MARCH 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREfiO PAGE ELEVEN 4 PROJECT LAUNCHED The Rev. F. C. Neumann turns the construction of a new Free Methodist church here. Church Plans New Building Construction of ft new Frre Mth odlHl I'liuri-li nl 1)18 Orrumi Ave. wan atnrtPd this wefk. Hie Rc-v. K. C. Neumann, clmlrmuii of the Ilullcllnit Commlttrc, ny June 1 It tlie hoh! tor completion of the new builillnu, Tim Vrrr Methoijiui' prrscnt church, nt 421) 8. Oil) til.. Ih to lc t-, krn ovrr by Hit- Itroritmlced Church ot Lnttr-r Dny 8ntut. All labor on the New Krrc Mih dint Htrurturs Is bolim diwiftlicl, with tho liurd) uruniitzntlcn rnclliiK some killed workers hern Irmu out-of-town point. I'lio hulldltur In to h cnnNtruckd with pumice block. It will httvn r lull basement with tIumi room, tltchen bihI parlor. The top level ou askjor IeImmge you fell fie world 7 you Mow Hi BRAND I TUCHYSTRAl6"! i 0flBON WHlSr1 I 86 PROOF THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KY. AMERICA' THE NEW; IRON will Include the auditorium, bnp tintry mid study. Auditorium ca pacity will be 200. Besides Reverend Neumann, the uulldtnic Committee Is comprised Art Everly ot Mtirtln BrUluen James Klnif Jr.. Harold Harkey, I'lcrre Pont nd Bill Crumrlne, KAIIAR MA V I1KLP WtiATItKRMAN irfCAOO Radar may soon be atdhur weather forecasters by M.'ottlnu distant rain clouds and thus help predict sudden storms. The Public Service Co. of North ern Illinois and Commonwealth Ed ison Co. are cooperatinn with tly ChlcHfio weather office of the U.S. Weather Bureau In radar experi ments. It Is hoped by planners of ihe scheme to be able to determine location, density, altitude and di rection of clouds to supplement oth er meteorolonlcBl data. BRAND stmiyAt Mnteecfa dourdon $M0 $2 4-5 QT. 60 PINT $&U(c6yZ threat DUKE g J . NOW with NYLON ) -h-'Vp VHP d " MJ raj first spade of dirt to start New crop onions, both the xmnll white bolllntj type and the larxe, yellow bermudiis. hnvc )CKun mov Inn to markets. Prices arc Rtiil on i the lilitn lde but will bruin to case ltt within the next few weeks as ifuiiimca irom mcxico ana icxus jliH.ita.te In volume. In 1949 the United States pro j duced esres. Unmatched for (MgcatGisl o I or I i Ty j . ' '.,1 J 1 1 1 j SiM HBfe- Wml Like two refrigerator!! in one! With a huge built in freezer . , , Fully Adjustable Shelves . . . Twin Oispers. In addition, the Philco Dairy Bar, Butter Keeper. New Key Largo color. Sensational values at every price ... 7, 9 and 11 cu. ft. See them now. niw r5? 'Hltcos AS tttltl $... 609 So. 6th St. STRONGEST PANTS 9" JACKETS 11 95 Dairy Herd Improvement Group To Study Quality Mtlk-ilrinklnx Klamalh lolki ahould be KctthiR milk lrii better dairy herds tlitui ever ueiore r.len-1 liilC next mouth, II prearnl plam are carried Into operation, i Twtity-twa Klamath "milk- ! hcd" bcrdii, in Klamath and klyou couniica which nerve milk to this area, have kilned up Villi the Dairy Herd Improvement Av Miclittloii, sponsored by the Kfotn ath Tialrymon's Association here. 'Ilie Idea is to Improve herda by ellminatitic cowi which prove U : be submar(lnal In both production and reproduction, iipurk p!ut:!?lri5 the associatton'a forjnatlon arc lav Hobson. Merrill, and Wilbur Reii hw, Poe Valley. Both arc on the DH1A board ot directors. This, in iaet, is a reformation of the DIHA. H has been oritanized several times, but Hobson and Fteii liiK say tills time they hope 11 will slick. It's beliiK organized on a , a Krcssivc and pcrinaiienl buMw. full ilme mi!A herd testor Is to be hired, and interviews are uh- derway now, The tester will have a traveling laboratory in which tests of the approximately 8S0 dairy cows will be checked out and completed. Fi nances are from the dairymen--not cent of public money Is Involved. The pay is dependent on tlie herd jinhvn iiiinir. .iiraiirf h mi. of the most complete and efficient ! Easter Seals from the Oretpffi So UwtiiiK set ups In the state. lhe;elcty for Crippled Childrers. Oive oncration in to be supervised byiio i-asier ueais the Oregon State Extension Service (rotn OSC, Flam are now that the testing setup will be in lull swing by the middle of next month. Already the testing Itinerary I? loaded to capacity. Possibly a few more than the 22 herds now regis tered with the service may be added, but the testor will have a lull time Job as It is. There are several local herds as far away a.s Montague, Cil. beauty and value 78 WIIKS TO PAY FIRST SHOWING AT MERITS f 4 'iinmiiimiffinmfigpwwt , smmr PCORD! Mail Boat Waifs Repairs KODIAK, Alaska W The mail boat (Jarland was reported tied un at fort Alltak Friday awaiting a Coat Guard cutter ordered to the scene to escort the storm-battred vessel to Kodlak. CoaM Ouard headquarters Jjere reported the Garland, a HS-fsoter which carries mail and tiasstaiicrs from Seward to Korimk and the Aleutian Island's, hmped into Port Alltak after tinn:ix',rn Its KteerinK Rear In a heavy storm at sea. Crewmen made emergency re pairs while the vessel bucked 0 m-o-imilc winds, the Coast Ouard said. I Twenty seven passengers and crewmen were aooaro. The Oarland is owned by we iBeritcr Transportation Co.. of Se- lc. Port Alltak Is at the south 'end of Kodlak Island. 20 HKCONOtt The future of crippled children In Oregon, and In Klamath Courrtv, especially, la in your hands. Help build the we oi every nanuseappea bov and Klrl in our State hy uslna AH EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO csff rrnt tvy nrw sSnet tram in K, nini i m- piny, 1 2 N . "lb. l 1 w tmb th I j Mt Ttatontbtc tint yn can. if yo with, fhsnr frm Tt fhst- tgrrtmtnt. ?b rtut ifdy Bat is IJ crdltd 7tfr pvrrbaM c- ni s 9ibr pjni t octf tiry. The monthly pay menu can far Iftfte higher than rent. Or. if job rt ff. y ran cent ins ft. Exclusive CHEESE KEEPER Keeps cheese store fresh for weeks . . . as recommended hy the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture. Only Philco offers you this new service. Phone 2-3429 featuring SPARKIE, the famous elfin character, from the saU radio shows 'NO SCHOOL TODAY' and 'BIG JON & SPARKIE' When you hov your sH t rf ;!stt utt fill eoeh qlatt with water to th right rasA, open up your "Sparfeie" tun book, thtri, with your "Sowkio" ntoHot, yo eon play your fovorrU "Sporkio" im Oimcot ot thtrt Dad and Mother en geinj to want to tinkle out a tan or two thtmive. HERE'S TO GET YOUR SET! START RIGHT NOW1 THESE GLASSES COME FILLED WITH . CIHlllBi 5TAKT YOUK SET TODAY! THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY THE FUN! J 0 EACH FROM YOUR CRATER n i f C fS AB BAIlYe if KIlDIMSIliiiS HOW... td!lS LAKE A kJ V Su, 5 l v