HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 211, 1002 PAGE TEN National Forest, Indian Reservation Lands Also Lie In Conservation Area (This li the last of a series of articles dealing with soil conser vation districts generally and the Lsngell Valley pilot district in particular. Ed note.) By HALE SCARBROl'GH These articles previously hnve mentioned the plans and sugges tions for improvement of the thou sands of private and Bureau of Land Management administered acres within the present boundaries of the Langell Valley pilot con servation district. Two other, great areas within the district are lands of the Fremont National Forest and the Klamath Indian reserva tion. The Fremont Forest portion, of the district totals 242.900 acres, of that amount 183,960 acres belolig Inu to the Forest Service proper. 1,880 acres owned by the State of French OK Jap Treaty PARIS Wl The French Nation al Assembly ratified the Japanese Treaty Friday by a vote of 399 to 101. . Ratification followed approval of the treaty by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Assembly. Reporting the committee's ac tion, Radical Socialist Deputy Mau rice Faure said he hoped the peace treaty would be followed by a gen eral Pacific Security Pact which would include France's Island pos sessions there as well as Indochina. The treaty now. goes to the Coun cil of the Republic, the upper ad visory house of Parliament, for ap proval before President Vincent Auriol can sign it and formally complete the ratification. . Approval by the council is con sidered certain. The French action virtually made the peace treaty effective since it now has been approved by seven of the signatories whose ratifica tion was required by the! treaty's terms. . . . . The treaty previously had been approved by the United States. Ja pan, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Ceylon. , A young crow requires about ten ounces of food daily. Oregon and Klamath County, . and 57,060 acres privately owned. An other big acreage within the .con- lines of the soil conservation dis trict but not included in the' dis trict Is the property of Weyerhaeu ser Timber Company. The nrlnclnal resource, naturally. of the National Forest is its Um ber, that part of it inside the soil conservation district worth proba bly J15.000.000, but the grazing it affords is another great resource. Fractfcally all the land, both pub lic and private, is used for sum- Approximately 382.532 acres' of Indian reservation lands lie within the present boundaries of the Lan gell Valley soil conservation dis trict, here again great stretches of Umber and grating land under the control of a government SRency. And here the problems of trying ettorts at resource betterment arc further complicated by the fact that activity In Mint direction tak en by the Indian Service, if it be comes interested, would have to originate with, or at least hnve the approval of, the Klamath Trl- mer livestock Dasture. It annually I hoi produces thousands of pounds of I ,e ..,. vihi r.m on . th VHmi it ' The problems the soil conserva- grazes and that means thousands I rinrtT.n Yh W of dollars in Income for the ranch- " jJL1,"'? fnf'sSi"!? ers owning the animals as well as " " L?d0jSin,l5, ia,J?.? .H1?? w.,,v o.tu Hie ucnu v uauu Management brush control, fenc sizable income to the public and private landowners in grating fees. Recommendations of the Langell Valley soil conservation district to ing. reseeding, reservoir construc tion, water spreading, erosion structures, tree plaining, disease the Forest Service are practically i and nrtv-intnr vrndlcntinn nt,i w. uie same as those to the Bureau i eling. draining, irrigating seeding of Land Management, which ad ministers timber and grazing lands adjacent to the farm lands of Lan gell Valley. They include: pruning, thinning. reseeding, fencing, improvement of springs, installation of small reser voirs for water control and stock' watering,- fire protection, tree and grass planting and general im provements in. forest 'and range management. ' First of all. though, a complete inventory should be made to de termine just what the resources are. -what they're worth and to provide information to Work from. DO YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKIHG?.. then try 0BAK-O-ST0P Harmless... , . . MtM Mdftirn t) tobltwmi, opt ' hx m nivrat. t1 lOtAK.O-lTW 4wy. Cvcratitorf. - oniy 4.95 PAYLESS DRUG 808 Main and prope'r management and use oi considerable crop grown Through - all Uie planning, tot); must run an undercurrent of reali sation of value of the forests, hills, lnkes and streams In recreation- fishing, .hunting and camping. The economic value of the streams. woods and primitive areas to this country is incaicuiaoie. The Langell Valley pilot district happens lo encompass some of the West's most favored hunting and fishing grounds, stocked naturally with thousands of deer, considera ble and growing numbers of pheas ant, quail, sage grouse, beaver, muskrat, mink, migratory birds and game fish. Much of the so called interstate deer herd season ally crosses' from Oregon to Cali fornia and back over lands of the district, and even in winter the resident deer poimlntinn la consid erable. Some of (he West's most popular deer hunting grounds lie within the district, in met, n an arbitrary value of $125 was placed on each buck killed within the did trlct, the 1950 hunting season har vest would be worth bettor than $330,000. Another little known fnct about the district is that from 600 to 600 antelope rango in the sageorusn flats around Oeiber reservoir. . Bo the Oregon Game Commission and the Fish and Wildlife Service also have a great stake In the dis trict. , The formula has already been proven on private holdings: treat WURUTZER A magnificent plana. Many lovely ttylat and finlihn re chest from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th your land well and ti ll pay you back ninny times over, The problem now Is to set that formula applied to the govern ment's land. If prlvato Imul vnluea double mid redouble and rolurns snnr as a result of Mclcnilllo Plan ning, mamiHcment nnd use of re sources, the same rnsultN citit be obtained on public lands. The job at hand fur the LangeD Valley soil conservation district la primarily one of aelllnit. netting I ho various governmental agencies Involved Interested. Its best recntninrmlallnn In that It has a very good product to sell the promise of a frrtllo future. . People DO TOO read smoll space ads - you are! PROMENADERS OPEN SQUARE DANCE SAT. 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MOUNTINGS by Granat ou'll end the annoyance of slipping, turning tings . . . pre vent the wear-causing friction of twisting, rubbing rings, WeJ-Lok rings cant shift ami separate because they Utk lagitlxr... yci unlock easily ny time you wish to wear them separately, TtmptnJ MoiinliHgi (not cast), in gol(i or platinum, are specially processed for sirength, wearing power, and listing security of the diamonds. 700 . . . . fiTcis Main St. t tin STEREO JEWELS! iiuian mi sociiri Phone 3151 WiJ-Lok' nMlwfi Hurling nm $11 lit ul itiaiMitit if, . l. rtt. trf. ,tiMa, Mtll.M r . . rattn , fti. T. Inc. Ji c;) J f it" l i ' fi ' r V'( ' lEPE AT F A SELLOUT SUEDE JACKETS... NOW IN COSTUME COLORS AT ALL-TIME LOW PRICES 19.95 25.00 39.95 and up fi Wa U r s i. ' Al' I V f 1 " $ v fit t - v i U t ' TL ' ,!ilv'4:f: ',. -r:K .7 xY-'Vl vif. P$r? if: iA I (J A AQUA PINK BEIGE i GERANIUM BUTTERCUP KELLY LIME CHAMOIS TURF SAND CHERRY LILAC OYSTER WHITE BLUE Your suede iacket . , wear it belted or loose. 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