Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 29, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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ly Mllly R.niirl:y I
.... 1 l j J V W i, ' -
Ill T I LESOY, 16, and KAREN, 15; ;
S I I ;f ..f J hoe school oftr one of lh
I I r s' I icenf ."pring tiow" enjoy a
I I moment of sunshine. Ttifir parents
I I II. ..4 u.. I U-J i c...
M HIV F"l. UIIU 1114 I.IVJU I UllCIf , I
1 2331 Von hess Avenue. . I
J Ml :
. ' : "
-r , : ;v ; , j
" 17 JL -Pf i 4
Brothers and Sisters
JUDY. 14, ond DICK, 17, with their
Snowlighting weopons used on 0
0 recent inowfall, Mother of the
hord working team Is Mrs. Violet
C. Ploier, 1410 California Ave. V
r W' .
MICHAEL, 17, ond SALLIE SUE, 14,shore
on -enthv:';;rn for records. Their parents
ore r. and Mrs. I.C. Burke, J8J4 Mel.
rose. Young brother is Dean, 8.
its young citizens and a small rep
resentative group is pictured here
in brother ond sister teenage looms.
Unfortunately, space does not per
mit more of then.. '
All Photos by. Kettles
PAT," 16, end ROBERTA, 14, with the
list ef "musts" for Pal's spring vacotion
trip to Jon Volley. Their parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Klttredge, 1225 Pacific
Terrace, and they have an older brother.
Bill, who recently married. '
li;)A i"
-Uv"- "bJL . At
'ARCIA, 14, and LYLE, 16, at the
piano. We know Marcio is at home
at the keyboard, but are not sure
that Lylo .inherited his father's
keen intorost in closo harmony.
They ore the children of Mr. and
Mrs. L. Delos Mills, 1201 Eldo
rado. . . -: ' . -,
NADINE, 15, and JERRY, 17,'ote
cheerfully occupied i with: home
work. Their poronts are Mr. ani
Mrs. R.E. Wilkerson, 4435 Board
man Ave.ji ond their older brother
Ronnie, 19( Is o student at SOCE.
DICK, 15, ond NANCY, 13, engrossed in
plans for completing a model "runabout"
which boasts on operable inboard motor. - E
Their parents ore Mr. and Mrs. beorgo
H. Clark, 2021 Lavey. The boat, a gift
from Laurence Brown, is as yet unlaunch
ed and unnamed. ,