f,,tMf ., MARCH ' " 19B2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH ' FALLS. OREGON PACE THIRTEEN' 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SAU RUN - DON'T WALK To Hip npiirrnl ptionn and cull un lr Ilin drlnllH about Ihls il-bcd-im noiiie only lour block Iroiri Mill" Huhonl; for bainaln hotIi n.i llih won't ln.nl lonti. tlonorote liiimdrllnn, aiitoninUo lloor fur. iiiht, Km ninur, flrrplnce In llvlnu room nml nice service porch. A dnmlv ynid Willi Ihwii mid ir Htm. Onmiin. full prl:e 40i)0.U0 'J'frin.i, of courae. SIX TICKETS TO IIAPPINKH8 lor nil vrun Mz Ininlly. Whrii you we the In Irihir ol 1 1 1 In splendid niodnrn home you'll rnili.s v.hy we y Hint ev ery i.ie n Hit nix roonm Is ticket lo fiimlly liHppluen end comlort. N'ewly dworiiied In.ilrie. Hprvlul I uipi lire nepurnle dining room nnd Hllinutlve I'uhl nrwlna; room. Alliichod Kiirnne. Ltmt 'a-ncre liood noil to rlne nil of the Kerdeu you went thin iiummcr, Only , nlnrk n 1 t bhlt;il Wy. MlX).0J. J'KKMS. Do You Have A Yen? To on n country nqulre? Ju.it olf llomednle on Urge a-ure plol, Ideul (or Knrdnnlnx. In thin modern iiiil-wnr 6-room home with solid niiiulullon, nutomntlo li e n I nnd exli u Inrue dlnlnir irti. Luriie Knrnne nnd nice ynrd with lawn fenced. Where ran you beat this for ioooo.uu. Reasonable ternnt. RUB YOUR EYES AND LOOK AGAIN. Only $TJO0 f .' thin modern 2-beriroom plan jrered home wllh electric heat In IMILLH ADDITION. Paved nlreet and nldewalkn. Hurrounderi by nice homes and friendly neighbor. All looms good nlre, lots of linen and ntorage apace. Large garage. Nice hnrk vnrd. all fenced. Ideal for ll'tle kiddles. Immediate possession. This lovely home Is Just waiting tor some nice family lo move Into It. TERMS TO SUIT YOU. Al Longmlre Joe Perry Eve. 6724 Eves. 6332 BURTON E. GRAY nEALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main rh. 36 or 3421 ROSEWAY DRIVE Here la a dandy 2-beriroom home with full basement on a quiet, resident lal aireet. Two lota, nicely , landscape.!. Will go fllA. 19300. SMALL FARM .1 acres near Hlg Y Junction. Most ly In pasture. Fenced with barn, large garden, berries, and lots of trees. Two bedroom house. All this for only 10000. MILLS Almtul new home, 2 blocks from school. Two bedrooms, plus spate for Uitrd bedroom. Hardwood floors, automatic heat, attached garage, and landscaped corner lot. !IA00. MILLS Four-year-old home among newer homes. Ranch-type hou.-.e with lmge living room and huge tire . pluce. Two bedrooms, attached enrage, patio sr. I landscaped lot. ' Will require about 12600 to han dle. RON FISHKR. Eves. Ph. 970 ALLAN DOUGLAS. Eves. 2-0083 Johnny Bloylock REALTOR 118 8. ELEVENTH rilONE 6446 SUBURBAN SPECIAL 1 BEDROOM modern home wllh excellent large garage. Work shop. Insulated fruit room, a chicken house. Large lawn en closed with good picket fence, well-located on Homedale. Close to So. 6th St. Full price 3950. $1230 down, balance In easy payments. Don't miss this. CITY SPECIAL 2 BLDROOM modem home on paved ttrcet. Close to high school. Reduced to 14230 for quick sale. WALT DIETZ. with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR ni INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4193 (Eve. 9469) 80 ACRES LOCATED on Highway 66. Home, barn mid other outbuildings. 20 sires In pasture. This la going at 110,000, $2600 down, balance on long terms, JACK OARDNER PHONE 6371 Newhouse Real Estate 2IIC0 Sn. Sixth Phone 9832 SUBURBAN TWO BEDROOMS, fireplace, Concrete foundation. Oarage. i acre. 67AO0. TWO BEDRROM8, living room, kitchen, utility. Contin uous foundation. $6000. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 S. Sixth Th, 9193 Even. 6344 or 7923 I'Olt SAI.K, etiully In modern two bed. omn horne. 1770 Fargo, phona B123. ton BALE, nice building lot, Hnt Iprlngi addition, very cloia to school. 'hone 7700. NctV tiuMkH tor sal. William B 'iihpii enone nam, fllltlSK bedroom holice on lM acr,. Till I bas.mont, two 3-car gnrsgei, 1ft nut and shade treat, large lawn, nil Iriyed. Good drainage. Will toka eighty ifitnt loan. Price stlsoo. Phone no.'io. tWO nsnrly romplatail holiRfls for Mile Mills Addition. Two bedrooms, lo. "). esrh. Phnn 7M. lnnulrn .HUH v-. Axel rinren. Builder el 10 RIAL ISTATI fOR SALI . CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 3 lo IIS per acta buys good riuiih ind limber Innd at Gov't, Hiate and County land Hales. MtlSb LAND CATALOG. Paclflo Lands 1021 KK Cahucnga Blvd. Hollywood 26, Calif. MILLS Bmall, two-bedroom, fully fur nished. Nice location. 3,000. 760 down. 1.10 per month In cluding Interest. Two bedroom, partly furnished, close to stores and but. Large (mage nnd workshop. 63200. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI RKAL F.WATK 631 S. SIXTH Phone 9193 Eves. 6344 or 79:3 On Roseway Drive Down at the fool of the hill, on a level lot, this comfortable, well built 2-bedrnom home has full b;ne menl and large backyard, beauti fully ahvled by a half dozen well grown fruit trees. Close to good school, several stores and busline, this home Is an Ideal place lo raise a small family. Immedlnle posses ion. Can be had an F.1I A. terms. Price 60300. ST. FRANCIS PARK Large living room, lots of windows front and back, dining room space, attractive back yard court, shade from the comlnf ill summer sun. Tins beautiful 2-beriroom home has wnll-to-wall carpeting In every room, electric heat and complete Insulation. Extra storage room In rear of garage and separate large wood-working shop on rear of lot. Price 19800. PH. A. Terms. SUBURBAN Just off Shasta Way. Only 63300 buys this modern, well-constructed 2-bedroom, plastered home: solU foundation: attached garage: auto matic heat, Insulated. 13 acre of good garden soli. HOT SPRINGS Attractive 2-bedroom bungalow, conveniently located. Brand new deluxe Youngsiown kitmen. Fully insulated, oil furnace. Only 67500. Will carry maximum loan. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -SEE Homer Stiles Phone 2-2460 Evea. Don Sloan 6638 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH r.FALTORS Since 1909 111 X. 9th St. Phone 4364 or 3329 FARM 77 acres near Malin Exceptionally good diversified farm all Irrigated. Suitable for potatoes, grain, alfalfa, or clover. 54 head whlteface cattle, together with all nec essary farming equipment Modern two-bedroom home, garage and very good out buildings Pi Ice 665.000.00. Terms. RANCH 970 acres in Poe Valley Capable of supporting an economic stock herd on a cow and calf basis, a 4-500 head sheep or yearling steer outfit. 140 acres of excep tionally good deep loam aoll of which 73 acres are now Irrigated and an additional 67 acres ready for the ditch. There are an additional 168 acres of higher land un iformly deep medium loam aoll which can be put under Irrigation from a deep well. Balance of land Is Juniper grass type hill range parti cularly good grazing In spring and fall seasons. The drain age on all this land Is ex cellent and the Improvements are adequate for operation. Good location on paved high way. Price 847.500.00. At tractive terms. "PAT" HOWES, Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3545 Evenings Call: Bruce Owens, Merrill 4891 "Hap" Davison 3871 Lester Van Cleve .... 8870 Mervyn Shuck, Merrill 4482 RANCH On Klamath River 150 acres Irrigated. Cheap water, 410 acres native pasture. Good two bedroom modern house. 812,000 down, liberal terms on balance. HOMES FOR SALE SUBURBAN On paved street. Three bedroom home. Very nice kitchen and bath. Large service porch wllh laundry tubs, beauti ful yard, Hood garage and out buildings, 'j acre In berries nnd garden spot. Price $7250. Will consider trade for home In town. MILLS ADDITION One bed ntshed. :i(ino. room home, completely fur- NICE BUILDING LOT on Dnylon Htreet Just north of Shasta Way. - INCOME PROPERTY THREE APARTMENTS Well furnlshol. Bringing In excel lent Income, LESTER JONES, Eves. 9587 BEARD AGENCY , REALTORS nd INSURANCE 46 FINANCIAL $$MON EY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 8500 on your auto On "out salary or furniture up to 8300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty - 810. 625, 830 loaned till "pay day" or longer 625 coals but IB cents for one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th 61. M-354 DON McINTYRE, Mgr. 43 Years Friendly Service 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI FARMS 415 ACHK3 - Never spuded. Ample , water from two wells and pumps. Good buildings. Ideal I setup for diversified farming ! certified seed. 676,000. Terms, i 334 ACRMS All fenced, good Irri gation well, clean sandy loam, 107 acres cultivated balance hill land. 852,500. Terms. 80 ACrtKS-10 Miles out. 60 acres cultivated and Irrigated. Two bedroom home and outbuild ings. Price 820,000. Price 820,000. 40 ACTiKS Irrigated, sandy loam, all fenced. No buildings. Price 80000. Terms. VEIINON DUHANT HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI HEAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 8105-8879 or 7823 SELLING YOUR HOME? Don't Id biilc problems "tangle you up. jusi phone or drop by our ofi.ee. RIkhI now t h e demnml f o r hoi-nra In good. So nshi now is a Rood time to sell. We need a suburban two bedroom home with j to 1 acre of ground. "Pat" Howes 1025 Main Realtor Phone 2-3545 ron SAUK. I-yrar-olcJ 2-bcdroom hum in Mlllt Addition $1,450 down Tout prlc ) than FHA appraieat Muil b seen to be appreciated Phone 1.-.75 32 IUIL0ING 4 REMODELING SAVE ONWAnOS econornlcaTtlfboi7d . .ieiulr 31c square fool, , .Now :c. Baked -on enme) ftnuh relmti wear, peellni. chipping. Choue of three pat. tern in irvrii colon Buy on f- HA ttrnii, to percent down, up to Ihree eara to pay. MONTGOMERY WAP.D ih and Pine Phone 318ft C HAN U i A 1 E U ROCK WOOI---Installed FIIA term. 10 percent down, up to three ear tn pay. Kxpeita Insulate your home wllh lightweight. odurle, clean rock woo). Save up to 40 percent on fuel in winter, klay 8.13 decreet cool ti tn summer MONTGOMERY WARD 9th and Pina Phone 1ffl 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Finace Heavy Fuel DEPKNDABI.E Clieck and Fill System METER PRINTED T1CKLT3 Your Guarantee Of HeatliiK UalLsfactlon FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 41.M STANDARD HEATING OU. st.i'.a, turnai-, light fual. coal. wood, rharcual Peyton and Co 835 Markat Pnonf il ta DKV pina Oloi-ui tor .ale. Open cvt nlna, and wcrkgnd., Alftlera Broi. lOLOGS pickup or delivered Cilff Yadena Signal Servic GO 80 6tn Fhone 3631 or 2-92(iO SAM GREEN STAMPS given on htVt tug oils Phont 36S1 or 2Jt2tnt for prompt delivery. CLirv Y ADEN'S SIGNAL b'ERVICk. 2.1nOSo6lh ?8 lOATTpCtS SPORTS HOBBTcS TOR SALE Nearly new fishing out fit. S.M1 C tut 9m finished 6 01. Rnd. Perrlnt Automatic Reel. 25 7 taor flyllnepure silk. Creel. Fly-tying out fit. Thli equipment 11 In perfect con dition. Will consider .22. ..18 or .4.1 automatic pistol as part payment. Call 2.3UG3. Best offer before April A tAkes II. I'OR SAL.K, tramrd Enghih sefter ciug" Phone 5070 or call at 1B4S Derby. TMrtEK pups tsheplicrd and water spatv telsi lo giveaway at 7.U Oak Slieet. Saturday lj30-2:oo o cloc k t Vou SALE, cheap, a three months old female golden retriever puppies. 2 two year old male and female regular gol den retrievers. A bargain. Call or write C'hevrun station, Montagus, California. rnone i.hii DOGS for sale These are nol puppies, hut Swifts pedigreed full grown tool long hot doifs Trained especlallv fnr children or adults. Only .;i0 each at Dukes Drive-In the home of foot-lungt. BOARDING KKNNKLS Do boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean individual outdoor runs fur each dog. Dogs nandled durltg mating. Will pick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phono 6078 Merrill Ru Rt 2, Bon S04 BHAfiJ ACASOAOE KENNELS AN D Lit SUN Boa rdlni rte'nne 1 1 Phone :47 Sfiflft Delawar oft Homedale THREE collie pupa for sale. Three months old, goto and white. Litter reg istered. Call ;;opo. SAVE $ $ $ Buy a Chris Craft Kit Boat also Cruis era and Runabouts.' Johnson bea Horse motors. Bouts bought, sold and ex changed, Uoula fur rent to fisher men, MONROE BOAT WORKS fl2flPrunt SI. Phone g-inflfl 42 "livestock & poultry POULIRY WANTED Cash paid (or wny amount. Top market prices (or good quality. For quotations PHONJ5 3U57 KLAMATH POULTRY' FARMS 15 HEAT) of Guernsey and Holstem fresh dairy cows. Recently double tent ed 10 Holitetn vearllna heifers. Ill Dm-. ham calves, 1 registered Durham null. David Robltuon, Bonanza, Ore, Phone 201H. FOR SALE, two fresh Hnlsteln heifers and one heavy springer. George Iewls, npiH uenver Ave. pnone a-ina. PULLETS, reds, leghorns, and goldr-n necks. Laving good. Very reasonable. Phone 43?3, MB Knst Mnln. WANTED Colored hens, Pho e 4flnl. HIGHEST pricei paid for poultry, hogs and livestock. BIG V MEAT MARKET I .aka'MMv .hmctlnn Phone in?n rOR SALK. do-s with litters, bred doea". r"-- und hutches for slt Phone LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-276 42 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY WE RECOMMEND vV ALBERS TRIP-L-OUTY CHICK STARTER $5.70 Per Cwt. i i We are continuing our chirk special I through Marcli , . . 81B 45 a nun j fired. All our chicks are rated Pul : loram clean . , The highest rate ' available . . LOOK FOR THE LABEL ON THE BOX! STANDARD FEED STORE 2720 So. 6th Phone 8300 ONE Durham and (Juern-ey row. Just ,r,bJ E Whltlairh. Bonanza AH l lf-lf-IA'. ilHKKUINO "HKHVIt t Phnna 6721 M C. iChurki barren M 2. Hoc W.2. Jf no an,wi-r Ph'.ne 4400. IToThtein niujS:4a pivmfmif. t'OU KAI.E, jerey cr.w. Kour gallons when freih.Phona ( 2-0377. S1IKEP for al " iW twti with latr.b. Phone 4f(73 after 7 p m , or Sundaii. BABY chick. Dryden ie ghornt. New Ifampthire and C'ornlth Hampuhtre rro Talpnt Hatchery. Talent, Ore. Phone Ahland 2-V)21. FOR fiAi.E, frrih'mllk cow and while faced helfrr calf. 2W:i Homedale Road 44 MISCELLANEOUS "WANTED , WANTED lo rent, two hedrwm unfur niahed houae Guarantee good care. Phone BB14. Mr. Jenkina. WILL pay to H300 for two or hree or a room none. city umita, pavea street. Muat have full baacmcnt. Box 72, Her ald and News, WANTnri""tn huyatraw PhoneR710 WANTKI) to rent, two or three bed room hnue. Peteraon school dttric1 preferred. Referencet, Phone Mr. OCon- nrr. 771 lor9l 13. WANTED to rent, two bedroom hoiine tn Mills Addition, with fenced yard. Call 2-244'. WANTED to rent, two bedroom houe. South Suburbs preferred. Jn278 WANTED- rent, unlurntshed or parity furnuhed two bedroom home. Refer Pqm ?-l".t hKLlAHLE couple desire to rent o e bedroom ftirnlahrd apartment or house. Nn n.ts. Box ffi. Herald A"d .NVws. "MAM ED TO RENT about 13 iiciet for poiitoes. Preferably on Eastslde of Tule'ake Merle Woodley. Phone 7-IOM TulelaVe. WANTED to buy 1300 railroad ho?ei for Irrigation. Phone - Lorella 2100. vrte Rouip !. Box 43. Bonanza. A'E NEED CARS' Gel top prlc now Rm Motor Co flth and Plum 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMERCIAL Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furniturt Livestock Salary 150 to $500 Automobile! (paid for or Dot) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deaisl I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 8-251 N-'i23 107 No 0th Phone 7711 IMMEDIATE ' Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onl? Sipo $7.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay LocaJly owned New Cars financed at bank ratea "MONEY IN A HURRY Motor-Investment Co. 20 year serving Klamath Batln See "Chuck" B alley. Mgr. 1H N. 7tn St. Phune 332b 8-341 . M-375 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE or lease, tourist cabins, store, service station and three bedroom house. On Hlghwny 97 North, S mile from Klnnmtlt Fulls city limits. Inquire ntSpooncr's, EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR Su bat nn I tal but newt; unique plan; blrong ndvertliting Nutionnl corporation will select a local representative to nip ply retail outlets with fast selling fund product Earning capabilities of SIO.OOO to $;10,000 annually desired Honesty and depenahtllty more Important than fNpertcnre OusIiicm ret up by the Com pany pays you handsomely immedi alely 1(H) accounts earn up tn SlUOn monthly Distrthutors receive fmnnrinl assists nee and other aid tn increft&e earnings rrini'ipnls with decision, good reierrnrrs, auto and .V.OUO cash consid ered State age, telephone and data ftr nnme nrrvirw. t i y ;'c present alive. Box fin, Herald and News SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE IIOOVEFI VACUUM CLEANER author. Ized inlea and service. Klamath Furnl lure CO. aai Main. Pnone 8:133. OMVKH 70 tractor. David Bradley rako Oliver mower, 8 foot hydraulic acrapcr. Be Gee Hydraulic pump. 2 miles weft wine a store. WIIBur HornaoerRer. SF.WlNa machine, round bobbin. Fully guarantern, $a; no. SINGF.n SEWINO MACHINE CO. exi Jlnln Phone Mil SEWINO machine, ere.'tric portable model. Guaranteed Dericct aewlna coW dltlon. :.2..W. SINGF.R SEwtrlCt MAC"!N"; CO. J1 MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI SAVE UP TO $1,000 ON YOUR NEW LOGGING TRACTOR! We have just purchased 5 D 8 tractors In Oregon, fully equipped for logging. If bought at present site, sav- Ings In transportation and handling will be passed on to you. We will finance on rental-pur-ehaiie lerma or lake mortgage on clear equipment for down payment. Fo Full Information. Contact NATIONAL TRACTOR CO. 401 Broadway. Sacramento. Calif. Phone; HUd'on 4-8208 SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned end Guaranteed USED ELECTRIC RANGES ;39 UP USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS $rQ50 UP VERN OWENS' Home furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4th Phone 8365 AUCTION SALE FRI. NITE, MARCH 28 7 P.M. II & II AUCTION MART WOCUS Wailiind machines, stoves, daven o, baby bed, complete camping outfit, 9x12 umbrella tent. 7x9 extension tent, told as a unit, camp bed. chairs, tabic, stoves and lan tern, camping dishes, outboard motor. Jine (or fishing or vaca tioning. Many other items. When you want to buy or sell . . . attend our sale every Friday night. Rate. 10'i. Col. FRED HOWARD OTIS MEADOR": : AUCTIONEERS ,H. 9410 SEE US AT ONCE! ' USED WASHERS FROM $10 tip- USED REFRIGERATORS AND -RANGES AT THE - LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES . . . $1 DOWN On Any APPLIANCE COSTING 150 OR LESS Merit's Bargain Barn 631 COMMERCIAL STREET 'Across from West Hitchcock) MIGHTY-MAN two-wheel farden trac tor. Flightly ued. New ttrcs, five dif ferent plowing attachments. Sec this real buy and make me an offer. Troy Morgan. 4504 Denver. Phone 2-0803. KOR SALE, electric brooders, any size. 2443 South Sixth. Cheap, FOR SALE. 1946 Piner J-3 meul pro peller, good fabric. Clean. Will demon strate. Phone B659. WE HAVE In stock CLAM O RENE rug cleuner. LUCAS FURNITURE 193 E. MAIN SALE on Admiral refrigerator. Choice of B models. Small down payment Many months on the balance. LUCAS FURNITURE 193 E. MAIN WARDS GARDEN TRACTORS. Full range of sizes. 27 attachments available. Buy on Wards Monthly Payment Plan, only 10 percent down, l'a-a HP HOE TRAC with tires. $189; 2s-3 HP CHOR TRAC with tires $:42.S0; 4 HP PLOW TRAC with tires. $;I23. MONTGOMERY WARD Sth and Pine Phone MM LARGE bicycle. S13. Phone 9664. FOR SALE. Maytag washer. Good eon dttion. with pump. $43. 718 Jefferson. FOR SALE, diamond. Appraised at $300, for S2.'i0. rah. Phone 4674. oTATEToneaTineTnaTDT Major overhaul, clean, excellent. West Hitchcock Corporation. FOR SALE. 1946 Model CM John Deere tractor. SI 500 Virgil G. Hollbrook, Mac doei. California. PLAYPEN, excellent condition. Phone 7B27. Brand new combination sink and dish washer. Current list price $460. One in stock priced $330. MERIT'S. 80S So. 6th. St. NEW 1931 PHILCO FREEZER, regular S409.93. One in stock S373. TERMS. MERIT'S, tiOS So. tith. St. FOR SALE, davenport and chair. 523. Cull at 113 Michigan Thursday or Fri day. FOR SALE, foundation seed potatoes. This seed has an excellent reading and was grown on well-isolated soil In Lan- icll Va lie;.-. Phone Lorella 3137. NEW Hiawatha lady's bicycle Phone 22664 Vi?r ..3:'1? adding MAC HINTS, calculators, type writers, cash rea.ii ten. deski, chairs tiles for sale or rent PIONEER OFFICS SUPPLY MO Main Phone 7419 ELECTRIC RANGE in perfect condttion Good baker. Only 339.30. Phone 9766. L A.N DSC APING, evergreens. snrue end trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42R8 REX-AIHE vacuum cleanrr. $3.S0 down, $3 pgr month. Phone 3200. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinder! Phone 2-1107 ELKCTROUIX CLEANER and polllhel and supplier Phont 7167 rark.l Tweet. HI Market MONUMENTS Deliveries and Instal latlons ran be made by May 30th if or dered now. Clarence Ward, Klamath Monument Company. 923 High, phone fti:i:i. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-16M ' SAVE M0 SAVE .V) New electrlre clolhei dr.er. Waa While they last 10D.9J. ror a oeiter deal see MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN n:H Commercial Outt across the street from West Hitchcock' CULL POTATOES for sale Phone H7J3 NEW Centennial model Slnfer Sewlnf machine Features fashion stitching, mending and monogrammlng without use of attachmenta See demonstration and receive free instruction at SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO n,1H MAIN PHONE 2-2513 FOR SALE, VI ft Platte house trailer Excellent condition $1350 Phone 7-0328 or 7.0373. Tulelake BRAND new Philco ranee, silently freight damaged. A $J7u.93 range. Priced nv t S2R0.M. MERITS BARGAIN BAKU ttl Cnmmerelal St 'across the street SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1 1 A.M. MALIN, ORE. As I have sold my ranch I will sell the following machinery and property at public auction. LOCATED: 3 miles southeast of Malln, Ore., on state line road near the Loveness Mill. MACHINERY 1941 DA Cat., wide gauge tracks. 3 cyl. double pump, 8 ft. blade. 1947 J-D Tractor, model AN. lights. 1947 M-M Tractor, model UTU. : 1948 Cae Combine, model K, bulk and sack attch. 6 and 12 ft. pickup reels. 11948 Chev. l'i ton Truck, 2 speed axle, flat rack, 8:25 rubber, 20,000 actual miles. Oliver Drain Drill, 10 ft. Crass attch. M-M Plow. 2 bott. 18 Inch, tumble bug. Global Disc, offset, 6' 7". Splketooth Harrow, 3 sec. with hitch. 12 ft. Sulphur Spreader on rubber. Subsoiler and Chisel. Kenyon Ditcher, Is ft. Weed Mulchcr. Corrugated Roller. J-D Cultivator and Pert. Spreader, Checker, Atlas Scraper, hyd. 8 ft. Low-Bed Trailer. 6 wheel, Uooseneck hl'.ch. Atlas Hvd. Pump. Duster, dew duster attach. 1934 ! fntematlonal Truck, flatbed. 1038 Dodge Pickup, overhauled. Steel Grain i Bed, 7x12 ft. Road Grader, old style. ! POTATO EQUIPMENT MtCormack D Digger. 2 row, hyd. lift. Kenyon Spud Sorter, with elec. motor. Iron Age Planter. 2 row. Portable Spud Loader, elec. motor. Portable Spud Loader, 2 extensions. I FURNITURE iNorge Rcfrig. 9 ft.. Rollaway Bed like new. 2 Hardwood Chests of Drawers. 3-plece Walnut Bedroom set comDlete. Double Deck Beds of i Eastern Maple. Small writing desk. Airline Cabinet radio. Swing Rocker. ; Fireside Bench. LamDS. Mirror. Kenmore Washer. 4 Kitchen Chairs. Dishes. Clothes Hamper. Most of this furniture is like new and in top condition. Shop Tools and Miscellaneous Equipment 3 C-O two-tank type fire extinguishers, platform scales, hyd. Jacks, sur veying outfit. 2-power lawn mowers, grease guas. socket wrenches, forks, shovels used barb and palge wire. 300 redwood Irrigation tubes. 1000 used grain bags. 500 ft. steel pipe 2 to 8 Inch, ji and i inch galvanized pipe, clover curlers, elec. motors, sklllsander, rivet gun, miscellaneous too numerous to mention. DON'T MISS THIS BIG AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT, SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 11 A.M. SHARP TERMS: CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE S.T. BLOHM. OWNER Auction Service By R. E. "BOB" RHODES, AUCTIONEER Phone Klamath Falls, 4032 SPRING CLEARANCE SALE i Used Machinery 1 Low Boy Trailer 3-ton capacity, airplane tires and single wheels $425 New Low Boy Trailer, dual wheels. 4 ton capacity .. S675 Offset Disc, 6V2 ft. New in '51 $325 Roller Corrugated, new all steel frame $178.50 Mower, No. 5 John Deere. 5 and 7 ft. bars. New in '51 $235 - Grain elevator, 28 ft., heavy duty. Large cups and belt $292 Spring tooth, 8 ft $ 55 Hay Buck, IHC with cylinder $ 75 Plow 2 way Moline, on rubber. 16 inch low board $175 Caterpillar "30", Tracklayer $345 John Deere Tractor, Model "A". New condition, fide front end, power troll $1845 Combine, pusher, Massey-Harris. 14 ft. cut. New condition, with clover attachments $3550 1936 Chevrolet Truck, l'a ton $100 1947 International Pick-Up. 4-speed, 3,4 Ton $725 v When you need special machinery built, see us! Our work and price is right. MODOC Manufacturing Co. BILL Rte. 2 Box 247 USED WATCHES ' $10 to $20 FULLY GUARANTEED ELGINS BULOVA .LONGINES RICKYS JEWELERS DOWNSTAIRS STORE PHONE 3151 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 sjV LADAK V ALFALFA SEED 45c Lb. PURE SEED 99.98'!. GERMINATION 65.00 HARD SEED 28.50 Total 93.50 ETNA MILLS Ph. Etna 55 Etna, Calif. ONE new ruble hnllrloirer, reer mount. TCU for caterpillar D7-7M lerlea. West Hitchcock Corporation. DMVF.WAY MATERIALS. Phune Jot Bart. 9755. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinder. Pimm- S341. PHILCO RADIO. 11 tubes. 3160 Vine. pnone tot. tOU SALE Mauey Harrii 44-6 wheel tractor, 35 h.p., starter, light, hydraul ic pump and cylinder. Perfect rondl. tlon. Merle Woodley, Phone 7-1025, Tulelake. ONE used John Deere Model O. PTO and power lift, ttarter, 8 ply rear tires. Clean, excellent. West Hitchcock. BARNYARD FERTILIZER for sale, de- 1 ivered. Phone 2-2030. ONE uwd Townner 4 foot 8 tn. off-et dic. T Fori nr Ferfuson. Like new. SANTANA Ph. 7-1021 Tulelake INTERNATIONAL hay chopper Econ omy King separator, water tank heat er, grinder and 'a HP motor, 6 in vise Gas power lawn mower. Ward power saw, 2 barrel Rs pumps, other small tools 5032 Harlan Drie Phone T939 USED furniture values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 231 Main. Phone 5333. AUTOMOTIVE 1951 CMC one ton Phone 3731 FOR SALE, 1949 Plymouth special De Luxe three pasenger coupe. Well cared for by original owners. Phone 7-0946, Tulelake after 6 p.m. WHAT A DEAL on this 1948 Chevrolet two-door. Neat as a pin. Radio, neater and tops in every way at Sll!43. Dimbat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum, phune 9i:i9. evenings and Sundays 8823. IMMACULATE is the word for this 1948 Chrysler Windsor Traveler. An ideal car. Low mileage. Must be seen to be appreciated. Dimbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum, phone 9139, eve nings and Sundays 8823. HERE'S A HONEY! 1949 Chrysler 6' Royal Four-door sedan. Radio, heater. Presto transmission, low mileage. A beautiful car In every way. A real buy at $1693. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone MSI A BIG CAR at small car price and econ omy. 1947 Chrysler Royal Four-Door sedan. Really sharp, S1245. Dimbat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum, phone 9l.a. evenings and Sundays 88g3. LOOKING FOR A STEAL? HERE IT IS! 1!31 Studebaker Champion Regal Four door sedan. Radio, heater, automatic transmission, lots of equipment, low mileage. Absolutely new car appearance and condition. Try to duplicate this popular model Studebaker for 91893 H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGfcJ Used Car Department " Main at Broad Phone 3131 WHAT A BEAUTY this 1930 Olds 03' Sedan Loaded with extras. Bright red. One you will be proud to own and drive. $2393. Dtmbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum, phone 9139, evenings and Sundays 8823. FOR SALE '37 Packard Motor. A-1 Main St. 1841 ARE YOU looking for a GOOD cheap car.' We only have one, but It's a dandy. Come In, make an offer. 1938 Buick with radio and heater. Dimbat Used Cars, phone 9139, evenings end Sundays 8825. JUST LOOK this 1930 Plymouth four door over. What a beauty! Only 51393 too. You can alwavs depend on the best deal at Dimbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum, phone 9139, evenings and Sundays R823. FOR SALE, 1931 OldsmObile. 746 Calif- ornta, Phone 2-1233. CAN'T HELP but feel we can save you money on this 1949 first-series Plymouth It's surely a honey at only 91193, Dim bat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum, pnone visa, evenings ana aunaays wua, FOR SALE-' or trade 1 on older model car. 1931 Commodore 6 Hudson. Lean than 4,000 miles. Radio, heater, hydra matte. See at 3123 Cannon, JUST SEE What $895 Will buy 1948 Ford Super Deluxe V-8 Tudor, This is a dandy at a price you can pay. Dim bat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum, phone 0139.evenlnR andSundayPW2.1. FOR SALE, 1948 Dodge Custom four donr sedan. Radio and heater. Motor cnmplMely overhauled. Ixtoki antl runs ttke new. $1230. Private party. 4608 So. ss AUTOMOTIVE iooi nox' AVM: ANY You always get the beat when you buy a SAFE-BUY USED CAR from BASIN MOTORS SEE THESE AND SEE WHV '46 Olds Club Coupe Nice black finish 49 Mercury 4-Door Radio, heater "50 Buick Spec. Scdanet Rodlo, heater, Dynnflow, '895 '1495 .1745 1495 M595 '1745 795 '1795 1095 695 '40 Mercury Sport Cpe. Radio, heater '50 Ford Fordor Sedan Radio, heater, overdrive. '49 Buick Sedanet Radio, heater, Dynaflow. '46 Mercury 2-Door . A real Spring Value. .. '50 Mercury Sport Sdn. Heater, very nice '49 Ford Club Coupe Nice and clean '46 Studebaker Pickup 4 -speed transmission '49 Ford Tudor Sedan Radio, heater, overdrive. 1265 SPECIAL '38 DESOTO SEDAN $75 OTHEB PRE-WAR BARGAINS AVAILABLE Easy To Buy Easy To Pay Fori Basin Motors LINCOLN MERCURY 432-424 So. 6th Phone 7773 tot a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See JERRY" or "JUCK" 7our International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone 2-259 COMPLETE Radiator ' Service CLEANING . FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esrjlanade AT DYES 1946 OLDSMOBILE SEDANETTB Completely rebuilt motor. New shock absorbers throughout. R&H. New paint. A TRULY FINE CAR PRICED AT ONI(C $945 783 E. Main Phone 9326 REAL GOOD LOW PRICED BUYS 1941 Ford V-8 Super Dlx. $ i rs C 4-Door, R & H 4ZJ 1941 Pontlac 6 ppe. Sdn. ) i ir Radio & heater. ... 1938 Stude. Com. Bu. Cpe. Radio & heater Z I U 1941 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan fonc Fluid drive OJ 1941 Ford V-8 Super Dlx. Joqc Radio & heater. O O 1941 Olds. 6-76 4-Dr. Sdn. t AQC H i H, Hyd. Dr. 470 ALL GOOD CLEAN CARS IN FINE RUNNING CONDITION. REGISTER TO VOTE NOW H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main at Broad Phone 5151 47 MERCURY, R and H. Priced to sell. $700. Phone 2-0007 Uternoons. I FOR SALE, 1941 Plymouth special de j luxe four door. Clean interior, good n:uior. lenns. ieuo ruriiana. 1938 CHEVROLET sedan. $73. New oat tery. license. Heater Phone 2-0002, FOR SALE,' 1937 Ford Pickup, radio and heater, new engine. Phone BHffl. FOR SALE or trade for pickup. 1939 Dodge coupe. Good shape. 1031 Biamark IF YOU'RE LOOKING for a sharp Bu ick, we have it! 1949 Super four-door. Radio, heater, white sidewall tires, Dy naflow, back-up lights, wiuJuhfeld wash ers, at only $1793. This is' priced way below ceiling' Dimbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum, phone 9139. evenings and Sundays 823. . OUOxlU HIlCAFS $5.93 EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld er. 2391 So. flth. Phone 4313. WHV WALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 C. Main. Phone 3379. "We will sell vour car for vou " We buy and tradel FOR SALE, equity in 1948 li ton pickup Phone 2-1437 after 3 p.m. FOR SALE. 1941 Otdsmoblle sedan Phone 7327 429 Commercial FOR SALE, 1940 Chrysler convertible", n c w lop, gzuo. ."none JUST THE THING for you at the price you can pay 1049 Plymouth Four door special Deluxe sedan. Only 11213, Dimbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum, phone 9130, evenings and Sun- days BHiia. FOR QUICK SALE, 1941 Chrysler Royal motor over-hauled. Good shape. Radio and heater, 1300 cash, Phone 8133. WE HAVE IT 1931 Plymouth 3-pannen-ger coupe. A dandy little car for a couple. Large luggage apace for that summer trip, $159.1, Dimbat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum, phone 0139, eve- nmgs ana aunaays anp, HOW ABOUT A FORD? 1940 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor Sedan, Radio, heater, nice and clean. First class condition In every way, Coma lit and look It over You can't duplicate It fnr tm H. E. HAUGER nirtCK GARAGE Uret Car Dpartmnt t H t --- at