PAGE TWELVE HERALD AKD NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 11)152 HALF-SIZE STYLE fw , X JL' 9163 WRAP-ON! It's your versatile Apron-Sundress and in your own half size. No alternation or fitting worries for the woman with a shorter, fuller figure. Made in a Jiffy. Easy sewing and, opening out tiat, it's easy to iron. A "must" tor summer. Pattern 8163: Half sizes Wi, IBM, 18, 20&, 22i. 24 S. Size J6!i takes 3. yards 35-inch This easy-to-use pattern gives perfect fit. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step. Send thirty cents in coins for this pattern to Marian Martin, care of Herald & News, Pattern Dept., P. O. Box 6740, Chicago 80, 111. Print plainly your name ad dress, zone, size and style number. MONEYLENDER'S DREAM ! SINGAPORE MV-The Singapore I Bovemment is probing money-lending in the colony following com plaints that borrowers are being fleeced for as much as 200 per cent interest. It plans amendments to the mon eylenders ordinance, which allows an interest of "only" 48 per cent. Laborite Gets Boot For Sassing Top Brass Orator LONDON tm "Battling Bos. sle" Brnddock, a Laborite from Liverpool, was suspended from the House of Commons Thursday ior sassing the speaker. The unusual disciplinary action was taken in mid-morning, after the House had been in continuous session for l'i hours debating the plight of the British textile indus try, Tulips Defy President's Speed Order WASHINGTON tfl The White House admitted Thursday it has lost "The Battle of the Tulips." There Just won't be any tulips In bloom when Queen Juliana of The Netherlands arrives April . for a three-dny visit with the Pro laent and Mrs. Truman. The President succeeded In hur rying up carpenters, painters and movers in KetUnsr the newlv re done White House ready but the tnousanas or tulips, planted In the grounds especially for the occa sion, are taking their own bloomln' time. In fact, these tulips are causing a lot of worrv to the White Hans'-. The Netherlands embassy and in high official greenhouse circles. The tulips are Dutch immiarants. They are a new variety in a spe cial shade cf orange Juliana is a member of the House of Orance and they have never been export ed from The Netherlands before. It was hoped they would be blooming during Juliana's visit. But the bulbs had landing trou- Die. rney reached New York last fall during a longshoreman's strike and couldn't be unloaded. Thev will be in bloom by the time of the royal visit. But White House gardeners were further delayed by we remoaenng going on mere. They planted about 5.000 around the fountain on the Pennsylvania Avenue side and an equal mnri- oer in tne souin garden. Tney will be flowering around Easter. 20 SECONDS Fifteen hundred handicapped Ore- gonians benefitted last vear from our purchases of Easter Seals. The 1853 Easter Seal Sale is "on" rleht now, sponsored again by the Ore gon Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc. Let's make the most of it by using Easter Seals . .now. The window corner of vour din ing area may also be well-lighted spot for a sewing machine. Between meals, the dininsr table can be used for cutting patterns. The 50-year-old Mrs. Braddock. who threatened last year to punch a Tory MP in the nose, complained that she had been trying to get the speaker's nod for a speech ever since Wednesday afternoon, She was being "deliberately cut out" of the debate, she asserted. Deputy Speaker Sir Charles Mao Andrew, in the chair at the time, disclaimed any such intention nncl said Mrs. Braddock would gat her chance. Mrs. Braddock, a professional model of outsize women's clothing in her spare time, was strictly unmolllflcd. "I have sat here without moving at all since 1:15 a.m.," she thun dered, "and I could not be missed." The Idea of hefty Mrs. Braddock being overlooked in so small a chamber evoked peals of lautthter from all sides of the House. When she continued to grumble, the House adopted a Conservative motion to suspend her, voting 135 to 67. Ordered out by the speaker, she shouted as she left: "I do this under protest." Mrs. Braddock 's suspension Is nt the discretion of the speaker. She can t come DacK until she has made her peace with him. Mrs. Gordon MacRae Puts On Blue Bonnet -Welcomes F.N.E.! Mr. CnrHnn HfnuPoo . fan of F.N.E.! She puts on Blub ooskct margarine to get f lavor, Nutrition, Economy! Like the wife of the singer and movie star, you'll iuvb toe aencaie, sunny-sweet taste Blub Bonnet adds to any food! You'll appreciate its nourishment, too. No other spread for bread is ricner in year-round Vitamin A! And you'll welcome its economy. Two pounds of Blub Bonnet cost km man one pound of high-priced spread! So remember the letters , . . F. . . . N. . . . E.! All-Vegetable Blub cuHNt,T margarine gives all three Flavor! Nutrition! Econom-e-e! ""nrnrmmmei . . ' Y K -.,13 m : THE SAME. PRICE AS ORDINARyI i TUNA. ..but What a differAnra. in fl lx I ''"" . . . I iiuvur una lenaemessi i nese select 'j "Connoisseur cuts are packed to the 1 hilt. too. with rionltk r.A ....:,Lll t ' VAm m0n.i xauu. D- j-e., I . MMws le"'" Dh was lu, orona ooiia racK . developed by Betty Crocker's rancy; . . . packed exclusively from J5S$ 5,a " General Mills -4 select tuna filets!, The brand that made tuna famous! "6e(ty Cocker" end "Gold Medoi" arm reg. Irodemorki el General Mill, tne. Weston OH li a ttg, trademark cf itie Wenon Oil end Snowdrift Co., Inc. While. Star Brand Tuna b a Van Comp Sea Food pocked by Von Comp Sea food Company, Inc. Moln Office, , erminol island, Couiomfa. I2 BLUE LABEL... Also Bile Size Green label ond While Star firond Dlelelic Tvno. COtD MEDAl flow. -3 fp. doublMetion bok. I I Oil, cup m k. Tfi. -ii . Is , ri wii oi onct into the Jhw. S-r .M k ti miur. tlea, I bow. ond p Mo e " I In.odiia douah l,o..i in ,.. . . .1 .nc, ,lou, s toZZZZZ h wo.d pap.r (12 in. ' i ' r Ml off lop pooer. Cut wnni. i... a I iquorai. " I""" '"""V "0" ' 0 cup) WHITE STAR Brand TUNA, ni, ,og.rh H" , " ' e' """"'on. Spread J Ibip I una f,H,g c(l J I quore ai lor jelly roll. naee rou-uni. i-oi-j j . m lo LIT T 1"' """";ns oa boll (overly ,,,, ... i r "'? thopped ! I Por.l.y. Garni.h with par.l.y '1" I I, 5ervei6io9. i n Ih. South), oml. baking powder ad )!, r m 7 ill " IC) 191? Br- Lend Helping Today Here Is a quli qurstloii tor OrFRonlnns: When did you lust see a crippled bCRRnr with s tin cun, on Uie streets of your city? (pause) Yes, It has been a long time, hasn't ltf so lonir Hint you see, Indies and Rciitlenicii, a change has taken plnce In the Inst 30 yenrs since societies for crippled chll rcn began their great service pro Rinms. Your Oregon Society, like the others in every state and ter ritory, works In the belief that crippled children can bo helped while they're growing, so they'll be enabled to overcome their handi caps or be less severely crip pled as adults. Services begin with clinics and trentment-and-trainlng center. They continue with special education and summer camps and carry through to Job-plncement and special workshops all tills being supported by your girts to Easter Senls. Lend a hand todny Rive to Easter Seals. Camp Fire, Merrill Camnflre and Bluebird groups climaxed their eelebrntlnn of the 4'Jnd birthday of the Camp. u uiria, wiin a moiner-flauHiiier dinner In the recreation hall March 18. HlRhllRlit of the evening was the singing of "Make New Friends", as the girls marched around the decorated birthday cake, thus enr rying out the theme of tho party "Design for Friendship." A comical skit "Poisoning tho Tea", was presented bv Mrs. Claude Shuck's and Mrs. .Glen Chases' groups. Doris Bredreti and Alice Ann Whither, members of Mrs. Northup's group, presented horn selections. Chief purpose of the parly was to show the mothers what had been dono to celebrate Canipflre Birth day Week. Each cnmpflre and Bluebird group had displays of hnndwork In store windows during the week. The mothers hnd a part In the evening's program aa they danced two round dnnces "Hokey Pokey" nnd "Oklahoma Mixer". In chnrge of the party were mem. bers of tho Morrill Leader's As sot'lation. niwlsted by Mrs. Law rence Oeraghty, Mis. Roy T, Beas. ley, and Mary Lou Quails and Martha Beaslcy members of tho Horlmou Club, Places were set at the tnble for 100, japam:si: cmons i.kad KARACHI, Pakistan Itfi Jnpan has edged out the United KliiRdom aa Pakistan's chief supplier of Im ported goods bought privately, An ofllcliil review of non-government seaborne trade for 1051 shows thnt Jnpnn sold to Pakistan pro ducts worth over 107 million dol lars while the United Kingdom sup plied only 08 million dollars worth. PROMENADERS OPEN SQUARE DANCE SAT. NITE MARCH 29TH So. 6th COMMUNITY HALL (Peterson Holl-Nenl to little Sweden) TiiitKii-i.i tifii i) ovon: M1NNKDOHA, Mall. Ml A coyote minus one leg Is rimming around 10 miles north of this town. Spotted reociilly by llninild flrwy,. the covotn la bnllnvcd thn snme out that psunned front a Iran by chew lug off lis Imprlmmcd fool. It's pecked with nouilihment ond flavored for hard-to-pleaia pell. 21 quality Ingredlonli In. etude meat meal, milk, brewen yeait. Guaranteed your pet will lye It. EGGS EXDCECD Grade A Large Fresh Ranch FOR THE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE 55c SARDINES s - 33c Orange Juice -a 25c Tomato Juice z 25c CATSUP 19c Puffed Wheat 13c For these Sunshiny Days NESTLE MORSELS 23c Del Monte Peas - 19c ACCENT " 49c l Comfort Tissue 4 49c Starlack -m 39c I LIPTON'S Black Tea Balls - 58c Large Med. Six VPT Pen. Six , Bath Size A Q . y 2 for , Reg. Size tiJS 10 V FRESH PEAS - 2 35c NEW POTATOES. oc ASPARAGUS us n 1 s dfl ,b 23c BROCCOLI G,cen heod, ,b 1 7c TOMATOES 25c GRAPEFRUIT4 '"--"59c NEWTOWN APPLES 11f Best for pics lb. I I V GRADE "GOOD" OR CHOICE Vm BUDE POT ROAST DEL MONTE ROASTS Wll 59c 39c 59c SKINLESS FRANKS SLICED BACON PURE GROUND BEEF ailaaetJ I I ntWl 1 A tSS m l Pure -Safer rze tg MAGAZINES n 1 V 1 9 f "fry a P IV I -fl complofo Line of lldr 1 Moqaiinos in all 3 Stores. C targe I AMAZO ' SllTir! Miraelo j K HJJiU puddin9 1 4C (Lean) lb. lb. Kippered Salmon CHUHKIES Fresh! SALMON STEAKS HALIBUT STEAKS b 75cl Fricassee I UCMC OOc i 9 to 11 lb. Average Canned Hams ,b. 83c Morroll Pride 2 Ibt. 29' P 0 R K and B I E A N S Von Camp's Reg. Size Shredded Wheat N.B.C. Rc9- 1 7 Pkg. CIGARETTES All Popular "J PQ Brands etn. eD Prices effective Friday ond Saturday Klamath Falls, Morrill and Stcwart-Lonox Hams Ready to Eat EZ Cut Hams . 55c ,b. 73c GRIGGS l yf3 fwfir en d 2'i Tin 25' FOODS 1U