PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1052 MARKETS and FINANCIAL Stocks CHICAOO Wl Soybeans sparked n upturn In (train prices on- the board of trade Saturday. Dealings became active on the advance, par ticularly In the bear pit. Oalns ran to several cents In soybeans, but were limited to around a cent In other commodities. The buying in beans was touched off by news that the OPS had pre pared nn order to boost bean meal ceilings $14 a ton. from 674.00 to $88.00. It was said the order was under review by the Agriculture Department, which is believed to favor a hike in the maximum. Wheat closed V4 higher. May $2.61 -v,, corn -l 14 hiRher, May $1.85 oats 1 to 1 14 higher, May 86 Vn-Bl, rye 1 3,-2 V higher, May $2.03 3,a, soybeans 3 V-4 14 higher, May $2.95 ',4-62.96, and lard 15 to 23 cents a hundred pounds higher, May $1.92. Wheat IWn Hiih Low Close .May July ' Sept . Deo 2.51 4 2.53 '4 2.51 i 2.51 2.44 K 2.45 i 2.44 2.44's 2.45 'a 2.4fi '4 2.45 i 2.45 i 2.48 Ti 2.49 . 2.48 i 2.45 QUOTATIONS By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation 21 'i .Allied Chemical 72 Allis Chalmers 49 American Airlines 14 1 1 American Power & Light 25 14 American Tobacco 58 H American Tel. & Tel. 154 Anaconda Copper 484 Atchison Railroad 83 -Bethlehem Steel 52 Boeing Airplane Co. 48 '4 'Borg Warner 69 , Burroughs Adding Machine 18 California Packing 26 i -Canadian Pacific 37 . Caterpillar Tractor 50 -Celanese Corporation 44 '4 ' Chrysler Corporation 76 V ..Cities Service 110 3i .Consolidated Edison 3414 . Consolidated Vultee 17 Crown Zellebach Curtiss Wright 8 Vi . Douglas Aircraft 58 14 . dupont de Nemours 87 -Eastman Kodak 44 14 Emerson Radio 15 -General Electric 59 14 General Foods 42 14 " General Motors 55 .Georgia Pac Plywood 21 'i Goodyear Tire 45 3t -Homestake Mining Co. 36 H International Harvester 33 i International Paper 49 Johns Manville 68)4 Xennecott Copper 79 Lrbbv, McNeill 8 H Lockheed Aircraft . 20 H Loew's Incorporated 16 V& ..Long Bell A 39 - Montgomery Ward 63 14 'Nash Kelvinator 21 s. New York Central 20 14 Northern Pacific 93- "Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric 34 '4 Pacific Tel. & Tel. 110 Packard Motor Car 5a Penney (J.C.) Co. 67 .Pennsylvania R.R. 18 '4 -Pepsi Cola Co. 914 Philco Radio 31 Radio Corporation 27 4 'Rayonier Incorp 59 Va "Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel 42 14 Richfield Oil 58 ?4 Safeway Stores Inc. " 32 14 "Scott Paper Co. 51 - ' Sears Roebuch & Co. 53 3k Socony-Vacuum Oil 39 K . Southern Pacific 69 14 - Standard Oil Calif 54 ";4 Standard Oil N.J.. 79 Studebaker Corp. 37 Ts Sunshine Mining 10 14 Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. 24 4 Twentieth Century Fox 17 ?i -TJnlion Oil Company 44 '4 Union Pacific 11 United Airlines 28 Ti United Aircraft 30 H United Corporation 5 14 United States Plywood United States Steel 40 si . .Warner Pictures 14 Western Union Tel 8 Westinghouse Air Brake 5 s,'t Westinghouse Air Brake 25 N .Westinghouse Electric 36 Woolworth Company 43 - - - - - DISTRICT COURT James C. Bolton, overlength. Forfeit 13 oau. Clarence F. Lange, petit larceny. Sen tence 1 year. Lenora L. Moran, allowing unlicensed minor to operate motor vehicle. Fine 23. Harold Duff, no vehicle license. Fine $3. George H. Baldwin, not obeying op fjrator'a restrictions. Fine $25. MUNICIPAL COURT D. Odenbaugh, drunk. Fine $20 or 10 lays. .. Merton C. Dunning, reckless driving. Tine $50 or 25 days. Orrie C. Shaw, drunk. Fine $15 or 7' days. James Martin, drunk. Sentence 15 flays. ' Vivian Wilson, drunk. Fine $25 or 12', days. Bybee Butler, drunk. Fine $19 or t"t days. SINUS SUFFERERS AMAZING NEW DISCOVERY: Quick relief from sinus headaches, pressure ,in forehead, soreness in eyes, aching cheek bones, bridge of nose, top of head, back of head and down neck., can't think straight or see well at times, nervousness, dizzyness. This treatment relieves most sinus headaches in few minutes and as general rule soreness In head and neck is entirely relieved in short time, it has given fast and amaz ing relief to thousands. Write for 3 day FREE TRIAL, postpaid lo you, no cost or obligation except to return and pay few cents postage If not satisfied as this Is not a sample. National Laboratories, Box 451 Lodi. California Plant 'MjS LANDSCAPING IS OUR SPECIALTY Wi design end planf all kinds of landscapin q. YOU ARE INVITED to visit Lakeshore Gardens Nursery and see the Lovely New Evergreens, Trees and Shrubs just received. wur naray acclimated trees and LAKESHORE Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Mi Hogs ended Uie week with small price gains, a feat accomplished despite) a slump lo the lowest levels in 23 months on Wednesday. Offerings Saturday were quoted as steady, leaving tliem steady to 25 cents higher for the week. Sows gained most. Receipts here and at other mar kets continued fairly liberal, al though slightly smaller than in the preceding week. Shipments were cut back after Wednesday's lows, and this was considered the main reason for the subsequent upturn. Order buyers took only a small part in the market. Cattle receipts expanded tills week, but prices on slaughter steers and yearlings nevertheless held steady to $1.00 higher. Choice kinds gained mosU Heifers, bulls and cows all advanced. A broader Inquiry developed for feeding steers, which went at steady prices. In a generally firm "market, slaughter lambs gained about $100. Both wool and shorn offerings par ticipated in the upturn. Feature of the trade was the arrival of the first spring lambs of the sea son. They averaged 65 pounds and brought $30.00. Weather By The Associated Press S4 hours ending at 4:30 a.m. Baker 55 29 T Bend 50 33 Eugene 55 38 T La Grande 53 29 - Lake view 53 30 Medford 59 34 North Bend 60 38 .01 Ontario 65 39 T Pendleton 59 35 T Portland Airport 54 43 .01 Roseburg 54 39 T Salem 54 40 T Boise 63 36 T Chicago 46 32 Denver 64 35 Eureka 50 44 Los Angeles 82 54 - New York 51 37 Red Bluff 76 52 San Francisco 67 48 - Seattle 45 38 .04 Spokane 49 33 Northern'California Partly cloudy north of San Francisco Saturday through Sunday: occasional show ers Saturday night Santa Rosa Chico northward: slightly cooler over interior Saturday. Northwest' erly winds of 12 to 25 miles an hour off coast, becoming 20 to 30 miles an hour Sunday north of San Francisco. Grants Pass and Vicinity Part ly cloudy with an occasional show er Saturday through Sunday. High Saturday 55: low Saturday night 34: high Sunday 53. Western Oregon Cloudy with a few showers Saturday and Satur- day night, mostly In north portion: cloudy SSuSnday with rain during afternoon: continued cool. Highs both days 45 to 55: low Saturday night 32 to 40. Westerly winds of 18 to 28 miles an hour olf the coast Eastern Oregon Mostly cloudy Saturday with showers in north portion, spreading to south portion at night; mostly cloudy Sunday with snow flurries in mountains: cooler Saturday night. Highs both days 38 to 48; low Saturday nignt, 28 to 38 except about 20 in high valleys. BIRTHS MITCHELL Born at Klamath Val ley Hospital. March 28. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mitchell. 3915 Shasta Way. a boy. Weight: S tounds 3 ounces. CHRISTOPHER SON Born at Klam ath Valley Hospital. March 28. 1952, to Mr. and Mra. Leonard Christopher son. 218 Martin St., a girl. Weight: v pounas o ounces. COMPLAINTS FTLEO Sharp Grain Co. vs. W. W. Brown and Margaret L. Brown, doing pusi- nesi as ureaon seed and reed lo. suit to collect $427.35, with interest thereon at 6 per cent from. June 11, 1951. Florence Christensen vs. George Christensen, suit for divorce. Couple married in August, 1947. at iteno. rev. Charge, cruelty. Plaintiff seeks prop erty settlement ana szoo attorney lees. I.. O. SiTsemore, attorney for plaintiff. Fireman Brings His Own Kindling PORT ANGELES W Walt Madsen made two trips to an up holstery shop here Wednesday. The first was during; the after noon, when he trundled in a prized chair he had made from Philippine Mahogny many years before, to be reupholstered. The second trip was about three hours later when, as a member of the city fire department, he answered an alarm at the same establishment. The first piece of charred, burn ing furniture Madsen carried out of the blazing building was his own chair. "Most disastrous fire in the city's history," Madsen grumbled discon solately to bystanders as he poured water on the smouldering padding oi the chair's remains. Packers Oppose Ice Harbor Dam ASTORIA Wl The Columbia River Salmon and Tuna Packers Association will urge the Columbia Basin Inter Agency Committee to avoid endorsement of Ice Harbor Dam. J. H. Cellars, Association secre tary, said Ice Harbor would be a main topic at the April 9 meet ing o: tne inter Agency commit tee at Walla Walla and he would be there to speak In opposition. PLANT NOW Evergreens Shade Trees Flowerinq Trees Fruit Trees Flowerinq Shrubs Roses and Lilacs 1 1 TM 11 - - - -- snruos are guaranteed to grow. GARDENS NURSERY I Unfile :ilpil. (Continued from Tate One) stead of ending them. But There Is the Oregon F. E. P. act. It Is a law. It is on the books. As long as It Is the LAW OF OREGON, it should be enforced. No one in Oregon should be al lowed to LOOK THE OTHER WAY while it Is being violated. If, under Oregon's F. E. P act, Nishloka Is entitled to the Job he applied for and qualified for he ought to be given the job and, if need be, he should be given a bodyguard of Oregon state troop ers to see to It that his rights under the law are not interfered with. As I see It. A LAW IS A LAW When we tolerate the practice of looking the oilier way while laws are Being violated, we teak DOWN RESPECT FOR LAW. We build up in the minds of the peo ple, particularly tne younger gener ation DISRESPECT for law. If a law isn't a good law, if it was put on the books merely as a pious gesture ana so oy common consent it isn't strictly enforced, we should insist that it be repealed. Goodness knows, Oregon's disre spect for the laws prohibiting gam bling are setting an example that is bad enough. Let's not ADD to the list. Funeral ADAMS Funeral sen-Ices for Homer Francis Adams, 57, who passed away March 211. will be held from O'Hair's Memo rial Chanel Monday March 31 at d. m. The Rev. E. M. Causey offlrl ating. Interment wilt be made in Klam- am Memorial ram. WELCH Funeral services for Ceorge Orvllle Welch. 71, who died here March "B. wilt take place from the First Baptist cnurcn on Aionaay. Aiarcn ji. iso. 2 cm.. Dr. E. M. Causey officiating. Commitment service and interment in Linkvllle cemetery. Ward's Klamath Funeral Home in charge of the ar rangements. Legal Notice bUNopsis 6V aS'S'UaL STATEMENT of tfi D:"u'' 31. 1M. ?,Efe&N.f ? INSURANCE COMPANT ot Philadelphia in tr, Stan oi Penn sylvania, made to the Insurance Com. auant"!" Iawl-h" SUt oi Urson P01- ADMITTED ASSETS 1521". 6.720.210.4. lS.r.rVIr 1 4.403.55S.0O estate Real estate, less (none) en:umbrances Cash and bank deposits Acents' balances or un collected premiums Interest. d;idends and real estate Income due and accrued Otner assets Nona Nona 47 2.045.716 36 Total admitted as- nBILlffE-srsVRl50 , OTHilR FUNDS Ht!M V.".- 1.503,742.00 Um adjuitmnt et penaw 100 6.15.00 All other IlabllittM Z '535.121.'l5 -uiai iiatuuuej except capital $ 8.506.158.62 Capita! " paid up 12,000.000.00 Special urpluf fundi lS'ont L'natsigriffl funds tsur- P1ujj- 3,447,240.42 Surplus as regards pol- ivjuwmem 3.47,240.42 miurrii earned j 5.944. 1519 Lossm Incurred 3 2112 3'7 H4 ?" Pjns incurred Mi.6il.hS Other underwriting ex- I penies Incurred 2.787.259.94 I Total underwriting de " Net underwrnini'Vain ,L,uu. J 6.274.429.73 T7" T-.- - 427.005.78 B3.1 96.634.7S 3.444.51 Other income Total, before federal In- ; come taxes Tederal income taxes incurred Nft income Dividends to ilockhold .er ; Dividends to policy" ho:Jer Capital charites net Other items ffti.i,- 93,100.27 Nona 147.949 91 Total capital and iur- Jncreaae In aurplui as .(,- j"iicnoiaeri 241 140 IS BUSINESS IS OREGON EVICT TUP VI- . r Net premiums received. 178 042 79 Net losses paid 110 27 ia Dividends paid or ed J10--".39 . Ited to policyholders Kan -Principal office in Orecon. 400 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Wo. S29 Portland NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE Is hereby sriven that th unaermgnea nas oeen appointed Ad ministratrix Of ths m-tflti- nf 1 .11 in r Hobson. sometimes written Lulu Hob son, deceased, and that all persons uaviug viMiuiB against saia aeceaeni or her estate shall present same, with the proper vouchers, to me at Room l-oomis Buildins. Klamath Falls. Ore. gon, within six months from date of mis notice, march s, 1952. CALLIE M. TIMMS, Adminiatratrfv M 8-15-22-29. No. 904 NOTICE Examination for Certified Public Ac countants of Oregon will be held In Portland from 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 14. through Friday May 16, lf52. Applications must be filed with the Secretary on or before April 15, 1052. wm. n. Moim, c.p.a. Secretary 414 American Bank Building Portland fi. OrxDnn M. 29-31 A. 1 No. 930 NOTICE OP DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE-CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KT.AMAT1T milMTV Tn the Matter of the En tat nf HARRY E. WILSON. Deceased. Notice Ik hir.hv 0ivn that r timi filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entftUrf tat and that the Court has appointed April 28. 1952 at 10 a.m. as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. Emma Wilson. Executrix Ganong Ac Ganona Attorneys for Executrix M. 29-A. 8-12-19 No. 931 Phone 4286 CLASSIFIED RATES On day per word 4a Three Days per word lie Week run per word 20c Month run - per word 65c MINIMUM Tlie minimum charge for any one ad is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 26v. DEADLINES Classified am accepted up to 6:30 pjn. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 12 noou for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please mite all claims lor adjust ments without delay. , IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a wonderful husband. Carl K. Samlell passed away six months ago today. Sept. .toili, Mrs. Carl F. SandeU. FUNERAL HOMES WARDS Klamjtn Funeral llouit. High Street. Phone .1:134. LOST AND FOUND LOST 1949 Cadillac hub cap. Vicinity town and airport. Return Schoop and Schulie Tire Service GENERAL NOTICE EASTER SPECIAL Oet your EASTER PERMANENT At a reduction at the Lady Klamath Beauty Shop Call Vclma at 6677 Legal Notice NOTICE TO. CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate ot GEORGE W. ACER. Deceased. Notice Is hereby irlvea that I have been appointed administratrix ot tha estate of George w Aer. Deceased. All persons having claima against said estate are required to present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong & Gallons. 724 M.'il Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six months from March 29. 1932. which Is date of first publication of this no tice. Blanche Ager. Administratrix. Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix M 29-A 3-12-19 No. 928 NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the matter of the Estate of ELMER L. HOLT. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed April 28. 1952 at 10 a.m. as the lime for hear ing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. Delia M. Holtj Administratrix Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix M 2S-A 3-12-19 No. 927 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Executrix of the Estate of Lester F. Klrkpatrlck. deceased, by the circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has Qualified. All oersons havin iMiuis against saia r.siaie are noti fied to present the same to the under signed with proper vouchers, at the of fice of Wm. KiivknrlH p,i,. t.m Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon, wiuv in six months from March 15. 1932. LOLA S. KIRKPATR1CK, Executrix M 15-22-29. A. S No. 9t4. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ine undersigned nas been appointed Executor of the Eitatu of Hmie E. Marshall. Deceased, bv tha circuit Court Of the State of Orpfnn fnr Klam ath County, and has qualified. All per sons having claima against said Estate are notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at the office of Wm. Kuykendall, Pine Tree Bulldins. Klamath Falls. Ctrrann within iv montlu from March 22, 1933. JOHN A. MARSHALL Executor of the Estate of Hattte E. March- l nr M. 22-29-A. 9.12 No. S2J. NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS EQUITY. NO. 126. In the matter of th Pntnn th. Board of Director- nf th Miriimri ni. . trie. Improvement Company of Klam ath Count V. Ornenn nrnvlna that ii of the proceedings in connection with in orgaoiuiion or the Midland Dis trict Improvement Company and the proceeding of th Rmrri n ri-t and of said Midland District Improve ment Company providing for and auth orizing a certain contract between the Midland District Improvement rnmmnv and the United States of America may be examined, approved and confirmed by the Court. To the Midland District Improvement Company of Klamath County, Oregon, and to all Freeholders. Legal Voters and Assessment Payers within said Midland District Improvement Com pany: Notice Is hereby wivmn that th ht.- of two o'clock p.m. of Tuesday. th 22nd day of April. 1052, and the Cir cuit Court Room In the Court House or Klamath County, Oregon, are hereby set as the time and place for the hear ing oi ine re m ion or the Board of Di rectors of Midland District Improve ment Comoanv nf Kitmnih rv,i -.. Oregon, praying that all of the pro ceedings for the organization of said Midland District Improvement Com pany and all' of the Drocei-riin fnr the authorization and execution of n certain water right contract between the Midland District Improvement Com pany and the United States of America may be examined, approved and con firmed bv the Court urhi-h Da.tltinn has been duly filed with the Clerk of said Court: Any person lnteretfrl mav nv time on or before Turinv th vinA any oi April, iua, at tne hour of two o'clock p.m.. appear a-d contest the validity of such proceedings or any of M,B .S.T "''"W inerein enumerated. t-nas. r. JJCL,aD. Clerk of the Circuit Court of the oiate oi ureson tor Klamath county Ruth E. McPherson Clyde R. Patterson Winston H. Patterson Directors of Midland District Im- provement Company. aO--Z! A. . riQ. 913. SUMMONS Enuitv Ma J IN THE circuit rnrrnT nv tuv STATE OF OREGON 'OR THE COUN TY OF KLAMATH LUCY SEARS, Plaintiff, VI. PAu.- SEARS. Defenrfent TO PAUL SEARS, Defendant: i JH6 WAM UF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer nlalntfff'a comnlalnt on file herein on or before the 8th day of April, 1032, and If you fail to so an wer or otherwise appear, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint. To-wlt: For, the decree of this court dissolving the marriage contract hrtnfnrM vUi ing between the plaintiff and defendant no gran ung to piaintiri a decree of absolute divorce or and from you upon the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat ment and of personal Indignities ren dering life burdensome; decreeing to plaintiff the care, custody and control of the five minor children of plaintiff and defendant, namely, Gllda Sears, age 4 years, Gwendolyn Sears, age 3 years, Paul Waynt Sean, age 2 years, Or. vflle Sears, age 1.1 months, and John Sears, age 4 months, and tor such oth er and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons Is served upon you by Eubllcatlon thereof In the Herald and ewe once each week for four consecu tive weeks 'five Insertions) pursuant to the order of the Honorable David R. Vandenbcrg, Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered the 7th day of March, 1032, the first publi cation to be made on the 8th day of March, 1912 and the last publication thereof to be made on the 3th day of April, 1952. CLAYTON J. BURRELL Attorney for Plaintiff Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls, Oregon March , IS, 32, 2flth nd April 0th. , iNo -90S GENERAL NOTICES ROOFINQ Built-up ConiiKMltlon Slilticjri Aluminum Blilnglos SIDINO Asbnstat Cwlnr shakfs INSULATION Hlown-tn Flbcrslns!! COMUINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN nni STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation PhoitA 4468 or CLEM 1.ESEUER. 3-3443. Audit ALL WORK GUARANTEED FERNSHORT now at f'earca Beauty Shop. Phoneflia, LANE'S Fur Company (formerly Hlch arttsl new address, iota Main across irom om location, open for pusmess April 10. ' PERSONALS FRATEX JMasUcs. Phona II.T24. FASHION and ilafltord Frocks repr. sentallves. Phone 41173. WELL KNIT guaranteed hosiery. Phone FRATEX Plastics. Phone X14 SI ANLEY Home Product!.-lPhone Mia. 10 SERVICE v CUSTOM TRENCHING FOR DRAIN TILE IRRIGATION PIPE SEWER DITCHES WATER DITCHES FERGUSON MOBILE UNIT DAVIS Plumbing Company 337 East Main Phone 7635 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you clonT want, Bomeone else needs I Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don t want. This Is the kind of service we are olferliiK . . . why not take advant age ot this unique opportunity. Drop in at 355 East Main 111 Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let us work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6th Phone 6188 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guaranteed. PHONE 5731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIOHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 Septic fanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans cwer Lines of Roots, Etc ED F. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 EXCAVATING Mobil tihove) and Trench Hoc Bulldozer Fill Dirt - TopsoU Crushed Rock Driveway Cinder Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone 5541 or 8859 ELECTRICAL, contracting. Work guar anteed Phone 2-1010 CARPENTER work. RemodiMin new con it ruction. Phone 2-0617. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, ahorihand typing kin dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phone 4760 13 HEALTH STEAM bathi, exerciics, tpot reHucing for men and women. Phone 3663. ALTERATIONS Anita's. Satlifsrllnn guaranteed. Phone 6353, Jennie Hare. PAINTING and Da ner ha n trine. Phnna 7617. CURTAINS laund-ed "and'ftretchert rnone 4BM J L. DEAN Public Accountant anrt Auriltnp Office at 30 No. 7th. Phone .348 PAINTING, decorating, paperhanglng, plasterboard finishing, spray painting. Phone 3028 TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen der work. Phone 4040. 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE BABY sitter wanted in my home. Older woman preferred. Children age 1 yr. and 2' yrs. Call 0434 after 8:30 or 0138 during the day. EXPERIENCED practical nurse avnll able. Prefer night duty. Phone 2-3.HU). WANTED, bea u t V one ra tor. Houston Beauty Salon. Phone M1H. WANTED, housekeeper. Excellent work ing conditions. Private room and bath Good salary. Only persons Interested In permanent employment need apply. Phone 3210 for Interview. EXPERIENCED Insurance girl for gen eral Insurance office In valley town near Portland. Very attractive salary for right pemon. State qualifications In cluding training, experience and previ ous employment. Write Herald News, Box 71. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE FARMER for year round ob. Must he reliable and experienced In Irrigating grain and alfalfa. State experience, age. size of family. Furnish references In first reply, Box 74, Herald News. MECHANIC WANTED Experienced In ChryKier products or General Motors. Apply In person. Dim hat Motors. Phone 7763. IS 9210.00 A WEEK WORTH A POSTCARD Trt VniT Then rush card for special FREE TRI nu fbrtn mat sens amazing new Auto matic Refrigerator Defroster like "hot cakes!" D-Froht-OMatfc, Dept. 12-C, 173 W. Madison, Chicago. MAN TO EARN 00 week up. Long needed Invention. Advertised Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentlemen. Pros nects everywhere. Full, n-rt tim v.v. elusive. No Investment. Fret samples. write Hea comet, Inc., Dept. 83-C. Lit tle tojLCorada HAVE opening for Qualified salesmen In hardware, sporting goods and plumbing departments. Apply Montgomery Word HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS are awaiting you In the Personal col umns ot Herald & News Classified section. Read the Personals dally 1 hornet Phone 8111. U HELP WANTlfl, MALI TMoiiOiiisiii.Y MK'ilf.unl 'auluMi-.Ulli. ntfi'hMMic fur (tiiftnl m'MK work mi all inakv. of rut. ar around tub fi.r (ha rltiht man. Amlirnort Auto Hervtre. tMi Walmil. Phone Hiu day a or 641 evenlnitx am! Suiulityii WANTED," uuiakrut U ,.... iMuine au.vtn. SAi.EsK.ANViti runKiTlo ainrl,"" "apprti" WS. per monllt. Opportunity lo vaiu-e. Ampi HI to Ilu. Apply Slamlni .Stallona, lm ml ant) Main or tap Inn a tit ami Spring HU. 17 HELP WANTED EXCELLENT "nnp in U In n to experienced real titala alea nun. Phone --MIM. WANTED. NiupleiiTyt.rVlouikv work, iniM-man yam and Janitor work, fiteam hralnl cottaiie, imxl.t'il. all uttl lll furnlihrri. tiood a-Urie-. Only pcr-aon- Interealrtl in iieroianvnt eniplov mnt need apply. Phone 3-10 for Interview, 18 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED, ainail ieU of "Souk, lu keen In my home. Hriumialile. Phone P.: Mi. WANTED," lia'tiy allllng Job." Phune or mum nfler 4. Mi evonlnin UAKt-KNlNt), Phone"--6tlH. " HuiiSEWOliKrby hour. fl.uo per Imuf. Phone 2--7HU. WASIliNU. VtreU-liing curtVlni. Phone l!UMi. KXPElUENt'KD: office worT. we? tlonut, caihlcr, alealaily, baby tilting. Phone B74U. CHILD care aujttme. Phone 2 0111 aft ernoonij CHILD-CAHE. aM"Eit Mam. f4TTo 3:: ly phone!W70. even. 2 0.V2. WILL care fur children in my ttome day venlii. Call 2-1 343. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT ONE room fur rent. Cooking privilege. 31) MniirJ'lwine WMW RtiOMSjiKM" li'lgh. ROOM .gen lleiiuh. l!Uu Cre-ccn"tT iaitiHThotwekeeping.- Everything fir nuhed. Suitable kuher bachelor or cou P,l.,-N,,l",n.ll,' ROOM, gentlemen. Phone 3lt;tfl. NICE BOOMS. 3-2 Pacific TVrrace. hob SlS fur rent. Private entrance. Clo-e tnPhnnejH44. ROOMS. prlcoirciwnahie!" Phune 4t(T. rbVELlT'rnonit for rent. 96-f7. a week Cio in. Phone 41M. FRONT r.Mim for rent. Greer Apart menu. Ttu Main. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT TOR RENT, three room fuinl.hrd apartment. Adult, only. 31.17 Orchard. Inquire 2ii:r7 Kadcllffe. EUHNlSHEb" ntwrtnienl-cottagp iiiit able for two, Clote to Enquire Theater, CMy itleam heal. 33. If Intere-ted, ilrvu box 73, care nf Herald ami New. Ciive numtwr in famll-( occupation and telephone numtwr. TWO room apartment. Alt utlHtTca fur nUhed. IMiune 2-U1UH, Acot Jlulel, 1411 Main. SMA1.L nutdern apartment. 21.1 Cedr TWO roont furni-hed apartment, elec tric range, refrigerator. 5. 21-11 Re clamation. FOR RENT, four room fuVn'uhed iTp. lalrt apartment. Clo-e in, Adult Phone B41H. CLEAN attractive welt u mi tried two room court ' apartment with garnxe Cloeln. $:t3 30. Phone JIM or37H TWO ROOMS furnlihed. auiUbte fur two 114J Pine. NEAT three room furnUhed apartmeur. 61CO South Sixth APARTMENT with gai heat alto atnall rahlna. .11 H FOR ltE.NT-:i room furnished apart ment. :i;ih Broad. PARTLY f urnlhei"wo"-lM(ilWm ' apart, ment on Hnmrdale Road. Phone 0tn7. NEWLY decorated apartment. Greer Apia. 710 Main. UNFURNISHED, hair merit apartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hut water heat and water furnished. 133. Refrig erator and electric range available 2,,irMain f ph'lnr...3410 ,fUr u p m STEAM HEATED aparlmentwTthed. room. 02S Oak St. FURNISHED fur rent. NEW apartment for rent. Couple only. No drinking. No pels. 3141 Gary lit. Phone 2-H(7 FURNISHED clean apartment. Gaa equipped. Refrigerator fur quiet couple. Villa Marquis. Inquire lX14Oak. CLEAN ihree rootn furnished apartment Steam heoL Clo-e In. Adults. Phune HJi.17 . FOR RENT, apartment. Siiitonlefn7 couple. Inquhre Apt. 7, 1717 Main. FOR RENT, furnuhed two bedroom apartment Private bath, dm vale trance. 3015 Oregon Avenue. Phune THREE room furnlihed apartment and hath. Adults only. Phone M7-, 011 Wal nut tNFWl.Y decorated, prtvate hath, kit chenette. 8team heat, electric range tin week Hex Arms Apartment. THREE ROOM furnished apartment, aodl wnite. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT MODERN four room house directly arrms Henley High ichol Electric ranae. witter heater. yarn. Burden space, garage. Very cteen. Inquire at tyuonaet hut next poor. FOR RENT, three room furnuhed house. Couple only. Inquire 30 Pine or 4.X1 Oak. FOR RENT, three room furni-hed home. Gas equipped. Couple only. In- quire 1 (Ml Manianlta. RENT, low, clean, completely, nicely furnlsled home. One ur two preferred persons. R34 Oak. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. Auto matic oil furnace and garage. ' hloek rrom Fremont Hcnooi. ru. call FOR RENT, two room furnished house. LI it his and water furnished. S.tO. Adults only. 240 Martin. TWO bedroom home completely fur nlnhed.4:i(t4 Summers Jvtne. Adults only. UNFURNISHED house .jtRfHi SmithJixih PARTLY FURNISHED house for rent". Inauire 2201 Onk. FOR RENT, three room modern, nnrlly furnished cabin. Electric stove. See af 1235 Adams. FURNISHED CABIN fnr bachelor or working couple. Garage. Phone 3.MUI. FOR RENT, two room furnished " house! Lights and water urnlihed. $23. Call 3202. FOR RENT, nearly new one hedroom houe. suburban. Automatic washer, re. frigeratnr. electric range, electric water heater, electric bent. One block lo good bus line. Phone 06112 afternoons or eve- nlngs, UNFURNISHED house for rent. Phone FOR ' RENT, modern furnished three room house. Inquire 1620 Hummers Lane lJUi'LEX lor rent. Phono 30117 beiore 0 p.m. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E, Main Phone 8304 STORE or office. 830 sq, fL" floor space. Phone fl-20. FOR RENT, 33 acres clover ground for potatoes CR. Dyer,Tiilclnlte, OFFICE SPACE In Stewart Drew' build Ing, Inquire Drews Mans tore, 733 Main St. AMERICAN floor sanders and edgers, swift and ensy to operate. Bruce floor finish, fillers, waxes and varnish. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER , 1B40 So. Sixth Phone J816 OFFICE for rent 023 Main. Phone 7101. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO bedroom house, h udwootT ftooni! automatic heat, fireplace and basement. Located nn California. Ave. Priced for quick sale by owner. Call 2-0201 eve nings or Hunrlnv. ONE BEDROOM HmrHE at 1028 Main Street. Include separate lot located In center or Hot-Water district. See owner at above address. OFF KIXTII BTnCF.T South Suburban six-room modern home, plus utility and cooler room, double garage and workshop. On pnved street. Landscaped 'a acre of berries, fruit and shade trees, Phone 7008, Terms on K.H.A. FpR SALE,' 'a acre excellent gnrden ground. Well water for Irrigation. Good location. Excellent terms to working man. Phone 2-:i.1.ifl after 5 p.m., anytime Saturday or Sunday. FOR SALE by owner, two bedroom home, practically new. Mills Addition. Take FHA or Veterans lonn, Shown by appointment only. Phona 7202 venkns after six p.m. 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR $ALI WILL GIVE 5 YEAR LEASE On 70 acres Irrigated land. 3 miles from Klamath Falls. SEE ALSCHMECK 517 MAIN Phone 3211 60 ACRES! Sandy soli, no nlkall. home, rleo Irlclty mid other, outbuildings. Electric pumps, 1300 ruIIoiui pet minute. This U a bargain at $0500. Located on main highway. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 80. 6tll Ph. 083J or 6743 HOT SPRINGS CONVENIENTLY located sKwo bedroom home Just one block to Roosevelt School. All oK floors, fireplace, pitted oil heat, separate dining room, basement. Landscaped lot 60x140. Price $13,600. ENGLISH STYLE POUR BEDROOM HOME on Eldorado street. Large living room with fireplace, l'j bultu, hardwood floors, nice closclx and storage space, full basement. Good heating system. Fenced back yard. Price $16,500. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE Anne Masoa Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 113 S. tth Phone 7266 BRISTOL AVENUE Lovely two bedroom home that Is neat and clean. Large lawn and plenty of garden space. Lovely (lowers and shrubs. Only $0500. HARLAN DRIVE Are you tired of the conventional home? Tills one Is different. This home Is up where Die cool breezes are. overlooking a large lawn and nice shade trees, garden space, chicken house and two car ga rage. Only $8250. YALTA GARDENS This home has been occupied for leu than six montlu. It Is so new that the landscaping has not been done. Buy It for the FH A. ap praised price and fix the yard the way you wnnt It. Johnny Hobson Dale Orubb Eves. 6804 Eves. 3544 AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phone 8283 CHARM PERSONALITY ideally located 4306 Anderson Just off Summers Lane In ELM WOOD PARK a fast growing new community protected by building restrictions charming living room with huge PICTURE WINDOW nice ROMAN BRICK fireplace a kitchen you have DREAMED about 12x15 cupboards galore garbage dLsposul unit two bedrooms 8PACIOUS lots of SUNSHINE large dining area with picture window overlooking the MOUNTAINS-PATIO Is extra roomy and sur rounded by hundreds of bulbs lor OUTDOOR L1VINO. exterior Is NATURAL CEDAR attached garago. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sat urday and Sunday afternoons lrom 3 to 5 or can be seen by special appointment. $11,500 Everett Dennis Don Klrkpatrlck, Salesman Phone 9706 121 N; 8th Phone 8491 TWO nearly completed houses fur kale In Mills Addition. Two bedrooms, sin,. :i00. each. Phone H78Q. Inquire :!HI0 Hhasta Way. Axel t'loren, Builder of Better Homes. FOR SALE. 1-year.old 2-bedronm home In Mills Addition H,4.MJ down Total price lesa than fMA appraisal Must be aetn to be appreciated Phone 7375 TWO bedroom home for aale In Mills Addition one block from Mills School. Priced very reasonable. 2037 Garden. Phone 2-nsno. TOR IMMEDIATE SA1.R 2 bedroom home located at .'1.1R Grant Street, Practically any terms available Would even consider used car or trailer house. If Interested In owning your inline ami saving money mis IS It, YEAIl old three bedroom hums In ra. slrlcted Eldorado addition. Electric heat completely Insulated, aluminum storm and screen windows. Attached garage, hardwood floors throughout. 121 Dahlia. Phone 7I. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH TifiS FIRM TOR ACTION. EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR tI No. th Phone MM JO RIAL ISTATI 'OR SAll 'TAT" HOWES Realtor HOT BPIIINOS Beautiful new 3-brdroom hnnit complctr-d lust November, Fire place, wall to wall curpellng, large living and dining 1.11111. Modernistic kitchen with serv ing bar. Itailluut electric heat, $1.1,600 00. Buyer can aniline O.I. loan. Call . . MERVYN B1IU0K "PAT HOWES" REALTOIX 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3646 Gl SPECIALS FOUR BEDROOMS 2'i blocks of school, 110,500 ' FOUR BKDHOOM8 In Mills Addition tor 110,000 TWO BEDROOMS Threo blocks of Main. 17000 TWO BEDROOMS Three acres. 67.600 ONE BEDROOM All new, electric heal. 15000 , TWO BEDROOMS 13 acre nrnr Peterson School 106110.00 it TWO BEDROOMS On two lot corner near Peterson School 110,005 TWO BEDROOMS On S-ncrc, 66300 ONE ACRE, FENCED Two Bedrooms on Denver Ave. 67875 w ' FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE C0ATE8. Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1305 MALIN RANCH 185 Acres of some nf the beat Ir rigated IbikI in the Basin. Two set of buildings, therefore pos sible for division by new own er. Three good houses. Two potato cellars lone excellent). Rich sandy loam soil, paved road, cloae to Mnlln. For prtre and details pleuse contact this office. CATTLE RANCH 820 Acres. 67 acres Irrigated now. More com be added. Plenty nf water. Two homes, excellent Inrge barn and other good outbuildings. On pavrd rosd. 20 miles from Klamath Falls. Price 660.000. Terms. Dou t miss this. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Excellent concrete tile building with modem 4-room apartment. Excellent for service business. Prlct 122,000. AUTO COURT A strictly modern ll-uiilt motel with 7 housekeeping units. In best of condition, excellent furnishings, well located and proven high In come. Price 647,500. Owner will also take ranch as trade. Don't miss tills. . HOTEL LEASE We have one of the best small hotels In city center. Good lease. Reasonable rent. Other imprest forces sale. Priced lo sell quick. Don't miss this. WALT DIETZ, with T. B. WAITERS REALTOR and INSURANCE 107 SO. SEVENTH Phone 4102 ' (Evcs. 14G9) You Get The Boat We've got the land. 175-foot waterfront. Water never free, es. 8cclally built home. Two bedrooms and sleeping porch. Double garage and other build ings. Well fenced, 1 13 acres. Shown by appointment and to only genuinely Interested prospects. 64500 will handle. An outstanding value. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-333J Eves. 2-1305 118 ACRES All under cultivation and grav Ity Irrigation. 16 acres In nl slke clover. 33 acres In perm anent pasture. 7 acres in alfalfa, Fenced. Paved road. Improv ments Include a 2-bedroom home, large barn, root cellar, other buildings. Full price Is 637.O0O. TERMS. 120 ACRES Gravity and sprinkler Irrlgg, tlon. 80 acres In allalfa. Bal ance was planted to potatoes and clover last yen. Fenced. Improvements Include a mod ern 1-bodroom home, tenant house, Implement shed, other buildings. Full price (34,000. TERMS. See or Phone ROY "Pete" HODGES, with CHARLES BOLESTA REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE MERRILL, ORE. PH, 2851 Eon TnADE, equity In two liedrootn modern home for equity in trailer hours Write or see R. II, Nichols, Modoc Point Oregon , ran SaTe, 2no acres IrrlgTSd sandy ' 1 1 . j graimana ana clover - Located at Butts Valley. Write) llerald News, Box 70. FOR SALE, equity In modern two bed. room home. I77S Fargonhonaflim. FOR SAI,E nice building lot. Hot' Springs addition; very close to school. Phone 77011. NEW HUMF.S tor saia. William B. i-oweii. rnone ssao. CHICKEN ranch. 3"," arras, deep well Jf.r.,nUrc,he,.,n",m- In""' " 0U"'