THURSDAY, MARCH 27, M2 PAGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Home Extension 0 BOTTLK YANKY CLOVER Liquid llrllllantine . BONANZA The Bonanza Extension Unit met March 11 at the Library. Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Ralph were appointed to go to the Klamath Baaln Civic League meeting. Purse making was the lesson with 10 menbers taking instruction. LINDLEY HEIGHTS Mrs. Edgar Sample was hostess March 12 to members ot the Lind- Icy Heights Home Extension Club. ' Mrs. Jim tie ana Mrs. unesier Owens nave a reoort on the square dancing lesson they had attended to represent the unit. Mrs. H. Barton and Mrs. Ray Blllliiss were chosen to attend a meeting' March 31 concerning the community lounge. Each member was asked to 1111 out a cooperative report and balloting on the pro gram for next year was completed. Dorothy Tolleth gave a demon stration on kitchen storage and ad vised the group on materials need ed lor .purse making, project lor the next meeting to be held at ine nome oi Mrs. uoraon Loomis, SU6 Pine. - Mrs. Mathews was a guest. BLY ' Parents and Patrons of Bly school met March t it 1 p.m. Following the business meeting Patsy Bates, Zelda Flanagan and Georgia Thompson, students partic ipating in the Klamath County Speech Festival gave their speech es. - Entertainment was also provided by Mrs. Herb Dennis, Mrs. Avis Little and Rev. Dick Staub who sang "The Lord's Prayer." Mrs. Staub was at the piano. . The next meeting is April 3. on : OTT Home Extension met March 20 at the Richard Hesslg home in Klamath Falls. Home Agent Doro thy Tolleth used color slides to .11 lustrate how any home maker can rearrange kitchen storage lor more convenience and emciency. i Mrs. Guy Davis, Mrs. W. E. Rodgers, Mrs. Earl Bairey were Darned a nominating committee. The annual election of officers will he held next month. iMrs. "Skeets"' O'Connell will be hostess for the April 17 meeting. Vets Sought So Claim Can Be Paid . ' SALEM tfl The government Is looking: for five Oregon veterans who are entitled to compensation for the period they were held as war prisoners during World War n. ' The men, and their last-known addresses, are: Benjamin Harold Remley. Lin. field College. McMinnville: .Wil liam Otto Cox. oa North szna St., Oorvalils; Wallace Glwnn Taylor, 145 N. Russell St., Portland; Dewey W. Passmore, 4212 N. Juneau St., Portland, and Ned McCormick, IJ15 SE 76th Ave., Portland. , JOBS GAIN' SALEM-Wl There were 424.600 persons working in non-farm Jobs In Oregon during February, the Oregon Unemployment Compensa tion Commission said Thursday. The total was 4.400 more than In January, but 5.200 less than a year ago. It also was 51.000 less man ine iouu oi iasi aukusi. I t. IJ "11(1 BEER """llll MiHII- G3?- yriWINHAU) COMPANY t rOIUN0,OUOOH I II M if. SKL KITCHEN i?TVi I j J ' LINK TYPE a . KVVU ' AM ) VJ.J U Vfjon mnJ jMQWrALARft1 CLOCK J fr-m? - ift li V7,FinUh 7 HEAVY PLASf.C CYCNrLO ms, MhW $kS: 1 1 1 w ' RIG. 39e METAL JhDUST PAN 'THk-'i RES. 10 BOBBIE PINS real i7c 1 RIG. 25 WAXED PAPER Rerular 11.33 Box ot 40 TAMPAX $17 Retular ' Junior or Super. RIG. 25c Nail fl Box ot 100 COTTON TIPPED applicators! 17c 25c JUMBO HERSHEY BARS m Rtj. 59 IMPORTED CHINA CUP AND SAUCER 17c 1 a. ml RIG. 25o . : ' I FAMILY I I Assorted , I k IkmSP.y.mX clock r TO VI H4& . REG. 1MB loradentX A 25c Chapstick 17c S ( TOOTH PASTE Vgh 33c Vicks Inhaler 17c MM contains miracle chlorophyl UAJ ,0. 7. n 17k iS) A. 9fftf1 17 - Uj&fl APLASTIC 1 mrntmnHl1' lvalue ?f 25c lPana 17c fajti Tumb,crs ' IfWmll1 HEAVY CUAGE Wl r""hP"e. HcT 3 fflr Jj V 3 Waft Rubber fflE8 17c -Vfe 17cP J' M 29c 'Creme Oil 17c fg 59 ' ' 3 Xfc Drfljn M UlrTomc (WldrooO RAYON ' T'T V -"pSST $ EmperinComp. 17c PANmUVj OA S AfterShave 17c Eft J IT 1 I t5e Woodbory'l ' flSJi'ra lie LAMBS WOOL II Remington Contour H shamnod 17c it. JL 5 troolt KovIbj 25e Forhon'i l?tiiliil I y!?'"-Jy 1 9 X Toothpaste 17c j " jfc W fL Handiom gift jf . Sc Castile Full Pint LIJAUI V nA Ileiiimad Z I'SV T3 y Shampoo 17c 'gSH 7f I0's Q j r$1717 a Aspirin 17c 17' at payless - - 5 39c Mineral Oil $$Mt KSv I I one year factory guarantee, i wa n T S I ISJVOARVIN RADIOf ,1S 'CM'"' TQMPLtXI0N SIZIV I f tilKSSi' sSrA?"'? rJ?5rX v niAi coAP X mar PSfeO OBBBT J I KING ALFRED 7Rjirc 1 C I Ml' wj DAFF0DLSY J STEP LADDER! ; FiSIJ v ' ' s" 9Cx IMA I 'a v I It II! ; f. RONSON LIGHTER; tteiolar . $6.60 Sptctal at PAYLESS ' 1.49 SoUd Black ViWT3l 73 IT MECHANICAL JL. thermos' STOPPER'S , 17' REG. 12c CHILDREN'S CLOTHES H ANGERS m 3.r 17c REG. 4.95 SITTING PRITTY SMILING DOLL 17c rius REO. 13c pfTZr-' FLASHUTE,V$ tj.j DAI ItKIti rxx 217c Reg. 23c CHR0MI TWEEZERS ONLY 100 POKFR CHIPS AND CARD HOLDING RACK 84 17 MfflM BH VALUE Bollpoint Pen AT Ctahlefi Q . e. l.49fc $i.i!9 KIDDIES Sewing Machines 117 They really mw. (Mi WMUW Ji POUND LUDENS DAINTY CANDY MIX 17c REG. 49c CIGARETTE Lighter Jq 25 RONSON LIGHTER FLUID 17c DISH CLOTHES 2 for 17c (nXi Wiikw LaAjMMlHAlBnMlM 25 SIZE LIQUID DYANSHINE 17 fcfTa Mc6iuTir ZOMBIE TUMBLERS , It 0une r I -' r - . mwmu 17 RAZOR BLADES (SllTr8Ur 25c