PAGE TWO rr. 77 KFLW 1450 He PST Saturday Kvenlnr. March 29 00 Sporti l.ih..hU :lo home Town Newt 23 World Mrwt Summary .:,0 Eclcnrt Kdltor ABC 43 Wordi of Life :00 Mr. District Atty. ABQ :M Murlc - Ju:t Guy ABC nn Tk. t n niinHf ARC i:;u Pi-en. Truman ABC :ia uancirf inny v.w "in Inmmli Clllh :00 Nw Summary KFLW 145 D Kcl'bT Sunday, March 30 00 Nfwi AEC .13 Mornirg Son AC 0 Light and Liie Hour ABC :0J Celvjry Echoei :lfl Chape) In S1:y :M Nest-o College Choir ABC :U0 Sunday lew Special AtC 10: eruncn iim ad l:30 National Va-pera ABC :00 Presbyterian Church '(;) Chriri'pn in Ar.lo, ABC ;:30 The Church in the Heme ABC , :UJ Uiu ku. iiutteu Kevival t:00 Voice of Prophecy ABC UbO Greaiect Story ABC !:0 t Hour of Decision ABC :3 Sonet of Faith i;S Upper Room Program :0Q V. S. Nvy Bana 4:30 Herald of Truth 5:00 St P the M'lVC ABC 6:00 Walter Wlnchel. ABC c: i i.oiiie 'iuu.i t.iUa B:-5 V.c:!d New S 'nary 6:30 Cascading Bhythmi : tl i-aul HBtvey tC - 1 f --en'-: in P ie 7:C0 The Crent Adverture. AUL r.:iU Drew Pcant-rt AEC 8:15 Monday Morning Headlines AEC 8:30 Walter Winchell ABC 8-4.1 Cfcft Huntley ABC 8:C0 Her Comei Ihe Band ABC 9:3J CBC Symphony Concert ABC I0:u0 X0 P. M Headlines 10:15 Geo. C Sol;oiky ABC 10:30 Aragon Ballroom Orch. ABC 11:00 New Summary 11.-05 Sign Off KFLW 1450 Kc PST Monday, March 31 6;00 Sign On New Sura. 6:03 Corn in the Morn 6 45 Farm Fare 7:00 Newt Breakfast Ed. 7:15 Charlie's Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred. Newi ABC - 7:40 Top of tha Morning 7:51 Jean Ccnte ABC 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC . 9:00 Hank Henry Show 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley Ntwa ABC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:53 Whispering Street ABC 11:13 Stop and Shop 11:30 Against Storm ABC 11:43 County Agent Speaks 11:53 Market P.eport 12:00 Noon Edition New ir.5 Paviesa R'dewaWt Slw -12:30 Lucky MU" Ranch ABC l:fi I haul H- e' :1S Better Living list Mary Margaiet McBnde ABC 20 Basin Brtefs - 2:15 When A Girt Marries ABC , 2:. I Jo-re Jcrcaii. M.D. ABC 2:45 Rom Evelyn Wintera ABC : 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC ; . :-;- rn C""njn AWC 3:45 Mary Marlin ABC 4:00 Request fully Youra . - 50 Fun Factory AEC Guilty To Theft Count Jerry Oscar Madden, 19-year-old KUHS junior has admitted quite a lew things to the district attor ney, but he said verv little to Judge David R. Vandenberg Fri day alternoon other than he was guilty ol receiving and concealing OVU1CU yivfuiji . Madden pleaded guilty in Circuit Court to taking some pens stolen by other boys ranging in age from 10 to 14 years. According to Deputy Dist. Atty. Don Piper, Madden has revealed burglaries at Fremont School and the County Library since receiving a dishonorable discharge Irom the Navy last December. His arrest early this week re sulted after investigation Into about 30 cases of burglary and shoplifting by a group of boys now in hands of juvenile authorities. Madden was ordered held In Jail under 12500 bond pending further Investigation. In other Curcult Court action John -Lopez Leadesma. 26 Modoc Point, was given five years probation on charge of larceny for the person. He admitted stealing a gold watch Feb. 9 from George DuVall at Chiloquin. Robert F. Morse, returned here from the Oregon State Prison March 5 to face a forgery charge was sent back to jail till further records are received from the FBI. ' .. . i , , . KLAMATH 'ALL. OftlGOl AMERICAN CHINESE rWi at rtitfc kaatt fh. . far 0t4m To T.kl 0 Ben 6. Lee, Mgr. NICK CARTER MASTER , DETECTIVE 3:30 P.M. SUNDAY KFJI 3000 Wotti 1 1SO On Your Dial Youth Says aV" I -ae. S:2.1 World Fl'hl HcrnrtiT BC :.K Cht minify ABC 8:43 Uutsl Stnr 6:00 Sport Hifhllhtn 6:13 Home Town rew. 6:3 Wcrld News Sm.uttary 6:.t0 Fut)irbin Srfjiad 6:43 Hridllnt Kdltion ABC 6:33 Comlrtf Attraction on ABC 7.00 The Lone turner ABC 7:30 He.iry J. Talor AFC 7:43 Preview of Tomorrow 6:00 The Ell Hnd ABC 8:30 "Why Don't Peote Ttentsler to Vote and What Can We Do About It?" 10:09 10 PM Headline 10:13 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:03 SICK Of( KFJI 1 Kc FST Saturday Ercnlnf, March ii 6:0it fews 6:13 Klamath Theatre Quit l lour 7:00 Colleie Choir MBS 7:10 Kl&math Teoplr 6:00 HUM Theatre MBS R:0J Newt tIBS 9:13 Lea Gardner Or.-h. 9-AS Dance MU!.ic MBS !:. i ..c I ts' 10:00 Lombardo Land 1S MBS 10:C0 Crowell's Nest MBS 11:00 Men! Owls Ne'.va 11:03 Msht Owls Club 12:00 S.jn Of! KFJI 1156 Kc PS1 Sunfav, March 30 Wines of Kealinf S-fcin. News usic Children's Chapel Radio Bible Class MBS K am. Fev. Center 1' l.:nd Melodies News MBS ...c .; .;c4. rs MBS Lutheran Hour MBS Frank and Ernest MBS Show Tunes Guet .Star Master Radio Canaries MES New. - Bill Cunntnlham MBS t.-.oixu nOur .UEb Official Detective MBS News MBS Crime I'iBbters MBS Bobby Benton MBS The Shadow MBS 'irue ie cciive .iBS Gabby Hayes. MBS Nick Carter MBS CecU Brown. News. MBS The Hoover Report Mark i.ogers iuijS . Steamboat Jamboree soo 6:U) 6:33 6:43 000 9:0 9::j 1L':0J . :1J 10:30 11:00 11:13 11:30 11:43 12:in 12:13 li:J 1:(V) 1:13 1:0 1:33 2:00 i:U 3:00 3:30 3:33 4:00 4:13 4:31 5:00 3:30 6:00 6:13 6:30 7:i-0 7:30 7:53 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:13 9:30 10:00 11:00 Musical Arts Council Enchanted Hour MBS Around Town News Klamath Theatre Quiz Youth Views the News J. J. Antnony MES Down You Go MBS News MBS Twenty Questions MBS Forward America Glenn Hardy News MBS Voice of America The Whistler CBS MGM Musical Comedy Thea MBS Sun Off Monday, March 31 Sunrise Serenade Farm Reporter Kefional News Heming-way News MBS Breakfast Gang MBS Headlines & Bi lines Best Buys Cecil Brown MBS Breakfast Gang MBS Bible InsUtute MBS Homemaker Harmonies Plstter Party Favorites of Yesterday Newspaper of the Air MBS TeUo Test MBS La Pointes Concert Currins Ken Carson MBS Ladies Fair MBS News MBS Queen for a Day MBS Name Bands Noonday News Your Dance Tunes Market and Livestock Klamath Notes 6:00 :4J 6 jo 71 7:13 7:30 7:43 9:00 8:13 8:30 9:00 9:13 9.13 10:00 10:13 10:30 10:43 10:30 10:33 11:00 11:23 11:30 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:43 12:33 1:00 1MI 2:00 2:03 2:13 2:43 3:00 4:00 4:13 4::-) 4:43 .00 5:r,0 3:33 6:00 6:13 6:30 6:45 6:53 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:0 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 9:55 10:00 10:13 10:30 11 DO 11.03 1200 Jack Kirkwood MBS 'rake a NVmber MBS News, MPS News MBS 'xwo at ? l3 Answer Man MBS ' Ricky's Request Behind the Story MBS Hemingway News MES Curl .Vasrey T-me MPS Sam Hayes. News MBS ' Boby Benson MBS Wild BUI Hlckok, MBS News MBS Gabriel Heatter MBS Kiamath Tneaue Quiz Around Town News Sam Hayes. News MBS Bill Henry MBS 1 Was A Communist for FBI Bright Star Let George Do It MBS HllTWC-'1!. Theater MPS Glenn Hardy-News MBS Fulton Lewis News MBS Mutual Xewsreel MBS Sports Final 5-MInute Final MBS I Love a Mystery MBS Survival Crowell's Nert MBS NiEht Owls News Night O-.vls Club Sign Off judge Denies New Trial Motion for a new trial was de nied the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Friday afternoon in its pro test to decision m a dam age suit rendered by Circuit Judge David R. Vandenberg last Decem ber. - . Judge "Vandenberg awarded SC500 damages to Georee Sheridan apencer for injuries received In a wrk. with an S. P. freight train at the Old Joe Wright Road -cross ing May ii, mo. Ogelsby Young railroad comrja- ny . attorney from Portland, said he would appeal the case to the Supreme Court. xoung oojectea to the verdict on grounds ol insufficient evidence and 'a second trip by the judge to ihe scene of the accident after both sides had moved - for a di rected verdict. ' j Spencer was represented by U. S. Balentine, local attorney. Doctor Wins Army Stay SEATTLE I John Caughlan. attorney for Dr. Stanley J. Orloff. says supreme uourc justice Wil liam u. Douglas has granted Or loff a stay preventing the Army from sending Orloff . overseas at this time. Friday, the Ninth U,S. Court pf Appeals at san Francisco turned appeal by Orloff, former senior psychiatrist for the New York City Mental Hygiene Depart ment. Orloff, now a private at Fort wiwion in Seattle, Claimed ne naa been illegally classified as a pri vate after induction under the "doctors" Draft Act. , . nnnniinrinft- tha WrHm nf .Tn's. tlce Douglas Ffid8y night, Caugh lln said Douglas had nrted n a Justice of the flth District and not In his capacity as a Justice of the Supreme Court. City Firemen Fight Grass Fire CItv firemen fouEhf. their second grass fire of the season at an early hour thin morning. A small blaze resulted in no dam age at '613 tiroad St. - The alarm was turned in at 7:07 a.m. Firemen believed the blaze was started by children playing with matches. W? ' 1 ' ' TT r.i 1 1 I N " ' I h AMr !iRE 1 V; IF THE CANDY is as good as the sparkling smiles of these youngsters it will be worth 10 times the $1 price tag. Camp Fire Girls are holding their annual candy sale to raise funds for operating costs and furnishings for Camp Esther Applegate at Lake 0' the Woods. The girls above are members of the Blue Bird division. They are (1 to r): Judy Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alexander; Karen North, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay North; and Patty Fairchild, daughter of Mrs. Patricia Fairchild. Camp Fire Opens Drive More than 500 Camp Fire Girls in Klamath County and the Dorris area today launched their annual benefit candy sale. This year, the girls are selling 17-ounce boxes of chocolate mint patties. Because the Community Chest fflilA1 A Monh ile -Ml la ... normnl operating expenses will get first call on funds from the candv sale this year. Any overage wiil be applied to Camp Esther Apple gate, Jointly operated by the Camp Fire Girls and Girl Scouts. The need for more funds in creased yesterday when heavy roof snow collapsed the recreation build ing at the girls' Lake O' the Woods camp. FIRE Suburban firemen late yestcrdav afurrccn quelled a graskfire on Air way drive. They reported no damage. STARTS TONIGHT MIDNIGHT PELICAN - BOTH THEATRES SUNDAY "fl n l q 1 1 i iBlllit3iiraB THE ROARING SAGA OF THE I riuntMC I TfL O Wlfek QUMI JOSEPH li ARNOLD MOSS WAH REEO I l(ttU Si tWDtWjf J JjffSh gCQl TOCO HAROLD GORDON 100 GILBERT MILDRED DUNNOCK ..t i I1KUAI.U AN I) NKV;J. KLAMAYll ' 1 1 ii ,11 Gander Has Crack At Advertising BALTIMORE ifl William, a goose, was back in Uie bnrnyard Saturday telling his friends that the advertising business is nothing to honk about. And Old Bill ought to know he had a pretty good gander at it Friday. He got hooked up with Ad-Man Francis Davenport in a scheme to exploit the liberal credit terms of a Baltimore department store. Davenport dressed up in a clown suit, saddled himself with a bright ly painted sign and harnessed up Old Bill just for kicks and to at tract attention. Together they padded the pave ment of the city's streets. Late in the afternoon, a lady noticed bloody tracks on the sidewalk. "They look like goose tracks." she told a po liceman. "Yes sir bloodv goose tracks." deducted the officer. They followed the tracks to William and Francis, halted them and called lAM.S.' i v.Wa-'MiBjbA4 a paddy wagon. The ad-man and the nd-aoosc were taken to headquarters where S. P. C. A. Agent Fred Prleta thoughtfully suggested that William be sent buck to the barnyard. Davenport apologetically ex plained he had been too busy ad vertising his employer to notice the sorry state ol William's feet. He wasn L held. After the accident or Jire you will want the" best pcMcy possible. See or rail Han, Norland, fit Pne St. Phone 2-2515. mm TIGER ON THE WHITE HORSE! Grand Jury Returns Hine True Bills; Murder ; Count Reduced To Manslaughter Klamath County's oinnd Jury of ! Adniiis Point.' Ho Iv frod undor five men ami two women returned nine linn bills lute l'Tldav alter noon niter tines dnvs of delibera tion, , , A miiii.vlitiitihter liHllrlinrnt was brouulil buck niulu.vt Lorenzo Uu lord Weeks, 36-yenr-old Klumnth Indian from Dolly, held in the County Jail since Feb. 'M on a second cloture murder chariic. Ho Is arctisrd In the knife kill ing of Mlinicl '1. '11111,0 Mulirii'lci, as-yciir-olil Mexican rullroud work er tallowing a oriiikinu imnv in a caoin on Aim ins tit. A chaiite ( coiiirlbutlng to the delinquriuy of a miliar was re turned KHUiiiat 18-yrnr-old Robert Kiul, held In custody since March 31 on charge of child stealing. Krul is licensed ol lusting a l.v yeur-cld Boiianm girl from the custody of her parents without their consent. They were returned from Wheeler. Ore., by the boy's parents sevrral days later. Ball was set at &MM. Other indictments returned were : LeRoy Garrison, alias Ballnrd J. Wilson, forgery o a JU check Jan. L'U. bull set at $10,000. He is In Jail. Benny Gene Brlmmnge. burg lary, not In a dwelling, in con nection with robbery of Bryon Johnson Farm Implement Store, Oct. 13. 1951. Bail was set at 5000. He Is believed In custody In Cal ifornia, Gerald K. Simpson, burglary, not in a 'dwelling robbery ol By ron Johnson Farm Implement Store, ball $5000. He is In a Cal ifornia Jail. Johnny J. Hawkins, entering mo tor vehicle with Intent to steal, In connection with Ihelt of beer Dec. 9 1961, from Western whole sale Distributors, free under $2500 bond. Ruymond W. Dawley, burglary, not In a dwelling, in connection with theft of potatoes from Oreat Northern freight car Nov. 3, at it'Mli bond, , , Fran If Pirns, non-support . of. wife, lire under gtiooo bond. Frank Leslie Snrll, ataltitury rape, Held In County Jail under s in nnn hull A nut true bill win relumed in I the case of Donald F. IHtniim-nlfl. held In custody siiue March DO an I charge of n.imult With Intent lo commit rape. Ha wna released, Also mimed In a not-true bill, win Wllliiun Hnrtwlg Jr., clinruwl wiiii turnery, ne is in a caworuiii i"'' ol anollier charge. Nine secret Indictments were re- i.i.:iH.:n:inj:i:ni:iKi:miiiiini.ii:a ENDS TONIGHT! Rod Cameron in CAVALRY SCOUT ond Georqe Montqomery in IROQUOIS TRAIL CONTINUOUS FROM 12:30 EUDM f Starts I mil i drama of primitive love ...Filmed Inlht rtmoto unlamad wllderntii In EXCITING COLOR! Added "FRADY CAT" - (Cartoon) tHI IA100N OIU (S T i 1 IINOt A DIUNDU- ' A f ' AND OMANCII-Jssss V.:-;v- Vi'WsW. U AJ?l- s-fssss I Wl ,C'NIV, P ill! 1 (raiNS flll ; - W ' ,,' ...Viui.UAY. MAI. til 20, 1052 Cereal .Plant jcn To Get Pay Raise HKATl'LI1". VP FUlrcu lillii(lii.t employes In .Pnnll.o Nnrlliwpit Until', (rrd mill (Di'viil pliilltn will get it wn)n Inrl'dipo ill il "j ri'lil.1 hourly,' retioiiollvft lo l'Vb. xi. Am'penient on the Inrrriitip win amititiiiml Friday by the Flour, Frrtl and Cri'nil IliupluytuV An. twin I Ion hikI llin Niiilliwrai Cinin ell of Cli jilu .i'incrsiiiit, Plnrils:flei'lfd are In I'ihUihhI, Helix. Ailit'im mill Freewittrr, Ore.; t'eiitllei Illlr.villn, Spnkniir, Tni'omn mid Wnll.tbiiiii, Waah., and Mosi'nw, Iil.i. tiirnrcl by the Jury Judite Hi' v III It. VnmleiiliriK krt .,"J""Kr Motijlaiy iiinriiliiK tar iiniilmiiileiiv an Ihe true bills rctiunrd by the Jury. Day Cull wnn lorenuin, A WINNER! 1 TWHtd SUNDAY I V ,Vj runt us it v V V CiltlCl ciii assso V, y. til hOMOi. V7 J I STEWART GRANGER WENDELL COREY CYD GitARiSSE WITM ' HOTOOIUrHCD IN NFW iNlrfl Mir!) n i 111.11 flllVVW VULUIl M'U'M rlVlURfc MUSIQUIZ - EMPERORS HORSES (P. Smith) (Sport) a