PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ,,MAnClf 11.32 . i t ft SPEEDY LONG-LASTING relief for RHEUMATIC AC1IES-PAII1S C2 NOW SHOWING the THE SEWING MACHINE THAT IS KNOCKING THE STUFFIN' OUT OF ALL RIVALS! Regardless Of Price Or Hake HELM 900 12 Machines In 1 (No Attachments) The Bel Airs are so durable ond efficient that we can safely guarantee them to give continuous service forever. r Yfe to Mso I jA feoturing I 111 BEl MR Shi I II 9750 III Ot.-' ' PLAN Your Lighting to Lighten Your Work Doesn't dishwashing speed along when the light is right? . Have you noticed how much easier and faster all housework goes when you work in a light, airy house? Dark, dingy rooms and shadowy corners make clean ing a real chore. And without good light, who can see the difference when you've finished? Yet, you can havecorrect lighting in your home so easily these days. Just let our Lighting Specialists help you with your home lighting problems. Call us today for this free service. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY DONCASTER R,EJ SUITS Ji'DOE FINKS SELF HAMILTON, Out. MV-Justice ot the Peace Hnrry Burvllle handed out Justice to himself when his own name was called In his own traffic court. The charge of drlvinp; without a rear light against Buivlllc's son wai addressed to the J. P- as owner of the car Fine: $2. Both Russia . Norway mine Spitsbergen coal. new SEWING Machine Service and ; Exchange All Main Ph. 6771 MrV -i- t T I. I II U PUN YOUR LIGHTING FOR PLEASANT TMLUC Ml 68.50 CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word ' Direa Day , per word Ur Week run . per word 30c Month run per word 6Sc MINIMUM The minimum charge tor any one ad Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 2o DEADLINES ' Classified aus aixepicu up to 5:30 p.m. tor following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up tc W noon tor following aayi pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please mac u ciuuus we adjust nents witn.iut deiar CARD OF THANKS MR and Mrs. Wana Cunningham. W't wih to extend our appreciation and thanks to the Aircraft Alnearch and Rescue Vnll. friends and neighbors mat participated lit the search, Mondav. tor our daughter. Connie, age 31.. who was lost I1 hours. Legal Notice NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice u hereby given thai the Coun ty Court of Klamath County, Or son will receive sealed bids up to 10 o'clock a m. on the 4th day of April, .Mil for the folio wing: - 1 Monarch Machine Tool Co Lathe 16 Inches with 8 foot bed. 1 Whiff Machine Tool Co- 16 Shaotrr. 1 1949 Ford Club Coupe, County No. 5 1 1948 Mack Dump Truck equipped with dump body. E F I D -7;J-- Count)' Number 59. 18 M feet more or less used lumber consisting of 13x12-4x1.1-6x20 and tixW Above mentioned ma be een at the County Shops located Altamont and South 6th. Street. The Court hereby reserves the right to refuse any or alt bid, Chas F.' Del-ap County Clerk M 32-28 No. 924 Let's All Go To Argentina MEXICO CITY Wl Social se curity should be expanded, Argen tina says, to have the government or your boss pay for your wedding and furnish your house. Then there ought to be free cars and food for the babies for awhile alter they're born. An Argentine resolution at the Inter - American Social Security Congress Thursday proposed such benefits for Latin American coun tries. The Argentina delegation rea soned that the family rather than the individual should be the basic unit to be aided "Any measures of protection for the family, even the mast liberal, are justified because they contri bute to the growth and betterment of the welfare of every country," it was explained. FORUM The 1952 .series of Chamber of Commerce forums is slated to open April 9 with a noon meeting at the Winema hotel. Russell Pettit. San Jose. Calif . Chamber of Commerce manager, w.ll be guest speaker. LIVING FUNERAL HOMES V AltUS kiamatu ru--ral lioma. via IHth Sirrt. P'toti. :rt;U. MEETING NOTICES Crater Lake Lodge No. 311 A.F. rV A.M. will hold a special column. nlcallon, Thursday, March 37 at 7:30 n in. Work In the F.C. De gree. Visiting brethren welcome. WM, FINK. SECRETARY. Klamath '-odne No. 77 A FA-AM. will hold a special meeting Friday, March aa. 7 p.m. Work In EA Degree. Visiting Brethren Invited. Dale Bebber Worshipful Master GENERAL NOTICES ROOFING Built-up Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-in Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN alii STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESEUER, 2-2443. Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED LAN E'SFur CompanyTforn icrl va 'uTH -ard.i new address, mill Main across from old location open for business April 111 PERSONALS FRATEX Plasllci. Phone RXM FASHION and Harliord'Vrocks reore-.cnlative--. Phone 47;L FRATFX Plastics. Phone arcs. SI A.N'LKY Home Products. Phone 6j9 10 SERVICE CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you dont want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This is the kind ot service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main in Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 ALTERATIONS Anita's. Samfartlon guaranteed. Phone 6333. Jennie Hare. PALNT1KC. and paperhantinc. Phone 7617. " . . CURTAINS launda-ed and stretched Phone 9H J L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office' at 308 No. 7th. Phena 9346 PAINTING, decorating, paperhansinc. plasterboard finishing, spray painting. Phone 3tra TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen der work. Phone' 4040. PABCO CIN'DEK ALL-PURPOSE ENAMEL T0U SAVE AT 0UI EXPENSE at Reiiilf Mania., Ariel, latai, StfMtaf aa. ni Miti Wiler u ouaiTii AMAZING PAINT... AMAZING IARCA1N ONIT ONI TWO-BUAIT UNIT ! CUITOMIt 3$ I S 7 a o o a o z 2 O" :! 1 0 5" .- it 1 O 5- -n " o c O 5 3 z 5. r Q m S g o o . .rs - I " nee f If 0 m 2 O S J n O e n fa, I' 5 1 o t so n x M t1 H o 2 - HOME LUMBER And SUPPLY CO. 2384 So. 6th Ph. 3146 6th and MAIN litl Ira. banal 24 U.elr Calm T 11 I ft-Drr-i Raid. . W 7 JL MNfS SERVICES NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surcron Let in work wllh you NOW on your landscape nrcrK ' noSKBUSHES NOW IN 8TOCK Pantented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3f'M So. filh Phone IR8 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guaranteed. PHONE 5731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIHE Honest Rales Wcluhts Service IivmiicU ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE J8UJ South SiMh Ph. 0-M0 or 3-J133 beptic I anks Cleaned Newwt Sanitary Method! Alao ROTO ROOTER SERVICE On. ins eul Lines ol Roots, Etc ED F. KINO MM Orrharn Phone M41 tXCAVAl ING Moon Shovel and Trench Ho Bulldozer Fill Dirt lopsuU Crushed Rork Onvewaj Clndeit Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone 5541 or 8S59 MOVING? . . . Call 725 Locnl-LoiiK Distance Piano and appliance niovlng a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" KLLCTRICAL contracung. Work guar-a-teed Phnr- a-l'HO CARPENTER work. Remndeiing and new construction. Phone 2-IWI7. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, thorthand tyotng ktn drad tubjerts. offtct machinti KLAMATH BL'StNESg COl.l.Ct.E tU Pint Phone 4780 13 HEALTH ME AM bath.. fercoe.. -put reuuetng for men and women. Phone 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE EXPERIENCED practical nure avuil. able. Prefer night duty. Phone 2-3318. MKCHANIC Wanted MECHANIC. Experienced In Chry.ler produots or General Motor. Apply in person. Dlmbat Motors. Phone 7 EXCELLENT opportunity and high com mission to experienced real estate sales man. Phone 2-0154. W ANTED. beauty operator. Beautv Salon. Phone 3.118. Houtton WANTED, housekeeper. Excellent work ing conditions. Private room and bath Good salary. Only persons Interested tn permanent employment need apply. Phone 3210 for interview. WANTED, housekeeper to take mm. Etett charge small house, no children, ive In, good pay. prefer on can drive. Reference-, required. Shasta Cascade Kennels. Phone 3078. AUCTIONEERING 10 Sale Management Graduate or Western Callree . Of Aactl.neerln- . . . nill'm. M.nt. Certified Pedlrree Reader Successful Sales are the Result of Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. Specialising in FARM, PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER 5304 Alva Klamath Falls Ph. Z-2453 Free Service on Church It Benefit Auction! Suffocating "Hot Flashes" stopped or strikingly relieved in 63-80. of coxt in doctors' tails! Are you going through "change of life" . . . Miffer lng the "hot flashes," ner vous tension. Irritability, weakness and other types of fui.ctionaliv-cau.sed dis tress of this difficult time? Then . . . here's hope for you! In tests by doctors, LydiaPlnkham's Com pound and Tablets gave relief from such distress... in 63 and 80:i -respectively, of the cases tested. Complete or striking relief! t Surely you know that Lydia Pinkham's is scientifically modern in action! Surely Irrigation Gates ARMC0 Hffidgatcf permit accurst control and distribution of water. All types for low and high pressurt heads. Alio Mctcrgatcs for measuring outflow from canals, ditches, reservoir?, ' . M0DIL NO, 160 oniiiti tf ifchen tf erruit4 iitm pipt with a iltt fn tht ftp ttirtugh which Iht hla4 iWt It tptriMif, Th btHtm tf tfit titt li irttvfCr tt form a tut ttf iht ilit't whtn the gilt U cltitd, Thii Mttlfll It intnrff4 far mt tt a inlet fitt tt ctnlrtl tht fltw at wtftr thrtwgh ditch asnkf. Tht itt'i ctrnigstltni gtip tht tarth sni tintt tt aftvtat washing tut: m4 tact puiiM lata ptUm, tht gatt will itsr la place. ARM CO Galvanized Wafer Gate 1 Model No. ISO vtr 40 producti 111 it Mr-'-" IH I n.Mr HEATON MACHINE and SUPPLY 428 Spring St. Ph. 6691 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE rXPEIUKNCKl) iMiutatWfl alrl fnr von. rial limiranv-a ufflrt in valloy I own nwmv r-oriiaitu. very aiiracilv aaliry km rim ,iinni, fiirup quaitiivaiioiiB ! rlutllni (raining, xnrliii' and uri-vl-niin fiiipUomcnl. Wilt Jlntald Nawi, Hox 71. U HELP WANTED, MALE WANTicU. miiikrot" iiJMpar. "Mioii llOUTK lalt-nian waitlad. JStanUirti viranart. Wan! on matiir mait uf itrnvrn ( ability, with rar and w lltlninKt In hnv- i. you nivt aaritcd vwhhi mi nrr ar on roinnil-ilun sale, our drat will (ioiiiii inai. No "iieiUIIrm" pln. IMhiiiv A'liIaiH. 3-22 itr wrllt to P O. I.x 87 fur an a mm In tin tut I HOUl'K Pruduoti llv. Oak 8lrnl Tank and airri (.ttntnanv, Athiantl, jtlrviun. SAI.K2tMANarnliifla In Ktart, approx" prr ntonlli. Otipurtuiilly lu ad-vani-a. Ali H to 30, Apply Standard Hiatioiu, Inc. 2nd and Mam or Eplan da andSprlng Hi. MAN to do light "work around dog Wan nvla. Wain, room, hoard, laundiy, Hhatt Taicwda Krimeli. Phont .not II. 17 HELP WANTED WANTED, couple. Lady" to do henua" wnrk. imllrfuait yard and Janllor work. Strain halil vottnie, modern, all tilll- niaa ruruiancf!. UuU -alarlfi. Only ncr aiiiu Inttraiilrd In parinanvnt ainplov mtnt ntad apply. Pliona Xilo for Itttar vttw. 18 situa! ions wanted WANTS D. baby aVttlng Job, PhoiTt 3 -0.143 or 80 afta r 4. m fwulnyr G AR i)KN IN0; JPhone 2 OlAH tVuilSKWiiitk. by hour, 91.00 ur hour. Phone WAStUNU, atrctching curtain.. Phunt EXPCniKNCKD; nffU'fi work, recap ttonUt, caohier, HAlr.lady, baby Ittlug. Phone HUti. C.m.iJ lata aiij. unitT'ming" ii'UliTrVu ernoon, cm i.i" c a it r7A3tatNt iii7"t Va"To ."V::iodayi pjiontati70, rve-.3-0.n7a. WILL cara lor ihiidrcu tu niy'honit da avaningtw Call 22 ROOMS FOR RENT HOOMS HKH Hun nu6'M.gciitlctiian. fiOJ cVeieani. LUiH 1' hotuekreplng. Invert thing fur. lilrhed. Suitable tnbrr bachelor ur l"oU pie. .North Broad. ROOM, irnltrmen. Phone .littB SMAI-L luni.ejfeephig room. 51(1 Pine". ROOMS for rent" Ptivata etitrancV. Close inPhona 4444. lioSis, priceV"reiiionanlf''hi e 4"triT LOVELY rooiiit fur renlT SS.-I7. a weak Cmtt in. Phont 41M. FRONT room (or rent, cireer AparT menu. 710 Main. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT SMALL modern apartn-ent, 213 CedaT TWO room furnished apartment, elec tric range, refrigerator. S23. 2128 Re clamation FOR RENT, four rnm furnlihrd np lalis apartment. l'loa in. Adults Phnne R4IK. FOR RENT. thiee tkw TurnUhed ana.tment mm Da r rim. Phone J"! CLEAN attiacltve well furntshrd two room court apartment u nti garage Cloe in W3.30. Phone fls-U or rtHO TWO ROOMS furnished, suitatilt ' lur to. U 43 Ptne NEAT three room furnished aparlmnf. 81 00 South Sixth ATTRACTIVE tnree riom furnulied aparlmenj Adults Closa In Phone ti34J FUllNISMKb apartitient for rent, llach elor preferred 42ljOak. APARTMENT with gas heat also smalt cabins. 318 High. FOit RENT- J room furnished apart ment338 Broad. PARTLY furnished two beroom apart. mtnt on Homed. la Road. Phone 0167. L'PSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gas equipped. Across from the Academy. NEWLY decorated apartment Grrcr AptstlO Mam UNFURNISHED, basement apartment for harhelor or ladv. Natu(al hot wntrr heat and water furnished. 933. Refrig erator and electric rang available goia Main or wiitirie 3410 nr n p m. STEAM HEATED aparlm7nlfthbVd" room (l.fl Oak St. FURNISTTED apartment fo rent Apartment 1, 200 Market. 111 you know what it has done for other it But do you know what It will do for you? Not If you haven't experienced the relief of tension, "flaihea" and Irri tability It to ofteu brings at ucn times 1 Before another duv has paaaed, try Lydla Pinkham's . . . the Vffietahle Compound, or new, tmprot'ed Tablets with added Iron . . . and dis cover how much ftumr your "chanye of life" may be! Younger women and ffiri atifferlnK from functional pains and dlsufM of men struation find Plnkham'i wonderful too! It enntaint no pain-dead mm? drugtl .vrfm Pttikham t anion fftrouaJt iimpQthlG n-r-i on hvntrm--tf Here dMfreis ot lhe"heaiu,avei I tot tjuick in4 afficUnt control of water in imjll latirali, Ihli turnout (at If indliptntabft to tht irrigator. It it mad. of heavily filvanlied 16 pUf metal throughout, and th right anl bendi turned en th bulkheid and ilidt mik. It exc.ptlonilly rifid, thouh very light and ity to handle. . . Th. iptcial rolled tub. top on tht illdt f iti additional ilrtnjlh whtrt ndcd and providn tn txctlltnt handhold lor opining tnd doting tht gate. AKMCO Irrigation Products htvt bttn tandard tquipm.nt for water control for run, Ltt ui htlp vou ttltet tht flihf for your ptrticultr ned, 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ' NK9"aiartmanl' tor' rant. Cuiipla oiTF; No drinking, No pais, i.4i uary tat, Phone 2-lttir f UUNIHHM) clean apai lintnt. ttiulpped. Hefrlgerahir for qultt cotiplt. Villa Marquis. Jnqulrt i:i;U Oak, f-fclAN 1 1 1 ! Viiu i ii "f it rii 1 ah 1 1 apartmenl Nlfiam htal. Cling In. Adults. IMiunt H11.I7. rOR'TRNT. itiiafiTneni labl't for couple, Inquire Ajit, 1. 1717 JMaln. r'OU" RENT, ""fiTrniNhed iWo bedrooin aparlmtut. Private bath, prtvalt an trance, 201S Oregon Avtnut. Phont a 03211. 1 lHtKrcMm Wrnl-ftoTTTinant and hath. Adults only. Phunt 1147a, 911 Wal nut. NI.WLV dtcoralsd "oilvsta balh. kit chtnttlt. Sttam htal, lac trio rang tin week Ilex Arms Apartnitnt fTlfirt ROOM'rurnlilisifaparUiitnL aool While. 26 HOUSIS FOR HINT lIllNlKFlitDrouat o rT Inoulre SJOl ()ak, r1(lt'"RKNl,,""thrta rnnnt inmVtTn, na'rTly furnished cabin. Elertile ituva, Net l I'J.IS Adams, m rtiltNINHEU cAni"TfbaclVlor or working cuiiPllar?J,.p,,u!,i a?"ff'. r'Oir'HKNT. 'two rooni furnish tdKous. Lights and walar furnlihtd. Call X!oa: i HiH niCrJf, nearly new ont Wdruoin htnitt. suburban. Autumalle wahr, re. frlgerator, tlertrlc range, tltrtrlr water healer, electric heat. Out block tn gom bus lint. Phont Ml afltrnoyns or avt- n"l"u - UNruriNlfSH-U housa (or rtnl. Phont flOHQ. - ion nrrft. modern lurni'ihtd I hit room houit. Inguira 1IUU Mummers Lane UUi'i bX fur rent, t'liuna Mi baiort a pm t Mt) b f. ItN one leV'otni unfurnished du pirH house Inquire IlttlP. rli.ardmim 2 MISCILLANIOUS FOR JtlNT u trucjs vj nmvn Mn,' Vmir.oir Rnvfl U Nrw Trucks For Lon Trips Plikupt 6tkcs Vna n,KACON MOBIL SKHVICE 1201 E. M!n Phono 8304 VoHltr.NT.up to 43 atr.." of potato land. On l.lplark (arm, M.rrlll. Or.. IM.ona rrank L. Howard. I iuag Tula- lak. orflT'K ItPACat In 8t wart" I)rSKilld. n.. inquira ur.w. miwiui., ., SI. AMKItirAN lloor aand.ra and !!. wilt and ,asy to oparata. iititr. Hour flnlth. hilars, wax, and varnlili. Kt.A.MATH VALLKY LllMHMt 1940 So. Ulslh 1 hoiI .4,, orriCK tor rm. 033 Main. Hliona Hot. 30 REAL ISTATI 0R SALI FOR SALE 24 arm, 3 brdroom motlrrn liome, double ilnrasr. chlckfn lioiiio and nihrr oulbiillcilnei. Approxlmalrly 10 atrr.i paMurc. balanre (rain land. Four miles from city. Price J 10.500. Terms. Two bedroom home located close to school, churches and business district. Large living room, part basement, oil piped furnace. Alio two room home Both lor 17250. SEE or PHONE F. II. Cofer (Evenings 3993) Bob Stephens (Evenings 92301 Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th. Phone 4193 "PAT" HOWES Realtor HOT SPRINGS Braulltul new 2-hclroom home completed Inst November. Fire place, w all to w all carpet Inc. lame living and dllilnn II m Modernistic kitchen with serv tnx bar. Iladiant electric heat. I3.50000. Buyer can assume U.I. loan. Call . . . MERVYN SHUCK 'PAT HOWES" REALTOTl 1023 Main St. Phone 2-3343 You Get The Boat We've not the land. 173-fuot, waterfront. Water never freez es. Specially bulll home. Two bcdioonui and sleeping porch. Double Rarade and other btilld lims. Well fenced. 1 I 3 acres. Shown by appointment and to only genuinely Interested prospects. $4500 will handle. An outstanding value. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Snlcslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 Gl SPECIALS I'OUR BEDROOMS 2'j blocks of school, 110,500 FOUR BEDROOMS In Mills Addition for 110,000 TWO BEDROOMS Three blocks of Main. $7000 TWO BEDROOMS Three acros. $7,500 ONE BEDROOM All new, electric heat. $5000 TWO BEDROOMS 1,3 acre near Peterson School $9500.00 TWO BEDROOMS On two lot corner nriir Peterson School $10,005 TWO BEDROOMS On 'i-acre, $3300 ONE ACRE, FENCED Two Bedroom on Denver Ave. $787& FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Mnln Office Ph. 2-3333 Eves, 2-1D05 fwrTntil'roVm h"o"ni-fnr if f In-Mil!. Minion nn nlwk from Mllli jtehnol. Pried vrv reasonable, 20;I7 Garden. Phnna t-OSWI. C'fiR:K.N" ranrh. 3'i afraa" deep welt nre.niira synt.m. lnrUlre 2445 South aixTn. ng.p. ffin IMMfnUTI SALE a hadronm hom loc.t.d at 3.111 Orant Rtrat. Practically any tarma .vallahle, Would even conalder u.ed car or trailer home. If interested In ownlnt your tioniuand nJnjtrne.vJhl"liilt. VKAR old threo bedroom hiimo in re stricted Rldorado addition. Electric lient completely Insulated, aluminum itorm and screen windows. Attached anrniie, hardwood Moon throughout. i'H Dahlia. Phonejmri. ;! UST" V'Oti'B PnOPF.SfY WITH , THIS rinM rnn action.. FVr.nrTT DENNIS RrAt,T(W 121 No. nth Phone M9I 10 RIALI$TATI rOR SALI SUBURBAN See this nil motive thrro-licdinolj homo locnled ' block off Wlnid St, Larue living room wllh circu lating fliepliatn. HiuiIwikiI floma. Nice kitchen, utility mid but li. (in ratio, chicken house. Nicely hum. cnpctl. A real buy fur $7800. Tcimj. RIVERSIDE Quirk posaesloii on this comfort able f-room home. Located mi two large lots. All liindscnprd mid fenced. Concrete fuiiudiitlun, Lnruo Cheerful kltrhen and dlnltiK nici. utility room, I ' baths. Kxrrllrut. condltlmi Ihrotighniit. Attnchrd gn rage. Chicken house. Cluing fur $7930. TERMS. Near High School Outstanding four-bet Iroom home, constructed 1041. Spacious llvlnit . and dining rooms, music room and well-planned kitchen, two full baths. Fireplace, Insulated and weather-stripped. Full concielo ' basement, with nlr-condltloiiliu;-type furnace. Landscaped van I, Move right In. $18,000. TERMS. HENLEY DISTRICT Located eloe to Mac's Store tin Merrill highway. 13 acres, Ui landy loam will. Modern 3-licd-room home. II you have been looking (or snmrthlim tu this dis trict, ACT NOWI Full prlto VI 1,000. TERMS. TOPS We are offering one of the finest diversified ranches In Klamath Co. 98 acres of top sandy loam soil. v. Beautiful 9-rtiom French Provui- 1 rial-type home with every modern convenience for rnniforliible llvlnc Excellent outbuildings. oYtl will have to see till, to appreciate tt. Full price. $83,500. TERMS. HARRY VAN lEvea. 8:o4 JOE LEONARD I Eves. 202571 AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 . 1 .6 Acres In Pasture SOUTH SUBURBAN. Fenced and cross fenced. Irrigated. Four room modern home with concrete foun dation, garage, bam. chicken house, frost proof mom. one block from bus. Excellent anil. Pi li e only $0260 $1000 down, bnlanre $40 per month Including interest, Mrs, N'ewhuuse Phone 3-3387 Newhouse Real Estate 2OC0 So. Sixth Phone 9832 MALIN RANCH 185 Arrrs of aomr f tlic bet I Ir rigated Unci lit the It.iMii. Two urtn of bulltlmil. Ihrrrfore wv aiblf for dlvLMon by new own er. Three good hoiucv Tu o cellHrn idhc excellent Rich iiindy loom aoil, pnved road, clane to Mnlin. For price nJ dcUtlb i)Icftie coiiUtl ihu offhe. j CATTLE RANCH 820 Acres. 67 acres Irrlgntrd now. More can be added. Plenty of water. Twu homes, excellent large barn rind other good outbuildings. On paved road. 28 miles from Kin ninth Falls. Price $50,000. Terms. Dun'l inl.-.s this. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Excellent concrete tile building with modern 4-room apartment. Excellent for service buMnrsa. Price $2i!,000. AUTO COURT A strictly modem 11 unit motel with 7 housekeeping units. In bel of condition, excellent furnlshlnc. Well located nnrl nrnwii hloh in come. Price $47,500. Owner will also taae rancn as trade. Don't mit this. HOTEL LEASE We have one of the best smiill hotels In city center. Oood lease. Reasonable rent, other Interest forces sale. Priced to i.cll qua Don't miss this. WALT DIETZ, with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR and INSURANCE 107 SO. SEVENTH Phone 4103 (Eves. 04G3) 118 ACRES All under cultivation and grav ity Irrigation. 15 ncica In ul slke clover. 33 acres In perm anent pasture. 7 acres III iilfnllii. Fenced. Pnvtvl riind. Inipiov menls Include u 2-brtli ticim home, large barn, rout cellar, other buildings. Full price Is $37,000. TERMS. 120 ACRES Gravity' mid Inig. tlon. 00 acres In alfalfa. Bal ance was planted to potatoes and clover hint year. Fenced, Improvements include a mod ern 1-bedroom home, triiiinl house, Implement shed, other bulldlnus. Full pilco $34,000. TERMS. See or Phone ROY "Pete" IIODCIES, Willi CHARLES BOLESTA REAL ESTATTS & INSURANCE M EUR ILL, ORE. m. 2851- WILL OIVB riVR YKAH LEASE ON 70 ACRFS inniOATfaD LAND. :i MILES FROM KLAMATK FALLS. SCU Mi SOI1MKC,.. j,iv rflA. T li')!... Jjt-j. FOR Til ADR, eqiiTty In Iwn bedroom mndtirn hnme for eritiltv In tinllor hottf-o Write or tea n. H. Nk-hola, Modoc Fnlnt Orogon. ; HOUSE for sale or rent- furnished ona had room hnuce nnd gnrni(e, Lnruo of lawn, trcen and garden spot. ?fc)4 Dlawara Avonuo. r'b'rt sATiR. .no Mreilrhi.leW vntiiiy nam, Cnrlifled pnlnlni, Kininlnnrl nnd rinver Lnraird al Rude Vnllry. Write Hfralrl Nfws, nox 70.