SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1952 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH fAI.LS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN A.i' 10 RIAL IITATI FOR SALI ROSEWAY DRIVE line Ik r tlniuly Jbedrooin lioine Willi lull bHscmnil on a qulrl, rraltlriitlnl atrrrt, '1 wo lulu, nicely IniKlnciipcl. Will gu I'll A. mm. SMALL FARM 3 crc nciir lilt V .liinrlloii. Most ly In iirniliiic, KrniTil with bmn, Iki'KA linrdrn, forrrlM, ami Inls nf Irrrn. Two bedroom houne. All (his for only tUOUO. MILLS nrw lionip, 2 blocks (roin ni'houl. '1 wo bedrooms, plus, spate (or third bedroom. Hardwood floor, sHllom.tli: hrnl, aUiiched RDiniir, mid ImidMiipcd rnmcr Int. 19900. MILLS Kuur-ycnr-trM home mnonii newer homes. Runch-tvpr linuir with Inrge living room mid lime f Irc plnce. Two bedroom., mtnrhed limnur. pnllo mvl Inndhinprd lot. Will require about 12000 to bun dle. RON riHIIKIl, Even. Ph. eino XI.AN DOUOLA8, Kvr. 1-WM Johnny Blaylock REALTOR 11(1 S. ELEVENTH PHONE 644(1 SUBURBAN TWO UKDROOM8, llrrpW, ' Concrete foundation. Oarage. 1, Here. 17600. TWO BEDRROMS, living room, kitchen, utility. Contln unut foundation. 15000. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 S. Sixth Ph. 9195 Evea. 6M or W2J CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 15 to IIS per acre buyi cood ranch and timber land at Gov't, Htate and County land fialei. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific I.an1 fail KE Cahucnga Blvd. Hollywood J8, Calif. RANCH On Klamath River lM acres. Irrlitated. Cheap water. 4I0 acrea native paalure. Good two bedroom modern house, a 1 3.000 down, liberal term, on balance. HOMES FOR SALE Bt) HUH BAN Oif paved atreet. Three bedroom home. Very nice kitchen and bath. Large service porch with laundry tuba, bcautl l fill yard, good guraiie and out buildings, h acre In benicj and garden pot. Price $7260. Will coiuldcr trade for home In town. MILLS ADDITION One bed- nulled.' 30OO. room home, completely fur ' NICE BUILDING I.OT on Dayton Street Just north of Shasta Way. INCOME PROPERTY THREE APARTMENTS- Well furnuhe.1. Bringing In excel lent Income. LESTER JONES, Eves. 8597 BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Plionen 3-3471 4ftB0 5 ROOM HOME Enjoy the privilege of raising your winter'! supply of food on this nice two-acre Irrigated tract. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Ph. 9832 or 8742 FARMS 415 ACRES Never apuded. Ample water from two wells and pumps. Oood buildings. Ideal setup for diversified farming certified seed. 75,OO0. Terms. 334 ACRES All renced, good Irri gation well, clean snndy loam, 107 acres cultivated balance hill land. 152,500. Terms. 10 ACRES 10 Miles out. 60 acres cultivated and irrigated. Two bedroom home and outbuild ings. Price $20,000. Price $20,000. 40 ACRES Irrigated, snndy loam, nil fenced. No buildings. Price $0000. Trims. VERNON DURANT HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE. 631 So. Sixth Phone 0135-9378 or im 32 KUIIDINQ I REMODELING SAVE ON WARDS economical tllnboard , .rullf 37c iquare fool, . .Now ,'lilo riikd-on enant.l finish resists wear peeling, chipping, Cholrt ot lhr. pat. terns In seven color Buy on KMA term, 10 percent down, up to three yean to pay. , MONTGOMERY WAM5 th and Pine Phon. illflfl tlllANULATEt) BOCK WOOl, Installed FHA tormi, "10 percent down, up to three yean to pay. Experta Insulate your home with lightweight, odorless, rlaan rock wool. Rave up to 40 perrmit on fuel In winter, Hay 1.19 dearcei cool er In iummcr, MONfciOMEIlY WAftn lh and Pine Phone SIM 34 FUEL HEATING H'l'ANDARD HEATING OILS Stove nirnars Heavy Fuel DEPENDAHLB Check and I'M System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Uiinriinlre Of llcnlhiK Hntl.ifnt:lloii FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Pueln Umt Pnllufy Plim Hervlre" Hinco 1010 821 Hprln(E Ht. I'honr 4IM fcTANlJAHD HEATINO OIL ti-ve. lumare Itghl fuel, coal, wood, cliertuel Peyton and Co, las Marael Purine SI4t. hitY plti lilorka tut Uiiflii eve'- liliiH ami yyBfk rwl, Mrtlrra linn 'ir.h'ii)AiUn (i irk up or df ilvarixf. Citff Yatlant M.tfnal Hrrvit SIMM) Bo nth Phnm" SMI or a MOO H'it it iillkKN STAMPS given on'heet ina olti phone 30HI of a.UJM) (t prompt flat I varr. JI.IrK VAOKNB HK1NAL MRflVICa anno 'th 18 BOATS PtTS SPORTS HOBBIES roll WAIT. Nratlv lirw nhtn mil (It 1(J l.'ilitloiii flnllifl I nr. IlfKl. Ptrrlnl Antoiri1ic ItrH. M 7 tPT llyllna-pura aUk. t.'ral. Dy-lvim uul (It. 'I'lll MUlpinMt l In perfait con dltlrm, Will ronlilar .M. : or aulnrriallr ilatol pari pavininl Call 2..I003. Ilasl offrr hloia April 4 takrt II. roil HAt.K, iralnul KnilUh lalKr oog. Phona 041711 ir call at IU4.1 (lilv. VllHKK pup" vlicpliftd and water pan Irlti lo i.vftwuy ai 7-tl Oak Hltcol. Halurtlay I au 2 oo o'tlock, I ('ti iAt'Kr'tnii"a threamonttn olri fatnalr auldrit rtrlvr pupplc. 2 two vmmr (i Iff mala and Inn a la iriular '! dan ralrlavrra. A hargain. Call r wrlla ( havron alaltun, Montagua, t-aiuornia. Phona 4:ill . . OOUn (or aala Thaaa ara nl puppla. Mwiria Mdiarrad (till arown (ol long twit dog Trainrd ap'clallr tr children r adulta, Only .:tO earh al )iiktm Ilrlve In the hmna of (oot'l'Hig BOAHDINO KKNNRLft Dog boarding by day, wark or month Hilar hinnfli Wall balanced diet Clean individual mi t door runt (or earn doe Do handled rturlii manna, win plcB up and deliver. VUllort Wtlcom Pa, iMi Merrill Rd Kt 2, t)OK &04 BHAHTA CAgTADJE KENNjSlJI ANUEHBON Boarding Kannala Phona 1047 nflHB ueiawaraori nomeoeiw TIIIIKR rnllla pupa for aalf. Three moniha nld. tfrild and white. Litter rei utered. Call :iowi. Avr a a 1 n.IV rhrle f'rlt Kit Hoat aUn CruU- era and Runabouta. Johninn bra Hone motora. Boati bought. 'Id and changed Doate (or rani to luher m""' MONnnR finAT wnnKS MA front St. Phona J lM 42 LIVISTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Caah paid for any amount Top market price (nr ( quality. For quotations PHONK 3851 KLAMATH POULTRY PARM8 SEED GRAIN SELECTED REED ORAINfl ORDER NOW FOR LATER DKI.IVERY CUSTOM CLEANING & TREATING MAL1N GRAIN Ai FEED Pliune 6W BABY CHICKS . ALL POPULAR I1REEDS FROM U. S. APPROVED PULLORUM CLEAN FLOCKS AVAILABLE EVERY 1 MONDAY ORDER NOW TO UK AHHURED OF HAVINQ YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM. MALIN GRAIN AND FEED PHONE 455 TiToRo t; 7 ; 1 1 tin r. r 1 1 ii7nkii 1 7r wVanrn. C. II. critll. Route 1. Bua 140. Uonan a. Otrfuit. U HKAIJ ci( (;urrnry and Hnlttrm rrrah dairy row. Ifrrcntly dnuuli rd. 10 HoUlclii rarllna hrlfpri. U Dtlr- ham ralvrv 1 trilitrrrtt Durham Dull David Kohlnjort, llntianca. Ore. Phone 21.111 KOI1 SAl.K, two freth HnUteln hrlfpra and one heavy aprlntfer. Cteorse LckIi, .VUn Denver Ave. Phone 2-1 16. i lorn 'no p 4.VM HiC.IIRST prlrea paid (or poultry, bogi ana iivfmca. BIG V MKA1 MAHKET Uakavlrw Jtincli"n Phona 4KU AI(i;iKKMA'. RHRKDINU SEHVlCfc Phona 9721 M C Churk Warren Rl J. Ron It no answer Phone 4400. HoOftlN angti calf. 4I), Phimti-fl6l7. SIIF.EP for aalt irxi cwei with lainha. Phona 407ft aftr 7 p m or Sund). BABY chick, liryrirn Irghonia, New llainpihlrr And CornJah llampihtrf rroaiB Talrnl Malchrry, Talent, Ore. IPhonp A'hland 2-lK2l. KOn SArr..-fr"fih milk row and whTit faced heifer calf. 2MK Homedale Road. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTBD. range. Phone '4MX WANItll In rant two bedroom unfun nithed hoime. Uuarantea good rare. PhnneflUMr. Jenktn. WILL pay to R.00 for two or three brdioom home, city Itmlla, paved ttreet. Mut have full baacment. Box 73, Hf ald and Newa, WANTED to buy, atraw, Phone H710. WANTED to rent, two or three bed room houe. Peteraon arhool dlatrlrt preferred. Reference!. Phone Mr. O Con ner. 7711 or 9115. WANTED to rent, two bedroom house In MIMa Addition, with fenced yard. Call 2-244A, WANTED to rent, two bedroom house, South Suburb preferred. Phone I07B. ItKMAULK couple demre to rent e be d room furnlnhed' apartment or house. No nel. Box fifl. Herald wd New. WANTED TO HE NT about 1A iicres for polatoea. Preferably on Entltilde of Tulrlake. Merle Woodley. Phone 7-1 OM, TuleHke. "rVB NEED CARS! Gel ton price now! rto. Motor Co flih end Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMERCIAL Furnishes Cashi' CASH LOANS ISO to $300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Salary 150 to MH1 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lin. 8-2M N-2U 107 No. 9lh ' Phon. Till 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE, Cash Loans Barrow Pay OnJ? $100 17.27 Mo. Rcpny In IS InUiillrnenU UP TO 1300 ON ruriNrruna oh salaut UP TO 11200 ON CAJIS HIE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Ounvenlcnt Loci u on Convenient to Burrow Convenient to pay Locally owned Nrw Cra 'inincrl tt bitnk rau -MONKY LN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co 0 year lerving Klamath Baill. Bee "C..uck" Bailey, Mr. 1M N 7Ui St Phone 332b 8-341 urn 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $895 CASH GIVES YOU YOUK OWN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Operation a route of new Sc and lUc merchandise d!pemer In Cafea, Drug Hturea, Taverns, CJIudh, Uua Depot, etc. All territories open, all locallona obtained for you. To qualify you must have car, ref erences and $805 Ca.ih. Devoting a lew of your apare lioura each week to the buMneks you ahould make up to li weekly with liberal fnmncliiK aulMiiiice to aid you In UkliiR over full time, with Income Incrcanlnii ccordlni!ly. Full Infor mation Uox 73 Herald and News. SJMISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SAVE UP TO $1,000 ON YOUR NEW LOGGING TRACTOR! We have just purchased 8 D-8 tractors In Oretfon, fully equipped for loRnlrn. If bouitht al prerent site, aav- Inss In transportation and hnndllnt will be paused on to you. We will finance on rental-purchase terms or take morUtase on clear equipment for down payment. For Full Information. Contact NATIONAL, TRACTOR CO. 401 Broadway, Sacramento. Calif. Phone: HUdaon 4-8268 SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned and Guaranteed USED ELECTRIC RANGES s39! UP USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS s59; UP VERN OWENS' Home Furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4th Phone 8365 SEE US AT ONCE! USED WASHERS FROM $10 up- USED REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES . . . $1 DOWN On Any APPLIANCE COSTING 150 OR LESS Merit's Bargain Barn 631 COMMERCIAL STREET '-AjLrg?:lJr.0J'-West Hitchcock! ONE hone drawn McCormtrk s toot mower, horn drawn McCormlck ootato cultivator, horse drawn John Deere one bottom two-way plow. Frank Mlcka. tlSED piano, elderly but fairly e.iod. SM. Terms. $10 down. $8 monthly. Louis It. Mnnn Piano Co. 120 N 7th. SADDLE "handmade, dmihlt rliard. like new. Very reasonable. 314 Hiih St. inmiRi Mirr a p.m OAS n ANCJE. while enamel. Very food ronrmjon.s;lo;PhnneS2a.l. Kbit SALE, almost new Case offset disc-, c. H. CoKell, Route 1, Box HO. Botianya. Oregon. f'Olt SALE, GE'stove. Kelvlnator wash ln machine. Priced lo sell. Both In rAvpuriM worninsconmiion. rnone 1917 I-OR SALE. 1IHII piper 1-3 metal pro peller, good fabric. Clean. Will demon strate. Phone Bust). SALE on Admiral refrigcratora. Choice of 8 models. Small flown Mb.iu months on the balance. LUCAS FlIHNITtJRB tn.t E. MAIN WARDS GAltllKN TRACTORS. Full ranae of sizes. a7 attachments avallnhl Buy on Wards Monthly Payment Plan, only 10 percent down 1ii-a IIP HOE TtlAC with tires. $in!: J,.3 up CIIOR. Trt AC with tfl a Itn TRAC with tires. Sll'JJ. MONTGOMERY: WARD nth and pine Phone mna LARGE bicycle, SIS. Phone 9SS4. FOR SALE, Mayleg washer. Good con-, rl lllon. wllh pump. Q, 71B Jefferson . SEWING machine, electric portable model. Guaranteed perfect aewlne kmi. dllinn. :i2.S0. SINGER SEWING MACHINE C.n SW Main. Phone 2-2S11 ItbOVER VACUUM rt.EANr.R author. tzed sales and service. Klamath Furni ture uo. aaiMatn, Phone sa.w. OLIVER 70 tractor, David Bradley rake Oliver mower, fl foot hydraulic scraper, To Gee Hydraulic pump, 2s miles west riacs otorc. wmtur uarusnerRer. IT HELPS YOU in to many ways when you learn the trick of bene fiting by Herald Ji News Classified ads. They're excellent for selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone am. , , SI- MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1 1 A.M. MALIN, ORE. As I have aold my ranch I will aril the following machinery and property at, public auction. LOCATED: 3 miles soulhcaat of Malln, Ore., on Hate line road near the Mill. MACHINERY 1041 116 Cat., wide gauge tracks, 3 cyl. double pump, 8 ft, blade. 1847 J-D Tractor, model AN. lights. 1047 M-M Tractor, model UTU. 1948 Case Combine, model K. bulk and sack atkh. t and 12 ft. pickup reels. 1046 Chev. 1'4 ton Truck, 2 speed axle, flat rack, 8:25 rubber, 20,000 actual miles. Oliver Oraln Drill, 10 ft. Oram attch. M-M Plow. 2 bott. 18 Inch, tumble bug. Global Dlac, offael. 8' 7". Bplketooth Harrow, 3 sec. with hitch. 12 ft. Bulphur Hpreader on rubber. Subvjller and Chisel. Kenyan Ditcher, 5 ft. Weed Mulcher. Corrugated Roller. J-D Cultivator and Pert. Rnrearler. checker. Atlas Scraper, hvd. 8 ft. Low-Bed Trailer. 6 wheel, gooseneck hitch. Atlas Hyd. Pump. International Truck, flatbed, 1:10 Dodge pickup, ovcrnauiea. meet uram Bed, 7x12 ft, Road Orader, old style. POTATO EQUIPMENT McCormack-D Digger. 2 row, hyd. lift. Kenyon Bpud Sorter, with elec. motor. Iron Age Planter. 2 row. Portable Bpud Loader, elec. motor. Portable Spud Loader, 2 extensions. FURNITURE Norge ncfrlg. 9 ft., Rollaway Bed like new. 2 Hardwood Chests of Drawers. 3-plece Walnut Bedroom set complete. Double Deck Beds of Eastern Maple. Small writing desk. Airline Cabinet radio. Swing Rocker. Fireside Bench. Lamps. Mirror. Kenmore Washer. 4 Kitchen Chairs. Dishes. Clothes Hamper. Most of this furniture Is like new and In top condition. Shop Tools and Miscellaneous Equipment 3 C-O two-tank type fire extinguishers, platform scales, hyd. Jacks, sur veying outfit. 2-power lawn mowers, grease guns, socket wrenches, forks, shovels, used barb and palge wire, 300 redwood Irrigation tubes, 1000 used grain bags, 600 ft. steel pipe 2 to 6 Inch. ?i and Inch galvanized pipe, clover curlers, elec. motors, sklllsandcr, rivet gun, miscellaneous too numerous to mention. DON'T MISS THIS BIG AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT, SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 11 A.M. SHARP TERMS: CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE S. f. BLOHM, OWNER Auction Service By R. E. "BOB" RHODES, AUCTIONEER Phone Klamath Falls, 4032 USED WATCHES $10 to $20 FULLY GUARANTEED ELGIN'S BULOVA LONGINES RICKYS JEWELERS DOWNSTAIRS STORE PHONE 3151 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 LADAK sr ALFALFA SEED 45c Lb. PURE SEED 99.98". GERMINATION 65.00 HARD SEED 28.50 Total 93.50 ETNA MILLS Ph. Etna 55 Etna, Calif. ONE new cable bulldozer, rear mount. TCU for caterpillar D7-7M aeries. Wtt H.icncncK inrporanon. UniVEWAY MATERIALS. Phona Joe Burl B7M. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinder. PHILCO RADIO, 11 tubei. 3160 Vine. Phone 42.',7. ONE ined John Deere Model G. PTO and power lift, atarter, 6 ply rear Urea. ciean. excellent, w em Hncncocic. BARNYARD FERTILIZER for aale, de- llvered. Phone 3-20.T0. ONE used Townner 4 foot 6 in. off-tet disc. Flta Ford or Ferguson. Like new. Weat Hitchcock Corporation. USED furniture values can always be rouna at mama in furniture to. jui Main. Phone 5353. FOR SALE, diamond. Appraised at $300. for S2.K). caah. P,hP"' fi7- FOR SALE, one tired caterpillar D-2. Major overhaul, clean, excellent. West Hllrhcor k Corporatjon . FOR SALE, .046 Model CM John Deere tractor. si.Vffl Virail G. Hollbrook. Mac- doel, California. PLAYPEN, excellent condition. Phone IKT WE HAVE In stock 6 LAM ORE NS rug cleaner, LUCAS FURNITURE 193 E. M AIN FOR SALE, foundation seed ootatoes. This seed has an excellent reading and was grown on weu-isoiaiea sou in ian- gall Valley. Phone Lorella 31.17. ADDING MACHINES, calculator, type writers, caati regis (era, desks, chain, (ilea, for sale or rent PIONEER OFFICE StTPPLV (120 Main Phone 741? LANDSCAPING. evercreens. shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42BB CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. P h one 2-1IB7 ELKCTROLlfX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phona 1167 Tarkel Tweet. Q2I Market MONUMENTS Deliveries and instat latlont can be made by May 30th If or dered now. .Clarence Ward. Klamath Monument Company, 923 High, phone PXO DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1BM CULL POTATOES for sale Phone H752 NEW Centennial model Singer Sewing machine Features fashion stitching, mending and monog ramming without line of attachments See demonstration and rereive rree instruction at SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 633MAlN- PHONE 2-2313 FOR "SALE. 27 ft Pintle house trailer Excellent condition a 1350 Phone 7-0326 or 7.1K172, Tulclake FOR SALE IBfoot trailer house, new Iv redecorated Interior, new furniture and stoves. Phone 2-2079 anytime; MIGHTY-MAN two-wheel garden trac tor, slightly used. New tires, five dif ferent plowing attachments. See this real huv and make me an offer. Trov Morgan, 4304 Denver. Phone 2-oao3. FOR SALI Duster, dew duster attach. 1934 SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY - WHEAT OATS - RYE PASTURE GRASS FERTILIZERS ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON SEWING machine, round bobbin, fully auaranteed. B29 50. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. f.T.1 Main Phon 2-2513 FOR SALE, .lpctrlf brooders, any size. 2443 South Sixth. Cheap. S5 AUTOMOTIVE tot a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" your Internationa True Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone 2-258) COA1PLKTK Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Gsolanada REAL GOOD LOW PRICED BUYS 1941 Ford V-8 Super Dlx. i A r C 4-Door, R & H 4ZJ 1941 Pontlac Cpe. Sdn. $ l l r Radio & heater 1938 Stude. Com. Bu. Cpe. JOIA Radio & heater A I U 1941 Dodue 4-Dr. Sedan SOOtt Fluid drive 07J 1941 Ford V-8 Super Dlx. SOQC Radio tt healer OO 1941 Olds. 6-26 4-Dr. Sdn. $ a q C R & H, Hyd. Dr 4Y0 ALL OOOD CLEAN CARS IN FINE RUNNING CONDITION. REGISTER TO VOTE NOW H. E. H AUGER BUICK GARAGE USED CAR DEPARTMENT Mfiin at Broad Phone 6151 HEME'S A HONEY! 1MB Chryiler "8' Royal Pour-door sedan. Radio, heater. Presto transmUvinti. low mileage. A beautiful car In every way. A real buy at $li95. H. E. HAUGER Bl'ICK GARAGE Used Car Deoartment Main at Brnart Phone .11.11 LOOKIN FOR A STEAL? HF.RR IT IS! 1MI Sludrbaker Chanintnn Reaat Fmtr- door if dun. Radio, heater, automatic transmission. 1ntt of enutoment. low mileaga. AKmlutely new car aoiwarance and condition. Try to duplicate this popular model Studebaker for $t8M H, E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE) Used Car Deoartment Matn at Broad Phone ttini FOR SALE. $61.1. eauitv In 1048 Stude- bnker Champion 4-door ledan. Or will trane tor older car. box an, uiy, Ore gon. FIVE new 670xlS white side walled tires $20, each. 1410 Mltcheli. FOR SALE, "flfl" Oldsmoblle two-door. Immaculate, perfect, 19,000 miles. Six tlrett. sin on. nt a. Boy 72. First house on left past Harpo Dam in Poe Valley. K. v. neicnam. 1PS1 CHEVROLET sedan delivery. Driv en B..100 miles, Tod condition. Price Slftnn. See at 192fl Main Street. ron SALE, lfl.m Mercurv snorts sedan. radio, heater, underseal $1600. Call 0113. CI Directory OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "Klafnith's Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week" A,IR CONDITIONING r'AFJE St f6Ll7ANij-223 Spring. Phona 3fU6 Air Conditioning Heating-Ventllat-Ins Sheet Metal-Weldlns-Steel fabrica tion. ARCHITECTS i'fjlRIN. MOWAItb R ARCHITECT. A I. A. -Phone fMrr7-H21 Main Street. AUTO DEALERS USED rjRIVB MORE MOTORS Why walk? We buy, tell, trade or ieM on con signment 'ny the cleanest, finest, newest. 302 Eat Main. Phone .17r. BAKERIES Polly ann bakery-119 North nth. Phr,ne 7l.77-"Birthday Caket Our Sp- cla'ty." VAC'S BAKERY "Special Occasion Cakes Made to Order" 4809 South 6th Phtne M.H. CAMERA SHOPS nt'D'S PHOTO SERVICE 1031 Main Phone 3.MW. Evervthin Phnfnrranhlr F ilm Developing In by 10 a.m.. Ou' by v p. in . CNOEHWOOD'S CAMERA SHOP 727 Mtin Phone 7063. Leading Lrand Photographic Supplies. Expert Photo Mnmning HuMcraft Greeting Cards CHINA-SILVERWARE RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 3131 "Home of Famous Brands." Inox-Pickard - Royal York Royal umiiton Wed-Lolt - Gorham - Wallace Kirk Towle - Lunt - international CLEANERS-DYERS CHAPMAN CLEANERS Phon 702 -.118 East aiam Pick up and Delivery. HOWARD'S CLEANERS P2J East Main Phone 9889. "In At 10 a m.. Out i a p.m. KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klamath's uiaest end Finen" 431 Main. Phone NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1451 F.s- planade. Phone 4471. "For Particular f'ooie. CLOTHING NEW AND USED THE CLOTHES MART 123 South 9th Phone XifA, Clothing For Aill Hand CLUBS TAVERNS TINY TAVERN S. W. "Perk" Perk ins. W. E. "Bill Mathes. "Acres of raining. "Maiiory'i Big Y DRUG STORES CASTLEBERRY S DRUGS P. D Mead frop urugs. Prescriptiong. Sundries. 530 Main Phone 3333. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES EAST SIDE APPLIANCE Bob Rob bins - Dewey Randolph. Owner. 623 Klamath Phone 8886. "Your Friendly wt-'unanouse ueaier. MERIT'S Sales and Service Maytag. Phllco - Serve! - Ironrite - amllton iseccni. boutn Bin. Phone z-3429. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EAST SIDE ELECTRIC 625 Klamath. Phone 3184. Industrial Wiring and Sup plies ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRIC HEATER SALES CO. Car roi Col via. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 3- ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN rLEET ELECTRIC 2nd and Main Phone 4413. Modern Electric uinnung r ixiures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE MACHINERY COt uaterplllar - Jonn Deere. Phone 2-2M4 FLOWER SHOPS CHARLIE MACK'S KLAMATH FLOW. Ell SHOP 1211 Main. Phone 415J. Member FTD. KOHN'S FLOWER A.VD GIFTS BUI and Rita DePew. Phone 817X 430 aiain. FURNITURE KLAMATH FL'RNITITRE f!tl Ml Main Phone 5353. Willard Hotel Build- GROCERS MARKETS COMMUNITY GROCERY 1040 Ea. Mam. Phone 5636. Free Delivery, Fresh veReiaoies. meats. GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Three stores it i a mam talis - Merrill Stew an j-ennox. ss AUTOMOTIVE BEST VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 77 a 7th Phone 7771 SUNNY DAYS ARE HERE HOW ABOUT A CONVERTIBLE 1948 Bulck Super Conv. ji nr Radio & heater I 70 1949 Ford 8 Convertible (in jr Radio & heater 1040 1948 Ford 8 Convertible $iriQr Radio & heater I UYO 1946 Buick Super Convt. iiftQP Radio & heater I UO 1946 Mercury Convt. $ qqp Radio & heater OO EACH AND EVERY ONE A TOP, CLEAN, SNAPPY CAR. DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER, SEE ING IS BELIEVING. . REGISTER TO VOTE NOW H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main at Broad Phone 5151 1M8 CHEVROLET sedan. $73. New oil Icry. license, lleaier. Phone 2-1M1B2. FOR SALE, 19.17 Ford Pickup, radio and heater, new engine. Phone 6160. 600x16 RECAPS S.V93 EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld er 2:1 So. 61h Phone 4313 WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 B. Main. Phone 3370. "We will fell your car tor vou." We buy and trade' FOR SALE, equity In 1046 H ton pickup Phone 2-1 457 a fter a p.m. FOR QUICK SALE, 1941 Chrysler Royal motor over-hauled. Good shape. Radio and heater. $.100 cash. Phone B133. ftu&Li CAMS: Uel lup price now Rose Motor Co 6th and Plum 47 MERCURY. R and H. Priced to sell. $700. Phone 2-0607 afternoons. FOR SALE, 1941 Plymouth special de luxe (our door. Clean interior, good motor. Terms. Ift06 Portland. 1931 GMC one Ion Phona 3791 THE HERALD AND NEWS if ied ass GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's Progressive Merchants it GUNSMITHS RALPH'S GUN SHOP 4S20 South 6th. Phone 4273. Authorized Winchester and Remington Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DRISCOLL AND PADGETT Fire Auto Fsrm - 20g WUliama Building pnone 7313. JOHNSON M. L. 26 Years In One Block. Associates; Grayce Eaton - Bob Causemaker. 434 Main. Klamath Falls, Oregon. JEWFLERS HARWTN'S "A Jewelry Store of Out standing Value." 701 Main. Phone 8821. J C. REN IE, JEWELER 1019 Main Phone 4006. Watch, Clock & Jewelry Repairing- Diamond Sett inf. Engraving Orangt Blossom Diamond Rlngt. Ham ilton - Elgin & Wyler Watches, RICKYS "Home of Famous; Brands." The finest name in Watches. Diamonds Silver, China and SmaU Appliances. Lenox-Plckard - Royal York. - Wed-Lok Gorham - Wallace - Kirk v-nk TowI - Lunt - Rolex Bui ova Ham ilton - EI Kin Art Carved Speidel - In ternatlonal and many others, Rlckys Jewelers. Certified Gemologisti Reg istered Jeweler. 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOB'S SELf-SERVICX LAUNDRY 1711 Main. Phon 9234. Kenmora Auto ma tics. AUTOMOTIVE ASHLEY'S f J e 1949 CHEVROLET STYLINE Radio, heater, seat covers, black color 1949 CHEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE 5-PASS. CPE. Beautiful tutone green paint, radio, heater, sportlite, motor reconditioned ......... 1949 MERCURY TWO-DOOR Radio, heater, low mileage. A nice clean car 1948 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN Columbia overdrive. New paint ft COMMERCIALS ft 1950 CHEVROLET Mi TON PICKUP' 1 . . . ; 4-speed transmission. '.. Completely reconditioned $475 Down 1949 FORD 12 TON PICKUP $410 Down 1948 FORD Va TON PICKUP $350 Down 1946 CHEVROLET 2 TON C & C " 8:25 tires. 2-speed axle : $400 Down REGISTER. TO VOTE NOW j Ashley Chevrolet i "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near lf50 CHEVROLET two door Perfect condition Sell or trade lor later model Pontlac, Chevrolet or Plymouth 22& East Main . MUST SELL this week, '41 Buick, two door, '49 engine, rndlo, heater. Per fect condition. Highest offer takui. Phone 8257. 1051 Plymouth Suburban Only 14 000 miles. New car condition. Original owner Price $1003 Service and check chart at local garage Can ba icen at 2,104 Eherllen BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE Corner Shaiia Way and Axthut StrMti Phona 8303 MASSAGES MASSAGE Natural hot water mineral baths. Open evenings. Phone B40.V MOVING AND STORAGE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Phone ?C3 142.1 South nth. Moving . Local . Loni Distance. Storage . Kit Goods . furnl ture. Agents Beklns. ORNAMENTAL IRON HOWIE BROS Pre-Kut Omamentsl Iron - Fences and Railings 2X17 Soma eth. Phone 4M2. PHOTOGkAPHERS PHOTOS BY GUDF.itlAN 1123 Main Phone 2-2791. Commercial . Portraits Aerial - Copying - Picture framing vjn coloring. i HBE STUDIO In U.S. NationZ Bank Building. Phone 3232. "Worth, while Photography at Reasonable Prices." PIANO DEAltRS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS 1033 Main Baldwin pianos, organs; Selmer-Holtoa band Instruments: piano tuning pianos, band instruments for rent Phnne 2-02H0. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. ia North 7th. One of Largest Stocks Lead ing Make Pianos in West Hsmmond Organ - Solovox. Rental Sale Plan. PLUMBING G. C. MOTLEY 812 Klamath. Phone WiH. Plumbing - Heating - Sheet Metal. PUMPS GARRISON EQUIPMENT COMPANY -Merrtll-Lakeview junction. Jacuzzi pumps and water systems. Sales, nnd services. Phone 7312. RADIATOR SERVICE KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 1901 South 6th. Phone 6642. Eves. 6967. RADIO STATIONS KFLW American Broadcasting Co. "Tops In radio listening!" 1430 on your disl. RESTAURANTS CAFES BARNEY'S CHAT-N-NIBBLE Eat the famous BAR-NEE-BURGER. Roma made Pies. 1312 Esplanade. Dial 2-2406. SAW FILING BODENHAMER SAW SHOP 351 East Main. Sales and Service. Lawnmowers. R S A. Motorcycles. All Sawa antf Tools. SEED STORES MURPHEY'S SEED STORZ "Seed! That Grow." 834 Klamsih. Phone 3443. SECOND HAND STORES COFER'S EXCHANGE Roland Coler, Owner. 619 Klamath. Phone Phone 7160. "House oi 1001 Bargains" New and used. SERVICE STATIONS RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE 3 JltH and Klamath. Phone S422. Auto Repair ing . Motor tune-up . Mobilgas Mobil oil. "Complete Line Accessories." SEWING SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main. Phone 2-2313. Complete Line ot No- SHEET METAL PADE & HOLLAND 222 Spring Phone 3616. Stainless SteeL Flue Ea tensions - Kitchen Ventilators. SHOE REPAIR - ED'S SHOE SHOP Tom Dunn. Phone 60211022 Main St. QUALITY SHOE REPAIR 812 Main Street Phon e 8702. Expert Repairing. SHOE STORES MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En tire Family. Featuring Naturalizer Roblee - Buster Brown. 717 Main. Phone 7363. . VAN ORMAN'S "Klamath Falls New est Family Shoe Store." Trlm-Tred Poll Parrot - RandA- Star 8rand. 327 m S&H GREEN STAMP STORES-" BROADWAY CLEANERS 4S35 South 6th. Phone 6403. "For Those Who Care." I S K used cars; DELUXE 4-DR. - 475 DOWN 475 DOWN $515 DOWN $350 DOWN SEDAN So. 6th Ph. 411) 1049 FORD V-8 Club Coupe, radio and heater Bought new by owner $137$ Phone 5363 FOR SALE, 1051 Old "mobile, 746 Call ornia. rnone a-ii;t. FOR SALE or trade on older r modQ an. hyilral car. 1051 Commodore 0 Hudson. than 4,000 miles. Radio, heater, matte. See at 3123 cannon, 1940 Ford Vt.i CUNtom Fordor fledanT Radio, heater, nice and clean. FlmJ clasi condition In every way. Come tiT and look it over. You can't duplicate it for 91 run, H, E. HAUGER HUfCK GARAGE Main at Broad