I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1052 nERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Senator Bridges Called To Explain Part In Huge Wartime Liquor Tax Deal By It. I.. UVINC1HTON WAfllllNCriON W Br n. Tlrlrtai" a rf New Hampshire, Itrpulilli-an Prnms Irnder, will unprur lirlorr lloima tX sirandal luvrllfiitora Thurndny to rxplnlii till lulrreal In tlir i" veil million ilnl'nr tax caae of Baltimore liquor denier. Rep. Klnir (D.-Cnllf.), chairman of lloune wbvi unci Mrani eiib rominlllre InvtOgntltiK llin Inter nal Rrvrnur nurrati, minonnrJ thnt Ilrld'irit hud rnl word llit lit wrntrd lo Ms heard. Klnir aald Brldnfn "expriifd drr.lrf to Uc licurd a noon at possible." The lux rn.se In Hint ol llyinan Harvey Klein. Klein, HnlthiKirr liquor Import er, win llin initial Hume III rilaputc In which Krn. Ilrldiicn mid Henry i J he Dutchman) Clriinewiild MyHerloug imin iirnund Wnnhlnir Icn, were rrvealrtf lo have tuken in active IntcrcM. Core of the dbpnte, ntlll unnel. tied, In Klrln'n (Ive-inllllon-plua iirolll uit a $1.01)0 Invealment In Imported Citnndlnn whisky during 1944-4U. Klfln declared the profit "capl tnl gain" IIiuIIIiik tnxra to 5S per rent compared with up to 05 per irnt levied rrulnrly on Income rv.ten lie Mild llin Interest In aerie of trix-excmpt furclcn tor pomllnns. Klein testified lie paid II. 200.000 In tax, only lo luce the Jeopardy tax aaseamients lutnllUK mure than teven millions, Kim told newnnen Brldr would lie a-.krd Inlormallv to tell the committee why he Interceded with tax olllclala on Klrln'n be half over a two-year period extend ing to Julv. 1031 Confident!! Internal nevrmie re- rnrdn, produced by the commmrr. houed that nrlduei on at least five occasions telephoned or con lerred will) olllclal about the cafe. The committee alfo found: 1, H'lniconc not Identified of fered lo nettle Klrln'n cbmi on pay ment of an additional one million dollar In taxea. 'Ililn wnn on top of 11,200,000 already paid. Kleln'a Inwyeri were unaware of the olfer. 2. Orunewnld wnn an active In- tercen!onll for Klein lenn tlinil 20 dnyn alter the Kovernment laid the Jeopardy lax assessment against lllm. '"Hie Dutchman," according to Bureau recordii, wan personally eelnn former Internal Revenue Commlanloner drome Bchoeneman and Charlrn Ollphinit, resinned (ten frnl counsel, about I hr Klein cane before Manfti 2.1, 1948. 'Hie Jeo pardy assessinenl wan levied 20 daya earlier. Child Deal Leads To Jail HOUSTON, Tex. Wl A Houston liulolirr who mild lie wanted pood home for hln dauuhter waa jailed ot rananena, lex,, Tiieniia and "'In rued with try Urn to aell the lot into adoption, c... rtlUnll...w itn ...... by two probation oltlcern who posed an wanting to anopi z-year-old Hharon nibnlknr. 'Iliey aald the fiilhrr wnn wlllina lo lake tlioo and a new automobile for the child. "t w.mled to net out of Houston and wanted mv (tin lo have a home," Rlbnlkar told a reporter "I owo board and room and want ed to rmy her doctor bills." Itlbnlkar and the child's mother, Mm. Aline Rlbnlkar, were oi vi,r,e,l In 1US1 III Plttsbumh. Pa. the father nnld. He added that he itnrt his second wife were sep' rated. Yale, which forcaoea aprlni loot- bull nrnctlce thin year, ban re- placed uoiK'ite ana niurn on hclieouie wnn uonncciicui nuu fnyette. It had to be good Have you to get where it is! tried it? Tax Burden Cuts Business WARIIINQTON Ml- Federal laxea hit the American buyer ao hard lasl werk. me u. . unimnrr of Commerce reported Wedneeday. that "retailers In almost every line of buMnrsi are reporting aharply dropping sales." Never has there been auch a drain on the American economy, the chamber added. Dr. George Cllne Smith, director n the chamber's government eco nomy program, aald that during five diva March 11-21-the treas ury took In nearly 5,300.000,OQO doilsrs. That waa "more than alt the taxes collected durlni Die enure year of 1940," he added. Smith aald service trades, amusement and hotels were com plaining of a sharp drop In busi ness and "theae Immediate effeclr, can be expected to rellert them selves In manufacturing and oilier . Indnalrles aa well.",, .,, . I "The alluatlon wilt probably im-' prove somewhat before long." Ills statement aald, "But neneral dampening effect of continued high taxes can be expected to last until aharp reductions are made In fed eral spending and taxes." I jjjao 4J Suiinv Brook BRAND KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS'THE OLD SUNNY BROOK CO., LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, f GETS WE DEP-DOWNDIRT vt ( WITHOUT RUBBING Ok SCRUBBING JtfJ"K. iClfo v - Win . - m.i Saa Buy It for only " "down FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Washer Thert'i nothing tlie like Frigidoire's ex cluilve Llva. Water Action to gt elolhei really cltanl Rolling eurrsnti of hot, ludiy waist f o Ihreufll the clothes, taking out all tha 'deep-down' dirt. Then, 2 live Water Rintei-eoch time in cltan, frtih water-rlmo them brighter than newl Bring your own clothes in for a Demonstration! 1 'ttMW.o, r I 9' values from 14.95 to 29.95 00 11 00 Stride into Spring in the great- est of style - wearing one of our precious go-everywhere suits - impeccably tailored -gently styled - marvelously fabricated, and, of course, a gala array of new Spring $ colors. FOR SPRING ACCENT . 1 Vour most important accessory to aive your costume dash and color! Come and find the very baq you want in our biq selection of fabric, straws and leather in every style that's smart and new! BUDGET WISE 2.95 and up plus tax YOUR FIGURE AT ITS BEST by FLEXEES AM 4 Ik IS00 JL . - ... SUIT SWEETENING . . . is the shape of thi SDrinq silhouette end ot these new foundations to aroom your fiqure to smart shapeliness BUDGET PRICED 5oo others 7.95 up So fresh and dqinty lookinq . . . and so easy to keep that way ... for comfort under suits: so pretty and flatterinq. Priced to Your Budget! cu THE TOWN SHOP 811 AS SEEM IN CHARM AND MADEMOISELLE! YERN OWENS' Cascade Home Furnishings Co. TOWN SHOP 124 No. 4th Ph. 8365 500 Main