I' WUUAY, MARCH 28, 1052 HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THRFI llumr Mr. mill Mm. Clitorge Rn. ki'ii 'I'uli'liiko, luivo I'Vlui'iX'd Irom Hua.lt In wlii i o lliry vlallrd noli, I'ticu bi n Kcllioii unci lumlly, Tlior lil'll In III lilt' ciiulnmrlliu iliiiiirt mrlit uf till) UueiliK Alruriifl Co, In Hi proem working nil Uui nrw li-ti'i llniiil)ir. Tim Thor bcn rtrllirri'a hnvr three children, Judy, Ullly mid Kicky. ,, . Iimi(I Fond A bnkrd lukr ante ipomiarefl by Iho l.iullr-a Auxllliiry (hi Itrntlicrhood of Riillwuy Train, men will bp hold Bntiirdiiv nt Uie Quullly Food Bloiti. I.iullra lira nuked In deliver food by 10.30 n.m, Free drllvury will bo lurnlahcd by ciiIIIiik 73M or UiflS. . (lonr-Cpl. Rudolph A. (Iclmllrlt, Hon of Mr. and Mrn. A. I.. Hrlmildl Mnlln, linn returned tn Clnrkavllle, f)ne, Tenn,, nllrr vlaltlng (rlonda mid fcliillvci hero. Krror Tho Vlnlnif Hitpprlnry, A.ihluiid, which In preaitnlhiK lour modem plu n thin nprlus, Aruenlc mid Old Luce, The Import, lira ol llrliiK Krnral, Cluudlu nd Deiilli uf Siiliwimm, runnlnii from April 14 to Mny 10 him no connection with Hip tfhnkeapiiArliiii F'callvnl in iwllGiiUid In an nil Her news ntory. The lour pin vd will be pruentrd In the Llthla Theiiter. Ill-Mra. Knrl Oenlry, TuleUke, In In KlumnUi Vnllry honpitnl lor obnprvBtliin. Barkley Yins Bronze Star Murine Cnrpa Cpl. I.clloy Burk Icy, hu.ibund uf Bully Ann jlurklcy. Clillixium, Jinn won tho Hronre btiir liirdul un tho Korciui front. The intiilul wtia nwurclMl by Mill. On. O. C. Tliinniin with the lol luwlnu cltullbii: "Fur heroic iii-hlpvemrnl In con necllun wlih oprruiionn nun Inn the enemy while serving Willi h M.i line rifle rompiihy In Knren oil March 3. 1UM. Cpl. Itnrkley dit plnyed mrut hklll imd courage In the perinriiiiiiHT ot hi dullen us a nmcliine gun miuihI lender, Dur ing the nwiiilt on Hill 400 nenr Hoener-onir, the lenduiK elrmente ol the company were pinned down by Intenne enemy fire In nucli a poftlllun Hint they iiinskrd the fire of liln pun. On hi own Inltlutlve, ne led Mm men of his aouiid throiiKh the lieiivy fire, mid renchliiR the obntructuiK cni)liireuient, hurled a. tiiimbrr of wrllplnced grennden which killed or wuunded nil the occupiinl mid kilenred their fire. Then, moving hi gun Into Hie tented position, he directed effec tive nnd nrcuriite fire nuuln.t the fleehiK enemy, Inlllctlnir heavy nui unltlen, Corporal Diirklcy'a cour aitcmia Rctlnna were nn Inspiration to nil who observed him. nnd were In krrpinir with the hlKho.1 tradi tion of the United Stnte.i Nnvnl Ueivlce." Improving Flunk Bell, owner of the Hi' 1 1 Machinery Co., Houlh Hnulli Hlxlli, pioneer of Tulelnko, him Improved onouuh ut Wheeler, (Jro , t ioi ii nn iillnck of nrtln ltli to iitlmicl tho luncrnl today ol hln mullii'i', "Mid, Juinca Itiilh, tiiinu Horn). MUlakeA box contiilnliix a re. frlifeinlor Jnr, nblonii kI"n dlih. white enniiiel pan, Ice oreuin dip mid ten toweln wnn phiocd on the buck nent of the wrong cur Innt nlHht nomas from the Melhodlnt church following u dinner. Will tho Under plcuo phone 'H'iH. Ill-Mrn. HiikIi O'Connor, promi nent Klumiuh Fulln miitron la ni r loiihly III In Morcy HonplUil, Red Ulull, Mciiiborn ol her liunlly ma lit her bcdnldc, Mrn, O'Connor win luken to Bun Mnteo nevernl duyn imo- lor mi'dluiil trcntmcnt, then leturiicd to Hod Dluir tn be doner to her lumlly. Mrn. Dun Cuahmuii mid non Hurry O'Connor, let t today lor Red Uluff. Ill W. C. Hooper necrclury ol the Mooks ludxe 1" In Klumulli Vnl lry Jlonpiuil lor nuriicry, Churrli Movie The movie, "Fliih nrn of Men," will bo nhnwn lit Con KreKUllonul Church, 31(10 Ourdvn Ave, ut 7:30 p.m. Bundiiy. MethudUt Frllowlilp hour on flunduy evenlnii will be linnilled by the Melhodlnt . Voutn FflloWhlilp Hum 'I 'M to 8:30 p. in. touU Krbrn. Put Tnylor. Ann Pedernen and Mary Ileth Rico will lend the proKium. Merrill Mlntn-Thc Merrill Cump Fire Lciioern' Annoclnllon met Murch 2ii. to imike pluns lor the iinnuiil mint Mile In be held Mnrch M throuxh April 12. Proceeds ure to be lined lor Cump Fire work llirouKhout to county. SI'KAKKK ARIII.AND m Mnrllm tShull. rorlluud leucher. In to be the ney pote n(eker nt n conlerejice rf l'oung women, to be held In Ami Onnd Knturdny. Two hundred htnh pchool girls Irom Bmilliern Oregon nd Northern Cnlllornln pre ex pected. The event Is being npon pored by the American Association of Unlvernlty Women. Merrill Moone Member of Mer rill Women of the Moone C'hupier lb will hold Ha next regular meet ing April I with the frleiidnhlp committee In rhurge of the night's proa rum. A Iml intrude will be leulured with a prize nwurded lor the iiiuhl "outliindlMi" hnl. 4-11 Oenioii.nriillon and Judulng pructlce ut Joint's Kitchen, hull givunda, Huluidny lor all interested .-hiK mfmtierk Iriirlem ttlld linreills. Call 4-11 olllce lor schedule. Dem onstration clnns siurln V a.m. judg ing 10 to ll::i0 n. m. At Home Mrs. Don C. Flnher, wile ol the l.uva Beds National Monument custodian, la nt home alter undergoing surgery and hos pitalization. Fisher Is on leave from the monument during ner nines. Collrie F.vent Arlcne Brulller. Klnmnlh Falls, Is a member of the program committee planning the Linlleld College Spring Caval cade at McMlnnvllle. The program Ik designed to enteraln Northwest high school visitors to the campus. Carnation Club Apron and lood sale In the Pine Street Market, i all day tjnlurdiiy. Degree of llonur Executive Mummy, 8 p.m., Instead of. Tues day at the home ol Jennie' Buck, 0305 Simmers. Reappraisal Move Started I.AKEVIEW .A move tpwprd re appraisal of nil property In Lake County, looking to equalization ol property assessment and tux levy linn heon m.ide by the county court In the decision to hold a npeelnl lux election , concurrent with the Muy 10 prlmury to finance the county's slime of the reappraisal program, said County Judge J. R. Ifrckiiiau and County Assessor C. H. I.angHlel. A resolution calling the election In being prepared lor the, signs lure of the county court bv District Attorney Robert L, Welch. The election will ask the voters for approval of a Ihrec-year serial levy of one mill per year to raise tho county's share. Cont of the re nppralsul nan been entluinted by the ntate Tax Commlslon at 101,400, ol which the slide and county would each pay hull with the stale Inx conimlsnlon to furnhih the re appraisement personnel, Lake Coun ty's share of the cost would 'be about 546,000 over a three-year period. Post Office Business Up LAKE VIEW The Lakevlew pol offlce muy achieve first class stat us this year as the result of stamp and postage sales during 1051 reaching M0,305.U4, It wan an nounced tills week by Postmaster "red Peat. Oross receipts of $40,000 Is the minimum required lor postofflces beln places In first class status, but the local figure must be figured and approved by the postofflce de partment before It will be definite ly known whether the new status was reached. If the postofflce Is approved for ii... .,! PbI. mill 11 Will be effective .July 1 nr,1 change will entitle mis posionice to one new position and possibly two. The mil- nw nnsltlnll would be that of assistant postmaster, and the pos- Finie sccooa posinon womu uc ami erlnlendent of the malls. The lnt ter would depend upon recommen dation of the postal Inspector. The) $40,305 P4, In stamp and post- ,. ... rMtlni l lltti. nnslntflee Hur. ling 1951 represents an Increase of $1,250.00 over 1060. Boysville, Project Of FootprinterS; To Be In Operation Vithin A Year The first unit ol Boynvllle a pro. Jrcl of International Foolprluti rs Association (fraternal organization of law ol liners and civilians in the United States and Canada) will be In operation within a year. R. B. Morrison, IFA grand chap ter president, and lieutenant ol too Tncoma Wash., police department, relayed that Information to a din ner meeting of Klamath Falls IFA Chapter 14 at the Pelican Ca'.e last night, Morrison ald the first unit would be located within 200 miles of Ban Francisco In California. Kventual-. ly It la planned, Morrison related, to havo a Boysville unit In every state having a Footprlnlera chap ter. Boysville will provide a home, training and education lor depend ent and needy boys from the age ol nix years through high school. A sinking lund Is also to be es tablished to provide college educa tion lor all Boysville graduate who desire to continue their edu cation. Morrison sold Initial purpose ol the movement will not be to handle delinquent boys, but will be to help deserving youngsters become up right citizens and thus prevent de linquency. Some 30 local Footprlntcrs at tending the dinner heard Morrison say the organization plans to ex pand by Including moc businessmen In Its fold nr.l not a bus's of one civilian to one officer as heretofore. Itinerary ot the Intcrnatlo-v! convention to be held June 23 through 25 at Seattle, Wash., lor Footprlnters and their wives wat also announced by Morrison. Much of the convention will be set aside to formulating plans for Boysville. Lakeview PTA Elects Officers LAKEVIEW At a apeclal meet ing of the Lakevlew PTA, Tuesday I evening, Mrs. Olenn L. Smith.' chairman of the nominating com-' mlttee presented the following slate of officers and the assembly cast a unanimous ballot for the slate: Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson,' co Presidents; Mrs. Rex Stephens, vice-president; Mrs. Joel Peters, secretary; Mrs. Ross Duke, treas urer: Mrs. B. H. Franklin, historian. Draft Board Forms Again LAKEVIEW Four Lake County men accepted appointment to the Lake County Draft Board, effec tive March 18, according to advise received here. They replace the four-man board that resigned March 4 In protest aglnst treaty provisions which exempt from serv ice foreign nationals who a r e In this country on permanent visa. The new board members' are Raymond A. Johnson, Route 6, Lakevlew, farmer; Leon Hapke. Lakevlew, employe of the Ameri can Forest Products Corporation; Frank T. Shcchan, Lakevlew, man ager of the state liquor agency lUire: Forrest E. Cooper, Lakevlew attorney. On Wednesday of this week, the new board had not met to organize and elect board of officers. The new board fills vacancies Init, by the resignations of Carl Pendleton, Chairman: Jess Faha, secretary; Harry J. Anthony, and L. 8. Passage. Those men resigned In protest against unconditional treaties with forciim countries which permit nationals of those countries, in the United Stated on permanent visas, to exempt them selves Irom service with the armed lorces. i S 1,0(1 A.N ; It's wonderful when all "Vie tall ones Can bend, and lend our strength to small ones. I Olve to Easter Seals , . . Help I cripple children. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA arctllfsll' Trial.a Melsilra Hlk4 t?t K Ilk it IMi Demo Brass Plans Meet Here Today Howard Morgan of Monmouth, chairman of the Oregon Democrat ic Central Committee, is to attend a meeting of the Klamath County Demo Central Committee tonight. The meeting is to be hcldln the Circuit Court room of the Court house, starling at 8 o'clock. Church Plans Fund Drive A ffial nf ate. Ann urn, uni loci Sunday when members of Congre gational Church, 2lfi0 Garden Ave., met to consider raising cash and gins ior construction of a church scuooi snu community nan wing. A committee has been appointed to make plans for canvassing church members. Sunday school families, and other Irlcndn of the church In the community on May Chairman of the committee Is Truman Nelson. Other committee nernbers are Duane Bhogren Warn jiyan. Virgil Vandlver, Loyal Lust nd Rev. Donald Casslday, pastor. RC Drive Up To 61 Percent Klamath County's Red Cross fund drive reached 61 per cent of it's $23,000 goal this morning. Collections totaled $15,179. Key to success of the drive ap pears to be the Rural Division. This division, slow to get under way De cause of bad weather and roads, has turned In only $508 toward its $5,000 goal. Red Cross leaders have pointed the need of reaching this year's quota because of the Bloodmoblle expense. Besides aupplylng the armed services with blood, the Bed Cross is supplying free blood for home town hospital use. Last momii 91 pints of the blood were used In Klamath hospitals. There is no charge for the blood. Persons re ceiving blood pay only normal hos pital laboratory fees. If the Red Cross blood were not available, the blood would cost about $25 a nint. The Funds Drive Committee, headed by Russell Tisdale and Oeorge Dlmbat, met this morning to plan final action for the cam paign. PETRIFIED CAT MT. VERNON, 111. Un Electri cians wiring an old farm house were shocked to find a petrified cat sealed in the walls. One of the men said the cat had "completely turned to rock ' in Its airless tomb. Bergstrom Is Lake Elk Boss LAKEVIEW Hcnrv Bergstrom has been elected exalted ruler of l akevlew Lodge No. 1438, Benevo lent and Protective Order of Elks, lie served as esteemed leading knight lust year. Berg.'.trom will succeed Joel Pe ters as exalted ruler. Installation will be held at the regular meet lug April 2, Other officer elected bv h lodse were: F. J. Faha, esteemed leading Knight; R. D. Proebstel, esteemed loyal knight: Dean North esteemed lecturing knight and" Ger ald Gordon, treasurer. . INCOME I P PORTLAND Net Income for the Pacific Power It Light Com pany increased in the past vear from $3,251,000 to $3,788,451, Presl Ide.nt Paul B. McKee reported Thursday. He said that for the 12 months er.dcd Feb. 29, revenues went up 7.8 per cent, from $18,611,905 to $20,067,854. flnCH Theatre IT . tisotr tm aoaoir, mm. m im gives iwsrmrNsiPt You ran try BREATH EASY Nebuliz ing Mel hod for Ihe relief of bmnrhlal ASTHMA ivmplomi on money bark arrangement that leavci no room for doubt. You re the Judge you must be ftattiflerl. No matter how many yar you have suffered no matter If you have "tried them all" BREATH EASY must work cr It coiti you nothing. Try it today? PAYLESS DRUG MMt -U In Wut T. It It MK, M CaH m mm UMUtTtH Tails, in. tUmttH ',. 13 '.ll.ttl B'"li'V.i.'ni",l,B "Una u4 nn tint Itauit Canty aaa "Ht CalUrU" Outm Hilar tit UTUMtf, (M. 4 tlartltl LiTttU Ttuf ui llckanl Crina la "KENTUCKI" la Qtrim Ttctakato tmn Hilr" CarHM ji arn This will be Morgan's first ap pearance here since he was elec ted to head the Democratic organ ization In Oregon several weeks ago. aaaaaaMal General IViajajBJH Ilans Frei BOOKKEEPING Service 1 54 Sa. 6ih hrsi 1 OiJ ai.oDiiau aspiqin HIP CHIIOM'L .MODERN WAT TO GIVE ASPIRIN TO YOUR CHILD r .Play beautiful organ music at once! &.;v J&. aWI "1 you needn't know . a note! Ar - '---''i'ii The HAMMOND Chord Organ Here is the revolutionary new instrument everyone is talk inq about. Scores of local families are buyinq chord orqans. Folks who never before played a note are enjoy inq a thrilling adventure into self created music. And experience shows that chord orqan becomes nearer ond dearer as months qo by, proficiency increases and owners como to appreciate its infinite possibilities. A chord orqan, privately placed in the store is yours to experiment with. Come in and try it, $ 995 00 DELIVERED Terms low as $50.00 down then pay like rent. . '.QUfS.H MANN PIANO CO. I'A H. 7lh ht "."OND ORGAN Phono 7182 CHORD ORGAN timeless style .i textured beauty 'twist carpets Have vou longed" for timeless carpet beauty and ttvle touetlier with durability and the right color for your floors? All these qualities can lie yours in a twist carpet by Lees. Leci Twist carpets are time-tested, the . . 1 fashionable light-and-sliadow twist texture has been a top selling fav ' orite for year. The rich, thick Leei quality wool yarns provide a perfect . setting for your moat treasured possessions, whether they be modem, ' . ' ' traditional, or both! These carpets are practical, too, because the sturdy . twist pile hides footprinli and soil, wears like iron. If it's carpet value - vou want, be sure to tee our Leea twists. Dozens of colors in a wide price range. - Lees Duralwist 13'5 Lees New l'cbblcwcavc ' Sa. Yd. Sq. Yd. ....... .' ?i LeeaWubsctte U0 Lee Bramble , , - 1 "Four Floors of Fine Furniture and Floor Coverings" KJamatk unnitune Co. AND GO PLACES EVERYTHING NO DOWN PAYMENT ONLY 55 A MONTH SianAar&Jfyfat oB $75 Headband ind hone IF 715 Main Street JTfcs BvilUbU t madtrat txtra cost. rrntr . ROEBUCK AND CO. r NEW LOW PRICES ! Sheets and Cases Save 60c Reg. 2.59 72x108 1" This is our 134 thread count quality , . , in , savinqs vou have been wgitinfl. for! Our Ion tire sheet line has been cut to offer you qreater savinqs at Sears Slumber Shop. Good Quality Muslin 72x108... 1.99 81x99 81x108 42x36 Cases 2.29 2.29 53c Best Quality Muslin ( 72x108 . . .... . 2.49 81x108 2.69 42x36 Cases 63c 100 ALL WOOL BLANKETS Reduced in our Slumber Shop ! P88 Save 2.07! Reg. 10.95 Here it is! An all wool satin bound blanket at this low, low price. Buy several to meet all your beddinq needs in full 72x 84 size. Guaranteed 5 years aqainst moth damage. ' mmmMmm 38 1 S-JW i : ii in .. i 1 100 Wool Blanket 4 Inch Rayon Satin Binding Req. 16.90 14.88 Full 72x90 inches of smooth wool ; in Hqrmony House colors. Guoronteed 5-yrs. against rolh damage. 334-lb. s All Wool Blankets Washablel Saves Cleaning Bills Req. 15.95 13 Oft 72x90-in. Size..-...,. . 1 Treated for negligible ihrinkage ... aiy to woth, 3'i-lb. weight in choice 1 of 6 Harmony House colon. ... Just Arrived! CANVAS DUCK 10-oi. Quality 48 in. 1.98yd. 60 in. 1.69yd 72 in. 1.29yd 133 So. 8th PhoM SIM, 221 Main Phone 5353 or 5339