TIIUnSDAY, MAIICH 27, 10.12 IIKIIALT) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN i p n t- . ,V -t I 'Sua i ., '- ', i it '( ' ' -rfj if '. BONUS BOOT Eric (The Great) I'cilcrscn clobbers Cowboy Carlson In Ihc chin with a dropkick, a maneuver that gave the Scandanavian and Kurt Von Poppenlieim a draw with Carlson and Georges Dusettc In a fast-moving tag team match last night at the 1 Armory. ' TAG FOES TUSSLE TO FURIOUS DRAW Kurt Von Poppenlieim and Eric Pederast) couldn't delciit Ucoriie Dusetio unci Cowboy Carlson list main at Win armory even with the Montana bronc-buslcr on the fchclf tha lu.it 1U in limir.i of the roiMlntf one-hour UK tenin mutch. The me tltf, even more turbulent Hi ii ii wuiie nl the more highly pub licized bnuu, ended In draw with Dusetle standing off both his aa dltlc foes Uie last 10 minutes. Carlson was put out of commls- ion alicr W inlnulea of mllll'iK Mini the Ciernimi unci his muscle hippy Scamlanavliin partner teamed up on the cowboy to een IJie full count at one for ench team. Both the Proud Prussian and thrt atriitllnii weliihtllfler majored In choke holds to set Carlson up for the finish. After cai,h had slummed Carlson against the turnbuclclrs. Von Poit steered the cowpoke to the corner. Pedersen. crouched on the top strand of ropes, let loose with a Aopklck Hint found Carton's chin. Km- followed It with the full nel son nd refused to release the hold when Carlson signaled knpool, c.'nt Tsnn hud to bo helped to Mm dressing room, leaving Duielte RESEMBLANCE Former Dodger Tommy Brown re sembles the great Joe Di Maggio here as he takes a healthy cut at the ball dur ing baiting practice at Clearwater, Fla. The 24 ycarold outfielder is now with the Philadelphia Nationals. with no partner to finish the gruel, ling match. But tho French-Canadian Strong. man, who allowed Pedersen more tlmn Jir.t a little about alrcngllw went the rout and had both his opponent wishing they were some' where else before It was through. Carlson won tho first fall In 34:60 when he bounced back from a ter nllo beating with a berserk attack on both Kurt and trie. Carlson managed to Impale Ped ersen In the ropes, lying bolh his arms up. men the uionu Montana lad creased Pedorson's imug face witn a rattling right nana. IIRKAKH IT l'I lie followed it with two flying butts although Von Poppenlieim rushed Into the ring to temporarily break up the parly. Bui just tern porarlly, Carlson switched Ills attack to the German and bounced him twice with the bull-dog hold, then latched on with the head scissors for the fnll. . Dr. Gallagher, abusive Toledo, O., chlropracler, lost to Fremchy Roy In the opener by disqualifica tion as rlngslders wero splattered with uiooo. ASKKI) FOR Roy won Uie first fnll In 13:10 with two dropklrks and a body slam afier Clnllagher had aikcd for his lumps with repeated Illegal lames. Roy's head was split open by Oalliighrr'a knee In Uie second go round. Gallagher wouldn't stop his attack on Instructions from Referee Wally Moss when the arbiter tried to examine Roy bleeding head. After trying to ward the doctor off several times, Moss stopped the bout and gave the nod to Roy. Promoter Mack Lillard has Tol Ynmato, aensatlonal Japanese wrestler from Singapore, signed for next week a card. Reames Bills 2-Ball Play Reames Country Club has slated a husband-and-wlfe two-ball four some tournament Sunday, Entry fee Is 25 cents. The golf play will be followed by a supper. For reservations, call Florence Fhalr, 8531. Competition starts at 2 p. m. Qualifying rounds for the best ball tournament go until April 9, rro arj eenncuer sain. Moisan, Watkins Go For Anjjels ONTARIO, Calif. W The Von Angelea Angels send Pitchers Bill Molssn and Don Watkins againr.t the San Diego Padres In a Coast Lennue exhibition game Thursdav. The Angels lost a close one Wed nesday at Camp Pendleton to the Marine corps team, 7-6. Irrigation Gates mm fcn No, 200 ARMCO Hidati permit tccuntt central and distribution ef wtttr. All typi far lew and high prcuure htadi. All Mttcrptai tor mcaiurlni outflow front csnali, ditthci, rcitrvelrt, ttc. MODIl NO. 160 (ftniilh at t mills f lerniliu4 lies iipt with t Is tht ! thrauah which Iht tuniH ititft Ii tptnui. Tha lofiam f tha flaa ll graavaa' ta farm a iait far tha illrfa when lha Ha ll alalia. Thli maa'al Ii Inlana'aa' tar uta at as Intel fire . It (antral lha Haw at Willi Ihremh ditch hinkl. Tha plpa't cerrufillani grift the earth and tend aravent i wuhlnf auti and naa puddled lata aaiitlan, tha gita ! will ilar in plica. ARMCO Galvanized Water Gate For quick and efficient control of water In (mall literili, thli turnout gate ii Indltpcniablo to tho irrigator. It it mad of heavily galvanised l( giuga natal throughout, and the right angle bendi tumid on the bulkhead and ilido.mako it exceptionally rigid, though vary light and eaiy to handle. . The pedal route) tube top on the and givet additional itrength where ntedad . and previdei an excellent handhold for- opening and doling the gate, ARMCO Irrigation Products have been tandard equipment for water control for over 40 years. Let ut help you select tho tight ueti for your particular needs. , . Modal i No. 1 60 1" W VKXXXValffliO H EATON MACHINE and SUPPLY 428 Spring St. Ph. 6691 n 7." Puck Meet Deadline Saturday Cash prizes totaling $250 will be ?lven to winners of the city ahuf leboard singles and doubles tour nament that opens Monday night at BchtiSN' Tavern, 117 8. 7th Ht. Tavern Operator Charlie Schuss nnld the puck meet would lust two weeks. Participants must sign at the tav ern not later than Saturday night, Schuss f ii Id . Until nlngler and doubles will op erate on a single-elimination basis. Mount; has W I. I'M. .17 as 92 4(1 ftl 41 M 4'l 30 Sfl :i4 68 .1120 .n3 M ..1:0 .Wll .3711 liuie'B Kod l-aath Bnrvlca . . Suburban flower K. AfMilRrniirrit Klarnalh rirjwar Ntj.r v 1.nrh :i K-AiiilLemerit t Hiiburbnn 4 Hlnr 0 Klarnetb fluwer 3 Loule'a 1 Tlilrd-placc Suburban Flower mo nopolized liluh scoring honors In mis week a Moote Ma s Bowling League action. The Suburbans rolled high team game and scries with scores of Wti and 2623. Mary Kllen Hanklns' 185 game and 4(i7 scries paced the regulars but a Suburban sub, Sally Bennett, notched a M and 611 series. HIGH HOPES Paul Hich ards smiles faintly as he watches his team work out at Pasadena, Calif., no doubt highly pleased with what he sees. The Chicago While Sox manager pre dicts another good year for his men, says they may even cop tho pennant. Exhibition Baseball By The Associated Press Wednesday's nesulls Chicago IA1 8 Cleveland (A) 5 Baltimore HI) 5 Philadelphia (A) 3 si. tjoiiis ai rittsDurgn ibi i New York fN 8. Chicago (N) 6 Other games cancelled, rain. Mii L' j- :, y7 . r .1.. FOUR YEARS OLD f'lu0ti4 BOURBpN WATtlPltl AND HAIKU DISTIUUY CO, tAIDSTOWN, NilSON COUNTY, KtNtUCK) Wednesday Mght'a Fights By The Associated Press Chlcugo Chuck Davey, 145, De troit, stopped Ike Williams, 145, Trenton, N.J.. 5. Miami Beach. Fla, - Hank Thur- man. 205. Modesto, Calif., stopped itnipn bcnnciacr, nvt unicago, 6 PRIZE ROOKIE Manager Tommy Holmes (right) smiles approvingly as he watches his prize rookie, Ed Mathews, select some war clubs. The 20-year-old Mathews is a long ball hitter who is trying to win the third base job on the Boston team. Lovellette 'Valuable' SEATTLE I Clyde Lovellette of Kansas was named the most valuable player In the NCAA bas ketball championships Wednesday night by sportswrltcrs and broad casters who viewed the seml-flnala and finals here. He got 27 of the 29 first place voles, the other pair going to pep pery Ron MacOllvrav of St. John's. Picked at forward were Bob Za Iwoluk of St. John's and John Kerr iof Illinois. Lovellette was named jto center unanimously and Mac Ollvray got one of the guard posts. 'Jim Brcdar of Illinois and Dean Kclley of Kansas tied for the other guard position. Jack McMahon of St. John's and Bill Llenhard of Kansas were se lected as forwards on the second team. Jim Yountr nf RunlA Dura and Charles Hoag, who played as a sub lor Kansas, got the call at guard. Center went to Santa Cla ra's Kerb Bchoensteln. Webfoots Lose To Fresno FRESNO, Calif. Ml A bane stealing Fresno State team defeat ed the University of Oregon base ball squad here Wednesday night, 11-7. Oregon outhlt Fresnd State, 11-7, but the winners took advantage of numerous walks and In addition stole six bases, once stealing home. It was the second victory of the day for Fresno, which downed Stanford In the afternoon, 10-5. Daryle Nelson, star second base man for Oregon, cracked out a home run and two doubles. George Shaw, football star now playing outfield for Oregon, got a single and two doubles. Oregon 101 030 00S 11 Fresno 601 004 OOx U Mays, Byle (8), Ownea ft) and Bottler; Bishop and Clevengcr. Bennett (7). SEALS BOMB SACRAMENTO HEALDSBURG, Cllf. l Tlie rejuvenated San Francisco Seals pounded three Sacramento pitchers for 22 hits and a 14 to 9 win Wednesday night. It was the Seals' third consecu tive victory over the Solons after losing six Major League exhibitions. NO RECORD BREAKER DURHAM, N. C. (ifi Dr. Charles E. Jordan, Duke University Vice President and Faculty Chairman of Athletics, was a member of the track team at the institution In his undergraduate days. He claims, however, that he never won a race. Expert Gun Repairing and Rebluing THE GUN STORE Lets Go Fishing! trsrsvnt dtdtii mmtsi DERBY WINNERS THIS WEEK: K. L. McKENNIE, Rainbow, 7 lbs., 1 ox. 3 Special Award JOE MEADOR, 4 lb. Bais, Lost Rivtr ZJL.VlJLiJM Q flfl 9 0.8.HJUI 3 JUL? Spinning Tackle i Headquarters SPINNING REELS $7.95 to $28.50 SPINNING LINE $1.10 to $2.25 SPINNING BUBBLES 15c to 35c SPINNING RODS $12.95 to $18.50 Latest Lures end Newest Type Line for Spinning POOLE'S Bicycles and Sporting Goods 222 So. 7th Ph. 5520 i Jl X BREW 66 is different pleas- rtfr) aHy smoother, lighter, its dfl! Hit' I jfi nite speriority can be proved ml r f -i by you! The proof is in the UH I 0' ioyment of the brew Itself. Try ; l r . ittodoy! 1 innaTnn rm I Sicks' Brewing Comptny, Soltm, Orvgon