FRIDAY, MARCH 211, 10fi2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE EIGHT pelicans wen : : v : . . tig? "' LETTERMAN Jerry John son eyes the pole vault bar before taking off. He's also entered in the high hurdles, javelin and high jump in tomorrow's meet at Medford, the first outing for the Pelicans. Ben Wade May Stay This Trip By The Associated Press The Brooklyn Dodgers may have hit pay dirt once again in the case of Ben Wade who is strivinn for a pitching berth at the ripe old base ball age of 29. Wade, a righthander, has been knocking around the Minors for 11 years. He had a couple of cups of coffee with Cincinnati and the Chi cago Cubs but never stayed around for the dessert. Ben Just about clinched a job Thursday as the Dodgers defeated the Boston Braves, 3-0, at Braden ton. Fla., on one hit. - He held the Braves hitless until the seventh inning when Sam Jeth roe beat out a bunt for Boston's lv ftnfetv. Bob Rush also came up with a fine pitching performance as the Chicago Cubs defeated the Chica go White Sox, 4-2 at Mesa, Ariz. Rush went the distance and al lowed only three hits. HOME RUN Ed Waitkus, a former Cub, slammed a home run in the fourth Inning to give the Philadelphia Phils a 3-2 triumph over the De troit Tigers at Clearwater, Fla. The Pittsburgh Pirates ended the Giants eight-game winning streak by beating the New Yorkers, 2-1. at Phoenix, Ariz. Rookie Joe Walls tripled home the winning run in to Veterans' Ewell Blackwell and Ken Raffensberger pitched Cin cinnati to a 9-1 victory over toe Boston Red Sox at Sarasota Fla, The Reds sewea n up w" runs in the first inning. BIG INNING The St. Louis Browns also en joyed a big inning, scoring seven runs in the sixth, to defeat the Cleveland Indians, 11-2. at Tucson, Ariz. Hank Arft and Marty Marlon former manager of the St. Louis Cardinals, poled home runs. Mar Jon's blow came with two aboard. , Ed Lopat and - Johnny Sain were touched for 10 hits" but managed to .turn back the Cardinals. 8-2. at Bt. Petersburg, Fla., when their Kew York Yankee mates came up .With five double plays. ! Minneapolis of the American As sociation upset the Philadelphia Athletics, 4-1. at West Palm Beach, !Fla.- The Buffalo Bisons of the In ternational League turned back the J)etroit "B" team, 5-4, at Lake and, Fla. 1 SPARTANS TURNED PRO EAST LANSING, Mich. Wl When Barrell Lindley, slugging Michigan 'State junior outfielder, signed a Chicago White Sox contract recent ly he became the 25th Spartan player with eligibility remaining to join the pro baseball ranks since 1946. Trackmen Trek To Medford Some new Pelican track stars may blossom tomorrow afternoon at Medford when the Klamath thin clads unllmber for the first meet of the season against a highly-rated Black Tornado squad. Veteran Coach Paul Dellor has Just three lettermen to form a nucleus in a year the Pelican coach admits is one "for building." The lettermen are Harold Sim mers, half-miler; Barry Pitts, soph omore miler, and Jerry Johnson, entered in the high hurdles, jave lin, pole vault and high jump. Sophomore Jim Dougherty may be one of those to come '"from nowhere" to strengthen a team that Is below par, at least on paper. Dougherty, .in his first fling at broad-jumping, landed this week on the 20-foot mark. He's .aiso en tered in the high and low hurdles and 440-yard relay. . Fourteen events will be run off In the dual afinir tomorow, plus one that .won't count in the team totals, the 440-yard relay. Main weight candidate for the Pels is Steve Chatiield, entered in the discus. Javelin and shot put. Klamath entries are: 100-yards: Clinton Mills, Don Mills, Joe Thomas. 220-yards: D. Mills, Dick Abra ham, Doyle Watson. 330 yards: Thomas. Tom Wells, Elvis Mitchell. Guy Munsell. 880 yards: Harold Simmers, C. Mills, Wells, Orville Swindler. Mile: Barry Pitts, Rod Klus. High Hurdles: Chase, Dougherty, Jerry Johnson. Low Hurdles: J 1 m. Dougherty, Jim Bevans, Mike Chase. Shot Put: Steve Chatfield, Greg scnuitz, Jim Young, Doug Campbell. Discus: Chatfield, Johnson, Mun sell. x Javelin: Chatfield. Johnson, Mun sell, Mitchell. role Vault: . Johnson, Stewart, Watson. Broad Jump: Dougherty, Abra ham, Bevans, Wells. 880 Relay: D.. Mills, Watson, Ab raham, Wells. 440 Relay: Doug Pence. Ed Barron,- Dougherty. Boyd Sprague. Hirh Jump: Johnson. Billy Way- brant, Chase, Stewart. I f-S J--i-rJ-fl LAST NIGHT ' . Ill i A wis,' ijr. kin.-."..? w RON OWINGS is hit minded as the Pelicans pre pare to leave for Redding tomorrow for a season opening doubleheader. Ow ings, one of three Pelican lettermen, has been switched from third base to catcher forhe opener. Ball Club Goes To Redding Conch John Moalmiis, new base ball couch nt Klutiuilh Union Hiith j School, sends his warn into notion 1 for the first time tomorrow after- noon In a dnublcheauer nt Ki'ctumg. V- ' ' 1- ...... A.. II.. It-. .I... ... a flock of questions to be answered about the 1952 Pel tenm. And he'll be lookintr for the answers tomor row in the non-leugue twin bill. There'll be plenty of switches made. Mediums snid. but the Pel mentor expects to have a fnlrly accurate line on the Pels when It's all over. SWITCH Ron Owing, one of the three lettermen back, has been changed i"-! from third base to catcher to v strengthen the backstop spot. He'll be understudied by Louie I v Taucher. Letterman George Hanson gets the first-base Job wltlicit opposi, " tion while the thud lettennnn. Knlnh Carroll, tries his (list stuff on the mound In the first name. s Fred Fricdel gets the nod tor the second same. Put Kitiredue and David D Olivo will be held in reserve when, and li. Cnrroll and Frledel falter. TMXSKr"R Sam Wilbur, a Salt Lake City Inch who transterrttl here this school year, stnrts nt third base. Jay Korsen goes nt short-stop, Don Dexter at second base. Dick Lundsten gels the center field assignment, Ing Montgomery right field. Left field is a toss-up between Clayton Hannon and Cal vin Gilmore. Both games are billed for seven innings, Hie opener starting at 1 p.m. XI HA I II X v . Him- GALLAGHER PICK AS TEAM PARTKER Georgea Dusolte wniiln nnollirr ruck nt Erie l'rdurnen niul Kurt Von Poppenhehn but with nuothor unit pnrliirr, The Freiioli-Cniiiiillnn Hiuculnit yesleidny picked Dr. Oullngher us it iinrtner unil iM-nerm-n nntt von I'oppciihcliu UHiceu to llio innini. Prniuiiter Muck l.lllui'd nluneil the lug tenm bout us I ho fenture missel uu wcdiifMiny weuKiy wrestlliiK curd at the Armory. DuHotte u nil Cowboy Curlmm went to n draw with Erie nnd Kurt lust Wcdiuwtuy liluht but Duxellci hud to un It ulolio the lust 1U min utes when Carlson wnn injured. GullnuhRr. on his two nnnenr- nnees here, lnokn like he'll (111 the bill. Ho stopped Frenehy Hoy Wed- By The Associated Press Minneapolis Rocky Graziano, 164, New York, stopped Roy Wou ters, 102, Montreal, 1. . Milwaukee Irish Bob Murphy, 186, San Diego, outpointed Roy Thomas, 175 Vt, Brooklyn, 10. New York (Sunnyside Gardens) Lee Q. Murray, 204, New York, outpointed Jack Flood, 183 ii, Se attle, 8. Akron O. Ronnie Delaney, 156, Akron, outpointed Otis Graham, 164, Philadelphia, 10. Hartford, Conn. Vic Cardell, 146, Hartford. Conn., stopped Wil bur Wilson, 145 , Roxbury, Mass., 10. Fall River. Mass. Jackie Web er, 136, Pawtucket R.I., outpoint ed Orlando Zulueta, 136, Havana, 10. . Olympic Cagefest Saturday NEW YORK Wl How will the nation's top college basketball teams Kansas or LaSalle, for instances-stack up against the tour-' ney-tough AAU contingents in the Olympic trials, opening Saturday night? warren Womble, 32-year-old coach of Peoria's champion AAU Caterpillars, tooiL the quesuon and bounced it around a bit. When he was through, the AAU came out on top. "I think our best AAU clubs, our ttam or the Phillips on ers, should beat the best college team eight or nine times .out of ten," the young Oklahoma said. Womble has brought his Cater pillars to town early for the open ing round oi tne tryouts to pick Uncle Sam's cage representatives In the summer games at Helsinki. The tournament. Involving four AAU and four hand-picked college quintets, begins Saturday In New York's Madison Square Garden and In Kansas City. The schedule: At New York: Peoria Cater nillars (AATJ champion) vs. U.8. Air Force (AAU No. 3): LaSalle (NIT champion) vs. St. Johns (NCAA runnerup). At Kansas City: Phillips' Oilers (AAU runnerup) vs. Hollywood Fib ber McGee and Molly (AAU No. 4); Kansas (NCAA champion ) vs. Southwest Missouri State (NAIB winner). Badminton Favorites Win Openers SEATTLE m Seeded plavers performed Just about as expected in opening rounds of the 12th an noar IWlonal Amateur Badminton Championships, getting little more inan-. wnrtn-up games from their uppwumia.-..' . . . - ag6,-frofn Fargo, N.D.. and tie-(ending- champion, clobbered two opponents in quick fashion. First to fall was Bill Berry, a local feath- er-oeater, went down quickly, 15 6, 15-3. At the other end of the pairings, No. 2 seeded Martin Mendez of San Diego had even less trouble. Hefrounced two Seattlites, Bob AdanisftB, '15-0, 15-2, and Fred Fish er. 15-3, 15-4. - In women's singles, Ethel Mar shal, New York, seeded No. 1, and Thelma Scovlll. Long Bench. Call!., won their opening matches with out Incident. IN THE SWIM Jackie La Vine climbs out of me Cmcago Town Club pool after a brisk splash session in preparation for the U.S. Olympic try-outs coming up this summer. The 22-year-old Chicago star was National AAU outdoor 100 meter freestyle champion in 1950, also the indoor 220 and 440-yard queen. DUCKS WIN SAN JOSE. Calif. LB The Uni versity of Oregon defeated San Jose State 6-5 Thursday In a 14 innlng baseball game that lasted three and a half hours. Konno Wins 1500 Splash PRINCETON, NJ. OB United States chances-for the 1.500-meter Sports Mirror By The Associated Press Today A Year Ago The Boston Bruins blanked the Toronto Maple Leafs 2-0 in the opener of their semi-final series of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Five Years Ago Gil Dodds :,reestyle event in the 1952 Olym-I iver.ri tha wills In A HO R in tVtrt . n , pics are mucn nrigmer aner r ora j Konno's smashing triumph in the i NCAA Swimming Championships. I Konno was timed 18:15.5, which j bettered Marshall's NCAA cham- plonshlp meet record of 18:18.8 set I last year. His performance was oif i his time of 18:11.6 In winning the i recent Big Ten meet, which he has . applied for as a collegiate rec- ord. , j 10.000 Greet NCAA Champs LAWRENCE, Kas. W The Un iversity of Kansas Jayhawks, new NCAA basketball champions, re ceived a tumultuous welcome early Friday on their arrival from Seat tle. . . . , Police estimated a crowd of 10, 000 nersons. many carrying cow bells, horns and other noiscmuk ers, Jammed the streets to greet the returning squad. The Jayhawks defeated St John's 80-63 Wednesday night In the NCAA championship finals at Seattle. George Shaw scored the win ning run for Oregon In the 14'.h. The frosh centerllelder singled, got to second on an error, was sncrt flced to third and senmpcred home on Catcher Ron Bottler's long fly. The clubs play again Friday. .Sum QaUvouri MIRRORS V 1:9 lur ft"? Fount v If III Ih., I ne.idny night but wnn dlnqunllflrd by Keferce Wnlly Monit for rciiwlng to let Mima rxumlnn a lirnd cut Mtlfrrcd by Roy. Cm l.-iiin will bo buck In Iho open er imnlimt Tol Ynmiilo, seiuwUviiul Jiipnneno wrestler from Slnitnpore. Reserved UekeU went on mile to dny at Cii.ttluuerry Drugs. HOCKEY Cot Lnatue Hockey By The Aaelatrd Pre Sntkntoon 2 Edmonton 1 iHnxka toon lends brxt-ol-flvt playoff series 2-0). HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND UOINI, OKI. MIOrORO ThoroiuhlJP Modern Mr nnd Mm. J K Knrley and Joe Hurley Proprietor" IF YOUR CREDIT'S 600D . . . it's good with us ! Painting Body and Fender Work Motor Tune-up Motor Overhauling Clutch - Transmis sion and Radiator Repairs. Anderson Auto Service 632 Walnut ly the Pott Off ic BEGINNING , Yes. to i the i well race ' lickens. for example. Now the first few weeks of a chick's life are bv far the most im portant onesf Get that chick off to a aood start ond it will pay a profit. And to start chicks riqht, you need a GOOD Starter Mash, one that supplies all the proteins, vitamins and minerals a chick needs and one that is fresh enouqh to retain these values. Try Co co Chick Starter Mash. It is both GOOD and FRESH, and yet costs less. ? v (If CO-OP 1 1 covered the mile in 4:08.5 in the Cleveland Knights of Columbus games. Ten Years Ago Stanford stop ped Dartmouth 53-38 to capture the NCAA basketball title at Kansas City. Twenty Years Ago A crowd of 21,841 watched the New York Golden Gloves team defeat Chicago 8-4 In New York. RETURNS TO DUKE DURHAM, N. C. W Clarence (Ace) Parker former star football player for Duke University and the Brooklyn Dodgers, Is now back field coach of the Blue Devils. He also manages the Durham Bulls of the Class B Carolina Baseball league, Parker piloted the Bulls to the pennant last' year. Expert Gun Repairing and Rebluing THE GUN STORE LOOKING FOR A NEW , . , . BouAon ftat its Finest! 1 irO, PICKUP? WE'VE GOT 'EM... O All Sizes : Shapes - Colors O 3-Speed or 4-Speed Transmission O Fluid Drive or Standard YEARS OLD $055 $4,05 WAV ii iilt"lHilHiM.I Tim f Tif li5 '''J' n mm OLD HICKORY stiaightBOURBON WilS" N fHOOf MO HICKORY DISTIIUNO C0M. PHILA., PA, j (I niiR tfnriK arf Rir, OUR PAYMENTS ARE LOW r r x 6eo,fl, ii i .. . . ,. When You Want the Best See DUGAN and MEST 522 So. 6th Ph. 8101 , Klamath Falls Dodqe-Plymouth-Dodqa "Job-Ratd"..Truckt a. I nilPAlll takes o aood start. f 1 1 Sj LEK UWtlfHLLa II RED TOP GLOVES EiIl? Special FiIm V? V BIG DUKES ... 98c StriMi f PPLV J) "ZT P m 4? " - I -jbt. Si... 32 to 50 I - - - vi ! WEYENBERG BUCK)EANsJ No. 2048 oir-cuihioned imuuniMunui ' (j work ihoci. Hat long. irTiAiriiwiil--ihGlJv j wrq li 4.50 I, V.t-0y.d HflVP Yrtll WORK SHIRTS . t j I Coverts, poplim, twills. licQISTCrCQ " y I Plenty of pockets. - I Seams made to last. TA If A1A 'w v.... iqo lo voTer N. I t.J.98 ,,TO I lD (Ml I j j 820 Main Phone 6778 j