WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2(1, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON page rrvt r ww...m. - I N'UJJ' I ; 11 "' 1. i..; I f f . fu-d " - - : : . A, V 1 SJ A firn mil ni 'i in"" MMiiiii'i i fn ' "' - v .-'Lm ,' IT CAME IN ONE OF THOSE WINDOWS piece by piece according to Drs. Raymond Kngclckc (left) and Neil Black (right). But that's not the HULL story; the poser is, "How's it going to get out?" Any sidewalk engineers or magicians are asked to send solutions to this "doctors' dilemma" to 2083 Portland. taapaaaaaajaaaaaraaaanaaaaarjaiii J - i hiijii i. nnijiu . .., .. . ikMf! Kailes Auilllsry will nvet 8 p.m. Wednesday. There will be nomination of officer and Inula- llon followed by rcirchmcnlR aru;i the meetlnK. All member arc urged to attend. The Ktinioretle Club will meet ThurKday, 12:30 p.m. for riot luck luncheon In the K. C. Hull. Will The Finder of a Krw-n corday purae lout Sunday at the nterKcctlon or East Main ana soiim Sixth, pleaxe rail Mra. Wllda Bnnta, telephone BM2 or zmdo Pythian Hlntera Wlnema Temple No. 70 will hold a regular mitt Inu In the IOOP hall, Friday, 8 p.m. Honor Htudent Word had brnn received that Keith Kelany, 'resb man at Carnegie Institute of Tcch nology, Pittsburg, Pcnn., has been conslilantly on the Dcan'a honor lint. Keith I the aon of Mr. ami Mrn. Frederick a. Kelnay, 1522 81. klyoti. He la a 1051 grudualc of KUHB and received the 1001 Elk scholarship. Two Circles of Peace Memor ial Church are meeting Friday. The Moxer Circle meets at 12 noon for a dcsnert luncheon at the home ol Mrs. George Boyd, 1527 Kane. The McKlnzic Circle meets 1 p.m. lor dssert luunchcon at the home of Mrs, Homer Stiles, 4444 Boardman. Mrs. Charles Nehl, 208 Gage Road. LI..I I....V, l..-1-.n Miriam Circle meets at Ihe church tomor row, 2 p.m. Mrs. K. H. uunoar and Mrs. Gomer Jones hostef-ses. Fremont lTA Meet tomor row, 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Lawrence French to apeak on "Bird of the Klamath Basin." Mrs. J. L. Vhcrek to present pupils In interpre tive dances. Music by Fremont Jun ior vocal group. Prc-school chil dren to be cared for In girl's gym. Men's Club of the Congrega tional Church meets tonight, 7.30, at the home of Duane Shogrcn, 2.148 Orchard. Grand Jury Opens Session Klamnth County Grand Jury went into Its spring session at the County Courthouse today with prospects of a long list of cases to be Investigated. Dlst. Atty D. E. Van Vactor car- Trainman Loses Leg in Accident EUGENE I Aaron tessall, 31 of Portland, lost his left leg Sunday In a fall under a train. The Southern Pacific crewman fell from his train near Abernelhy. Just went of the Cascade summit. More than an hour later he was found by 8. 8. Douglas, conductor of another freight, and brought to Eugene by ambulance. His condition was reported good m eugene nospiiai. rled a large pile of folders under his arm Into the Grand Jury room this morning at 10 a.m. Known cases to be brought be fore the Jury are: Lorenzo Buford Weeks, 35-year-old Klamath Indian from Beatly, Md In the County Jail since Feb. j28 and charged with second degree murder In knife slaying of Miguel Maurlclo, 38-year-old Mexican In a cabin at 1204 Adams St. LeRoy Garrison, alias Barrard J. Wilson, held In Jail since Jan. 28. on charge of possession of false Instrument witn intent to pass. Forest Receipts Gaining Over Northwest Areas Pacific Northwest nallonal forest receipts lor the eight montits of flM iil year 1052 climbed to $21 " million, all increase of almost 84 ', million over the same perlrcl the previous year, according to Region al Forester J. Herbert Hlonc, Tho fiscal year began July 1. Topping Ihe 10 tiatlnnnl for"!. In the region Is the Wlllame'te, Eugene, Ore , which collected 13, lill.023-an Increase of 11,841,710 over Uie same period last year. Second and third blithest lurome produclng In the Oregon Washington reRlon were the Olym pic and Clifford Plnrhol. which col lected $2,320,300 and 1 1.04 1.838 re hpecllvely. Headquarters lor the Olvmplo forest Is In Olvmpla, Wash.; for the Olllord Plnchot, In Vancouver, Wash. Twenty-five per cent of national forcM receipts is returned to th cnmulca In which the lorests lie and used for schools and roads. An additional 10 cr cent of the lolal receipts Is used for Forest Service roads and trails. Payments to counties have In creased steadily In recent yean according to Stone. Iir fiscal year 1051, Oregon counties recelvd more than $4'', million or an av erage of 20 rents from each acre of Nallonal Forest land. Washing 4on received more than .IV 4 mil lion: 22 cents per acta on the average. Hccelpta for other Pacific North west national forests for the first eight monlhs of fiscal year 1032 are as follows: Chelan (Okanogan, Wash.). 1480.013; Deschutes (Bend, Ore. i, 1000.012; Fremont (Lake view. Ore. 1, 11.218.004: Malheur (John D11V. Ore.,. 11,100.426: Ml. Baker 1 llcillngham. Wash.), 11.400, 542: Mt. Hood (Portland. Ore 1. 11.354,833: Ochoco 1 Pruievllle. Ore 11,620.888: Koguo ftlvcr iMedlnrd, Ore. 1 1878.072: and Hlsklyou (Grants Pass, Ore. I, 1514,888. Also. Slu.ilaw (Corvallls, Ore.), 1750.007; SiKxpialmles (Seattle, Wash.), 11,158.00; Umatilla (Pen dleton, Ore . 1 (32,887; U m p q u a (Roseburg. Ore.), 11.546.831: Wal lowa (Enterprise. Ore.), $88,115; Wi-natchce (Wenatchee, Wash., $300,013: and Whitman (Baker, Ore.), 1335.073. Butcher Held On Illegal Meat Count PORTLAND Ijfl The State De partment of Agriculture said Thursday that Oeorge E. Hall, To ledo. Ore., butcher had been ar rested on a charge of selling ham burger containing hurscmcat to a Toledo school. Slanton Grade School officials said they bought from Hall's mar kctfhhainburgor which E. L, Wright, department Investigator, said contained horsemeat. Hall, arraigned In Justice court, pleaded Innocent. Pedestrian Hit By Car A woman knocked down by a car at 3rd and Main Tuesday af ternoon was reported In good con dition at Klamath Valley Hospital tins morning. Mrs. C. A. (Blanche) Lundy, 320 N. 0th St.. renortedlv suflrrrri mostly from shock when knocked down by a cr operated by Hiram it. Hoooins, 48, SpraRue River. Robblns was cited bv Cltv Police for failure to yield right of way to n jjcuc.-urian. Witnesses to the accidents said the woman was walklns East in the cross walk towards the Elks club and Robblns made a right iuiii nu main onto Jra ot. Robblns posted 150 bond tor Mu nicipal Court appearance late thlji morning. Kwauna Encampment, No. 48, I OOF, will put on the Golden Rule Degree, Friday. 8 p.m. at the IOOF Hall In Klamath Falls. The auxil iary will hold a regular meeting at the same time. Low Tides Make Clarhmers Happy ASTORIA W Low tides will make clam digging good along this section of the Oregon Coast i through the rest of this week. 1 Ihe tide Wednesday morning was minus 0.4 feet. Thursday's will be a minus 0.6 feet. Friday's minus 07 feet, Saturday's minus 0 4 feet and Sunday's minus 0.1 leet. The low tides will occur be- ;twein 7 and 9:30 a. m. Stormy weather spoiled clam digging last week end, although tides were favorable. Thirty-eight members of the Uni versity of Alabama 1051 football squad received varsity letters. Only ten were seniors. HERNIA RUPTURE PILES IHtmorrhoidi) COLON. ..STOMACH Almcnia im-.M' Witkiit luiiuj iHtitki 10,00 n,ll 5,00Mon.lhr,ili Ptl. Uit'il 00 p.m. Me..Wd.,rrl. CJ.D-m.VO. frltt Wi,l..,ll JMJ1M4 THE DEAN CLINIC in 0111 42"' riai SOM NOSTHf AST SANDY IOUUV lhpWf lAtt J9II Prtlon4l 14, Or. Robert B. Krai, 18, held undef M0.0O0 bail In Jail since March 21, on charge of child stealing, Frank Leslie Snell, 44, Chlloquln, held under 110.000 ball since March 22 on charge of statutory rape, Donn',1 Flt74terald, 23, held sine March 13 under $5000 ball on charge of assault with Intent to commit rape. VUU lnlerr$ling, colorful .... SAN FIIANCISCO Star at the Hotel Whitromb, t th Citifl CfntAT in tho tiiMter and hopping riivlriet, in direct Una with both great bridge. Bring your family for s wek-mi or lonftrr, ami enjoy thtt dintinetiv Hotel Wbitromb cuiiine and exvicflk, HI lim (jib JOB Slift; fr $7 H Italia MARKET STRUT at till Oarage In Mlalnf IT n TP I. JSQI WIIITCOMB KARl c. wmt I frildnl and Otnvral MaftifttT The Aliamont PTA Is sponsor ing a family fun-night Friday at the AHamont Junior High School. Dinner at 8:30 p.m., a smoker, movies, square dancing and car nival concessions all for 50 cents per person. Past Matrons club Is to meet Friday, 1 p.m. at the Masonic Tem ple. Refreshments will be served. Hostesses will be Badle Holloway. Ellzebclh Norris and Jennie Hurn. On Visit Ted Chapman and Al Hack of the Alameda. Colli.. Naval Air Station, were here last weekend visiting Ted's moth'r, A TYPEWRITER Extra Work Mod Easy AflDING MACHINK fcleetrlo or Hand f.aat monlh'i rental li applied ta the purcliaaa prlct. Villi's Pioneer Office Supply HONG KONO im The nro-Na- tlonallst Kungshcung Dally News suys In a Canton dispatch that Chi nese Reds arc recruiting 600.000 men between 18 and 35 In the South China provinces of Kwangtung and rvwangsi ior tnc Chinese Commu nist Army. """a General Hans F BOOKKEEPING Service 11S4 So. 4th croi mm Frcil EEPING I vice I Phrnt 2.031) I IT'S TRIM ! ITS TIDY ! IT'S i 09 ' lit KLV&S-&r' Our lovable Travis Court collection ajves vou all the best Sheraton and Heppewhite desiqns. Dynamic planninq lets vou shift pieces to other rooms as your needs chanqe. Sturdy Drexel craftsmanship assures vou that this furniture will last, and qives vou extras like dust-proof, feother- touch drawers, satiny, handrubbed finish and rich serpentine and bow-fronts . . Come in and see Travis Court soon. Oval Expansion Table Quarter-round Corner China Extension Table STARTING OUT A POIHG OVER I , FILLING IN I Breokfost China '; SAVE 560 ! TVbstihghouse family-size cubic foot refrigerator ' wot $239.95 II NOW II Extra Food-Keeping Capacity at a Really Low Price I Leek what you gal I ir" Famous Westinghouse Economizer Mechanism ImR-lasting Dulux finish Acid-resistant food liner V Big Meat Storage Tray Deep ( -bu. Humi drawer f Tall bottle apace V Distinctive new 3-way handle that leta you open the door even when both hands are full. Come in ., .see the 1951 Westinghouse "family-size 8" todayl vou can bi SURE ..if rrStAstinghouse SAVE $30!! WESTINGHOUSE Model DFC-10 WAS $429.95 NOW lOcu.ff. 399" a6lSid& Appliances Corner 7th and Klamath Ph. 8886 ELEVATOR SERVICE TO ALL Floors For Your Shopping Convenience ! Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 New Spring prints! Wide color choice! Misses', half sizes! SFIECITAIL H aaaWURBfC KB " 1""-l IPHJIffiCIHIASIKf NEVER BEFORE SUCK OUTSTANDING VALUE! . Pemey's! jflW'' Prints .1 TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO OUR... Second Floor Even for llirifty Penney', . . . it', a lot of dres, for inch little price! Expensive looking print, in dear color, on really good rayon crepe, detailed with eare (yc ripper fastened!) and styled will, new line, ... better hurry in! THE NEW MELMA'S STRONGEST PANTS 9 VUMPCORHS AT "Four Floori of Fine Furni lure and Floor Coverings" Kfamatla unnitune Co. Ni urifPK 11" 11 IRON DUKE it 221 Main Phone 5353 or 5$39