JS' HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON HUnSDAY, MARCH 27, 1052 PAGB SEVENTEEN; OH . 4K. . OH .... . I I FRIENDLINESS panacea for a troubled world begins right hero in our home town . out where Blanche Petroff lives. Mrs. Petroff is a busy Klamathite . . her capable hands soothe aches and pains of young and old. For many years she has operated her own massage salon . . she keeps a homo . . cooks chili and tortillas with an expert touch . . loves to flick a fly for a wily trout across the ripples of a mountain brook but keeps in reserve, time for the only hobby that she has . . helping others. Last winter she was in there "pitching" for the Girl's City Basketball Lcaguo . . rounding up sponsors . . spon soring one team herself . . just now she is deep in the busi ness of getting nine softball teams started on a summer schedule . . she works with the city recreation director, Bob Bonnie and digs "down deep" to keep the ball roll ing. Few know it but Elanche Petroff is the guiding star of hanpincss for the men and women who live at the Klam ath Nursing Home, come Christmas time as ambassador for the Business and Professional Women . . she sees that not one name if forgotten , . that Santa and Mrs. Santa ar rive on time , . that a personal gift goes to each one. She is the membership chairman for BPW this year . . wasState International Relationship chairman last year . . is a member of the Quota club . . loves teen-age girls. Her spacious lawn and swimming pool filled with natural hot water is made available to young folks . . her husband, Mike, who helps keep rails and "things" in line for the Southern Pacific shares her interests . . there is only one word to do her justice . . and that one word Humanitarian. TIiIm mill Tlini About Women Edited by Ruth King wll?s A Woman's World " ( f..v . 1 ,4 .. jjt:::::. A Oarnlsh lndlvldunl servings o( rhoco)nU pudding with (lull of egg while meringue. To make the me rliiRue beat two egg whites until Ut( but not dry: ndd a quarter nip of sugar gradually, beating well titer curb addition. Serve the meringue fluff "as wltliuut steaming or baking. Delicious luncheon salad- alter nate slices of orange with Uiln slices of mild sweet onion and mound creamed cottage cheese tn the center. Ring the unhid wllh water cress and pans French dres sing with It. MEN I They object to our wearing. niM- cullne clothes Like alacks and short and ankle hose. . . So It seems to me to be less than fair That our feminine hats get In their tialrl Mary Alkus Small fry love to decorate cookies For a quick frosting mix a half cup of confectioners sugar with two to two-and-ono-hall-tea.ipooits milk and tint a pretty pink, then let the youngsters spread and have fun I Qulck-froicn peas make a fine addition to a bed stew; add the peas about five minutes before the. onions, carrots, and potatoes are tender. NANCY'S BEAUTY SHOP 1826 Homcdale Road Telephone 7080 Open Evening! by Appointment FA ft K IN U AVAILABLE New Horizons For Indian Women Break Traditions T- t.IIh ImI.u nilot rln,mi anH political advance are being made with a rapiony wnicn una-. io Ik ff.pntrrT-. rthittrvmr Wnm. en are playing a major role In the ouiiaing up OI U1C "cw nai-un which became free a bare five years ago. Leading body of organized women in T,.Hia i th Ah.Imlia Women's Conference. Comparable In Influ ence, tnougn not in bjgc, vi m: I tiA.i.pDlinn rt Wnmpn'l Clubs In the United 8tates, the IConlerence Is of recent origin. Its rupld growin, tnereiore, is an the more significant. nrr,.nivj.ri in 1Q77 (the Federation had Its early beginnings In I860), the All-muia women a voiucrfc'"-- I. ... PMnnnlinH an nnnlcr-Jtmun fCT the women of India. Its member ship has risen to over 25,000 and us orancnes arc hi ihj unv nnUnntA. Irnm all nVW thf COUJ1- try meet once a year. A standing committee oi we wonicrciitc metis twice a year. j Itself to various aspects of the ad vancement of women's education. Soon the scope of the Conference was widened to Include pressure for social reforms, such as raising the age 01 marriage, removal ui "untouchablllty" and caste rcstrlc- Inheritance as affecting women. It Is interesting to note mm n ,ti n.u.r nt Qiw tlm neeessarv for Indian women to struggle for the right to vote. In Britain, through the suflragette movement, and even In America, It took de- fn n-nmon M flrhirV nnllttflll equality with men. In India, how ever, political ireeaom irom ouv side rule automatically brought wllh It universal suffrage lor wom en along with men, without even n controversy, une maian nannum Congress recognized the sacrifices that had been made by the women of India who worked, fousht and suffered side by side wllh men in the effort to gain national independ ence for their country. Today, therefore, Indian women are abie to concentrate, free from a narrow feminist outlook, on broad social problems affecting the nation as a whole, as well as women In particular. They can u;;e their great voting power (It Is esti mated that nearly !)0 000,000 women are eligible to vote) as well us their power of moral persuasion. Currently the All-India Women's Conference Is woiking for the pas sage of a bill which is pending in the new Indian Parliament tust elected. This bill, among other features revising outmoded customs and outworn beliefs, would give a women the right to share in her father's property. The bill also in cludes the wife's right to divorce. - '. . . the good word you're hearing all over town. Yes, indeed! Newa rlfctw lit cl - like this travels fast when folks Jr'? & j The Sensational New Bit Size Cereal n7f$i iitm I How about you? Once you taste vVf ItJmL this different, delicious Bite Size A VT VIV f J Wl ' ) cereal you'll join the chorus YUMI jLmZmL lH f7 Why not tomorrow morning? l MEEiiT m -C at your grocerS! rtrJdffhlvST JUliton Puriu Co.. St. Lonii, Mo. PH- tJYS-?- lr AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO frm th Ll tt, Mann Pi Cm rrnar, K IV, ?lfc. si Uw BtBlhly raU. After raaabl lima jm can If ym with, chant fram rant ta par chaia airaencnl, Tba real alrta? pali la all cradllte la yaar parchaia aeraaal ane aa alhar aawn pajmaal la aaeaa- mrr, Tba naalblf payratnlt eaa ba litiif blgbar than real. Or, If yaa p ra rer, yaa eaa caatlnva ta rtat. 7 vM jk&f?t Visile refresluBBen .mmm jhkflH Wherever you go, ice-cold Coke is almost always at your elbow. , It belongs beside your plate, too. Enjoy it right from the frosty bottle. "CoU" fl rgllfrf Imdt-mork, OTtttD UNDER AUTHORITY OF THI COCA-COIA COMPANY IY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS 1W. THI COCA-COIA COMPANY Perfect fit... right down the line at our Naturalizer FIT PARADE. See the season's six best selling shoe styles during the Fit Parade. Easy to select from our famous Treasure Chest Collection. Natural! izer's famous fit insures no gap, no slip, no pinch right down the line. as advertised in Ladies' Home Journal The AAode!