PAGE TWENTY-TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1 052 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI RANCH On Klamath River ISO crei Irrigated. Cheap water, 410 seres native pasture. Good two bedroom modern house. 113,000 down, liberal terms on balance. HOMES FOR SALE SUBURBAN On paved street. Three bedroom home. Very nice kitchen and bath. Large service porch with laundry tubs, beautl lul yard, good garage and out buildings. 4 acre In berries and garden spot. Price $7250. Will consider trade lor home in town. MILLS ADDITION One bed nlshed. 13600. room home, completely lur- NICE BUILDING LOT on Dayton Street Just north of Shasta Way. ' ' INCOME PROPERTY THREE APARTMENTS Well lurnlshol. Bringing In excel lent Income. . LESTER JONES, Eves. 9597 BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Phones 2-3471 4880 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER IS to tlS per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Oov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Paclllo Lanis 1621 KB Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 38, cam. SELLING YOUR HOME? Don't let sales problems "tangle you up. Just phone 2-3545 or drop by our office. Right now the demand for homes Is good. So right now Is a good time to sell. We need a suburban two bedroom home with j to 1 acre of ground. "Pat" Howes 1025 Main Realtor Phone 2-3545 $4,500 80 ACRES Close to Klamath Falls, gravity Irrigation. Located In Henley School District. 14 acres S yr. old alfalfa ready for potatoes, 8 acres in pasture, Dalance In barley, room home, dairy and hay barn, milkhouse. machine shed, woven $32,000. $9000 down, balance $1200 per year, plus 4 interest. Quick action gets uus oargain. 80 ACRES Under gravity irrigation, about 1 miles out. Without buildings. Some good potato land on this farm. A real buy for only $15,000. Only $4500 down, balance $800 per year plus interest at 4V.... Time is short Act Now I HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 3-0257) j ALSCHMECK- REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 ' SOUTH SUBURBAN HOME Beautiful landscaped grounds with garden and berries. Lot 77 x 200 with good drainage. Five large cneenui rooms plus utility. Con crete foundation, all fenced, on paved street and bus line. $8750 terms. HOT SPRINGS Seven room home, close in on Eldorado. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, 114 baths, excel lent 'heating system. Shown by appointment. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 ' Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 112. S. 9th Phone 7266 MILLS Three bedrooms. See this well de clgnid home. Ideal location, close to Kiwanis Park. All large rooms, very attractive kitchen and bath, utility, wall to wall carpeting, automatic washer. Well insulated. Large closets. Newly redecorated throughout. Garage. Fenced yard. a good buy for $12,000. Terms. NORTH SIDE Like new, completely remodeled S room home near Emil's Market, Large living and dining room, beautiful kitchen and breakfast nook, attractive bath, combination utility and play room. New type electric heat in all rooms. Owner leaving so priced lor quick sale. $8750. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0257) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 If you are getting ready to set up housekeeping, you will want to see this home. It has only one bedroom but is located close in and has a beautiful view of the city. Posses sion can be had immediately. A call to us will enable you to see it. Walking Distance Neat, two-bedroom home. This home is on a paved street and has city sewer. Has living room, break fast nook, hardwood floors through out, and fireplace. Selling price is only $6,350. EXCELLENT BUY Attractive 2-bedroom brick house, dining room, fireplace and full basement with new piped furnace. Lawns tree, and shrubs. We have several good homes, ' farms and ranches listed. Now is the time to take time to see them. Drop by and see the fine col lection of arrowheads we have in our window. J. W. SANDERS Realtor and Insurance 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 44 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST &ALL ! Up to $500 on your auto. On your salary or turnltur up to $300 "Pay Day" loans a specialty $10, $35, $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. $25 costs but 18 cents for one week. No other charge. LOCAL LOAN CO. US No. 10th EL M-554 DON McINTYRE, Mgr. 43 Yeara Friendly Service Phone 3-3537 S-37 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI Mills Small, two-bedroom, fully fur nished. Nice location. $5,000. $750 down, $50 per month in cluding interest. Two bedroom, partly furnished, close to stores and bus. Large garage and workshop. $5250. VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 S. SIXTH Phone 9195 Eves. 5544 or 7923 SACRIFICE Make Offer On Equity HOME FOUR YEARS OLD IN SOUTH SUBURBS. PAVED STREET, 3-BEDROOMS, 13 ACRE; LAWN AND GARDEN. BALANCE $7800. FHA. ROBERT E. ROSS REAL ESTATE PHONE: 3622 WALK DOWNTOWN Korthslde home of five well-arranged rooms and part base ment. Especially nice living room with fireplace and car peted wall-to-wall. Well appointed kitchen. An older type home of very good construction and moderate ly priced at $8500.00. Terms of convenience. Call Bruce Owens, with "PAT" HOWES, Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3545 On Roseway Drive Down et the foot of the hill, on a level lot, this comfortable, well- built 2-bedroom home has full base ment and laree backyard, beauti fully shaded by a half dozen well grown fruit trees. Close to good school, several stores and busline, this home is an Ideal place to raise a small family. Immediate posses sion. Can be had an F.H.A. terms. Price $9500. ST. FRANCIS PARK Large living room, lots of windows front and back, dining room space, attractive back yard court, shade from the cominf (!) summer sun. This beautiful 2-bedroom home has wall-to-wall carpeting in every room, electric heat and complete insulation. Extra storage room in rear of garage and separate large wood-working shop on rear of lot. price $9800. F.H.A. Terms. FARM 77 acres -near Malin Exceptionally good diversified farm all Irrigated. Suitable for potatoes, grain, alfalfa, or clover. 64 head whlteface cattle, together with all nec essary farming equipment. Modern two-bedroom home, garage and very good out buildings. Price $e5,000.00. Terms. RANCH 970 acres in Poe Valley Capable of supporting an economic stock herd on a cow and calf basis, a 4-500 head sheep or yearling steer outfit. 140 acres of excep tionally good deep loam soil of which 73 acres are now Irrigated and an additional 67 acres ready for the ditch There are an additional 168 acres of higher land un iformly deep medium loam soil which can be put under irrigation from a deep well. Balance of land is juniper grass type hill range parti cularly good grazing in spring and fall seasons. The drain age on all this land is ex cellent and the improvements are adequate for operation. Good location on paved high way. Price $47,500.00. At tractive terms. "PAT" HOWES, Realtor 1025 Main St. Phone 2-3545 Evenings Call: Bruce Owens, Merrill 4891 "Hap" Davison 3871 Lester Van Cleve .... 8870 Mervyn Shuck, Merrill 4482 FOR SALE, equity In modern two bed. room home. 1773 Fargo, phone 8123. FOR SALE, nice building lot. Hot Springs addition, very close to school. Phone 7709. 32 BUILDING ft REMODELING SAVE OS WARDS economical tileboard . .regular 37c square foot. . .Now 3Jc. Baked-on enamel finish resists wear. peeling-, chipping. Choice of three pat. terns in seven colors Buy on FHA terms, 10 percent down, up to three years to pay. MONTGOMERY WARD 9th and Pine Phone 3188 CRANULATEB ROCK WOOL Installed FHA terms. 10 percent down, un to three years to pay. Expert Insulate your home with lightweight, odorless, clean rock wool. Save up to 40 percent on fuel In winter, suy S.1S degrees cool er in summer. MONTGOMERY WARD 9th and Pine Phone 31B8 SIDING. Johns Manville. Pabco. Aver age home only SSSO. Kuhlman Insuia tion. Phone 4468 or a-2443. 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY WE RECOMMEND & ALBERS iV - TRIP-L-DUTY CHICK STARTER $5.70 Per Cwt. We are continuing our chick special through March . . . 416.45 a hun dred. All our chicks are rated Pill lornm clean . . The highest rate available . . LOOK FOR THE LABEL ON THE BOX! STANDARD FEED STORE 2720 So. 6th Phone 8300 ONE Durham and Guernsey cow, fresh J E Whulatch. Bona nut 51 MISCILLANIOUS rOR SALI SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AKT1FIC1A.'. BKKED1NU SERVICE rnone 0721 m. c ichurk) warren Hi z. box if no answer Phone 4400. 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED lo buy, ttraw. Phone 8710. WANTED to rent, two or three bed' room rtouse. Peterson school dint net preierrea. no Terence. Phone Mr. O Con ner, 7711 or 9113. WANTED to rent, two bedroom house in Mills Addition, with fenced yard. Call at-.. J, WANTED to rent, two bedroom house. South Suburbs preferred. Phone 3078. WANTED to rent, bv co units . Clean two Dcoroom uniurnianea nous or duplex uy April j. neierences ana gooa cart 01 property, rnonc uogue Dale 736ti. WANTED to rent, unfurnished or lumunea two bedroom home. ences. P hone 2-1 Mi. partly iteier- WANTED to rent, furnished house with garage, fenced tn yard, two bedrooms. pnone 3QQ4 alter 5:30 p.m. or weekends. WANTED tn lea with nnllnn in hn Two bedroom unfurnished house In South Suburbs with acreage. Phone 2-UH3. RELIABLE couDle desire tn ront n m bedroom furnished apartment or house. No peU. Box 86. Herald and News. WANTED TO RENT about 13 acres for potatoes. Preferably on' Caatilde of Tulclake. Merle WoodJey. Phone 7-1023. Tuieiake. WANTED to buy 1500 railroad hosei for Irrigation. Phone Lore 1 la 3190. write Route 1, Box 43. Bonanza. WANTED, alfalfa hay. First or second cutting, call Aledford 2-SM2 or Eaele Point 4503. E NEED CARS! Get ton Driest now! Rose Motor Co 6th and Phim. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS QOMMERCIAL Furnishes Cash! AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MARCH 30 1 1 A.M. MALIN, ORE. Aa I have aold my ranch I will sell the following mnrhlnery and properly ai puoiic auction, hxja t t.u: 3 nines or Mnlin, Ore., on atate line ronci near tne Lovelies Mill. MACHINERY 1941 D6 Cat., vide gauge tracks. S cyl. double pump. 8 it. blndc, 1947 J-D Tractor, model AN. lights. 1947 M M Tractor, model UTU. 1948 Case Combine, model K, bulk and sack allch. 8 and 12 It. pickup reels. 1946 CIipv. 1'4 ton Truck, 3 speed axle, flat rack, 8:20 rubber, 20,000 actual miles. Oliver Grain Drill, 10 ft. Cli-a.v attch. M-M Plow, 2 bolt. 18 Inch, tumble. butt. Olobal Disc, offset, 6' 7". Splketoath Harrow, 3 sec. with hitch. 12 ft. Sulphur Spreader on rubber. 8ubsol!er and Chisel. Kenyon Ditcher. 5 ft. Weed Mulchcr. Corrugated Roller. J-D Cultivator and Fort, Spreader. Checker, Atlas 8craper, hyd. 8 ft. Low-Bed Trailer, 6 wheel, jooseneck hitch. Atlas Hyd. Pump. Duster, dew duster attach. 1034 International Truck, flatbed. 1936 Dodge Pickup, overhauled. Steel Groin Bed, 7x12 ft. Road Orader, old style. POTATO EQUIPMENT McCormack D Dlmter, 3 row, hyd. lift. Kenyon Spud Sorter, with elec. motor. Iron Age Planter. 2 row. portnDle spun Loader, eiec. moior, Portable Spud Loader, 2 extensions. FURNITURE Norite Rcfrlg. 9 ft., Rollawny Bed like new. 2 Hardwood Chests of Drawers. 3-plece Walnut Bedroom set complete. Double Dock Beds of Eastern Maple. Small writing desk. Airline cnDinet radio, awing kockct. Fireside Bench. Lamns. Mirror. Kenmore Washer. 4 Kitchen Choirs. Dishes. Clothes Hamper. Most of this furniture la like new and In top condition. Shop Tools and Miscellaneous Euipment in.n tttn-innit ivn flr extliiBulshers. nlatform scales, hyd. lacks, sur u.uino- niitfii'wer lawn mowers, grease guns, socket wrenches, forks, shovels, used barb and palge wire, 300 redwood Irrigation tubes, 1000 used grain bags, 500 ft. steel pipe 3 to 6 Inch. . and i Inch ga yanled pipe clover curlers, elec. motors, sklllsander, rivet gun, miscellaneous too numerous to mention. DON'T MISS THIS BIG AUCTION OF FARM EQUIPMENT, SUNDAY. MARCH 30. 11 A.M. SHARP . " TERMS: CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE S. T. BLOHM, OWNER Auction Service By R, E. "BOB" RHODES, AUCTIONEER Phone Klamath Falls, 4032 W LADAK fr ALFALFA SEED 45c Lb. PURE SEED 99.98" GERMINATION 65.00 HARD SEED 28.50 Total 93.50 ETNA MILLS Ph. Etna 55 Etna, Calif. FIBERGLASS Insulate now! Save 30 per cent on fuel. Ai low as $3 month. Kuniman insulation, inone 6a or 2-2443. STORM SASH and screen combination. Self storing aluminum. Save up to 40 per cent on fuel. As low as (5 month. Kuhlman Insulation. Phone 4468 or 2-2443. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Store Puraace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 CASH LOANS 150 to 8300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary 850 to 8500 Automobile! (paid for or not) STANDARD HEATING Oil Stow, furnace. llfht fuel. coal. wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. 835 Hsrlil Phone 5140. DRY pine blocks for sale. Open eve nlngs and weekends. Metiers Bros. PIIESTOLOGS pickup or delivered Cliff Yadens Signal Service. 3MO So. 6th Phone 36fll or 2-9260. S St H GREEN STAMPS given on heat ing oils. Phone 3681 or 2-9260 for prompt deliverr. CLIFF Y ADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE . 2560 So Sth Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation , Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-2S1 N-323 107 No 9th Phone 771 1 FOR SALE 84 acres, 2 bedroom modern home, double garage, chicken house and sther outbuildings. Approximately 10 acres pasture, balance grain land. Four miles from city. Price ,10,500. Terms. rwo bedroom home located close schools, churches and business llstrict. Large living room, part Jasement, oil piped furnace. Also wo room home Both for 87250. SEE or PHONE T. H. Cofer (Evenings 3593) Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency M 8. 8th. Phone 4lns SUBURBAN Just off Shasta Way. Only 85500 buys this modern, well-constructed 2-bedroom, plastered home; solH ioundatlon; attached garage; auto matic heat, insulated. 13 acre of good garden soil. HOT SPRINGS Attractive 2-bedroom bungalow, conveniently located. Brand new deluxe Youngstown kitchen. Fully insulated, oil furnace. Only 87500. win carry maximum loan. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT SEE Homer Stiles Phone 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 658 Eves. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. Sth St. Phone 4564 or 5529 NEW HOMES for Powell. Phone 8529. sale, William B. n Mills Addition. Two bedroom, io. K;.i.WJ PhA0ne. i7.88- Squire 38 0 tsss fe.Ax91 rioren-Buuder JOB I SALE, 1-yeiMld 2-bedroom home n Mills Addition 91. 4M down Total irlce lesi than FHA appraisal Must !J75 tt - b appreciated Phone AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY One of the best w have ever offer!.. Modern 2 bedroom insulated home, built out lew years; Homedale district, 5 rooms, utility room, fireplacei electric floor furnace, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds, storm windows, soacious mod ern xiicnen, eiecinc range inclined, double gar a (fe. heated, large lot. Home exterior recently painted, Interior dec orating newt, clean, immediate posses sion. EXTRA Owner offers a home, income business free tn the nurchnaftr of this property at remarkable price of only 910,600. Reasonable terms under F.H.A. Shown by appointment only. Another good buy on North aide In city newiy remoae.ea ana most attractive 2 bedroom home, with beautiful view picture windows, a home you vl adore for only 99750. Phone 6633. Any. time, GEO. J. KUNZMAN. Broker dim commercial si. THREE bedroom house on 'a acre. Full basement, two 2-car garages, 19 fruit and shade trees, large lawn, ell fenced. Good drainage. Will take eighty percent loan. Price 96500, Phone 9830. ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES, FOR SALE, cheap. 2 three months old female golden retriever puppies. 2 two year old male and female regular gol den retrievers. A bargain. Call or write Chevron station, Montague, California. Phone 4301. DOGS for sale These are not puppies, but Swifts pedigreed full grown foot long hot dogs Trained especially for children or adults. Only .30 each at uuwes unve-in tne Home of foot-tonga TWO SIAMESE kittens, 920 each. 405 norin 1 nira, BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor runs for each dog Dogs nandled duritg mating. Will pick up end deliver. Visitors Welcome Phone 9079 Merrill Bd Rt 2. Bok 904 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phone m TOafl ueiaware oil Homeaaie THREE month., old. sol mere a. uan 3086. collie pups for sale. Three d and white. Litter reg- SAVE Sit Buy a Chris Craft Kit Boat also Crull ers and Runabouts. Johnson Sea Horse motors. eoais pougnt, sola and ex changed. Boats for rent to fisher men. m on roe boat wnnvrs 928 Front St. Phone 2-105 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for &ny amount Top maricei prices inr good quant;. For quotations PHONE 3857' KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS 15 HEAD of nmrnv mil lfnlststin fresh dairy cows. Recently double test ed, 10 Holsteln yearling heifers, 13 Dur ham calves, 1 registered Durham bull, David Robinson. Bonanza. Ore. Phnn 2081. FOR SALE, two fresh Holsteln heifer and one heavy springer. George Lewis, ootft uenver Ave. rnone z-mo. CflD CAt V . A" . . - fresh with 'heifer calf by side. Phone iwrs. uscar Hammer. Tuieiake 7-0ft29. PULLETS, reds, leghorns, and golden necks. Laving flood. Verv reasonable. Phone 4282, 018 East Main. VA NTKD Crlnrert hen. Phoe 43m. HIGHEST price paid (or poultry, hogs and livestock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lakeview Junction Phone 4o FOR SALE, does with Utters, bred rfne. bucks and hutches for sale Phone 3.1162 IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Paj Only H00 $7.27 Ma Repay In 18 Installments UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location . Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars .'inanced at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yeara serving Klamath Bails Bee "Cl-iUck" Bailey,. Mgr. 114 N. 7U1 St. Pnone 332t S-241 M-275 AUCTION SALE FRI. NITE, MARCH 28 7 P.M. H & II AUCTION MART WOCUS Wnshlna- machines, stoves, daven ot. baby bed, complete camping outfit. 9x12 umbrella tent, 7x9 extension tent, sold as a unit, camp bed, chairs, table, stoves and lan tern, camping dishes, outDtra motor, line for fishing or vaca tioning. Many other items. When you want to buy or sell . . . attend our sale every Friday night. Rate M.. Col. FRED HOWARD OTIS MEADOR AUCTIONEERS H. 9410 WARDS GARDEN TRACTORS. Full range of sizes. 27 attachments available. Buy On WSrai jnnninijr rayiiwm -"i only 10 percent down. l'.j2 HP HOE trap with tirf. 1Hf: 2. -3 HP CHOR. TRAC with tires 242.50; 4 HP PLOW- TRAC wltn tires. .Ji. MnNTI.nMF.RY WARD 9th and Pine Phone 3138 LARGE bicycle. Phone 9M4. FOR SALE. Maytag washer. Good con dition, wltn pump. 143. MO jtnemin, FOR SALE, diamond. Appraised at 300, for $230. cash. Phone 4't7t FOR SALE. 1D Model CM John Deere tractor. Si 300. Virgil J. hoiidi-ook, mmv doel. California. for SALE, collaoiible buggy. U. 1323 iaiceview. Fnone .mi. PLAYPEN, excellent condition. 7827. Phone Rmnrf nrw rnmhf nation ilnk and dish washer. Current list price MOO, One In stock priced 350. MERIT'S. 0O0 so. Htn, st. 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE ' DISTRIBUTOR Substantial business; unique plan; strong advertising National corporation will select a local representative to sup ply retail outlets with fast selling food product Earning capabilities of ilo.OdO to $.10,000 annually desired Honesty and depenabllity more Important than experience Business set up by the Com pany pays you handsomely Immedi ately 100 accounts earn up to flOOO monthly Distributors receive financial assistance and other aid to increase earnings Principals with decision, good references, auto and (.1,000 cash consid ered State age, telephone and deta fcr home interview. -a.i'.ry representative. Box 60. Herald and News 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SEE US AT ONCE! USED WASHERS FROM $10 up- USED REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ... $1 DOWN On Any APPLIANCE COSTING $50 OR LESS Merit's Bargain Barn ; 631 COMMERCIAL. STREET (Across from West Hitchcock) NEW I9M PHILCO FREEZER, regular 4OO.0S. One in stock W73. tekmb. MERIT'S, 609 So. 6th. St. FOR SALE, davenport and chair, MS, Call at 115 Michigan Thursday or Friday. rnn SAl.F fnunrfallnn aetd DOlatOes. This seed has an excellent reading and was grown on wen-isoiaiea sou in bin' gell valley. Phone ixtrena ai.w. NEW Hiawatha lady's bicycle 2-2(114 after 3;30 Phone 300 BALES straw for sale Phone 170 Malin BABY BUGGY, good condition Phone man ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs, files for sale or rent PIONEER OFFICB SUPPLY fl2!) Main 7412 DRIVEWAY Bart 0753. MATERIALS. Phone Joe CRUSHED PhnPM 9541 ROCK, driveway cinders. PHILCO RADIO, 11 tubes. 21G0 Vine. Phon" 4237. FUR bALE Massey Hnrris 44-1! wheel tractor, 39 h.p., starter, lights, hydraul ic pump and cylinder. Perfect condl. tlon. Merle Woodley, Phone 7-1029. Tuieiake. BREAKFAST set. $22.50. baby bed-like new $9.73. apt. size electric range S19, coffee table S12.50. camp ice box M-vn, dresser til. Magic Chef gas range $139, Bendlx automatic laundry $83, in nersprlng mattress tlB, book case $17,50, refrigerator xiita. soutn wixtn. ONE used John Deere Model G. PTO and power lift, starter. 6 ply rear tires. Clean, excellent. Weit Hitchcock. BARNYARD FERTILIZER for sale, de livered, pnone z-wwu. . FOR SALE, new D-C Case tractor. mower cultivator. Case side delivery rake. B ft. At as scraner. Case ham mer mill, 1039 Ford truck, new motor, 1937 rora truck, nay buck, .'..section spike tooth harrow, 1 AllU-Chalmers combine. Molina two way plow, 8 ft. Cute grain drill 6 ft. Dyer dlk, Hy draulic loader, 1-230-electric chicken brooder, 230 year old Parmenter Red laying hens. 1 registered Jersey cow. Fresh June 10th. B. V. Tucker, Poe vnpcy. ONE used Townner 4 foot fl In. off-set disc. Fits Ford or Ferguson. Like new. west hi ten cock corporation, ELECTRIC portable sewing machine. Fully guaranteed. $34.30. STNGER SEWING MACHINE CO. fi33 Main Phone 2-2313 ONE new cable bulldozer, rear mount, TCU for caterpillar D7-7M series. Weal HitcncocK corporation, r wv gnuii. una uicu .iciyniiir is-at. Major overhaul, clean, excellent. West Hitchcock Corporation. USED WATCHES $10 to $20 FULLY GUARANTEED ELGINS BULOVA LONGINES RICKYS JEWELERS DOWNSTAIRS STORE PHONE 3151 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 FOR SALE USED Wonatof Prma Wheel Drill with double discs nd tongue-truck 1 150 FLOYD A. BOYD CO Tulclake, Calif. Phone 7-2073 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 6149 ELECTRIC RANGE In perfect condition uooq paker. uniy, pnone 'Jywi. USED furniture values can always be founa at Kiamam furniture -o. mi Main. Phone 5:m, LANDSCAPING, evergreens, shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHURS (JAHUKNS HUKSLHX Phone 42JJ8 REX-AIRE vacuum cleaner. KM down, .i per month. Phone 1)200. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. pnone a-iiuv KLKCTHOLUX CLEANER and polisher and suuDlles. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweel, l Market MONUMENTS Deliveries and Instal lations can be mnde by May 30th If or dered now. Clarence Ward, Klamath Monument Company. 023 High, phone 0333. . DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 3-HM4. HAVE MO SAVE K.',0 New eleclrtce clothes dryer. Was $240.03 While they last Mim.vs. For a oeuer deal see MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial (Just across the street from West Hitchcock' CULL POTATOES for sale Phone Ii7:2 NEW Centennial mooei singer newing machine Features fashion stitching, mtvnrilnir and monovrammlng without use of attachments Nee demonstration ind receive free instruction ai SINGER BEWJNU MACHINE UU 833 MAIN PHONE 8-2BI3 Pfin sai.r 27 ft Plfltta house (roller Excellent condition fl350 Phone 7-0.120 or 7-0.172, -ruieiBKe FOR SALE, GE stove, Kelvinatnr wash. Ing machine Priced to sell Both In ex cellent working condition Phone 0917 BRAND new Phllco range, allghtly freight damaged. A 8370.U9 range. Priced now nt 2R0.M. MEnlT S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial St (across the itreet from West Hllchcocki . inter nation al hav chonoer Econ omy King separator, water tank heat er, grinder and 'j HP motor, 8 In vise Gas power lawn mower. Ward power saw, 3 barrel gas pumps, other mntl tools 1W32 Harlan Drive Phone rp,T9 55 AUTOMOTIVI FOR SALE must sell 10:(9 Lincoln I5e nhvr sedan 4 new tires new battery. seal beam lights, Soulhwlnd healer, defroster Motor good condition Priced for quick sale, gieo Fhone mob or see isiu wiuorn at IBM CMC one ton Phone 3751 FOR SALE. 1040 Plymouth special De- Luxe three passenger coupe. Well cared for by original owners, Phone 7-0R46, Tuieiake atier P.m. WHAT A DEAL on this 1048 Chevrolet two-door. Neat as a pin Radio, neater and tope In every way at 9124S. Dlmbat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum, phone 9139, evenings and Sundays 8B2A, SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Used Machinery 1 Low Boy Trailer 3-ton capacity, alrplano tires and sliifjlo wheels $425 New Low Boy Trailer, dual wheels. 4 ton capacity .. ?073 Offset Disc, tUi ft. Now in '51 $32-1 Roller Corrugated, new all steel framo $178.50 Mower, No. 5 John Deere. 5 and 7 ft. bars. New in '51 : Grain elevator, 211 ft., heavy duty. 1 , Largo cups and belt $202 Spi-iiiR tooth, tl ft $ 8-r Hay Buck, I1IC with cylinder $ 75 Plow 2 way Moline, on rubber. 10 Inch low board $175 Caterpillar "30", Tracklayer $345 John Deere Tractor, Model "A". New condition, j wldo front end, power troll $1045 Combine, pusher, Mossey-llanis. 14 ft. cut. ! New condition, with clover attachments $3550 1930 Chevrolet Truck, l'j ton $100 1947 International Pick-Up. 4-spccd, '!4 Ton $723 When you need special machinery built, .vc us! Our work and prico is right. MODOC Manufacturing Co.' BILL SANTANA Rte. 2 Box 247 Ph. 7-1021 Tuieiake "" I f ASHLEY'S f J V? USED CARS I , WE STILL HAVE A FEW CLEAN PRE-WAR CARS IN STOCK THAT CAN BE PURCHASED ON OUR ' SPRING SPECIAL "IT'S IN THE BAG!" 1942 CHEVROLET 5-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, hfntfr, new pnlnt. A bcltrr-thun-nvf rn car. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR DELUXE SEDAN Sound body, good motor mid tlrrn. 1941 MERCURY 5-PASSENGER COUPE Reconditioned motor, heater, lood tires. A loot), tound coupe. 1941 PONTIAC '0' STREAMLINER SEDANET Black color, radio, neuter and leat covers. 1941 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Radio, healer, food paint, motor and tlre.i. 1936 FORD V4 TON PICKUP Just right for a fishing car. COMMERCIALS 1950 CHEVROLET ,i TON PICKUP Deluxe cab, chrome grille, radio, heater, black color, low mlleagt. 1950 CHEVROLET Vb TON PICKUP green color, 4-pced transmission. A top pickup. 1949 FORD Vi TON PICKUP With thou.ianda of miles of work left. 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY Very clean, and priced right. ALSO A Good Selection of Late Model l-0vncr Cars Ashley, Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning Is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 rOR BALK. J04O Chrytter convertible. new hip, taoo. Phone IXiT, JUST THE THING for you at the jtrir you can pa -1U4U Plymouth Four- door Dcrlal Deluxe ardari. Only $m3. Dlmbat tlicd Car. South Ninth and Plum, phone 1)130, cvenlngi and Sun' day BJiav AT DYES ton QUICK SALE. 1041 Chry.ler ttnya motor over-hBtiUd, (iwni hap. Hadlo and heater. can, rnonit ni:n. WE HAVE IT IBM Plymouth 3-cen iter coup. A dandy little car (or a rnunle. Lara Itiaaaae nct for that umintr trip. t15lV Dim hat (Ued Cnrm, Souih sixth ana num. pnone eve. inn and Sunday hum. how about A ronn? 104ft Ford V.8 Custom Fnrdor Sedan Hadlo. heater, nice and clean. Flrat- iat condnion in ertry wity. tome in nd look it over. You can t uuniicaie it for linns. 11, IE. HAUGFR BUICK C.AnAGE Uited tar Ocptiiimrni Main at Broad Phone fllfll IMMACULATE 1 the Word for thla 1D4H Chrvaler W !ml inr Traveler. An Ideal car. Low mllciiRr. Mtiit he tern to he annrer ated. Ulinhal lined Cars. South Sixth and Plum, phone OKiu, evc- Ingiand Sunday mix HEFIE'S A HONEY! 104ft Chrynler '6' Royal Kour-door lednn. Radio, heater. Pre to tranmiton. low ml lea re. a beautiful car in every way. A real buy at 10(l3. H. E. HAUCER Bl'ICK GARAGE i;ed car Department Main at Broad Phone ftlftl A BIG CAR at nmnll cur price and econ omy. W47 Chryaler Roval four-Ooor Bcdnn. Really sharp, $124.1. Dlmhnt Uned Car. South Sixth and Plum, phone i:m, evening ana ftunatiy Hiun. LOOKir.d FOM A STEAI.7 HKPR IT IS! MM BturtVhaker Champion Refill Four- door sedan, Radio, healer, automUc Iran urn I an Ion. lots of equipment, low mlleajfe. Ahrolutelv new car appearance nd condition, Try in nupllrntn ilia popular model Studehntter for XUWft Uned Car Department V Main at Broad Phone 51M WHAT'X beauty tin ioW'omw Hednn Loaded with extra. Bright red. One you will he proud In own and rive, aznn.t. lumbal mod tarn, sniitn Sixth ond Plum, phone 91 Tin, evening ana nunnnya miio. FOR SALE '37 Packard Motor. A-l. 11141 Main St. ARE YOU looking for A GOOD cheap car? we only have one, but tin n landv. come tn. make an offer, inns Buick with radio and he.iter. Dlmhnt Uned Cant, phone OLID, evening and unrava flHZ,i. MSfHCbOK thla l.,n Plymouth fmir door over. What a beauty! Only too. You can alwava depnnd on the heat nd num. pnone di;ju. evening! ana Sunday BB2S. OR SALE. 1HM Oldhmnblle. 740 Calif. ornia. Phone 2-i2:u. CAN'T HELP hut" ferl we can wwe you money on thin 1 040 flrnl. Merle Plymouth ft a aurely a honey at only lltift. Dim hat Un"d Car. South Sixth and Plum. phone Ol.'tf), evenlnwn find Sunday mmfl. FOR SALE or trade on older model car, 1031 Commander 8 Hudnon Lcs than 4.000 mile. Hurtle, heater, hy dra matic. See at .112 Cannon. JUST SEE what $Bf)A will buy! 40 Ford Super Deluxe V-B Tudor, Thla la a dandy at a price you can pay. Dim bat Used Car. Soulh Sixth and Pl-im, phone eveninfla ana aunnayn FOR SALE, 101H Dodife Cualnm four door aedan. Radio and heater. Motor completely overhauled. Looks and rum like new. $1200. Private party. 4608 So. 6th. UMfl OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ETTK Completely rebuilt motor. New chock Absorbers throughout R&H. New paint. A TRULY FINE CAR PRICED AT ONlfcY $945 733 E. Main Phone 8320 REAL GOOD LOW PRICED BUYS 1041 Ford V-8 Super Dlx. ArC 4-Door. RAH 4ZJ 1941 Pontine 6 Cpe. Scln. i A C Rndlo ti healer 1938 Btudc. Com. Bu. Cpe. r-r Rndlo healer A I U 1041 Dodne 4-Dr. Sedan OOC Fluid drive OYO 1041 Ford V-8 Super Dlx. $OOC Rndlo tt henter. ... OYO 1041 Old. 0-76 4-Dr. Sdn. t l O C R ti II, Hyd. Dr 470 ALL GOOD CLEAN CAR8 IN FINE RUNNING CONDITION. REGISTER TO VOTE NOW H. E. HAUGER 13UICK GARAGE UBED CAR DEPARTMENT Main nt Broad Phone 6161 nifvbirHR LOOK.NO for a aharp nu" Irk, we hnve HI U)4I Super four-dim,-Hmllo, healer, white aloe wall tlrea, Dy er, at only 9171)5. Trite la priced way hHow crlllntf Dlmhnt Uaed Care, South Sixth and Plum, phone 0130. evcnlnaa and Sundnya Bill. owixlfi HKCAI'S S5.I14 FACII rvr'HAMrir We buy Ufted Urea. O.K. Rut.tvif WmM. er a:il)l So 01h Phone 4318 WHY WALK' DRIVE MOHE MOTUHI 303 C Maui Phone 3A70 "We will eel I guLgHor..yu " w" nF an., trade! UUS HA nti A NT '8 USED" CXrbT WE ntlV HRI.I. A N n Tninr. Corner Shaala Way and Arthur btreeti ruone HitUi iVd, Nhhu la Kb. ut iup price oowi ?fif Mntnr Cn nth and Plum FOn SALE, euilllv fn 104(1 V. Inn nleUun inrii i'iyinouih Suburiian Only 14.000 tnllpR. New car condition. Orle nal owner Price 10ft!l Service and eheck chart at Incal garage Can be aeen at 2.104 Eherllrn FOn SALE. 10!U Pontine Streamliner. blue Low mltenfte llydramatlc, radli ana neater fiioue -wiu after o;;hj pm , tn4n f'Onil V-a t'luh Cnunn. rariln and heater RouBht new by owner 11379 Phone 5383 1042 CHEVROLET deluxa 4 door aadafL 1 Flrat clasi. HW. Phone 4027.