PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY. MARCH 27. 10o Lbvell(--e Cracks lileeirds' w"".'" i. iiiii'w i . 3 ; ' v W -V? - - ' w minimmg !'V FILMED FOR POSTERITY California's Gussie Moran who achieved fame on tennis courts with lace trimmed panties, displays outfit she'll wear in movie portraying herself. BROWNS EMPLOY HARRIST IN RELIEF By Ttie Associated Press Earl Harrist, a slim 31-year-old righthander, is making good in ayhat probably will be his last chanoe to stick In the Major leagues. Harrist, a knuckleball artist, has turned hi some pitching for the "new" 6t. Louis Browns. At the moment he is counted on for relief chores, a job he performed for Washington and the Chicago White Bo; in 1948. Harrist won 16 games for Oak land last year ana unpressea ttog ers Hornsby who was pilot at Se- Locals Host Registered Trapshoot Klamath Gun Club will play host In this city's first registered trap- shoot ot uie season Sunday on the club's Wocus ranee. Entrants from Southern Oregon and Northern California are expect ed here to vie with local trapshoot ers In the competition, blessed by the Pacific International Trapshoot crs Association. , The shoot opens 10:30 a.m. Last Sunday saw local shooters slump to a 72 in the Oregon Jour nal telegraphic score. J. M. Adams, E. E. Driscoll and Bill Davis each posted 24's. Davis and W. E. SSanford missed Just one target of SO In the club's weekly shoot. Sunday's Scores: 16 yd. Hdco. BUI Davis 49 42 W. I. Sanford , 49 J. M. Adams 4S 44 E. E. DriscoU 48 Bud Cloaks 4S 47 Vein Moor , , 45 Jim Hilton . M. Bubh 27 H . D. Branaman X22 x-staot 33 targets only. Chiefs Open. Spring Drills OMAK, Wash. HI The Wenat ehee Chiefs of the Western Inter national League opened their spring baseball training camp here Tuesday. Infielder Buddy Hjelmaa was one ef five players here with Manager Dick Adams in the advance squad. The Chiefs' wiU play exhibition games with Vancouver here and at Penticton, B.C., April & and 6. MARATHON PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (JB It took the Hollywood Stars 12 In nings to beat the Seattle Rainiers, 8-5, in an exhibition game Wednes day. The Stars last three runs were unearned, following an error by Nanny Fernandez. attle. The Browns, behind the stnnt pitching of Ned Garver and Har ris! turned back the Pittsburgh Pirates, 4-3, at San Bernardino, Calif., Wednesday. Garver blanked the Pirates ever the first five Innings. Harrist was touched for both Pittsburgh runs in the ninth. The Chicago White Sox exploded for five runs in the ninth inning to down the Cleveland Indians, 8 5, at Tucson, Ariz. Rookie George Wilson, once with the Boston Red Sox, broke up the game with a three-run homer off recruit Gerald Fahr. Home runs also figured prom inently In the New York Giants' 9-0 triumph over the Chicago Cubs at Phoenix, Ariz. The victory was the Giants' seventh straight Bobby Thomson. Al Dark and Whitey Loctanan homered for the National League cnampions to wipe out a 4-0 deficit. Ron Nor they poled a round tripper for Chi cago in the seventh against Sal Maglie to end Maglie's streak of IB scoreless innings. The Baltimore Orioles oi tne in ternational League turned back the Philadelphia Athletics, 5-3, at Hollywood, Fla. RchprinlpH cames between Cin cinnati and the Philadelphia Phils, Brooklyn and the Boston Braves, Washington ana Detroit, tne si. Louis Cardinals and the New oYrk Yankees and the Cincinnati "B" squad and Tulsa of the Texas League were cancelled because of rain. Sock Action Highlights Smoker Bill Boy's AUiance of Klamath Union Hieh School has slated an action- packed program for its fifth an nual smoker Friday, 8 p.m.. on Pelican Court, with needy KUHS boys the beneficiaries. Eight boxing bouts and four wrestling matches will be capped by a free-for-all, starring presum ably the school's eight toughest boys. BA Pres. Chick quinowskl said proceeds would ro toward purchas ing school equipment and paying for athletic insurance for boys without funds. Admission is 50 cents for adults, 25 cents for students. STILL SECOND NEW YORK IB Although she raced between 1865 and 1877, Gold smith Maid is still the harness racing sport's second biggest mon ey winning trotter. She earned $206,000 during that time. Only Proximity, credited with $252,000, tops her.. KANSAS NCAA CHAMPS By JtM 111 TCHKSON SEATTLE (l Kansas rules the world of colle-lnte basketball Thursday and big Clyde Lovellette wears tne crown. The Jayhnwks won the NCAA ti tle in convincing fashion Wednes day night by downing St. John's of Brooklyn 80-63 in the chnmulon- sliip finale of Uie 1962 playoffs. Lovellette, keeping up a terrific scoring pace with the champion ship chips down, led the way with 33 points. His record-breaking per formance broutiht him the desig nation as most valuable player of the tourney. The Kansas conquest came after Illinois won third ranking by downing Santa Clara 67-64 in the consolation game. Kansas had beaten Santa Clara and St. John's had upset Illinois in the semi-fi nals. Kansas, which was rated eighth by th nation's sports writers in the 1953 Associated Press poll, nev er gave the Redmen of St. John's a chance in Uie payoff game. Lov ellette put the Knnsans in front with an opening free throw and they stayed there aU the way. in. mi r.t The Jayhawks set ud an iron de fense that kept the Redmen in check so they never were able to keep a sustained offensive click ing until the final period. It was Uie only cne in which Uie losers held- a scoring edge. Meanwhile, Lovellette kept firing his deadly pushups and hook shots to run up a dozen field goals along with nine free throws. The 6-foot 9-lnch Lovellette ran his four-game NCAA playoff scor ins total to 141 Doints. He had brok en the old record of 83 points in Uie first three games, u naa oeen set bv Don Sunderlage oi Illinois last year. He also set a new free throw record of 35 for Uie four games. The old record of 27 also was held by Sunderlage. A.NUlHtK KIW)U Another record that fell before the deadeve Kansans was Uie high score for an NCAA championship final. The 80 points topped Uie 71 tallied bv Cltv College of New York in beating Bradley for the title in 1950. , Th tiriit Kansas defense kept the St. John's star center, Bob Zawoluk, fairly well in check through most of the game as Lov ellette hung over him like a lean ing tower under the basket. Zawol uk got nine points In sparking a fourth quarter St. John's drive, bringing his game total to 20. He fouled out three and a half minutes before the end. Dlinois downed Ban tiara in the consolation game on the strength of big John Kerr'i 26- point performance. uantlco Marines Cage Champions TJANTICO. Va. P The Quan- tieo Marines are the Leatherneck basketball champions of the na tion. Quantlco won that distinction Wednesday night by trouncing the San Diego Marines, 71-55, for the victors' 42nd successive home vic- tory over a two-year span. Music, Maestro, Please.. By HARRY GRAYSON NKA Sports Kdllur LOS ANOELES, iNKAl A lot of people interested In the Improve ment or Uie breed of prize fighters would like tosee Jersey Joe Wal cott fight someone other than zard Charles in the first defense of his heavyweight championship. n goes without saying, and then some, that Old Jersey Joe is among them. The Great FaUier of Camden Is sorely in need of a nimble pay day, and he Isn't going to get it with Ezznrd the Olsanrd. Walcott tnckllng Rocky Mnrclnno or Harry Matthews might relieve a bcaten-up public of another edi tion of the dreary aeries between the old puppy guv and Charles, something that could go on and on. Wnlcott is in position to do ring worms a tremendous favor by put- '",""' """" UIW"IW'II!""S I -rT y Mt hu, twmrt xto - fT. MAJOR BASKETBALL RULE CHANGES UP HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey 1 By The Associated Press ' New Westminster 3 Victoria 2 (New Westminster leads best-of-7 semi final playoff series, 1-0) By PAIL WELLS SEATTLE Wt Basketball's rules doctors will operate Thursday in late-game stalling and cheap fouls and in the opinion ol most coach es who watched a trial run Wednes day night it should be major sur gery. It seemed certain that the rules body the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada would come up with something along the line of Wed nesday night's experiment in tne Illinois Santa Clara consolation game at the NCAA championships, won by the mini. 67-64. Briefly, here were Uie changes tried: , 1. All foul shots had to be taken. Present rules permit a fouled team to take the ball out of bounds and retain possession. 2. A second shot was awarded when the first was missed on any foul, either defensive or offensive, up to Uie final three minutes. s. At the three-minute mark, ev ery foul was considered Intentional and worth two snow. Th ball remained in plav if ih last foul shot was missed. It went to the opposing team if Uie toss was made. OKAYS Howard Hobson. Yale coach and Harry A. Combes, coach of Uie Big TIME OUT! Ten champs from Illinois, approved me cnanges. The major dissenter was Santa Clara's coach. Bobbie Feerick. who thought the Idea would increase, rather than curtail, stalling. He said a team ahead, knowing It would get two shots In the closing minutes, would invite (ouls bv hanging onto the ball. That's what his team tried to do, and failed, with the score at 58-58 at the three minute mark. FAVOR The National Association of Bos ketball Coaches went resoundingly on record. 45-5. Wednesday in fo- vor of banning the waiver of foul shots. Thev sent this recommen dation along to Uie NaUonal Rules Committee, along with several otn ers In the same vein as those tried Wednesday night. Three rule revisions were voted Wednesday. Use oi non-leather balls was ap proved if both teams agree. Boun dary lines of any thickness will be allowed and foul lanes and cen ter Jump circles maV be of solid colors. And ceilings in new gym nasiums must be a minimum of 22 feet in height. ting an end to the practice of the overlapping contract, Inaugurated by Mike Jacobs and continued by the International Boxing Club. Ho already has the Pennsylvania com- mission oil Ills aide. bei-miaa Charles' contract for a return has never ocen llled olflclully with Uial body or the Nationul Boxing Asso ciation. AlthoilSh tn lilllrh Imvllio business has been done without the knowledge and sanction ol the au thorities who are supposed to be in cuarge. Having won the title. Wnloott is richly entitled to delend It against the bloke olfvrlng the best business opportunity, and that gent certainly is nut Cluules, who has been al most totally unsatisfactory all Uie way along the route. This "assure-me-another chance" routine virtually makes the Cham- fiion a challenger, which most cer atnly Is the way Uie One Big Happy Monopoly and the New York commission has been treating Walcott, There are added complications for W.ilcolt when Al Weill, the IHC imiti'Itmnkor, is as everyone knows, the manager ol Mnrclauo. Sura it would be quite all right wllh President Jim Norrls o( the 1BO II Charles stepped aside for a matoli betwoen Wulcotl and Mnr clnno, the house fighter. But there in no mention of a meeting of Charles and Mnrclnno lor the right to a crack at the crown, which is the way It was In the . days when promoters ana matchmakers were Interested snlcy lu bucks olflce atraollons and not In the interest ol putting their own man on top. The IBO maneuvering, and espe cially the sldetruckliig ol Mutlhcws, lorccs rlngwlse observers to sua-' neot that the 1BC only seeks a firmer grip on the situation Uian it nas now. The vouiiier and somewhat caul- er Charles, vou sea. figures to be considerably tougher lor Uie atlll rather crude Marclano man tne antiquated Walcott. The Iront olllce would take him lor Marclano only as a last resort. Felix Bocchlcchlo. the rugged In dividual who has Walcott. would be a rank sucker not to make the best deul In connection with wlml conllv could, bo Ihe undent gciizci's final lliim. If Bocchlcchlo can't have Mnrcl nno, Ills only nll4ii unlive Is Mat thews, and Wnlcult and Ills pleun Inn Srallle Kid would do mm ll better llnnnclitlly nut went than heap of cu.ilerners suspect. And If Promoter Jim Norrls lias an Idea that fight contracts hold up, he mlghl consult 111 Ik. -Urn. John Recti Kllpalrlck at Miullinn Hqunro (.linden or Max Bclmii-llng In Umlln. 'i'hoy have onlv to go buck to 10:iU to reenll how Jnmes J. llradtlock ran out tin Ihe Gar den to be knocked out by Jo Louis, and definitely cxlnbllshed Mike Jacobs as top kick in tin benk-bustlng business. Felix Bocchlcchlo and Jack Hur ley, the respective managers of Jersey Joe Wulcotl and Hurry Mat thews, are In an excellent position to break Up a trust, and It would be a fine thing for boxing II they did. Besides, It Is high time that someone other than the lodge mem bers gut a break. NCAA Tank Meet Opens PRINCETON, N.J. LP The 29th annual NCAA Swimming Championships open at Princeton's Dillon gymnasium Thursday night with the 1. 500-meter freestyle event and it appears that the big college meet again will start off with a new record in the marathon. John Marshall, Australia's gift to Yale, got last year's NCAA get together off to a fast start with a record-breaking 18:18.8, but that mark already has been broken. The fellow who did It, Ohio State's Ford Konno, will toe the line with Marshall Thursday night, hoping to equal or better his own mark of 8:11.5 In the recent Big Ten championships. , "Look, Ed, I know we're unde feated all season, but let's not get smug about It!" People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! GXtXD0 (CDP08 60.SICOND TASTI TUT TILLS... How to choose your whiskey: 1Jg f . Hav Y4 ex. of Calvert put in one glass and tht tame amount of any other whiskey in an other withou t know ing which which. Sniff en brand for mromm. Taste it criti cally for imoothnea. Swallow carefully to judge its freedom from harshness. VILLOX VENEER MFG. CO. An Oregon CO-OPERATIVE ASSOC. invites Plywood Plant and Box Shook workers to come to the VVillOx Veneer plant in Brookings, Oregon, Saturday and Sunday March 29 and 30 A nice, pleasant week-end trip to the : coast where you are likely to meet a lot of your friends? PLANt LOCATED 2 MILES NORTH OF BROOKINGS ON MAIN HIWAY-US 101 WILLOX VENEER MFG. CO. POBox44 ' Brookinqi, Or.. Room 17 Board of Trade Bldq., Portland, 4, Oregon Phone AT 9388 TRADE TODAY. .GET ALL THESE EXTRA VALUE FEATURES AT THIS LOW PRICE MORI NON-SKID SAM TY . . . Wider, Flatter Treid with Thouundl of Sharp-Edged Angles Gives Grcitcr Protection AgiinM Skidding. GRIATM IIOWOUT PROTICTIOW ... New Exclusive Super Gum Dipping Eliminitei Interns! Hear. IOWIR COST MR MILI . . . Pluf. Milesge Tresd Rubber Wean end Wean. .Toils Ihe ether whiskey in the same analytical way then pick the one that really tastes better to you. $405 14-5 WHISKIES DIFFER GREATLY IN TASTE, SO... B. your own whlsk.y expert! Make this simple taste test between Calvert Reserve and any other whiskey. It will pay you to learn which brand gives you the greatest enjoyment., .which is smoother, mellower, free from harshness; We believe you'll choose Calvert, because its taste is determined by a "Consumer Jury" of thousands of folks like you.' But if y6u still pre fer another brand, stick with. it. Fair nouh? PI ' '.' jm inr Calvwtl Calvert Challenges Comparison with my whiskey on the market ! AlVERT RESERVE ILENDED WHISKEY t tt.t PROOF t5 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. CAIVERT WSTIUERS CORP, R Y. t s A - -WT U ' I 6.00-16 nnQ 1 6'70"15 !axge JfYifflu 0THER S,ZE EQUALLY L0W uuit? vur ipUT y) s, Dli lid Olil Wt illls' I nil mm mwmmm Siimm3mtmmmtmmHmm mi. i i m mm i 6th ond Pine Phone 3234