THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1H!2 HERALD AND NEWS. KJ.AMATU FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVKN Pilot Guides Flaming Airliner To Safe Landing !n Field, Passengers OK HIJCIOTON. Kim. 111 Two )l InU nultli'd a fliiinliiK airliner wllh 40 iinrmnm aboard In a ri loct In ruling In n wlirnl field wr-dnoa-diiy, then )jiUMhrd all tlio Ituit as mi ordinary Job The llranlff AlrllncM DOM came down Willi line ol lln four nitlnr Knn mid u wIiik In lln Mien. Only mm iwn.n'imrr wim injured, Clilrf Pilot Jiak Hlitnlnrd com-mc-niccl torocly: Europeans Talk Money, Trade Plans PATU8 Ml Finance and foreign niinlMcrn from IB mitlonn Katlirred hero Thurndny to dlncuwi Wratnrn tin ope n inonry mid Iriulr prob lems in tlio luce of moiinllnii re armament. The nilnlntrra aturtcil tliclr three diiy tulkn at the hcadciimrlnm of the Oinmilaallon for European Ecu noinlo Conpcrntlon, near the Palala dc Ohnlllot where another Kioup of mtnlitlcrn from 10 countrlr u debuting n "iirccn pool" alined ul lir owing Europe more end cheeper food The main Ileum on the crowded triHla of the OKEC mlnlslcrit were: 1. How to rnUe by 26 per cent In the next live ycure Europe's productivity In Hx basic flelda coul, steel, agriculture, electricity, manpower aim hounliiK. U. BUKRrntcd rrlorin and future oriiuiUiuuon of the Kuropenu Piiy incuts Union, whoae original man dale Is due to end June 30. i. A proposed maniiKlnit board of senior trade officials to study the problem of Increased liberaliza tion of European trVde and to draw up a new "mniinim Urn" of prod uct)! which all member countries agree to frre from qwntaa. The 2 per cent fivt-yrar ex pansion program was agreed en In principle by a declaration of the ministers last Aug. 21). This time I hey sre studying how to put It Inio operation. The working groups hsve been eaminllig the problems In each of the six fields of activity, and each he turned In a report. Only the report on coal has been published thus far. It urged In creased Saturday work In mines, attendance bonuses, and (ax relief on overtime pay. Cops Chase Speeding Car i ' PORTLAND Cfi -Tears raced' at ' a hair-raising clip through down town Portland Wednesday, leaving a trail of bashed fenders and a broken barricade, before police llnslly nabbed two men. Police itsrled the chase when a West Side store clerk became sus picious of a man trying to pass a check. Tlie msn rsn, and was picked up by another, driving a high-powered car. A dozen police cars were used as the fleeing pair sped up one way streets the wrong way, banged Into parked cars ss they turned corners at high speed, and broke through a heavy wooden barricade to reach an expressway. A few warning shots were fired in the chase. Eventuslly booked on charges of forgery and obtaining money by false pretenses were Joseph Martin Bill. 22, and Rodney Clinton Unger, 31. Bond was set at SS000 each. Police accused them of passing 15 worthless checks, using checks that disappeared earlier from the nuBols Miitlnck Lumber Compnny In Vancouver, Wash. Labor Election Set For Firm WASHTNOTON Ml Labor elec (Ion will be held within the next month at the logging camp and the Brookings plant of the Brook Iiirs, Ore., Plywood Corp. The Nutlonal Labor Relation, Board ordered the election. At the logging camp the question will be whether the workers want to be represented by the AFL Brother hood of Carpenters and Joiners, by the CIO Woodworkers, or neither. Al the Brookings plnnt the choice will be between the AFL union or no union st all. "The only scnilblo thing lo do was lund," Minutes after the 4H nusKengnrs and' flvo crew members scurried out,. Haines consumed the entire piiine. The passengers Included Dr. George 11, Lavo of Portlnud, Ore., and Mnurlce IS, Hcimir ol We st! If. Neither Htnnford nor eupllnl John litmklry, both of Uullns. Tex., would take credit lor ait extra ordinary Job, They had little lo say. nut u. it, utiles, an UKinnoinn City Iswyer who wus a pnsscnger, dei.crlbed the landing "as smooth as any l ve ever seen." Ho gave this description: "I wns sluing on the light side about two seats buck of the wing when I noticed lire around the right Inboard engine. I culled the stewardesses and they went for ward to tell the cuplaln iHlnnfordi, 'Tie CHine back, look one quick look and told us to tauten our safely belts, Then he bunked the plmic to put the stress on the op posite wing and started down I judged we were about 0.000 feet above ground then. "About haifwuy down the motor fell oil." ! "No one talked at all. I guesii they were too sunred, Just like I was." Utiles snld the pnssengers "could feel the heat of the Humes as wc came Into the whent field" The Injured passenger was -Miss Jfsso Walls, Greensboro, N. C'.. who skinned a leg sliding down a rope The plane was enroute from Den ver to Oklahoma City. The big Help Given Sick Friend PAW PAW. Mich. I sale at the O'Orady brothers cloth- lug store Is nearly over and It has been a whopping success thanks to Ihe good salesmanship of com petitors. The O'Orady store, an Institu tion here for half a century never disposed of any old goods. Ed O'Oradv died a tew years ago. The aurvlvlng brother, James, carried on the business. But he be came 111 recently. The store wss full of old cloth. Ing some of it in years old and In tlie antique class. James O'Orady had to go to a convalescent home and he had no chance to lake Inventory or clean out the stock. Other morchsnts heard of his plight. They all pitched In togeth er and took Inventory and put Ihe goods on sale. The demand was surprising. Western Michigan College bought a lot of old-fashioned clothing for Its dramatics department Some people made purchases lor keen- sskes. Tlie merchants figure they have grossed a sum two and a half times the highest offer for Ihe com plete flock. One of th salesmen wss asked how business went In his own store during the O'Orady sale. "Business has been lousy," he ssid. Then he added with a grin: "But we sure put it over for old Jim, didn't we?" Bags! mm JTfUANVLff ROLLED OATS A blessed event a new i-lb. "baby" joins the family of Trian- . (le Relied Oats. The same fine quality rolled oata. quick or regu larin the most economical l-lb. package on the market, Order ' this convenient package todayl AT YOUR LOCAL GROCER'S fCv u&yMf answer Jw) Tjjto lNTN ALSO TRY-Spaghetti, SoladeHei, Macaroni,. tea ShelU and Kurle-Q-Needlei ... . CUT GREEN BEANS Blue Lake No. 303 tin, 2 for Coldndar Brond PEAS Minion Brand No. 303 Tin 2 for -fcOC CORN K0UNTRY KIST Cream Style . OQ 303 tin 2 for MmjQ I HUNT'S SOLID PACK . TOMATOES "- PnJ ' Miff &P.mW' ffl y 7, EVERY DAY II 1 I II CHPirn II -tn 35c AVUM I SPeEClALS I 40-FATHOM, Minced O C C Zrmrm ROYAL CLUB Solid Pock 1 il"'"''' 1 12-or. tin - 029 IVi-lb.Ham Mm 6-lb.. 12-oz. IJ I HUNTS CORN E KER! i 2 for WHOLE KERNEL No. 303 Tin Oft-. 7C ROYAL CLUB No. 303 tin Dainty Dimple "t A I 7b HUNT'S SPINACH No. 2 'j Tin 18C CATSUP Stocton Brond OI? HUNT'S PEACHES Yellow Cling OC- Halvei, 2 ViTin DC PEARS Garden-Brand No. 2Vt tin W5C HUNT'S PEACH PRESERVES Tumbler, JTC PURE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Dodge Brand AVLf 20-ox. jar t3C GRAPE JUICE Tea Garden AQf 46-ox. tin tTC APPLE JUICE Tea Garden O Qt. Bottle .A5C RIPE OLIVES MAYWOOD Standard Pack Tall Tin, 2 for 49c OLIVES STUFFED SPANISH Imported, Haaie J A . Brand, 3'2-o. jar ' BALLARD BISCUITS Oven Ready. . OQ 2 cant aVTC GERBER'S BABY FOOD 35c 4 Cans DEL MONTE PRUNES WITHOUT SYRUP Moist Pack ; Af 16-oz. tin eittC MATCHES Fire Chief ' 00 Carton 7C CLEANSER swiff. v ;9ce 2 Cans WW TIDE Every price a low price every day plus super bargain buys that's the combination ticket thot pays off in biej savings every time you shop at EMIL'S! And what's more you get quality in the bargain became we feature the famous brands you prefer for finer flavor and qrand good eatinq. So do all your food buying here and be doubly sure of top sav ings on top quality foods. SHRIMP CLAMS TUNA FISH PARKAY MARGARINE 4 Yellow Cubes, 2 lbs. U A fill C Skinned, tenderized, surplus fat Ml Qc 1 J Q J y j J removed. By the piece "V lb. SLICED BACON - 39! PORK ROAST 39v PORK STEAKS- 45s,: SLICED HAM 89sj WIEMERS 49; LUMCH MEAT 55 FRYERS 691.' New Florida RED POTATOES 3 25 RADISHES CAL0VAS BANANAS POTATOES . Crisp Fresh Large size Extra quality Golden Ripe Bunch US No. 1 , Klamath Gehis 25 IDS. 2 25' 2 ibs. 35 $49 6-lb.. 12-oz. Ham HORMEL CHILI CON CARNE With Beans Mb. tin wOt HORMEL TAMALES 15-ox. tin 25c HORMEL CORNED BEEF HASH It 44c 8-ox. Tin 27e HORMEL ROAST BEEF HASH "Tr 48c 8-oz. Tin ' 28c HORMEL LITTLE PIG SAUSAGE 39c HORMEL CHOPPED HAM ' 12oz. tin 55c SCHILLINGS COFFEE QOc Drip or Regular Grind l-lb. tin'' . 2-lb. tin $1.77 . INSTANT COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE ; 39( 4-oz. jar BUTTER Swift. Gold Crest lb. 77 SCOT TISSUE 1000 Sheet Roll )) "j) 3 Rolls CSC2 Daffodils 2 o 39' EXTRA-LARGE ' KING ALFREDS . Free Parking ' While Shopping at EMIL'S! ii i i i i i i r i mm wy . Right Reserved to Limit Quantifies ' Giant Pkg. 79c MIWUCMHUI MACAH0NI CO., WMMMfc OM0OH '