THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 11)52 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE TWENTY-ON15 hi :'-s" .ii :M THIS IS SPRING? Although snow falls in full flcdKrd win try fashion, this New York shopper knows that Spring is here and it's time for serious consideration of new bonnets displayed in this store window. Josephine Road Workers Talk Strike GRANTS TABS Ml A Milks by Josephine Counly roud workers wni threatened Thurnduy unlets the Counly Court (trams thrm n .ublle hearing on coinplnlhbi Happy Is The Day When Backache Goes q f ".. .. h ;'' V "A mania fi.mwiiin ,. Vi-J iiRxInnl the rood Minrrlntcndrnt. A Icllrr from I) II. Wlllln. ! i . I ness nurnl lor the AM. Orruon I I'ubllo Kini'.loycH Council. Port liind, to Counly Judun Raymond I.tilliioii set Hie nlilkc ditto for April 7 find mild tlm Jowphlnc Counly roud shops would be pick eted. The vote to strike win 28-1, Wil lis nald. The dispute Blurted Miirth 12 when 30 of the countv'n 6U roud workeri) mild In dinned Mute nirnt they felt they could no hind er work under Counly Himd Muucr hitendent Hov Blelte. Tlirv nccu-ed him of chnimlnK lime cnrdi. be hllllilK worki-r.i mid blninhiK them or unnvniunoie ineicienus. 'nic A. R. DICKSON,, longtime paymaster and personnel man at Kwatina Hox Com pany, is a Republican can didate for County Assessor. Dickson is a graduate of Monmouth College, Mon mouth. III., has lived in Klamath County since 1925, and now farms 100 acres in the Mt. Laki district. Ill's TIIAPI'IJ) IN SHANGHAI 1IONO KONO M1 An Internatlon ii I relief Orjfunltntlon official esll rnnteii there are more thnn 6,000 displaced persons Mill trapped In Communist Bhanglm! became no body wants them. Most of them are While RushIiiiis, according to IRO Special Envoy Thomas Jam Ickoii. Tlie problem Is to find countries economically capable of absorbing them, he said. Australia, Canada n nd Hie United Suites have tuken ill 640.000 displaced persona In the Legal Notice NOTICE TO CIIKWTnilH notice is itr.iir.iiv (ipvk.v tint III umlerafgrirrl V. M. CAMI.HON liu (n, by n order of Iho f'lrrull Court nf the Hlele of Ore.n 1m Klwmnlh County, appointed erlininlfttratrlx of the .!! of WII.I.MM IIKNIIY LIITHKII, alio Known a, WllllHfii Luther, Wlllluin II. Lulher; anil W. II. Luther. Itirrruif rl, ml that l.etlra of AnrnlnlNtriitlon have been iMilxrl to her. All (iithoii hwvlriK t-Iallna agalnat ahl eatale are hereby nollhfd to proBfil Ihft n,on fluly veri fied And with proper voncliem. to the unrierulf neri at ftoom vt. f-lret Feil rel Nevlntfa end loan llollrjinv, Klein elh Kella, Oregon, wlltiln elx inonloe from the dele of the firt fjiihllmllon of tide notice, which putillcalloii Ii il 2lith dev Uf lNrf-h. li;a r. M CAI1I.SON, Alinii.l,. trlx of the tlele of William Hen ry t.iither. alao known Wlllleoi tilllier, William If. l.ulher and W. It. I.uther. necee.ed. KAIIItKNH A MAXWKI.I, Altorneya for Adrnlnltlrftlrlic M-1U17 A-3-111.17 f.o. 1117 workers asked a public hearhm The court refused the public H jhearlna:. Lnthrop said the lime past few yearn while Uie United 11 WAV icards had been ehnntird In favor Klndom took BO.000. il ol the workers and that other com- i N..i..f berV.ri,., .....,f renaiidrnero, iplnltits had been nolved bv a de- I'liriment reornnni.ation. lie aii ot..wua the court would hear any mlev i ........... r,MMU uni, ir.n .,, Starlit tit aii'l dtaMln-! timv I iue lu lew ton o( kuUr funriltiti. (4tri r ' klHttr funrtlon U wry (miMirlmtt to kiknI )il(h. Yi ltn xintc tvrrjfrfar cintMlton, mrli ftrrst aiirl ira.lti, rtt'iMn thli IniiMirlunt Itini-llun tiialnw )iin.mnr UV nltrr r.g. ftnf lr h r li ftxrl miMiNtiU, Mlli'T bUH der Irrttatlon tluv tn ttr wriKitf dll rny ttttiivirrlllnv upnltftilinr (rMiiiniiRMirr. I (on t nltri ytMir kiilnvr it itttv vunll. ttant hothr you. Try Un' l'tllt-t rnH4 rfiuatle. U4 merttny by ntllliona fr vcr ho ymt. Il'a antaihiv how rnanr timr loan'a (iv happy rrllrf f mm thra liiartim IWtB-ltclp Ih I am.lra'if h Mnrjr luttrt atri file Un lluab out waiia. tit luan'a I'tlta Unlay I uncr.H hum workers. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA crtrllr Trail. I Ctrltlv Mathatl t?i Na. Ilh YAi Hilraprartl rhyalclaa b(rn havo boon Ktnrtcd in Oregon no worK with chiifiren Mrltkcn by cerebral pulisy. Your OrcKon SoclPly (or Crippled Chtldreii nnd Adults hu m d fd In Die organization ol these ((roups and works with thrm on a continuum bflhi.s. This Is but our of the great host of services ou make wsslble when you buy Ka;er Seal. There ",, no better buy! Nfaltd bldi will tie recrlvptl on or bfffoie 3:00 pin, April 17, UWA )n the offlre of thr Klamath County Kt-hool IJIitrlrt. Vrlfmni Mfirinrlnl UinldiiiM, Klamnlri VuU, Orcgoi. for I he drlllhia of well for Iho fair haven H hool building at the WeyorhumiacT Junction, mnuiiiv 'filcly flvn n-llc tit K'nrn- nth Kalla on the Athinnd Illyhway. lild wilt he publlriy norned (mki re'l flMftira muil bid e follow: fit Coat pr foot of rork and olhrr hard ma terial. (2 Coat prr tot A of dirt and other aoft material, '.') Ckt prr f'Kit of eiht Inrh. U alandard weight, acrew Joint well railng. Well to furnuh ample upply of wa ter; teat pump of l.'At gallona per min ute The direeiort f the Ktamath Counly Rrhojl Dlttrlcl rtcrv the right to re )er any and all bida and to waive any irregularities J. F. Heydcn, Clerk Mjrt 20 27 No IKW A DVKHTISKMKNT KOH BfDS Healed bida will he rc Rived m or before two o'clock prn. Thurdy April 10, IU.11 at the offlre of the Klam ath Counly Hrhool fJIMrirl, Veteran Memorial Building, Klamath Falla, Ore gon. Tula bid will be for the erection of Addition and Alteration to the Ka tr im ven KlcmentJiry School A gencrnl hid will include all I tenia of work Bida will be puhllrly opened nnd read Aa a condition precedent to rer-clpt of hl proponal, the bidder muil have qualllleq ten M0 day prior to the opening of bidi. aa pretrrlbed by page 22-1. I.iwi of Oregon, lflnt. Plana and apecif Icallona may bv ob tained at the offlre of .Morrlaon and Howard. Route 2. Box B12 'Pine Grove'. Klamath Ka lla, Oregon. A depot U of twenty and no-lOtf i20 00' will te re. ouirrd for plana and apeclflcjitlon. The depoalt will be refunded to the bidder upon return uf the plana and apeclflca tlona. Plana and apeclflcatlona an file at the llulldera Exchange Coop . :I7 Uuild era Kxchatiga Building. Portland, Ore gon and Eugene Bullderi Exchange, Eugene, Oregon. The aucceatful bidder will be required In furniah a lurety bond In full amount of the contrarl price, and he at-fill be required to carry Public Liability In surance a aoeclded A hldder'a bond or certified check in the amount equal to five per cent 'Si of the lump aurn bid mint accompany the bid aa a guarnnlee for the execu tion nf the contract and honda. In chkc the contract la awarded to the bidder. The dlrectora of the Klamnth Counly School District rewrve th- right to ac-. ccpt or reject any ana an Diaa and to waive any informalities. J. V. Ho den. Clerk M. 13-rf. A. 3. No. 911 CLASSIFIED RATES One day per word in fhrctf Day , per word 11c Week run per word 20c Month run per word fi5c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a Bcrv.ce charge of 2.. I DiADUNE3 1 Classified aua accepieu up to 5:30; p.m. for following day's publication I i Classified display ads accepted up ic 12 noou lor loilowing day s puo ucauon. ADJUSTMENTS Please ma no uu cuiuts adjust menu without delay 1 MEETING NOTICES KLAMATH FALLS Aerie No, 2090 U Regular meeting kJ ' ' n trhf. 7'4f, n m ri c tie. ii a.u aa sfi ' tiie oLij tflaTOJtnd walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 am, 4 GENERAL NOTICES IjANF'8 Fur Company (formerly Rich- ardai new addreaa, 1016 Main a c rota irorri oia location open for bualncaj PERSONALS FASHION and Hartford frock re Pie ve-umiivr. rnrne an.(. FIlATKX Plaatlci. Phone a.124. HTANLKY Home Product!. Phont 8S9. t0 SERVICES A CARD OF THANKS 6 It 6 V Kff - WiTw u h Ut extend our heaTu felt thanka to all our kind frlenda and neighhora for the help and ayrnpethy extended ua during our recent bereave ment. Mn. Mary Grove i. Alhe and John Dlllard and family, William Chad wick. Lucille Markee. (IKHHKK -We wUh to thantTalfof our kind frlenda and neighlwri for their many kind expreaition of aympalhy and condolence during our recent bereave M.r" li"rk Oehrke and family. MH and Mra. Wayne Cunningham" We wlih to extend our appreciation and thanka to the Aircraft Airaearch and Heacue Unit, frienda and neighrxri that participated in the aear h, Monday, for our daughter. Connie, age 2im who waa ioi i nour. fUNERAL HOMES WAHU S Klamath funeral High fitreM, Phone Xtrte. MEETING NOTICES Crater Lake Lodge No. 211 A.F. 6t A.M. will hold a special commu nication. Thursday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m Work in the F.C. De gree. Visiting brethren welcome. WM. FINK, " SECRETARY. A Klamath 'odKe No. 77 A.F.&A.M. will hold i special meeting Friday. March 28, 7 p.m. Work In EA Degree. Visiting Brethren Invited. Dale Bebber Worshipful Master BE IN THE KNOW I Read Her ald ic News Classified ads dally Get the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends. SMUGGLERS AID CHINA SINGAPORE ln Singapore po lice say a Chinese Communist- bacxed smuggline ring operating here is shipping essential materials to Red China. Customs men have recently made a number of seizures aboard ves sels bound for Red Chinese ports One of the biggest hauls yielded several thousand motor spare parts, which are now banned from export to China. NEW ; CENTERPOISE POWER Vibration and power im pulses are "screened out" as engine is rubber cmhioned between new high -lido mountings. LARGEST BRAKES Big II -inch brake drums ap ply more leverage for more slopping power. Slops are smoother, safer, with less driver effort. WIDEST COLOR CHOICE 26 rich new colors and two lone combinations . . . wid est choice in Chevrolet's 'field. New De Luxe interiors are color-matched. Lowest priced in its field! Thii baovlitvl ne Chevreltt If Air like many Che loltt atodeli litti for leu than any comparable model In lit field. iConNnvafron of $iendard qu'P'nenr oxi trim ilhtlrattii it dtpendfit oo croiabilif of malorioiJ no oilier ow-oncea car &- -rr .1 I oilier low-oncea car offers these fine features! Every single feature shown here is offered on by Chev rolet in its field. And every single one means extra pleasure, extra safety, or extra economy for you. Yet again in 1952 Chevrolet is the lowest-priced line in its fleldl Come in and see for yourself I BODY BY FISHER Fisher Body sets the stand-ard-for styling, for crafts manship, for comfort and convenience! Fisher Unistcel construction is extra strong. UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE Chevrolet's famous Knee Action ride is now even softer, smoother. New shock absorbers give even finer ride control. WIDEST TREAD Chevrolet measures 58M inches between centers of rear whccls-a broader base to give you more stability, less sway! 4-WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION Chevrolet's exclusive engine lubricnling system supplies exactly the right kind nnd amount of lubrication to each moving part. CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS Pislons are formed from the same material ns the cylin der block expand and con tract nt the sume rate. 'I bis reduces wear, saves oil! SAFETY PLATE GLASS 1 ALL AROUND Chevrolet nlone in its field gives you safety plate glass in windshield and all win dows for a clearer, truer all round view. 7? (Mfkz Cats PRICED SO LOW! MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION It's the only oil-smooth, oil cooled aulomatio transmis sion in its field. Simfirr-wilh fewer parts. Smoother-no jerks or surges. (Optional on De Luxe models atextracost.) MOST POWERFUL ' VAIVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE The trend is to valve-in-head! Teamed with Power glide is tho most powerful valvc-in-head engine in Chev rolet's field and nn outstand ing performer in any fleldl lap E-Z-EYE GLASS Only Chevrolet in its field offers this superior tinted glass that cms down glaro and heat, makes driving moro pleasant nt all times. (Op tional at extra cost.) ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 South 6th Street Phone 4113 NOTICE LANDSCAPING THEE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Burgeon Let us work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP TiM So. 6i h Phone 81M CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU wnai you aont want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs wnai you oon t want. This is the kind of service we are olferlnif . . . why not take advant- age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 255 East Main In Klam- aw rails and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. All worn guaranteed. PHONE 5731 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 beptic I anks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Method . Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clems Seuer Lines of Roots, Eta ED f. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer - Fill Dirt - Topsoll Crushed Rork - Driveway Cinders -ompressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone 5541 or 8859 repair srnvtrr On sll types of major electrlcil ap- yiiaiiic. iduiw, w Hi rung macmnes, va. CUtim cleaners- nni nnrf amati hold appliances. Pickup and delivery MOfVTfiOMFnV WlDTi 9lh and Pine Phone 3188 PAINTING and 7617. pa per hanging. Pbona CURTAINS laund.-ed Phone -1914 and atretchad. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant ant Audi trip Office at 306 No. 7th. Phone 83 PAINTING, decoratin. ninrhnrin plasterboard finishing, ipray painting. TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen- ncr worn, rnnne 404U. ALTERATIONS Atl u-nrlr nnn,i Jennie Hare. Anitas. 707 Main. Phnn CARPENTER work. Remodeling and ncw construction, rnone a-wi7. ELECTRICAL contracting. Work uif. anteed. Phnne 2-toiu 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand tvnin bin. dred lubjects. office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pint Phone 4750 13 HEALTH meam baths, exercise, spot re-tucing incii emu woinni. rnone jdoj. 1 4 HELP WANTED. FEMALE n ANTED. beauty ODerator. Houiinn bmuiv aion. fnone 3316. WANTED. housekpPDer. Excellent wnrk. ing conditions. Private room and bath Good salary. Only persona Interested in permanent employment need apply. inone 32to for interview. WANTED exDeriencerf ladv for itHv wurt. chii mi Mom loia-jo-ieena De- lore d.ju. "TED. housekeeoer to take com- Elete charge small house, no children, ive (n. good pay, prefer one can drive. References required. Shasta Cascade Kenneis. i"none 3076. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE WANTED, musk rat trapper. Phone WANTED, two bosun chair men. An. pruxuna.ciy six weeKS Worn. MUSI Pe good burner and able to work on high "inffi. van jonn vicars, inone 4Ht. ROUTE aalc&man Cleaners. wanted. Standard HELP WAVTEn-SAT.EfiMAV Want one mature man of proven sales ftoiiiiy. w tn car ana w uinsnesx to trav el. If you have earned S60O0 up oer er un commission pa IPS our deal Will double that. No "peddlers" please. Phone Ashland 2-1221 or write to P O. Box 67 for art appointment. ROGUE Products Dtv. Oak Street Tank and ateci lompany. Ashland. Oregon. SALESMAN earnings to start, approx. S275. per month. Opportunity to ad vance. Ages 18 to 30. Apply Standard Stations, Inc. 2nd and Main or Esplan me min opring sis. MAN to do light work around dog ken nels. Wages, room, board, laundry. rnastn vHscaae tvenneis. .rnone win. WANTED, experienced salesman to sell Frigidairc appliances. Good opportunity for right party. See Vern Owens, Cas cade Home Furnishings. HELP WANTED WANTED, couple. Lady to do house- Ork. lien tinman varri and inn I trip tvnrtr. Stecm healed cottane. modern, all util ities furnished. Good salaries. Only per sona interested In permanent emDlov- ment need apply. Phone 3210 for Inter- iew. 8 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED, baby sitting Job. Phone iMw or r.KB atier t.Mi evenings. ARDEN1NG. Phone 2-0288. SIGHTLESS votins man wants full. Dart time kitchen work in exchange for board and room. Exnerienred. Sonnv Hansen. Central Point. Ore. Phone 043. IIOUSKWORK. hv hour. SI DO ntr hnur. Phone 2-2789. WASHING, stretching curtains. W0B. EXPERIENCED: office work, recep tionist, rashier. salesladv. babv alttins. Phone 8749. Hilij care any lime. Phone 2-0U1 aft ernoons. CHILD CARE. 233 East Main. 7:49 to :;iu a ays phone 3B70, eves, a-0.172. WILL care for children In my home days or your homo evenings. Call 1545. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS 1034 High ROOM, gentleman. 1530 Cresce n t. LIGHT housekeeping. Everything fur. 30 REAL 1ST ATI FOR SALE CATTLEMEN THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. 6004 ACRES ON PAVED HIGHWAY, IN LAKE COUNTY. THERE ARE 515 ACRES OF MIXED GRASSES, 270 ACRES OF MEADOW LAND, 275 ACRES OF GRAIN LAND. AND 130 ACRES OF ALFALFA. THIS LAND IS ALL IRRIGATED AND THE REMAINDER OF THE RANCH CONSISTS OF TIMBER AND GRAZING LANDS. HAS GOOD IMPROVE. MENTS AND IS THREADED BY CREEKS AND SPRINGS. ?31,900 DOWN WILL BUY THIS $110,000 RANCH. 325 HEAD OF CATTLE, 8 REGISTERED BULLS, AND 25 HEAD OF HORSES AND MACHINERY CAN BE BOUGHT SEPARATELY. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS RANCH CONTACT THIS OFFICE SOON. J. W. SANDERS, Realtor 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 HEY DADDY YOU WANNA GET THE BEST FOR ME. And here It ii for only $7500. Everything you could aak for In a modern up-to-date post war home. About 5 year old and Jn tip top condition. No repairs or worlc needed, Just move right In. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Very well constructed with Insulation, storm windows on all windows and hip type roof. Nice large living room 11x18 with hardwood floors and large windows, two good size bedrooms with wardrobe closets, hall way with linen closets and built In book case, attractive modern bathroom, dandy well arranged kitchen with lots of bullt-lns and good size dining area. Garage with concrete walks and metal clothes line set In concrete. Excellent South Suburban location only 2 block to the school, stores and bus line, "i acre. Nice yard with lawn all fenced. Situated among attractive post war homes and friendly neighbors. This lovely home has everything but gold plated door knobs. It's a home anyone would be proud to own. Call for an ap pointment to see It and If you like it, we will arrange financing to suit your pocket book. ONLY $"500. Al Longmire Joe Perry Evenings 6724 Evenings 5332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR & INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Phone 3665 or 3421 22 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM, gentlemen. Phone 5638. SMALL housekeeping room. 516 Pine. NICE ROOMS. 322 Pacific Terrace. ROOMS for rent. Private Close tn. Phone 4444. ROOMS, price reasonable. Phore 4627- LOVELY rooms for rent. M.-C7. a week Ciose in. Phone 43K. FRONT room for rent. Greer A pert ments. 710 Main. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT SMALL modern apartment. 313 Cedar. TWO room furnished apartment, elec tric range, reirigerator. vis. aiao Re clamation. FOR RENT, four room furnished up stairs apartment, c.cue in. Aauits, Phone 8418. FOR RENT, three room furnished apartment. 2009 Darrow. Phone PSftlt. CLEAN attractive well furnished two room court apartment with garage. Close in. 133.50. Phone 6455 or 5786 THREE room furnished 2023 Darrow. Phone 3449 FOR RENT, four room furnished du plex $43 Phone 3306 TWO ROOMS furnished. two. 1143 Pine. suitable for TWO ROOM furnished aoartment. jfna- laaire. uas neat, wia nonn i mra. 17 ACRE FARM . . On paved highway, 19 miles from town. Good loam soil, all Irrigated, Two bedroom mod era home, garage, machtnt shed, and other buildings. Feed lot. Price 13,000.0X Terms. Bruce Owens, Eves. Merrill 4301 Mervin Shuck, Eves. Merrill 4482 With "Pat" Howes 1025 Main St. . Realtor Ph. 2-3545 ATTRACTIVE three room furnished apartment Adults Close in Phone fc342 FURNISHED aoartment for rent. Bach- eior preierrea. i uait. APARTMENT with gas heat also small capins. 5is riign. FOR RKNT 3 room, furnished apart ment. 333 Broad. PARTLY furnished two bedroom apart, ment on Homedale Road. Phone 8167. UPSTAIRS furnished apartment. Gu equipped. Across from the Academy, NEWLY decorated Apts. 710 Main. apartment Greer UNFURNISHED, basement apartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot watei heat and water furnished, wo. net rig- era tor and electric ranee available 2012 Mam or nhine 3410 atter n p.m. STEAM HEATED apartment with bed room. Kta uax at. FURNISHED apartment Apartment 1. 200 Market. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 2061 white. THREE room furnished apartment and bath. Adults only. Phone 5472, u wai nut. NtWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heat, electric range $10 week Rex Arms Apartment. FURNISHED three room apartment $52.50: two room unit $35; all utilities included. 419 N. Tenth. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOB RF.NT. nearly new one bedroom house, suburban. Automatic wasner, re. frirator. electric rsnse. electric water neater, electric neat, une oiock to botq bus line. Phone dwz aitemoons or eve nlngs, UNFURNISHED house for rent. Phone FOR RENT, modern furnished three room house. Inquire 1826 bummer Lane MODERN one bedroom and three room house, inquire 1ZQ8 Homeaaie Hoaa, DUPLEX lor rem. p.m. Pnone ;kj27 before MODERN one bedroom unfurnished du- plex-house inquire auu'a Moaramnn. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE it it it U TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save H New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 WILL GIVE FIVE YEAR LEASE ON ACRES IRRIGATED LAND. 3 MILES FROM KLAMATH FALLS. SEE AL SCHMECK. 517 MAIN. POHNE 3311.. WILL RENT for potatoes. 105 acres for $7000. Five miles east of Tulelake, or 30 acres for $85 per acre. A sacker can be uied on this land. Perry Toler, Phone 7-1051. OFFICE SPACE In Stewart Drew build. ing. Inquire Drews Mans tore, 739 Main St, AM ERIC AN floor sanders and edgers. sw ft and easy to operate. Bruce iioor finish, fillers, waxes and varnish. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1940 So. Sixth Phone 4A10 OFFICE for rent, 623 Main. Phone 7101. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IS ACRES IN PASTURE South Suburban. Fenced and cross- fenced. Irrigated. Four room modern home with concrete foundation, gnrage, barn, chicken house, frost proof room One block from bus. Excellent soli. Price only $6350, $1000 down, 40 per month Including Interest. Mrs. Newhouse Phone NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE 2060 So. 0th Phone 9833 FOR TRADE, equity In two bedroom modern home for equity In trailer hoiine n I shed. Suitable sober bachelor or cou- I Write or see R. H. Nichols. Modoc Point pie. 109 North Broad. I Oregon. ROSEWAY DRIVE Here is a dandy 2-bedroom horn -with full basement on a quiet, residential street. Two lots, nicely landscaped. Will go FHA. $9500. SMALL FARM 3 acres near Big Y Junction. Most ly in pasture. Fenced with barn, large garden, berries, and lots of trees. Two bedroom house. All this lor only $6000.. MILLS Almost new home, 2 blocks from school. Two bedrooms, piys space for third bedroom. Hardwood floors, automatic heat, attached garage, and landscaped corner lot. $9500. MILLS Four-year-old home among newer homes. Ranch-type house with large living room and huge fire place. Two bedrooms, attached garage, patio art landscaped lot. Will require about $2600 to hart die. RON FISHER, Eves. Ph. 8970 ALLAN DOUGLAS, Eves. 2-0085 Johnny Blaylock REALTOR 116 8. ELEVENTH PHONE 6446 5 ROOM HOME Enjoy the privilege of raising your winter's supply of food on this nice two-acre Irrigated tract. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Ph. 9832 or 5742 SUBURBAN ; SPECIAL -BEDROOM' modern home with excellent large garage. Work shop, insulated fruit room, a chicken house. Large lawn en closed with good picket fence, well-located on Homedale. Close sto So. 6th St. Full price $3950. $1250 down, balance - in easy payments. Don't miss this. CITY SPECIAL 2 BEDROOM modem home on paved street. Close to high school. Reduced to $4250 for quick sale. ; . WALT DIETZ, With T. B. WAITERS REALTOR and INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4193 (Eve. D469) LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THIS FIRM rOR ACTION. FVERBTT DENNIS REALTOR 191 No. 8th WomMM HOUSE for aals or rent fuml.hed on bedroom houae and aaraM. Large tract of lawn, treea and garden .pot. AOS ueiaware Avenue. 80 ACRES Located en Hlahwav 96. Home, barn and other out-bulldlnga, 30 acree in paa- ture. ThU la lolnl St .10.000. i26W down, balance on long terma. . jncK uaroner rnone cru i NEWHOUSB DEAL XSTATC ' lOSt) So. (til. FhOM I Ml