Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 26, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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Suicide Rate
In China Up
MONO KONQ tI'i The inde
pendent Chlncae newmpaper Wat!
Kill Y.il Po Wednesday aatd in
u dlttrh riatrlincd Canton that
nl Ir-aa. 200 buhinenmnen and shop-
8KA-ITI.K W - The lumber In-1 Ihe heal release rule In about t5 "1 ' ' "7'""v
time Hi great a that usually at-r ' '..v.. .,rl,A
tallied In most boiler liiMallutloiia ""n,ne,rt '"'""'"Wttoit cum.
Lumber Industry Nearing
Goal Of Producing Power
From Waste To Run Mills
dur.try'a hiijiu of general lug enough
power Irom wnalo Hood to run lis
tawml)la Is clone to reall'Mllou,
two Oregon torc.il products men
un Kl YVrdncadiiy.
A new aiittiixl-fcd gaa turbine
engine, Willi combustion e Helen
c'rn ranging from VI to W per
cent, win described by Oeorge H.
Aihertun mid H,taulcy K. C'order
n( Cutvailla, Ore., ul cloning aea
Mona o( the American Soc
iety ol Mechanical iinginecia'
t-piing hennloii.
The hnut rricaae, banrd on limte
area, the two reported, In about
three tlinen aa high an that at
tulnrd In inotit aawnilll Inatalla
llinu producing aleam from hogged
itirl. llnard on furnace volume.
Has Favor
Of State
tlaltttf llmfwt flM-t IKH.
The two men are mechanical VI""
n with ll i-un liW-itl"- "1' P"t'r BBKI, ja.uuu persona
The expetlmetitat Installation, who killed themselvcn, the
they Mild, ponnbiti of an aircraft d,,micll continued, left such notes
lurlwMtpeicharger el up as mii.kk.
opeii-cycic iina turumc. nre ui-
Wage Scrap Cools Down
As Steel, Union Officers
Return To Negotiations
Whisky Deals
Money Makers
controlled by varying the under- "jn'T IKhniti' hiS
"I cannot longer live tn an at-
uctlea by the laboratory, the
HKATTI.E W- Walter Wllllama,
tscrltuig to test hla atrrnalh among
M.Hr Itt'publlcan lcndera because
ol hla alignment with the Elsen
hower cause, haa the atrona- aun-
port ol nearly two-thlrda of the
nate'a county OOP chairmen,
Wllllama In Washington atate
chairman for the OOP and la also
national head of the Elsenhower
The county chairmen, however,
do not have the power to elect or
remove a atate chairman the of
fice la decided atrlclly by a vote
of the 78-mrinbrr urate Central
Committee. Th committee's exec
tillve board Will meet here April
4. at Wllhama' call, to make Its
The county chairmen's approval
i disclosed tale Tuesday In s
Inter to Wllllama whlrh 23 of the
31 chairmen algned. Wllllama, tn
New York, Inniicd the call for the
rvnitlvc board meeting earlier in
the day even a Mra. Marlon
hchulle. Spokane, atate vice chair
man, waa polling the OOP execu
tive committee to force such a
lllams haa luat laken over the
chairmanship of the National Cltt
jrn.' Committee for Elsenhower.
"We believe that the remarkable
work you have done for the Repub
lican narly In the time you have
been chairman haa been overlooked
or Ignored." the county chairmen's
letter aald.
"Your selfless aervlre, tntellt
tent, untiring work and Inspired
leadership have htrenglhened our
t rtv more than many persona
thouiihl possible."
The letter made no mention of
a national candidate for the Presidency.
Police Grab
Opium Cache
PORTLAND Opium worth
aome $100,000 at retail waa selr.cd
here Tuesday alter police reported
a 8an Franrlaco man tried to paaa
It in a gilt-wrapped package to
a Portlandcr.
The San Franciscan was Identi
fied by federal narcotics agents
aa John David O Keele. They said
he flew here Tuesday from San
Francisco carrying- four pounds ol
opium with hint in a auttcase.
Police and ihe federal agents,
tipped that O'Keefe was to arrive,
trailed him from Ihe time he step
ped off the plane. Later tn the
day he turned over some of the
opium to another man at a down
town intersection, the agents, re
ported. The other man was not
named and not arrested..
grate air supply, lather than fuel, j
The fuel used In all teats was
Douglaa fir sawdust as received
from the sawmill, with an nvcraiic
mulsturo content ol approximately
to per cent.
two reported, alio that Oregon
sawmills produce a much greater
volume of wood waale fuel In the
manufacture of lumber than would
bo recpilrtij to supply the mills'
power requirement
Pointing out that one arcs In
Oregon had, within s 30 mile
radios, a long range fuel potential
of 850 imtta 1200 cubic feel per
unit of unwed wanto wood per
day, the engineers said:
"if lite sawmill operate, eight
hours per day five days per wciit.
this represents a waste of 25,000
horsepower continuously."
The Idea behind the laboratory's
project, the engineers said origin
ated In a contest for student papers
sponsored by the society two year
i black Is called white and white
Ib called black," or
i pi end warning against discussing
tno huleidea.
scrap among high adiiitub.tration
officials over wage policy sim
mered down Wednesday as ateel
lirms snd the CIO Hteelworkers re
turned to negotiations.
A strike ot more than 65Q.0O0
workers In the vital steel industry
la threatened for April 8, only two
weeks away. Oificlal urged both
sides to work for a speedy settle
ment to avert a walkout.
extend present economic controls,1
It la better to be dead."
The dispatch aald that this month i 'he trgext producers. Talks with
inc Ktros isaiied tmormat mn wme.
NMiuH,r. oft unit? ,,,, ; legislation right away. He oredict-
Wediaesday III Pittsburgh between bttt with controls just about
the union and U 8. Steel Corp. and i matching- tnose now jn ettect,
Jones st Laugmin me?!, two of
big money In wartime whisky Oata
for those with the right connec
tions, testimony suggested Taes
idsy at a congressional investiga
tion. I Kyman Harvey Klein, for ex-
and the ultimate Congressional de- tPte, told hoar he and three
bate. The present controls law ex-i0thers P"1 l M.000 and tn J6
pires June 30. ! months took out 20 million eS-
Chairmun Msybank (D.-B. C., of ,l,r- I' WM pretty much s book
ihe Senate Banking Committee said j keeping transaction with Latin
Monday that Big Steel wage and mertcan corporations set up with
price boosts might result in klck-itn to sell whisky produced
lug out ail controls. In Canada by United Distillers. Ltd.
But after talking with Wilson of Vancouver, B. C. It turned out
Tuetay, Maybank announced his that the whisky was sold to Use
committee would start drafting new i unuea state itn the Latin Amtr-
Bullet Used
As Evidence
A bullet and a confession were en
tered as evidence Tuesday In Uic
murder trial of two McMlnnvllic.
Ore., brothers charged with rhool
Ing Shoe Repairman Felix Mniltil.
Perry Johnson, of the California
Bureau ot Criminology, kirnilil-d
a bullet taken from Moltnl's body
aa having been fired from a .32
Walther pistol found in a car be
longing to Richard and Hobcil
Jones. Both have pleaded Innocent
and Richard hat added an iiis,ni.
tty plea.
Del Norte County Sheriff Charles
Olover testified that 28-year-old
Richard confessed It was he who
shot Mollnl when the shoe repair
man resisted during a holdup ol
his shop Jan. 20.
Olover said the confession came
two days after the brothers were
picked up at a Brookings, Ore.,
GOP Women
Seek Change,
PORTLAND m The nepubtf
chm Women's Federation 1 Ore
gon Tuesday approved a resolution
asking a change In the procedure
for electing delegates to the na
tional convention.
At present candidates may file
by petition. This permits the can
didate, II he wins, to go to the
convention unpledged. Until this
year, when eight filed by petition
that procedure was not used. If a
candidate does not file by petition,
he Is required to sign a pledge
that he will support the winner
of the state's presidential primary.
The OOP women Tuesday voted
to seek abolishment of the petition
urogram and require ail can
didates to pledge support to the
nrealdcnllal nrlmary winner.
Officers elected Include: Mrs.
Roy T, Bishop. Portland, presi
dent; Mrs. H. C. Rowlcs, Albany,
vice president: Mrs. L. C. Davis.
Portland, treasurer: Mrs. O. M,
Mason. Rainier, Mrs. E. O. Stad
ter. Bend, and Mrs. Maude
Hughes, Mtlton-Freewater, trustees.
other major firms start Thursdav
The administration row centered
around Defense Mobilization Bosp
Charles E. Wilson. He touched It
off by labeling Wage Stabilization
Board proposals for settling the
steel wage Issue "a serious threat"
to Inflation controls.
Wilson later sought to ease the
;iituatlon by Issuing a statement
Keying that, while he hadn't
changed his mind, the WHB plan
was "appropriate as a basis for
trying to work out a settlement."
WSB Chairman Nathan p. Fein
singer seemed satblied. He had cut
short a western sneaking tour to
ily back to Washington for what
looked like showdown fight be
tween the WSB and Wilson that
only President Truman could settle
Left unanswered however, were
the two big questions: (H Were
the WSB's settlement recommen
dations actually out of line? (2(
Would the steel companies have to
get price boosts, as they claimed,
to pay the higher wages?
It appeared beyond question that
whatever ts done about the steel
row. it will have a vast Influence
on the drafting of legislation to
to yen can voft!
NO other rub acts faster in
tea corporation buying it for 0&
a esse in Canada and selling It
for 119,05.
Klein said when the Deration
closed, he; his brother, I. J. Klein
The University of Arizona bas
ketball teams have won eight Bor
der Conference championships and
iiea jor two ewers.
When Michigan- State's basket
ball team defeated Notre Dame,
6-S2. at South Bend this season
It snapped a 20-game home vic
tory string for the Irish extend
ing to ms.
ts tea coef-caiat awtctwt
Ml fM fl! w
: at. M
of Vancouver; A. h. MeLennaH and
Oeorge Morgan also Canadians,
took out five million dollars each
from the proflis,
Nsrgats tn addition to hU dis
tillery Interests owns the Portland
Pacific Coast League baseball
Sua m4m i!iy andiaatrf
iailMstttjiroinptiy ttmrt ttefc ss4
aiiij ImiiBj si rjrf skia letmn
ami talp irriuti jm. . . . aVSMt
We have been able to secure
these brand new, complete Motors
and Short blocks, either 93 r is$
tf ion bus ateamst tstfalf
ft aw motor a irf Utk,
CO IT NOW while tfcty ,t gHS
and take your time to pay!
So. 4th
Tunnel Blast
Death Toll Gains
CASERTA, Italy, The toll
from Tuesday's tunnel blast near
here roae to 39 dead and 40 Injured
as the grim worn ol recovering
and Identifying bodies continued.
Only 20 of the mangled bodies
thus far have been Identified by
relatives of the victims,
A store of dynamite exploded
midway In the three-mile hydro
electrto tunnel. Most of the injured
were reported not tn a serious
The Philadelphia Athletics will
play 33 spring exhibition games.
Nine of them will bs against
American League teams and nine
against National League outfits.
Driver Strike
Offer Made
PORTLAND W The Portland
Traction company Tuesday offered
to begin negotiations to head off
an April 1 mass transportation
atiike If the City Council approves
a fare Increase.
Some 1200 AFL traction comprmv
employees have threatened to
strike April 1 unless the company
agrees to negotiate on their de
mands tor a wage boost. So far
the company has said there isn't
enough money tor increases.
lit another development Tuefdsy
Conciliator Bob McClelland was
assigned by the Federal Mediation
Service to try to arrange a settlement.
"Monthly Pains" stopped
or amazingly relieved
In 3 out of 4 tot In doclou' ttilil
Chances are you're putting up
linnecejiarlly with the functionally
umail nnim amna atnri K'es "n
txxr reelings ol menstruation i
' For, in actual testa by docUrs,Lydit
Pmkham s Comixmnd brought com
pjfe or striking relief irom mth dis
tress tn 3 out ol 4 of the cases!
Lrdtftftnkhkm'tUmodern tntitactian!
Bo gi Lydlft B Pinfcfcftm' V?b!
uompouna or n?w. tmprovea
with tldfd iron- Sfe U tskca throu
lh month It lwn'i rtiit front
T l-tly w tfttnt pmn thnt bf)trh, iHtersbip jon Ui
twm I.it , Mna riB i m bMtrr bfote una during your ptnog!
w mmmj nrlf mi tuttr fmm ftm-nnavJ "hnl
Rh8" of "rhns t life." find out h9
irondru( P'tikasm it for that, loaf
rat. AHr riin4ll lim r, !
thtt urMMMl, Th rl alrdT
and mikr ptymnti ta nacaa-
rf, Tha maatat f maata ea ha '
Mitt kickar than rant. Or. tf ja yra j
far. ra ca caattama a rant.
It haa a )rtlaf aaet aa
Blarla ratrsrUa iaat
tiM tauaa ataaatraal aaiat
74cc IS Stmet&iHf HEW
It's Ui topic of the tropics ...
, this wonderfully comfortable,
hand-lasted, htnd-sewn, hand-woven footwear of imported, soft and supple, Bimtmche fibrt
. . . and no wonder) Their sun-drenched Caribbean colors, (heir luxurious
linings, their light coolness, durability and washahility, all combine to make them the
smartest shoe-dolltrs'-worth your money can buy today t And with a
mtlching handbag, you've the tops in tropical ensembles.
Patty end Fit
are in a
soft, sweet mood for
Your Easter suit . . . you'il find it In out
daxilinq cotiecttoit. Whether yoti wih to
spend 25,00 or 59.93 sr 138.00 vow have t
many from which to select. Each
suit individually choten for its beautiful
ifyie. The fabrics, oil woof of course,
are carefully selected;. At! have the
finest workmanship. Every one represents
super value. What a fine selection?
What a tremendous price antje!
s , -.
if 'v 7'; i'
25.00 to 138.00
Ffem 5uf fabulous tttettian, hart's
suit with avary new fashion fc
)un . . tha indantad waiittint,
nuadid Mpt, full Mown pleated,
skirt. Designed by famed Itllritiw,
. t .