Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 28, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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KM PAY, MARCH 211, 1(152
i Entered as ucond clan matter at the post office of Klamath Falls, Ore,
' :, ' . on August 20, 1806, under act of Congress, March 8, 1879
.,lrhe Associated Presa Is entitled exclusively to the use for publication
- of til the local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news.
By Mall
t months $6.50
Z " ' The surest sign of spring yet
has come along.
Every week another group fires
off a petition to me governor m-'"-
sistlng that daylight saving time
be put into effect for Oregon.
Round two will see the opponents
answering with a scattered and
feeble vollev of their own.
: It's one-sided battle with only
j a few of us faithful left to hold
the line.
" Progress (at least that's what
. they call it) nas imnned tne ramus
of the stand-natters until their
; battle cry has dwindled to a faint
and scratcny wnisper.
' But there's a militant determliv
; ation behind that whisper that will
i someday win out.
' About the time most of the pres
' ent world has moved to Mars and
- the Moon. I suppose.
i Changing a clock around seems
; to fascinate a lot oi people.- iney
get a cosmic sense of power, may
be, out of upsetting the course of
the sun, out of throwing all the
( transportation lines out of kilter
and in general fouling up ninety
percent of the population.
Feeble, Illogical and haphazard
"theories are advanced as to why
) the fast time should be put into
J effect. It will save power by easing
. off the "peak" loads for instance,
v That Idea seems to come from the
-Bonneville people and where they
J' ever got time enough to figure it
I,' out is beyond me. I thought they
vspent all their time trying to put
through the Bonneville-Shasta in-
tertie. But maybe they find that
' confusing people is almost as much
J fun as trying to steal all the
available power.
, Then there are other groups with
The gardeners and lawn planters,
for Instance. They look at you
J " with great glowing eyes, keep
I stabbing you in the chest with a
green thumb and explain that with
the extra hour of daylight they
' can rush home from the office and
t take up their hoes and rakes and
spades and lawnmowers ready to
do battle with the heat, sprinkler
system, cutworms, aphids, moles,
earwigs, Johnson grass and cheese
' The sportsmen come in for
. their share of the clamor asserting
, that they can quit an hour earlier
as the sun goes and go out fishing
or hiking or birdwatching or what
" ever it is they do.
'm And then there is that powerful
k group of people who don't partic-
ularly give a hoot one way or the
other but will vote for any change.
xnese. along wiintne gardener and
The Rev. Dave Barnett, on a
Build the Basin forum some weeks
ago, remarked that it is a sad
t commentary on present day moral
values that we have to talk about
. legislation to make parents respon
sible for their children.
', The forum last Monday prompts
the thought that it's a sad com-
; mentary on our standards of hu-
, man relationship to complain unan-
imously that there are too many
volunteer agencies working to alle
. viate human suffering and disaster.
It was unanimous among panel
? members and question senders
i alike that we are having too many
fund drives.
; The easy answer then would not
lie in going to all the effort and
trouble of bringing about a "De
.' troit Plan" for Klamath county. If
there are too many fund drives,
; why, to correct It simply do away
' with them. Scuttle the Red Cross,
J the Heart Fund, the March of
' Dimes, the Easter Seals and all
, your problem's solved.
... . Illl .MIII,,l.IMlll.IIWU.US
' Actually, It's not like that. There
i are not too many fund drives. If
j We had more agencies like the
Scouts and the Cancer Fund and
the homes for the needy and all,
i our lives would be Juller and hap
,' pier.
; The trouble with the fund drives
- Is that too many people take a
; free ride on their neighbors. And
of course the success of any united
fund effort depends on organizing
, it to the extent that everybody gets
, Into the act, as a contributor.
( What drives business establlsh-
merits to despair is not the legiti
; mate fund drives but, as one mer-
ghnt Pt it. the "blackmailers."
; rnls refers to the persons who try
; to use their influence as customers
On Any Appliance of $50 or less
Washers Ranges Refrigerators
! Washers from $10 and up...
Ranges and Refrigerator!. . . ar
Lowest Possible Prices ...II
631 Commercial (across the street
from West-Hitchcock)
Managing Editor
By Mall year 111.00
the sportsman also add to the class
that give the tavern man a vastly
increased trade due to the extra
hour. Too nice a day to sit around
a stuffy old office, let's go down
to- Joes and play shufllebonrd.
Mo one ever suggests going to
work an hour earlier and leaving
the clock alone. That would be
cheating. It wouldn't be getting
something for nothing. Nor do the
stores ever consider opening an
hour earlier and closing an hour
earlier. That would give the same
effect and yet not foul up every
body's life. (I don't care. I go to
work at five o'clock In the morning
But, anyway you look at It, it's
a fairly safe bet we have daylight
saving time.
In fact you might as well start
trying to do a few mental exer
cises now to sharpen your system.
You know, the old idea of saying
that if it's one o'clock DST then
the train will be in at two o'clock
DST or it it PST? Or if the train
is due on DST then it will come
at 12 o'clock PST or maybe if
it's one o'clock here and in the
end you'll phone the station to find
out. Remember to keep telling youi
self that it really isn't six o'clock
it's only five so you've got time
for one more with the boys. And
always keep in mind the fact that
you aren't going to be the one to
get confused or have any trouble
either at the start or end of the
lou nope I
It's early yet to start thinking
about it, but before too long the
woods will be ODen aeain for fish.
eriAen and camners. And also ooen
10 ine inreai of lire, mat is a
recurring threat that we'll have
with us as long as we have timber
land. And the resnonsibilltv will
rest wim me people lor saving ma:
umoer. it s easy to toss away a
match now without worry because
you know it will pinch out in the
snow, nut aon t let it become a
habit Not long until the grass will
Note' to the wire editors in AP
bureaus: The term Is "skid road'
not "skid row." You occasionally
use it in a story and the other
morning it popped up in a note to
If you will study vour American
history you'll find the term is an
om one an Honored one and not
one to nigger with. Skid tow has
no meaning, skid road does. Ac
curacy, remember, is the keynote
oi success in your Dusiness.
of a firm to hijack a few fast
bucks for their pet projects. Their
number is legion.
What runs the individual ragged
to the point of turning him against
taking part in legitimate drives is
the incessant tax gouge which for
cibly reaches into his earnings for
things he doesn't want anyway.
So. further, the success of any
united fund drive would depend on
limiting it to the legitimate, impor
tant organizations, and to "edu
cate" everyone that it's not in the
same category with the gougers.
To that extent it would be a
"givers protective organization."
The Build the Basin forum on
fund drives was excellent. It
brought to light much factual in
formation which should help in
solving the problem.
But let's not say there are too
many fund drives, any more than
we'd say that there are too many
good people in the Basin who often
lend a hand to a neighbor.
And let's not say that we give
too much to charity. The Klamath
County Chapter of the Red Cross
hopes to receive $25,000 this year
the Klamath County "Greenfront
Groceries" will receive a million.
Extra! It's official now. The first
returning pelican has been report
ed, so spring is here.
(The Old Trapper reported a pel
ican on Klamath River above Keno
along some time in January. That
could only be put down as a poor
befuddled, addle-headed bird who
had lost his way, so we'll forget
This Spring Pelican was sighted
Thursday at 1:26 p.m., sailing
south over the lower end of Klam
ath Lake, holding a course over
Fremont bridge at about 75 foot
elevation and making 22 knots.
Theyll Do It Every
35u race AiOHG
NEW YORK tfl Leaves from
an oddity almanac:
Trvine to find a dace to nark
your car isn't the biggest draw
back to living in a big city.. .Sinus
trouble is.. So says Dr. J, Thomp
son Stevens, a New York special
ist ... tie estimates that sinus in
fections afflict four out of five
people who live in towns of 25.000
or more population ... no wonder
the country smells nicer..
Speaking of smells, did vou know
perfumes once were ranked in val
ue witn gomv . . . An oia Jtoman
maxim advised, "never leave your
perfumes or wines to your heir.
Administer these yourself and let
him have your money. ... If
your wife would like to make her
own perfume, there Is a formula
in the bible for what came tp be
Known as ' tne noiy periume." . . .
The ingredients: sweet SDices. stac-
te, onycha. galbanum . . . but Just
try to get your neighborhood drug
gist to fill that presciption today...
Male verus female department:
There really are only 15.000.000
licensed women automobile drivers
In America. ..If the average male
motorist (there are 45,000.000)
thinks he has to dodge more than
that number on an ordinarv Sunday
ride, it is just his imagination...
Do women really drive better than
men? . . . wen. tne stanaara uu
Company of New Jersey reports
that surveys show women are less
skillful but more careful behind
the wheel.. .A taxicab driver's re
Joinder: "Yeah, they drive so slow
and cautious they cause everybody
else to get into accidents"...
What's what in science: A kind
of trans-oceanic television isn't too
far away.. A scientist for the Gen
eral Electric Co. says events can
be photographed in - Europe, tne
film transmitted here by radio fac
simile, and telecast to your borne
m a matter of hours. .The acid
test will be to see whether they can
flash the picture of-a new French
cabinet over here before it is
thrown out of office-
Nature department: Someone has
found out that the new chlorophyll-
derivative deodorants will cure even
dogs of body odor and halitosis...
Chlorophyll is found in green plants
...And for a four-legged lettuce
patch. .How long are we going to
go on contusing the animal world?
...We pause for reply
Facts and figures for people who
like to win barroom bets: Bet you
didn't know that the world's tallest
tree is a California Redwood 364
feet high (not quite enough to pro
vide snade for Texas). ...That tune-
smith Cole Porter designs his own
neckties...That spider threads are
really . cables, not lust single
strands, and spider silk is finer
and stronger than that spun by
silkworms . . . That there are 31
moons in the solar system. .That
most states don't have a specific
law against cannibalism ... But
other statutes in force don't en
courage It...
Two pinion feathers were missing
irom me rignt wing.
The bird was sighted by Yacht
Club Commodore Howard Pernell
and First Mate Robert O. SproaL
That makes it official.
Hey! Wait a minute! Did you
say flying SOUTH?
0i n m a i mam..
r-tgm . , )? ' I TrWH A SrVlTCM-
If you're cramped for room, you can fix up two spare
rooms fast with Armstrong's Temlok. Make a smart,
modern rumpus room in the basement an extra bedroom
in the attic. Plastering, papering, and painting are avoided.
A carpenter can finish the job in a few days or you
might do the job yourself. Either way you'll be surprised
at the low cost. And these rooms will be cooler in summer
and warmer in winter, because Armstrong's Temlok Insu
lates as it decorate! See us for complete details today.
4784 So. 6th
j jj '
Hopeful future notes: Scientists
successfully germinated two lotus
seeds estimated by archaeologists
to be 50,000 years old. ..Maybe this
will lead to a way to make 40-year-old
night club playboys grow
The almanao weather forecast:
Political storms will afflict all
parts of the United States, accom
panied by verbal squalls reaching
a peak intensity early In Novem
ber. Clearing and sunny the rest of
the year.
NEW YORK Wi American
business plans to spend more than
ever this year to expand.
But this time thejt appear to
have their eye on Uncle Sam as
their best bet for a sure-fire cus
tomer. Industries planning to spend
more this year than last for new
plants and equipment are mostly
those catering directly or Indirectly
to tne deiense program, for which
billions of dollars have already
been appropriated by Congress,
Businesses that look mostly to
ordinary consumers for their cus
tomers say they won't spend as
much on growth this year as last.
But a plck-un In commercial
buildine may develoo later, as a
result of a relaxation promised in
federal curbs.
And the home-buildinir industry
is now hoping to turn out more
than the 800.000 new homes the
government once set as its limit
for this year.
Some talk of eettinr un around
the million mark again. Builders
hope for relaxation in federal curbs
on use of materials and easing in
mortgage restrictions.
Makers of . building materials
also are expecting a pick-up In
sales by summer. I. J.. Harvey,
president of Fllntkote, told the
annual stockholders meeting that
he expected sales to move along
at a faster clip from July to the
end of the year.
Much of his hope was pinned to
expectations of further credit re
striction relaxations.
Total business spending in 1952
for new plant and equipment will
run better than 24 billion dollars,
according to a survey of Industry
plans made by the Department of
Commerce and the Securities and
Exchange commission.
This is a four per cent Jump over
1051, when expansion was at the
record rate of 23 ',4 billion dollars.
More than hall of the 24 billion
dollars, however, will be spent in
the first half of this year. And then
business expansion will taper off.
The survey taken before the
National Production Authority
started to relax restrictions on
commercial building anticipates a
10 per cent drop In that type
construction this year.
But builders think this 'may
change, now that commercial
buildings are getting the green
Phone 2-2563
By Jimmy Hatlo
v!Lf -vr, i Z' "
i r : h
" ' " "JJ
The calendar of events for Sacred
Heart will find many and varied
activities to take place during the
month of April. Highlights will be
the Prom, O. C. D. Conference,
carnival and opening games of the
oaseDau season.
The music recital presented In
the Academy auditorium last night
came to a close with the Madrigals
rendition of the modern numbers.
"Man Lindy Lou," and "Old Abra'n
A sincere "thank you" Is extend
ed to all subscribers and sellers
during the recent magazine drive,
for doing their part In the sale to
make it such a wonderful success.
Last year's record was surpassed,
thus It will be possible to have
two more Issues of the Chimes
paper this year and a substantial
fund set aside for next year. Also,
a party will be had for all students
woraing on tne drive.
Off to the press has gone the
enure Airian annual, as of Wed
nesday at 4:30. Now Ule susDen.se
of what the finished product will
oe nxe. must De endured till the
tnird week in May, the date they
are expected to arrive.
But the Juniors have another rea
son tor suspense as any day their
juiuur ciass rings snouid arrive.
Already manv nf th Rrninr iri
have selected their sterling pat
terns and received their first tea-
apuun as graduation guts from
Rlckys Jewelers.
Defense Fund
Spending Up
WASHINGTON I If there la
no stepped up fighting In Ko.ea
and no general war in the next
year, says Secretary of Defense
Lovett. the U.S. will spend 187 mil
lion dollars a day for military se
curity until 1954.
After that expenditures can be
gin to taper off, he told Congress.
nut u military action Increases
the cost will go still higher.
Lovett's testimony before a
House appropriations subcommit
tee, released Thursday night, was
made In January.
He said the 52 billion dollars In
new funds requested by the De-
lense Department lor the fiscal
year starting July 1, was based on
the "calculated risk" of a status
It was reached, Lovett added,
after paring down a 73 billion dol
lar budget aimed at putting the
U.S. Army and Marines Into "an
acceptable state of readiness" by
July 1, 1053 and at bringing the
Navy and Air Force to that state
Lovett said the reduced budeet
delayed this buildup, but it per
mits the maximum military ex
penditure under a butter-and-guns
nasr with rue
e (OMPiirr scl ten oh
Wheel of Fortune
Blue Tango
Wheel of Fortune
Tell Me Why
Anytime -i
The Blacksmith Blues
Please, Mr. Sun
The Three Bells
We have them In stock!
Dwhifc Music Co
120 No. 7th
MUM .1,.. inmp mpi!
' ' N ' - ' -
years since the war Rusalu has
lain like a great animal acroaa (ho
frontiers nf Europe, watching (ho
West, waiting fur it to become eavy
For a while that seemed the
bright thing to do. Tile nations of
Western Europe, torn by ancient
antagonisms, staggered close to
disaster. Then, with Amerlcun
help, they began to cooperate.
They grew stronger step bv hal
ting step. And Russia, watching
this intended victim develop mus
cles, always rraotrd llio same way:
It growled, protested, threatened,
tried wrecking tnctlcs.
The Marshall I'lun. Aid for
Orcece and Turkey. The Atlantic
Pact. Ruasta couldn't atop them.
But In one place, Germany, it
seemed to feel snug. It occupied
Eastern Germany. The Western
part was held by the Weal.
The Western Allies tried to per
suade Russia to agree to a pence
treaty covering all Germany. No
good. The longer It held Eastern
Germany the more time it had to
train German Communist stooucs.
Some day. maybe, Ihey could
lake over nil Germuny and tt
It a servant, work shop and satel
lite of Russia. The West decided
not to wait forever. It let Uie West
Germans form their own govern
ment. The Russians screamed, for an
antl-Communlst West Germany, or
ganized under Us own government,
would be a potent block against
East German Communists Inking
over both nones of Germany.
But for Russia worse was to
come. The Western Allies decided,
in agreeing to create a European
army under one commander, to
let West German troops be part ot
that new and unified single army
in case of war with Russia.
The Western European counlrlrs,
which had been smothered under
the German war machine in Urn
last war, could agree to that kind
of plan. German troops as part of
a European army would be differ
ent from German troops as part of
a huge Gentian army under Ger
man command In Germany.
But this unified army, which
would put Western Germany Into a
military alliance with the rest of
Western Europe, was tho last thing
the Russians wanted and once
again they reacted.
On March 10 they made a pro.
sal to the U. S., Britain and Franco
which the three rejected tills week.
The Russian proposal and the Al
lied answers went like this:
1. Russia suggested she and the
Allies get together and work out a
peace treaty for a united Germany.
The Russians failed to say how
Germany should be unified.
(The Allies agreed to a unified
Germany but only as a result oi
free elections In all Germany, In
cluding the Russian zone, super
vised by the United Nnllons.)
2. Russia suggested this new,
united Germany should be free to
build up a military machuie nl Its
own and that it be forbidden to
enter Into any military alliances
with other countries, (The Allies
rejected this, calling It a step back
ward from a new era of coopera
tion among nations.)
It's plain that tho Russians, who
stalled on a German peace treaty
for seven years, were startled Into
these suggestions when they taw
Western Germany making a mili
tary tie-up with the West. Tiny
hoped to break up the Atlan'tc
And this Russian proposal can be
Interpreted as an act of despera
tion, too, with Russia willing to
take the chance of a re-armed
Germany turning on Russia some
day. But It can be looked upon In
another way:
First things first the Russians
want to smash the . Atlantic Alli
ance: second, a re-armed Ger
many, If Uie German Communists
got control, would tie up with Rus
sia. That would be the end of Wes
tern European democracy since
Western Europe's army" would be
helpless against combined German
Russian forces.
Further, this proposal of a uni
fied and re-armed Germany cer
tainly baa propaganda benefits lor
Russia among many, If not all,
And once Russia maneuvered
the West Into treaty talks, the
Russians could stall indefinitely,
knowing that the uncertainty about
the future would gum up the Wes
tern defense plans. The West said
"No, thanks," but not In such a
way as to anger the Germans,
BRIND1SI, Italy W) Seven
fighter planes and 100 tons of mil
itary supplies were unloaded here
i-naay irom tne u. a. ireignier
Central Victory. The supplies are
part oi tne military am to Italy
within the framework of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Rafael Mendez
world's greatest
coming . . .
APRIL 4th .
Records are
Available on all '
3 speeds at
Tickets on Sale at
Chamber of Commerce
Ph. 4519
t'OPICi "Why don't more people register and vote,
and what can we do about It?"
1. Do the people who do not vote generally realize their
responsibilities and privileges in that direction?
Yes ( ) No ( )
2. Is "polling Indlfferenco" puroly a lack of education
as to where polls and registration spots are located?
Yes ( ) No ( )
3. Should organisations such as Register end Vote, Inc.,
put out more effort to accomplish its job?
Yes ( ) No ( )
4. Are some people "fed up" with voting because they
don't feel one vote more or lets doos any good any
way? Yes ( ) No I )
5. Is there an organized political "voting machine" In
Klamath County? '
Yes ( , ) No ( )
6. Should political parties participate in getting people
out to vote?
Yes ( ) No ( )
7. If voting rules and regulations were changed so elec
tion day was a holiday would more people vote be
cause of the convenience in voting time?
Yes ( ) No ( )
8. Why don't more people register and vote, and what
can we do about It?
120 No. 7th
Sponsored By Dorris Boys' Club
Moose Hall -1010 Pine
Your Membership Card
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Come In and see
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lion of Vel-va-colo, General
Paint's revolutionary new plaslii
rubber finish. Available In all
Trend Tones colors, including
new deep tones.
515 Main Phone 3829
Ph. 4319
- March 29
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