PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TIIURSDAV, MATICH 27, 1052 KFLW-H30 Kc-PST .' Thumday Evening, March 27 I 0O Sports Highlights :ta Home Town Newt 2ft World Nra's Summary $:M Suburban Saranade 43 llaadlina Edition ABC Siffft Coming Attractioni on ABC 100 Mr. Prcildent ABC 7:30 Dctensa Attorney ABC 8 0J Orlg Amateur Hour ABC 8:4.1 roralgn naporter ABC t oo Escape With Ma ABC a :k user, abc 10:C0 10 PM Hridllnai 10:13 Club Can Do ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Nawi Summary 11:03 Slin OK CONTINUOUS SHOWS ' CDnu 1,15 .'Jm1 THC MOST 'SAVAGE -WARPATH OF THEM MMfY low - m m i VOX ' MWiltlfifNtjiH 11,1.11 I- Ah H-N httftxtf. Iff f HUWEID etoiiaT VToMING SOO RflROQUO mm 11 rpror, dim f W I I Pa V".L' J III H I B 0ffie.0p.n 1:45 J Z . Miti "Ftmlng Rhythm" - "Btaf Faet" DONALD APPLE CORE" "Portusal" and Lattit N.w 1 V V 3 ;cTT Fr.'rav, March SI 8:WI Sigh on New 6:03 Com In tha Morn :45 Farm Fare T oo Newa Bltfst EdlUoa 7:13 Charlla'a Roundup 7 .10 Bob Garred at Nawi ABC T:40 Top of tha Morning 7:. JJrnn Conta S rig .BC 00 Breakfast Club ABC S:00 Hank Henry Show 8:.T0 Break tha Bank ABC 10.00 Chet Huntley, Newa ABC 10:13 Lone Journey ABC lu-30 My True Story ABC 10:33 Whispering Street! ABC 11:13 Stop it Shop 11:30 Against the Storm ABC 11:43 Musical Roundup 11:33 Market Report 12:00 Newa. Noon Edition 12:13 Paylesa Sidewalk Show 12:::o Lurk' U Ranch ABC ' 1:00 Paul Ha-vey ABC 1:19 Batter Living 1:30 Mary Margaret McBrida ABC 2:00 Rasin Briets 2:13 When a Girl Marries ABC 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M O. ABC 2:43 Rom. Evelyn Winter ABC 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:11 Ted Malone ABC 3:14 Dean Cameron ABC 3:43 Mary Marlln ABC 4:00 Requesttully Your 3:00 Fun Factory ABC S r3 World FlirM He --ter ABC 3:30 Chet Huntley ABC 3:43 Town House Orch. ABC 6:00 Sporta Highlights 6:13 Home Town Newa 6:23 World Newa Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headline Edition ABC 5:M y- ! Nw Rcunrup ABC 7.00 Gillette Fights ABC 6:00 Richard Diamond ABC 6:30 This la Your FBI AP.C S:00 Ozrlo and Harriet ABC 8:30 Cone, of Favorites 10:rn in p M. He"!--' 10:13 Dr. Gino's Musical ABC 10:30 insomnia Club 11:00 Newa 11:03 Sign Off KFJI 115 Re, PST Thursday Evening, March 27 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Klam. Theater Quia. 6:30 Around Town Newa 6:43 Sam Hayes Newa MBS 6:33 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Adven. of Casanova MBS 7:30 Under Arrest MBS 6:00 Clyde Beatty MBS 6:30 Burl Ivea Sings 8:43 Heidelberg Harmonaires 9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 8:13 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 9:45 Sports Final 9:33 3-Minute Final MBS 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:15 Serenade in Blue 10:30 Bandstand USA MBS 11.00 Night Owl News :os mint owla Club 12:00 Sign Off KFJI 115 Ke. PST Friday. March 2 6:00 Sunrise Serenade 6:43 Farm Reporter 6:33 Regional News 7:00 Hemingway Newa MBS 7:13 Breakfast Gai MBS 7:30 Headlines 4t Bylines 7:43 Best '.us 8:00 Cec: Brown MBS " 8:15 Sreakfast Gang MBS 8:30 Bible Institute MBS -8:00 Homemaker Harmonies 9:13 Hair Raising Talea TTtf KID FRotiTCXAS...... STARTS FRIDAYI ISi TRAIL CCOICI MITfMRDtT THE LUSTY LAWLESS FRONTIER nrnm mm 1:30 Platter Parly 8:45 Favoritee of Yesterday 10:00 Newspaper of tha Air MBS 10:13 Tello Test MBS ir.'O 1 aPnIMes 10:45 Concert 10:30 Currina lu:.t3 hrn Carson MPS 11:00 Ladles 1st MBs) 11:23 Newa MBS 11.10 Quaen lor a Day MBS 12:00 Name Banc's 12:1.1 Noondae Newa 12:0 D.tnrt Tunes 12:43 Music Box 13:30 Market Livestock 12:33 Klamath Notes 1:00 Jack Klrkwood MBS ' i . a nber MbS 2:00 Newt MRS V:u3 News IllfcS ' 2:1.1 Two at 2:13 3:4.1 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Rlcky'a Recuesl 4 00 Behind the Story MBS 4:13 Hemingway News MLS 4:30 Curt Marsey Time MHS 4:'1 Sam Haye -News MBS 3:00 Twilight Time ' 3:30 Wild Bill lllckock MBS 9:33 Newa MBS e':00 Gabi'el heatter MBS 6M Klimk h 1 Scaler Vu a 6'30 Around Town News 6.4.1 Ssm Hayes News MBS 6:33 Bill liemy HUS 7 W ' i:ventt.,'cs i" Maizie MBS 7:30 Clsro Kid MRS 8:00 Woman of the Year MBS 8:30 Prsuidly We Hall 9.00 Glenn Hardy, News MBS 9:13 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9::"i p-4 an'1 l jn Cub MBS 9:33 3-Mtn. Final MBS 10:co I Love A Mystery MBS 10:13 Adven. Is Your Heritage 10:30 Armed Forces Review MBS 11:00 Night Owls News 11:03 Niaht Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off a By JEAN OWENS Gradt cards were received yes terday by students, who followed a moamea a scneauie auring our morning classes in order to secure our cards shortly after 8:3(1, Those students who received hon or roll grades are signing the list with Miss Orph Hudson, after which the list will oe puoiisnea. Tomorrow evening; at 6:45, the National Honor Society will hold their formal banquet in the Pelican party room, with an' Initiation of the new members who were re cently admitted to the group. Student Congress met Tuesday morning during the activity period in the County Library. President Tom wells announced that ail stU' dent body committee chairmen are to make reports of their groups duties and projects ol this year in order to set a pattern and assist next years' student committees. The nominating committee met this week to consider nominees for the ensuing years' student body officers. April 14, a student body assembly will be held for the pur? pose of announcing their choices for the nominations, and at that time nominations from the floor will be accepted. Campaign speeches by the can didates will be given in a student assembly April 23. The actual vot ing will be April 24, and the run off election will be April 25. Mcv 2. at another assembly, the new officers will be installed. Our elec tions are, of course, by a secret ballot. Student now may mark their "X" on the ballot in private vot ing booths which were added to the tudent body equipment several years ago. , Tomorrow their will be a "B" schedule because of the Boys Al liance bmoser. The price of ad mission, which is fifteen cents will be .paid to the sixth period teach stay in their homerooms. Plane Crashes Kill 12 Men TUCSON, Ariz. OB Twelve military airmen were killed in two plane crashes in the Southwest Wednesday. Eight died in the flaming wreck age of a B-29 bomber from Davis- Monthan Air Force Base here and four perished in the crash of a B 47 stratojet bomber from Kirtland AFB on the edge of Albuquerque, N.M. Both crashes occurred shortly after the planes had taken off from their bases. The B-29. with one engine dead. was trying to return to its base when it crashed, exploded and burned in the desert five miles from the base. Names of the dead In this crash were to be released sometime Thursday. Major Maston Jacks. base public information officer. saia. i- - -kaggfjriajaBBeassBBeeABsBjjBssVa VIRGINIA Klamath Falls By TB Association in Oregon By WALLACE MYERS Attractive younit Vircinia Obere has had far more than her share of tough luck. But she did have one lucky day back in November oi lint. On that particular dav. the Tn bcrculosis and Health Association's moDUe x-ray crew was working at Klamath Union Hich School. Virginia was a senior and on the staif of the KU paper "The Cra ter." X-ray day found Virginia busy trylnir to beat the Crater's deadline. . . So busy that she de cided she wouldn't take time to have one of the free chest x-ray pictures taken. But Howard Holt. KU Journalism Instructor then. Insisted that Vir ginia visit the x-ray center and fortunately for her. she did. The x-ray picture meant nnlv a few seconds dosuw for Virginia that day but it was fated to mean more than three vears in a sanitarium for the unfortunate girl. However. Lady Luck must have prodded Virginia into having the x-ray examination: if she had failed to do so she would probably be a bed-ridden invalid todav. instonrf she is today a sparkling and gay young woman enrolled in business college. The mobile x-ray examination at school revealed that Virginia was In the initial stages ef tuberculo sis. Virginia and her Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oberg. were amazoi to the point of disbelief, i Virginia had shown no symptoms and was feeline fine at the time But further examinations confirmed uie iuioings or me mobile unit. Wheels turned auicklv. Th m and Health Association and the Ore gon Health Department cooperated and within two weeks, Virginia was comfortably settled in the Eastern uregon inoercuiosis Hospital The Dalles. Today, thanks to the skilled and expensive treatment in the hospital, Virginia Is home and preparing for normal ousiness career. And that exDensive treatment Hirln't cost her family one cent, thanks to the TB Association and the state of uregon. The pretty little blonde tells of her hospital life with a glow of warm thankfulness. She speak; with marked enthusiasm of the vo cational training and recreation of fered patients at the Dalles. The hospital, Virginia explains, not onlv works toward returning patients to tneir nomes . . it strives also to prepare patients who need it for a supporting job when they are re- leasea. Virginia actually managed to complete her high school work in the sanitarium and was allowed to visit home a year later and receive ner aipioma at KUHS. In the san. itarium, Virginia's plight came to the attention of a former state nign school principal who was also a patient and he became Virginia's private tutor so that she could complete ner nigh school reaulr ments If you would like to help the hos. pita! at The Dalles, by the way, Virginia says the patients want books for their library. And they would especially like to have nnv old Jewelry or mountings. Vocation al classes remake the old iewclrv mtu sen ji. Other patients make n little mnn. cy py making and selling leather worn, anmea articles ana such. Virginia was a euest of the Klam. ath TB Association Board yesterday at ine ooaro s montniv meet ne Then she voluntarily visited the HeraJsj and News; shes grateful for the help she's received and KF Man On Texas Duty Sgt. Norman L. Wilson. Klamath Falls, has received a Texas as signment with the Air Force Hu man Resources Research Center. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cam eron 8. Wilson. 1510 Carlvlc St. will report late this month for duty with the Center's Personnel Re search Laboratory at Lackland Air Force Base, Snn Antonio, Texas. He will administer apparatus tests to military and civilian applicants for pilot training. He received his new assignment after serving in a similar capacity at the Center's Personnel Research Field Section at Sampson Air Force Base, Ge neva,' N.Y. He is a 1940 graduate Of Klam ath Union High School. , PORTLAND Wl An ftdvlsorv committee Wednesday recommend- ea a i,3uu air raid warning sys tem for Portland. After testlntr a number of sirens the committee decided on a rota ting, engine-driven tvne and re commended that seven of them be installed tnrougnout the city, OBERG Girl Aided she wants people to know what tha TB Association and the state of Oregon are doing for persons stricken with tuberculosis. AMERICAN CHINESI t4 thati kwt! tk. 44 Fw Oralm T Take 0 tn B. Lee, Mgr. SHEER AND Yours with Dairymen Plan Meeting Tuesday The Klainnlh Counlv Duli'vincii'" Aasoclntltm lilts sclirdulod a mrct ln for ' TuOMlity, 10 a. in., at the Wiiiemn. Tlie nierling, tailed bv Pres. Lntvient-e CleiitRlity, Merrill, will touch on marketing, ntmtiiM and 1000 Cet vour official entry blank at any of the following merchants: Spencer's Tots Apparel Klamath Falls Army Store Reliable Cleonen 619 Main St. Helen's Beauty Salon ''Zippy Professional Wave in Half the Time" 1719 Main Phone 6284 Currin's for Druqs "The Friendly Druq Store" 9th and Main Photos bv Guderian 1125 Main Phone 2-2791 SEAMLESS BEAUTY SMART COMING... GOING smooth, clear S. . Smart simplicity, care-free wear yours with revolutionary seamless stockingi by Hanes. You'll love the fine, lacy texture and clear, smooth finish thai looks sheerer, wears lonqer. Two lovely new shades, Bali Rose and South Pacific, 1,50 a pair. FREE EASY PARKING product Ion problems In the dull y- nig industry lime, artlrlrs should be wnnlietl nrpiiriitly so that no lint from light fiibilrs will cling to tliem. cyDcoiM FOR CALENDAR MODELS Age 6 months to 6 years for MERCHANTS CALENDAR CONTEST Cash Prizes and Merchandise Awards 320 South 6th St. Suburban Flower Shop "As Close As Your Telephone" Day or Niqht phone 8188 B&B Radio and Electric 401 South 6th St. Bill Davis Associated Service 2101 South 6th St. Phone 3413 HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUGINI, OKI. MIOFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. (!. Karlrjr and Jo Karlry Proprlitora We Will Deliver These Entry Blanks Phone 4622 Sewinoj Machine Service 422 Main St. Phone 6771 Eostside Appliances J. H. "Bob" Robbins Dewey Randolph 132 South 7th St.