PAGE EIGHTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 10B2 I ' 1 : LOT3 OF CANDLES on a pretty cake helped make a happy birthday for Mrs. Rhoada Cline, who celebrated her 84th anniversary, March 20, at her home, 655 California. The honor guests is the adopted grandmother of five Girl Scouts, Judy McFarlan, Sharon Davis, Pat Crawley, Joan Swaney and Celeste Winkleman, members of Scout Troop No. 21, led by Mrs. Charles McFarlan. Her granddaughters presented her with a corsage and several gifts. Button, Button, Who Has Button Canadian Gal Well Known Couple Wed In an Inform! ceremony at the home of Rev. Daniel B, Anderson, pastor of Klamath Temple, Sun day, March 16th at two thirty o'clock. Ruth Matthews became the bride ot George Kunzman. Doth ara residents of Klamath Falls. The single rlnc ceremony was performed in the presence of close lnenas ot the couple. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. Alva Custer sang "i Love You Truly' with Mrs. Luther Taber at the piano. The bride wore an attractive beige spring suit. Her flowers, red rose buds wer Dinned at the shoulder. Mrs. Bonlfay Yancey was matron of honor. Best man was Carl Yancey Followtliff the ceremonv a reeen. lion was held at the home of the bride, 623 Lowell where the couple will reside. Fannie Goddard, assisted by Dor othy Post, Nina Beck and 'Marie Kilgore served the cake and poured coffee. Tlie following guests were ores. ent, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yancey, Dr. and Mrs. Alva Custer. Dr. and Mrs. Luther Taber, Mrs. Harry Wiard, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mayes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Canov. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freldel, Pauline Christen. Irene and Gene Oldham, Fannie Goddard, Juanita Lundsten. Ruby Bell, Marie Kllgore. Nina Beck. Dorothy Post. Lee Sutton. Jennie Buck, Al and Elsa Thomp son. Fred Freldel. Club Women Plan Meet t Her Majesty In honor of Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands, Invita tions have been Issued by Mrs. Hiram Cole Houghton, president ol I lie General Federal ion of Wom en's Clubs to a reception on Thurs day, April third al 2:& p.m. at GFWC International Headquarters, 1734 N Street, N. W., Washington. D. C. Ranking officials of 18 national women's organizations and of IS nationnl organizations affiliated with the General Federation are among the Invited guests, as well as directors of the hostess organisa tion. liivitnlions have also been sent to the 40 members of the Geniral f eneration irom .'3 states wno w ere received by Her 'Majesty on their visit to the Netherlands during their good will tour of Europe In the fall of 1950. LAOKR Her Majesty has expressed In terest In meeting the women of America who have done outstand mg work toward international un derstanding. Mine, van Roijen, wife of Ihe Netherlands Ambassador, will be In Ihe receiving line with Her Ma jesty and Mrs. Houghton. Mrs. Sei dell Chapin, wife of the American Ambassador to the Netherlands, who is accompanying the Queen on her visit io the United States. Plan Your Lenten Meals Avoid Dull Repetition Lenten menus need not becomo dull and repetitious If the home maker will keep a sharp eye out for new Ideas and plan her menu i ahead of time. Good planning Is Ihe secret of many a successful future and rating well Is no ex ception. Delicious, nourishing meals can ba served every day provided Ihe homemaker plans her "menu cam paign" In advance. By planning ahead and shopping one or two days a week, many costly last min ute Trips to the grocery store can be eliminated. Keep plenty of fresh dairy foods In your refrigerator they are won derful budget stretchers, fill-ins and health builders. See to It thai popular, quick-fix canned foods are available on the kitchen shelves for unexpected guests. Take advan tage of the good buys for the month and liioiude ihein in your menus often. Because Lenten menus endue meatless meals often, llsh, chce.e and egg dishes are very popular. Seaside Pie Is a delicious combin ation of shrimp and fillet of sole is among the invited guests. Miss Binebet Roell. lady-ln-wall- ing to the Queen Miss M. Tellegen. director of the Queen's Cabinet, and Baron van Heecheren van Mol ecaten, secretary to the Queen, will be In the royal party at the re ception. topped with a crisp biscuit layer. it is tasty enough for a company tliniier, easy and economics! Io make. For luncheon, supper or a late evening snack pyramids with Cheese Sauce will mako a hit Willi everyone. NKASIDK IMK l'j cups cooked shrimp I lb. fillet nl sole 4 Tbsp. butter 'j cup celery, sliced thill 1 Tbsp. finely chopped onion 1-3 cup flour 3' cups milk 4 cup sliced, stuffed olives 1 Isp. salt Biscuit dough for lop Remove skin fiom sole, cut Inlo l' j Inch pieces. Cook sliced celery and onion In melted butter until soil but not brown. Add flour, then milk gradually, ttlrrlng constantly unlll mixture bubbles and thickens, Add olives, salt, shrimp and fish.. Pour Inlo a 1 quart' casserole. Toil Willi biscuit dnugh rolled Inch thick, cut m the shape of a fish. Uake 20 In 911 iiilnulea In mod erate oven, 350 F, Heive with ad ditional biscuits, I'YII AMIIIN 3 hamburger buns or English IllllfllllS a Tbsp. Iiulter 3 largo lomalnes 1 large onion muld and sweet' ' j cup plrkln relish 4 hard cooked eggs toast Split buns and liullcr. cut (mini, lues Inlo 0 slices and place olio oil top of each bun hall. Top each with a thin slice of onion, pickle relish anil sliced hard cooked ei(ga. Pour hot cheese sauce over each pyramid Just before) serving, ( hi:i;hi; haiku 4 Tlmp, billter 1 4 Tbnp. flour I Isp. salt pepper I I lap, dry mustard J 1 j cups nnlk aimlilrd l'a cups grated Cheddar cllcesa Melt Iiulter III saucepan over low heat. A. Ill flour and sriisoiilnga; blend. Adil milk slowly and nook. stirring cou.'.tuiilly, until Mime Is siuonlli and thickened. Remove Iriini heat: lold In grilled cheene, stirring Io blend. Helve hot. do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slid or Slip? FA8TBICTH. art Improve oowtUr 1 (prink 1J on upper or lowr plU, holdi Call loth mort firmly In plas. to not alld. altp or rock. No rummr, fooy, paty laid or (line FA. r.KTH la alhallna (non-arid i, Dota not aour. Charka "plat a odor'' (danturo braath), Oat FABTKttTH at any druc lota. 4TH ANNUAL MERRILL. MOOSE DANCE SATURDAY - MARCH 29 DANCING 10-2 BUNNELL'S ORCHESTRA BROADWAY HALL MAUN ADMISSION $1.00 PER PERSON EDMONTON When a friend in Rhode Island first told Mrs. Earl Quincy of Edmonton about button .collecting, she scoffed at the Idea. - But that was 10 years and some 4.000 buttons ago. Today, Mrs. Quincy has one of the finest col lections of buttons in North Ameri ca. She is a charter member of the Rhode Island state button society. "Battens are antiques in minia ture, she says. "Button collecting opens up a background in research ' of the theatre, arts, history, clothes and cusUms of the times." Mrs. Quincy has buttons of early bone, calico buttons worn by fron tier women, buttons of ivory from India which were used to convey secret messages, silver buttons with the heraldic crests of English nobility, bridle buttons from the Vanderbilt stables, cameo buttons of Jenny Lind. miniatures of French court beauties painted on silk and even tne lowly overall button each with its own story. The discs worn as ornaments on Roman and Greek togas, were the forerunners of buttons, Mrs. Quincy explains. The nobility wore them as Jewelry. Francis I of France had 13.600 gold buttons on a single costume and Louie XIV once paid $14,000 lor a diamond and jewelled button. Women weren't admitted to the button world until 1950. Later Queen Victoria, in mourning lor her consort, popularized Jet and black glass Buttons. Every button opens up new chan nels of research. Mrs. Quincy is writing a book about the golden age of buttons, popular between Local Woman Scores Space In Magazine Klamath Falls is the locale for an article written by Elsa Gippo lor a national publication, the Mu sic Journal. Mrs. Gippo is the wife of Kristian Gippo, President of the Council and director of plays and other entertainment presented by the Klamath Musical Arts Council, now in its third year. The article, titled Arts Program in Klamath Falls, gives a short historical sketch of the city, men tions Andy Loney, city schools mu sic director, founder of the Concil which was started without a penny cf capital. Important groups within the Council include Fine Arts, Little Symphony, Young People's Con certs, Drama, Social, Jazz, Pub licity, Church Music and Music Ap preciation. In addition to Us special work In the fields of music and art. the Council according to Mrs. Gippo does important social work, par ticularly with youth. The article was published in the January issue. 1 1830 and 1850. ' Her hobby of collecting buttons j goes back only to 1038 although ! many a grandmother kept her bui-j ton string, spurred by the legend ! that she who collects 899 But tons will never have to sew them." With 4,000 buttons in her own collection to choose from? Mrs. Quincy's favorite is the first one she saved. It is a large gold but ton of bees and a bee-hive which she found in her grandmother's button box and wore to school in Rhode Island. The giant of her collection is a redwood button which is 10 inch es in diameter and three inches thick. Mrs. Quincy fills its five holes with tapers and uses it as a sandwich platter when she en tertains. But even a leading button col lector can be foiled. Mrs. Quincy's sister recently finished a new dress for her. Which buttons would look best on it V They delved through the 4 000 but tons and couldn't find three to match. ft ft ft ft ft ft.. ft; ft! Yaffil ft gam! ft ft 'lfidlStf tl ft (g C3 CONSULT or ft ft ft ft ft I ft ft ft ft ft ft . fht opinion experts on combining colors. Our stoff will show you how easy it is. USE ... the Sherwin-Williams Point & Color Style Guide to see how good color harmo nies look in real rooms... and the Style Guide Companion to find 720 additional color schemes created by experts. 0OMOMr...fhis Style Guide Service. Use it ot home . free of charge. Plenty free parking space A B PAINT STORE 1229 E. Main Ph. 3324 'ft ft ft 'ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft U Down On Any Appliance of $50 or less REBUILT and GUARANTEED Washers Ranges Refrigerators Washers from $10 and up ,, . Ranges and Refrigerators , , . at Lowest Possible Prices ... I! , MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial (across the street from West-Hitchcock) WxOdhjcL SJwpA, and ShopA. Dreams Do Come True . . We try NEVER to exaggerate but from time to time in this old world vou find PERFEC TION . . the kind you DREAM of . . In the life you live . . in a flower in your garden . . the light in the eyes of the man you love . . in HATS for EASTER wearing . . the HATS you find at MARVIN'S. There's something about a new chapeau that gives a lift to your soul so we went scouting for the magic key to Spring happiness and found It at MARVIN'S . . Lest we become hopelessly enmeshed In fling ing adjectives around we'll give you STATIS TICS on the utterly stunning array of HAND MADE HATS we discovered . . smari little SAILORS with the level look . . captivating head-huggers to cover your cropped locks . . devastating, picture pretty, frivolous UP SWEEPS, garlanded in posies to show the cluster of curls at your hairline . . fetching little CRESCENTS that flirt with your brow . . fanfare of ribbons and flicker of veils . . WHITE hats for wedding?, beaded and beauti ful . . smooth straws and lacy straws . . dull straws and shiny ones . . CARTWHEELS and Cap-shaped . . Straws from Italy . . Bali. straws . . neutral shades and high shades to make you an EASTER Cinderella . . the new gorgeous cop per, and "jilllons" of lavender . . Spring pink and Delft blue . . all the browns ever heard of and navys and blacks . . and versatile natural . . prices to fit. YOUR budget . . $3.93 ' to $19.95 and a HUGE choice in the popular bracket. S8.95 to S12.95. at MARVIN'S. RELUCTANTLY we WENT from the HATS to the HANDBAGS . . to fall head-over-heels for "excruciatingly" beautiful, "never-mark" suedes in the lushest of colors . . lovely glazed KIDS . . soft CALFSKIN and COBRAS . . OSTRICH stunners to add "class" to your costume . . look for the newer than tomorrow new shade, MUSHROOM . . the accent on COLOR . . and HERE is a Memo . . order SHOES to match EVERY bag in the assort ment . . so here's to Spring and you in new 1953 prettiness in your new frou-frou from 520 Main, MAItVIVS ix- tV "Glamor-eyesed" that's what you'll be this summer if you follow the dictates of Dame Fashion . . what with the Poodle Cut, Winged Look, Silken Complexion and New Hue Slant. For that siren look, you'll be wearing eye shadow of course, two shades of mascara, black for day-time, blue for evening and re member . when helping Dame Nature make up for your "lack" of "shapely brows, touch the pencil lightly in several strokes instead of one long harsh one. ' ix Measure Your Hip Line keep tab on your waist line . . get a poodle cut, a new. frock and a new chapeau . . BUT . . if your skin ISNT "the skin he loves to touch", his eyes WONT light up like a lamp in the window . . they may even WANDER to a gal with a rose petal cheek . . so PLEASE .-, don't tarry . . make : haste to MILLER'S for 1 CHARLES OF THE ft RITZ COSMETICS . . ti EXCLUSIVE with MILLER'S . . let VI (who went to New York for cosmetic know-how) suggest what YOU'LL need for YOUR type of skin . . She can analyse your TROUBLES, make little ones out of big ones with the RIGHT beauty treatment. If YOUR skin Is DRY as dust . . if it feels taut and tired and flies away in little flakes, you need to FEED It with SPECIAL LUBRI CATING creams. Now CHARLES OF THE RITZ ' and Mil, KR'S can help you . . with DRY SKIN CLEANSER . . SKIN FRESHNER . , CREAM or LIQUID REVENESCENCE . . VELVET TEXTURE CREAM or SUPER-RICH CREAM. Consistent use of these FEW beautifiers will keep you dewey-fresh . . will keep you YOUNG . . If you keep your eyes propped open long enough before you hit your feather bed at night and hop out brisk and fresh come mom to go through a few simple routines you'll be lovely to look at. CHARLES OF THE RITZ cosmetics for DRY SKINS contain the RICHEST OILS ob tainable . . It takes only the TINIEST film to do the work , . cream "slathered" on is lost. THEN when you are fresh and clean use a whisk of COMPLEXION VEIL, a dusting of specially blended POWDER a bit of CHARLES OF THE RITZ CREAM ROUGE, a touch of EYE SHADOW, a bright band of LIPSTICK . . thicken your lashes with LASHIQUE and sail Into tomorrow a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, pro tege of CHARLES OF THE RITZ and the beauty bar at 512 Main, MILLER'S mm WV Have flam Chowder . from New England , . maple ayrup from Ver mont , . goulash from the Oearks and fine wines from the limestone caves of Cre.ita Blanca but for piquant SALAD DRESSINGS and SAUCES we go to CAR TERS'. There's a REASON why we say CARTF.RS for WHERE eke will you find the epicurean delights that blend watercress and fresh bay shrimp . . tomatoes and garlic into food for the Gods . where else will you find tile very same dressing serveu at Lulgi's . . Pierre's . , Maxim's . . the Fisherman's Net . , OIRARDS French and Avocado dressing , , Monarch's NEW DILL . . and Tas-T-Joy sauce with horse radish flavor . . MILAM'S famous CAESAR with the taste that's never forgotten . . MAL LEY'S old-fashioned CHUTNEY . . the SEN SATIONAL new discovery by Chateau. ROQUE FORT DRESSINO. made with Imported So ciete Bee Roquefort . . blend It Into a package of cream cheese for the testiest, tanlest, rich, racy, spicy, unique COCKTAIL DIP of CAN APE SPREAD you've ever sampled. There are OTHERS at CARTERS' . . LAW RY'S Avocado French, Sauterne. Sherry .' . SPARK'S Barbecue Sauce . . BORDEN'S MAY ONNAISE . . FOUR SEASONS . . ALL you've ever seen or heard of on the condiment shelves. The vegetable department Is "stuffed" with greenery . . this Is the time of year when salads take the place of sulphur and molasces as a Spring tonic . , get ALL the "makings" when you shop with "Your Most Thoughtful Grocer," 1420 Esplanade, . fr . In Thin Season ol Sweei promises when all the world's in tune with BRIDES and YOU'RE floating on a misty cloud of love toward the BIG step In your life there are some MYSTICAL words that will surround you with a heavenly aroma . . a SCENT he'll never for get . . will associate with you down the t corridor of years . . given to you by Tl'R RIN'S with the help of LUCIEN L E L O N G. master hand at the blending of fine SCENTS . . THESE words, are a CHARM that will open doors of happiness, doors to lasting love and romance . . be faithful . . chant them over and over as the days slip away . , ABRA CA DABRA . . ABRA CA DABRA . . across the beauty bar at CL'RRIN'S and in RETURN go gaily, gallantly on your way with this NEW EST LUCIEN LELONO PERFUME MIST con tainer, FILLED with any one of the famous LELONO PERFUMES . . SIROCCO. INDIS CREET, SPRING and SUMMER, TAIL SPIN or CACHET. It all BEGAN when women decided that a MIST of PERFUME should surround them . . so LELONO and t'URRIN'H came to the rescue . . said the mystical ABRA CA DABRA and came up with a leak-proof container that will NEVER spill a drop of your precious scent . . simply press the little cap and "swish" goes ft fine spray of poetic PERFUME, to cling to your skin, your hair, your frock . . to permeate the air you live in . . It's a feminine, flirty way to be a woman beloved . . the place? , Ninth and Main of course at CUIIMIV'S & H7i?n Sprinq Vnloeh the flowers to paint the warming soil and warm winds breathe a soft caress across the land, gals take a new lease on life . . spirits soar and thoughts turn to enchantment to match the fresh new world . . to HATS from , Ihe HAT BAR at LA iPOINTE'S , . new as a new hatched chick '-. . gay little CHAP EAUS for your EASTER parading . . Small bonnet shaped STRAWS and soft pas tel FELTS., soma wreathed In daisies or wound 'round with violets . , touched brightly with ribbons and wreathed deep In veiling . . HATS for the young face . . HATS for the matron at LA POINTE8 Perl narrow-brimmed sailors and saucy straw CAPS , . HATS in pastel colors and black If you want them . , Shopping the HAT BAR at LA POINTK'S Is a. "whopping adventure" we DARE you to go In it "gloomy Gus" and come out ft "droopy damsel" . , it just can't be done when you sea the PRICES, SI.9H to SS.9S on the HATS that will make you look like an earth-bound angel on the HAT BAR at S07 Main, LA FOINTE'S IRES DEPART- !NT at YOUR A- ORE so we "wad- ji d" In carrying our Yl'j ra 10 pounds where tl' a Vrenh Xew Sprina . . bees are buulug , . robins ara romping . grass is growing . , lambkins are leaping . . chicks ara cheeping and women havo been waiting for the new arrivals in tin GIFT- WARES DEPART- M E 1 STORE died" extra 10 pounds 10 pounds shouldn't be and being a farmer's wife we allotted FIRST THING . . GLAMOUR nOY . . the cockiest rooster oulalde a hen yard . . a COOKIE JAR If you please . . the CLEVEREST Idea for EASTER giving . , big enough to hold a "batch" of brownies . . all perked up in gray and red pottery, beauti ful to behold . . t slues , . Plus "Coek-A-Doodle-Do" WALL PLANT ERS and LITTLE RED HENS and cunning EGO SPOON HOLDERS and FOWL SALT and PEPPSRS and CIOARETE IIOXKS with wild FIOHTINO COCKS and smai: FIGUR INES of CHICKENS of AlJj agn for your EASTER breakfast table at VOI'lt STOKE. Found cunning EGO TIMERS . . THREE and FIVE minute helpers with the sand run ning smoothly In a dozen combinations . . these will ALL make clever small EASTER 8URPRISE8 . . Now while you are shopping here's a brand new tllM-nvery . . a brand new sensation , . the REYNOLDS FLORAL ARRANGER . . you coil win praise, even prlres with flower arrange, nienta with this REVOLUTIONARY floral arranger . . nieh IIOl.DF.R is on a flexible stem . . each flower will stay, exnrtly where you put It . . complete with directions . . at72l Main, Yone scoiti; Where Are You tioina my pretty Maid . . I'm going a' looking Sir. she said, to Itlt'KVS where every gnl In THIS town should be going to snap up some of Ihe smartest new POTTERY bric-a-brac put on ANY shelves . CASA VER- , DIGO POTTERY from Cali fornia, tuned to young mod erns and the lion r is of their oldsters . . In soft, mellow colors, de-ert green and sago gray, white and deep cream . . Utterly enchanting Joshua TREES with small deer In their shadows, for dual pur pose planters (hang them or set them I . , while SWAN In repose and while SWAN alerted MINOOS and PEACOCKS In all of their stalll ness . . smart decor tn be used with any period background . . at RICKYS. The flower BOWLS are legion . . large kid ney shaped beauties and those made like pnlm leaves . . cupped, shaped, deep VASES and little low darlings , , perfect for coffee table, mantle or buffet. We shopped very" carefully to give you a low price and If you aren't STUNNED we vow that we've failed our objective . , small swans start at Just half a dollnr. You'll find these new treasures In the DOWNSTAIRS SILVER and CHINA SHOP at "Your Registered Jeweler's", 700 Main, KICKYS There Ao Don hi about It . . "SPRING HAS CAME" with burst of buds on the summer apple tree , , daffodils flirting with the weather, pussywillows allow ing their first soft ixn and maddeningly gorgeous new KNIT SUITS arriving at LONG'S. Because we were I I r j, weary of draggled winter Xi Lm f wardrobe Hems dropped T I V into LONG'S with a seek I ' ing eye that fell . . AT riMPK nil ll, imc, heavenly, liniid-fashlonerl, two-plcee, nil-wool BOU CLE KNITS . . Smimr rnTlft symphonies . . young- krfylfFfl hearted . cvcr-elcgiint Ji . . dynamic, classic sim plicity with a, costly air. S w e e t-s u 1 t-songs that will give you that self-assured nlr from the time you tip your lips with color In tho early morn unlll you put the Inst pencil In the ensit box come end of a busy dny , , wonderful, foshlon-wlsc wearing to an afternoon of bridge . , perfect under your new Spring short le , , they'll trot to dinner too. Lush COLORS . . Dnlfodll, Coral, Brige, Navy, Rose, Dawn rink and While , . In THREE styles '. . slip-over wllh smart TURTLF. neck, minimized for glamour . . CARDIGAN style with ultra smnrl htiUons and an nll-lii-nnt thai does things for your "flgger." LONG'S hns some sleeveless" KNITS , . with roll collars and KNITS with a yoke, KNIT SUITS that will flnttor you . . sizes 10-18 . . priced as LOW as 121.7.1 at 711) Main, LOIVI.'S FLA- IT MOST BE ft