PAGK SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLF. OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 20. KIM SUSAN GEARY . . . MARCIA WILSON SUSAM USTQ6 . . i NANCY WARREN , JEAN OWfcNS . . . MARILYN GERBfcR CAROLE ADAMS . . , SHIRLEY SEHORN Gills' League met recently to help plan the spring formal in Pelican Court KUIIS, scheduled for April 5. The dance is to be engineered by Dance-a-Lot Club, sponsored by Girls' League. Beverley Eells presided at the meeting assisted by Margaret Powell. The girls pictured above modeled formats and represented different classes. From .the left, Sophomore. Freshman, .Senior and Junior. This is an annual dance and the gills are planning lavish decorations with "Symphony of the Sea" as the theme. Music lo be by the Starliters. Photos; by Charles Carlson MANZANITA CHAPTER 172 The Initiatory degree was beauti fully exemplified by the officers of Manzanila Chapter 172, OES Fri day evening March 21, at the IOOF hall, Gladys Chubb, Jean Crams and Ray Crams were welcomed into the order. Thelma Clugston served as courtesy candidate. Worthy Matron Vera Fritsch and Worthy Patron John Larson pre sided at the meeting. Betty Hunt er, grand representative of Penn sylvania to Oregon wus introduced and escorted to the east. Being -Men's Night a program of music was enjoyed. Beatrice Dennlson at the piano, accompany ing group singing in honor of the blrthdav of the Worthy Matron. The social hour was held in the dining room where tables decorat ed by Dora Austin and Helen Mc Cornack featured the Oriental mo tif. Pink ereen and yellow stream- era led to a miniature Japanese iratewav planted with flowers and gifts honoring the birthday of Vers Fritsch. Worthy Matron. Articles from Japan, loaned by Corinne Larson, highlight'.! the decorations. Refreshments of Girl Scout cook ies and Ice cream were served bv John Larson, Everett Blehn, John Stanley and Allan Betsch. The Leo Hiils Home From Trip to South Couple at Home . In Coquille In a lovely, informal ceremony. March 16 at the Frist Methodist Church. Phyllis Jean Znser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AlbVrt Zenger, "1604 Boardman Avenue, be came the bride of William P. O'Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. O'Neal, Coos Bay. The one o'clock double ring cere mony was read by Rev. Lloyd Holloway. Preceding the service, Don McKenzie sang "At Dawning." "Because" and "The Lord's Pray er" accompanied by Mrs. Gordon ' Morris at the piano. The young couple took their vows before an arrangement of pink and white snapdragons and woodwardia fern. The bride entered the room escorted by her father, who gave her in marriage. She wore a light blue suit made wiih short-titted jacket and flared skirt and her close fitting profile hat was made entirely of white velvet flowers. She carried a white Bible with an arrangement of white orchids and stephanotis. Mrs. James O'Neal was matron of honor. Best man was James O'Neal, brother of the bridegroom. Don Zenger, brother of the bride, was usher. A reception at the Winema Hotel was held after the wedding service. Mrs. W. F. Jenne was In charge of the guest book, Mrs. E. V. Schrantz cut the three-tiered wed ding cake, and pouring were Mrs. Ad Zenger an! Mrs. Henry Zen ger. all aunts of the bride. After a brief honeymoon the young couple will be at home, in The Leo Huls returned March 2J fcoquille. Mrs. O'Neal is teaching from a five and one-half weeks trip through the south. They went bv rail and leisurely stopped at Albuoueraue. Oklahoma City. Mem phis, Charleston. S.C., New Orleans Houston, bavannan, Jacksonville. Fla., El Paso, Juarez and so on. They visited the Scottish Rite Tem ple in Guthrie, Oklahoma, largest in Uie world; once seen never forgotten. 1 They found the same southern hospitality prevailing that had been enjoyed on preiious trips and outstanding was the service and courtesy at the Savannah Hotel in Georgia. The" were presented with "Mr. and Mrs." make-up sets, which included all the essentials for both of them even to razor blades for the "Mr." On the way home they saw the Charles Garcelons, Henry Moes and Glenn Houts, all living around Palo Alto. Now at home. 219 N. 9th Street, they are enjoying the trip in ret rospect, and are still amazed at the startling changes in Houston's skyline since they were there two years ago. AAUW to Stage 'Stained Glass' The drama group of the Klamath Falls branch of American Associa tion of University Women will pre sent a play "Stained Glass," at the Willard Hotel, Saturday, April 12 at 2 o'clock. This play Is quite impressive and appropriate to the Easter season and the public Is cordially invited to attend. The cast of characters include: Mrs. Don Zumwalt, Miss Kay Wal ton, Mrs. Robert Erlandson, Mrs. Lynn Propst, Mrs. Herman Shock cy, and Miss Patricia Murphy. First Birthday Is Celebrated MERRILL Small Cindy Hodges, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hodges, observed her first birth day anniversary March 12. Her dec orated birthday cake with one can dle, centered the refreshment table, and large pink and blue candlci placed on either side completed the deflorations. Balloons, placed pbout the room, added to the fer tiveness of the occasion. Enjoying the party with Clndv were Gary and Jannie Hodnes, f-'herry Hodges, Billy and Jeny Hammond. Mike and Lee McKoen,, Sandra Fotherlngbam, Johnny So well, Pam and Lou Hill, Susan Hasklns, Ronnie Puckett. Bobbv and Nancy Merrilees, Cindy's old er brother Ricky, and Grandma Delia Hodges. Invited but unable to attend were Dennis Hodges, Marilyn Hammond, Rodney Rose, Gordon Staraclak, Harriett Fotherlngham, Madie Pye rtt, and Cindy Duncan. at Empire, and Mr. O'Neal is ath letic coach at Bandon. Both Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal are graduates of Southern Oregon College of Educa tion. Out of town guests included: Mr. end Mrs. E. V. Schrantz, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Davidson. Mrs. W. F. Jenne, Grcsham; Mrs. Henry Zenker, Mrs. Alice Smith. Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Ad Zenger, Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. J. W". O'Neal, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Perry. Mrs. Lee Sundbaum and Bob Ellis, Coos Bay. . Voice Clinic Attended By Klamath Trio, Mrs. George Mclntyre. Mrs. T. Cecil Adams and daughter. Jean are to be In Sacramento March 31 and April 1. to attend a vocal clinic. Voice teachers from W h 1 te Plains, New York are conducting several clinics in the west, all of them concerning scientific research in tne neid oi voice training. Degree of Honor Initiation Degree of Honor Lodce met March 24 in the KC Hall. Marguer ite Wiard, president, conducted the meciing. Four candidates were initiated: Nancy Lee Stiles. Gerda Fave Lundsten, Joyce Johnson and Shir- icy sample. Following initiation they were presented at the altar for intro duction end graduation services by the junior director, Edith Wiard. Each received her graduation pin and a personal gift from the junior director. Refreshments were served after the meeting by the committee: Vesta Stiles, Dorothy Brinson and Letha Brumble. ANW CLUB Mrs. Marlon Hanks was assisted by her daughter. Mrs Everett L. Miner, when she entertained the Art and Needlework Club March 19, in her home, 133 Pine Streel. An evnffllant. Innphnn van trtrri No the following members: Mrs. D. v. KuvKendall, Mrs. A. J. Powell, Mr. George R. Hum, Mrs. H. M, Brown. Mrs.- W.P. McMillan, Mrs. C. H. Underwood, Mrs. Calvin Hunt, Mrs. Charles J. Martin and Mrs. Carey M. Ramsby. Mrs. W. P. McMillan will enter tain the club at her home 217 Pine Street, April 16. E i SCCIALLY CORRECT! ! ItisMuiy Invitotifm end Announttmtntl M.M P.r HuMrr4 Ask For Your Copy Of "WEDDING CUSTOMS" By Evelyn Murray 1 :l'r"A M "SPSS YLpmtm. EilE LJbty -jjJ A DOUBLE RING SERVICE at the First Methodist Church, read by Rev. Lloyd Holloway, at 1 p.m., March 16, united Phyllis Jean Zenger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zenger, 4604 Boardman Avenue, and William P. O'Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. O'Neal, Coos Bay, in marriage. They are now at home in Coquille, where the bride teaches at Empire, and her husband is athletic coach at Bandon. Photo by Davidson AMBRIEU CLUB Ambrieu Club met March 18 at the home of Mrs. F. Murphy. 2121 Etna, with eight members present. Tentative plans were made for a hunsband and wife party. Mrs. C. Griffis is now secretary, following the resignation of Mrs. E. V. Zell. Evening's prize was won by Mrs. E. Cronqulst. WEDDINGS Enqraved . . Special 16.95 tor One Hundred I . , . V&fehte Pioneer Office Supply JO Main . .ior "I See Our "Ad" On This Page For A Special Gift t THE CROWNING flAVOR TOUCH TO A B. . m I T h ! ii i v., nil Ml Baled Without Shortening No Fall Addtd I R mi nti Hwnor Oiy. Boi 10??, Holly wM, Ciltf. A" tawd for you F I u h rc r's txcluiivcly by tNQCmiCtHSC IV HMIQPMl AKS Vt3, IHC.CHICACO , , ibil XlaJ dLZZP isi . tt Ashland Home is' . Nuptial Setting Hie home of Mr. and Mi'k. nb rrt O'llumi, Aslilund, was the ei tuiK for the luiiri'hiite of Mrs. Ollarrns slater. Virginia Ann Lulx. diiuuhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. I.. O. I.iiIk. 4131 Thompson, to Hubert D. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross F. Murtlii, Taconm. Ilcv. Ituss Knotti olflclntrd at the double rum ceremony, p.m., March It), bpfore a fireplace ln icisiiersrd Willi dnflodlb, while Mock mid liuby lrln. Illuiiilnnlnl with liKhtcd tuners In floor cande labra. Uivm In marrtiiite by her father, the bride wore a turnuolne blue milt slyled wllh cupe Meeves. She wore mnv accessories and her off white hut was trimmed with or iiie blossoms. Her bouquet was of baby orchids and atephanutl. on n white lllble. Mrs. Robert O'llarra, matron of honor, was Klilred In a belue Milt Willi lavender arrewnries and iihe wore a corsnge nf vlolrls. Cirorpe Wcyprhneuser. KiiKniP, was best man, and Robert O'llar ra. brollier-ln-law of the bride was1 usher. Knlhleen O'llorra, bride's nieip. received at the door. Mrs. t.ulz chose a navv blue ros tume with pink accessories and a white orchid shoulder corsane for her daughter'! weddliiK. Tlie krldrKrooin's mother, Mis. Martin, wore navy blue wllh while accessories and her corsane was the same as Mrs. l.uu. Phyllis Biidiie. Norlh Bend, a friend of the bride, served punch; Ann Martin, the bridegroom's sis ter from Tacnma, serveil the cake, mid .led Stanwood. OHC classmate of Vlrninla Ann's, Caldwell, Idaho, passed the bride's book. F'or the weddlntf trip to the coast the bride wore hrr weddlnu suit and the orchids from the bridal bouquet were her corsane. The ncwlywcds will, be nt home, ,IWI uayvlcw, Norm Uend. ORDER OF AMARANTH Friend-hip Court II, Order of : Amaranth, met WrdncMlay, Mnrih ID. Iii Hie Musonlc Trmplc, Hun orcd l.ady Ox Clleumr, Royal Ma. I troll, mid Sir Knlulil James Hull- !lrr. Royal I'ulroii, wrio llio pro- isiiiuiK ofllccra. I Krlcndshlp Court wns honored lo have the lullowiim (liniiiiuuinhril inembera prioni! ; 8. K., Jack Hchule Ji , i'ust Ounnl Koynl I'u. trull of Otrnnli, S. K , Frank Douu- las, Asslsiuut ClraiHl l.eciurrr nf On nun, 8. K . Lurry linker, gniuil icpresi-ninllve lo Ciillloruin mid II. ' L.. Cirat-e lieiinaii, griind rrpio Ueulallve lo Illinois. 'Die yearly election of olflceia wns hrlcl. Kliiird were. II. I.. I Mien .'Jlo cr. Itnyiil Mullein, H. R. lOeore llouilon. Royal l'u Iron. II. 1... lleatlire IJrulAiili, .ssulnln Royal Matron, h. K Floyd ', -t. dell. Aswlale Royal i'niron, II I... HpIpii C'rnpo. Serreturv, II. I... Fan : mo May ihoiiipson, 'lipusurer, II. , Riiili Rodpiibrrui'r, t:oiiduiires, II. I.., (.'nllieriiic Wrlglu, Aaooclatg Couduclress. FollowlniE ihe regular meeting re ' IreshuiPiiln were nerved during Hie nuspiiniity nour. Birthday Dinner I.ANGF.IX VAI.I.EY-Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mniiiii enieiialned Ml. and Mrs. Orville Hrhroeder with a dinner Mnnii vo m honor of Mrs. Bchroeder's birthday. Places were also set tor Rnvinond Bchrocdrr and Ilob Ilprsnian. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT D. MARTIN who were married at the home of the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'llarra, Ashland. Virginia Ann Lulz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Lutz, 4631 Thompson and Robert Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross F. Martin, Tacoma, repeated vows in a double ring ceremony in front of the living room fireplace before a gathering of friends and relatives. Rev. Ross Knotts of the Methodist church offi ciated. - Photo by Shanglc, Medford Newlrsli &s spring GREETING CARDS i Rainrjow f - 01 V.0 ffmWti Elks Lodge. Plans Inauaural Ball i Klk's- Lodge Inaugural Ball Is scheduled tor April 6. honoring the new Exalted Ruler. John A. flcliti- ! bert nnd all officers and their Indies. i The affair Is to be formal, and members will be guests of the lodge. ; Baldy Evans music. 4-DAY SERVICE! Wrt lnvi,a,Ions 'f.y ana Announcements Infraved tr Procvlied. Perteaaliiad nopkini for your recoptoa . . Cups and plotei. Shaw Stationery Co. 729 Main . Lovely NORCROSS cards, radiant with trie colors of dewy spring flowers, to delight tlie eye and warm tfie ricart. For Easter and every day for Weddings, Anniversaries, Friendship, Convalescent and Birthdays. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 629 Main mi rm: L 5in Just Phone for the best Laundry Value in Town! Cascade's ALL DRY BUDGET BUNDLE 10 BIG POUNDS 89' Send your cleaning with your Laundry! CASCADE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Opp. Post Office Ph. 7412 KmrOffkt&nb Phone 7412 Klamath's Finest Ij'.C 0 0 0 0 0,0 C 0 C 0 0 Q 8 0 0 C Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 Q Q 8 0 0 U 3 0 Q fttHV