TIIUUSHAY. MARCH 27, 11)52 'AGE TEN HERALD AND NFAVS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 19 52 Make UYourself Wool Coniesi Open - Prizes PORTLAND More than $25,000 6 prlzea, Including tlO.OOO worth i award added tills year, are iffered in the sixth annual "Make Ik Yourself with Wool" home sew lit content, which began March II throughout Oregon and In 13 ither . Western alates. Open to girls from 14 through 22 he 1852 contest li sponsored by he Oregon Wool Growers Auxtl ary. tho Women's Auxiliary of he National "Wool Growers Associ ttion, and The Wool Bureau, Inc. In announcing the start of the entest In Oregon, Mrs. Peter Obl ique of Burns, State Contest Di rector, pointed out that important lew prizes, presented by the r. W, Voolworth Company and the Sing ir Sewing Machine Company, have leen added to the long list of schol irships, U.S. Defense Bonds and ither valuable awards olfered In he contest. The result should be ;reatly Increased Interest in this tear's' event, she asserted. The contest plays a key role in leveloping skill in sewing and fa ihion knowledge, by encouraging roung women to make coats, suits tnd dresses from virgin wool Inb les, Mrs. Obiaque said. In addl Jon to the thousands of Individual rirls who enter the competition lach year, she declared, more and ind home economics teachers are naklng the contest a valuable ad lunct of their Instruction. As In previous years, she said ihe contest will have two divisions -the Junior Class, for girls from 14 through 17, and the Senior Class, tor those from 18 through 22. When the contest reaches Its cli max early in December, the top tewing . experts from all contest states will compete in the Nation U Finals in Chicago, appearing in ine famed National Fashion Revue In conjunction with the 88th annual convention of the National Wool Orowers Association. Each Junior ind Senior-State Champion, select ed through district and state elim inations will receive an all-expense paid trip to Chicago. Travel expen ses for the champions will be paid bv the F. W Woolworlh Com. pany, through the company's dis trict olflces in St Louis, Denver, Minneapolis und San Francisco, SINGER OFFERS AWARDS Other new awards offered In the 1952 vent include one portable Sin ger sewing machine In each con test state, presented by the Singer Sewing Machine Company, and an additional $50 Defense Bond award ed in each contest state through the courtesy of the Handweaver and Craftsman Magazine. 1 The portable sewing machines presented by the Singer- Company are in addition to Singer mahogany console sewing machines awarded in the national competition as first prises in both the Junior and Sen ior classes, . States taking part In the contest are Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota Oregon; South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Mrs. John Will Vance of Coleman Texas, Presi dent of th Women's Auxiliary of the National Wool Growers Associ ation is National Contest Director. The complete list of national awards in the 1952 contest is as follows: Grand Priie for best garment in all divisions of Senior Class $300 scholarship by Forstmann Woolen company. Grand Prize for best garment in all divisions of Junior Class $300 scholarship by Pendleton Woolen Mills. -Junior Class First Place A Singer mahog any console sewing machine. Second Place $100 U.S. De fense Bond by John Walther , Fabrics. Inc. Third Place $100 U.S. Defense Bond by I. A. Wyner & Co Senior Class First Place A Singer mahog any console sewing machine. Second Place $100 VS. De fense Bond by Botany Mills, mc. Third Place $100 U.S. Defense Bond by The Wool Bureau, Inc. Special awards to national win- Klamath Unit Legion Aux. Celebrates Klamath Unit' No.1 8, American Legion Auxiliary held its annual jparty In honor of the S3rd birth day of Uie American Legion, which was organized In France in 1919. Past Commanders were present ed and particularly honored along wiui an legionnaires. A urogram orcnared bv Mrs. Paul Otlcrbein and group singing, ners will Include a $500 scholar ship presented by Colorado Wom en s College to the young woman whose home-sewing skill and ac ademic standing in nigh school are adjudged to be outstanding, and a $100 Defense Bond to the girl selected to hold the title of "The 1952 Wool Princess," as the out standing national contestant. This awsra win De preseniea oy ine Producers Livestock Marketing As sociation ot'Ogden, Utah. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS FKSH MAX M KLAMATH FAILS! COTTAGE CHEESE ASK Kit THI C A Till lilt I corrAGi otiesi aiaei toot by the members of the post and the Auxiliary, wiui mis. Harry Van at the piano, was enjoyed by nil. Delicious refreshments .including a beautifully decorated birthday cake were served by the commit tee with Mrs. Paul Otlcrbein and Mrs. Julia ' Williams, co-chairmen and assisted by Mrs. Belle Ross and Mrs. Ann Hayes. Short meetings of the Post and the Unit preceded the entertalu ment. iteporta of liie District Con ference.held In Lakevlew were giv en by Mrs. Frod Hellbronner, Mrs, Paul Otterbelu and Mrs. Charles Halm, NO JKW REPRESENTATION BAGHDAD, Iran Wl Iraqi offt cera said Irafll Jews will no long er be represented In the parliament since there are only 12.000 left In the country, after a recently-concluded mrge scale exodus to Israel. Minorities of less than 20.000 are not represented in parliament. Furs deteriorate from heat and, therefore, should not be exposed to it. A wonderful flavor treat . . , just few cent per serving. Try one of the fine Chun King Oriental Foods tonight) CELEBRATING SbermW 100 ANNIVERSARY tarn Bi6 comrmyir I J m 2702 Prizes for Westerners onfyf Just finish this sentence 25 words or less Imagine winning a stack of shiny sil-' ver dollars that could measure 20 feet high . .'. or more!' You will if you're first prize winner in Sperry's exciting "Win Your Weight in Silver Dollars" Contest . . . because we're going to ; match your weight, pound for pound, with big round silver dollars! Think of it! Ir takes 18 silver dollars to weigh one pound. Multiply $18.00 by your weight and see how much you might win! There are 2,701 other .... prizes, so get busy... tell us. ..in twenty-five words or less . . . why you like Sperry Products! En for newf It's easy because there ', are so many good things to say about Sperry Products. For example, you ; might say: "Sperry Products rale praises from my family and I can al ways depend on them." Just tell us in your own words why you like . Sperry Products. Use the handy cou- pon below. You can get additional ; entry blanks from your grocer. , spirit Dump snow nout Since the first sack of Sperry Flour was milled in 1832, five generations of Western homemakers have de pended on its fine baking qualities. . . 0 assured of talcing svccMf Try Sperry Drifted Snow ... its "Home Perfected". 117 Western homemakers - Sperry's Home Staff constantly ; prove, by actual home baking tests, 1 CI W m HOOOOO SIlVBt DOUAKS Wi20,000 SO 3M FMZESlZ KACI SETTINGS Of J - . - OUffN tlii PATTERN SILVERWARE: j SO 4TH PRIZES I RACE SETTINGS OP OUffN IESS PATTEM SUVERWARE tOO STH PRIZES 4 PlACt SITTINGS OP i OUHN IESS PATTEM SUVERWARE SOO 6TH PRIZES i puce setting op , QUHH IESS PATTERN SIIVEIWAU ' 2000 7TH PRIZES 1 DOZEN QUEEN lEStt ' PATTERN SILVERWARE TEASPOONS t Sperry Drifted Snow cannot cause a baking failure due to variations in quality . . . promises perfect bakings : every time! SPtUT PANCAKE AND WAPPU MIX - You'll find a friend in Sperry Pancake ' and Waffle Mix, too! It contains country-churned,' sour cream butter milk for flavor and a special blend of soft wheat pastry flour for texture. The Sperry Mix truly makes the most ' delicious pancakes ever . . . airy-light and Sperry good! SPERRY WHEAT HEARTS Your family will love the nutlike . flavor of Sperry Wheat Hearts. This, . hot wheat breakfast cereal is actually . far richer in essential Vitamin B, than ' . whole wheat itself . . . because it contains toasted wheat germ in more than whole gram amounts. YOUTl THRU TO THE lOVEUNSK OP TWO PUT! ir ONEIDA COMMUNITY SltVEISMITHS Thonsarxls of prizes beautiful Queen Bess pattern surerware are jooa foe the win- magi Get your en- try so today! Just J like Sccrrr' h Predicts. A 1 ss 1 0 Ml Queen Bess pattern is encntatiiigljr beau. tiful...iust the sil verware you've been draining of owning! Its gracious desiga compliments every ta ble setting. It's long wearing, too...gives you years and years of service. Get additional pieces of Queen Bess partem silver ware by saving and redeem ing the valuable, money saving coupons that come with every Sperry product. , (ASY. eASY HUUS 1 . Complete in 25 additional words or less: "J like Sperry Products because . . ." Use entry blank or plain paper writing on one side of paper only. Include your name and address. , 2. Send as many entries as you. wish,' but with each entry enclose box top from any size Sperry package, or the big name "Sperry" from , - any size sacic cacn entry must be uniqueness of ideas. Judges' decision is final. Duplicate prizes in case of ties. All entries and ideas therein become the property of General Mills, Inc. No en tries an be acknowledged or returned. S. Winners wit! be notified mail within six weeks after contest closes. List of winners will be sent upon receipt or seit-addresscd. S. by aft your own oriental I r TVMh WIU W .UVIIU1IW IU1 ' der your own name. Entrants "n!e5.t "P"1 10 "T Per- may win only one prize. x"1 'raming in wumngion. Nevada, Utah, Arizona 3. Mail entries to: Sperry j Contest, Oakland 6, Caii- fornia. All entries must be : , S fPT j!'. Mills ing agencies, their judging organizations and their in postmarked on or before ' midnight. May 12th, 1952 - ' na received noi lacer-tnan . -.- May 22, 1952. Each entry ii mc"K am"- must arry enough postage. V 7. Com est subject to Federal 4. Entries will be judged by . and State Regulations. Your the Reuben H, Donnelly ' entry in this contest is ex Corporition on the basis of , ' press acceptance of these heat germ in more Corporation on the basis of j ' press acceptance of these amounts. . .. interest, originality aod ..'rules. . ' . - t V i - I t Sparry a "Stmt: "WhetHcra' a Kiutucd trade-auiki of Gtncril Mills, Inc. ) Job 5538-Copy 787-800 lines-Daily Newtpaptrs-March-April, 1952 V 'J i Mj milt tJIL 'Jn FREE DELIVERY! Prices effective Fridoy end Saturdoy SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS 1-lb. Pk9. 25c SUNSHINE HYDROX COOKIES 12-OX. pkg. 39c SUNSHINE PARTY MIX CANDY Mb. pkg. 33c Easter Candy Hershey Bars Milk Chocolate or Nut Easter Wrap Ctn.24 89C SWEET'S "HONOR" BRAND FRESH FROZEN 12 ox. Pkq. Phtnlx Yellow ft P f mm VAN CAMP'S Grated. No, Vi Tins 23c a can "TASTY" BRAND Cheese Food loaf A Phenlx-Pobstott 1 Product m )Jr Mb. ff U SOAP POWDER Larqa Pkq. CI?I?E MAXWELL HOUSE Mb. Tin ROMAN MEAL Muffin Mix Picttswair, small or lorejt Tender. No. 303 tins TOMATO JUICE DOG FOOD POST'S Cereal Tray Easter Eggs Duck or Chicken Eejeji, I s.""" PEAS Chocolate Covered -, Marthmallow EASTER 11 A 11 1 I? ORANGES 5c I PARR AGE c.p .oid , gc CHILI CELERY c ' UM " 1 7c grapefruit::;: .. -1 COFFEE m ' I .Tcnderixed Juit Add Water? Pkq. 2 29' KCB' Puqet Sound elomt in the shell. Just heat and aat. No. 1 tin Del Rogue 46-oz. Timberlina No. 1 tall tins 3 10 Solid Pack No. Vi Tin Tl Ikl A "House of Lords," White Albocore IUHA- t FR. COCKTAIL Del Mont CON CARNE Mario's ' PINEAPPLE p- Del Ro9U" Standby Chunk Style 303 tins No. 1 tin No. 2 No. Vi tin ASPARAGUS Jack Spratt Maxwell House, Instant .cms RED FRYERS RED HENS frtlh ' Dressed 0)5 lb. SLICED BACON Swift's Hot Seoltd pkg. Mi PORK ROASTS Loin End 11 eun Ir Lon mmj gf Yeung ' We Carry Freth Fillet Red Snapper HAMS PORK STEAK GROUND BEEF CORNED BEEF Salmon Halibut Oysteri 12 ta 14 lb. i C L.en, t.nd.r FJ Center cur J j Jj Strictly freih Cured T. Cerfectian AO. 33" 1 for 25' 29 25c 29c 29c 27c 24c 25c 29c 35c 35c 39c for Varictict No. 2 2-oz.