THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1052 HERALD AND WEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Reclamation Boss Straus Pleads For Construction Of Huge Hells Canyon Dam PAGE ELEVKN BtG lOLUMe.lOW.PROFmPOUCY.eRWGS YOUR nr JOHN KAMI'S WASHINGTON M'l Jleclama (Ion Bureau Director Michael W. Htrnun rledarrtrt Thursday Unit con ctriirtlon of llrlls Canyon Dam In Jrlslio would miiko a "tiniioiilou vontrlbutlon" to tho untlon'a econ omy mid defense. He appeared urtnre the llnuno Interior subcommittee on Urination mid reilamallon on thn second diiv nf hearlnic on a controversial bill to nut Inn lo Die bin project, on the Hnnko Klver. Htrau ld Hie prnpowd Jtwla mallon Bureau project him "ureal dramatic, up pen I bun one It "would milk as oim nf Dm out standing dams ol Hie entire world, lie added: . "Hut lis Juitltlrallon lies I" tremendous rniiirlbutlon Ihul Hon" Canvon tun nud nhouhl make to t" erniiomv mil delenw ol I lie Paclllc. Northwest mid ol the nation. "It lies In the billions end billions of kilowatt honm ot hydro-electric enemy Hint will flow from Its tcn crators end river ronlrol opera tions, in control of :levslatlnK Hoods. In II wide mpport of Irri gation development, end In bene Ills to nevlKHtlan. recreation. IinU mid wlldllle. propagation and con- Rodeo Plan Call For Big Show Klamath Basin noundup direct ors lasl night added two additional attraction!) to Una year's lloundup Hodeo bill by signing two clown bullflihtera. , , , , , , . Sherman Crane, with hi trie mule and monkey, haa been fea tured In many of the nation's big rodeos III dwarf mule. "Hula", and monkey "Jatzbo," abo per loim In the arena. Backing up Crane will be Teddy Billing", who appeared here last year. Billings, a newcomer to ro deo circles, confined hlmwlf to clowning last year. Thin year, lie Is adding bulllighting to Inn act. Other siwclal psrlormers already contracted are two girl trlrk rid era. Jackie CarMeiUi and Marge Thorn. Tho latter girl appeared herB last year. Kive Roundup dances were scheduled last nlnht. The Queen's Ball la set for Wune 21. A street dance which la to adjourn to the Armory ts elated for June 2R. Oth er dances are acheduled July 3, and o. The Junior Chamber of Com merce Is to handle the Roundup proamn. noundup Assoc. Pres. Bob Roliblns said drintls had al ready been agreed on. A delKtlou of former Jackpot Itodeo lenders attended Inst night's inerilng and s'lld their uroup was ready lo participate, attain this year J hi (ho Ilouiidup Rodeo. The visitors made several sug gestions for policy changes In next year'a rodeo. Roundup directors appeared In accord with the Jack , pottera' Ideas and said they would , explore the mntler further after ; this year's Roundup. - i ; Wilson River Flood Control Plan OK WASHINGTON W The Wilson River near Tillamook, Ore will get 140,000 In emergency Hood con trol work soon. Army Engineers told Ren. Nor bled R-Orei they had allocated 30.000 for the work. Including sloping- and diking about 1,000 feet of river bank. The Oregon Highway Commis sion will add 110.000 lor the work. Bank erosion In that area Is be lieved to endanger U. 8. Highway 101. a bridge and an area which floods at high water stages. To whiten yellowed knitted wear, make a solution of hydrogen per oxide and a small amount of house hold ammonia or sodium perborate. se.rvatlon. mid other multiple-pur. pose uses all of which can be pro vided by Hells Canyon lamer, cheaper and In doner harmony with other basln-wldo development than through any other means." Recliiiniitlnn Bureau engineers estimate Hells Canyon dmn would cost about 31)7 million dollars. Authorisation Is asked also for I'll: 44 million dollar Hcrlvor Creek proj ect, through which water would be liveried from the northern to the middle fork of the Payette river and used for generation of power. Hells Canyon would be tho world's highest dnm. .The concrete arch type dam would rbe 740 feci In a iuii von on the Idaho-Oregon border. "Mv lis very size." Htraus snld. "Hells Canvon Invlies controversy as tt would be utlei Iv Impractic able for a project of Iks magnitude and Impact to have the lull support of all a fleeted Interests. "There sre those who think, or ssy that they see In Hells Canyon the bogeyman ol federal domina tion of the Columbia Basin, the suppression of Mute's right, the destruction of private enlerprlnc. the extravagant waste of Iclernl funds, Ihr march nf soclall.ihi nnti oilier dire consequences." Hirsua said Hoover and Grand Coulee dams once were attacked by some members of Congress who used argument slimier to tho;.e advanced against Hells Canyon, but both projects huve had "oulMnuU Injr success." '"Ilie similarity of Hells Canyon lo Hoover and Coulee Is so strik ing that It can not be Ignored," Straus said. At the site chosen, he said, "a narrow plug of concrete and steel can completely control and provide for utlllr.atlon of the entire up stream drainage of the Snake rlvei In such manner eg to servo man kind best. "Only one structure will develop the po'entieli of this site. Only one dam will fit the topography, fulfill the needs and meet the de mands of an Intelligent plan. . . Anything less will ninin lorleltiiio forever the widespread benefits of sound resources development that are there for the Inking.- "The nation cannot allord small developments that usurp the real and needed potential of a natural bile." By "small developments." Straus apparently meant power dams which the Idaho Power comnsnv a leading opponent of the Hells Canyon proposal, plans lo build In the Snake river. Hells Canyon would flood four or five of the company's propoccd dam-sites. Idaho Power Company officials, members of Idaho's delegation In Congress, and spokesmen for lrr. gallon Interests along the Snake river are expected to oppose Hell? Canyon dam at the hearing, which will run six or seven days. The dam would form a 03-nnlo long reservoir with capacity of 4.4O0.0O0 acre-feet. Its power plant .would turn out 000,000 kllowlts of clcculc energy snd add 1.4.10.M0 kllnwnlls' to the Columbia river aystem by ooersl Ing In conjunction with downstrenm projects. a 1 - - Titir 0 frO O VI f 0' Wifh Coupon j I i&ispek 2f Wessra olJS Li) 1 HsS 1 qe aa dm 41 IF LOU j ti,,ent ,o,b bo,c i ' SSAUMMHW SNACK- -39vUi7 Keeps food containers wholesome SOUIll m ttKINOTH Of glCUlAI IAI I0 J W U What Wonderful Eating for Lent! . Hero's real, old-fashioned, freih Cottage Cheese flavor f Lots of pure, fresh cream added to make it tho fluffiest, crtamicst Cottage Cheeso you ever tasted 1 Make your Lenten menu-making easy with thoBe four wonderful varieties of Borden's Cottage Cheese: Cream Style, Country Stylo, Cottage Cheeso with Chives, Cottage Choose Fruit Salnd. CREAMED f V JORDEN'S, ITS GOT TO Bf GOOD a O O u. Z o o 111 IO UJ LU aa r- ui Q O O u. Z o o ui O Ui O o ui at O ui Sils Mb. jor 46-oi. 46-oz. 46-or. No. 2'A 303 No. 2 tint No. 2 tins No. 303 tint to. 2 tint No. 303 tins 12-ox. No. 2Vi tint No. 1 Tint No. Vj tint 5-ox. 5-oi. Check These Prices! See How Far Your Dollar Goes at Oregon Food! Kerr Pure Preserves Tomato Juice Ma kef Tangerine Juice SunPcp Blended Juice De,Rosue Tomatoes Mo kcf Q PH n0'e Ke'n' 3 Sittelrt Hominy Co,denMokef Green Beans st'in',M'Wen Wax Beans Pi ,, i,,e Green Lima Beans SummerKin9N Grapefruit i,hSe""en" Pineapple Tidbits Apricots Huntl Prune Plums 0re90n Tuna Fish TunaFco,t Shrimp DonnyBoy,Broken Oysters ?om NESTLE'S JUMBO MILK CHOCOLATE BARS, Reg. 59c Grocery Pricet Effective Thursday thru Sundoy. Meat and Produce Specials for Friday and Saturday 5 4 4 6 7 9 8 7 7 7 7 4 10 6 3 , ,1.00 w 1.00 1.00 , 1.00 n. 100 ,., 1.00 i.oo 1.00 1.00 .., 1.00 , 1.00 , 1.00 1.00 1.00 , 1.00 , i.oo ...1.00 49c 7 Cut Right! ' Trimmed Right! -Guaranteed Fresh! FRESH. SAAELT'.;19 CHICECENS p""","d teBde, 5 5 SLICED BACON isri 55 PORK SAUSAGE m PORK BOLL 39 PORK STEAK - - 49 Large assortment of LUNCH MEATS . . . FRESH FRYERS Ic lb. C lb. c lb. Country style, seasoned just right or C lb. C lb. Full of juice GRAPEFRUIT". 12s Ripe, thick meat AVOCADOS 19 freth! GRN. 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