FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KIAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINK eV RIFLE CHAMPIONS Losing Just one m;ilch in 12, the Klamath Falls Rifle team won the Califoniia-Ori'Koii Kiflo League title;, thus earning a spot in the State Tournament in April. Members or mc team arc (l to Athey and Al Stroud, and front row: iiflers Club Gets Berth In Statefest II.VAI. I.lISIi Klamath Mnlforl i . .. 1 rel.a A -.Maud Gram Put I i:oo nay nctehtiig ..... l-amall Valley MMle I'ulnl .. . Meilforll 3 Kenll Valley nulle Valley ... . Uranu laa 2 .. 10 11 u Kliininth Falls Ihr lur-llung Is champion uly Calllornia-urcgun ItlllP League. lie local rifle club cinched the title in lite last roiintl o .ihixillii; v. Hii n iri.'u ljli will over Hosobum tu edge out Mcdlord and Yrrka, tennis thai finished with 111-2 murk. i lie Klnmalh rulers lost just one ihoui to Mrcllord, lust years turnups - In 12 outing. -Willi tho crown In Ihe lll-lenm I Cat-Ore 1, np comes h bcrih in the Slutc mile 'ruiiriinmrnt, acIio.1 ; tiled fur Porthilul 111 April. Members nt I ho championship Klamath Falls', tciilu are Jesse Frellns. Bill HnIL Maurice Athey, Al Stroud, Bruce Blnkley nnd Scotty Uppelt. - Lint year Medlord bent Kliimiith Falls for Ihe title In close Imi-.h mid Kent oil to cop the stale championship. Box .coiea. K. iai.i. iiati M.1I.M, W. Opnelt ... :11W1 .171 fl. Wnr-rt J. Frellaa .. .'Ill :wn .... V. .lone. II. Itinkley .. .nm .inn II nailer IV Hall .. .TM :ihii M lleaurlirtfiip MCPIonil I (UMi , 1 1 AO I MI.DI tlllll 3 II. llrtoenrelch ,'UU WVi . . C ClmtlffV r. nukh , :wm .1.1.1 e. iivaii I. .Cmiaer .1711 .17.1 .... C. Taylor ('. rtlchmonrl 373 3W1 W. L'ollev ibtka nam r, pass i O. Deter .... .111 .17 I). llleharlnn P. tlndia . .. 17.1 .170 .. t,. tleOoanll r. l.xun . :I7II .17 . . li. Iliiilri II. Trlvelplaea lai 374 .. C. Jonri AMIII.AM1 (IS7? I USUI I.ANCIIII. A. llaiklnf . . :IJ!4 .17H n. Kellle n. Miller . . .100 .11.1 M. Sfllle Van Bmklrk .ino :i7(t C. Woolen XV. Crandall . .1711 17 . J. Ilurrl, UOH HAY (Mini IHI MYRTLE I'T. n Kill .171 Ma M. Rle.ehero w, iiiaaanerg ;i..i II. Poit :r,l I. . Hnwlev 300 inn it: n. Lueaa ,17 II. Johna . mi mil Emlleotl 370 37.1 mini Sli-'l .... K. Ilullnn M. Shaffer i. I'ASS t W. Kllaaon 37S l.llwlll V, Hamilton ... :i7lt 37S B. DeOeneaull 1.. llammeealcv .inn Hlih leain aeore Klamath Falls 1S. 71; hivh Inrlh'trliial acora Cooa Bay, .10.34. Jiarvey rotu, SNOWSIIOE CHAMPS DURHAM. N. H. Mt Although (he snowahoa event, once domin ated by ihe University of New Hampshire athletes, were dropped from the winter sports program In Intcr-colleglate competition IS years ngo. the Wildcats are still profi cient In their use. John Skcfflnej. Ion, a freshmnn at UNH, recently Hon the world' 440-yard dnsh title on nowh0PH at the International i convention nt Manchester, N, H. WILLOX VENEER MFG. CO. An Oregon CO-OPERATIVE ASSOC. invites Plywood Plant and Box Shook workers to come to the Wi I lox Veneer plant in Brookings, Oregon, Saturday and Sunday March 29 and 30 A nice, pleasant week-end trip to the coast where you are likely to meet a lot of your friends! " PLANT LOCATED 2 MILES NORTH OF BROOKINGS ON MAIN HI WAY-US 101 WILLOX VENEER MFG. CO. PO Box 446 Brookings, Ore. r hacK row): jcssc Ilruce Itinkley and Grab TIME OUT! "Ol T? Why you blind, yellow llvered, no-nod rat! If this an I Just an exhibition tame I'd beef rai that decision!" Ski Meet Opens Today LEAVENWORTH, Wash. W Teams from clylil colleges and the University of Alaska were entered In the Northwest IutrrcolleKinie Ski Association Championships scheduled In open here Friday. The Jumps were to he held here Friday. Slalom, downhill and rros. country event were scheduled nt the University of Washington's new cnurse In Stevens Pass northeast of Seattle Siilnrclny nnd Sunday. Individual stars expected to shine included Olympic Ace Gut loin Derge of Whitman College, Phil Ullllx nl Washington, Svcn lluse ol Washington Slnle, Klfll Bakke of Washington and Ole GJea trud of Wenatchee Junior College. Other teams Included Monlnna. Idnlio, College of Puget Sound nnd Seattle University. Extra Work Mad Easy hi.nt a ivrrttatTrR AnniNn machine r.larlrle ar Hand Lait fnanlh'a rental la sppllal ta lae parchaia price. Pioneer Office Supply Room 17 Board of Trade Bldq., Portland, 4, Orcqon Phone AT 9388 'V.'.-lV t -.pV,iiiis,:.'.-.' rrcuas, Bill Scotty Oppclt. Hall, Maurice Title Puck Tourney Opens Monday Tomorrow Illl'llt is the rieuflllne for sign-up In Ihe city singles anui11'0' 'r "rsl with one under par doubles Mutlfleboard tournament.". Illftl rmena Mnnrluv nlhl,,cL. Tavern. noii mi inn i. .i. , SeS P "IUNl' A large field Is anticipated for Die puck tourney that h. expected to run two weeks with the excep-1 lion of Snturday and Sunday ; nights. . Cecil Tucker w ill be on deck tc i defend his singles title. Jade Way-1 brant, doubles champion last year I along wllh Bib Smith. Is also ex pected to enter. Smith has moved to Eugene. Starling time, each night Is 7:30. Cash prlres totaling $260 will be given at the end of the single-ellin-Inatlon tournament. Charley Dressen, manager of the j Brooklyn Dodgers, once played pro j football with the Decatur, III- Sla-, leys. I $ 9 5 k v Cordovan Suede JV Buy Pedwins Ruiemakers Erase Foul-Waiving KrJATTI.rc IH Ihe II" hns been Uken out of loul Khot't In buketljl, A louled team no lonx- er will he n bio to titku Ihe bull mil or bound' In put It Into play In Ueiid of trynK lor Un Irni: iiohil.. The ilrnaic c hn n r;c, Intended to Hpcvd the n:uiic nnd Klvi: the trail- iiik tniim b chnnce to recover tios- hchkIoii of the bnll. won announo -d here Thursday by the Niitlonul NEW YORK GIANTS RELEASE HARTUNG PHOENIX. Ariz. Ml The New York Gliiul.i announced the out- rlKhl rcleiiHc Tidny ol Clint hur- tutitt "old for n n uikIi.m.Io cd num to Mllineiipiih thus addliiK what limy be u I Inn 1 chapter In the bin Basketball Experiment Successful I.OB ANGELES Wl Los An Kcles State look a B4-02 win over a Kjoup of college nil stars In an i xpciiineutul bui.kclbHll unpio hcie Tliursdiiy n'",ht where victory went to the first team scoi m I'A wtvr Instead of quarters being 10 mln iiic.i long, as In a regulation col lesie bainc, they were played to 1C points. Hv lime, the first quarter took 8 minutes 25 seconds, the second 8 mlnules 28 seconds, the third 12 minutes, 22 seconds, and the luurth 15 minutes, 1 second. Coach Sax Elliott of Los Ancelen State, who proposed the new game limits, termed the experiment a success. He said there was little stnlllng and only To fouls were called. Babe Falters At New Orleans NEW ORLEANS W The New Orleans Women's Open Golf Tour nament moved Into -second round lilav Frldnv with veteran Patlv Berir and vouthful Murllvnn Smlih Babe Zaharlas. favored to win the 72 hole tournament over the flat oajK-yara lyitv rsrr course, ran I into trouble In the first round and Innsterf a one over nar 7S to take I Ithlrd position. Th JAYHAWK Soyt a a a a THERE'S HONE BETTER "91" Oetont Ethyl 31c JAYHAWK 2135 South 6th Cush-in Crepe Elk THE MODEL Bnsketbnll Coimnlttee of the Unit- rd HLHtftH ond Cnn:i(lfl. At Ihe Mine time, the men who h in n i ul I y review the hoop gaum mien derided to Krnt two tiee nhotn during the last three minute of nil H'dincn for all foulx. Thin i done on the preml!.e that eveiy loul In the closing, three minutes Is to be considered Intentional. The new rale require that nil leanuc enrcer of one of the game's mu.'.l publicized rookies, freti.enl Horace Htoneman made the announcement which ended the Giants' five-year trial wllh "the big kid from Texas." His deoarture was In sharp con trast to the spring of 1047 when the lean S-fool-4 ' , figure first checked into the Giants' camp here. He was the rookie bet of the post-war era. the toast of the :pring. A national magazine car ried a layout on him. Thousands of words and hundreds of pictures told of young Hartung, then 24 years old. KA.VIK His fame was based on exploits wllh an Army team In Honolulu. He eou'cl pitch, he coulo nit. he could play the outfield. His pitch Ing was no-hit. He hit three homers a game. He was young, athletic nnd had starred In high school at Hondo. As it rieveloDed. Hartuncr was not reariv for malor leatiue baseball. I BLAMfc the course record and leit him two And baseball law can be blamed strokes ahead of the field Thurs as much a anything for his fall- .day. ure. - Art Wall Jr:, Honesdale. Pa., nnd Farm Director Carl Hubbell ex- Jimmy Clark, Lacuna Beach. Cal plalned It. Said the old pitching if., were hot on Furgol trail with star: "Every year since Clint came .opening round 66s. to us. we tried to get him waived I In fourth place with 67 were out of the league. We wanted to Doug Ford. Harrison. N.Y., win farm him out for experience. Wener of the Jacksonville, Fla., Open never could, until now.' Exhibition Baseball By The Associated Press Thursday's Results New York (Al 8 St. Louis N Cincinnati INI 8 Boston iai l rnuaaeipnia ru ueu-ou iai Brooklyn INI 3 Boston (N) 0 Pittsburgh (Ni 2 New York N Minneapolis AA) 4 Philadelphia i St. oui (A) Chicaio (Nl 11 Cleveland (Al 4 Chicago A) 2 5 Detroit (A) "B" Buffalo (ID 3 GAS iSS Here at last, men, is your chance to get that new pair of shoes without straining the budget. Our Pedwins are smartly styled, and priced to please. See them today ! YOUNG IDEAS IN MIN'S SHOIS foul shots must be taken. Tho fouled team no longer will be per mitted to take the bnll out of bounds and retain possession. A second shot I awarded when the first Is missed on any foul, either offensive or defensive, up to the final three minutes. At anv time, a player fouled In the act of shooting will get two shots, ns In the past, or one If he made the field goal. The rules will continue to pro vide that after the charity tos.a I thrown the ball goes out of bounds to the scorcd-upon team If the pjlnc Is made. If the second shot Is missed, the ball Is In play. During high school overtimes, the automatic two-shot regulation will remain In force. In other games colleiie. YMC. and Ama teur Athletic Union the bonus shot will apply for the llrst two minute of overtime and the auto matic two-shot system for the re maining three minutes. The committee also eliminated an ancient rule which disallowed any point scored when a player touch es his own basket during the shot. Rubber covered balls were ap proved for use whenever conches of two comneluig teams agree on the new ball In preference to the older leather one. Furgol Two Strokes Up WILMINGTON, N.C. ' Mar ty Furgol nursed a two-stroke lead going Into Friday's slO.000 Azalea Open Golf Tournament second round. Furgol' eight under par 64 tied on Monday: Jim' Turnesa, Briar- cliff,- N.Y., and Joe Klrkwood Jr. Hollywood, Calif. DODGERS SIGN FIRST BROOKLYN Ijiv-With the receipt of the signed contracts of Ralph Branca, Clyde King and Pee Wee Reese, the Brooklyn Dodgers be came the first National League club to have their complete raster in tne fold. Reese was tne last Dodger to ink his contract. Th;s will be his 11th season In the majors. You too men! -1 if T SMARTLY . PRICED SUITS Single and double breast, ed styles exceptionally tailored by makers you're sure to rfcoqnixe and ap preciate. New liqhter weiqht fabrics in Sprinq '52's most outstanding shades. 42' 6500 LISTEN EVERY MORNING TO "Charlie's Roundup" 7:15 over KFLW HOLDS IIOf'KKY RKCORDH CLEVELAND M Fred Thurlor of the Cleveland Barons Is the own er of many American Hockey League playoff records. Tne flashy Ice veteran ha been In the most series 11, most games 07. has the most total polnl 82, MulHrmniHMirMinMllHm. BUILD mm FOR U55 PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS HMMOO viiMm moor ill' INSUIATINC a IIAUTIFUl iasy to i una COSTS YOU LiSS 1 30 IE EYT0N& 3S MARKET ST. aMaaMaaaaaHaaauagiNOMaiaiaajill SEE alTi aOrVatVVVVVV. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS PICK-UPS FARM TRUCKS LOGGERS From Va Ton to 45 Ton Gas or Diesel JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th and Klamath Is the old man's wardrobe shot? Better steer him into Oregon Woolen Store for a new outfit . . . at moderate prices! PATCH POCKET SPORT COATS Handsome, 3 and 4 patch pocket sport coats! Fine qual ity fabrics finely tailored to keep you "well-groomed!" 29 50 MAIN AT 1TH most goals 31, most assist St, tied for point In aeries 18, and points In a single game 9. Flail Jnleresffrijr, colorful ... Ji SAN I HAX DS O Stay at thfl Hold Vhitrnmb, at th Civic OntPr in tim thmtflr and 1 hopping .linti-icl, in direct tin with bold grrai briiiftffa. Bring your family for a WArknit or lonptr, ami rnjny the distinctive lintel bilromb cuiainc and itrrire. IN Utm 14 10 Slili; ft IB 1 H llitlt MARKET STRUT at Ilk Oirin In tuitrflftai J ITOTET, 1 KARL C. VrBER irtilil ntf Camral Mtur 1952 Ph. 2 2581i "IF YOU NEED ATRUCK.SEEJUCK" DRESSES UP FOR EASTER! WORD TO THE LADIES: NEW, SPRING SLACKS There's nothing more right for comfortable. Spring wear than these smart, practical slacks at these budqet prices. Fresh selection just arrived! itr 17" BRIGHT SPORT SHIRTS Plaids, florals, plains, every pattern that's fav ored this year! Here for your choosinq. Here for your comfort. See 'cm to day! 150 10 95 to store inc. PH0NB 6871