. i "howdy" nnd
mini ssu lie. lit &ir;aiuue: ijn nn(j
""' '' fry its Jean iirnttr ;,u)d ,-d ,.. Joe p0,Ceit co-hast
I AT vh Will in in ( rru . msrr ittrit n i. V"
"i. ...i ., unrMe If . M"" "1? " arrangement
... ,.. . ., ny U1C prc.sincm, mm. 4. o- mjiif.
together and a handsome pair n wn, decided lo charge the
they nre-they both taught In Hit ,nrn 51.50 ior a dance ticket and
F.mplre schools following gradua-' (,0vs $1, Ladles and gills to be
tlon-i.stlli will) mid they were i nmnted free. The next dnnce will
both married on the same clnv , b Aprli 19 und tnasc 011 the com
0110 hi Ashland and one In hF I mlUe(, wm be Mrs. Llovd Gift,
not especially planned that way :.,,. w. rie,,rhnm and Mrs. Bill
either. .. !cuniilnglinm.
nniniiT vn rt t n ... 11,. I Mrs. Ernest Graves Joined the
BRIOHT AND Ct.ARwas the , t U)ls nl(.cUllR.
weather at Little River Inn below 1 N t ln.ctini, win ,be on April
I'nri urngg wiun llie George.,- , Mr:li Pnu Monroe. Mrs,
Myers nnd Georirlo were there ; w:wrt mi,u and Mrs. Art Moiv
uons: Mrs. Steve Moss, program;
her subject "Tile Deaconess."
EsUicr Circle were hostesses, : the
ten table decorated with a benutl-
of mnnv colored
sweet peas, heather end tapers.
- nnd sons Jim and Bill on the way
to visit B's mother In Santa Cruz
mopped In Oakland and luckily
having the children with them were
ndtnliiol to the children's park on
Lake Merrill recent article In
Llie mag wllh colored pictures as
good as It was couldn't do Justice
lo the enchanted nlacc.
THE MEL HOWIES-and daugh
ters Vlckl nnd Penn Lynn hit Har
bor on the Oregon coast nt a time
when there was llllle log when
thev rived and none part of the
lime or whatever that Oregon
nils' really Is It's alwnys pleasant
Ihere-biit alter so little sun here
It was a real thrill In have the
lush Krcen and sunshine. They
ive still bow to the east whenever I
the sun conies un here 1 and they
ent home lust In time to sav
" u V ., i T i in canasta
Deborah Circle
Deborah Circle ol First Mclho
dist Church met March 21 nt the
home or Dorothy Johnson. 4500
Clinton Avenue with Peggy Barnes
as co-hostess.
"The Family A Christian's Con
cern", which has been the basis
for study by the group was com
pleted with the discussion of the
led by
Gamlleff of Portlnnd before thev
I took oil for Berkeley where they
I were to be guests nl the Phi Kappa
Sigma house on the UC campus.
' "JUST P.E8TINO" Is the relaxed
report between ynwns from Rex
Itnlentlne home after a bout with
finals at the U of O where he's a
3rd vear pre- law student He's also
; vlsltlnr a hit with his pnrents the
, U. S. Bnlentlnei. 1904 Huron but
1 he opened his eyes when he snw
his nw nephew Danny son of
roc entertaining, rouowmg mti" H "'o
meeting cards were played with i Can Serve the Family
Mrs. Ray Davis winning the prize 1 . wire nouoway.
. Mrs. Graves 111 pinocmc ,,'. , icauer
'and Mrs. Lesier Leavltt. bridge, r aayK'!'
Mrs. John Kirby Jr., Mis. Ausun
Wllley. Mrs. Mcrvyn Shuck, Mra.
Victor Shuck. Mrs. Claude Shuck,
Mrs Louis Stewart, Mrs. Riley
DcLap. Mrs. Harold Henderson,
Mrs. T. W. Chatburn Sr., Mrs.
Bruce Owens. Tulelake guests were
Mrs. John Kandra Jr., Mrs. John
Takacs Jr. and Mrs. Dick Moore.
The regular meeting of the Sub
urban Fire Department Auxiliary
was held March 17 at the fire .ta-
tin' . ,
The name "Suburban Sirens
was decided on for a name for
the auxiliary. A party is being
planned for April, probably a
square dancing party.
Layette Shower
BONANZA A very lovely layette
.shower was given at the home of
Mrs. Dave Robison on March 18
in honor of Mrs. Dallas Souther
land. Hostesses Ior the affair were
Mrs. Dick Derry. Mrs. Frank H.
Brown, Mrs. Gertrude Hoeffler and
Bcttie Derry. !
Prior to the opening of the gifts. ;
contests were enjoyed with prizes 1
going to Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. I
Guy Hitson. Mrs. Homer Holt and 1
Miss Leah Dye.
Daffodils and pastel tapers were
used for decorations and the re
Ireshments were carried out in
pink and blue colors.
Honoring Mrs. Southedand were:
Mrs. John Brown, Mrs. Guy Hit
son. Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. Lloyd
Hubble. Mrs. Jcrrv McCartie, Mrs.
Virgil Schmoc. Mrs. Homer non,
Mrs. Robert Burden, Mrs. Charles
Walker. Mrs. Tommy Blackman,
Mrs. Lester Lcavitt. Mrs. Dave
Robison, Mrs. Cecil Whitmore. Mrs.
Leonard Schooler, Mrs. George
Fcrnlund. Mrs. Ivan Bold. Mrs.
Carroll Wcatherby, Mrs. Richard
Hoeffler, Mrs. Jimmy Dye. Mrs.
Frank Tofell, Mrs. Owen People.
Mrs. King Hubble, Mrs. Herb
Schmidt, Mrs. Orville DeVaul, Mrs.
Russell Walsh. Mrs. Howard
Schmidt, Miss Patsy Tofell. Miss
Pauline Noble. Miss Wilma Hubble,
Sandy Hitson, Karen Schmoe. Leah
Dve, Donna Derry, and Skipper
Weimer and the hostesses.
Beta Sigma Phi
Elects Officers
Mrs. Noel Flynn is the newly
elected president of Kappa Chap
ter, Beta Sigma Phi. Other officers
elected at the March 26 meeting
are Mrs. G. W. Nelson, vice presi
dent; Mrs. A. Cottlngham, record
ing secretary; Mrs. Ben McCollum,
treasurer: Mrs. Dale Prentice, cor
responding secretary; Mrs. Harry
Waggoner, extension officer, Mrs.
Iva Olson and Mrs. L. W. Netzer,
city council representatives.
I Mrs. John O'Brien introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. Sheldon Brum
baugh who gave a review of early
:day photography.
I Mrs. Harry Waggoner was host
Move to Alaska"
Mrs. Harold Briggs and children
Jamie and Ronnie left the first of
the week for Alaska where they will
make their home.
They are former Klamath Falls
Mrs. Briggs Is the sister of Louis
Staller. Klamath Falls.
the Jim Ludlows.
JOHNNY ROSS Frosh at U of O
home for spring vncntlon with his j
pnrents. the Robert Rosses, 1018 ,
Washington. j
DIANA B1NKLEY dnughtcr of ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bruce Btnkley. 1915
Huron Mso home for spring vnca- j
Hon visit with her family. She's j
a Freshman at OSC.
or muddle?
Art v In tht fniddlt if Uf
muddlff Lt ui you itralflht
with tilfrifltit rpH a4 fvi.
Wi'N ntteh ycur drum with
tUr uhtmf, whfiKir yu'r ittrl
l"l frn icretth f "iUltt vr."
tm arauntf n flit cUr
c6rdlnltl with tS inrtri !
ytur hUfl
Home Improvement Loans
Brighten up your home now . . .
and increase its dollar-and-cents
value, too! With our loan you
can spread the cost over several
years. Monthly payments
steadily reduce the loan
amount. You save money, too,
by paying interest only
on the unpaid balance
v y
m m MM I
X X, . 1.. . 1.1.1, J I I
3w 1 f
m . . k . . . f 1
540 Main
Klamath Falls
1826 Homedale Road
Telephone 7080
Open Evening! by Appointment
birthday or
For 'something' excitingly dif
ferent . . . just browse through
YOUR STORE'S two gift floors
end meisanin. Yog'll find
gift to suit your taitt and bud
get! "For Distinctive Gifts"
721 Main
the new
m Mi 900
Regardless Of
Price Or Make
12 Machines In 1
(No Attachments)
The Bel Airs are so durablo and efficient that
we can safely guarantee them to give continuous
service forever.
Machine Service
I Y(e Are Mso I
A featuring I
1 9750
III at . J
422 Main
Ph. 6771
Incredibly sheer: higher, finer
twist, essence of air, strength
of steel. Superlatively smooth
fitting: more, tinier and tighter
stitches add elasticity.
Brilliant performance: wear
30 longer by
laboratory testing.
DARK SIAM Dl-Mli llfl of
lllmu la MKbliu Ml. SI M '
DARK rROFItl atmi) t( femlr, '
ihHmwi, mw ilrtnfth. 40 IS
I V -i'l
Phoenix brings you the fabulous
oO-gaug nylons in every
important stocking fashion:
Five types to choose from, all
in beautiful Cosmetone colors,
all in the one-and-only
complete One Stop service.
Phoenix 60-gauge stockings,
the result of intensive, long
range research and planning,
represent the finest development
today in high twist precision
and finish for a truly
better stocking.
UIJiaiK IIZTIIl llvk-ia I MIS
il, tl.,.1. Mtiittr la MIS. $US'
TWIST SUPItMl nlraill al lllniM,
m aylaa at IM ytai. aaia
CAttElt SIXTHS ttMfVft Wtvi
Hosiery Street Floor
22T Main Phono 53S3