KHIDAY, MAUCII '!lt, 11152 HERALD AND NKVVS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKGON PARK FIVE fill Go to Church Sunday r CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OF CHRIST 2'4M WantlMiil I'tmHB IliOl Arllnir (). Ilhii'kwrll 10:0(1 AM. Illblr I'limni-a 11:00 A.M. Wnli'i M-rvIre 1:0(1 P.M. KvciiIhk a-rvlce 1:00 P.M. Wwlnriliiy mtVIib Klamath Revival Cenler Haulm. Hev IJ'iicKliy M-CIMii Witt Mllrlicll Pimm 45'JO 10:00 A M.-fcuiiiluy' UYIhkiI . 11:00 A M. Mill nliiH Wun.Mii 7:4ft A.M.-KviiiiKfllBllr Hrivlin 1:00 I M. Tiii'Kdiiy -AVA (iroup 1:411 P.M.-Wcihii'Mliiy - ' Piayor MtTllllH 1:411 P.M. I'riiluy lllble blurty 1:45 P.M . Hiiliirilny - Youlm Pruplr'a Mi-rllim. Church of Christ 1114 Arlhur Phoiit 2-1140 10 00 A M. lllblc C'liiMu s 11:00 AM MonuiiK Worship 1:30 P.M. Mutual nllllctiliun 1:00 P M. WiMlnrtiiluy Dibit Bluily,.. .. 1 Missionary Baptist Church 41.14 Diiuclat KUIrr C. V. liliiili IihkI. n:lur 9 :4a A M. bumluy Htliuol 11:00 AM. Moiiniiii WotMnp 1:00 P.M. TmuiliiK Union ;00 P.M. Kvrhlnx Hcrvue 1:00 P.M. Tlnmrluy Illblo Study lUltlSTlAN Hl'IKNCE llll'lltil Tenth and Whlnitoa 11:00 .m. HuiKluy School 11:00 a.m. Sunday Bcrvlca (:00 p. m, Wednesday Evenlni Scrvlra ' ' . t:3C p.m. Snt. rudlo projruin KFJI. Klamath Tempi W7 fine Pbont Mtt Rev. IJ. B. Anderson, mlnlnler Rev. Warner Hock, Ast. Pastor f.ii a m Sunday arhool 11:00 a m MonuiiK womlilp. 6:30 p.m. Overcomrr services. 1:4S EvanirWli: nervier . 7:4 pm. Wednesday, Hlhte study and pr.ive tllicclllij. 1:45 p.m. I'ldny, Voting peoples' acrvicn. 1:30 p m. K:iiurilnv, radio broad cast. KFJI Community Church of tha Brethren 412.1 Bristol Rev. Kdwnrd Lander 1:45 A M. Church Hchool 11:00 A.M.- Morning Worship 1.00 to :00 P. M Wcdntjday Hubby ft CioJI Club Salvation Army 400 Klamath MlO anil Mrs Jink Little 10 00 A M Huruliiv tv hool 11:00 A M -Hulini-nj. Mrellnf 11:00 AM. Junior Church . 6 30 P.M. Young I'euple's Meeting . 6:00 PM. Salvation Meeting i . Immanuel Baptist llth and High Rev. W V Trmplln : 45 A.M. bible Bcliiml 11:00 A M. Morning Wornhlp 6:30 1:M-.yx)ung People 7:30 P.M.i-Kvmlnit Worship 1:30 P.M. Wed. Evening Prayer 8rrvlre . i Hop Evangelical Lutheran Hhaata School Htv. M. R. Anderson. Putor Paraonace, 1143 Kane 0:30 A.M. Munclny School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service First Presbyterian Merrill Re. Ocorge A. Milne 10.00 A.M. unday School 11:00 A.M. Divine Bervlre 1:00 P.M. Fireside Service Nuracry Open First Christian Ninth and Tine tin. George Alder, Minister 1:45 a.m. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wed. Gospel Tabernacle AlUmont and Maryland Rev. W. U. Bigbv. PaMor 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Mornh'g Service 1:30 P.M. Evenings Worship Also services at 7:30 p.m.. Saturday and Wednesday. Morrill Baptist Mission Recreation llulldlng 0:45 A.M. Sunday school 11:00 A.M. Worship service Union Gospel Mission 251 Commercial Pastor O. M. Timma 10:00 A.M. Bible School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service. Klamath Latter Rain Church KM Wilsliburn Way Rev. Art Simpson 10:00 A.M. Sundiiy School, nil ages 8:00 P.M. Evening Service Pilgrims Holiness -2301 Wantland Phone 5514 Rev O. D. Weaver 0:48 A.M. Sundny School 1 1 -00 A.M. Yarning. Service , CMS P.M.-Y.P.S. ' ' 1:30 P.M. EviitiRellsllo Meeting 1:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer II Friendly Helpfulness . v I'll To Every . Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath II Funeral Home I Marguerite M. Ward . HI'' and Sons Jjl 925 H'ah Phono 333-r Church of the Naiarene (iarrirn and Martin Rev Deal Van Ue O'lft 0:45 A.M. Hiimlay School I1:U0 A.M.- Morning Worship 0 45 P. I.-Youug People 1:30 P.M. Kviinncllstle Hervlce 1 30 P.M. Wednesday Priiyer Hervlce. 8:30 P M.-Wednesday Choir Practice First Baptist N, Sill and Waslilnslan 1)1. K, M. Causey, pustor '0:45 A.M. Sunday Hchool 11:00 A.M. Mm iilim Worship 6:15 p.m. Training Union,. 1:30 pjn. Kvenlng Service 1:00 p.m -Wednesday, young . people's meeting. 6:00 pin. Wednesday, mid-week prayer service. 1:30 p.m. Thursday, choir rehear sal, Keno Gospel Center Phone 2 3043 : Itev. (iladva .illllord. Pastor 10.(10 A.M. Sunday School. 11:00 A M- .Morning Worship 1'45 P.M Hundny Kve Services 1 45 P M Tuesday, Prayer Meet, ing 3 30 PM. Krl. Children's church 1 45 P.M.-Prlday Bible Study. OTI Sunday School Guest Home 10:00 A.M. Sunday Bchool every Sundny First Presbyterian Church 601 Pine Rev. David Harnett Jr., Pastor 0:30 A.M. Church school (or all ages. 9:30 and 11 am. Morning worship. 11:00 A.M. Junior Worship 6:00 P.M. Junior high Westmin ster Fellowship. 6:30 P.M. Senior high Westmin ster Fellowship. Assembly of God 14 Oak 1 Iter. Daniel liayllss, minister Rev. Donald Annas, assistant pastor SUNDAY KKRVK'KS 0:45 a m. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning services 6:45 p.m. Youth services 1:30 p m. Evangelistic rally MID-WKKK SERVICES 1:30 pm. Tuesday, nible study and prayer service 10:00 a.m. Thursday, Prayer service 7:30 p.m. Thursday, preaching service. 8:00 p.m. Saturday, street service. FREE mI?H0DIST tit S. 0th Rev. Fred C. Neumann, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 A M. Broadcast, KFLW 0:45 A M Si'iduy School ll:no A.M. Worshln Service 0:45 P.M. Young People 7 :4b. P.M. E v e n In g Evangelistic . .-... aervlee. '' - -MIDWEEK SERVICES 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, Midweek prayer. Calvary Baptist E. Main at (iardrn llurgess P. Barrett, pastor 0:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 0:15 P.M. Training union 1:30 P.M. Evening Worship MID-WEEK KEP.V1CE8 1:15 PM. Wednesday, teachers meeting 8:00 PJH. Wednesday, prayer service 2:00 P.M. Thursday. WMU. Mt. Laki Community Arthur L. Rice, minister 9:45 A.M. Sunday Bchool 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 1:30 P.M. ChrisUsn Endeavor Stewart-Lenox Baptist W. E. Weeke, Pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday Bchool 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 8:30 P.M.- -Training Union 1:30 P.M. Worship Service 1:00 P.M. Wedne'day Prayer and Choir Pratlce First Church of God 202 Altainant Rev. C. H. Beahm 9 45 A.M Sunday School 11-00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:45 .MYoung People 1:30 P.M. Evangelistic 1:30 PM. Bible Study. Malin Community Church (Presbyterian) Rev. Ocorge A. Shuman, pastor 9:45 A.M. Sundny School, all ages 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 1:00 P.M. Senior and Junior High Young Peoples Societies Kingdom Hall 1 Jehovah's Witnesses 833 N. 9th 1:45 P.M. Sunday Watchtower Study 1:45 P.M. Wednesday Bible atudy 1:45 P.M. Friday Service meeting 8:45 P.M. Friday Theocratlo School First Methodist lOlb and High Rev. Lloyd Hollowty 9:45 A.M. Sunday Bchool 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:35 P.M. In'ermedlnte M.Y.P. 1:00 P M. Senior M.YJV First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of Th Mother Church, The Firit Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mots. 10th ond Woihlnitoa Services' Sunday Strvlco, 1 1 e. m. Sunday School, 1 1 :00 a.m. Wednoiday avonlni Meatine. 8:00 e'lck. Lesson-Sermon Subject March 30 "REALITY" Christian Science Reading Room 1021 Main Sr. Radio Broadcast Sat.. 5:30 p.m. KFJI ."NO SHORTAGES'' ; ' Seventh-Day Adventist 1131 Main Rev. P. C. Alderson ' SATURDAY 0:30 A M. Hnbhalh school 11:00 A.M. Ohuri'h Service SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. Evangelistic service MIDWEEK 1:30 P.M. Wednetday al Friday evangelistic service Klamath Lutheran Crois and Crescent Rev Irvln Tweet 9 41, A M Sunday achool 11:00 A.M. Divine Worship 6:00 P.M. tienlor League First Covenant !3 Walnut Phone 8517 Cnrl a. Btroin, Pastor 0:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 1:45 P.M. Fellowship Hour 6:00 PM.-Wednesday-Blble Bludy and Prayer ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH llth and lllfh Rev. It K, Oracf, pastor 1 1 :00 A.M. Morning wor.shlp 0:45 A.M. Bundav school 10 00 A.M. Bible class 10:30 A.M. Lutheran Hour, KFJI Congregational Carden near Martin Sti. Rev. Donald M. Casslday 0:45 A.M.-Church 8chool 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 1:00 P M -High School Pilgrim Fellowship. Peace Memorial Presbyterian 4431 8. Sixth Phone 6651 ' , ' Rev. Dwayne L. Proett 9:30 A.M. Church Bchool 11:00 A.MMomlng Worship Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ' " 0th and Plum Temporary Notice 1:00 P.M. Church Bchool 2:00 P.M. Preaching Service Call 2-0115 fur more Information. Church of Jesus Christ Of I otter Dav Saints - Rome and Martin 9:00 A.M. P-lesthood Meeting 10:30 A M. Sunday School . 1:00 P.M Sacrament 2:00 P.M. Snt. Primary Meeting 2:00 P M. Tuesday Relief Society 1:30 P.M. Tuesday M. Li, Bible Baptist Church 2'1 44 Wlard Keith P. Fields. Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday school 11 :00 a.m. Morning Worship 0:30 p.m. Baptist league. 130 p.m. Evening service. 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, all family church night. St. Paul's Episcopal 01 Jefferson Pbone IStS Galen H. Onstad, Rector 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer 1:30 P.M. Young People'i Fellowship. PELICAN CITY Baptist Mission Rev. L. W. Rowland, pastor 3138 Lakeport Blvd. 9:30 A.M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 1:00 P.M. Evening Worship 1 :00 P.M. Thursday, Young Peoples Meeting. Church Sees 5th Birthday Calvary Baptist Church, E. Main at Garden Sis., will celebrate Its fifth anniversary this Sunday with a day-long program, according to Rev. Burgess P. Baggett, pastor Event,sof the day will Include: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.: roll call, 11 a.m.: morning sermon. 11:30 a.m.: lunch, 12:30 p.m.; song rallv, 1:30 p.m.: reading of the church history. 1:45 p.m. Also on the program will be greetings on behalf of Klamath Baptist Assoc.. at 2 p.m. by Dr. E. M. Causey, following that n message will be presented by Dr. R. E. Milan, executive-secretary of Oregon-Washington Baptist Con vention. Evening services will start at 6:15 p.m., with baptism services to follow. Ladles of the church are asked to bring a meat, vegetable or "nlad and desert dtsn lor tne luncn. SMITH FAMILY BRANCH MOSCOW lTI Ivanov Is still the most common name in Moscow, and Kuinctsov Is second. This was revcaiea oy evening Mnsrow which said there are nenr lv 100.000 Ivanovs in the capital and nenriv 10.000 KU7.netS0VS. KUZ- netsov translated into English is Smith. Ivanov is closest to Johns. t2fi:iI2IV HE 'Ull waasaaaaiiaaiiaiesinwiaataeifitiwriiii - .p u Dr. Anderson Here Sunday Dr. Harrison Hay Anderson, elec ted liinl year as moderator of the General Assembly of the Presby terian Church In the U.S.A. will be In Klainuth FnllH Sunday (or a speuklng engnKernent at Peace Me morial Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dwayne Proett, Peace Mc morlki pantor. said Dr. Anderson will illKtusa the topic "Recovery ol the Church," at 8 p.m. . moderator "r. rtnacrson pre. !,." lh',-,..,;V""1 J ,n "- oi". , and linuncia coordinating bouy o ' '"";DCC" l'lor , Chicago, III., since 1030. Ainuuu his many works. Dr. An uci nun huh ucun cimni nun hi me reunion of the Prcsbytcnan Church in the U.S.A., and the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. (Southern branch). He has travclcJ widely I In !! tt.nW.r,,, fr mmlnn , . ; v J.;..i .". 7&ZZrrlK 10 markew throughout the Board of Contributing Editors of " ---- the Presbyterian Outlook, u mngu zine of the Southern Presbyterian Church. In addition to his special interest in reunion. Dr. Anderson has been keenly interested In the cause of the church union jkcnerally. He Is a member of the Permanent Com mission on Inlcr-church Relations of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., a body which handles cor respondence and conducts negotia tions relating to the U.S.A. Pres byterian Church's share In the uni ty movement In Protestantism. A native of Manhattan, Kan.. Dr. Anderson graduated from Kansas State College in 1911 as a sanitary engineer. In 1914 he entered Mc Cormlck Seminary and was or dained by the Presbytery ol Topeka in 1911. Temple Slates Carmichaess EvnnRellslic services startine at Klamath Temple Tuesday, April 1, at 1:46 p.m., will continue nightly through next Sunday night, April 6, according to Rev. D. B. Anderson, pastor. A husband and wife team, Ralph and Evanuelinc Carmichael. well known In the Los Angeles area for their outstanding television pro gram, will conduct the services. Paul Mlckelson. oruanlst for evnn. gcllst Billy Graham lor 18 months, win accompany the Carmlchaels. A 30-mlnute film of one of the Carmlchael s TV shows will be shown at the services. Luther League Dates Named ADDrOXimatelV 30O inpmhers nr the Oregon - Washington Luther league aro anticipated here for a district convention April 24 through 21. Delegates to the convention will come from the two states. Assisting in convention work from Klamath Falls ore r.)M w.n-. alter housing i: Mrs. B E. Eeii (registration) and Mrs. J. R. Feeb ler ipuoucityi. Outside convention activities trips are planned to Crater Lake una upper luaniain Lake. BUDGET BOOSTERS Cabbage Is the outstanding v?. table buy' for this month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports. OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR NOW.. PAY LATER! OUR SPECIAL complete overhaul WE WILL: Install r." '!" . Install pi"" lM Grind velvet Clean end rera arms a. main i ana CUoit ail breother . .,n. " ...j r LhevroiGiv- " pectin, ..'"' m. all ouP ASHLEY CHEVROLET I MAIN SPEAKER at Bap tist Sunday School Conven tion slated here April 8 through 10 is A. V. Wash burn, superintendent of teaching and training from Nashville, Tenn. He will also lead a conference ses sion of pastors and super intendents during the con vention. Site of the confer ence 'Is First Baptist Church. Picture Tells Juvenile Storv t of how brokefi cnurch lnfow helped solve the problem of juvenile delinquency, will be re ,late(, ,n fllm ,.,n Name. to be ahown at 1 p.m., Sunday at 'Bristol St. at Summers Lane. Rev. Edward Lander, pastor, has rhn..n h sermon tonlo at IZl.T nT I a.m. Sunday, The Gospel ol the Set Teeth." uuadd nAH.II SHSSr Large quantities of carrots are fiiuiiiirv nmriai rnvprnmpni r. norts sav. w th the aunD v com ng mostly from California, Arizona arfl Texas. Watch for easing prices. the NOW pillow ever offered during the Spring Sales Introducing for the first time the New remarkably priced $H95 Stondord Pillow $795 full UAtth 1etr ( Mtr rtmovfjl 4 lauftdri-f. Ipi flMfy, Pt, come in fee it feel Ihen you II (now inilanily its petal toll smoolhnen !i unequoled. The Doyton KooWoam Siondard ii new oiluiei fresh, clean ond softer, more comfortable rest sever logi er bunches allergy free dust fret. "For Distinctive Gifts" mm store 221 Main piston ti9 Piston a-'"1 Distributor poi"1 Condn,r .volve heoa' All lasVett ' end , 5 Quarts oil si reconditioninq - ifsvroiei ... na $77 50 Sacred Heart Slates Mission During Week A week long mission lo bo pre sented by Paullst fathers Irom San Francisco will start Sunday 1:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Parish and conciuue run o.j nlng services. 1 At the invitation of Sacred Heart most sensational it, and Phone 4561 For a limited time only Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR NOW AND FIX US LATER! MLS---? z REV. J. J. HARRINGTON E "a U I KcV. J. uULunm rnuis. KOOlfOSffl standard pillow pastor Rev. T. P. Casey, the mis sion will be prcacned by Kev. j. Goldwin Molr, C8P, and Rev. Janes J. Harrington. CSP, of the Paullst Fathers of Old St. Mary's, San rrancisco. services are sched uled each evening at 1:30 p.m. and Mnsse.s every morning at 6, 1 and 8 a.m. According to Rev. Casev. Catho lics and non-Catholics alike are wel come to attend the mission. Rev. Casey said. "At the present time when the Catholic church Is being persecuted In many parts of the world: when her enemies are doing their utmost to discredit her by misrepresentation of her claims and teachings: when so many peo ple are misjuaging tne church and ineir uainonc ieuow-cttizens be cause their opinions have been moulded by false propaganda cir- cuiatea against them, It Is Impor tant that an opportunity be given Intelligent, sincere and charitable people who are not Catholics, to examine the teachings ol the Cath olic church which she offers In Extra Savings urn Buy wisely by buying the best . . at these unusually low prices! "CROFT" CHENILLE . BEDSPREADS Soft corduroy chenille in full or twin size. Lovely sprinq colors: green, ten, red, qold, white, orchid, rosewood, hunter green. Regular 8.49 value! 7" Second Floor Nylon Marquisette Curtain Panels Large 42x81 size. Rinse and dry as easily at your nylon hose! Shrink less than 1. Defy mildew or in sects. A super value! NEW, CALFORNIA HAND-PRINT TABLE CLOTHS Fresh, new color com binations on beautiful "B :" x::.s. cutivn lumi iinisn. 54x54 size. A super value at this low price. SPECIALLY n50 PRICED AT 81x108 LADY PEPPERALL SUPERFINE MUSLIN SHEETS At This Extra Special Price Saturday Only! ROYAL CRAFTSMAN IMPORTED COSTUME JEWELRY A qrand table-full selec tion of necklaces, chok ers, earrings and brace- . lets. Seed bead styles with braided effect. In red er white. See to appreciate! .Your Choice! ONLY 1.00 ' KLAMATH'S OWN "For Distinctive Gifts" till I! support of her claims end doc trines." . "All questions will be answered during the mission," Father Casey added, "and the lectures given by well equipped speakers, aiiould be Instrumental In creating a much better spirit and feeling between neighbors." FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS 6 COTTACG CHLjGSD UK Kg THI CBATIB Ul C07TACI OtfUl MCIH soot at Your Store! SATIN QUILTED TOP BEDSPREADS Exquisite tailored flounce in full siie. All new colors: wine, pine-green, cameo pinki lime-green. SPECIALLY PRICED AT 12" Second Fleer SPECIAL LOW PRICE! 269 BRAIDED COTTON "KORWOOL' RUGS Dved-in multi-color com binations braided tightly over wool core. Prices) low! 18x30 .... 2. It 24x36 3.45 27x48 ..... 5.29 36x60 8.69 48x72 13.91 y i iy Second Floor Regular 3.39 290 eech Jus tax STORE FRESH! MADE M KLAMATH FALLS? -l-aW crisis 410 So. 6th Ph. 4113 721 Mein Phone 4511